Theoretical research methods in pedagogy are their essence. Methods of pedagogical research

Each science has its own area of ​​knowledge. Such an area of ​​knowledge in pedagogy is the education and training of a person. Pedagogy got its name from the Greek word (“paidos” - child, “ago” - lead). Literally translated - “schoolmaster”. Schoolmasters were slaves who took the children of slave owners to school.

Also, the word Pedagogy began to be used as “the art of leading a child through life,” i.e. educate and train.

IN last decades Not only children, but also adults need pedagogical guidance (the science of human upbringing, “upbringing” - education, training, development). Pedagogy is the science of the laws of educating the younger generation, adults, of managing their development in accordance with the needs of society.

Object research is a “pedagogical fact (phenomenon)”. But the child, the person, is not excluded from the researcher’s attention. As an object, Pedagogy has a system of pedagogical phenomena and connections with its development. The object is the phenomena of reality that determine the development of the human individual in the process of purposeful activity of society (education).

Subject of pedagogy - This is education as a real holistic pedagogical process, purposefully organized in special social institutions (family, educational and cultural institutions).

Target- development of civilized realization of each person in life and development of society based on scientific knowledge ped. reality, development and implementation of measures to improve it.

Z adachi :

The study of pedagogy, its development and use in society; development of pedagogical methods. knowledge;

Conducting research on problem-based pedagogy;

Pedagogical development movements in society;

Pedagogical assistance in the formation of the personality of citizens;

Development of systems of pedagogical institutions, methods, forms, means for solving problems of upbringing, training, education;

Theme development different types education.

Methods of scientific and pedagogical research.

Pedagogy does not stand still, but develops through advanced pedagogical practice and through scientific research. When conducting scientific research, different methods are used.

Method - (from Greek “the path to something”) a way of achieving a goal, a special way of ordering activities.

Research methods- these are ways of knowing objective reality.

Scientific methods- these are methods of obtaining information in order to establish natural connections, relationships, dependencies and construct scientific theories.

There are several classifications of methods pedagogical research.

Depending on the basis of classification, research methods in pedagogy are divided into:

Empirical and theoretical;

Ascertaining and transformative;

Qualitative and quantitative;

Private and general;

Methods for collecting empirical data, testing and refuting hypotheses and theories;

Methods of description, explanation and forecast;

Special methods used in individual pedagogical sciences;

Methods for processing research results, etc.

TO concrete scientific (specific pedagogical) include methods, which in turn are divided into theoretical and empirical (practical).

IN theoretical research are used inductive And deductive methods. These are logical methods for summarizing empirically obtained data. The inductive method involves the movement of thought from particular judgments to a general conclusion, the deductive method - on the contrary, from a general judgment to a particular conclusion.

Theoretical methods are necessary to define problems, formulate hypotheses, and evaluate the collected facts. They are associated with the study of literature: the works of classics on issues of human science in general and pedagogy in particular; general and special works on pedagogy; historical and pedagogical works and documents; periodical pedagogical press; fiction about school, education, teacher; reference pedagogical literature, textbooks and methodological manuals in pedagogy and related sciences.

Empirical methods are intended for the creation, collection and organization of empirical material - facts of pedagogical content, products of educational activities.

The empirical level includes:


Survey method;

Analysis of written, graphic, test and other works; (makes it possible to identify students’ attitudes towards learning activities, their motivation and style of activity, as well as individual characteristics, inclinations and interests of students)

Studying the products of schoolchildren’s activities and educational documentation educational process.

Observation is a specially organized perception of the object, process or phenomenon under study in natural conditions. This is the most common and accessible method of studying teaching practice.

Observation is carried out according to a previously developed plan:

1) definition of the task;

2) object;

3) observation schemes are developed;

4) The results are recorded;

5) The received data is processed.

Objective data will be available when the observer acts as an organizer of the activity and when TSOs are used.

The downside is that it doesn't open inner side pedagogical phenomena. Therefore, it is recommended to use it in combination with other methods.

Survey methods include:



Conversations and interviews are conducted according to a previously developed plan and questions may vary depending on the answers. A conversation differs from an interview in that it helps to penetrate into the inner world of the interlocutor and identify the reasons for his actions, while an interview involves a public discussion of issues. Therefore, the answers may not always be truthful.

Questionnaire is a method of mass collection of information using specially designed questionnaires.

Questionnaires can be:

Open (i.e. require independent answers);

Closed (in which you need to choose one of ready-made options answers).

They can also be anonymous and registered.

Pedagogical experiment- testing a certain method or techniques of training or education in specially created and strictly controlled conditions.

A pedagogical experiment can cover a group of students, a class, or a school.

Research can be long-term or short-term.

The ped.experiment requires:

Justification of the working hypothesis;

Drawing up a detailed plan;

Strict adherence to the planned plan;

Accurate recording of results;

Analysis of the obtained data;

Formulation of final conclusions.

Depending on the location where the pedagogical experiment is carried out, it can be natural or laboratory.

Natural- takes place in natural conditions. The results are objective.

Laboratory- carried out in specially created conditions. The result is less objective.


Fundamentals of Pedagogy

1. General Basics pedagogy

1.1. Pedagogy as a science

1.1.4 Logic and methods of educational research

Pedagogy as a science can develop only if it is replenished with new facts obtained in the process of scientific research.

Scientific research is a special form of the cognitive process. This is a systematic, purposeful study of objects, which uses the tools and methods of science and ends with the formulation of knowledge about the objects being studied. In pedagogy, research is divided into fundamental and applied.

Basic research aims to reveal general essence pedagogical phenomena, give scientific basis pedagogical activity.

Applied research, taking into account fundamental knowledge, provides answers to questions directly related to practice.

The national doctrine for the development of education in Ukraine defines the tasks of advanced innovative restructuring of the national system of education and science as the basis for the development of the individual, society, nation and state. To fulfill these tasks, the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine has developed “Main directions of research in pedagogical and psychological sciences in Ukraine,” which outline actual problems pedagogy and psychology requiring research.

Thus, there is an urgent need to carry out research on the methodology and philosophy of education, which will make it possible to substantiate the goals and ideals of education, to determine its content, on which the type of culture of society will be built, and a new Ukrainian nation will be formed.

Relevant are the studies of theoretical and methodological problems of upbringing, the content and dynamics of the holistic educational process, the interaction of a person, gender, family, educational institution, society, as well as research on personality-oriented education of children and youth in various social conditions, affirmation of the values ​​of humanistic pedagogy, harmonious formation of mental, moral and physical qualities of the individual.

Modern ones require attention educational technologies based on the use of achievements psychological science, developmental physiology, sociology and other human sciences, new information technologies, which take into account the age and individual characteristics of students.

During the development of information communication technologies, determining their role in the development of a unified educational space of the country.

Logic of pedagogical research. Scientific and pedagogical research should take into account such features pedagogical process:

Ambiguity of the course (the results of training, education and development depend on the simultaneous influence of many factors);

Uniqueness (during repeated research, the teacher is already dealing with different “material”, since it is impossible to preserve even the preliminary conditions);

Experiments that contradict ethical standards, are prohibited;

Objective conclusions can be obtained only through repeated observations and only in a generalized form.

The results of scientific and pedagogical research must meet the following requirements:

Social relevance;

Scientific novelty;

Theoretical and practical significance;

Scientific objectivity and reliability;

Clarification of extent, boundaries and conditions effective application obtained results.

The research process in the field of pedagogy covers the following main stages:

Definition of the research problem - it must be new, relevant, meet the objective needs of the development of pedagogical theory and practice; a comprehensive, in-depth study of the facts, statements and conclusions already established by science on the research problem;

Formation of a hypothesis, that is, a scientific assumption, a probable conclusion (conclusions) from the study; during research, the hypothesis is sometimes clarified and even changed;

Accumulation and recording of new factual materials on the problem, practical and research verification of them;

Theoretical, analytical - synthetic processing of the obtained data, their comparison, comprehension, grouping, disclosure of relationships, generalization, formulation of scientific conclusions, proof or refutation of a hypothesis;

Presentation of research results (writing a scientific report, article, brochure, monograph, instructional materials, etc.), their promotion and implementation into practice.

In the process of scientific pedagogical research, one has to study different sources that contain materials on the problem being worked on.

While studying literary sources reveal:

What basic issues are not reflected in his work;

What aspects of the problem require further research.

Studying the work experience of teachers, they find out:

What is a teacher especially successful in solving when solving a certain problem?

What obstacles do they encounter while solving it?

Which typical mistakes allow teacher, teacher at work;

What are the main reasons for their difficulties and mistakes;

Are the successes in the work of a teacher or teacher related to their excessive efforts and time spent in one area of ​​work to the detriment of others.

Methods of scientific and pedagogical research.

In the process of scientific and pedagogical research, various methods are used.

The method of scientific and pedagogical research is a way of mastering the psychological and pedagogical processes of personality formation, establishing objective laws of upbringing and teaching.

For a specific pedagogical research, a set of methods is selected in such a combination that allows one to obtain comprehensive information about the development of an individual, a team, or another object of education or training. The set of methods should ensure the simultaneous study of activity, communication and the level of knowledge of the individual. The selected methods should reflect the dynamics of the development of certain personality traits both in terms of age and over a certain period of time. It is important to use methods that can help you obtain information about the student from as much as possible. more sources, from competent persons who constantly communicate with him. Methods help to analyze not only the deployment of the process, its results, but also the conditions in which it occurs.

Methods of scientific and pedagogical research include methods of pedagogical observation, conversation, questioning, pedagogical experiment, rating, study of documentation, psychological and pedagogical testing, sociometry, analysis of student activity results, generalization of independent characteristics, as well as mathematical and theoretical methods.

Method of pedagogical observation. It is implemented as a specially organized perception of the pedagogical process in natural conditions. Taking into account the characteristics of its subject and object, they distinguish between direct and indirect observation, open and closed, as well as self-observation. When carrying out observation, it is important to have a plan, determine a period, record the results, and make sure that it is systematic and long-lasting.

Observations are mainly used in the first stages scientific research pedagogical problem, given that the possibilities of its relatively hidden phenomena are too limited. The use of this method does not allow revealing the internal processes of pedagogical phenomena. Facts recorded by the observation method always have a tinge of subjectivity, and this limits its use in pedagogical research. Therefore, observations are often used in combination with other methods.

Conversation method. Its peculiarity is the knowledge of pedagogical phenomena through direct communication with individuals whom the researcher studies in natural conditions. For a conversation to be effective, it is necessary to have a plan, main and additional questions, and create a favorable atmosphere for a frank exchange of opinions. You should take into account the individual characteristics of the interlocutor and show pedagogical tact. The conversation is recorded, the results are compared with information about the individual obtained using other methods.

An interview is a type of conversation. Unlike a conversation, which is conducted in a natural, relaxed atmosphere, during an interview the researcher poses pre-formulated questions in a certain sequence and records the answers to them. When using interviews, one should take into account the characteristics of different types of respondents (“timid”, “timid”, “talkative”, “joker”, “argumentator”, “self-confident”, etc.). The results of the interview largely depend on how thoughtful and precise the question is.

Questionnaire method. It consists of a written (sometimes oral) survey of a significant number of students according to a certain scheme - a questionnaire or a survey letter. Questioning makes it possible to obtain information about the typicality of a certain pedagogical phenomenon.

The questionnaire should include clear questions that most accurately characterize the phenomenon being studied and provide reliable information. Questions can be direct (“do you like the teaching profession?”) and indirect (“do you agree with the opinion that the teaching profession is the best?”). They should not suggest answers or sway the respondent to a particular point of view.

Questionnaires can be closed (with a limited number of answer options selected by the researcher) and open (allowing the respondent to express their own opinion). Before surveying, it is necessary to check the degree of understanding of the questions with a small audience, making appropriate adjustments if necessary.

Method of pedagogical experiment. In practice it is implemented as scientific experience organizing the pedagogical process in precisely fixed conditions. Provides the most reliable results in educational research.

Depending on the purpose of the experiment, there are:

An experiment is a statement during which existing pedagogical phenomena are studied;

An experiment is a test when hypotheses are tested; put forward in the process of studying advanced and mass experience educational institutions;

A creative (formative) experiment, during which new pedagogical phenomena are recorded, new content, new organizational forms and methods of training and education.

In any experiment, it is essential that it introduces new elements into the educational process in order to improve it. In addition, all pedagogical experimental studies are characterized by the fact that their results are compared with ordinary, everyday pedagogical work. Therefore, in the experiment, one group is experimental - pedagogical innovations are tested in it, while the others are control groups. Comparison of the level of knowledge and education in the experimental and control groups makes it possible to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of pedagogical innovations.

Rating method. It is based on the assessment by competent experts of individual aspects of activity. When selecting experts, they take into account competence (knowledge of the essence of the problem), creativity (ability to creatively perform tasks), positive attitude to expertise, lack of inclination to conformism (having one’s own opinion and the ability to defend it), scientific objectivity, analytical and constructive thinking, self-criticism.

When analyzing the information received, you can use the method of ranking assessments, when the detected factors are arranged in ascending or descending order of the degree of their manifestation.

Method of studying documentation. Based on the fact that personal files of students, magazines, test papers, notebooks in individual disciplines provide the researcher with objective data that characterizes their individual characteristics, attitude to learning, level of knowledge acquisition, and the development of skills and abilities.

Documentation (general school plan work, work plans of subject commissions, class teachers, minutes of meetings pedagogical council etc.) allows you to form an idea of ​​the state of educational educational work in general and its individual sections in particular.

The method of studying documentation, like other methods of scientific and pedagogical research, can be used in educational institution of any type, taking into account the specific conditions of its educational activities and the characteristics of the student population.

Method of psychological and pedagogical testing. It consists of determining the level of knowledge, skills or general intellectual development of the student using testing tools: cards, drawings, problems - charades, puzzles, crosswords, questions. Exam papers can also be taken in the form of tests. Test results are determined by calculating the percentage of tests completed.

Sociometry method. Its core is the study of the structure and style of relationships in a team (the method is borrowed from sociology). For example, a student is asked to answer questions like “Who would you like to... (sit at the same desk, work in a workshop, play on the same team, etc.)?” He can give several answers to each question. By their number and nature, they determine the place, role and status of each member of the team, the presence of groups and their leaders in it. The data obtained make it possible to model intra-collective relations: the level of team cohesion, ways of its influence on each individual, etc.

A method for analyzing the results of a student’s activity. Analysis of results various types activities (achievement, fulfillment of public assignments, participation in competitions, etc.) helps to get an idea of ​​the personality of the student (student) for real deeds. Based on studying, for example, a student’s products in a workshop, one can draw a conclusion about his accuracy and diligence in his work. Models made in technical circles indicate interests and inclinations. Answers in class characterizing memory, thinking, imagination, views, beliefs.

Method for generalizing independent characteristics. Consists of summarizing information about pupils (students) obtained from different sources: from teachers, parents, peers, etc.

When comparing independent characteristics, some features may not coincide due to the bias of the one who characterizes, haste, or erroneous conclusions. In this case, the reasons for the discrepancies are clarified and the factors that caused them are analyzed. Disagreements are also possible when the characteristics were compiled several times at certain intervals, during which the individual’s behavior changed.

A variation of this method is the “pedagogical consultation” method. It involves a collective discussion of the results of studying the education of schoolchildren (students), which is carried out according to a certain program and uniform criteria, a collective assessment of certain personality qualities, identifying the reasons for the insufficient formation of certain personality qualities, and collective development of means to overcome identified shortcomings.

Mathematical methods. Their essence lies in the description of pedagogical phenomena using quantitative characteristics, as well as in the use of cybernetic models to determine the optimal conditions for managing the process of teaching and upbringing. The use of these methods to reflect pedagogical phenomena is possible provided they are typical, measurable and mass character. Mathematical methods include registration, ranking and modeling methods.

Registration method- identification of a certain quality in phenomena of a given class and its accrual based on the presence or absence (for example, the number of negative actions committed by a student).

Ranking Method- placing fixed indicators in a certain sequence (decrease or increase), determining the place of an element in a certain set. An example is compiling a list of pupils (students) depending on their level of academic performance, etc.

Simulation method is to create and study models.

Theoretical methods. These include analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison, conclusion.

Analysis and synthesis are interrelated and mutually intelligible logical methods of scientific knowledge, which arose on the basis practical activities of people. If analysis consists of dividing the whole into its component elements (parts), then synthesis consists of combining the parts into a whole.

Generalization- a logical process of transition from individual to general, from less general to more general knowledge. It is a product of mental activity, a form of reflection common features and qualities of reality.

Comparison- a mental operation with the help of which the similarities and differences between specific pedagogical phenomena are established.

Conclusion- a judgment obtained logically from source data, which contains new or additional information.

The process and results of scientific and pedagogical research are recorded different ways. For this they use certain types documentation: questionnaires; plans for observation, implementation of pedagogical experiments, translation of research results into practice; tape recordings; photos; films; minutes of lesson discussions, educational activities and etc.; notes of researched literature, archival materials; descriptions of the work experience of educational and educational institutions; statistical data; mathematical calculations.

The organization of scientific and pedagogical research is of great importance for both pedagogical theory and pedagogical practice. Not only scientists, but also employees of educational institutions should be involved in this matter. Every teacher should be a researcher, only then does his work become creative and effective.


Educational institution "Gomel State University named after Francysk Skaryna"

Department of Pedagogy

by academic discipline


Methods of pedagogical research

2nd year students

faculty foreign languages

groups N - 25

Anikeenko E.S.

Gomel, 2014

1. Pedagogical reality and its study

· Methodology of pedagogy, methods of pedagogical research.

The methodology of pedagogy is the doctrine of the principles, forms and methods of scientific knowledge of pedagogical reality. Pedagogical methodology is a multi-level system, which is formed by:

) Philosophical methodology (expresses a worldview interpretation of the results scientific activity, forms and methods of scientific thinking in reflecting the picture of the world).

) Reliance on general scientific principles, forms, approaches to reflecting reality Such principles are systems approach, modeling, statistical picture of the world.

) Specific scientific methodology (a set of methods, forms, principles of research in a specific science).

) Disciplinary methodology (a set of methods, forms, principles of research used in a certain branch of science, for example in didactics).

) Methodology of interdisciplinary research.

This multi-level system is characterized by a subordination of levels, according to which the philosophical level is the substantive basis of any methodological knowledge and determines ideological approaches to the process of cognition and transformation of reality.

Methods of scientific and pedagogical research.

The method of scientific and pedagogical research is a way of studying and mastering complex psychological and pedagogical processes of personality formation, establishing an objective pattern of upbringing and teaching. The variety of pedagogical research methods can be classified into empirical research methods, theoretical methods, mathematical and statistical research methods.

Method of pedagogical observation

This method is used in almost any pedagogical research, which is quite natural. The study of pedagogical phenomena requires the researcher to directly observe them, accumulate and record factual material related to pedagogical work.

Conversation method.

Using this method, the scientist ascertains the opinion and attitude of both educators and students to certain pedagogical facts and phenomena and thereby tries to form a deeper understanding of the essence and causes of these phenomena.

Method of pedagogical experiment.

The essence of an experiment as a research method lies in the special organization of the pedagogical activities of teachers and students in order to test and substantiate previously developed theoretical assumptions or hypotheses. Depending on the goals, the following types of experiments are distinguished: ascertaining, creative-transforming and control. What is their essence?

The ascertaining experiment is usually carried out at the beginning of the study and has as its task the clarification of matters in school practice on a particular problem being studied.

If the researcher has determined that this problem is a bottleneck in the work of the school, he proceeds to the next stage of the study and conducts a creative and transformative experiment. The next stage of research into this problem is to test the findings and the developed methodology in mass school practice. This problem is solved with the help of a control experiment, the essence of which is the application of proven methods in the work of other schools and teachers.

A special place in the methodology of pedagogical research is occupied by the natural experiment, the creator of which is the famous Russian psychologist A.F. Lazursky (1874-1917).

Method of studying school documentation and products of students' activities.

When studying many pedagogical phenomena, the study of school documentation and the products of students' activities is of great importance.

Statistical method.

Within its limits, the following specific techniques are widely used:




Modeling is becoming an increasingly powerful transformative tool for pedagogical research. Methods mathematical statistics are used for quantitative analysis obtained in the process of studying factual material.

Sociological research methods (questioning, rating, method of competent assessments). Rating is a research method when subjects are asked, for example, to evaluate the importance of certain moral qualities in personality development. Close to it is the method of competent assessments. Questioning - the use of this method helps to increase the objectivity of information about pedagogical facts, phenomena, processes, their typicality, since it involves obtaining information from a larger number of respondents

Methods of mathematical statistics are used for quantitative analysis obtained in the process of studying factual material.

Theoretical analysis pedagogical ideas allows you to make deep scientific generalizations on the most important issues training and education and find new patterns where they cannot be identified using empirical (experimental) methods of research.

These are the most important methods research applied in pedagogy. Pointing to the variety of research methods in pedagogy, it should be noted that for its development it is important to compare different points of view and develop scientific discussions and ideas.

· Scientific law and its classification

As you know, the law is the most general concept, reflecting a significant, objective, universal, stable, repeating relationship between phenomena and processes. We will approach the identification of the laws of pedagogy from the following positions. The result educational activities the student at every moment is in general view the new one he purchased life experience. Let us now consider, as the basis for the classification of the laws of pedagogy, objects/subjects - the sources of this new life experience of the student. There are four of them: objective reality; teacher(s); the learner's previous experience and the learner himself.

A system of relations arises:

) new experience is an objective reality;

) new experience - teacher;

)new experience - the student’s previous experience;

) new experience - the learner himself.

Thus, the four laws of pedagogy are built.

The first law of pedagogy: the law of cultural inheritance. It can also be called the law of cultural transmission, since each new generation not only inherits culture, but also develops it further. Relationships: “new experience - objective reality.” Wherein objective reality we understand in a broad sense as “everything that exists, i.e. the material world and all its ideal products." A person, starting from birth, masters (reflects), firstly, objective reality directly, at the level of sensations and perceptions: day - night, winter - summer, warm - cold, etc. But even sensations and perceptions are human sensations and perceptions mediated by culture: the shirt is cold, but the jacket is warm. Secondly, and more importantly, unlike animals, humans master (reflect) human culture. Each subsequent generation inherits all the achievements of human culture created by all previous generations.

Thus, the law of cultural inheritance: a person in the process of education masters the culture of humanity. It follows that, in the most general form, the goal of human education is to master (translate) culture. All other problems will be how to achieve this. At the same time, culture is understood by us in this case in the broadest sense. Culture includes:

firstly, the objective results of people’s activities (machines, technical structures, results of knowledge, books, works of art, norms of law and morality, etc.) are the first component of culture;

secondly, subjective human powers and abilities realized in activity (sensations, perceptions, knowledge, skills, production and professional skills, level of intellectual, aesthetic and moral development, worldview, methods and forms of mutual communication between people, etc.) - the second component of culture.

The objective results of human activity (the first component of culture) are reflected in the forms public consciousness: language, everyday consciousness, political ideology, law, morality, religion, art, science, philosophy. Next, the second component of culture is subjective human strengths and abilities. They are expressed in personal knowledge, including figurative, sensory knowledge that is not conveyed in words (concepts), in skills, abilities, in the development of certain individual abilities, in the worldview of each person (and it is different for all people), etc. .d.

The second law of pedagogy is the law of socialization.

Relationships: “new experience - teacher (teachers).” Moreover, in this case, parents, family, teachers, comrades, staff, and funds act as teachers. mass media- i.e. all people from whom the learner receives new experience in one form or another. An individual is born, but by its biological definition it is a product of the social world, initially determined by a program formed in the social environment. E.V. Ilyenkov noted that “ human personality can rightfully be considered as a single embodiment of culture, that is, universal in man.”

Thus, the law of socialization: only in communication with other people does the human individual acquire his human essence.

The third law of pedagogy is the law of consistency. It can also be called the law of succession. Relationships: “new experience - previous accumulated experience.” A person accumulates life experience sequentially - from the simplest to the simplest, from the simplest to the more complex. This principle is quite obvious. After all, let’s imagine, for example, such an absurd situation: we will begin to “read” higher mathematics to a newborn child?! Any “portion” of educational material, any task offered to a student or mastered by him/herself must be focused on both the achieved and future level of knowledge, skills, attitudes, abilities, etc., located in the “zone of proximal development” ( L.S. Vygotsky). More specifically, the condition of the next educational task must be understandable and accessible, based on what is known and previously mastered. That is, in the “zone of proximal development” there is that stage of mastering life experience that logically follows what has been mastered, a stage for which the student is prepared by previous educational activities. Thus, the law of consistency: in the student’s zone of proximal development is located that new life experience that is logically prepared by his previous educational activities.

The fourth law of pedagogy is the law of self-determination. Relationship: “new experience - the learner himself.” If an infant blindly copies the actions of adults, then later the child begins to show inclinations, develop certain abilities, selectivity of actions appears, including in educational activities: “I want - I don’t want,” “I like it - I don’t like it,” etc. Self-determination of an individual in a broad sense is considered as a choice based on free will life path, their place in society, lifestyle and activities, as well as behavior in problem and conflict situations. Essential for the education of a person, for his educational activity, has the self-determination of the student in it. This is the essence of the law of self-determination.

Thus, the law of self-determination: in the process of education, the self-determination of the student plays a significant role.

But today the problem of student self-determination is one of the most pressing problems in the development of education in modern conditions. If in stimulating the student’s motivational-need sphere we start from the ideas of the “I-concept”, then the needs for self-determination, self-realization, etc. become basic needs for human creative self-development. Therefore, when developing any pedagogical systems, it is necessary to create conditions for the launch of the motivational-need mechanism of the “self” of the student’s personality.

· Features of the science of education.

Pedagogy as a science has its own characteristics, which are determined, firstly, by its structure, including pedagogical practice, pedagogical theory and levels of analysis of pedagogical phenomena and processes, and its own methods of pedagogy.

Pedagogical practice is direct activities teachers and educators, placing their demands on both the subjects and objects of pedagogy, the actual quality of the teaching and educational process, and the theory and methodology of science itself. It dictates the main directions and forms of development of pedagogy.

In turn, pedagogical theory, based on the analysis of pedagogical practice, allows us to put forward and comprehend our own scientific hypotheses, check received scientific facts, formulate established provisions, which ultimately contributes to the correct and comprehensive development of all pedagogical science.

Levels of analysis in pedagogy make it possible to comprehensively and accurately study pedagogical phenomena and processes and, on this basis, draw correct conclusions about their content and specific functioning. Usually there are four levels of analysis in pedagogy:

level, epistemological, makes it possible to correctly formulate the most general scientific approaches to the analysis of pedagogical phenomena and processes;

level, worldview, includes provisions on the factors of formation and development of the personality of a child and an adult, on education, training, upbringing and pedagogical activity as social phenomena;

the scientific and content level allows you to correctly formulate and substantiate the laws and regularities of pedagogical science, the theory and methodology of teaching and educating people;

level, logical-gnoseological, provides the opportunity to correctly comprehend the subject and object of pedagogy, the definition and development of categories of science, to define and develop categories of pedagogy, to identify the relationship between pedagogical theory and pedagogical practice, the connections between pedagogy and other sciences, to formulate provisions on the relationship between fundamental and applied research and developments, make forecasts in the development of pedagogy itself.

Secondly, the peculiarity of pedagogy is that it deals with specific people, individuals. The effectiveness of pedagogical influence depends on how much she knows them and takes into account their various characteristics and factors (external and internal). Pedagogy takes into account the externally determined characteristics of the individual, which include, first of all, his social and group affiliation, integrity and stages of development.

A person, becoming an individual and being an object of pedagogy, is formed under the influence of the environment and society, as a result of the integrity and stages of its development. Environment has a great influence on personality development. It is known, for example, that people who grew up in the Far North are more self-possessed, more organized, know how to value time and have a correct attitude towards what they are taught.

The integrity of the individual depends on the whole complex external influences on it during its development. If there is a dominant influence of some factors and a lack of others, if a person finds himself in antisocial conditions and is limited in receiving the full influence of the whole society, we cannot talk about his normal and comprehensive development as an individual.

The staged nature of personality development means that a person is formed as a personality during certain periods of his age and social development, which may be characterized by their own characteristics and each of which has its own laws.

Pedagogy also takes into account the internally determined characteristics of the individual, which include its anatomical and physiological characteristics and the uniqueness of intrapersonal integration and compensation.

Anatomical and physiological characteristics of a person are those characteristics that depend on the anatomical and physiological structure of the human body, which have a serious impact on both his psyche and behavior, and the susceptibility of the latter to the educational and other influences of the teacher. For example, a person’s poor vision and hearing naturally affect his actions and actions and must be taken into account in the process of training and education.

Features of higher physiology nervous activity personality is the specificity of its functioning nervous system, expressed in a wide variety of characteristics: the originality of the work of the entire nervous system, the relationship between the processes of excitation and inhibition in the cerebral cortex, the manifestation of temperament, emotions and feelings, behavior and actions, etc.

Compensation in personality development means that, despite the possibility that a particular person may have certain genetic or psychophysiological deficiencies or characteristics, during his formation and development as a personality, with specific and persistent mobilization and with the help of volitional efforts of the whole organism, he is able to achieve even late, but full of its individual perfection.

At the same time, pedagogy proceeds from the fact that in the process of training and education a person should develop an active life position, which is a stable form of manifestation of ideological and moral attitudes and attitudes, knowledge and skills, beliefs and habits, conditioned by specific social circumstances, which has a regulating effect on his behavior and activity.

An active life position of an individual should be formed from childhood. It is developed over a long period of time in the process of training and educating people, as a result of overcoming everyday difficulties, mastering social experience, and professional skills.

Rod active life position, its foundation is the worldview of the individual, his moral beliefs and attitude to public duty.

Thirdly, a feature of pedagogy is that it considers and studies a person as an object of education and training, starting from childhood. What is laid down and taken into account by pedagogy at this time is developed and improved subsequently.

The material basis of a child’s life is his body. Therefore, pedagogy considers general physical development to be one of the leading types of its development. It includes the actual physical development of the child, i.e. the process of growth of his body, increasing dexterity and strength, becoming physical functions influenced by living conditions and activities. It also includes special physical development aimed at performing special types of movements, primarily purely professional ones.

TO physical development closely related to labor development, which includes a stable habit of labor effort and overcoming heavy, unpleasant sensations unrelated to it. This habit gradually develops into a personality quality called hard work. The development of a child to the degree of hard work means his mastery of general and special labor knowledge, skills and abilities, psychological readiness To labor activity, the ability to obtain satisfaction and pleasure from work.

The most important species human development- intellectual development. It represents the formation in a child of the ability to master various types thinking (empirical, figurative, theoretical, concrete historical, dialectical). Its organic part is the ability to subject independent analysis events and phenomena of reality, draw independent conclusions and generalizations.

The substantive side of intellectual development is general spiritual development, which includes a certain amount of basic scientific knowledge about the world and the ability to make a philosophical, concrete historical assessment of reality. Its element is also civil and political development, manifested in knowledge about the fundamental interests of various classes and social groups, about politics as a concentrated expression of the economy, in the ability to evaluate phenomena, events, processes from a general civil standpoint public life.

Great importance in a child's life has moral development, which includes knowledge of basic moral norms, rules, solid socially valuable habits of behavior in unity with a stable moral feeling, the ability of moral experience. It presupposes the determination to make a choice of behavior from the standpoint of moral convictions, the greatness and strength of spirit necessary for the consistent and courageous defense of one’s views.

The emotional development of a child is expressed in his ability to correctly respond sensually to the influences of the phenomena of the surrounding reality. It also involves the ability to manage spontaneous emotional impulses and reactions, mental conditions.

Aesthetic development includes the ability of an active ideological and emotional response to the aesthetic phenomena of art and reality, the aesthetic ideal and artistic taste, the ability aesthetic perception, experiences, judgments, assessments.

All types of development of the child’s essential forces are inextricably interconnected. They complement and mutually enrich each other, forming a holistic personality and individuality.

In the process of its formation, a child goes through two stages: biological, during nine months of development in the womb, and social, for about 17-18 years in various forms social development and education.

Social stage has the following structure.

From birth to 1 year - early infancy. This is the period of initial adaptation and readiness of the child’s essential forces for primary adaptation to life.

From 1 year to 3 years - infancy itself. One of the most fruitful and intense periods of a child’s accumulation of social experience, the development of his physical functions, mental properties and processes.

From 3 to 6 years - early childhood- the stage of transition from infancy to childhood. This is a time of intensive accumulation of socially significant experience and skills to navigate social space, the formation of basic character traits and attitudes towards the world around us.

All three periods from birth to 6 years are also called preschool and preschool. Systematic training in kindergarten and school for many begins at the age of 6. It is carried out taking into account the fact that the complete psychophysiological, moral and volitional readiness of children for systematic educational work, intellectual, physical, emotional stress occurs by age 7.

From 6 to 8 years old is childhood itself. At this time, the initial maturation of the physiological and psychological structures of the brain is completed, and physical, neuro-physiological and intellectual forces are further accumulated, ensuring readiness for full-fledged systematic educational work.

From 8 to 11 years - the pre-teen period - a time of mature childhood, the accumulation of physical and spiritual strength for the transition to adolescence. Together with the period of childhood, the pre-teen period is also called the junior period. school age.

From 11 to 14 years - adolescence, adolescence- a new qualitative stage in the development of the child. His most characteristic features are: physiologically - puberty, in psychological - the formation of personal self-awareness, the active manifestation of individuality. Adolescence is also called middle school age.

From 14 to 18 years - adolescence - the time of completion of physical and psychological maturation, social readiness for socially useful productive work and civic responsibility. Girls and boys - older schoolchildren - receive some training in psychology and ethics family life.

In each period of development, it is important for a child to achieve the completeness of development, psychophysiological and spiritual maturity necessary for this period, which does not always coincide with the age limits and requirements of schooling. Any attempts to develop children through excessive stress at an early age inevitably lead to overload and fatigue, physical and mental breakdowns.

· The ultimate goal of any pedagogical research.

An important problem of pedagogy is the scientific development and justification of the goals of education. A goal is what one strives for, what needs to be achieved. In this sense, the goals of education should be understood as those predetermined (predictable) results in preparing the younger generations for life, in their personal development and formation, which they strive to achieve in the process of educational work.

The outstanding physiologist V.M. Bekhterev (1857-1927) wrote that resolving the issue of the goals of education is a direct matter of pedagogical science. “To find out the purpose of education and prove ways to achieve this goal,” he emphasized, “is, in any case, a matter of science...”

The goals of education have a great influence on the development of pedagogical theory. They affect primarily the nature of education. It, for example, can be authoritarian and humanistic, verbal-moralizing and have the character of organizing various practical activities of those being educated.

Depending on the goals of education, its content, the system of educational subjects studied at school, and their social orientation are developed. The goals of education are no less important for the development of its methodological foundations. At one time, education pursued the goal of forming an obedient personality, meekly submitting to the established order, and was based mainly on forcing children to certain forms of behavior, to various external influences, even physical punishment.

Target modern education- formation of a free personality with self-esteem and high social self-worth. Therefore, it is based on respect and a friendly attitude towards children, imbued with humanity, deep faith in their intellectual, moral and aesthetic development.

The role of educational goals in the practical educational activities of a teacher is extremely important. K.D. Ushinsky noted that just as an architect, when designing a building, needs to know what it should be intended for, so a teacher cannot purposefully carry out education if he is not able to clearly and accurately determine... the goals of his educational activities.

A.S. Makarenko emphasized: the teacher must be able to design the student’s personality, but for this he needs to know the goals of education and have a good idea of ​​what this personality should be like, what qualities need to be formed in it.

In world pedagogy, an abstract philosophical approach to determining the goals of education is widespread, which, as a rule, are in the nature of good wishes and do not have the necessary determination.

The German teacher W. Rein (1847-1929), for example, wrote that “the teacher must develop a truly good man, who knows how to work usefully for his people, a conscientious and sincere person...” A similar idea was expressed by the American psychologist and teacher E. Thorndike (1874-1949). “Education in general,” he noted, “should develop benevolence towards people in a human being... These goals of education in general are a benevolent attitude towards people, the establishment of useful and happy life“, the desire for noble, pure pleasures is at the same time and in particular the ultimate goals of school education.”

Apparently, it is hardly possible to object to such educational goals. But they are formulated too generally, without the necessary argumentation.

Some teachers generally tried to deny the need to determine the goals of education. For example, American philosopher and teacher D. Dewey (1859-1952) argued that human development is fatally doomed by hereditary instincts, and he qualified any attempts to set social goals before education as a manifestation of primitive magic. He proposed to carry out education entirely following the instinctive drives of children.

One should not, however, think that the development of educational goals depends entirely on the subjective positions and views of academic teachers. There are underlying objective factors that ultimately have a decisive influence on the solution to this complex problem. It is from these factors that scientific pedagogy proceeds when developing educational goals, exploring the socio-economic and personal determinants that have a decisive influence on the direction of these goals.

The goals of the research act as the achievement of certain new states at some level of the research process or as a qualitatively new state - the result of overcoming the contradiction between what should and what is. In addition to formulating a general goal, private, intermediate goals are formed. Intermediate goals can act both as obstacles that must be eliminated and as a desired hierarchy of work (general or individual).

The goals of the research must be specifically formulated and expressed in the description of the predictive state in which it is desirable to see the object of research in accordance with the social order. The purpose of the research is always a description of the projected normative result, inscribed in the context of connections more common system. The development of a hierarchy of goals ends with the construction of a network graph (or tree of goals), in which a critical path is identified that optimizes the sequence of research operations and all kinds of work to achieve the final goal.

The goal of research in pedagogy is usually formulated in the most condensed form: scientific result, which should be obtained as a result of the study.

As a rule, correctly formulated goals look like this:

development of pedagogical or scientific-methodological (organizational-pedagogical, social-pedagogical) foundations for the formation (upbringing, development) of something in someone;

or - identification, justification and experimental verification of pedagogical (didactic, methodological, methodological) conditions (prerequisites) for the formation (upbringing, development)…;

or - development of a methodology (methodological system) for the formation of something;

or - methods of using visual aids in something;

or - identification and development of pedagogical (didactic) tools, manuals, TSO...;

or - development of requirements, criteria...;

or - pedagogical justification for something, for example, gaming cognitive activity.

When the purpose of the study is determined, that is, when it becomes clear what kind of results can be obtained in this study and what their possible structure is, the researcher begins to select, define, and outline criteria for assessing the reliability of future results. Evaluation criteria - the most complex issue for any pedagogical research - what criteria are used to evaluate pedagogical innovations or pedagogical theories. The criteria for assessing the reliability of the results of an empirical study are individual and depend entirely on the content of the work. They must meet the following criteria:

) objectivity (evaluation of the characteristic under study is unambiguous);

) adequacy, validity (assessment of exactly what the experimenter wants to assess);

) neutrality in relation to the phenomena being studied

The set of criteria should cover with sufficient completeness all the essential characteristics of the phenomenon or process under study.

Criteria for assessing pedagogical phenomena can be qualitative and quantitative. The measurement value is determined by a specific rating scale. A scale is a numerical system in which the relationships between various properties the phenomena being studied are translated into the properties of one or another number series.

Measurement scales are divided into 4 main classes:

The relationship scale is the most powerful scale. It allows you to estimate how many times one studied object is larger (smaller) than another object taken as a standard (unit). At the same time, a comparison is possible here: how much one object is larger (smaller) than another. Relationship scales measure almost everything physical quantities- time, linear dimensions, areas. In pedagogical research, a ratio scale will occur if the time it takes to complete a particular task, the number of errors, or the number of correctly solved problems is measured. The entire basic apparatus of mathematical statistics applies to ratio scales. There are no problems here with justifying the significance of the differences between the control and experimental groups.

Interval scale - for example, the Celsius temperature scale. In pedagogical research, this includes a dichotomous scale, which contains only two values: yes - no, better - worse, boy - girl. In such a scale there is only one division interval (0-1 or 1-2, plus or minus).

The order scale, or rank scale, is the weakest scale - a scale, with respect to the values ​​of which it is no longer possible to say how many times the measured value of one object is greater (less) than another, nor how much greater (smaller) it is. Such a scale only organizes the position of objects, assigning them certain ranks. An example is the scale of school grades in points.

Name scale. In fact, it is no longer associated with the concept of “quantity” and is used only to distinguish one object from another: car numbers, telephone numbers, the use of letters or numbers to list points in laws.

The formation of criteria for the reliability of future research results completes the conceptual stage of its design. The next stage is the construction of a research hypothesis.

pedagogical researcher scientific culture

2. Methodological culture of the researcher and its characteristics

Culture is the level of achievements of human society in industrial, social and spiritual life in a certain era.

In this case, we are interested in a specific question: the culture of the teacher-researcher, the level of his readiness to conduct scientific research. Let us highlight three components in this aspect.

Let us classify the first as methodological culture, the main features of which are:

awareness various concepts education as a stage of ascent from the abstract to the concrete;

focus on transforming pedagogical theory into a method of cognitive activity;

the focus of the teacher’s thinking on the genesis of pedagogical forms and its “integral” properties;

the need to reproduce the practice of education in the conceptual and terminological system of pedagogy;

the desire to identify the unity and continuity of pedagogical knowledge in its historical development;

a critical attitude towards “self-evident” provisions, towards arguments that lie in the plane of ordinary pedagogical consciousness;

reflection on the prerequisites, process and results of one’s own cognitive activity, as well as the movement of thought of other participants in the pedagogical process;

evidence-based refutation of anti-scientific positions in the field of human science;

understanding of the ideological, humanistic functions of pedagogy.

The second aspect is the scientific ethics of the researcher. Success, as it may seem strange to some, depends on the moral qualities of the researcher. His respect for what others have already done on the problem. A deep study of the works of predecessors is not only a tribute to respect, recognition of their contribution to the development of a particular problem. The quality of the researcher’s work depends on this. It should reflect either the continuation of the study of the problem under new conditions, or a movement in a different direction, allowing one to identify some unknown and important aspects of the phenomenon.

Exceptionally high integrity is required from the researcher when carrying out experimental work. All issues that are resolved and their results lie on the conscience of the researcher. Random phenomena, presented as objective, pollute pedagogical science, cause a skeptical attitude towards it, and cause great harm to the theory and practice of working with people.

Moral qualities researchers are, as it were, woven into the fabric of scientific research, into the truth. The integrity of the researcher, the ability to defend his concept, research methodology, the desire for objectivity of results, and the argumentation of conclusions are mandatory accompaniments of his activities. However, they are not always accepted by everyone. It is important to confirm the high effectiveness of the study with practically actionable conclusions and recommendations.

The effectiveness and fruitfulness of scientific research largely depends on the ability to ethically correctly build relationships with colleagues. Increasingly, not just one person, but a team takes part in research. The psychological atmosphere that has developed in it undoubtedly has a huge impact on the overall result and bears its imprint scientific work each member of the team. Goodwill, desire to penetrate psychological condition respondents, patience, endurance, tact - necessary components pedagogical culture researcher.

The implementation of research results into teaching practice also places demands on the researcher’s ethics. It is immoral and unacceptable to use methods and tests of dubious content that have not been tested for validity and reliability. This is a kind of ethical crime that negatively affects people and distorts the real state of affairs. Therefore, the highest demands are placed on experimental work. It must be carried out conscientiously and efficiently. Hasty conclusions and results are contraindicated for a teacher-researcher. He bears personal responsibility for them.

The third aspect is the culture of behavior of the researcher. Psychological and pedagogical research requires perfectly organized, at the level of art, interaction with people who ensure the success of scientific research. Here it is important to skillfully use the entire arsenal of means of influencing and interacting with a person. If the research is collective, then none of the participants should emphasize their importance or exclusivity. You should understand how important support, evaluation, and approval of colleagues are in research activities. There are also serious failures. We must find the courage to admit it. When reviewing and scientifically evaluating the work of another researcher, you can list comments, note shortcomings, weak spots, but it is more ethical to help a colleague eliminate shortcomings and suggest ways to overcome difficulties.

Modesty of a teacher-researcher is one of the most optimal ways to avoid unpleasant situations in scientific work, in interaction with others.

Professionally significant personal qualities teacher-researcher.

They can be presented in a generalized form.

General psychological and pedagogical qualities: professional psychological and pedagogical orientation; socially and professionally significant personality traits: citizenship, optimism, humanism, stable interest in research work, sociability, goodwill, etc.

Professional psychological and pedagogical qualities: psychological and pedagogical theoretical, methodological, practical preparedness; psychological and pedagogical abilities: communicative, perceptual, projective, suggestive, emotional-volitional, constructive, organizational, cognitive, creative (creative).

Individual psychological and pedagogical qualities: psychological and pedagogical orientation of mental processes (cognitive, emotional, volitional); emotional responsiveness (empathy); development of will; reflection.

Pedagogical skills of the researcher

It manifests itself in his professional abilities:

intellectual (development of scientific and pedagogical thinking): the ability to analyze, generalize, highlight what is essential in a process or phenomenon, carry out analysis scientific literature, conduct experiments, build a methodological research apparatus, etc.;

perceptual, which underlie the ability to observe, penetrate into the inner world of phenomena, intensity of attention, impressionability, receptivity;

communicative, allowing to establish correct relationships with research participants;

constructive, making it possible to foresee the course and development of events;

suggestive, aimed at obtaining the desired result through emotional-volitional influence, suggestion by the power of words, authority;

emotional-volitional, which allow you to manage your internal state, feelings, behavior;

organizational, allowing to organize cognitive activity students, their own activities, i.e. high self-organization and efficiency;

didactic, manifested in the ability to present material, interpret research problems in an accessible, interesting, clear, clear, reasoned manner;

scientific and educational, which make it possible to quickly master scientific information;

creative (creative), allowing to find non-standard solutions to research problems - originality, initiative, satisfaction from the research process

These are the main points that illuminate the culture of the teacher-researcher.

Basic methodological principles of pedagogical research

Methodological principle (approach) Essential characteristics System approach - considers all components in close relationship with each other; reveals the unity of the relationship of all components pedagogical system(goals, objectives, content, principles, forms, methods, conditions and requirements); - highlights general properties and characteristics of individual components. Personal approach<#"justify">- allows you to determine the most optimal conditions for personal development in the process of activity. The cultural approach requires consideration of the problem in comparison with similar processes in the history of domestic and foreign pedagogy, from the standpoint of changes in modern culture; - provides an orientation towards social and cultural requirements for the formation and development of personality. Polysubjective (dialogical) approach. The essence of a person is richer than his activity. Personality is the product and result of communication with people and the relationships characteristic of it, i.e. Not only the objective result of an activity is important, but also the relational one. This fact of "dialogical" content inner world the person was clearly not taken into account enough in pedagogy, although it was reflected in proverbs (“tell me who your friend is...”, “whom you will get along with...”). The teacher’s task: to monitor relationships, promote humane relationships, establish psychological climate a team. The dialogical approach in unity with the personal and activity-based approach constitutes the essence of the methodology of humanistic pedagogy. Ethnopedagogical approach. Essence: education based on national traditions, culture, customs. The child lives in a certain ethnic group. The task of the educator: study of the ethnic group, maximum use of its educational capabilities. Anthropological approach. The essence was substantiated by Ushinsky. This is the systematic use of data from all human sciences and their consideration in the construction and implementation of the pedagogical process. The competency-based approach in education establishes new type educational results, not reducible to a combination of information and skills, but focused on the ability and readiness of the individual to solve various kinds problems, to activities. These educational results, called competencies, are considered as the ability to solve complex real problems - professional and social activities, ideological, communicative, personal.

Methods of pedagogical research and methodology for their implementation

Research method Methodology Observation Purposeful perception of any pedagogical phenomenon, during which the researcher receives specific factual material. At the same time, records (protocols) of observations are kept. Observation is usually carried out according to a pre-planned plan, highlighting specific objects of observation. The following stages of observation can be distinguished: determination of tasks and goals (why, for what purpose is the observation being carried out); choice of object, subject and situation (what to observe); choosing an observation method that has the least impact on the object under study and provides the most data collection necessary information(how to observe); choosing methods for recording what is observed (how to keep records); processing and interpretation of the information received (what is the result). Research conversation The conversation takes place according to a pre-planned plan, highlighting issues that require clarification, and is conducted in free form without recording the interlocutor’s answers. Study of school documentation and products of students’ activities The peculiarity of this method is that the researcher does not enter in contact with the person himself, but deals with the products of his previous activities or reflections on what changes have occurred in the subject himself in the process and as a result of his inclusion in some system of interactions and relationships. Pedagogical experiment Before starting the experiment, the researcher deeply studies that area knowledge, which has not been sufficiently studied in pedagogy. When starting an experiment, the researcher carefully thinks through its purpose and objectives, determines the object and subject of the study, draws up a research program, and predicts the expected cognitive results. And only after this he begins planning (the stages) of the experiment itself: he outlines the nature of those transformations that need to be introduced into practice; thinks through his role, his place in the experiment; takes into account many reasons influencing the effectiveness of the pedagogical process; plans means of accounting for the facts that he intends to obtain in the experiment, and ways of processing these facts. It is very important for a researcher to be able to track the process of experimental work. This could be: conducting ascertaining (initial), clarifying, transformative sections; recording current results during the implementation of the hypothesis; carrying out final cuts; analysis of positive as well as negative results, analysis of unforeseen and side results of the experiment. Pedagogical testing Allows, using specially designed tasks (tasks, questionnaires), to objectively measure the studied characteristics of the pedagogical process. Study and generalization of advanced pedagogical experience The main stages of work on the study and generalization of PPO (according to R G. Amosov): Determining the purpose of studying software. Selection of the most typical forms and methods of teaching practice, establishing the degree of their regularity. Selection of tools and methods for studying software. Proposing a hypothesis explaining the productivity of this experience Identification of diagnostic units of study Fixation of the specific conditions in which the process of education develops in selected areas of study of experience. Comparison of the study plan Generalization of similar forms of PPO and derivation of reliable quantitative and qualitative characteristics. Analysis of the results obtained, taking into account the contribution to the obtained result of all the influencing links of the educational process. Development of recommendations and determination of further prospects for the development of experience. Sociological research methods (questioning, rating, method of competent assessments). Questioning. When compiling questionnaires, it is important to observe following rules: questions must be carefully composed, extremely specific, correct, accessible, they should not contain hidden clues to the desired answer, but must be mutually verifiable. Rating. a method of subjective assessment of a phenomenon on a given scale. These assessments are given by experts (competent judges): scientists, teachers, psychologists, experienced teachers, school principals and others. They evaluate certain qualities in accordance with the proposed rating scale. Data is analyzed: quantitative analysis is carried out according to a certain formula and a qualitative assessment is given. Statistical method. Using statistical methods, the average values ​​of the obtained indicators are determined: arithmetic mean (for example, determining the number of errors in testing work control and experimental groups); median - an indicator of the middle of the series (for example, if there are twelve students in a group, the median will be the score of the sixth student in the list, in which all students are distributed according to the rank of their scores); degree of dispersion - dispersion, or standard deviation, coefficient of variation, etc. To carry out these calculations, there are corresponding formulas and reference tables are used. The results processed using these methods make it possible to show a quantitative relationship in the form of graphs, diagrams, tables. Methods of mathematical statistics They help evaluate the results of an experiment and increase the reliability of conclusions. Using statistical methods, the average values ​​of the obtained indicators are determined: the arithmetic mean (for example, determining the number of errors in the tested work of the control and experimental groups); median is the indicator of the middle of the series (for example, if there are twelve people in a group, the median will be the score of the sixth person in the list, in which everything is divided according to the rank of their assessments) degree of dispersion - dispersion or standard deviation, coefficient of variation, etc. To carry out these calculations apply appropriate formulas and reference tables. The results processed using these methods make it possible to show quantitative relationships in the form of graphs, diagrams, tables. Theoretical analysis of pedagogical ideas This method allows you to make deep scientific generalizations on the most important issues of training and education and find new patterns where they exist cannot be identified using empirical (experimental) research methods.

List of used literature

1. Kharlamov I.F. Pedagogy: Textbook. - 6th ed. - Mn. : Universitetskaya, 2000.

Zhuk, O.L. Fundamentals of pedagogy: textbook. manual - Minsk: Aversev, 2003.

Novikov A. M. Foundations of pedagogy./ A manual for authors of textbooks and teachers of pedagogy: Pedagogy. -- M.: Iz-vo EGVES, 2010.

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