Landscape in different types of art presentation. Types of landscapes

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Paintings and drawings depicting nature.

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Landscapes in Russian painting

  • I. Shishkin “Old linden trees”
  • I. Shishkin “Willows illuminated by the sun”
  • I. Shishkin “Forest before the storm”
  • I. Levitan “Above the evening peace”
  • I. Levitan “Gold Autumn”
  • I. Levitan “Gold autumn. Sloboda"
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    Landscapes in graphics

    You can reproduce the life around you in graphics in different ways. The most accessible and simplest graphic techniques are considered to be aquatype, monotype and diotype. These techniques have one thing in common: the end result of the work is a print.

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    Graphic techniques

    • Aquatype: watercolor
    • Monotype: gouache, oil

    Sequence of work: aquatype and monotype

    • Sketch on paper
    • Apply paint to glass
    • Put the paper on the glass
    • Transfer the drawing to paper
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    Sequence of diotype work

    • Apply paint to the plate
    • Apply damp clean paper
    • Apply the prepared drawing
    • Transfer the drawing with a pen
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    Landscapes in painting

    • Beautiful Russian landscapes have been created since the beginning of the 19th century; artists were able to convey native landscapes. A subtle lyrical experience of nature is characteristic of the work of Russian landscape painters. The main thing in it was the familiar corner of our native nature.
    • It is most advisable to start drawing landscapes with small sketches from life and from memory.
    • Quick sketches in pencil, paint or other materials develop the ability to accurately capture and immediately reproduce in a landscape the mood, color unity and harmony of image elements.
    • But you need to draw it at the same time of day and in the same weather.
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    Painting techniques

    • The sequence of working in watercolors
    • Determine the general contours of the horizon Draw the details
    • Far. Second and foreground
    • In color, work immediately across the entire plane of the sheet
    • Trees and other landscape elements can be drawn according to the prescribed background
    • Finished work
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    Sequence of work in gouache

    • Draw a landscape composition. Use paints depending on the color of the picture
    • Apply the primary colors of the sky, trees, water. Traces of matching tonal and color relationships
    • Draw the details, generalize and complete the coloristic unity of the landscape.
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    The sequence of working with pastels

    • Mark the main points in the distance, in the middle and foreground
    • Apply selected colors, warm in the foreground, cool in the distance
    • Mix colors on the sky, road. Draw vertical stripes and apply with your finger
    • Draw a tree, a building. Add spots of light in the background
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    Landscapes in decorative and applied arts

    • Sequence of batik painting
    • Draw according to the sketch
    • Secure the outlines of the design with reserve mass.
    • Color the entire picture with paints
    • Iron the finished work
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    Sequence of painting “Palekh miniature”

    • First, a thin and smooth drawing of the landscape is made on a predominantly black background;
    • The details are worked out with “golden shading”;
    • The composition is framed with exquisite ornaments.
    • The painting is covered with six layers of light varnish.
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    • And despite the fact that you are not an artist yet, but just learning, you have created a small work of art.
    • You showed your world the way you see it.
    • Don’t be afraid to express yourself, share your impressions with others
  • View all slides

    “Landscapes of Artists” - Landscapes appeared in distant China. Landscapes by Russian artists. Brahmaputra. Veda the preacher. Kinds of art. Landscapes. Types of landscapes. Mountain landscapes. Isaac Ilyich Levitan. Song of Shambhala. Scenery. Alexey Kondratievich Savrasov. The beauty of the mountains. Giant. Landscape genre. The artist's attitude to the natural world. Painting by Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin.

    “Drawing a landscape” - Fixing the pastel. Checking the composition. We introduce new tones. "Gold autumn". The paintings “Moscow Courtyard” and “Overgrown Pond” are filled with air. Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov. Step by step drawing of a landscape. Add dark tones. We designate the flames. Sheet of watercolor paper. The high ethical basis of Polenov's art.

    “Landscape Lessons” - Summing up. Write an essay on the topic: “I paint a landscape.” Distribute the paintings according to style. Development of landscape in painting. Lesson format: Excursion. Picture galleries. Educational: development of the spiritual world, morality and creativity in students. What feelings does the landscape convey?

    “Landscape in art” - Landscape. Presentation on fine arts. Graphic landscape. Picturesque landscape. Landscapes also often depict views of cities and countryside. Artistic photography. The historical landscape depicts what cities, parks, and villages looked like in the past. Find the extra picture. The landscape can have different themes: urban landscape, rural, sea, etc.

    “Russian Landscape” - Venetsianov and his students. In the development of Russian landscape, the works of Western European masters were of no small importance. Landscape with a river and a fisherman Sosnovy Bor. Venetsianov. Over eternal peace. Already from childhood, Aivazovsky’s desire to reflect on canvas all the beauty of the natural world was evident. Ship Grove.

    "Landscapes in Oil" - Opposites. The path to painting. Painting on tinted primer. Raw technique. Pastose painting technique. Techniques for layering colors. Colors. Landscape oil painting. Alla Prima technique. Painting styles. Elements of landscape painting. Painting techniques. Course sections. Flemish technique. Pointalism.

    There are 11 presentations in total

    Types of landscapes

    Presentation for a fine arts lesson, grade 6

    The inexhaustible diversity of nature has given rise to various types of landscape genres in the fine arts.

    K.A.Korovin “In Winter”

    B. Shcherbakov “The water is falling”

    B. Shcherbakov “The Arrival of Spring”

    Rural landscape

    The artist is attracted

    the poetry of rural life, its natural connection with the surrounding nature.


    "It's time for autumn"

    F. Vasiliev

    "Village street


    "On the threshing floor"


    It differs from the rural landscape in a spatial environment that is rationally organized by human hands, including buildings, streets, avenues, squares, embankments.


    M. Dobuzhinsky

    « House in


    Park landscape

    They depict corners of nature created for relaxation and satisfying the aesthetic needs of people.

    I. Levitan “Birch Grove”

    Seascape - marina

    Tells about the unique beauty of the sometimes calm and sometimes stormy sea and river.

    A. Aivazovsky

    "The Ninth Wave"

    I. Aivazovsky “Sunset on the Sea”

    A. Kuidzhi “Crimea. Sea"

    Architectural landscape

    Closely in touch with the city. But in an architectural landscape, the artist pays main attention to the depiction of architectural monuments in synthesis with the environment.

    P. Petrovichev

    "Rostov Yaroslavsky"

    "Church of St. George"

    M. Machalsky

    Industrial landscape

    The artist strives to show the role and importance of man - the creator, builder of plants and factories,

    power plant dams.

    Artist O. Juntonen

    Variety of landscapes by nature

    Depicting nature, the artist reflects the ideas of the people of his era about the beauty in the reality around them.

    The artist interprets each landscape in his own way, putting a certain meaning into it.

    Heroic landscape

    Nature seems majestic and inaccessible to humans.

    High rocky mountains, mighty trees, calm expanse of waters are depicted, and against this background - mythical heroes and gods

    P. Korin “Alexander Nevsky”

    Landscape of mood

    The desire to find in various states of nature a correspondence with human experiences and moods, to give the landscape a lyrical coloring, a feeling of melancholy, sadness, hopelessness or quiet joy

    I. Levitan

    "Storm - Rain"


    "Autumn. Alley in Zhukovka"

    A.K. Savrasov “Rooks”


    Historical landscape

    In the landscape genre, historical events are indirectly embodied, which are reminiscent of the depicted architectural and sculptural monuments associated with these events.

    V. Surikov “Menshikov in Berezovo”

    V. Vasnetsov “Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible”

    A. Deineka “Defense of Sevastopol”

    Epic landscape

    Majestic pictures of nature, full of inner strength, special significance and dispassionate calm are characteristic of this landscape.

    I. Shishkin “Corner of an abandoned garden”

    I. Levitan “Lake”

    Romantic landscape

    The rebellious beginning of a thundercloud, swirling clouds, gloomy sunsets, violent winds.

    K. Koro "Gust of Wind"

    Nature is a book of wisdom

    After reading this book, the landscape helps you to master the precious wealth contained in it.

    He depicts nature in its individual manifestations and therefore gradually reveals its innermost meaning.

    Nature teaches and educates us directly, daily and deeply.

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    Scenery. Its types and characters

    Landscape (derived from the French paysage - country, area) is a genre of fine art in which the main subject of the image is nature.

    Types of landscape: Depending on the main character of nature within the landscape genre, the following types of landscape are distinguished: Architectural and industrial landscapes. Rural and urban landscape. Sea and river landscapes.

    Rural landscape - reflects the poetry of rural life, its natural connection with the surrounding nature.

    City landscape - depicts the spatial environment organized by man - buildings, streets, avenues, squares, embankments, parks.

    The architectural landscape is close to the city landscape, but here the artist pays more attention to the depiction of architectural monuments in synthesis with the environment.

    Industrial landscape - shows the role and importance of man - the creator, builder of plants, factories, power plants, train stations and bridges.

    Seascape - Marina (from Latin marinus - sea) - one of the types of landscape, the object of which is the sea. Marina talks about the beauty of the sometimes calm and sometimes stormy sea.

    Diversity of landscape in character. There are five types of landscape character: - heroic - historical - epic - romantic landscape - mood landscape

    A heroic landscape is a landscape in which nature appears majestic and inaccessible to humans. It depicts high rocky mountains, mighty trees, calm waters, and against this background - mythical heroes and gods.

    Historical landscape. Historical events are embodied in the landscape genre, which are reminiscent of the depicted architectural and sculptural monuments associated with these events.

    Epic landscape - majestic pictures of nature, full of inner strength, special significance and dispassionate calm.

    Romantic landscape - Storm clouds, swirling clouds, gloomy sunsets, wild wind. The landscape sometimes captures a rebellious beginning, disagreement with the existing order of things, the desire to rise above the ordinary, to change it.

    Landscape of mood It reflects feelings of melancholy, sadness or quiet joy. The desire to find in various states of nature a correspondence with human experiences and moods gave the landscape a lyrical coloring.

    Practical work: Draw in one of the types or characters of the landscape.

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