Relieving emotional stress. Training to relieve emotional tension and stress

Introduction. Relevance of the chosen topic.

The profession of a teacher requires great endurance and self-control. From numerous intense contacts with other people, the teacher experiences great neuropsychic stress, which manifests itself in emotional exhaustion. The teacher is in a situation of extreme emotional stress, which leads to a progressive deterioration in his health. According to the Research Institute of Occupational Medicine, 60% of teachers are prone to neuroses. I believe that teachers of modern educational institutions need psychological support and training in techniques for relieving emotional stress. This is a priority line in the work of a school psychologist.

Main part.

Purpose of the training: relieving emotional stress to strengthen the psychological health of the teacher.


  • introduce training participants to some techniques of psychological self-regulation;
  • create favorable conditions for productive work on yourself;
  • improve the development of personal qualities, stabilizing internal spiritual harmony.

Organization of the training: group of teachers from 12 to 15 people .

Form of training– a circle, it is possible to move freely around the office, adopt a comfortable body position during relaxation.

Duration– 90 minutes.

Training leader: educational psychologist Vorobyova V.L.

Progress of the training

Music is playing. Training participants enter the office and choose a colored strip of paper to determine their mood and well-being. They sit in a circle.

1.1. The principle of insufficiency occupies a large place in our lives. We don't have enough time to meet, caress and pay attention to each other. We run all the time, hurry, do not notice each other. Let's stop this running for a moment and talk to each other.

– Perhaps something has been bothering you lately?

– Or do you feel tired?

– Or even minor events throw you off balance?

If you answered “yes,” then today we should talk about the fact that nature has endowed humans with the ability to self-regulate, that is, no one else, but only you yourself can manage your emotional state.

1.2. To begin fruitful work, let’s see what mood and well-being you have prevailing. The psychologist comments on the meaning of the chosen color. Cards "Color Meaning"(Annex 1)

1.3. Exercise "Business card"

The group members write a definition word with the first letter of their big name that reflects their character, temperament and lifestyle. Business cards are attached to the chest for the next exercise.

1.4. Exercise "Molecule"

All participants will mix freely around the room. The psychologist calls it: “Diatomic molecule.” Teachers form pairs and say:

- I'm generous!

- Yes, you are generous, and also beautiful!

Similarly, the psychologist asks to make triatomic, quadriatomic and pentaatomic “molecules”, and teachers try to form groups and communicate with their colleagues.

– Now hold hands, stand in a circle and say in unison:

“It’s great that we are all here today!”

1.5. “A teacher combines the intelligence of a scientist, the talent of an actor, the conviction of a politician, the endurance of an intelligence officer, the discretion of a sapper, and the flexibility of a diplomat.”

The work of a teacher is everyday work not only with students at school, but also regular work on oneself.

1.6. The psychologist calls topic and goals psychological training.

2. Relieving emotional stress.

Every person strives for success and well-being. He wants to be loved and respected. But look around, how many people are dissatisfied with the life around them. It was as if a burden of problems hung over them that they were unable to cope with. And as a result, anxiety, fear, a feeling of uncertainty, and emotional stress arise.

The ability to control oneself has been a human dream since ancient times. This is the ability to relax or restrain yourself, to relieve physical and emotional stress.

2.1. Auto-training and aromatherapy.

The impact of smell on a person’s mental and physical state is combined in aromatherapy with the healing properties of essential oils.

Orange essential oil stabilizes mood, eliminates depression, sadness, and anxiety. Helps increase optimism. Opens the heart to goodness and joy.

Slow music is playing. Group members take a relaxed “coachman” pose, close their eyes and listen to the words AT (Appendix 2).

2.2. We rested and are in a great mood. We want our peace of mind to last as long as possible.

We'll compose "Tale of the City" in which there are no conflicts, where all people are happy and loved. And the fairy tale begins like this : In one beautiful city there lived a wonderful family...

Each teacher takes turns, passing a soft toy, and names one sentence for composing a fairy tale.

We all wanted to live in such a city. When we are happy, we feel healthy and complete. But this doesn’t happen!

Probably each of you has found yourself in stressful situations.

Stress – This is our body’s reaction to external physical and emotional irritation. People deal with stress differently. Alone– quickly overcome the “alarm phase” and immediately “pull yourself together.” These are calm, balanced people who are not inclined to make quick, rash decisions. Other– quickly “give up.” These people are impatient, unrestrained, their movements are fast and abrupt.

2.3. Test "Hidden Stress"(Appendix 3) . All training participants are given prepared test forms. There are many tips and psychological techniques for relieving emotional stress.

2.4. Exercise "Basket of Soviets"

Each teacher takes turns taking cards and reading out loud the suggested tips (Appendix 4) .

If you find yourself in a stressful situation, then the most important thing is calm, even if only outwardly. By maintaining your composure, you can prove to yourself that you are a strong person. And most importantly, you will maintain your health.

According to the World Health Organization, 90% of all human diseases are related to stress.

Exercise “Name the emotion.” Participants stand in a circle, throw the ball to each other, naming positive emotions, then negative ones. They become convinced that there are many more negative emotions and draw the appropriate conclusion.

How nice it is to see you in a good mood. Success at work improves mood, but a teacher needs to constantly regulate his mood.

2.5. How to relieve stress laughter, so tears.

American psychologist Don Powell advises: “Find a reason to laugh a little every day.”

The healing power of laughter is known to everyone: laughter improves blood circulation, digestion, and helps the brain release endorphins - natural substances that relieve pain. Remember, he who laughs lives long!

Most people admit that they feel better after crying. Scientists believe that tears cleanse the body of harmful stress products. Don't be afraid to cry!

2.6. Bioenergetic healing.

Recently, many have begun to listen to biorhythms, to the type of weather, to horoscopes for every day. The energy of the cosmos is pure and identical, but it is distributed among people differently, according to the level of their spirituality.

Around every person there is an invisible aura that represents his spiritual territory. Intrusion into this territory causes us unpleasant feelings (irritation, discomfort, indignation, mental pain).

It is known that many diseases arise from energy imbalance. When there is an abundance of energy in one part of the body, there is a lack of it in another. For example, if there is an excess of energy in the endocrine glands, then hormonal metabolism is disrupted.

2.7. Exercise "Art therapy".

Cosmic music sounds.

Those interested come to the table, where paints, brushes, gouache, whatman paper, and jars of water are prepared. They begin to draw, expressing their feelings from the music in the drawing (Appendix 5).

The rest of the training participants close their eyes. The psychologist gives the instruction: “Imagine yourself as the center of the Universe. Focus only on yourself. Feel that you are unique and inimitable." Time 2-3 minutes.

Open your eyes. Tell us about your feelings.

2.8. In all techniques for relieving emotional stress, special attention should be paid to your breathing.

Ancient Chinese medicine says that all diseases are caused by improper breathing. Our breathing is usually shallow. Approximately 1/3 of the lung volume is filled with clean air. Every person needs to master the “Breathing Gymnastics” complex.

Exercise "Full Breath"(Appendix 6).

It is better to perform the exercise in comfortable clothes, in a well-ventilated room; you need to breathe slowly with pleasure, concentrating your attention on your breathing.

Advice: Start your day with breathing exercises!

The blood and brain are enriched with oxygen, relieving the body of excess stress.

The teaching profession requires skillful use of your voice.

Screaming is a natural, natural and widespread way to relieve nervous tension.

But as a teacher, the energy of screaming can and should be directed in a positive direction.

Exercise "Meditation" to manage your emotional state (Appendix 7).

Final part.

1. American psychologist D. Carnegie suggests "Formula for today."

A tape recording of words sounds. The psychologist shows cards with these words. The training participants pronounce the words in a whisper (Appendix 8).

2. Feedback.

– The most useful thing for me was...

- I like it…

- I would like to change...

3.Thank you everyone for your work!


In a difficult life situation, prefer to actively act rather than worry. Have a positive and friendly attitude towards everything around you: people, nature, the world.


  1. Vasiliev V.N. Health and stress. Moscow, 1991
  2. View V.D. A good mood is easy! St. Petersburg, 2001
  3. Gracheva L.V. Inner freedom training. St. Petersburg, 2005
  4. Zaitsev G.K. Your health. Relaxation of the psyche. St. Petersburg, 2000
  5. Nikiforov G.S. Psychology of health. St. Petersburg, 2003
  6. Samukina N.V. Games that are played... Dubna, 1996
  7. Selevko G.K. Assert yourself. Moscow, 2006
  8. Smirnov N.K. Health-saving educational technologies and health psychology at school. Moscow, 2005
  9. Fedorenko L.G. Psychological health in school settings. St. Petersburg, 2003
  10. Cherepanova E.N. Psychological stress. Moscow, 1996

Chirkova Galina Vladimirovna

Teacher-psychologist, Municipal Educational Institution of Preschool Children's Education Center "Russians"

Training relieving emotional stress

before a public speaking

Relevance of the training: In adolescence, when self-esteem is formed, public speaking is especially significant and is perceived most acutely. This is a kind of exam that evaluates your ability to work in public, speak in front of a hall full of people, which, of course, is a stressful factor. You can often observe the following picture: at rehearsals, children give excellent results, but at the event they are far from the best. The reason is psycho-emotional stress, which occurs in the form of strong excitement, anxiety or fear.

Purpose of the training: relieving emotional stress through group interaction.

Training objectives: 1.Introduce training participants to some techniques of psychological self-regulation; 2.Create favorable conditions for productive work on yourself; increase the tone of the group; 3. Create a good psychological climate through cooperation and mutual assistance within the group.

Requirements for participants: The training is designed for teenagers 12-15 years old, 8-10 people.

1.​ Introductory conversation. (3 minutes)

The goal of our training is to relieve emotional stress through group interaction. We will also get acquainted with various techniques for regulating our emotional state and ways to relieve stress. "Rules for working in a group." The presenter talks about the need to create a “safe environment” for fruitful participation in the training and about the rules, the observance of which contributes to the creation of such an environment: - active participation in the exercises; - “stop” rule - each participant can say “stop” and leave the game if he feels that his personal qualities are being affected too deeply and he would not like further self-disclosure, - responsibility - training participants are warned about the responsibility for the safety of information that they learned about each other. Everyone says the words: “The rules are clear, I will follow them.”

2. Warm-up:

1 . Exercise "Snowflakes".

Target: create a favorable, relaxed psychological atmosphere in the group, intensifying attention.

Participants are told that now everyone will be snowflakes. To do this, you need to get up and start moving in a free direction throughout the room to the music. As soon as the music stops, everyone stops and listens to the command of the coach, who says: “Snowflakes unite in groups of three.” All participants must execute this command. Then the music continues to play again, and as soon as it is interrupted, the participants will need to follow the coach’s next command, etc.

2. Exercise “Ball”

Target: warming up, involving all participants in the work. Increasing the tone of the group. Materials: balloon. Instructions: All participants stand in a circle. Psychologist: “Now you and I will play with a balloon. Now we will pass it around in a circle, but under one condition: you can do this using only your elbows (squeezing the ball with your elbows), you cannot help with your hands. So, let's begin. The second circle passes the ball only with the feet (squeezing the ball with the knees). Third circle: the ball is passed with

3. Exercise “Shanghai people”.

Target: exercise helps remove bodily barriers and reduce communication distance.

Participants stand in a line and take each other’s hands, then the first one begins to twist around its axis and pulls the others along with it until a “spiral” is formed. In this position, participants must walk a certain distance. You can invite the group to carefully squat down at the end of their movement.

3. Main part:

4.Exercise"Techniques to reduce tension." (10 minutes) Target: self-regulation of your emotional state. Tension-relaxation. To remove any tension in the body that prevents us from thinking sensibly and speaking normally, it is useful to give the load even more, and then relax. Therefore, tension-relaxation of large muscle groups (calves, knees, hips, buttocks, stomach, back, chest, shoulders, neck, face - and they dropped it!) will come in handy. You can do squats or push-ups behind the stage, or yawn widely. Flows of energy from above and below. All you need is a simple energy exercise that anyone can do. Spread your feet shoulder-width apart, feel how the flow of Earth's energy rises from bottom to top, flows through your body and bursts out like a fountain. In the same way, imagine how a downward flow of sky energy penetrates you from top to bottom and flows out like a fountain below. Stay like this for a while. Absorbing energy that releases clamps. Connect the energy of the fountains around you, condense it mentally. Forward to performances! Breath. When a person is worried, his breathing is intermittent. It is necessary to slow down your breathing: a couple of deep breaths, double inhalation and exhalation. You can use the Balloon Breathing technique. Professor Herry Herminson from New Zealand trained athletes for various extreme situations and proposed this method for relieving fear and moving from a negative future to the present. It was this technique that he taught to the world famous climber Hilary, who was one of the first to conquer Everest. During his climb to the top of the world, Hilary repeatedly used it to relieve fear. Close your eyes and imagine a light tennis ball in front of you. Inhale - and the ball slowly and smoothly rises from the center of your abdomen to your throat. Exhale - and the ball also smoothly falls down. When we are worried or afraid, the ball either freezes at one point or moves quickly, in jumps. If we are calm and confident, the ball moves smoothly and rhythmically. In a situation of anxiety or fear, you need to ensure that the ball moves exactly like this. Exercise “Drawing circles...”. (35-45 min.) Goal: relieve tension, develop reflection; allows you to clarify the personal characteristics, values, aspirations, nature of the problems of each participant, his position in the group; reveals interpersonal and group relationships, their dynamics, and has the potential to form group cohesion. The optimal number of participants is 14-16 people (two small groups). The art therapeutic space is organized as follows: two large tables (student desks can be arranged), around which there are chairs and a table for a psychologist (art therapist). Materials: Two rolls (one for each table) of thick paper, about two meters long each, without connecting seams. You can use the reverse side of the wallpaper or thick wrapping paper. A variety of visual materials and tools in sufficient quantities: pencils, felt-tip pens, paints, wax crayons, oil pastels, gouache, brushes, jars of water, eraser, tape. (The choice of visual media is determined independently by each participant). For this technique, the circle was chosen as a mythological symbol of harmonies. It is believed that the circle, due to the absence of sharp corners, is the most “benevolent” of all geometric shapes, meaning approval, friendship, sympathy, gentleness, and sensuality. Working in a circle activates integrative, emotional, intuitive (right-hemisphere) thinking, and also unites, stabilizes the group, and promotes the formation of favorable interpersonal relationships. Even small children, according to the observation of S. Rais, prefer circles to all other figures. This is apparently due to the simplicity of the round shape. Progress of the exercise: The psychologist gives the instruction: “Imagine yourself as the center of the Universe. Focus only on yourself. Feel that you are unique and inimitable." Time 2-3 minutes. Then draw a circle and fill it with your self-perception. Each participant draws a circle figure, and can also complete other people’s drawings and write wishes to each other. At the end of the work, the participants share their impressions of their joint work, show their own drawings, talk about the idea, plot, feelings, and, if desired, read out loud the good wishes that other participants wrote to him. Instructions: - Take a seat at one of the tables. You can change your location if you wish. You have the right to move freely around the table and work in any area. Draw a circle of the desired size in your favorite color. Then draw one or two more circles of any size and color on the sheet. Trace the outlines of the drawings. Connect your circles with lines that you like the most. Imagine you are building roads. Fill the space of each of your circles with plot drawings, icons, symbols, i.e. Give them your own personality. Next, walk around the picture sheet and carefully examine the drawings. If you really want to finish drawing something in the circles of other participants, try to negotiate with them about it. With the consent of the authors, write kind words and wishes next to the drawings that you liked. Be respectful of the space and feelings of others! Draw the remaining free space of the sheet with patterns, symbols, icons, etc. First of all, agree with other participants on the content and methods of creating the background for the collective drawing. Questions for discussion: 1. “How do you feel?” 2. “How are you feeling now?” 3. “Tell me about your drawing?” 4. “Did you complement the work of other participants?” 5. “What difficulties arose during the work?” etc. Exercise I can. Negative thoughts like “I can’t cope! I can not! I’ll disgrace myself” and replace it with positive ones: I can do it! I'm doing it! I am an important person for myself. I like myself the way I am. I love what I do...I grow spiritually every day. I love spending time with myself. I can do whatever I set my mind to. I'm always ready to set new goals for myself . I am the best! Everything works out for me! I'm the best speaker! Am I dumber than others? Stay calm and carry on! Everyone applauds me! Positive gesture. Paired with an internal phrase that helps you cope with anxiety, with difficult situations when speaking (a difficult question, difficult listeners in the audience, etc.), the so-called inciting or positive gesture goes hand in hand. Remember how joyfully you throw up your hands at the sight of a person you have known for a long time (clap)! How you relishly record: “Yes!” when something has been done brilliantly (the arm is bent at the elbow and sharply pulled down and back). How you rub your hands with pleasure, anticipating something delicious! Our body remembers the pleasant moments associated with these and dozens of other gestures! Our body is like a form for emotions that we can release at the right moment by using certain exciting gestures! Here are some similar ideas. Chop the air with your hand like a saber. Fix your hands in the chest area with tightly clenched fists (For luck, they say). Shouting “Hhha!” throw your hand forward, then the other - and alternate this several times. Get up, put on the so-called. “corset of confidence”: straighten your shoulders, lift your head up, smile on your face. Stay like this for a few minutes. And into battle! Smile. You can also tune in to positive emotions using facial expressions. Among the best Taoist techniques there is a very simple and effective exercise: “Laughing Qigong”: start smiling at yourself in the mirror (at least a minute), then laugh cheerfully (even if you don’t want to), intensify the laughter, let it be exaggerated (5 minutes), finish the exercise on a light smile that will now not leave your face until the end of the day! This technique will at least bring you a good mood, and at maximum a brilliant performance. “Rewrite the script positively.” Don't imagine the worst performance scenarios in your head. Oh, everything will be bad, I’ll forget the text, lose the papers, won’t answer the questions! Positive scenarios are the best way to relieve anxiety. And we are again mastering the “flip-flop” technique upside down. Now we will draw only rainbow pictures: “I went on stage. Everyone applauded me. Their eyes were shining. The listeners listened with bated breath. I answered questions brilliantly, providing a lot of useful information even for professionals. A whisper of admiration ran through the hall when I finished my speech and summed up the results. Hooray! Shine! I succeeded!” It is worth noting that the scenarios presented here are described as having happened. Can be spoken in the present ( I'm going on stage...) and future ( I'll go on stage...), but the effect of simply dispassionately recording future success as a fait accompli is immeasurably higher! By drawing such a positive scenario, you are already launching the mechanism of successful public speaking. And you take the first step onto the stage. Empathetic eyes. Direct your gaze to those who are currently in a positive mood, nodding, smiling, supporting. Maybe these are friends, acquaintances, or just those people with whom you managed to talk BEFORE the performance began. A few minutes - and the whole hall is at your feet. Truly so. No wonder they say: “Look more often into the eyes of the people you care about. In them you will find the answer." An experienced speaker looks for an answer in the eyes of grateful listeners. Change the significance. We are afraid of the public because: “They are so cool (professionals, rich, experienced, etc.).” We are afraid to go out in public, because: “I have little experience, I know less than them, I am such a small person in front of these great people.” We are afraid of the performance itself, because: “This is such an important-important-important-important-important-important event for me!” And with the triple lock of significance we lock every opportunity to perform on stage successfully, with dignity and with joy. Why? Because we overestimate the significance of the event, the importance of the listeners, and underestimate our own. The technique is carried out in three simple steps: increase your significance, decrease the significance of the audience, decrease the significance of the event. Who can I imagine myself to be? Say the phrase inside yourself: “I walk into the hall - and EVERYONE listens to me very carefully!” Now ask a riddle: “Who am I in this case?” Yes, yes, it’s useful to imagine yourself... as the Queen of England, the Prince of Wales, the president in the end. Or maybe the Terminator or Batman? It doesn’t matter who – the main idea is: I am more important! Who can I imagine the audience to be? Internal test phrase: “They are so sweet, dear.” Let's use this image and henceforth we will not be afraid of the public! And about the event: you know that the sun shines happy. But it also CONTINUALLY shines on those who did not complete something, failed something, or did not perform very well. Look around: what terrible thing will happen if you go out of your way? Will someone die? Is he getting thin? Going wild? Will this passionate sun go out? No. So don’t be afraid to move forward, having first reduced the importance, and be satisfied with yourself and life!

5. Exercise “Snowballs”.

Target: acquaintance with methods of stress relief, activation. Instructions: Now we will compete. Take the paper and crumple it as tightly as possible. You have the opportunity to “throw snowballs” at the opposing team. Don't cross the line. We start and finish at the signal. Those whose half has fewer snowballs at the end win. (After the final signal, participants, as a rule, do not stop and continue to “throw snowballs.”) Analysis: What are your feelings before and after the exercise? Is it possible to release tension in this way?

6. Exercise “Praises”.

Target: consolidate the improvement in emotional state.

Instructions: While stroking the back of your head with your left and then right hand, repeat: “I am noticed, loved and highly valued.” Turning your head left and right, repeat: “Everything is going well.” Rising on your toes, raising your arms as high as possible, repeat: “Only good things happen in my life.”

4. Org. End: Reflection.(5 minutes) Concluding remarks from the presenter: Thank you all for your work ! Wish: in a difficult life situation, prefer to actively act rather than worry. Have a positive and friendly attitude towards everything around you: people, nature, the world.

Elena Tabanakova
Psychological training for teachers “Relieving emotional stress”

Target training: Decrease emotional fatigue and mood lifting.

Tasks: 1. Neutralization and suppression of negative emotions.

2. Preservation and strengthening mental health.

3. Strengthening in pedagogical a team of goodwill, openness and mutual assistance.

Materials: colored cards (several pieces of the same color, ball, "Basket of Tips",

Leading: "Hello. Today we are meeting to discuss a very interesting and important topic, but first I suggest we say hello.”

Exercise "Hello".

Target: relieving muscle tension, switching attention.

Materials: ball.

Instructions: Now I propose to say hello, but in such a way that the greeting is not repeated even once in our circle. I start and then pass the ball around in a circle until it comes back to me ( For example: hello, good afternoon, greetings, etc.)

"Group rules": basic principles of group work.

After the greeting, the presenter explains to the participants the basic principles of social psychological training and features of this form of work. Then the group members begin to develop rules for the work of their group. In each training A group may have its own rules, but the following should form the basis of its work.

1. We are one team.

2. You can say whatever you think.

3. Everyone has the right to their opinion (no one interrupts anyone, does not laugh, does not evaluate others).

4. When discussing what is happening in a group, you should not evaluate the participants, but only their actions. Statements cannot be used type: "I do not like you". Should speak: "I don't like your way of communicating" and so on.

5. All questions that arise are answered comprehensively, and incoming proposals to change the rules or add new ones are discussed.

6. Turn off cell phones.

The finally agreed upon and accepted rules are the basis for the group's work.

Progress of the training.

The topic of our training - relieving emotional stress.

And so we begin, in order to begin fruitful work, let’s see what mood and well-being prevails in you. To do this, you need to choose a card of the color that you like best at this moment.

Exercise "Your mood"

Target: establish contact with teachers, relieve tension.

Materials: colored cards (several pieces of the same color).

Psychologist comments the meaning of the selected color.

Cards "Color Meaning"

Blue color – calmness, contentment, empathy, trust, devotion.

Purple – anxiety, fear, grief.

Green – confidence, perseverance, stubbornness, need for self-affirmation.

Red – aggressiveness, excitement, desire for success, desire to dominate and act to achieve success.

Brown is the color of peace and stability, the need for home comfort.

Yellow – activity, cheerfulness, desire for communication, expectation of happiness.

Gray – anxiety and negative state.

Black – security, secrecy, desire "go to your inner world» .

Every day situations arise in our lives that make us worry and nervous. When such situations become more and more common, it leaves a negative imprint on our psychological condition. We begin to get more and more nervous, and hidden stress quietly enters our lives, which negatively affects both our well-being and our perception of life.

To answer the question of whether you have hidden stress, I suggest you take a small but very revealing test.

Instructions: Read carefully the descriptions of the nine situations that are presented below. Mark for yourself those that irritate you the most. You are not limited in your choice and can choose any number from 0 to 9. At the end, write down the total number of selected situations.

1. You want to make a phone call, but the number you need is always busy.

2. You are driving a car (or doing other usual work), and someone nearby is constantly giving you advice on how best to do it.

3. You notice that someone is watching you.

4. You are talking to someone, but someone appears and constantly interferes with your conversation.

5. You are thinking about some question, and someone interrupts your train of thought.

6. You are talking to someone who raises his voice at you for no reason.

7. You start to feel bad when you see a combination of colors/items that you think don't go together.

8. You shake someone's hand and don't feel any reciprocal feeling.

9. You are talking to a person who knows everything better than you.

Results: If you have marked 5 or more of the proposed situations for yourself as those that make you nervous, then we can confidently say that hidden stress is present in your life. And if you cannot change your attitude towards minor troubles and calm down, then this state of affairs will have an extremely negative impact on your health and performance, and ultimately, on the Joy and Pleasure you get from life.

How to overcome stress? "Basket of Tips"

1. Get regular sleep.

2. Try talking and walking more slowly.

3. Walk more in the fresh air.

4. Make a to-do list for today.

5. Set only realistic goals for yourself.

6. Set aside at least one hour a day for yourself.

7. Smile and compliment yourself when looking in the mirror.

8. Tell a loved one about your troubles.

10. Prepare a cup of warm herbal tea and take a warm bath or shower.

12. Know your mood ups and downs.

13. Live for today, don’t demand too much for yourself.

14. Remember how you felt when everything was fine.

15. Don't try to please everyone - it's not realistic.

16. Remember that you are not alone.

17. Be optimistic! This will help you find much more joy in life than gloom.

18. Don't rush into making any decisions. Calm down first.

19. Accept your failure! Each person has their own advantages and disadvantages.

20. A job you love can be a good cure for stress.

If you find yourself in a stressful situation, then the most important thing is calm, even if only outwardly. By maintaining your composure, you can prove to yourself that you are a strong person. And most importantly, you will maintain your health.

The ability to control oneself has been a human dream since ancient times. This is the ability to relax or hold back, relieve physical and emotional stress.

Auto-training and aromatherapy.

Impact of odor on mental and the physical condition of a person is combined in aromatherapy with the healing properties of essential oils.

Essential oil "Orange" stabilizes mood, eliminates depression, sadness, anxiety. Helps increase optimism. Opens the heart to goodness and joy.

Slow music is playing. Group members take a relaxed pose "coachman", close their eyes and listen to the words AT.


Sit comfortably. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath, hold your breath... Exhale. Breathe calmly. With every breath your body relaxes. You enjoy being at peace.

Imagine that you are sitting on the seashore. The sand surrounding you is completely dry and soft. Look around and you will find that you are all alone on the seashore...

The sun is setting. You feel the warmth of the evening sun...

Take a deep breath and feel the salty smell of the sea. The sea air is fresh and slightly humid. You feel completely calm.

Let the waves wash away and carry away your worries and everything that belongs to you annoying.

I am gradually moving away from my worries. I'm completely calm.

Gradually the image of the sea disappears. The image of the sea disappeared.

3-2-1 Open your eyes. Stretch. You are cheerful and full of strength.

We rested and are in a great mood. We want our peace of mind to last as long as possible.


Most people admit that they feel better after crying. Scientists believe that tears cleanse the body of harmful stress products. Don't be afraid to cry!

American psychologist Don Powell advises “Find a reason to laugh a little every day”.

The healing power of laughter is known everyone: laughter improves blood circulation, digestion, and helps the brain release endorphins - natural substances that relieve pain. Remember, he who laughs lives long!

Exercise "Beasts"

Everyone stands in a circle. Instructions for participants: Now I will tell each of you in your ear what kind of beast he will be (For example, cat, white bull). After that everything "beasts" must hold hands tightly (bent at elbows). I will loudly call some beast. The task of the named beast is to sit down, and everyone else’s task is to prevent him from doing this. The joke is that the presenter assigns different names to just a few participants, but calls the rest the same (For example, chipmunk). All players try their best to hold on to the named "beast". This exercise gives a strong emotional release, causes a positive charge emotions, laughter.

Exercise "Fly"

Target: stress relief from the facial muscles.

Instructions: Sit down comfortable: Place your hands loosely on your knees, shoulders and head down, eyes closed. Mentally imagine that a fly is trying to land on your face. She sits on the nose, then on the mouth, then on the forehead, then on the eyes. Yours task: without opening your eyes, drive away the annoying insect using your facial muscles.

Exercise "Painting on the back".

Players are divided into pairs. The partners independently decide which of them will be A and which will be B. In the first round, B stands behind A and points his finger "draws" on his back are individual letters. Player A must guess them. At the same time, A's eyes are closed. It is advisable that players wear thin clothing. If A guesses the letters, player B can write simple words and even phrases. You have 5 minutes to complete the task. In the next round, players switch roles. Reflection:

How satisfied was everyone? "artist"?

Were you able to get ready to work together?

Which role was more doable and more fun?

Exercise "Smile".

Japanese proverb says: "The strongest is the one who smiles".

A smile is an effective tool for positively influencing yourself and others. If the facial muscles "work for a smile", then much more happens than you can imagine introduce: muscles activate the nerves located in them, and thereby into the brain "sent" positive signal. You can check it right now. Smile (it doesn’t matter if it’s a grimace, the point is that the right muscles are working). Maintain this position for approximately 30 seconds. If you honestly do this experiment, you will definitely be able to state: something still "happens". It would be good if you described your impressions without delay.

If this is your first time doing this exercise, then now you know that you always feel better after it, and you are ready to start regular exercise. training.

Smile training.

The essence training is that you study several times a day "keep a smile on your face" approximately 1 minute. This exercise can be done anywhere whatever: in the car, on a walk, watching TV. The following effect is interesting, which occurs with this training. In the first seconds, instead of a smile, you may end up with a grimace, especially if you are in an irritated state. But after about 10 seconds you start to seem funny to yourself. This means that your grimace is already transforming into a smile. Then you start to slowly make fun of yourself. You are asking whether you really need to be annoyed in this situation. A few seconds later, you notice that there is relief. And from now on everything will go for the better.

Exercise “Ha!”

Participants form a circle holding hands. By command trainer raise their hands up. Then, on the count of “three,” they sharply throw their hands down and exhale, saying “Ha!” (repeat 4 times).


Passing a soft toy around. Everyone expresses their opinion about what was done training. For example:

The most useful thing for me was...

I like it…

I would like to change...

Our the training has come to an end. I hope that you will remember these methods of self-control and improve your mood both at home and at work and do not forget that at home for withdrawals stress and everything negative can also be use: breathing exercises, aromatherapy, film therapy, music therapy, meditation, and withdrawal Both laughter and tears help relieve stress.

Do not forget: work is just a part of life that needs to be spent in joy and harmony with yourself.

Thank you everyone for your work!

Maria Serebryakova
Training for teachers “Relieving emotional stress”

Target training : relieving emotional stress, strengthening psychological health teacher.


relieve muscle tension in training participants, switching attention

Create favorable conditions for productive work on yourself;

Improve the development of personal qualities, stabilizing inner spiritual harmony.

Organization training: group teachers.

Form of conduct training - circle, it is possible to move freely around the office, adopt a comfortable body position during relaxation.

Leading training: senior teacher Serebryakova Maria Yuryevna.

Progress of the training

The profession of a teacher requires great endurance and self-control. From numerous intense contacts with other people teacher experiences great neuropsychic stress, which manifests itself in emotional exhaustion. Teacher is in a situation of extreme emotional stress, which leads to progressive deterioration of health. I believe that teachers modern educational institutions need psychological support and training in techniques relieving emotional stress. This is exactly what we will be doing today.

Imagine that you are standing in front of a door leading into the unknown. Are you tired, irritated, your muscles tense and that’s why your life seems hopeless to you, all situations seem dead-end. All. Another moment - and... And you reach out and open the door. What is this? Before you is a shimmering carpet of stars. You carefully take a step, and a colorful rain falls on you above: thousands of droplet stars touch your face, flow down onto your hands and further down your body - to your feet. You walk forward along the sensory path to a high column, inside of which living bubbles bubble and shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow. And in this whirlwind, colorful fish dart - up, down, up, down...

You can breathe easily and freely, because the air in this magical room filled with soft light is comfortably humid.

You sit down in an ottoman chair with granules and feel how it takes the shape of your body. Quiet, calm music fills you, and from somewhere above you can hear the silver chime of bells. You close your eyes. You well. Anxieties and fears go away, voltage replaced by complete peace. You are relaxed.

Greetings "Let's say hello".

Hello to those who have a birthday this month.

Hello those who had a hearty breakfast this morning.

Hello those who are happy about the salary increase.

Hello those who yearn for the sea and sand.

Hello those who are ready to work in our group.

– My name is Maria, and today I will conduct for you training to relieve emotional stress.

Main part.

Music is playing. Participants training students enter the office, choose a colored strip of paper to determine your mood and well-being. They sit in a circle.

The principle of insufficiency occupies a large place in our lives. We don't have enough time to meet, caress and pay attention to each other. We run all the time, hurry, do not notice each other. Let's stop this running for a moment and talk to each other.

To begin fruitful work, let’s see what mood and well-being you have prevailing.

The psychologist comments on the meaning of the chosen color. Cards "Color Meaning".

Cards "Color Meaning".

Blue color – calmness, contentment, empathy, trust, devotion.

Purple – anxiety, fear, grief.

Green – confidence, perseverance, stubbornness, need for self-affirmation.

Red – aggressiveness, excitement, desire for success, desire to dominate and act to achieve success.

Brown is the color of peace and stability, the need for home comfort.

Yellow – activity, cheerfulness, desire for communication, expectation of happiness.

Gray – anxiety and negative state.

Black – security, secrecy, desire "go to your inner world» .


Relieving emotional stress.

Every person strives for success and well-being. He wants to be loved and respected. But look around, how many people are dissatisfied with the life around them. It was as if a burden of problems hung over them that they were unable to cope with. And as a result, anxiety, fear, a feeling of uncertainty arises, emotional stress.

The ability to control oneself has been a human dream since ancient times. This is the ability to relax or hold back, relieve physical and emotional stress.

Slow music is playing. Group members take a relaxed pose "coachman", close your eyes and listen to the words.

Sit comfortably. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath, hold your breath... Exhale. Breathe calmly. With every breath your body relaxes. You enjoy being at peace.

Imagine that you are sitting on the seashore. The sand surrounding you is completely dry and soft. Look around and you will find that you are all alone on the seashore...

The sun is setting. You feel the warmth of the evening sun...

Take in as much air as you can and feel the salty smell of the sea. The sea air is fresh and slightly humid. You feel completely calm.

Let the waves wash away and carry away your worries and everything that belongs to you annoying.

I am gradually moving away from my worries. I'm completely calm.

Gradually the image of the sea disappears. The image of the sea disappeared.

3-2-1 Open your eyes. Stretch. You are cheerful and full of strength.

We rested and are in a great mood. We want our peace of mind to last as long as possible.

The teaching profession requires skillful use of your voice.

Screaming is a natural, natural and widespread way relieve nervous tension.

But the teacher can and should use the energy of screaming lead in a positive direction.

Before starting sound gymnastics, the presenter talks about the rules

applications: Sound gymnastics is characterized by the following features breathing: inhale through the nose (1-2 s) pause, active exhalation through the mouth (2-4 s, pause.

The inhalation is smooth, silent, uniform, deep. Exhale twice as much as inhale.

Sound exercises should be performed slowly, calmly, without voltage, each sound must be pronounced in a strictly certain way, only then does sound gymnastics give a therapeutic result.

a calm, relaxed state, sitting, with a straight back.

First, we take a deep breath in through our nose, and as we exhale we say loudly and energetically

We hum the following sounds for 30 seconds:

A - has a beneficial effect on the entire body;

E - affects the thyroid gland;

And - affects the brain, eyes, nose, ears;

O - affects the heart, lungs;

U - affects organs located in the abdominal area;

I - affects the functioning of the whole organism;

M - affects the functioning of the whole organism;

X - helps cleanse the body;

HA - helps improve mood.

Withdrawal Both laughter and tears help relieve stress.

American psychologist Don Powell advises “Find a reason to laugh a little every day”. The healing power of laughter is known everyone: laughter improves blood circulation, digestion, laughter helps the brain release endorphins - natural substances that relieve pain. Remember, he who laughs lives long!

Most people admit that after crying, they feel better. Scientists believe that tears cleanse the body of harmful stress products. Do not be afraid

Reflection exercise "Present"

Our training is coming to an end, and I suggest you give each other a gift so that the interaction in it becomes even more effective, and the relationships in it become more united? Let's say what each of us gives to the group. I, For example, I give you optimism and mutual trust.” Next, each participant expresses what he would like to give to the group. “Let’s reward ourselves for a successful swim with applause!”

Final part: "Our training has come to an end. I want to ask you, what new did you learn today? What useful things did you learn for yourself and for the group?

Well, all the gifts have been given, the exercises have been completed, the words have been spoken. You were all active and worked well as a team. Don’t forget that you are a single whole, each of you is an important and necessary, unique part of this whole! Together you are strong! Thank you everyone for participating!”

Skoblyakova Anna Stanislavovna, teacher-psychologist, municipal budgetary educational institution of the Kromsky district of the Oryol region “Cherkassy secondary school”.
Relevance of the topic: The profession of a teacher requires great endurance and self-control. From numerous contacts with other people, he experiences great neuropsychic stress, which manifests itself in strong emotional stress, frequent stress, and “emotional burnout.” Situations of extreme emotional stress lead to a progressive deterioration in the health of teachers, so they need psychological support and training in techniques for relieving emotional and muscle tension.

Date of publication: 07/10/2015

Relevance of the topic

The profession of a teacher requires great endurance and self-control. From numerous contacts with other people, he experiences great neuropsychic stress, which manifests itself in strong emotional stress, frequent stress, and “emotional burnout.” Situations of extreme emotional stress lead to a progressive deterioration in the health of teachers, so they need psychological support and training in techniques for relieving emotional and muscle tension.

Purpose of the training: relieving emotional and muscular tension to strengthen the psychological health of teachers.


Create an atmosphere of emotional freedom, trust in each other, and cooperation in the group;

Introduce training participants to self-regulation techniques;

To teach teachers the skills to combat “emotional burnout syndrome.”

Organization of the training: a group of teachers from 10 to 15 people.

Form of training– circle, free movement around the office is possible.

Duration– 1 hour 30 minutes.

Training session for teachers

“Relieving emotional and muscle tension”

Introductory part

1. Exercise “Compliment in a circle”

Target: mood for activity, development of imagination, group cohesion, cooperation.

Instructions: I will give each of you a piece of paper on which you write your name. As soon as I turn on the music, pass these pieces of paper around. You need to write (give) a compliment to the owner of the leaflet. At the end of the exercise, everyone reads out all the compliments given to him.

Was it difficult to write (give) a compliment?

What is better to give or receive?

How do you feel after doing the exercise?

2. Exercise “Mood Portfolio”

Target: assessing your emotional state at the beginning of the lesson.

Instructions: I have a drawing of a briefcase in my hands. We need to fill it with your mood. I suggest choosing the color that matches your current state of health and attaching it to the drawing.

Main part

Every person should be able to relax, especially people in your profession. You are characterized by pedagogical “burnout”, strong emotional tension, and stress. Using basic exercises that do not require a lot of time will help maintain and strengthen psychological and physical health.

3. Exercise “Self-massage”

Target: development of self-massage skills.

Instructions: Even during a busy day, you can always find time to relax. You can lightly massage certain points on your body. Don't press too hard, you can close your eyes. Here are some of these points:

· interbrow area: rub this area with slow circular movements;

back of the neck: gently squeeze several times with one hand;

· jaw: rub on both sides where the back teeth end;

· shoulders: massage the upper part of the shoulders with all five fingers;

· Feet: If you are tired of walking, rest a little and rub your aching feet before moving on.

4. Exercise “Breathing on a count of 7-11”


Instructions: Breathe very slowly and deeply, so that the entire breathing cycle takes about 20 seconds. You may feel difficult at first. But don't strain yourself. Count to 7 as you inhale and to 11 as you exhale.

5. Exercise “Hands”.

Target: relieving tension and fatigue.

Instructions: You have finished your lesson and have a few minutes of free time, take this time for yourself.

Sit on a chair with your legs slightly extended and your arms hanging down. Try to imagine that the energy of fatigue “flows” from the hands to the ground - it flows from the head to the shoulders, flows over the forearms, reaches the elbows, rushes to the hands and seeps down through the fingertips into the ground. You clearly physically feel the warm weight sliding over your hands. Sit like this for one or two minutes, and then lightly shake your hands, finally getting rid of your fatigue. Stand up easily, springily, smile, walk around the class.

Exercise relieves fatigue, helps to establish mental equilibrium and balance.

6. Exercise “Float in the ocean”

Target: relaxation, relieving emotional stress and fatigue.

Instructions: Close your eyes and imagine that you are a small float in a huge ocean. You have no goal, compass, map, rudder, oars. You move where the wind and ocean waves take you. A large wave may cover you for a while, but you again emerge to the surface. Try to feel these dives and surfaces. Feel the movement of the wave, the warmth of the sun, the raindrops, the cushion of water supporting you from below. What other sensations arise when you imagine yourself as a small float in a big ocean?

7. Exercise “Shake It Off”

Target: relieving mental stress and fatigue.

Instructions: I want to show you how you can easily and simply put yourself in order and get rid of unpleasant feelings. Sometimes we carry large and small burdens within us, which takes a lot of our strength. For example, one of you may have the thought: “I didn’t succeed again. I won’t be able to prepare the work well.” Someone sets themselves up for the fact that they won’t do a good job and will make a lot of mistakes. And someone may say to themselves: “I’m not as smart as others. Why should I try in vain?

Stand so that you have enough space. And start brushing off your palms, elbows and shoulders. At the same time, imagine how everything unpleasant - bad feelings, heavy worries and bad thoughts about yourself - flies off you like water off a duck. Then brush your feet from toe to hip. And then shake your head.

It will be even more useful if you make some sounds while doing this....

Now shake off your face and listen to how funny your voice changes when your mouth shakes. Imagine that all the unpleasant burden falls off from you and you become more cheerful and cheerful, as if you were born again.

How do you feel after doing the exercise?

8. Exercise “Head”.

Target: relieving neuropsychic tension.

Instructions: Stand straight with your shoulders back and your head thrown back. Try to feel in which part of the head the feeling of heaviness is localized. Imagine that you are wearing a bulky headdress that puts pressure on your head in the place where you feel heaviness. Mentally remove the headdress with your hand and expressively and emotionally throw it to the floor. Shake your head, straighten the hair on your head with your hand, and then throw your hands down, as if getting rid of a headache.

9. Exercise “Goodbye tension!”

Target: teach how to relieve tension in an acceptable way.

Instructions: Now we will compete. Take a sheet of newspaper, crumple it up and put all your stress into it. Throw it away.

How are you feeling?

Have you let go of your tension?

Feelings before and after exercise?

10. Exercise “I am in the rays of the sun”

Target: teach techniques for increasing self-esteem.

Instructions: On a piece of paper, draw a sun with a circle in the middle and many rays. Write your name in the circle. Next to each ray, write something good about yourself. The task is to remember as many good things as possible.

Carry the sun with you or store it in a certain place. Sometimes add rays. And if it becomes especially difficult and it seems that you are not capable of anything, take it out and look at it, remember all the good things that are written on your sun.

Final part

11. Exercise “Mood Portfolio”

Target: assessment of your emotional state at the end of the lesson.

Instructions: I am holding a briefcase in my hands. As at the beginning of the lesson, it must be filled with your mood, which is typical at the moment. Choose a color that is attractive to you and glue it to the drawing of the briefcase.

12. Exercise “See you next time!”

Target: receiving feedback from group members, developing trust and mutual understanding.

Instructions: I have a wonderful sun in my hands. It radiates light, warmth, joy, happiness of today. I suggest you pass it on to each other and share your impressions of the lesson, and give your wishes to the group members.


What did today's lesson give you? What new did you learn? What will you use in later life?

Final word from the educational psychologist: Our lesson has come to an end. Thanks for the work! See you again!


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3. Moreva N. A. Training of pedagogical communication. Practical guide. M. 2009.- 78 p.

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