Interpretation of the name Arina. Meaning of a girl's name

Arina is a name derived from “Irina”. Translated it means “peace, peaceful, peace-loving.” The name enables its owner to become a real peacemaker in human groups. Since Arina’s inner world is often closed to others, she cannot always be “read”.

Arina is not a frequently used name. The original sound is more common. One changed letter has great importance in karma. If the Irinas are contradictory and selfish ladies, then Arina is rather a sweet and tremulous creature.

Arina - character traits

Since childhood, Arina has shown a desire to make independent decisions. She is reasonable and prudent. She is not characterized by actions that fall into the “head over heels” category. She knows how to count and calculate possible options, which has a beneficial effect on building relationships.

Arina - good teacher. Thanks to the rich inner world, she is able to lead, but gently, without pressure and violence. Arina is a wise and calm person.

Babies - Arishek so want to cuddle and pat his cheeks. They will not resist, because sociability is one of the main traits of their character.

An adult Arina will never marry recklessly. She values ​​inner balance very highly, so she will choose her companion with special care.

Arina - name compatibility

For Arina, marriage and family come first. And she puts this goal above others life values. Therefore, searching for a satellite will take leading place in the life of a growing girl. She won't marry just anyone. But the search may take a long time. And if she doesn’t meet the man she dreams of in her dreams, then there’s a great chance she’ll stay old maid. But this does not happen often, because men also realize that they cannot find a better mother and wife than Arina.

The most successful marriage would be with Arkady, Igor, Vladimir, Boris. But Oleg, Valentin, Vyacheslav, Anatoly will not make her happy. But even in the event of an unsuccessful marriage, Arina will tolerate her companion and will not leave him.

Arina - famous people who bore this name

Arina Sharapova is a popular TV presenter.

Arina Kirsanova is a dancer, actress, and creative personality.

Arina Makhova is a TV presenter on a music channel.

Arina Rodionovna – nanny of Pushkin A.S.

Arina - interesting facts about the name

Arina Rodionovna is the favorite nanny of the great Russian poet. He often mentioned her in his poems. He addressed her as to the best friend. She was a wonderful storyteller. Based on fairy tales that Pushkin heard from his nanny in childhood, he created his poetic works.

The meaning of the name Arina for a girl, girl and woman. What does the name mean today, what is its origin? Full analysis character, compatibility and fate of the name Arina, read in this article!

Full name: Arina

Meaning: feminine derivative of Christian, derived from the Latin name Christianus - "Christian"

Similar names: Aryn, Irina, Erina, Yarina, Irinya, Irena, Irena, Irene, Irene, Orina, Irinia

Church name: Irina

What does the name Arina mean?

Linguists do not agree on the etymology of the name Arina. Some are sure that it has Greek roots, others claim that it is Slavic. In both interpretations, the translation of the name agrees - it is “peace” and “peacefulness”.

There are scientists who claim that the name Arina comes from Irina. If you trace the fate of the owners of these two names, their life paths, habits and character traits, you will notice that there is a significant difference between them. There is no shortened version of the name. Parents call their daughter Arinochka or Arisha.

The name Arina in different languages ​​of the world

In Arabic: ارينا

In Armenian: Արինա

In Belarusian: Aryn

In Greek: Αρίνα

In Georgian: არინა

In Spanish: Arina

In Italian: Arina

In Chinese: 阿麗娜

In Serbian: Arina

In French: Arina

In Ukrainian: Arina

In Japanese: アリナ

Characteristics and astrology of the name Arina

Favorable day: Friday

Zodiac sign: Virgo

Patron Planet: Venus

Talisman stone: opal

Pink colour

Plant: lily of the valley

Animal: roe deer

What does the name Arina mean for a girl, girl and woman?

As a girl, Arina is serious and reasonable beyond her years. Many people are very surprised by such qualities. For example, she cares about whether her mother paid for kindergarten on time, whether she had time to cook dinner before her father’s arrival, or whether she ironed her older brothers’ shirts before school.

Arina is capricious and stubborn; she will insist on her opinion or desire to the last. The girl really enjoys studying at school. She easily comprehends any discipline. She especially likes " the world" (V primary school) and “geography” (at the middle level).

Arina easily fulfills all the requirements that teachers place on her. Despite the fact that the girl is surrounded by loving and caring parents and relatives who want to help her, the girl is used to doing everything herself and relying only on her own strength. She does not ask for help and support even when she understands that she cannot do without adults.

As a girl, Arina acquires wisdom and prudence. He no longer considers it shameful to ask his parents for help in any matter. She herself is not averse to helping those who need her. Interesting opposite sex, has many friends who consider her opinion authoritative.

Arina loves animals very much. If her parents do not allow her to have a pet, she goes to a shelter and works there on a voluntary basis, just to be closer to the animals. The girl considers this quality to be very useful and necessary for life. He often picks up stray animals and looks for new owners for them.

Arina is modest in public, but when surrounded by loved ones she does not try to restrain her emotions. If a girl is not in the mood, she can be rude and provoke a quarrel. With this behavior she alienates many of her peers. But he can’t help himself in moments of anger and frustration. Parents are not always prepared for such outbursts and do not know how to react correctly.

As a woman, Arina is sensible and wise. All her actions have a specific purpose and are deliberate. The woman is unhurried and calm, from the outside she seems slow and indecisive. But that's her nature. She is not in a hurry; she considers the possible consequences before making a decision.

Arina's clothing style is feminine and charming. Rarely wears jeans and trouser suits, because he prefers dresses and skirts to them. And in her old age, she especially does not allow herself to wear clothes similar to men’s. The opposite sex appreciates her wardrobe; men like the image that she creates with her clothing style.

The older Arina gets, the more attractive she becomes to men. Her magnetism grows over the years. If problems arise on the personal front, she does not share them even with her close friends. She implements the goals and objectives set by her independently. If he experiences mental trauma or serious offense, he withdraws into himself and does not communicate with anyone.

The character and fate of the name Arina

  • passion
  • honesty
  • goodwill

Kindness is key positive quality Arina. A sense of justice is also inherent in the girl. She never lies herself and does not like it when people deceive her. This is a purposeful woman who is envied by many because she achieves her goals.

It’s in Arina’s blood to run to the aid of her friends as soon as they need her help. Such self-sacrifice is appreciated by them. And in a difficult situation for a girl, they rush to her aid. Close people say that it’s not scary to go on reconnaissance missions with her. She doesn’t leave you in trouble, doesn’t let you down, doesn’t set you up. If she called someone her friend, then he is one for her.

  • cynicism
  • rancor
  • aggressiveness

Excessive openness and sincerity do not always have a good effect on Arina’s life. Because these qualities of hers are often used by people who want to harm the girl. The insults caused to her give her the strength to come up with a plan for revenge. The stronger the resentment, the more insidious the plan.

Arina does not understand black humor, and when she hears some kind of ridicule addressed to her, her defensive “hedgehog” reaction is triggered - she pretends that she does not hear anything and does not see anyone. If such a defensive strategy does not help, then she attacks the offender, screaming that it is not worth joking with such an image with her. Such violent attacks happen to her often.

Arina's fate

Arina builds her own life. He comes to all important decisions independently. Never doubts what he does. When she feels some uncertainty, she can ask her parents for advice, but this rarely happens. She is confident in her abilities and persistent in her actions. She cannot stand still and constantly moves forward, achieving in turn all the tasks she has set for herself.

Arina has a difficult fate. But the woman never complains or cries. She steadfastly carries her cross, without showing how heavy it is for her. Life's difficulties cannot break her; on the contrary, they give her additional strength. From the outside it seems that someone always helps her, but in fact, she achieves everything on her own.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Arina does not strive to climb career ladder. She doesn't think it's necessary. The girl is also indifferent to the idea of ​​starting her own business, because she does not like to lead and command. She is more accustomed to carrying out orders from management herself and doing this with all the responsibility inherent in her.

Arina can come up with the perfect business plan, calculating all the pros and cons, investments and costs, but she will not dare to implement it. For her, money is just a necessary means to meet her own needs. She does not set herself the goal of earning more and more every year.

Arina does not crave a promotion and does not want to be in any way singled out from other employees. If a woman achieves some success in her profession, like, for example, Arina Martynova (two-time Russian champion in single figure skating), she remains modest and never brags about her victories, because she knows that any person, with desire and perseverance, can achieve the same, or even more, than her.

Marriage and family

In marriage, it is Arina who takes on the function of preserving love, tenderness and romance. The husband is indifferent in this regard; only the material side of life is important to him. And he trusts his wife with everything that concerns feelings. She is a wise wife and caring mother who knows how to show love.

Arina has been thinking about the issue of adoption since her youth. Having gotten married and given birth to children, she still does not give up the dream of an adopted child. And if her husband supports her in this, he can make more than one child from the orphanage happy. The number of adopted children can exceed three or even five, which does not inspire approval and understanding among all relatives.

The possibility that the marriage with Arina will be upset is minimal. Because a woman firmly believes in the institution of marriage and does everything possible to ensure that her family is prosperous and joyful. A woman will never agree to even temporarily separate from her husband if some serious quarrel arises. A breakup is only possible if she becomes a widow.

Sex and love

Arina, like no one else, plunges headlong into a storm of emotions and passions. Her head is literally spinning from passionate romances and fleeting affairs. But a girl doesn’t experience this feeling for long if she doesn’t really love. In relationships with the opposite sex main role does not focus on sex, but on the feelings and emotions that she experiences next to a man.

She does not move on to intimate relationships right away - the ladies' man will not be able to charm her. She is looking for a man as a partner who can charm her with his manners and attitude towards her, and only then will show what kind of lover he is. Never takes the first step, considering it a man's responsibility.

Arina developed her formula for true love - to be an inaccessible and mysterious woman. If she was raised in a conservative family, she protects herself until she officially gets married. This decision does not find approval from those around her, who consider her old-fashioned.


As a child, Arina is overly active, so the risk of injury is high - she will often have to put a cast on her arm or leg. This also happens because the girl is interested in roller skating, cycling and figure skating. It is impossible to prohibit her from doing this; it is only necessary to control such leisure time.

There are no injuries in youth, because the girl has no time active rest- Studying at a university takes up all my time. Sometimes there may be feelings and nervous disorders associated with educational process, but there are no negative consequences. The girl eats right and sleeps peacefully.

Having matured, Arina may suffer from pain in the digestive organs, heart and lungs. But timely diagnosis will help doctors make the correct diagnosis and help the woman cope with the identified illness. Any disease will be recognized and eliminated at the initial stage. Even in old age, a woman will take responsibility for her health.

Interests and hobbies

From her youth, Arina can be interested in medicine, pedagogy, economics and journalism. She loves activities in which she does not need to make lightning-fast decisions. Prefers monotonous work that requires perseverance and utmost attention.

The woman is also interested in various types of needlework. Her hobby could be knitting or embroidery. If Arina can’t do this, then she tries herself in cooking - she tries to cook something extraordinary. He may get carried away with baking cakes and pastries, perhaps preparing them to order.

Arina loves children, so she can work as a nanny in her youth - picking up a child from school, playing with him, helping with school homework. If necessary, she can become a caregiver for an elderly man or woman. And she does this not for money, but simply because such an activity brings her satisfaction and lifts her spirits.

Compatibility of the name Arina with male names

Arina’s relationships promise to be strong and long-lasting with those men whose names are Alexey, Maxim, Oleg, Rostislav, Taras and Yuri. The romance will be dizzying and desperate, but there will be no talk of legal marriage. Partners will be satisfied with the “chemistry” that occurs between them.

Arina should seriously think about marriage when meeting men whose names are Arthur, Moses, Peter, Samuel, Julian and Ian. They will be able to give a woman the tenderness and romance that her soul so craves. And they will support her in her desire to adopt children from the orphanage.

As for Valery, Vladimir, Yegor, Irakli, Kondrat and Eldar, Arina should not make any plans about them. Because these men are only ready for short-term relationships that do not oblige them to anything. Sexually, they will not be able to give a woman the pleasure she expects from them.

Arina should not connect her life with men whose names are Vasily, Evgeniy, Ivan, Karp and Pavel. They will disappoint a woman and hurt her mental wound, after which she will not soon be able to trust a man again. But in terms of cooperation at work, they will be able to make a good match for a woman, the main thing is not to flirt with them and not agree to love affair at work. Then friendship and pleasant communication are possible.

The rare name Arina has several versions of its origin:

  • The Old Russian pronunciation of the name Irina means “peace”, “calmness”. Formed on behalf of the ancient Greek celestial goddess of peaceful life, Eirene;
  • Modified form Old Slavonic name Yarina, which appeared on behalf of the main sun god of all Slavs - Yarilo;
  • The roots of the name go back to the Hebrew language. It comes from the masculine form of the name Aaron, which means “high,” “blessed.”

Interesting! In Rus', daughters of ordinary peasants were called Arins, but representatives of the noble classes were called Irins.

One of the most famous Arin in Russian culture is the nanny famous poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Many of the poet’s poems were addressed to Arina Rodionovna. Pushkin grew up listening to the fascinating stories of this woman; many of Arina Rodionovna’s stories were recounted by the poet.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Arina

The fate of the owner sonorous name filled with bright events, exciting work, interesting travels and a rich personal life.

Arina real girl, full of femininity, charm and charm. But Arisha’s inner world is covered with a veil of mystery for others.

The signature feature of the name is responsibility. Arisha does not deviate from the planned plan of action, she works calmly and without stress. Quietly, the girl achieves her goals.

The characteristics of the name show that Arina is reasonable, she has excellent control over her own feelings. Arya does not follow spontaneous emotions; she first thinks about the consequences. A prudent girl carefully thinks through her actions and decisions.

But, if someone manages to anger Arina, then her anger affects everyone, even people not involved in the conflict. And Arya will declare a cold war on her offender.

Arina is an excellent psychologist, she can find the key for each person, listen carefully and support him. She sincerely worries if loved ones have troubles in their lives.

Character traits of the name Arina

Arina is a girl with a secretive and cunning character. On the one hand, it seems that she is a simple and naive girl, but this does not correspond to Arina’s inner world. She is serious and reasonable, and will not cry over a soap opera or focus only on appearance. Her developed intuition and skills as a psychologist give her the ability to instantly grasp the essence of the situation.

He chooses as girlfriends those girls with whom he can communicate on different topics without whims and maneuverability. They do not participate in intrigues, and do not tolerate flattery addressed to them. Arina is a straightforward person and surrounds herself with people with similar views on life. She knows the value of herself and her close circle.

People strive to win Arisha's favor, as it is easy and pleasant to communicate with her. She is a tactful, friendly and friendly person. But in the dialogue he adheres to his own opinion, and it is almost impossible to win her over to your side.

There is no snobbery or arrogance in Arinochka; she will not put her own interests above the interests of loved ones.

Positive character traits:

  • Practicality;
  • Responsibility;
  • Hardness;
  • Activity;
  • Goodwill;
  • Hard work;

Negative character traits:

  • Stealth;
  • Strictness;
  • Cunning;
  • Categorical;

Arina is a self-confident girl; she will stand by her rightness to the end and argue until the bitter end. Sometimes such disputes lead to conflicts. And Arisha is rarely the first to reconcile.

Arya can be indecisive and cowardly, so some great opportunities misses.

Arina's family and love relationships

From a young age, Arina was very amorous. The girl is in an eternal search for the ideal partner. But at the same time, he approaches relationships rationally. She doesn't look at a man through pink glasses, insincerity in relationships quickly cools her feelings.

Even if a whole drama has played out in her soul, Arina will not show her emotions to her young man. Since he is afraid to express his feelings, he is often disappointed in relationships.

Arisha enjoys light flirting and beautiful courtship. Young people fall in love with a girl because of her simple character and natural charm.

She marries the man who truly loves her. Arya gives the role of leader in family relationships to her husband, completely relying on him to resolve serious issues. She herself is busy strengthening the family foundation.

She becomes a devoted wife for her chosen one, but also demands mutual fidelity and openness from her husband. Arina is a possessive and very jealous wife.

She proves herself to be an excellent housewife; household chores do not bother her at all. She likes to create beauty and comfort in the family nest.

Close people know Arina as a hospitable hostess who is always happy to have guests.

Arisha is a caring mother who disappears into her children; this is her little universe. She happily educates them and pays great attention to their diversified development and education. The spouse is also expected to participate in the upbringing and life of the children.

Choice of profession, business, Arina’s career

At work, Arina is respected by her colleagues and superiors. The girl is diplomatic and competently builds relationships with partners.

Arina is a workaholic; she tries to complete any work and only then rest.

He does not strive to take the position of a boss, since he does not like to manage a team and be a leader, but he will not be a gray mouse either. For Arina, the approval of her activities by other people is important; it inspires her to further development and improvement.

She's in her spirit creative activity. Arina has a sense of style and good taste, so she can try herself as a beauty master, certified designer or fashion designer.

Arisha has drawing skills and loves photography. With the development of talent, this hobby can be converted into income.

Thanks to his high communication skills, he can realize himself in the political sphere. Arina can become a brilliant journalist, PR specialist or teacher.

Arina's health

Arina is very careless about her health. Go to the doctor only as a last resort. She is fixated on family life, creative and work development, but not on concerns about her own well-being.

The girl has a weak immune system and is prone to colds. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract, metabolism. Arina should not be abused strict diets, as there is a tendency to gain weight. IN mature age Possible joint problems.

Arya belongs to people with weak nervous system, so you shouldn’t expose yourself to unnecessary stress.

Name Arina for a child

From an early age, the girl is independent. Her favorite phrase is “I myself”!

For example, Arisha, without adults, decides to attend music lessons or go to a theater group. But before making any decision, he weighs the pros and cons.

The girl is friendly and kind to others, and her parents can’t stop looking at their daughter. Arina happily helps her mother take care of her younger brothers and sisters. In addition, obedient and affectionate Arisha easily takes on some of the household chores, relieving her mother of her workload.

She grows up as an active and mischievous child, but her pranks are kind and childishly funny.

Peers want to communicate with a positive girl. Little Arisha does not open up to everyone, as she is a bit reserved by nature and keeps her thoughts to herself. This quality does not prevent her from making good friends and maintaining good relationships. Arina has had a couple of loyal friends since childhood, with whom she maintains contact throughout her life.

Arina loves to play sports and dance. These activities fit perfectly into her active image life. In his youth, he attends special sports sections and often achieves good results there.

Arinochka is a creative person. Often the owners of this name are endowed with good vocal abilities.

For all her mobility, Arina can be diligent when she is doing something exciting. Her favorite hobbies are knitting, embroidery, sewing.

The girl strives for knowledge and is always among the excellent students at school. She has an excellent memory, remembers any information quickly and for a long time. In the future, her perseverance in her studies will transfer to higher education and self-development in the working sphere.

Most often, Arina looks like her father, but takes her character from her mother.

Active Kind Hardworking

Arina Sharapova, famous TV presenter

  • Meaning of the name
  • Impact on the child

Origin of name: Greek

When you're lucky: Saturday

When there are problems: environment

Important years of life: 43, 56

Zodiac sign: Leo

Lucky number: 36

What does the name Arina mean?

Arina – ancient, rare and beautiful name. It has quickly gained popularity among girls' names in recent years. The meaning of the name Arina suggests the balance and independence of its bearers.

She has a sensitive and subtle nature. A girl is able to sense the feelings and mood of her interlocutor, and often puts herself in his place. She uses her peculiarity for her own benefit.

The girl is famous for her tranquility and calm attitude towards others. In her close circle there are only reliable friends, and her enemies are life path are rare. It is pleasant to communicate with these girls, they are sociable.

The following patronymics go well with the name Arina: Alexandrovna, Artemovna, Alekseevna, Valentinovna, Andreevna, Vladimirovna, Dmitrievna, Sergeevna, Eduardovna or Yuryevna.

Arina Evgenievna loves to be in the center of attention and loves noisy companies. The owner of the patronymic Andreevna is distinguished by her friendliness towards others and high sociability. Arina Alekseevna is endowed with a practical mindset and is distinguished by her calmness, while Dmitrievna has a strong character and likes to impose her views.

Would you name your child this name?
Not really

This name is of Greek origin. It was widespread in the society of the ancient Greek nobility. But now, in modern world, is rarely used in speech.

Finding out what the name Arina means, scientists have proposed several versions of its origin.

Most researchers claim that this name is a derivative form of addressing Irina. Translated, the word “Irina” means “peace”, “calmness”. In Greek myths, there is a goddess of peace, Eirene, whose name was later transformed into the words “Arina” and “Irina”. History remembers interesting fact, that in the 18th century, Arins were the name given to the daughters of merchants and peasants, and Irins, the daughters of nobles.

Arguing what the name Arina means, we can conclude that it comes from the Old Slavic name Yarina, derived from the supreme god of the Slavs - Yaril.

According to another version, the name appeared in Rus' from the Jews initially in the form of the name Aaron, which then underwent a sound transformation. The word “Aaron” translated means “highest”, “enlightened”.

The origin of the name Arina recalls her celebrities of the same name: Arina Rodionovna - nanny A.S. Pushkin, Sharapova - TV presenter, Kirsanova - actress, Makhova - TV presenter.

Forms of the name Full: Arina Affectionate: Arisha Short: Arya Old: Arina

From an early age, Arisha stands out among her peers for her independence. She makes her own decisions about what to visit music school or enroll in a theater studio. The girl learns to sew and knit on her own. She probably inherited this character trait from her mother, and her external characteristics from her father.

As an adult, an active girl plunges headlong into her career, where she can achieve excellent results.

Her organizational skills make her an excellent leader.

The characterization of the name Arina states that its bearer is ideally suited for teaching and educational work. This woman is able to lead people without pressure or coercion, captivating them with her enthusiasm, activity and rich inner world.

At work, she proves herself to be an active, reliable and responsible employee.

Arina does not trust anyone with her job responsibilities, she tries to do everything on her own, relying only on her own strength, her hard work, perseverance and practicality. Before doing anything, he first calculates everything and thinks it over carefully, and then only moves towards his goal.

The financial side of Arina’s life is going well. Receiving income is usually associated not with running your own business, but with receiving an inheritance or expensive gifts.

She likes to receive guests in a cozy home environment.

Arina is characterized by practicality, prudence, determination and hard work - these character qualities distinguish her from other women.

Throughout her life's journey, she will be distinguished by such traits as goodwill, responsiveness and perseverance. Arina knows exactly what she wants and always achieves her goals.

A distinctive feature of this name is independence and responsibility.

The secret of the name Arina provides us with a description of its representative, who has a secretive, somewhat cunning character. From the outside, the image of a simple, trusting and naive girl emerges, which in reality does not correspond to Arina’s real inner world. She has amazing intuition and is able to quickly sense the hidden essence of any matter.

Communicating with Arina is easy and pleasant. With others, the representative of the name is friendly, courteous and tactful. In conversations she adheres to own views. If you try to win her over to your side, you won't succeed.

This woman is a subtle psychologist at heart, has an excellent understanding of people, knows how to compromise conflict situations, it is difficult to deceive her. She is reasonable, calculating and prudent. She does not tend to commit spontaneous, rash acts.

Character Traits Firmness Activity Cheerfulness Good naturedness Hard work Excessive severity Secrecy Cunning Callousness Aggressiveness

In amorous affairs, Arina is indecisive and somewhat timid. This girl is cold to gentlemen, does not express her feelings, long time keeps them at a distance. Despite this, she is popular with men.

Good and bad couples Alexander Dmitry Evgeny Victor Mikhail Denis Alexey Vladlen Nikolay Anatoly

In Arina’s characterization you can find out that the main place in this girl’s life is occupied by family relationships. If, being married, she finds herself in a world of comfort, warmth, care and support from her husband, then the girl will become a wonderful wife, a faithful friend and a good housewife. She transfers leadership in the family to her husband. She can forgive her husband a lot, but not betrayal. She experiences this situation painfully and immediately decisively ends all relationships.

The meaning of the name Arina for a girl

The girl's name Arina came to us from Ancient Greece and means “peace” and “tranquility.” It is very tender and affectionate, which is why in recent years it has become increasingly popular in our country.

When choosing a name for a girl, parents choose Arina, since the meaning of the name implies that their daughter will be interesting to communicate with her peers. Baby Arishka always wants to hug, caress and tug her cheeks. The child will always calmly accept your attention, since the main qualities of her character are: sociability and calmness.

The character of the name Arina endows her charming babies with independence, practicality, determination, hard work and prudence.

From an early age, Arisha demonstrates her independence to her family and others. She chooses what to do, what clubs to attend, who to be friends with. But this does not change the fact that the girl is diligent and attentive.

In most cases, the child adores the father. Arisha always tries to spend her leisure time with him. When guests arrive, she behaves modestly and quietly, minding her own business. If she is asked to sing or dance, then she is “lost” and cannot show her talents to the guests.

What will Arina achieve success in? Studying at school is interesting and easy for her. She shows her talents in drawing, music, and dance classes. The only obstacle to excellent study will be laziness. Arisha will enjoy authority in the company of her classmates. She will find mutual language with both boys and girls. The girl was born to become a leader. But she does not seek to achieve unquestioning obedience from others. The best professions for this child are: fashion designer, hairdresser, designer, nurse, teacher, manager, educator, leader and others.

According to the meaning of the name, Arina’s parents are obliged to try and find the right approach to their daughter. This is really important. Otherwise, she will move away from mom and dad, stop trusting them and stop listening to them. In the process of raising this girl, do not skimp on praise and recognition. If the child feels supported, then he will strive to achieve his goal.

What games will Arina like? Arina loves to sew, draw and knit. Already as a child, she shows herself to be an excellent housewife: she will help her mother, prepare a delicious dinner, and show a master class in handicrafts. She is attracted to Hollywood movies. She enjoys reading detective stories. And in general, the girl is interested in literature. Arina also plays sports, she especially likes swimming.

When is the name day?

April 29, 18, May 26, October 1 © Author: Alexey Krivenky. Photo:

What does the name Arina mean?

When you hear the name Arina, you imagine a self-confident, cheerful, independent woman. This is actually true. Arinas often simply radiate some kind of inner calm. No wonder the name Arina is translated from Greek as “rest”, “peace”.

Origin of the name Arina:

It is believed that the name Arina came into Russian-speaking culture from the common Old Russian pronunciation of the name Irina. This is due to the special habits of pronunciation of letters among peasants. In a privileged society, the name was pronounced correctly, so children were not called Arin.

There is a second version of the origin of the name, which says that the name Arina is a form of the Slavic name Yarina, which arose from the name of the main Slavic god- Yarily.

The third version says that the name Arina is a form of masculine Jewish name Aaron, which means “mountain”, “teacher”, “high”, “enlightened”.

According to the fourth version, this is the name of the Thracian goddess of sunlight.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Arina:

Even as a child, Arina’s favorite phrase would be “I am myself!” She tries to make any decisions on her own. Before committing any action, Rina will think and weigh everything several times. The girl grows up a little withdrawn, slow, “on her own mind.” A girl with this name usually looks like her father, but takes her character from her mother. She has excellent intuition and remembers any information almost instantly.

At school she easily gets high scores, the girl generally loves to study. Arina - creative person, - has excellent taste. She brings great pleasure to her passion for drawing, knitting and sewing. She likes to play sports. In her youth, Arina usually attends some kind of sports section. The girl is very sociable; her circle of friends includes both girls and boys. In addition to needlework and sports, Rina strives to learn several foreign languages ​​and loves photography. In the future, she may receive several different specialties.

A girl with that name will not allow anyone to impose any opinion on her. In skirmishes and scandals he shows excellent self-control. She always knows what she needs. Having set a goal, he thoroughly prepares to achieve it. At work, Arina is most often appreciated by both colleagues and superiors. Being a good psychologist from birth, she very clearly senses the mood of her interlocutor, so she can find a common language with everyone. Arina is a workaholic, she tries to complete any work, and is always focused on the task. If you praise her periodically, the quality of her work will be many times higher.

Arina is a good leader - her subordinates will respect her and listen to her and her wishes. In addition, he is a very correct person. She will never attack a subordinate in public with accusations; she prefers to discuss all comments face-to-face. Successful career can do by working as a designer, musician, artist, fashion designer.

In relationships with men, Arina is very indecisive. Falls in love often, but cannot fully or is afraid to express his feelings. Most often, she herself does not realize this. Being carried away by a man, he does not lose the ability to think soberly.

Arina usually has many fans. Gets married early. In marriage she proves herself to be an excellent housewife, hospitable and cordial, and a devoted wife. She likes to put things in order and create comfort in her home. She demands fidelity from her husband and is very jealous. Arina's chosen one should become the leader in the family. She is a very loving mother, ready to do anything for the well-being of her children.

U Arin, born in winter, relationships with parents are not easy.

In Orthodoxy, there are several saints with the name Arina. This is the wife of St. George - the righteous Arina, the blessed Queen Arina and the Venerable Arina of Cappadocia.

Abbreviations for the name Arina, such as Ira, Rina, Rena, over time, came into use as independent names.

In Russia, the name Arina gained popular love, thanks to Arina Rodionovna, the nanny of the poet Pushkin.

Name Arina on different languages:

  • Name Arina in English: Irene (Irene) /li>
  • Name Arina in Chinese: 阿林娜(Alinna)
  • Arina's name in Japanese: アリナ(Arina)
  • Name Arina in Spanish: Irene (Irene), Irenita (Irenita)
  • Name Arina in German: Irene (Irene, Irene)
  • Name Arina in Polish: Irena (Irena), Irenka (Irenka), Ircia (Irtsya)
  • Name Arina in Ukrainian: Irina, Yarina

Forms and variations of the name Arina: Yarina, Irena, Irene, Irinia, Irene, Orina, Arisha, Aryn, Irina, Irusha, Irinka, Rena, Arisya, Arka, Irinya, Irena, Erina, Arya, Arinka, Aryukha, Irunya, Irusya, Rina, Irisha, Aryusha, Ira, Arisha, Rinka, Arinya, Arishka

Color of the name Arina: pale blue

Arina's flower:: lily of the valley

Arina's stone: opal

Nicky for the name Arina: ARINA, Rina, Smile, Rene, Rodionovna, Ara, Irene, Arch, Arka, Yarilo, Sun, Clear Sun

Let's call the girl Arina. Name, meaning and secrets of fate

Arisha is a sweet and obedient girl. She is a lovely child. Mom and Dad couldn't be happier looking at her. If you decide to give your baby this feminine name, know that you are on the right track. Her fate will be very interesting, and her life will be happy.

Little Arisha

A girl was born into the family, and her parents named her Arina. The meaning of this female name translated from Greek it means “peace-loving”, “peaceful”. And indeed, the girl is growing up very calm, friendly and non-conflict. She cannot stand shouting and quarrels. If Arisha’s mother scolds her for something, the girl gets very upset and worried. She will definitely try to improve and won’t do any more mischief. It’s somehow strange, because all children love to play pranks. But she, knowing that she could upset mommy, would not do anything for which she could be scolded. Arina is a name whose meaning completely coincides with the character of the owner. She loves to make friends. All the girls in her yard are friends with whom she enjoys playing and sharing secrets and thoughts. It should be said that the girl’s health is poor. She often gets sick and catches colds.

Arina at school

Talking about her school years, it should be noted how diligent Arina is. The name and its meaning suggest that the girl is very capable. She easily grasps and understands everything that teachers say in class. She doesn’t need to repeat anything at home or train at all. Arina learned and remembered everything at school. She has a phenomenal auditory memory. By the way, parents need to develop it and work with the girl more often: learn poems, retell stories. We also note that she has a rich imagination. If Arisha learns to express her thoughts and formulate sentences beautifully, then in the future she may become a writer or journalist. Arina is doing well in high school, but laziness is starting to creep in. It is important not to miss the moment when a girl, having fallen in love, stops studying. Her first love will end in disappointment. It is important that Arina not be disappointed in her feelings. The name (its meaning) says that peaceful relationships are important for a girl. And deception and betrayal can painfully wound her refined nature.

Adult woman

Let's discuss how mature Arina is. The secret of her name has been revealed. Let's lift the curtains and find out what the fate of an adult woman will be. And as she grows up, she will become a prominent woman. Arina is beautiful, smart, sophisticated and interesting. It’s nice to be in company with her and have small talk. This woman is brilliant, always dressed accordingly latest fashion, with hair and makeup. Many men would like to be next to her and win the girl’s heart. But Arina doesn’t look at anyone. More precisely, she takes a closer look and very carefully chooses who to give her hand to. And it should be said that Arina is a name whose meaning suggests that its owner will marry very successfully. Her husband will fall in love with her at first sight. And in the future he will do everything to make his beloved the happiest on the entire globe. Arina was created for family and home, she is not a careerist. She will give all her love and tenderness to her children and husband. My relationship with my mother-in-law is complicated. The husband's mother will be jealous of her son and try to make her daughter-in-law look bad. But nothing will ruin family relationships, Arina will not allow this. The name, the meaning of which we revealed in the article, is, as you can see, not simple.

So, about life...

I would like to say that Arina will live a happy life. Her husband will love her all his life, the children will grow up to be well-mannered and good people, and the grandchildren will delight Grandma Arina with their achievements every day. She will take an active part in raising her descendants. And the grandchildren will have a lot of fun with her. They will proudly tell their friends about her, boast about what kind of pies grandma can bake and how many fascinating stories she knows.

Arina: name days according to the church calendar

An ancient and beautiful name Arina. It came to Russia from Greece, where for a long time it was common among representatives of the nobility. It is derived from the name of the ancient goddess of peace, whose name was Eirene, and translated means “calmness” and “peace.” Having endured for long years changes, the name took several forms. Among them are the well-known Irina and the rarer Arina. The birthdays of the owners of these names are celebrated several times a year. Usually everyone chooses the day that is closest to her birthday according to the calendar.

Common heavenly patrons of Irina and Arina

According to the church calendar, Arina’s name day is celebrated on the same days as Irina’s. They have the same patron saints. If you open the church calendar and look carefully, you can see that throughout the year the holy saints of God who bore this name are repeatedly commemorated from the pulpit. Which one you consider your guardian angel is a purely personal matter. Arina herself must make the choice. Name day - Orthodox holidays, and they need to bring joy to the hero of the occasion.

How to choose a child's name in the old days

Previously, there was such a tradition, now forgotten, but generally accepted in the old days: when a child was born, parents were sure to look in the calendar to see which saint was being honored on that day. Among several names, they chose the one they liked best and gave it to the newborn at baptism. This saint was henceforth considered his heavenly patron. Thus, the birthday and name day (that is, the day of the angel) always coincided. This custom has long been a thing of the past, but according to tradition, everyone celebrating a birthday is usually called birthday people. Those who would like to revive this tradition should definitely look at the calendar.

Two Arinas - the Great Martyr and the Empress

What saints from the heights of heaven patronize our Arins and Irins? This is important to know, because according to the church calendar, Arina’s name day should be celebrated on the days of their memory. The host of these saints of God is large enough that it allows you to make a choice between them. The most famous, perhaps, is the early Christian holy great martyr Irene of Macedon, who lived at the end of the 1st and beginning of the 2nd centuries. Her Orthodox Church commemorates May 18 (new style). She earned the crown of holiness by choosing martyrdom over renouncing the faith of Christ.

Arina's name day (Arina's angel day) can also be celebrated on the feast of another Christian saint - the blessed Queen Irina. This saint of God was a Byzantine empress and was awarded the crown of holiness because in 787, at the Council of Nicaea - the Supreme Church Council - she decisively advocated the veneration of icons. The fact is that in those days there were many clergy and representatives of secular authorities who advocated abandoning them. With her imperial authority, Saint Irene put an end to disputes, and thanks to her, icon veneration has been preserved to this day. The saint's memory is celebrated on August 22. So Arina, whose name day will be celebrated on this day, will be under her heavenly protection.

A host of Saint Irenes, sung by the Orthodox Church

Four days later, on August 26, another holy Queen Irina is mentioned in the calendar, who ended her days as a monk and was named Xenia upon tonsure. But since in this case the name received at baptism is important, she can also be one of the heavenly intercessors whom Arina has the right to choose for herself. Name days according to the calendar can also be celebrated on the day of remembrance of the wife of St. George the Confessor - Righteous Irina. Her holiday is May 26th.

But this does not limit the list of dates on which Arina can celebrate the day of her angel. The name day can also be celebrated on August 10, when the Orthodox Church remembers the life of St. Irina of Cappadacia. This pious virgin, who lived at the turn of the 9th and 10th centuries in Byzantium, took monasticism from a young age and acquired the crown of holiness through a strict monastic life. She entered the history of the church as the abbess of the Constantinople monastery of Chrysovalandou.

Christian faith, watered with the blood of the great martyrs

In addition to the listed God-pleasers, in church calendar Several more names are noted whose days of remembrance Arina can choose. Name days can also be celebrated on January 12 and 16, April 29, August 17 and October 1. All these dates are days of remembrance of the holy great martyrs who bore the name Irina. One should not be surprised at such a large number of them.

The fact is that, having appeared in the 1st century AD, Christianity met on its way fierce resistance from paganism, which at that time was the state religion of the Roman Empire and many territories subject to it. Faith in Christ grew and strengthened on the blood of those who gave their lives for it, and there were a lot of them. History has not preserved the names of most of them, but those that have come down to us are included in the calendar for annual commemoration.

Character traits characteristic of Arin

And in conclusion, a few words about what qualities are most often inherent in those who bear this beautiful and ancient name. It is generally accepted that the main and most pronounced of them are balance and independence. In addition, it was noted that the Arins are distinguished by their peace and tranquility.

Their closest circle consists mainly of good and reliable friends, and their enemies on the path of life are not so numerous. Among others characteristic features sociability and friendliness can be distinguished. As a rule, they are pleasant to communicate with, which puts them in an advantageous position.

Irina (Arina) name meaning, character and fate | What does the name Irina (Arina) mean?

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Irina (Arina), its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation options for the name.

  • Irina's zodiac is Taurus
  • Planet – Venus
  • The color of the name Irina is pale blue
  • Auspicious tree – chestnut
  • Irina’s treasured plant – lily of the valley
  • The patron of the name Irina is the owl
  • Irina’s talisman stone is opal

What does the name Irina mean?: world (name Irina Greek origin).

Short meaning of the name Irina: Ira, Irinka, Irishka, Irusya, Irusha, Irenka, Arinka, Arishka, Aryusha.

Angel Irina Day: The name celebrates name days twice a year:

  • April 29 (16) - Holy Martyr Irina and her sisters Agapia and Chlonia, pious Christians, in the 4th century. died as martyrs for the faith of Christ.
  • May 18 (5) – The Holy Great Martyr Irina was of a noble family; baptized St. the Apostle Timothy; through preaching and miracles she converted parents and thousands of people to Christ; suffered great torment for this, but remained unharmed among them; died in a cave in the 2nd century.

Signs of the name Irina: April 29 - Irina - ripping up the coast, snatching up the snow: around this time, according to a popular remark, it begins to melt off the coast: "The hollow water washes away the coast." May 18 - Irina the seedbed: they are burning grass in the fields - “On Irina, thin grass is out of the field!” - and they plant cabbage seedlings in the garden, saying: “Don’t be long-legged, but be pot-bellied; don’t be empty, but be tight; don’t be red, but be tasty; don’t be old, but be young; don’t be small, but be big.” !"

Positive traits of the name Irina: Decency, restraint of feelings and emotions, poise, endurance, reliability. Irina (Arina) grows up as an obedient, cheerful child. She does not cause any trouble to either parents or teachers. She studies well and is often an excellent student. In her youth, the name Irina is independent, she can live separately from her parents, although she is very attached to them. Irina is a materialist, objectively assesses the situation, and does not give in to illusions. The name Irina does not have unfulfilled desires or dreams. She really assesses her abilities and knows what she wants and what she can achieve. Irina is sociable and strives to enter high society.

Negative traits of the name Irina (Arina): Excessive prudence, skepticism, pride, vanity, resentment, coldness, hidden pride. Subtle manifestations of the soul are alien to Irina; her poise and skepticism can repel people and interfere with sincere and trusting communication. The meaning of the name always tries to enter the society of influential people and for the sake of this, even sacrifice heartfelt affection.

Character of the name Irina: Irina grows up as a timid, submissive girl, most of all she is afraid of dogs and boys. He studies well, attends clubs, loves to splash in the lake and pool. She is attracted to contemplative sciences: geography, astronomy, botany, but it is possible that she will become a pediatrician, lawyer, or politician.

Already in childhood, the name Irina senses some kind of maturity and independence. He loves his father very much and enjoys playing with him. When there is a group of adults in the house, he does not interfere, prefers to study own affairs. It’s better not to pay attention to Irina, not to demand poetry readings or demonstration dances. Irina (Arina) can do all this, but when she becomes the center of attention, she fades away and “swallows her tongue.”

At school, the name Irina studies well and this does not require much effort from her. She is talented, draws, sews, knits well. Likes to read detective novels and watch Hollywood films. She is not sentimental, she will not cry over the suffering of the heroes of foreign TV series, they are simply funny to her. Ira has many friends, but she does not limit her communication with them, she is attracted to the company of boys, and she also finds a common language with them. Likes to attend sports clubs, especially the pool, swimming.

The name Irina knows how to control herself, there is a sense of balance in her words and actions, but in certain situations she can also be aggressive. There is a lot in her words and actions common sense, she has her own opinion, delicate taste.

Irina always knows what she wants. If a girl named Irina does not get married early, she can master several professions, in parallel with the main one - learn a language, work on a computer, photography. He does everything slowly, but thoroughly. Irina can be an intelligent leader; she will never raise her voice to a subordinate; her internal balance and prudence will allow her to get along well with both subordinates and superiors. The name Irina gravitates toward purely female professions: she works in a design bureau, as a music teacher, as a salesperson, as a cashier, as a nurse, as a designer, fashion designer, hairdresser, etc. Irina does not always work with concentration and complete the job, but she always brings a personal touch to the matter and works It's better when she is praised. Irina is a good diplomat and psychologist, she knows how to feel the mood of her interlocutor, and uses it skillfully.

A girl named Irina is an amorous person, but she doesn’t lose her head in hobbies, she always knows what kind of husband she needs and strives to find her ideal. Irina is cold, but she doesn’t know it herself, she simply considers herself a reasonable and sober person. At the same time, it is difficult for her to be alone, and she is ready to make some sacrifices just not to be left alone. Men use the name Irina great success. Irina loves male company, beautiful courtship, conversations on the verge of what is permitted.

In marriage the name Irina is almost always faithful wife, good mother who will do everything for her child, but will never completely subordinate herself to the hearth and home. She does not strive to be the head of the family; she will completely rely on her spouse.

Choosing a profession by name: Career and profession are of great importance to Irina. A high standard of living is an incentive to study at school and to enter a prestigious university. Irina can become a highly qualified specialist in the field of exact and technical sciences. Tactfulness, pragmatism, a sharp mind and the ability of the name Irina to communicate in high society are conducive to the profession of a diplomat and lawyer. Irina, who failed to obtain a prestigious profession, tries to improve in any other chosen field of activity.

Irina’s business and career: Irina (Arina) needs a high standard of living and tries to maintain it with honest work and with the help of connections in society. Speculation, fraud, risk and adventure are alien to her.

Irina's love and marriage: Irina has an amorous nature, but she never loses her head. She chooses as a husband, if not a wealthy, then a promising man. She is a devoted, faithful wife. Raises children using the latest pedagogical methods. The name has a successful marriage with Alexey, Andrey, Anton, Bazhen, Bashilo, Belyay, Bogolyub, Boris, Danila, Ivan, Igor, Lyubomir, Miroslav, Sergey. Complex relationships of the name are likely with Anatoly, Denis, Kirill, Nikita, Oleg, Leonid, Rostislav, Stepan.

Health and talents named after Irina: In infancy, Irina is very calm, but she does not eat very well, which is why she does not gain weight well. When teeth appear, her temperature rises. Overall, Irina is developing well. She is prone to sore throats and dermatitis.

Weak organs of the “September” Irina: throat, stomach, bronchi. “Summer” Irina is susceptible to stress, her vision declines early, and she is prone to dermatitis and dysfunction of the thyroid gland. In summer she suffers from sore throat more often than in winter. However, you should not remove the tonsils; they serve as a protective barrier.

“Noyabrskaya” Irina is prone to disorders in the cardiovascular system; at an early age she is diagnosed with a heart murmur. During school years, the name Irina may suffer from whooping cough.

Irina is susceptible to metabolic disorders; many people gain weight with age, do not adhere to a diet, and do not limit themselves in nutrition. WITH early childhood You shouldn’t overfeed her; Irina doesn’t suffer from lack of appetite anyway. Fullness is characteristic mainly of the “December”, “June” and “July” Irins.

“Summer” Irina during the period of maturation is subject to stress, very vulnerable, and sensitive to insults. When considering the name Irina for your child, pay attention to the fact that “winter” Irina has frequent cases of ectopic pregnancy, develops mastopathy with age, sharply decreases vision, and may suffer from liver disease. During the postpartum period there may be mastitis. The intestines are weakened. “Spring” Irina has problems with gynecology, and her ovaries are often inflamed. Mostly they give birth to girls, rarely boys.

Name Irina in other countries:: The translation of the name Irina (Arina) in different languages ​​has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. On English language translated as Irene (Irene), in German: Irene (Irene), in French: Irina (Irene).

The fate of the name Irina in history:

  1. Irina Fedorovna is the sister of Boris Godunov, the wife of Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich. Her marriage took place at the behest of Ivan the Terrible in 1580 and served as a new step for the rise of Godunov, whose influence on Fyodor Ioannovich was largely based on the tsar’s love for Irina. She did not interfere with her brother’s plans, but she was not his active assistant either. Died in 1603
  2. Arina Rodionovna is A.S.’s favorite nanny. Pushkin, about whom he writes with love in his poems.
  3. Irina Nikolaevna Bugrimova (1910-2001) - famous trainer, the first woman in our country to train predators. Irina Bugrimova came to the circus in 1929. Together with A.N. Buslaev she had a theatrical performance “Sleigh Flight”. Since 1976, Bugrimova has not worked in the arena, but has been active social life. Irina Nikolaevna was the chairman of the Veterans Council of the Russian State Circus Company, a member of the presidium of the Central House of Artists, the Society for the Protection of Animals. In 2000, she was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree.
  4. Irena (Irena) Sandler, Irena Sendler, Irena Sendlerova (1910 - 2008) Polish resistance activist. During World War II, Irena Sendler, an employee of the Warsaw Health Department and a member of the Polish underground organization, the Council for Aid to Jews (Zhegota), often visited the Warsaw Ghetto, where she looked after sick children. Under this cover, she and her comrades took 2,500 children from the ghetto, who were then transferred to Polish orphanages, private families and monasteries.
  5. Irina Slutskaya is a Russian figure skater, two-time world champion (2002, 2005), the first seven-time European figure skating champion in history (1996, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2006), Honored Master of Sports.
  6. Irina Khakamada is a politician.
  7. Irina Muravyova is a theater and film actress.
  8. Irina Rodnina is an outstanding Soviet figure skater, three-time Olympic champion, ten-time world champion, Russian public figure.
  9. Irina Chashchina is a rhythmic gymnastics athlete.
  10. Irina Bogacheva - singer of the Mariinsky Theater.
  11. Irina Arkhipova - singer Bolshoi Theater, teacher.
  12. Irina Alferova is a theater and film actress.
  13. Irina Kupchenko - theater and film actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR.
  14. Irina Rozanova is a theater and film actress.

What does the name Arina mean?


Arina - name meaning
Female name. Translated from Greek - "peace".
Arina loves to lead and command from early childhood. But she does not try to completely subjugate other children. She is a kind girl, cheerful, she happily helps her mother around the house, willingly looks after her younger brothers or sisters, and at school she is often a counselor for the younger ones. Arina is a very capable girl, she learns easily and willingly.
Adult Arina is a responsible woman, aware of all her actions. A woman with this name has organizational skills and is a good leader, although she sometimes abuses her power. This is a reliable worker. Arina is capable, hardworking, persistent. This woman easily achieves her goal. Athena is often a businesswoman, she tries to make a career and achieves it. Arina enjoys the respect of her colleagues. She often becomes a teacher, teaches at school or works as a teacher in kindergarten. Arina reads a lot, especially the classics, but she also loves modern literature. She enjoys going to the cinema and theater, and she especially likes ballet. Often this woman is a good dancer herself. She is beautiful, loves to dress fashionably, and is successful with men; Women with this name always have many fans. She is fickle in her affections, today with one man, tomorrow with another, but when she gets married, Arina becomes a faithful wife. She is an excellent housewife, cooks well, and is thrifty. The family life of this woman usually goes well.
In relationships with men, Athena is cold and seems a little inhibited. She usually keeps a man at a distance for a long time, not even allowing him to kiss her, not to mention a closer relationship. Only after a very long acquaintance does Arina agree to enter into an intimate relationship. But her partner must be very attentive and careful with her, because any little thing can throw Arina off balance and interfere with her. This woman needs an atmosphere of tenderness, security, comfort, love. Moreover, she values ​​love much more than sex. For Arina, there is only one man and she is usually faithful to him. A woman with this name experiences betrayal by her husband or partner very hard and never forgives. She immediately breaks off the relationship. Arina doesn’t make a scene, doesn’t cry or throw hysterics, she just leaves, but then avoids men for a long time.
Winter Arina is a modest, calm woman, she knits and sews well. She likes to receive guests, but she herself is a homebody and does not like to go anywhere. He even spends his holidays at home. She is not that beautiful, but she is pretty, charming and knows how to hold herself. This woman is successful with men. But she is not just looking for partners; Arina strives to get married and have children.
Arina, born in the spring, is shy and unsure of herself. She is not very sociable, but loves to spend free time with close friends. This Arina is very timid with men. Often, after meeting someone, he gets worried and begins to doubt whether he should have given the phone number. But she is a faithful wife and a wonderful mother.
Summer Arina is brave, decisive, persistent, witty and sociable, has a good understanding of people, and is difficult to deceive. This Arina is smart and diplomatic. In relationships with men, she often takes the initiative, but does not particularly try to lead them; if she needs something, she achieves it in roundabout ways, and never goes ahead.
Fate number - 9 (18) - (name number)
As the number of the name, 9 requires from its ward devotion to a high goal, talent and calling, as well as generous giving of what nature has endowed him with. Since they all enjoy authority and can be leaders, they must be guided by justice and not deviate from the lofty ideas that they proclaim. They should not become petty, resort to disrespectful actions or behavior that is out of character for them, so as not to lose either the loyalty or respect that they have earned. They should not demand more for themselves than is due to them, and not demand from others what they are not capable of. They must pacify themselves, give up excessive pride and selfishness,

Yana euphoria

The secret of the name Arina
This name is of Greek origin and means.
A woman with this name has organizational skills and is a good leader, but sometimes abuses her power. She is a reliable employee - capable, hardworking, persistent, and respected by her colleagues. Easily achieves its goal. As a rule, she is beautiful and likes to dress fashionably.
In addition, she is well-read and well versed in art. Has success with men. She is cold in relationships with them, usually keeps a man at a distance for a long time, not even allowing him to kiss her. She is fickle in her affections, but once she gets married and finds herself in an atmosphere of tenderness, security, comfort, and love, she becomes a faithful wife.
Moreover, she values ​​love much more than sex. She takes the betrayal of her husband or partner very hard and never forgives. In such a situation, he immediately breaks off the relationship - decisively and irrevocably, without making a scene, without throwing tantrums.
Arina has a good understanding of people, she is smart, diplomatic, and difficult to deceive.


Origin: Ancient Greek name.
Meaning: "Peace"
Character: Arina has been independent since childhood. She will decide for herself whether to go to a music studio or whether it is better to enroll in a choreography studio, and she will learn to knit and embroider herself. The girl inherited this independence, like other character traits, from her mother, but her attractive appearance and flexibility - from her father.
Women with this name are somewhat reserved (especially the “winter” ones) and have their own minds. They seem like simpletons, which, however, is far from true. They have amazing intuition and can instantly grasp the background of any matter, but their reaction is a little slow.
In personal matters, Arinas are indecisive, even fearful, and this does not allow them to express their feelings in matters of the heart. They make good housewives and devoted wives - devoted, but jealous.
They never rely on anyone - only on their hard work, perseverance and business acumen. They never act at random without first finding out everything.
They welcome guests with pleasure, but do not like to pay visits themselves, preferring a cozy family atmosphere. They love sweets.
“Winter” Arin has a difficult relationship with her parents.
Phonosemantics: The word Arina gives the impression of something good, simple, majestic, loud, brave, powerful, big, active, bright, joyful
Talisman: Acacia
Yellow color
Stone: Chrysoprase
Zodiac sign: The name is in harmony with Aries, Capricorn, Leo and Aquarius
Harmony with: Voldemar
Incompatibility with: Timur
Name day: does not celebrate.

Anastasia me!

Thank you very much for this question! That's my daughter's name. I read a lot of interesting things. And everything is true, especially in the character description! Very wayward and persistent girls with that name. We didn't even read about the meaning of the name when we named it. I couldn’t find it, and it was not my destiny to get into the network. And I ended up with a hellish mixture: Sagittarius in the year of the Dog, winter, on the 21st, and they even picked up the name! In general, the child is a bomb!

What does the name Arina mean:

Translated from ancient Greek, this name means peace.

Origin of the name:
The name Arina came to us from Greece, as the ancient Greek nobility called their daughters, however, nowadays the popularity of this name has somewhat lost its position.

Character conveyed by the name Arina: From early childhood, Arina will behave like a fully grown person. She can always make decisions on her own, without any help, about what to do, say music or dancing, she will decide what to teach and with whom she will need to communicate. At school, as a rule, she studies well, all subjects will always be easy for her, she has excellent drawing abilities, sometimes singing and dancing. Arina will be a wonderful housewife in the future, she is her mother’s assistant, she is also true woman from the very ends of the hair to the toes. She can do things that are completely unusual for many girls now, for example, sewing, embroidering or knitting. Arina is passionate about literature; she will avidly read fiction and even popular science works.

Having matured a little, Arina will not change, she is still independent, responsible, and still makes decisions and knows the value of her words. Such girls have well-developed intuition and the ability to act correctly, depending on the circumstances. They always rely only on their own strengths and abilities. Arina practically does not expect help from others. They can make excellent leaders. Colleagues often value them and listen to their authoritative opinions. If Arina clearly sets herself such a goal, then she can easily reach the most incredible heights in her career. The best choice for Arina would be the professions of a teacher and educator, or other professions related to communication, related to the sphere of people - people.

The Arinas are always true connoisseurs of art; they, of course, know and appreciate all the latest in theater and cinema. When communicating with men, Arina can sometimes afford to show some coldness. And Arina will truly begin to reveal herself as a person and a woman only when she is sure that in front of her is exactly the person who can interest her and with whom she can fall in love. Arinas love beautiful and long-term courtship, for example, walks under the moon, sweets and flowers. She always needs to feel protected and sheltered from adversity, next to her chosen one, and only then will she be completely ready to move on to a more personal and frank relationship.

In the family, Arina is always a wonderful housewife, a loving and faithful wife, and of course a caring mother. Arina loves sweets, and at the same time she is an excellent cook. Arina always knows exactly how to create an atmosphere of comfort and warmth in her home. The only thing that will really hurt her and that she will never be able to forgive is betrayal or betrayal. There is no need to expect tears and violent hysterics from Arina; in this case, you can come home, and her things will simply no longer be there. She can leave in English without saying goodbye and it is unlikely that she will be returned.

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