Test work on A.N. Ostrovsky's drama "The Thunderstorm".

Decoration for the first act. Twilight.

First appearance

Kuligin is sitting on a bench, Kabanov is walking along the boulevard.

Kuligin (singing).

The skies were covered with night darkness,
All the people have closed their eyes for peace,

and so on.

(Seeing Kabanov.) Hello sir! How far are you?
Kabanov. Home. Have you heard, brother, what we are doing? The whole family, brother, is in disarray. Kuligin. I heard, I heard, sir. Kabanov. I went to Moscow, you know? On the way, my mother read, gave me instructions, but as soon as I left, I went on a spree. I’m very glad that I broke free. And he drank all the way, and in Moscow he drank everything, so it’s a lot, what the heck! So that whole year take a walk. I never even thought about the house. Even if I remembered, it wouldn’t even occur to me what was going on here. Heard? Kuligin. I heard, sir. Kabanov. I'm an unhappy man now, brother! So I’m dying for nothing, not for a penny! Kuligin. Your mother is very cool. Kabanov. Well, yes. She is the reason for everything. And why am I dying, please tell me? I went to see Diky, well, we had a drink; I thought it would be easier; no, worse, Kuligin! What has my wife done against me? It can't get any worse... Kuligin. A wise thing, sir. It's wise to judge you. Kabanov. No, wait! What's worse than that? Killing her for this is not enough. So my mother says: she must be buried alive in the ground so that she can be executed! But I love her, I would be sorry to lay a finger on her. I beat him a little, and even then my mother ordered me to. I feel sorry for looking at her, understand that, Kuligin. Mama eats her up, but she walks around like a shadow, unresponsive. It just cries and melts like wax. So I'm dying looking at her. Kuligin. Somehow, sir, we can do something smoothly! You would forgive her, and never remember her. You yourself, tea, are also not without sin! Kabanov. What can I say! Kuligin. Yes, so as not to reproach even under a drunken hand! She would be for you, sir good wife; look - better than anyone. Kabanov. Just understand, Kuligin: I would be fine, but mummy... how can you talk to her!.. Kuligin. It's time for you, sir, to live by your own mind. Kabanov. Should I burst apart or something? No, they say, it’s his own mind. And that means live as someone else’s. I’ll take the last one I have and drink it; Then let my mother babysit me like I’m a fool. Kuligin. Eh, sir! Things to do, things to do! Well, what about Boris Grigorievich, sir? Kabanov. And him, the scoundrel, to Tyakhta, to the Chinese. An uncle sends some merchant he knows to his office there. For three years he was there. Kuligin. Well, what is he, sir? Kabanov. He rushes about too; crying. Just now my uncle and I attacked him, we scolded him, scolded him - he was silent. Looks like he's become wild. With me, she says, do whatever you want, just don’t torture her! And he also has pity for her. Kuligin. He's a good man, sir. Kabanov. I'm completely ready, and the horses are ready. He's so sad, it's a disaster! I can already see that he wants to say goodbye. Well, you never know! It will be from him. He is my enemy, Kuligin! It needs to be told in parts so that he knows... Kuligin. You need to forgive your enemies, sir! Kabanov. Go talk to your mother and see what she will tell you about this. So, brother Kuligin, our whole family is now torn apart. Not just relatives, but definitely enemies to each other. Varvara’s mother sharpened and sharpened; but she couldn’t stand it, and that’s what she was like - she just took it and left. Kuligin. Where did you go? Kabanov. Who knows? They say she ran away with Kudryash and Vanka, and they won’t find him anywhere either. This, Kuligin, I must say straight out, is from my mother; so she began to tyrannize her and lock her up. “Don’t lock it, he says, it will get worse!” That's how it happened. What should I do now, tell me! Teach me how to live now! I'm tired of the house, I'm ashamed of the people, I'll get down to business - my hands will fall off. Now I'm going home; Am I going for joy?

Included Glasha.

Glasha. Tikhon Ivanovich, father! Kabanov. What else? Glasha. We are not well at home, father! Kabanov. God! So it’s one to one! Tell me, what is it? Glasha. Yes, your hostess... Kabanov. Well? She died, or what? Glasha. No, father; she went somewhere, we won’t find her anywhere. Knocked off their feet, seeking. Kabanov. Kuligin! We must, brother, run to look for her. Brother, do you know what I'm afraid of? As if she wouldn’t commit suicide out of sadness! He’s so sad, he’s so sad that oh! Looking at her, my heart breaks. What were you watching? How long has she been gone? Glasha. Not long ago, father! It’s our sin, we overlooked it. And let me tell you: you can’t be on your guard at every hour. Kabanov. Well, why are you standing there, run!

Glasha leaves.

And we will go, Kuligin!

They leave.

The stage is empty for some time. Katerina comes out from the opposite side and walks quietly across the stage.

Second phenomenon

Katerina (alone). No, not anywhere! What is he doing now, poor thing? I just have to say goodbye to him, and then... and then at least die. Why did I get him into trouble? After all, that doesn’t make it any easier for me! I should die alone! Otherwise, she ruined herself, she ruined him, she brought dishonor to herself - eternal submission to him! Yes! Dishonor to yourself - eternal submission to him. (Silence.) Should I remember what he said? How did he feel sorry for me? What words did he say?(Takes his head.) I don’t remember, I forgot everything. Nights, nights are hard for me! Everyone will go to bed, and I will go; nothing to everyone, but I feel like I’m going to the grave. It's so scary in the dark! There will be some noise, and they will sing as if they are burying someone; only so quietly, barely audible, far, far from me... You’ll be so glad for the light! But I don’t want to get up, the same people again, the same conversations, the same torment. Why are they looking at me like that? Why don't they kill people nowadays? Why did they do this? Before, they say, they killed. They would have taken it and thrown me into the Volga; I would be glad. “If they execute you, they say, your sin will be removed, but you live and suffer from your sin.” I'm really exhausted! How much longer will I suffer!.. Why should I live now, well, why? I don’t need anything, nothing is nice to me, and God’s light is not nice! But death does not come. You call her, but she doesn’t come. Whatever I see, whatever I hear, only here(pointing to heart) hurt. If only I had lived with him, perhaps I would have seen some kind of joy... Well, it doesn’t matter, I’ve already ruined my soul. How I miss him! Oh, how I miss him! If I don’t see you, at least hear me from afar! Violent winds, bear my sadness and melancholy to him! Fathers, I'm bored, bored!(Approaches the shore and loudly at the top of his voice.)

Included My joy, my life, my soul, I love you! Respond! (Cries.)


The third phenomenon

Katerina and Boris. Boris(without seeing Katerina). My God! It's her voice! Where is she? (Looks around.) Katerina(runs up to him and falls on his neck). I finally saw you!

(Cries on his chest.)

Silence. Boris. Well, we cried together, God brought us. Katerina. Have you forgotten me? Boris. How to forget that you are! Katerina. Oh, no, not that, not that! Are you angry at me? Boris. Why should I be angry? Katerina. Well, forgive me! I didn’t want to do you harm; Yes, I was not free in myself. I couldn’t remember what I said, what I did. Boris. That's enough! what you! Katerina. Well, how are you? How are you now? Boris. I'm going. Boris. Far away, Katya, to Siberia. Katerina. Take me with you from here! Boris. I can't, Katya. I’m not going of my own free will: my uncle sends me, and the horses are ready; I just asked my uncle for a minute, I wanted to at least say goodbye to the place where we met. Katerina. Go with God! Don't worry about me. At first it will only be boring for you, poor thing, and then you will forget. Boris. What is there to talk about me! I am a free bird. How are you? What about mother-in-law? Katerina. Torments me, locks me away. She tells everyone and her husband: “Don’t trust her, she’s cunning.” Everyone follows me around all day and laughs right in my eyes. Everyone reproaches you at every word. Boris. What about your husband? Katerina. He is sometimes affectionate, sometimes angry, and drinks everything. Yes, he was hateful to me, hateful, his caress is worse to me than beatings. Boris. Is it hard for you, Katya? Katerina. It’s so hard, so hard that it’s easier to die! Boris. Who knew that we should suffer so much for our love with you! It would be better for me to run then! Katerina. Unfortunately, I saw you. I saw little joy, but grief, what grief! And there’s still so much more to come! Well, what to think about what will happen! Now I’ve seen you, they won’t take that away from me; and I don’t need anything else. All I needed was to see you. Now it has become much easier for me; It was as if a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. And I kept thinking that you were angry with me, cursing me... Boris. What are you, what are you! Katerina. No, that’s not what I’m saying; That's not what I wanted to say! I missed you, that's what; Well, I saw you... Boris. They wouldn't find us here! Katerina. Wait, wait! I wanted to tell you something! I forgot! Something needed to be said! Everything is confused in my head, I don’t remember anything. Boris. It's time for me, Katya! Katerina. Wait, wait! Boris. Well, what did you want to say? Katerina. I'll tell you now. (Thinking.) Yes! When you go on your way, don’t let a single beggar pass by, give it to everyone, and order them to pray for my sinful soul. Boris. Oh, if only these people knew what it’s like for me to say goodbye to you! My God! May God grant that someday it will be as sweet for them as it is for me now. Goodbye Katya! (Hugs her and wants to leave.) You are the villains! Monsters! Oh, if only there was strength! Katerina. Wait, wait! Let me look at you in last time. (Looks into his eyes.) Well, it will be from me! Now God bless you, go. Go, go quickly! Katerina and Boris. (walks away a few steps and stops). Katya, something is wrong! Are you up to something? I'm exhausted, dear one, thinking about you. Katerina. Nothing, nothing! Go with God!

Boris wants to approach her.

No, no, no, enough!

Boris (sobbing). Well, God be with you! There is only one thing we need to ask God for: that she die as soon as possible, so that she does not suffer for a long time! Goodbye! (Bows.)

Katerina. Goodbye!

Boris leaves. Katerina follows him with her eyes and stands there thinking for a while.

The fourth phenomenon Katerina (alone). Where to now? Should I go home? No, it doesn’t matter to me whether I go home or go to the grave. Yes, to home, to the grave!.. to the grave! It’s better in a grave... There’s a grave under a tree... how nice!.. The sun warms it, wets it with rain... in the spring the grass will grow on it, so soft... birds will fly to the tree, they will sing, they will bring out children, flowers they will bloom: yellow, red, blue... all sorts (thinks), all sorts... So quiet! so good! I feel better! And I don’t even want to think about life. Live again? No, no, don't... not good! And people are disgusting to me, and the house is disgusting to me, and the walls are disgusting! I won't go there! No, no, I won't go! You come to them, they walk and talk, but what do I need this for? Oh, it's getting dark! And they're singing somewhere again! What are they singing? You can’t understand... I wish I could die now... What are they singing? It’s all the same that death will come, that death itself... but you can’t live! Sin! Won't they pray? He who loves will pray... Fold his hands crosswise... in a coffin! Yes, that's right... I remembered. And they’ll catch me and force me back home... Oh, hurry, hurry!

(Approaches the shore. Loudly.)

My friend! My joy! Goodbye! (Leaves.)

Enter Kabanova, Kabanov, Kuligin and a worker with a lantern.

Fifth appearance Kabanova, Kabanov and Kuligin. Kuligin. They say they saw it here. Kabanov. Yes, it is true? Kuligin. They speak directly to her. Kabanov. Well, thank God, at least we saw something alive. Kabanova. And you got scared and burst into tears! Something to talk about. Don't worry: we'll have to deal with her for a long time.

Kabanov. Who knew that she would come here! The place is so crowded. Who would even think of hiding here?

Kabanova. See what she does! What a potion! How she wants to maintain her character! People with lanterns gather from different sides. One of the people. What, did you find? Kabanova. Something that is not. It's just gone wrong.
Multiple voices . What a parable! What an opportunity! And where could she go? One of the people. Yes there will be! Another . How can you not be found?

Third . Look, she will come herself.

Kuligin (from the shore).

Who's screaming? What's there? Appearance Six

The same without Kuligin.

Kabanov. Fathers, it’s her!

Kabanova. I won’t let you in, don’t even think about it! To ruin myself because of her, is she worth it! She hasn’t caused enough trouble for us, what else is she up to! Kabanov. Let me in! Kabanova. There is no one without you. I'll curse you if you go. Kabanov (falling to his knees). At least I should look at her! Kabanova. They pull it out: look. Kabanov (stands up to the people). What, my dears, is there anything you can see? 1st. It's dark below, you can't see anything.

Noise behind the stage.

2nd. It's like they're shouting something, but you can't understand anything. 1st. Yes, this is Kuligina’s voice. 2nd. They're walking along the shore with a lantern. 1st. They're coming here. There they are carrying her too.

Several people are returning.

One of the returnees. Well done Kuligin! There’s a little pool here near the shore; with fire it is visible far into the water: he saw the dress and pulled it out. Kabanov. Alive? Another . Where is she already alive? She threw herself high: there was a cliff here, yes, she must have hit the anchor and hurt herself, poor thing! And sure enough, guys, it looks like it’s alive! There is only a small wound on the temple, and only one drop of blood.

Kabanov starts to run; towards him Kuligin with the people carrying Katerina.

Seventh Appearance

The same and Kuligin.

Kuligin. Here's your Katerina. Do whatever you want with her! Her body is here, take it; but the soul is now not yours: it is now before a judge who is more merciful than you! (Puts it on the ground and runs away.) Kabanov (rushes to Katerina). Kate! Kate! Kabanova. Enough! It’s a sin to cry about her! Kabanov. Mama, you ruined her! you, you, you... Kabanova. What you? You don’t remember yourself! I forgot who you're talking to! Kabanov. You ruined her! You! You! Kabanov (son). Well, I'll talk to you at home.(Bows low to the people.)

Thank you, good people, for your service!

Everyone bows. Kabanov. Good for you, Katya! Why did I stay in the world and suffer!

(Falls on his wife's corpse.)

The entire monologue and all the following scenes are spoken, drawing out and repeating words, thoughtfully and as if in oblivion.

This work has entered the public domain. The work was written by an author who died more than seventy years ago, and was published during his lifetime or posthumously, but more than seventy years have also passed since publication. It may be freely used by anyone without anyone's consent or permission and without payment of royalties.

Option 1 .

    I "Which good man

    ! He dreams for himself and is happy”;

    “Someone has fun in captivity! You never know what comes to mind. An opportunity arose, and another one was glad: so she rushed headlong. How can this be possible without thinking, without judging!”

    This is life! We live in the same city, almost nearby, but we see each other once a week, and then in church or on the road, that’s all! Here, whether you got married or buried, it doesn’t matter.(Silence.) I wish I wouldn’t see her at all: it would be easier! Otherwise you see it in fits and starts, and even in front of people; a hundred eyes are looking at you. It just breaks my heart.

    “This is the kind of town we have, sir! They made the boulevard, but they don’t walk. They only go out on holidays, and then they only pretend to be out for a walk, but they themselves go there to show off their outfits. What do the rich do? Well, so that, it seems, they don’t walk, don’t breathe fresh air? So no. Everyone's gates, sir, have long been locked and the dogs have been let loose. Do you think they are doing something, or are they praying to God? No, sir!

3. Which of the characters in the play is characterized by the author as “a young man, decently educated”?

a) Kuligin b) Tikhon c) Boris d) Kudryash

4. What type literary heroes belonged to Kabanikha

A) " extra person" b) hero-reasoner c) " small man" d) "tyrant"

II . Why is life in the city called the “dark kingdom”?

III . Katerina's death - victory or defeat? Why? (answer using criticism)

Option 2

1. Identify the hero of the play from quotes:

    “Every morning my aunt begs everyone with tears: “Fathers, don’t make me angry! Darlings, don’t make me angry!”;

    “..mother’s relatives didn’t let me in, they wrote that she was sick. It’s scary to imagine what life at the ball would be like for her”;

2. Determine which character the words belong to:

    "I speak, why people don't fly like birds? You know, sometimes I feel like I'm a bird. When you stand on a mountain, you feel the urge to fly. That’s how I would run, raise my hands and fly”;

    “They are at enmity with each other; they get drunken clerks into their high mansions, such, sir, clerks that there is no human appearance on him, his human appearance is hysterical. And they, for small acts of kindness, scribble malicious slander against their neighbors on stamped sheets.”

    “Yes, everything here seems to be out of captivity. And to death I loved going to church! Exactly, it happened that I would enter heaven, and I didn’t see anyone, and I didn’t remember the time, and I didn’t hear when the service was over. Just like it all happened in one second. Mama said that everyone used to look at me, what was happening to me! Do you know: on a sunny day, such a light column goes down from the dome, and smoke moves in this column, like clouds, and I see, it used to be as if angels were flying and singing in this column.”

    “I’ll give you a report or something!” I don’t give an account to anyone more important than you. I want to think about you this way, and I think so. For others you fair man, but I think that you are a robber, that’s all. ... I say I’m a robber, and that’s the end of it! So, are you going to sue me or something? So you know that you are a worm. If I want, I’ll have mercy, if I want, I’ll crush.”

3. To what class did Kabanikha belong?

a) merchants b) burghers c) nobles d) commoners

4. Which one? literary direction should include the drama "The Thunderstorm"

a) realism b) sentimentalism c) classicism d) romanticism

II . Comparative characteristics Tikhon and Boris ( common features and differences)

III . Is suicide the only way out for Katerina? (answer using criticism)

Option 3

1. Identify the hero of the play from quotes:

    “What an angelic smile she has on her face, and her face seems to glow”;

    “I’m completely ready, and the horses are ready. He's so sad, it's a disaster! I can see that he wants to say goodbye.”

2. Determine which character the words belong to:

    “And we, sir, will never get out of this crust! Because honest work will never earn us more than our daily bread. And whoever has money, sir, tries to enslave the poor so that his labors will be free more money make money."

    “I just have to say goodbye to him, and then... and then at least die. Why did I get him into trouble? After all, that doesn’t make it any easier for me! I should die alone! Otherwise, she ruined herself, she ruined him, she dishonored herself - eternal submission to him!

    “Why are you hiding! There's no need to hide! Apparently you’re afraid: you don’t want to die! I want to live! How could you not want to! see how beautiful she is! Ha, ha, ha! Beauty! And you pray to God to take away the beauty! Beauty is our destruction! You will destroy yourself, you will seduce people, then rejoice in your beauty. You will lead many, many people into sin!”

    Why is she doing this? What is she coming up with? Oh, crazy, really, crazy! This is death! Here she is! Throw it away, throw it far away, throw it into the river so that it will never be found. He burns his hands like coal.(Thinking.) This is how our sister dies. Someone has fun in captivity!

3. What type of literary heroes did Dikoy belong to?

a) “superfluous man” b) “tyrant” c) “little man d) hero-lover

4. Who wrote the critical article “A Ray of Light in dark kingdom"about "Thunderstorm"?

a) V. G. Belinsky b) N. G. Chernyshevsky c) N. A. Dobrolyubov d) D. I. Pisarev

II . Comparative characteristics of Tikhon and Varvara (common features and differences)

III . Is Katerina’s death a protest against the “dark kingdom” or not? Why? (answer using criticism)

Assignments for the district (city) schoolchildren's literature Olympiad

2004 - 2005 academic year

I. Comprehensive analysis text. A.P. Chekhov "Ladies".

Fyodor Petrovich, director of public schools in the N province, who considers himself a fair and generous person, once received teacher Vremsky in his office.

No, Mr. Vremsky, he said, resignation is inevitable. With a voice like yours, it is impossible to continue teaching. How did he disappear from you?

I drank cold beer, sweating... - the teacher hissed.

What a pity! A man served for fourteen years, and suddenly such a misfortune! God knows what trifle you have to ruin your career over. What are you going to do now?

The teacher did not answer.

Are you a family man? - asked the director.

A wife and two children, Your Excellency...” the teacher hissed.

There was silence. The director got up from the table and walked from corner to corner, worried.

I can’t imagine what I should do with you! - he said. - You can’t be a teacher, you haven’t reached retirement yet... letting you go to the mercy of fate, on all four sides, is not entirely clever. You are our own person, you have served for fourteen years, which means our job is to help you... But how to help? What can I do for you? Put yourself in my position: what can I do for you?

There was silence; the director walked around and kept thinking, and Vremsky, overwhelmed by his grief, sat on the edge of his chair and also thought. Suddenly the director beamed and even snapped his fingers.

I'm surprised I didn't remember this before! - he spoke quickly. - Listen, this is what I can offer you... Next week the clerk at our shelter is retiring. If you want, take his place! There you are!

Vremsky, who had not expected such mercy, also beamed.

And great,” said the director. - Write a petition today...

Having released Vremsky, Fyodor Petrovich felt relief and even pleasure: the bent figure of the hissing teacher no longer stuck out in front of him, and it was pleasant to realize that, having offered Vremsky a free vacancy, he acted fairly and in good conscience, like a kind, completely decent person. But this good mood didn't last long. When he returned home and sat down to dinner, his wife, Nastasya Ivanovna, suddenly remembered:

Oh yes, I almost forgot! Yesterday Nina Sergeevna came to me and asked for one young man. They say there is a vacancy opening at our shelter...

Yes, but this place has already been promised to someone else,” the director said and frowned. - And you know my rule: I never give places under patronage.

I know, but for Nina Sergeevna, I think an exception can be made. She loves us like family, but we still haven’t done anything good for her. And don’t even think about refusing, Fedya! With your whims you will offend her and me.


Which Polzukhin? This is what's on New Year played in Chatsky's meeting? This gentleman? Never!

The director stopped eating.

Never! - he repeated. - God save me!

But why?

Understand, mother, that if a young man does not act directly, but through women, then he is rubbish! Why doesn't he come to me himself?

After lunch, the director lay down on the sofa in his office and began reading the newspapers and letters he had received.

“Dear Fyodor Petrovich! - the mayor’s wife wrote to him. - You once said that I am a heart expert and a connoisseur of people. Now you have to test this in practice. One of these days a certain K.N. will come to you to ask for a position as a clerk in our shelter. Polzukhin, whom I know as a wonderful young man. The young man is very handsome. By taking part in it, you will be convinced...”, etc.

Never! - said the director. - God save me!

After this, not a day passed without the director receiving letters recommending Polzukhin. One fine morning Polzukhin himself appeared, a plump young man with a shaved jockey face, wearing a new black pair...

On official business, I do not receive appointments here, but in the office,” the director said dryly, after listening to his request.

Forgive me, Your Excellency, but our mutual friends advised me to apply here.

Hm!.. - the director mumbled, looking with hatred at his pointy shoes. “As far as I know,” he said, “your father has a fortune and you are not in need, why do you need to ask for this place?” After all, the salary is a pittance!

I’m not doing it because of the salary, but because... And yet it’s a government service...

So, sir... It seems to me that in a month you will get tired of this position and you will quit it, but meanwhile there are candidates for whom this place is a career for life... There are poor people for whom...

Don't get tired of it, Your Excellency! - Polzukhin interrupted. - Honestly, I will try!

The director was blown up.

Listen,” he asked, smiling contemptuously, “why didn’t you immediately turn to me, but found it necessary to first disturb the ladies?”

“I didn’t know that this would be unpleasant for you,” Polzukhin answered and became embarrassed. “But, Your Excellency, if you do not attach importance to letters of recommendation, then I can present you with certifications ...

He took a paper out of his pocket and handed it to the director. Under the certification, written in clerical style and handwriting, was the signature of the governor. It was clear from everything that the governor signed without reading it, just to get rid of some obsessive lady.

There is nothing to do, I bow... I obey... - said the director, having read the certification, and sighed. - Submit your petition tomorrow... There is nothing to do...

And when Polzukhin left, the director gave himself over to a feeling of disgust.

Rubbish! - he hissed, walking from corner to corner. - You’ve finally achieved your goal, you worthless shuffler, woman’s man! Reptile! Creature!

The director spat loudly at the door behind which Polzukhin had disappeared, and suddenly became embarrassed, because at that time a lady, the wife of the manager of the state chamber, was entering his office...

Just a minute, just a minute... - the lady began. - Sit down, godfather, and listen to me carefully... Well, they say you have a vacancy... Tomorrow or today you will have a young man, a certain Polzukhin ...

The lady chirped, and the director looked at her with dull, drowsy eyes, like a man about to faint, he looked and smiled out of decency.

And the next day, receiving Vremsky in his office, the director for a long time did not dare to tell him the truth. He hesitated, got confused and couldn’t find where to start or what to say. He wanted to apologize to the teacher, to tell him the whole truth, but his tongue was slurring like a drunk, his ears were burning, and he suddenly felt hurt and annoyed that he had to play such an absurd role - in his office, in front of his subordinate. He suddenly hit the table, jumped up and shouted angrily:

I don't have room for you! No and no! Leave me alone! Don't torture me! Leave me alone and do me a favor!

And he left the office.

II. Interpretation poetic text. A. Fet “Swallows”.


Nature's idle spy,

I love you, forgetting everything around you,

Watch out for the swallowtail

Over the evening pond.

So I rushed and drew -

And it's scary to smooth the glass

The alien element was not enough

Lightning wing.

And again the same boldness

And the same dark stream, -

Isn't that what inspiration is?

And human me?

Isn’t it me, a meager vessel,

I dare to take the forbidden path,

Alien, transcendental elements,

Trying to scoop up at least a drop.

II. History and theory of literature and culture.

1. Who is characterized in this way in N. Ostrovsky’s drama “The Thunderstorm”?

a) “What a good man! He dreams for himself and is happy.”

b) “Who will please him if his whole life is based on swearing? And most of all because of the money; not a single calculation is complete without swearing.”

c) “So boring...”

d) “I’m completely ready, and the horses are ready. He's so sad, it's a disaster! I can see that he wants to say goodbye.”

e) “Prudence, sir! He gives money to the poor, but completely eats up his family.”

2. In what month and on what date did A. Pushkin and his friends celebrate the opening day of the Lyceum?

3. Where is M.Yu. Lermontov spent his childhood years and was subsequently buried?

4. Which of the heroes of N.V. Gogol in the poem “ Dead Souls“The eyes seemed to be pierced by a large drill, some of them “ran from under their high eyebrows like mice,” and some of them seemed sweet like sugar?

5. What word did Oblomov write?

“He became thoughtful and mechanically began to draw with his finger in the dust, then looked at what was written: it turned out...”

6. The so-called canon named after him includes 37 plays, 2 poems and 154 sonnets, and the main poetic form of the plays is blank verse, or unrhymed iambic pentameter. What great playwright are we talking about?

7. One of the titles of A.N.’s plays. Ostrovsky repeats the title of Krylov's fable. Remember them.

8. Determine the poetic meter:

a) Along the blue waves of the ocean,

Only the stars will shine in the sky,

The lonely ship is rushing

It rushes with all sails.

b) I won't tell you anything

And I won’t worry you at all,

And what I silently repeat,

I don't dare hint at anything.

9. Who was the director of the film “A Few Days in the Life of Oblomov”?

Answers (grade 10):

1. a) Kuligin; b) Wild; c) Boris; d) Boris; d) Kabnikha.

3. B family estate Tarkhany.

4. In Sobakevich, Plyushkin and Manilov.

5. Oblomovism.

6. V. Shakespeare.

7. "Wolves and Sheep."

8. a) trimeter amphibrachium; b) trimeter anapaest.

Test work based on the play by A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" Option 1

    Fill in the missing words: A) Dika Kabanova: “You’re the only one in the whole city who knows how to _____ me.” B) Tikhon before leaving: “Yes, I know now that for two weeks there won’t be any ____ over me.” C) Kuligin sings the song “____” at the beginning of the play (based on the verses of A.F. Merzlyakov). D) Katerina about herself: “This is how I was born ___!” D) Kuligin about the thunderstorm: “Now every grass, every flower is rejoicing, but we are hiding, afraid, as if some kind of misfortune is coming!” The thunderstorm will kill! It’s not a thunderstorm, it’s _____!”

    A) “There’s no one to calm him down, so he’s fighting!” B) “What an angelic smile she has on her face, and her face seems to glow.” B) “Prudence, sir! She gives money to the poor, but she eats up her family completely” D) “...my mother’s relatives didn’t let me in, they wrote that she was sick. It’s scary to imagine what life would have been like for her here.” D) “I’ve sinned all my life from a young age. Just ask them what they'll tell you about her! That's why he's afraid to die. What she is afraid of, she scares others with.”

    Who owns the words? A) “I am considered a rude person; Why is he holding me? Therefore, he needs me. Well, that means I’m not afraid of him, but let him be afraid of me.” B) “It’s impossible, mother, without sin: we live in the world.” C) “I understand that all this is Russian, native, but I still can’t get used to it.” D) “Oh, what boredom! At least someone's children! Eco woe! D) “Here is your Katerina. Do whatever you want with her! Her body is here, take it; but the soul is now not yours: it is now before a judge who is more merciful than you!”

    A) “And we, sir, will never get out of this crust! Because honest work will never earn us more than our daily bread. And whoever has money, sir, tries to enslave the poor so that he can make even more money from his free labors.” B) “And I, dear girl, am not absurd, I have no such sin. I have one sin, for sure; I myself know that there is. I love to eat sweets." C) “I used to get up early; If it’s summer, I’ll go to the spring, wash myself, bring some water with me, and that’s it, I’ll water all the flowers in the house. I had many, many flowers.” D) “That means you want to ruin her completely, Boris Grigoryich!” D) “Someone has fun in captivity!” You never know what comes to mind. An opportunity arose, and another one was glad: so she rushed headlong. But how is this possible without thinking, without judging!”

Test work based on A. N. Ostrovsky’s play “The Thunderstorm” Option 2

    Fill in the missing words: A) Tikhon went to _____ (city) for ten days. B) Kuligin about his age: “Here, my brother, ____ years I look at the Volga every day and I can’t get enough of it.” C) Author's note: “All faces, except ____, are dressed in Russian.” D) Katerina about the church: “You know: on a sunny day, such a light column comes down from the dome, and smoke moves in this column, like clouds, and I see, it happened, as if ___ were flying and singing in this column.” D) Kuligin reads to Diky a fragment from the poem _____ (poet).

    Who is characterized in this way in the drama? A) “What a good man!” He dreams for himself and is happy.” B) “Who will please him if his whole life is based on swearing? And most of all because of the money; not a single calculation is complete without abuse.” C) “So boring...” D) “I’m completely ready, and the horses are ready.” He's so sad, it's a disaster! I can already see that he wants to say goodbye.” D) “Every morning my aunt begs everyone with tears: “Fathers, don’t make me angry! Darlings, don’t make me angry!”

    Who owns the words? A) “Let me not let you down either: he is the word, and I am ten; he'll spit and go. No, I won’t slave to him.” B) “Beauty is our destruction! You will destroy yourself, you will seduce people, then rejoice in your beauty. You will lead many, many people into sin!” B) "B" promised land you live! And the merchants are all pious people, adorned with many virtues!” D) “We only need to ask God for one thing: that she die as soon as possible, so that she does not suffer for a long time! " D) "Everyone should be afraid. It’s not so scary that it will kill you, but that death will suddenly find you as you are, with all your sins, with all your evil thoughts.”

    Give the name of the episode, scene, fragment. A) “I never even thought about the house. Even if I remembered, it wouldn’t even occur to me what was going on here.” B) “I say: why don’t people fly like birds? You know, sometimes I feel like I'm a bird. When you stand on a mountain, you feel the urge to fly. That’s how I would run, raise my hands and fly.” B) “They are at enmity with each other; they get into their high mansions drunken clerks, such, sir, clerks that there is no human appearance on him, his human appearance is hysterical.” D) “I just have to say goodbye to him, and then... and then at least die. Why did I get him into trouble? After all, that doesn’t make it any easier for me! I should die alone! Otherwise, she ruined herself, she ruined him, she brought dishonor to herself - eternal obedience to him!” D) “If you see that they want to ask you for something, you will take it out on purpose and attack someone in order to get angry; because you know that no one will come to you when you’re angry.”

Test work based on A.N Ostrovsky’s play “The Thunderstorm” Option 3

    Fill in the missing words: A) Kabanova to Dikiy: “There are no elders above you, so you are _____.” B) Kuligin about himself: “I’ve read a lot ____, Derzhavin...” C) Boris studied at a commercial academy in ____ (city). D) Dikoy about the thunderstorm: “A thunderstorm is sent to us in ___ so that we can feel it, but you want to defend yourself with poles and some kind of rods, God forgive me.” D) Last words Tikhona: “Good for you, Katya!” Why did I stay in the world, yeah___!”

    Who is characterized in this way in the drama? A) “Now he’s listening, but he’s thinking about how he can get out as quickly as possible!” B) “Driven, downtrodden, and then foolishly decided to fall in love.” B) “He has such an establishment. With us, no one dares say a word about salary, he’ll scold you for what it’s worth.” D) “.. told me that she three days she couldn’t get along with her relatives, it seemed very wild to her” D) “Even all the boys in the city are hiding from her, she threatens them with a stick and screams...”

    Who owns the words? A) “That’s how the old man comes out. I don’t even want to go to another house. And if you get up, you’ll just spit and get out quickly. What will happen, how the old people will die, how the light will remain, I don’t know.” B) “Cruel morals, sir, in our city, cruel! In philistinism, sir, you will see nothing but rudeness and bare poverty.” C) “And in my opinion: do whatever you want, as long as it’s sewn and covered.” D) “I can’t even think of what to say to her now, it’s breathtaking, my knees are buckling!” That’s how stupid my heart is, it suddenly boils over, nothing can calm it down.” D) “The girls go out as they please, father and mother don’t care. Only women are locked up"

    Give the name of the episode, scene, fragment. A) “Leave him? Of course you have to quit. And how did he get into my hands? To temptation, to my destruction.” B) “You still have paradise and silence in your city, but in other cities it’s just sodomy, mother: noise, running around, incessant driving! People are just scurrying around, one here, another there.” C) “If only I could live with him, maybe I would see some kind of joy... Well, it doesn’t matter, I’ve already ruined my soul. How I miss him!” D) “And to death I loved going to church! Exactly, it happened that I would enter heaven, and I didn’t see anyone, and I didn’t remember the time, and I didn’t hear when the service was over. It was as if all this happened in one second.” D) “There’s a grave under the tree... how nice!” The sun warms it, wets it with rain... in the spring the grass will grow on it, so soft... birds will fly to the tree, they will sing, they will bring out children, flowers will bloom: yellow, red, blue... all sorts...”

Answers: Option 1

    A) talk B) thunderstorms C) “Among the flat valley..” D) hot E) grace

    A) Wild B) Katerina C) Kabanova D) Boris’s sister D) half-crazy

    A) Kudryash B) Feklusha C) Boris D) Katerina D) Kuligin

    A) Kuligin’s monologue “Cruel morals..” (D 1) B) dialogue between Feklushi and Glasha (D2) C) dialogue between Katerina and Varvara (D1) D) dialogue between Boris and Kudryash (D3) E) monologue of Katerina with the key (D2)

Option 2

    A) Moscow B) fifty C) Boris D) angels E) Derzhavin

    A) Kuligin B) Dikoy C) Boris D) Boris D) Dikoy’s wife

    A) Kudryash B) half-crazy lady C) Feklusha D) Boris D) Katerina

    A) dialogue between Tikhon and Kuligin (D5) B) dialogue between Katerina and Varvara (D1) C) monologue of Kuligin “Cruel Morals” (D 1) D) monologue of Katerina before the last meeting with Boris (D5) E) dialogue between Kabanova and Dikiy (D3 )

Option 3

    A) swagger B) Lomonosov C) Moscow D) punishment E) suffer

    A) Tikhon B) Boris C) Dikoy D) Boris’s mother E) half-crazy

    A) Kabanova B) Kuligin C) Varvara D) Boris D) Kudryash

    A) Katerina’s monologue with the key (D2)

B) dialogue between Kabanova and Feklushi (D 3) C) Katerina’s monologue before the last meeting with Boris (D5) D) dialogue between Katerina and Varvara (D1) E) Katerina’s last monologue “Where to now?” (D 5)

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