Delicious omelet made from chickpea flour. Vegetarian vegetable omelette without eggs Vegan chickpea flour omelette

Chickpeas - there’s so much in this word! Before switching to a healthy diet, I didn’t even know what chickpeas were and what they were eaten with. But now there are always chickpeas in the house and chickpea dishes are frequent guests on our table. For those who don’t yet know what it is, I’ll tell you in a nutshell. Chickpeas are small yellow peas from the legume family. It is also called “chickpeas”. In my opinion, chickpeas have a special taste, not like peas, beans or mung beans. Of the legumes, chickpeas are probably my favorite 😛

Today we will discuss how to cook chickpea omelette - a tasty and healthy dish. It cooks very quickly and will be a great breakfast for your family.

The chickpea omelette is called so because its consistency is very similar to a regular omelette. However, it cannot be compared with the usual one in terms of the amount of benefits for our body. The kids liked it and loved it, which means this recipe automatically goes into the “recipes for kids” category.

And now about the main thing - how to cook chickpea omelette.

What you will need to make chickpea omelette:

Ready-made chickpea flour or chickpeas. If you take chickpeas, you need to soak them overnight, and in the morning boil the chickpeas for about 40 minutes in water without salt.


How to cook chickpea omelette:

  1. If you took ready-made chickpea flour, then dilute it with hot water to the consistency of thick sour cream. If you took dry chickpeas, then after you have boiled them, you need to puree them in a blender (if they don’t blend, add a little water).
  2. We get the chickpea mixture. Add finely chopped tomatoes, zucchini, dill, and pepper to this mixture. Mix well and add salt to taste.
  3. And then there are options - fry the chickpea omelette in a frying pan or bake it in the oven.

I usually bake chickpeas in the oven. Since when baking you can avoid adding oil to the pan. I advise not to grease the pan with oil, as it releases carcinogens when heated. And in general, I try not to use oil, because... this is not the best product. But if your frying pan doesn't allow you to avoid using oil, then at least keep the amount to a minimum! - Do not pour oil into the pan, but simply wipe it with an oil cloth.

Please note that you can put any vegetables that you have in the house into the chickpea mixture. You can add bell pepper and onion.

A vegetable omelet without eggs will appeal not only to vegetarians, but also to people who observe fasting, as well as vegans. This is a very simple and tasty dish, you can come up with a lot of variations.

The recipe for this omelet was sent by Nikolai Shuisky, who recently shared it with us, and I developed it a little and took a photo.

Two options for vegetable omelet:

Vegetarian vegetable omelette

Nikolay writes:

It turns out something like scrambled eggs with tomatoes in terms of cooking method, taste, appearance and smell. Only instead of eggs there is batter. I think that instead of vegetables you can use soy goulash, and whatever you want.

So, first I will show you the simplest version, and then one of the variations of this recipe.


  • 1 small zucchini
  • 1 tomato
  • 100 ml water
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of flour
  • spices: 1/2 tsp. turmeric, 1/2 tsp. , ground black pepper, black salt

Preparing a lean vegetable omelet:

  1. Fry turmeric in hot oil for 2-3 seconds. You can immediately add asafoetida, but I add it later so that its aroma is better preserved.

  2. Add zucchini cut into small cubes.

  3. Then chopped tomato.

    Chopped tomato

  4. Cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for about 15 minutes.
  5. At this time, make the batter by mixing flour and water (I recommend adding a little turmeric and a little salt, although Nikolay salts the batter already in the frying pan, like scrambled eggs). You should get a batter like the one in.

    Lenten batter

  6. Season the vegetables with salt and simmer for another 5 minutes.

    Stewed zucchini with tomato

  7. Season, pour in the batter so that all the vegetables are covered (you can stir a little with a spatula so that it flows between the vegetables), and add a little salt on top if you didn’t salt the batter.

  8. Cover and cook for about 5 minutes more until the dough is completely baked but still tender and slightly gloopy.

    Lenten omelette is ready

  9. Sprinkle with ground pepper and finely chopped herbs.

    Eggless omelet with dill

  10. Before serving, sprinkle with black salt, which will give the dish an eggy smell. Although it will be very tasty without it.

    Vegan omelette


  • 1 small zucchini
  • 1 tomato
  • 30 ml butter (ghee or vegetable)
  • 100 grams of Adyghe cheese
  • some olives
  • some hard cheese
  • 80 ml water + 3 tbsp. l. sour cream (or kefir half and half with water, or whey)
  • 4.5 tbsp. l. flour
  • spices: turmeric, ground black pepper, black salt

Making a vegetarian omelet without eggs:

  1. Fry 1/2-3/4 tsp. turmeric in oil heated in a frying pan.
  2. Add chopped zucchini, cover and simmer for 10 minutes.
  3. Make a batter by mixing flour, water, sour cream, 1/3 tsp. salt, 1/2 tsp. turmeric, maybe a pinch of asafoetida. The consistency of the dough is the same or slightly thicker.

    Batter for vegetarian omelette

  4. Add diced cheese to the zucchini.

    Stewed zucchini and cheese

  5. Then a tomato and a pinch of salt. Mix.

    Vegetables with cheese

  6. Cover with a lid and simmer for 5 minutes.
  7. Sprinkle with pepper, asafoetida and stir.

  8. Pour the batter evenly over the vegetables and sprinkle chopped olives on top.

  9. Sprinkle with a little grated hard cheese.

  10. Cover with a lid and fry for 5-7 minutes over low heat.

    Vegetarian vegetable omelette without eggs is ready

  11. Sprinkle with herbs and add black salt (optional) before serving.

Vegetarian omelette without eggs and milk:

To prepare an omelet for one serving you will need:

Chickpea flour - 3 tablespoons, more if possible. Flour is available ready-made for sale, but you can also prepare it at home;

Drinking water - 50 ml;

Wash the vegetables and cut them into small pieces or slices. You can use any vegetable, but tomato works best in this omelette. In my case it's a cherry tomato.

Heat up the frying pan. I have a Teflon pancake pan with a diameter of 20 cm. I don’t use oil for frying; thanks to this pan, the chickpea pancake is well fried and easily leaves the surface of the pan. Pour the chickpea dough into the heated frying pan.

Place the pre-prepared vegetables on top for a minute.

Let it bake for about 5 minutes. Then very carefully turn the omelette over to the other side, just like we cook pancakes. The main thing is that the vegetables remain in the same place. The second option is to leave the omelette as is, letting it bake a little more in the pan. You can also fold it in half before serving, so that the vegetables are inside.

22:05 -- 27.09.2016

A very healthy protein breakfast - an egg-free omelet! Sounds weird? Let's prepare this wonderful omelet without breaking more than one egg. You will be surprised, but in terms of smell and taste, this is the scrambled eggs familiar to many, only the taste is more delicate.

Modern scientists have found that it is not without reason that people have always valued this type of legume. Chickpea grain contains up to 30% protein, which is close in quality to egg protein, up to 8% oil, 50-60% carbohydrates, 2-5% minerals, many vitamins: A, B1, B2, V3, C, B6, PP.

Will need

Chickpea flour – 1.5 cups
Ground flax (flax flour) – 4 tbsp. l.
One tomato (or other vegetables of your choice)
Ground cumin – 1 tsp.
0.5 tsp. turmeric
salt, pepper to taste

Place all dry ingredients in a container and mix well.
Add a little more than a third of a glass of drinking water and mix well.

Chop vegetables, herbs and olives finely and add to the mixture. Mix again.

Place a greased frying pan over medium heat. After the frying pan heats up, pour a portion of the future omelet into it.
Cover and cook with the lid closed until the omelette begins to harden on top. Then turn the omelette over to the other side so that the omelette is browned on both sides. It is important to check that the omelette is completely cooked.

We do the same with the remaining portions.

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I really love chickpeas. For those who don’t know what it is, I’ll tell you in a nutshell. Chickpeas are small yellow peas from the legume family. It is also called “chickpeas”. In my opinion, chickpeas have a special taste, not like peas, beans or mung beans. Of the legumes, chickpeas are probably my favorite))

What can you make from chickpeas? Yes, anything! For example, hummus. Some time ago I posted the recipe for mine. Or chickpea soup... Or vegan chickpea pilaf... Chickpeas can be used to make batter or make healthy pizza dough. I even tried to sprout chickpeas and eat them raw)

What we need for the casserole (for 1 serving):

Water - 8 tbsp.

Salt - 1/4 tsp. It is better to use pink Himalayan. I wrote about the benefits and harms of different types of salt in the article

Turmeric - 1/4 tsp.

Black pepper, preferably freshly ground

Fresh herbs

Onions (onions, greens, leeks...) - a little

You can add a pinch of asafoetida if you have it.

That's it for the basic recipe.

But it will be even tastier if you add a little of any fresh vegetables. I had:

- zucchini

- eggplant

- bell pepper

Let's prepare it like this:

1. Mix chickpea flour, water and spices (salt, turmeric, pepper, if available, asafoetida). The result is a homogeneous mass, not thick. The consistency is similar to pancake batter...

2. Cut vegetables into small cubes. Chop the onion finely and finely.

3. In a non-stick frying pan, lightly fry the vegetables and onions, without oil! To prevent it from burning, add a little water to the pan. You only need to simmer for 3 minutes! Don't overdo it with the amount of vegetables, they should cover the bottom of the pan in a very thin layer, otherwise you will need two more chickpeas and the casserole will turn out very thick...

Option #1.

Pour the chickpea mixture into a frying pan with vegetables and onions in an even layer and cook the casserole over medium heat for 5-10 minutes. There is no need to turn the casserole over - there is a risk that it will fall apart...

All! Place the finished casserole on a plate and eat with fresh vegetables!

And another side view)))

Option #2.

Place lightly fried vegetables and onions from the frying pan onto a plate and forget about them for a while...

Pour the chickpea mixture into a frying pan in a thin layer and cook like scrambled eggs. There is no need to turn over, that is, fry only on one side. The second side will brown and “seize” even without turning it over. Again, I do not add oil. If you are afraid that the chickpea mixture will burn to the bottom of the pan, you can add a drop of unrefined vegetable oil. but just don’t pour it into the frying pan, but distribute a micro dose of oil using a silicone brush (if you don’t have one, you can distribute it with an ordinary paper napkin).

Carefully place the finished chickpea “omelet” in a large flat plate. Place fried vegetables and onions on one half of the “omelet”. Cover the top with the other half, that is, fold the resulting chickpea pancake in half. Serve with fresh vegetable salad!

Personally, I like the second method better, because this chickpea “omelet” folded in half looks simply stunningly beautiful and appetizing! Well, both options taste equally good!

Bon appetit! I hope my recipe today has inspired you to take on vegan culinary endeavors)

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