Outdoor games owl - owl. Outdoor games

P/i "Mousetrap"

Purpose of the game : Improve motor coordination and dexterity.

Progress of the game: The players are divided into two unequal groups. A smaller group of children hold hands and form a circle. They represent a mousetrap. The remaining children (mice) are outside the circle. Those depicting a mousetrap begin to walk in a circle, saying:

Oh, how tired the mice are,

They gnawed everything, ate everything,

Beware, you rascals,

We'll get to you.

Let's set up mousetraps,

Let's catch everyone now!

Children stop, raise their clasped hands up, forming a gate. Mice run in and out of the mousetrap. At the teacher’s signal “Clap”, the children standing in a circle lower their hands, squat - the mousetrap slams shut. Mice that did not have time to run out of the circle (mouse trap) are considered caught. Those caught stand in a circle, the mousetrap increases. When most of the children are caught, the children change roles and the game resumes. The game is repeated 4-5 times.

m/n “Who has the ball?”

Purpose of the game: develop mindfulness; consolidate the ability to perform game actions in accordance with the rules.

Progress of the game:

The players form a circle, the driver is chosen. He stands in the center of the circle, and the rest of the children move tightly towards each other, everyone’s hands behind their backs.

The teacher gives someone a ball (6-8 cm in diameter), and the children pass it around in a circle behind their backs. The driver tries to guess who has the ball. He says: “Hands!” - and the one who is being addressed must put both hands out, palms up, as if showing that he does not have the ball. If the driver guessed correctly, he takes the ball and stands in a circle, and the player who has the ball begins to drive. The game repeats itself.

p/i “Lovishka” (with ribbons)

Target: Develop dexterity and intelligence in children. Practice running with dodging, catching and lining up in a circle.

Progress of the game:The players line up in a circle, each receives a ribbon, which he places behind his belt or behind his collar. There is a trap in the center of the circle. At the signal “One, two, three - catch,” the children run away, and the catch tries to pull the ribbon from someone. The one who has lost his ribbon moves aside. At the signal “One, two, three - quickly run into the circle!”, the children line up in a circle. The teacher invites those who have lost their ribbons to raise their hands, that is, lost, and counts them. The trap returns the ribbons to the children. The game starts with a new driver.

Rules:The catcher should only take the tape, without delaying the player. The player who has lost his ribbon steps aside.

p/i "Figures"

Target:Nurture creative abilities.

Progress of the game:At the teacher’s signal, all children scatter around the playground (hall). At the next signal, all players stop at the place where the team found them and take some pose. The teacher notes those whose figures turned out to be the most successful.

m/n “Find and keep silent”

Target:Develop attention in children.

Progress of the game:The teacher hides an object in advance and invites the children to find it. The one who saw the object approaches the teacher and quietly reports the find. The teacher marks the children who turned out to be the most attentive.

p/i “We are funny guys”

Target: .

Progress of the game:Children stand on one side of the playground outside the line. A second line is drawn on the opposite side of the site. There is a trap in the center of the site. The trap is assigned by the teacher or chosen by the children. The children say in chorus:

We are funny guys

We love to run and jump.

Well, try to catch up with us.

One, two, three - catch it!

After the word “catch,” the children run to the other side of the playground, and the trap catches up with the runners and catches them. The one whom the trap manages to touch before the runner crosses the line is considered caught. He steps aside. After 2-3 runs, another trap is selected. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Directions. If after 2 - 3 runs the trap does not catch anyone, a new trap is still selected

p/i "Fishing Rod"

Target:Improve coordination abilities, strengthen leg muscles.

Progress of the game:The players stand in a circle; the teacher will stand in the center of the circle. He holds a rope in his hands, at the end of which a bag of sand is tied. The teacher rotates the rope with the bag in a circle just above the floor (ground), and the children jump up on two legs, trying to prevent the bag from touching their legs. Having described 2-3 circles with the bag, the teacher pauses, counts the number of people touching the bag and gives instructions on how to perform jumps.

p/n “Take it quickly”

target:Improve the speed of response to a signal.

Progress of the game: Children form a circle and, at the teacher’s signal, walk or run around objects (cubes, cones, pebbles), which should be one or two smaller than the children. On the signal: “Take it quickly!” - Each player must take an object and raise it above his head. The one who did not manage to pick up the object is considered a loser.

p/i "Empty space"

Target:Develop the ability to navigate in space and speed


Progress of the game:The players stand in a circle with their hands on their belts to create windows. The driver is selected. He walks behind the circle and says: I walk around the house

And I look out the windows,

I'll go to one

And I'll knock softly.

After the word “I’ll knock,” the driver stops, looks into the window opposite which he stopped, and says: “Knock-knock-knock.” The person standing in front asks: “Who has come?” The driver says his name. The person standing in the circle asks: “Why did you come?” The driver answers: “We’re running to the race,” and both run around the players in different directions. There is an empty space in the circle. The one who reaches him first remains in the circle; the latecomer becomes the driver, and the game continues.

m/n "Classes"

Target:Teach children to long jump.

Progress of the game:Classics (5 - 6) are painted on the asphalt.
The child takes a flat pebble and throws it into the first class. Then he jumps on two legs to the first class, picks up a pebble and jumps back. He throws a pebble into the second class, and he himself jumps first into the first class, and from there into the second. He also picks up a pebble and jumps through the first class. Then he throws it into third grade and so on until he goes beyond the class line. After this, the rest of the children begin to jump. When it’s the first child’s turn again, he takes his pebble and throws it into the class he didn’t get into before. All the children play this way in turn. The child from the group who completes all classes first wins.

p/i "Don't get caught"

Target:Develop dexterity and coordination of movement.

Progress of the game:The players sit around a cord laid out on the floor in the shape of a circle. There are two drivers in the center of the circle. At the teacher’s signal, children jump on two legs into the circle and back out of the circle as the traps approach. The player who has been “tarnished” receives a penalty point. After 50 sec. The game stops, the losers are counted, the game is repeated with new drivers.

p/i "Migration of birds"

Target:Strengthen climbing the gymnastic ladder.

Progress of the game:At one end of the hall there are children - “birds”. At the other end of the hall there are aids on which you can “fly up” (gymnastic benches, cubes, etc.) - “trees”.

At the teacher’s signal: “The birds are flying away!” - children, flapping their arms like wings, scatter throughout the hall; to the signal: “Storm!” - run to higher ground and hide there. When the teacher says “The storm has stopped!”, the children descend from the hill and scatter around the hall again (“the birds continue their flight”). During the game, the teacher must belay the children, especially when descending from the gymnastics wall.

m/n "Don't stay on the floor"

Target:Develop the ability to act on a verbal signal, quickly navigate the environment.

Progress of the game:A driver is selected - a trap, who runs with the children throughout the hall (area). As soon as the teacher said: “Catch!” - everyone runs away from the trap and tries to climb onto some elevation (bench, cube, stump, etc.). The trap tries to catch the runner before they have time to stand on the dais. Children touched by the trap step aside. At the end of the game, the number of caught players is counted and another driver is chosen. The game resumes.

p/i “Ball for the driver”

Target:Develop dexterity and speed of reaction, the ability to play in a team.

Progress of the game:The players are divided into 2-3 teams. Each team lines up in a circle; in the center of each circle is a driver with a ball in his hands. The drivers throw the ball to the players in their circle one by one and receive it back. When the ball has passed all the players, the driver raises it above his head and says “Ready!” Whose team is faster?

p/i "Geese - Swans"

Target:Develop in children self-control and the ability to perform movements when given a signal. Exercise running with dodging.

Progress of the game:On one side of the hall (platform) the house in which the geese are located is indicated. On the opposite side of the hall there is a shepherd. To the side of the house is a den (approximately in the middle of the hall) in which a wolf lives, the rest of the place is a meadow. Children are selected to play the role of a wolf and a shepherd, the rest play geese. The shepherd drives the geese out into the meadow, they graze and fly.

SHEPHERD: Geese, geese!

GEESE: (stop and answer in unison). Ha, ha, ha!

SHEPHERD: Do you want to eat?

GOOSE: Yes, yes, yes!


Geese: We can't:

Gray wolf under the mountain

Doesn't let us go home.

SHEPHERD: So fly as you want,

Just take care of your wings!

The geese, spreading their wings (with their arms spread out to the sides), fly home through the meadow, and the wolf, running out of the den, tries to catch (spot) them. The caught geese go to the den. After two runs, the number of geese caught by the wolf is counted. Then new drivers are chosen - a wolf and a shepherd.

m/n “Flies - doesn’t fly”

Target:Develop the ability to distribute attention, teach concentration.

Progress of the game:Children stand in a circle, with the teacher in the center. He names animate and inanimate objects that fly and do not fly. For example, the teacher says: “The plane flies, the chair flies, the sparrow flies,” etc. Children should raise their hands up if a flying object is named.

p/i "Zateiniki"

Target:Develop children's physical activity.

Progress of the game:A driver is selected - an entertainer who stands in the center of the circle formed by the children. Holding hands, children walk in a circle to the right and left, saying:

In an even circle one after another

We are going step by step.

Stay where you are! Together together

Let's do it like this………..

The children stop and lower their hands; the entertainer shows some movements, and all players must repeat it.

p/i "Firefighters in training"

Target:Strengthen the ability to climb a gymnastic wall without missing the slats.

Progress of the game:Children line up in four columns facing the gymnastics wall - these are firefighters. On each span of the gymnastic wall, bells are hung at the same height (on a rail).

At the teacher’s signal: “March!” - children standing first in the columns run to the gymnastics wall, climb up it, ring the bell, go down and return to the end of their column. The teacher marks the child who completed the task the fastest. Then the signal is given again and the next group of children runs, etc.

Target:Develop attentiveness and activity of sensory systems.

Hodge games:The players stand in a circle, with a blindfolded driver in the center of the circle. One of the children approaches the driver, and the driver must recognize his friend by touch. The game continues 5-6 times, each time a new driver is selected.

p/i "Frost Red Nose"

Target: Develop speed and agility

Move: On the opposite side of the site two houses are marked, the players are located

In one of the houses. The driver - Frost the Red Nose stands in the middle of the court facing the players and says:

I am Frost Red Nose.

Which one of you will decide

Hit the road - set off on the path?

The players answer in unison:

We are not afraid of threats

And we are not afraid of frost.

After the word “frost,” the children run across the playground to another house, and the driver catches up with them and tries to touch them with his hand and “freeze them.” The “frozen” ones stop at the place where they were touched and stand motionless until the end of the run. The teacher and Frost count the number of “frozen” children. After each dash, a new Frost is chosen. At the end of the game, they compare which Frost froze more players.

p/i "Hunters and Hares"

Target : Cultivate dexterity

Progress:A hunter is chosen from among the players, the rest are hares. On one side of the hall (platform) there is a place for the hunter, on the other there is a house for the hares. The hunter walks around the hall, pretending to look for tracks of hares, and then returns to his house. Hares jump out from behind the bushes and jump (on 2 legs, on the right or left - as you wish) in different directions. On the signal: “Hunter!” - the hares run into the house, and the hunter throws balls at them (he has 2-2 balls in his hands). The hares he hit are considered shot, and he takes them into his house. After each hare hunt, the hunter changes, but is not chosen from among those caught.

p/n "Brave Little Sparrows"

Target : Develop speed and agility

Progress:Children line up in a circle, with two snowballs in front of each player. In the center of the circle the leader is a cat. Children pretend to be a sparrow and, at the teacher’s signal, jump into the circle through the snowballs and jump back out of the circle as the cat approaches. A sparrow touched by a cat. Receives a penalty point, but is not eliminated from the game. After some time, the teacher stops the game and counts the number of “salty” ones; a new driver is selected.

p/i "Sly Fox"

Target: Develop speed and agility

Progress:The players stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other. To the side, outside the circle, the fox's house is indicated. At the teacher’s signal, the children close their eyes, and the teacher walks around them from the outside of the circle and touches one of the players, who becomes the leader - the sly fox. Then the children open their eyes and ask in chorus 3 times (at short intervals) (first quietly, then louder): “Sly fox, where are you?” After the third question, the sly fox quickly runs out to the middle of the circle, raises his hand and says: “I’m here!” All the players scatter around the site, and the fox catches them (by touching them with his hand). After the fox catches 2-3 children and takes them to his house, the teacher says: “In a circle!” The game resumes.

m/n "Ball School"

Target : development of dexterity, quick reaction, attention

Target:A small ball is given for the game. Children play alone, in twos and in small groups. The player performs the movement task in order. Having successfully dealt with one, he moves on to the next. If a child makes a mistake, he passes me x to another. When continuing the game, he starts with the movement in which he made a mistake.

p/i "Bears and Bees"

Target: Develop speed and agility

Progress:On one side of the hall there is a beehive, and on the opposite side there is a meadow. To the side there is a den of bears. At a conditioned signal from the teacher, the bees fly out of the hive (they get down from a hill (this can be a gymnastic bench, a wall, etc.)), fly to the meadow for honey and buzz. The bees fly away, and the bears run out of the den and climb into the hive (fly up to a hill) and feast on honey. As soon as the teacher gives the signal: “Bears!”, the bees fly to the hives, and the bears run away into the den. The bees that do not have time to hide sting (by touching with their hand). Stung bears miss one game. The game resumes, and after it is repeated, the children change roles.

p/i "Owl"

Target: Form creative imagination

Progress:On one side of the hall there is an owl's nest. The driver, an owl, is placed in the nest. The rest of the children pretend to be birds, butterflies, beetles - they scatter all over the hall. After some time, the teacher says: “Night!” - and all the players stop in place in the positions in which they found themselves at night. The owl flies out of its nest, flaps its wings and looks to see who is moving. The one who moves is taken by the owl to his nest. The teacher says: “Day!” - and butterflies, bugs, birds come to life and again begin to fly and whirl. After two flights of the owl to hunt, the number of those caught is counted and a new leader is selected.

p/i "Pair running"

Target: Learn to run in pairs

Progress:“Change the subject.” Children (two children, each with a cube in their hands), at the teacher’s signal, run to the hoop (35 m), exchange the cube for a ball and return back to the team. Pass the ball to the next players. The next children exchange the ball for a cube. Task for children: change one object for another as quickly as possible.

m/n “Who gets to the flag faster”

Target: improve the ability to crawl

all fours and ability to navigate

in space

Progress:all players sit on chairs. At a distance of 5-6 steps from the edge of the playground, a line is drawn behind which there are 4-5 children. On the opposite side of the site, at a distance of 18 - 20 steps, a chair is placed opposite each person, on which a flag is placed. The chairs are on the same line. At the teacher’s signal, the children run to the flags, take them, lift them up, and then put them back. The teacher notes which of the children raised the flag first. Then all those running sit on chairs, and the next 4-5 people take their place across the line. The game ends when all children run once to the flag.

p/n “Burn, burn clearly!”

Target: Develop speed and agility

Progress:Players stand in a column of two, holding hands, with the leader in front of the column. The children say in chorus:

Burn, burn clearly so that it doesn’t go out.

Look at the sky: the birds are flying,

The bells are ringing!

One, two, three - run!

At the end of the words, the players of the last pair lower their hands and run to the beginning of the column - one to the right, the other to the left of it. The driver tries to stain one of the players before he has time to join hands with his partner. If the driver has stained the player, then he pairs up with him at the front of the column.

m/i “Hit the hoop”

Target: Develop eye and precision of motor actions

Progress:3 teams participate, children form a column behind the throwing line facing the wall (3-4 m from the throwing line). Opposite each team there is a hoop on the floor (1.5-2 m from the throwing line). The first players hold the ball in their hands. At the signal, the first players throw the ball against the wall so that, when it bounces, it hits the hoop and then into their hands. Having caught the ball, the children pass it to the next one, and they themselves stand at the end of the column. For each accurate throw, the team is awarded one point. The team with the most points wins.

p/i "Homeless Hare"

Target: Improve the speed of reaction to an audio signal

Progress:A hunter and a homeless hare are selected from among the players. The rest of the players - the hares - draw circles for themselves (at home), and everyone stands in it.

The “homeless hare” runs away, and the “hunters” catch up with him. The “hare” can escape from the “hunter” by running into any circle; then the “hare”, flocking in the circle, must immediately run away, because now he becomes homeless and the “hunter” will catch him. As soon as the “hunter” has caught (killed) a hare, he himself becomes a “hare”, and the former “hare” becomes a “hunter”.

p/i "Carousel"

Target:develop rhythmic movements in children and

The ability to coordinate them with words

Progress:Children form a circle, holding the cord with their right hand, walk in a circle, first slowly, then faster and start running. Movements are performed in accordance with the text spoken out loud:

Barely, barely, barely, barely

The carousels are spinning

And then around, around,

Everybody run, run, run.

After the children have run 2-3 laps, the teacher organizes them and gives a signal to change the direction of movement. The players turn around and, grabbing the cord with the other hand, continue walking and running. Then the teacher says with the children:

Hush, hush, don't rush!

Stop the carousel!

One - two, one - two,

So the game is over.

The movement of the “carousel” gradually slows down. To the words “The game is over!” the children stop.

m/p "Knock down the pin"

Target: Train accuracy, strengthen arm muscles

Progress:Players stand in a line behind the starting line of 6-8 people. At a signal, children change snowballs, trying to knock down the pins (distance 4-5 m from the starting line). Players who managed to hit the targets are noted.

p/i "From hummock to hummock"

Target: develop the ability to jump on two legs with

moving forward

Progress:The teacher lays out flat hoops in a checkerboard pattern (6 pieces in two lines). The players line up in two columns and, on command, perform jumps on two legs from hoop to hoop. The distance between children when jumping is 2-3 hoops, in order to prevent injuries. The team that completes the task quickly and correctly wins.

p/i "Counter dashes"

Target: Strengthen children's ability to run races

Progress:The group is divided in half. The players stand on opposite sides of the court behind the lines in a line at a distance of at least one step from each other. Each group of children has ribbons of their own color on their hands - blue, yellow. At the teacher’s signal “blue”, children with blue ribbons run to the opposite side. The children standing opposite stretch out their palms forward and wait for those running to touch them with their hands. The one who was touched runs to the other side of the court, stops behind the line, turns around and raises his hand up. Etc.

p/n "Serso"

Target: Develop attention, eye, coordination

movements, accuracy

Progress:Two children stand opposite each other at a short distance (2-3 m). One of them throws rings towards another, and he catches them on a stick.

If there are a large number of participants, children, divided into pairs, stand opposite each other at a distance of 3-4 m. One of them (by agreement) has a stick in his hands, the other has a stick and several rings (initially 2, later 3-4) . The latter puts rings on the tip of the stick and throws them one at a time towards his partner, who catches the rings on his stick. When all the rings are thrown, the caught rings are counted, after which the children change roles. The one who catches the most number of rings wins.

p/i "K&"

One of the players - the “owl” - is in a small circle (in the “nest”). The rest run and jump freely, pretending to be bugs, butterflies, and frogs. At the adult’s signal: “Night is coming!” - everyone stops, and the owl flies out to hunt. All players freeze in place. Noticing the player moving, the owl takes him by the hand and leads him into the nest. When the players hear: “Day!” - everyone starts moving again. After two or three repetitions, a new owl is selected. The most dexterous and cautious players are those who have never fallen into a nest.

Rules: 1)The owl does not have the right to watch the same player for a long time.

2) You can’t escape from the owl.

3) If the owl does not notice the players moving, and the “Day” signal sounds, then it flies to the nest alone, without prey.

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Outdoor games

Trap with a bell

Children stand in a circle and choose a trap, which is given a bell. The trap is in the center of the circle. Children say:

"The guys here are funny.

They love to run and jump. Try to catch up with them! Get ready, look

And call someone!”

At the last words, the children scatter and try to find any elevated place (bench, log, ladder, stump). The trap must have time to detain someone, ring the bell and hand the bell to the person caught. The trap brings the detainee to the center of the circle, after which all the players go down and form a circle again. The game continues with a new trap.

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Outdoor games


One player is chosen to go hide while everyone else closes their eyes and counts to 30. Then the players go to look for the person hiding. When the seeker discovers the one hiding, he joins him. The goal of the game is to find the hiding player as quickly as possible. The last player becomes the driver.

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Outdoor games

Wolf and kids

Lines separate the “House of the Wolf” and the “House of the Little Goats.” Between these “houses” there is a “clearing”.

Children are divided into two teams: wolves and kids. The wolves go to bed, and the kids go out into the clearing for a walk. The kids ask: “Wolf, wolf, are you sleeping?” The wolf says: “I’m still sleeping.” This happens several times, then the wolves wake up and catch up with the kids. It must be unexpected.

The wolf may have one child.

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Outdoor games

Be smart

Children stand facing in a circle, with a bag of sand at each feet. The driver is in the center of the circle. At a signal, children jump into the circle and back through the bags, pushing off with both feet. The driver tries to make fun of the children before they jump out of the circle. The greasy children leave the game. A new driver is chosen from those who were never touched by the previous driver.

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Outdoor games

Whoever is named, catch it

Children walk, run, jump, etc. around the playground. An adult is among the children, he holds a large ball in his hand. Then he calls the name of one of the children and throws the ball up. The person named runs up, catches the ball and throws it up, calling one of the players by name, who in turn runs up, catches the ball, etc.

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Outdoor games

Drive a piece of ice

A large circle is drawn on the snow with colored paint, from which there are 8-10 colored lines - rays - in different directions, their length is 2.5-3 m. At the end of these lines there are children. There is a piece of ice at the toe of each player’s right foot. At the signal, jumping on the right foot, everyone tries to quickly drive their piece of ice into the circle. Here you can stand on two legs while waiting for the other players. After that, everyone drives their piece of ice back, bouncing on their left leg and trying to stick to the drawn line, and passes the piece of ice to another player. The first person to arrive is noted.

Outdoor games for children 4-5 years old

P/i "Owl"

Goal: learn to stand still for a while and listen carefully.

How to play: The players sit freely on the court. “Owl” sits or stands to the side (“in the hollow”). The teacher says: “The day comes - everything comes to life.” All players move freely around the site, performing various movements, imitating the flight of butterflies, dragonflies, etc. with their hands.

Suddenly he says: “Night comes, everything freezes, the owl flies out.” Everyone must immediately stop in the position in which these words found them and not move. The “Owl” slowly passes by the players and vigilantly examines them. Whoever moves or laughs is sent to his “hollow” by the “owl”. After some time, the game stops, and they count how many people the “owl” took to itself. After this, a new “owl” is chosen from those who did not get to it. The “owl” who has taken the largest number of players wins.

P/i "Homeless Hare"

Goal: run fast; navigate in space.

Progress of the game: A “hunter” and a “stray hare” are selected. The rest of the “hares” stand in hoops - “houses”. The “homeless hare” runs away, and the “hunter” catches up. The “hare” can stand in the house, then the “hare” standing there must run away. When the “hunter” catches the “hare,” he himself becomes the hare, and the “hare” becomes the “hunter.”

P/i "Fox in the hen house"

Goal: learn to jump softly, bending your knees; run without touching each other, dodge the catcher.

Progress of the game: A “chicken coop” is outlined on one side of the site. In it, “chickens” sit on a roost (on benches).

On the opposite side of the site there is a fox hole. The rest of the place is a yard. One of the players is designated as a “fox”, the rest are designated as “chickens”. At a signal, the “chickens” jump from their roost, walk and run around the yard, peck at grains, and flap their wings. On the signal: “Fox!” - the “chickens” run into the chicken coop and climb onto the roost, and the “fox” tries to drag away the “chicken”, who did not have time to escape, and takes her to her hole. The remaining "chickens" jump off the roost again and the game resumes. The game ends when the “fox” catches two or three “chickens”.

P/i “Run Quietly”

Goal: learn to move silently.

Progress of the game: Children are divided into groups of 4-5 people, divided into three groups and lined up. They choose a driver, he sits in the middle of the platform and closes his eyes. At the signal, one subgroup silently runs past the driver to the other end of the site. If the driver hears, he says “Stop!” and those running stop. Without opening his eyes, the driver says which group was running. If he correctly indicated the group, the children move aside. If you make a mistake, they return to their places. All groups run through this one by one. The group that ran quietly and that the driver could not detect wins.

P/i "Airplanes"

Goal: to teach ease of movement, to act after a signal.

Progress of the game: Before the game it is necessary to show all the game movements. Children stand on one side of the playground. The teacher says, “We are ready to fly. Start the engines! Children make rotational movements with their arms in front of their chest. After the signal “Let's fly!” spread their arms to the sides and run around the hall. At the signal “Landing!” The players go to their side of the court.

P/i "Hares and the Wolf"

Goal: learn to jump correctly on two legs; listen to the text and perform movements in accordance with the text.

Progress of the game: One of the players is chosen as a “wolf”. The rest are “hares”. At the beginning of the game, the “hares” stand in their houses, the wolf is on the opposite side. The “hares” come out of the houses, the teacher says:

Hares gallop, hop, hop, hop,

To the green meadow.

They pinch the grass, eat it,

They listen carefully to see if a wolf is coming.

Children jump and perform movements. After these words, the “wolf” comes out of the ravine and runs after the “hares”; they run away to their houses. The “wolf” takes the caught “hares” to his ravine.

P/i "The Hunter and the Hares"

Goal: learn to throw a ball at a moving target.

Progress of the game: On one side there is a “hunter”, on the other there are 2-3 “hares” in drawn circles. The “hunter” walks around the area, as if looking for traces of “hares,” then returns to his place. The teacher says: “The hares ran out into the clearing.” "Hares" jump on two legs, moving forward. At the word “hunter”, the “hares” stop, turn their backs to him, and he, without leaving his place, throws the ball at them. The “hare” that the “hunter” hit is considered shot, and the “hunter” takes it to himself.

P/i "Zhmurki"

Goal: teach to listen carefully to the text; develop coordination in space.

How to play: Zhmurka is selected using a counting rhyme. He is blindfolded, taken to the middle of the site, and turned around several times. Conversation with him:

- Cat, cat, what are you standing on?

- On Bridge.

- What's in your hands?

- Kvass.

- Catch mice, not us!

The players run away, and the blind man's buff catches them. The blind man's buff must recognize the caught player and call him by name without removing the bandage. He becomes a blind man's buff.

P/i "Fishing Rod"

Goal: to learn how to jump correctly: push off and pick up your feet.

Progress of the game: Children stand in a circle, in the center is a teacher with a rope in his hands, at the end of which a bag is tied. The teacher twists the rope, and the children must jump over.

P/n “Who is the fastest to the flag?”

Goal: develop fast running and agility.

Progress of the game: Children are divided into several teams. Flags are placed at a distance of 3 m from the starting line. At the teacher’s signal, you need to jump on two legs to the flag, go around it and run back to the end of your column.

P/i “Birds and Cat”

Goal: learn to move according to a signal, develop dexterity.

How to play: A “cat” sits in a large circle, and “birds” sit behind the circle. The “cat” falls asleep, and the “birds” jump into the circle and fly there, sit down, and peck the grains. The “cat” wakes up and begins to catch the “birds”, and they run away outside the circle. The cat takes the caught “birds” to the middle of the circle. The teacher counts how many there are.

P/n "Don't get caught!"

Goal: learn to jump correctly on two legs; develop dexterity.

How to play: Place a cord in the form of a circle. All players stand behind him at a distance of half a step. The driver is selected. He stands inside the circle. The rest of the children jump in the circle and back. The driver runs in a circle, trying to touch the players while they are inside. After 30-40 seconds. The teacher stops the game.

P/i "Traps"

Goal: develop agility and speed.

Progress of the game: Using a counting rhyme, a trap is selected. He becomes in the center. The children stand to one side. At a signal, the children run to the other side, and the trap tries to catch them. The one who is caught becomes a trap. At the end of the game they say which trap is the smartest.

P/n “Run to the named tree”

Goal: to train in quickly finding the named tree; fix the names of trees; develop fast running.

Progress of the game: the driver is selected. He names a tree, all children must listen carefully to which tree is named and, in accordance with this, run from one tree to another. The driver carefully monitors the children; whoever runs to the wrong tree is taken to the penalty bench.

P/i “Find a leaf, like on a tree”

Purpose: to teach to classify plants according to a certain characteristic; develop observation skills.

Progress of the game: The teacher divides the group into several subgroups. Everyone is invited to take a good look at the leaves on one of the trees, and then find the same ones on the ground. The teacher says: “Let’s see which team finds the right leaves faster.” The children begin their search. Members of each team, having completed the task, gather near the tree whose leaves they were looking for. The team that gathers near the tree first, or the one that collects the most leaves, wins.

P/n “Who will collect it sooner?”

Goal: learn to group vegetables and fruits; cultivate quick response to words, endurance and discipline.

Progress of the game: Children are divided into two teams: “Gardeners” and “Gardeners”. On the ground there are models of vegetables and fruits and two baskets. At the command of the teacher, the teams begin to collect vegetables and fruits, each in their own basket. Whoever collects first raises the basket up and is considered the winner.

P/i "Bees"

Purpose: to teach to act on a verbal signal; develop speed and agility; practice dialogical speech.

Progress of the game: All children are bees, they run around the room, flapping their wings, buzzing: “Zh-zh-zh.” A bear (optional) appears and says:

Teddy bear is coming

It will take away the honey from the bees.


This hive is our house.

Get away from us, bear,


The bees flap their wings and buzz, chasing away the bear.

P/i "Beetles"

Goal: develop coordination of movements; develop orientation in space; practice rhythmic, expressive speech.

Progress of the game: Children-beetles sit in their houses (on a bench) and say: “I am a beetle, I live here, I buzz, I buzz: zh-zh-zh.” At the signal from the teacher, the “bugs” fly to the clearing, bask in the sun and buzz, and at the signal “rain” they return to the houses.

P/n “Find yourself a match”

Goal: learn to run fast without interfering with each other; fix the names of the colors.

Progress of the game: The teacher distributes multi-colored flags to the players. At the teacher’s signal, the children run, at the sound of a tambourine, they find a mate based on the color of the flag and join hands. An odd number of children must take part in the game so that one is left without a pair. He leaves the game.

P/n “Such a leaf - fly to me”

Goal: to develop attention and observation; practice finding leaves by similarity; activate the dictionary.

Progress of the game: The teacher and the children examine the leaves that have fallen from the trees. Describes them, says what tree they come from. After some time, he hands out leaves from different trees on the site to the children and asks them to listen carefully. Shows a leaf from a tree and says: “Whoever has the same leaf, run to me!”

P/i (Russian folk) “Wintering and migratory birds”

Goal: develop motor skills; reinforce the idea of ​​bird behavior in winter.

Progress of the game: Children put on hats of birds (migratory and wintering). In the middle of the playground, at a distance from each other, there are two children wearing Sunny and Snowflake hats. “Birds” run in all directions saying:

Birds fly, grains are collected.

Little birds, little birds ».

After these words, “migratory birds” run towards the Sun, and “wintering birds” run towards the snowflake. Whose circle completes the fastest wins.

P/i (Russian folk) “Bees and Swallow”

Goal: develop dexterity and speed of reaction.

Progress of the game: The playing “bee” children are squatting. "Swallow" - in its nest. “Bees” (sitting in a clearing and humming):

The bees are flying and collecting honey!

Zoom, zoom, zoom! Zoom, zoom, zoom!

Martin: - The swallow flies and catches the bees.

He flies out and catches the “bees”. The one who is caught becomes a “swallow”.

M/p/i “Dragonfly Song”

Goal: develop coordination of movements; practice rhythmic, expressive speech.

Progress of the game: Children stand in a circle, pronounce words in chorus, accompanying them with movements:

I flew, I flew, I didn’t get tired.

(They wave their hands smoothly.)

She sat down, sat, and flew again.

(Go down on one knee.)

I found some friends, we had fun .

(Smooth hand waves.)

There was a round dance all around, the sun was shining.

(They lead a round dance.)

P/i "Cat on the Roof"

Goal: develop coordination of movements; develop rhythmic, expressive speech.

How to play: Children stand in a circle. In the center is a “cat”. The rest of the children are “mice”. They quietly approach the “cat” and, shaking their fingers at each other, say in chorus in an undertone:

Quiet a mouse, quiet a mouse...

The cat is sitting on our roof.

Mouse, mouse, watch out.

And don't get caught by the cat!

After these words, the “cat” chases the mice, they run away. It is necessary to mark with a line the mouse's house - a hole where the "cat" has no right to run.

Forming children in a circle with the help of a teacher

a) General developmental exercises with a ball:

1. "Show me the ball." Starting position - legs apart, ball lowered. Ball forward – feet together, lower the ball (4 times).

2. "Don't lose the ball." Starting position - sitting on your knees, circle the ball around you to the left, then to the right (2-3 times).

3. "Hit the ball." Starting position - lying on your stomach. Take turns hitting the ball with your left and right hands, arms straight, 5 hits on the ball (4 times).

4. “Touch it with your foot.” Starting position - legs slightly apart, ball on the floor. Raise your leg, carefully touch the ball with it, return to the I.P. Repeat 4 times.

5. "Funny Ball" Starting position - legs slightly apart, ball lowered; 6-8 bounces, raising the ball to chest level. Repeat 2 times.

6. Balance exercises. (with a bag of salt).

Students tell the rules of the games they have already studied (checking homework) and organize the game.


Preparation. An “owl” is selected from among the players. Her nest is to the side of the site. It can be outlined and fenced off with a gymnastic bench. The players on the court are located randomly. "Owl" in the nest.

Contents of the game. At the signal from the presenter: “The day is coming, everything comes to life!” - children begin to run, jump, imitating the flight of butterflies, birds, beetles, depicting frogs, mice, kittens. At the second signal: “Night is coming, everything freezes - the owl flies out!” - the players stop, freeze in the position in which the signal caught them. "Owl" go hunting. Noticing the player moving, she takes him by the hand and leads him to her nest. In one exit, she can kill two or even three players.

Then the “owl” returns to its nest again and the children again begin to frolic freely on the playground.

The winners are the players who have never been caught. You can also note the best driver - the one who caught the most players.

Rules of the game:
1. The “Owl” is prohibited from observing the same player for a long time, and the caught one is prohibited from breaking free. 2. After two or three outings of the “owl” to hunt, she is replaced by new drivers from among those she has never come across.

Stage 1 – “Cross the swamp”

On the straight line from the start line to the turn, three or four hoops (“islands”) are laid out in a checkerboard pattern. Participants, one at a time, must cross the swamps along the “islands”, return back and pass the baton to the next participant. All team members must go through the “swamp”.

Stage 2 – “Roll, little ring, to my porch”

Each team has one hoop. The guys should take turns rolling the hoop, pushing it forward with one hand until it turns around and back. Try not to let the hoop fall on the floor.

Stage 3 – “Grasshoppers”

Each team has one hoop. Each team member, in turn, must jump through the hoop, reach the turnaround point, run back and pass the baton to the next one.

Stage 4 – “Transport the team to the other side”

There is one hoop per team. The first participant with a hoop (holds it at the waist line) stands opposite his team at a distance of 8–10 m from it. At the teacher’s command, the participant with the hoop runs to his team, takes one team member into the hoop and returns with him to “his shore.” The first remains on the “shore”, and the second participant with the hoop runs after the next participant, takes him into the hoop and returns with him to the “shore”. He himself remains on the “shore”, and the third runs after the fourth and so on until the whole team crosses to the opposite “shore”.

Stage 5 – “Tumbleweeds”

A team has one hoop and one ball. Participants take turns moving backwards and using a hoop to dribble the ball to the cone, return back and pass the baton to the next one.

Games aimed at the physical development of preschool children.

Game "Owl"

Purpose of the game: development of dexterity, development of the ability to act on a signal.

Equipment: chalk.

Progress of the game. One of the players portrays an owl. He sits in a nest - a small semicircle marked on the ground. The rest of the players imitate frogs, bugs, and butterflies. They run, jump, and wave their arms. On signal The night has come! everyone stops and freezes in a random position. The owl will fly out to hunt. Noticing the man moving, the owl takes him to her nest. On signal Day! everyone starts moving again. According to the rules of the game, you cannot escape from the owl. Those who do not get caught by the owl are considered the most dexterous and careful.

Game "Wolf in the Moat"

Purpose of the game; development of the ability to navigate in space, the ability to jump, and act on a signal.

Equipment: chalk.

Progress of the game. On the site, two parallel lines are drawn approximately at a distance of 10-15 m. Behind one of them there is a house where goats live, behind the other there is a field. Two more lines were drawn between the house and the field at a distance of 1-1.5 m from one another. They indicate the ditch in which the wolf is located. On signal Goats, in the field! the players run out of the house and, jumping over the ditch, run into the field. The wolf is trying to stain the goats. A player spotted by a wolf stops so the wolf can mark the number of those caught. The goats then return to the house and the game continues. The wolf who catches the most goats wins.

Game "Two Frosts."

Purpose of the game: development of speed of movement, dexterity, ability to act on a signal.

Equipment: chalk.

Progress of the game. Two houses are marked on opposite sides of the site. In one of them are all the players, except for two frosts, who stand in the middle of the site. Frosts says:We are two young brothers, two daring frosts: I am frost with a red nose, I am frost with a blue nose. Which of you will decide to set off on the little path? Children answer: We are not afraid of threats and
we are afraid of the frost- and run to another house. Frosts try to freeze those running by by touching them with their hands. The frozen ones stop in place. Frosts count how many players they managed to freeze. Then new frosts are chosen. The best are those who managed to freeze the largest number of players.

Game "Traps"

Purpose of the game: learn to run fast, navigate in space,ability to act on a signal.

Equipment: the game is played on the court.

Progress of the game. One of the players is chosen as a trap. Other players scatter around the court. The driver says loudly: I'm a trap! These words serve as a signal to start the game. Lovish tries to catch up and touch one of the players with his hand. The player who is touched by the driver becomes a trap, now everyone runs away from him and dodges. The new trapper is not allowed to immediately touch the hand of the previous driver.

Game "Catch the ball"

Purpose of the game: learn to throw and catch the ball,

Equipment: ball.

Progress of the game. The game involves three players. Two people stand at a distance of at least 3 m from each other and throw the ball. The third is between them and tries to catch the ball at the moment when it flies over him. Having caught the ball, the driver takes the place of the one who unsuccessfully threw the ball, and he takes the place of the driver.

Game "Chicks and hen"

Goal: to teach children to crawl under obstacles, act on a signal, and develop the muscles of the abdomen, back, and legs.

Equipment: rope stretched at a height of 50 cm from the floor level - a chicken house, yellow hats - masks for each child, balls.

Progress of the game: an adult gathers the children behind a taut rope in the house, puts on chicken hats and masks for them, explains that the chickens will go from the house to the street to look for grains. As soon as they hear that a big bird has arrived, they must quickly hide in the house.

Children and an adult crawl under the rope and begin to collect small balls scattered on the floor. At the command of an adult: “Big bird!” children hide in the house.

The bird can be another adult, he tries to catch the children, then the child can play the role of the bird.

Game "Let's go to visit the bear"

Goal: improve walking skills, develop agility and balance.

Equipment: gymnastic wall, 1.5-2 m board with hooks, soft toy.

Progress of the game: an adult fixes the board at one end on the gymnastics wall, starting from a height of 20-30 cm, then the steepness of the slide can be increased. He places a toy on the gymnastics wall and invites the child to visit the bear. The adult monitors the child’s posture and emotionally approves of him.

Game "Carousel"

Goal: to develop the child’s balance in movement, running skills, and increase emotional tone.

Equipment: hoop.

Progress of the game: the adult invites the children to grab the hoop and run around to the words of the nursery rhyme:

Barely, barely, barely,

The carousels are spinning

And then, then, then,

Everybody run, run, run.

Hush, hush, don't rush,

Stop the carousel

One-two, one-two,

So the game is over.

The game can be repeated by changing the movement. You can carry out similar games-exercises for squatting, standing on tiptoes, holding a hoop.

Game "Airplane"

Goal: to develop the child’s running skill.

Progress of the game: an adult invites the child to play with an airplane - to fly: “Run to me, we’ll fly!” The baby runs into the arms of an adult, who picks him up under the arms, lifts him, spins around with him, and then puts him on the ground. While moving, the adult imitates the sound of an airplane and encourages the child to repeat it: “Ooooh!”

If whirling causes a negative reaction in a child, then you can simply lift and hold the baby close to you.

Game "Gray Wolf" (Tatar folk game)

Goal: learn to run fast without bumping into each other, navigate in space, be able to listen to text, follow the rules of the game, develop friendly relationships, and speed of reaction to a signal.

Progress of the game. One of the players is chosen as a gray wolf. Crouching down, the gray wolf hides behind the line at one end of the area. The rest of the players are on the opposite side. The distance between the drawn lines is 20-30 meters. At the signal, everyone goes into the forest to pick mushrooms and berries. The leader comes out to meet them and asks (the children answer in unison):

-Where are you rushing, friends?

- We are going into the dense forest.

- What do you want to do there?

- We'll pick raspberries there.

- Why do you need raspberries, children?

- We'll make jam.

- What if a wolf meets you in the forest?

- The gray wolf will not catch us!

After this roll call, everyone comes up to the place where the gray wolf is hiding and says in unison:

I'll pick berries and make jam,

My dear grandmother will have a treat.

There are a lot of raspberries here, it’s impossible to pick them all,

And there are no wolves or bears to be seen at all!

After the words are out of sight, the gray wolf gets up, and the children quickly run over the line. The wolf chases them and tries to tarnish someone. He takes the prisoners to the lair - to where he himself was hiding.

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