Congratulations on the last call to the head teacher. Congratulations on the day of educational specialist

Always keep an eye on the learning process
You are the director's right hand,
Discipline at school is great
The head teacher of the school is fair and strict.
Congratulations on September 1st,

May luck not leave you,
May great success await you.

Maybe you can come visit us for a lesson,
Even though she looks very strict,
But she has a kind soul.
Today is September 1st, congratulations,
We wish you a wonderful mood,
Happiness and good luck for the school year,
May you certainly be lucky in life.

Affectionate and strict, experienced and wise,
The gray hair at the temples is already turning silver,
The school is the most backward class, and the most difficult,
Thanks to the head teacher, he will turn into the front line.
Congratulations on September 1st,
We wish you inspiration in your work,
Let life flow like a full river,
Let there be a white stripe all the time.

Beautiful souls and very kind.
Talented and generous in heart,
All your ideas, dreams of beauty,
The undertakings and lessons will not be in vain.
From September 1, our dear head teacher,
May you always be gifted by fate,
May luck always smile on you,
Peace to you, health, joy, goodness.

Work has become a calling for you,
And the school is a second family,
To interest students, you are always
You always give your whole soul to them.
Congratulations to the head teacher on September 1st,
We wish you good health from the bottom of our hearts,
Let life be like clean water
May God give you joy, good luck and goodness.

The head teacher of the school is the main teacher,
Always serious and a little strict,
The educational process always checks
He will never forget for discipline.
May the beginning of September bring you good luck,
May there be a lot of happiness and joy to boot,
Let them appreciate, love, respect you,
Let hope, faith and love never leave you.

You are the most important teacher at school,
Much always depends on you,
And discipline and educational process,
You give your soul and heart completely.
On September 1, we congratulate the head teacher,
We wish you happiness and good luck with all our hearts,
May fate always smile on you,
Peace to you, success and family warmth.

So that the educational process is smooth and clear,
Occurred in our educational institution,
The head teacher has a lot of work and care,
Find all the right solutions for this.
Comply with everything, make a schedule,
To cover everyone with the load, fairly, evenly,
To take into account standards and even wishes,
So that everything in her school is excellent and exemplary!

The head teacher is firmly in control,
In our school the whole process is educational and educational,
In this field his roles are very significant,
The head teacher copes with his role perfectly!
After all, it is necessary not to discourage children’s interest and attraction,
Absorb information and always learn lessons,
So that all schoolchildren can
In knowledge, formulas, books, history, look into the origins.

Without him there is noise, din, always confusion,
Disputes, inconsistencies, breakdowns and of course vanity.
Where the head teacher walks is certainly quiet,
Where the head teacher is, there is only beauty!
Where it is - order, structure and accuracy,
Where it is is the essence of the educational process,
He has wisdom, decency, and delicacy,
Only with him – our studies are fun, the path is easy!

The school head teacher is very important for the process,
His backbreaking labor is very important,
All matters are important and the head teacher has high tasks,
It would be very difficult for the school without him.
And today we say a chorus of gratitude,
On a sacred and bright day for everyone,
We will remember all your efforts forever,
Because you are our beloved and dear head teacher!

Again we enter a different educational life,
The summer of school is patiently waiting for us - it will wait,
Here we run into a cool big room,
And the head teacher is waiting for us with a greeting.
We wish you success this year,
Patience and wise decisions,
Let's say together that studying is not fun,
May kindness and inspiration be with you.

What a loud, important and necessary calling,
To provide education to children throughout the country,
Give a piece of your soul every day forever,
Be wise, kind, and boldly forget everything bad.
We are all in the head teacher’s caring and strong hands,
We forgot our problems completely,
For the fact that you live the school and in your students,
We want to say to you loudly: “Thank you, Head Teacher”!

Wishes to the entire school team

from grateful parents!

Today, on such an important day for us, on behalf of all parents we want to express our gratitude to the teaching staff of school No. 64, which has become home to us and our children!

Thank you for your work, patience, attention, participation, for everything you have invested in our children!

Success in your noble cause, good luck and dedication!

Happiness and health!

Dear teachers!

You are more than just teachers. You, like second parents, raised and taught our children. You, great and talented mentors, have passed on your knowledge to our children for many years.

We want to thank you and say thank you for your efforts.

We wish you success, strength, patience and health!

Svetlana Vasilievna


The school director deserves deep respect and special words of gratitude.

Thanks to Svetlana Vasilievna, the school has a friendly, united and wonderful team of teachers.

Your school was like a guiding light for our children! She guided them, helped them take the right steps, make the right choice.

We are proud and joyful that our children studied at your school, which prepared graduates for real adult life! After all, only you know how much strength, health, patience and love it took for teachers to raise such beautiful graduates from unintelligent six-year-olds who look proudly and confidently into the future!
Thank you very much from all the parents!

Ideas, good luck, smiles, inspiration!

Olga Viktorovna Ranneva!

We really want to say “thank you”
And I wish you from the bottom of my heart
In matters of success, happiness in life,
Create, dream and prosper.

Ideas, achievements, new plans
And only moving forward.
Let work in our school
It will only bring you joy!

Oksana Vladimirovna Kolesnik!

Our head teacher at school is an irreplaceable person.
You are fair, you are strict at times,
But you are still loved by your students.
In your work you just go with your head!

The last bell rings, very sad,
And our children say goodbye to school forever.
Without them, the school will not be empty,
New guys will come here!

May your work be pleasant,
Always monitor the educational process.
Let there be less stress and worries,
After all, come here with joy!

Wishes to graduates from parents

So many years have passed, but it seems like just yesterday, our timid and blushing kids were going to first grade.

Now it’s time for them to say goodbye to school and their beloved teachers...

There is no need to be sad, everything is just beginning, and all your expectations will be justified. Life will be whatever you want it to be, it all depends on you, your perseverance and desire.

Never give up, you will succeed!

Dear graduates!

Young, beautiful, smart, promising and confident. Today this is the only way to call you! Yesterday's boys and girls have become gallant young men and charming ladies. We are happy to see you so happy and carefree.

We wish you to make the right decisions, be persistent and never give up, don’t give in to laziness, don’t waste your nerves, and don’t let things take their course.

Dear Natalya Ivanovna


There is a person who says “mine” about our children. He speaks sincerely, with love.

It is he who knows their experiences, loves, small tragedies and great achievements.

And no matter how many students there are, there is a place for each in his heart.

Thank you, dear Natalya Ivanovna, for always believing in the success of every child!

They forgave and understood not only their charges, but also their parents!

Your activity was passed on to our children. Your inexhaustible energy charged them, helped them, gave them a craving for learning new things!

You are full of ideas and resemble a beautiful and cheerful butterfly!

The fruits of your labor will forever be in our hearts and in the souls of our children.

We wish your future students to follow your example!

You are the coolest class teacher!

Dear Ekaterina Alexandrovna


Thank you for teaching our children, telling us a lot of new and interesting things, and helping us participate in various events!

Thanks to you, they received awards!

Now they have realized that they will be sad about the years spent at school under your vigilant care and protection.

We wish you good health, inexhaustible energy and endless interest in teaching and scientific-methodological activities!

Dear Lidia Ivanovna


You taught our children, cared for us like a family member.

They were interested in your opinion and listened to it.

We bow deeply to you, teacher, thank you for everything, may the school bell never be your last.

Dear Sadig Sovetovich


We address you with respect, teacher, although young, but a wise teacher!

We want to thank you!

Our children adore you!

It’s very sad to say goodbye to you, there are tears and sadness in the children’s eyes - sadness, the lesson is over...

Thank you for your work, children, for your perseverance, for your patience!

And we express our recognition and respect to you!

Dear Lyudmila Rafailovna

Cute children, just recently funny and charming, came to you in fifth grade to gain knowledge of the English language!

We are grateful to you for your sensitive attitude towards our children, for the hard and difficult work of the teacher and for your kind heart!

Dear Marina Vasilievna


Let me express my sincere words of gratitude for your attention, care, and work.

Today we say from the bottom of our hearts: “Thank you for our children!”

Dear Elena Vladimirovna


Thank you for the efforts you have made so that our children are healthy and strong!

Only we, parents, can understand how difficult it was for you with our children.

God bless you and thank you again!

Dear Anna Mikhailovna Aleshina!

Let me thank you for your wisdom, professionalism, responsiveness and wish you achievements, success in work, health, happiness and prosperity!

Specialists in the educational unit of the Russian Armed Forces are celebrating this significant date. In 1776, at this time, the Charter of the Cadet Corps was approved. Now the main tasks of officer-educators are the patriotic education of soldiers, their appropriate training and strengthening of people in moral and psychological terms. For productive conduct of educational work in the Armed Forces. there are soldiers' clubs, libraries and even recreation rooms. The troops and other institutions have special museums dedicated to military glory. Military universities of the Russian Federation specifically train people for a specific type of military. Congratulations on the day of specialist in educational work - September 11th.

I wish you to gain wisdom,
You should not make mistakes.
And don’t be afraid of difficulties,
On the contrary, step forward.
Be an activist at work
And if necessary, help:
Both actions and words
Help correct mistakes!

We congratulate you with all our hearts,
We wish you the most important thing,
So that all children are happy -
All over the earth, all over the planet.
A lot depends on you -
Fate before the school threshold,
And your role in it is so important,
A soul grows in your hands.
For children's educators -
Second fathers and mothers!

You have had hard work -
It requires a lot of patience
After all, everyone understands for themselves,
What does education mean for children?
While the working day dragged on -
You replaced the children's mother.
And today everyone wants
Thank you for everything!

You call for good deeds
And you put culture into your soul.
Education specialists
You are developing the country spiritually!
Are you education experts?
This is your calling.
Let the profession be justified
And raise your rank!

You are busy with difficult work -
You need to educate skillfully.
But you're doing a great job with it
And that makes you different from others.
Support morally in difficult times,
This is very important, it is very necessary!
No matter what happens, they will come to the rescue,
And they will make sure that the soldiers live calmly and amicably.

May your work give you peace
We wish you more patience,
Raise truthful and correct people
And in the work there is only kindness and inspiration!
So that everything is done with diligence
You need proper upbringing.
Congratulations on the Day of Educational Workers
We wish you success and talent in your business!

You need to have a special calling
To know the correct method of education,
You are up to the task,
In return you get a positive return.
Congratulations on your professional holiday,
We wish you great success in your work,
Always achieve your goal,
May the sun of happiness always shine on you.

Dear graduates!
Someone once said that with the birth of a child, the curtain opens for him and the Amazing Show called Life begins.

And today, on this wonderful summer evening, I would like to congratulate you on the completion of such an important stage as school.

Tomorrow the curtain will open again and you will enter a new life. I wish you to find your calling in it. Be honest with yourself, keep your eyes open and never give up!

May your path be clear! Years will pass, everything will change, you will become older, wiser, gain experience, but for us you will still remain children who have fluttered out of the school nest.

And if at some stage of your Amazing Performance you need our support, advice or just participation, come, return to your own school walls, we will help you in any way we can. Good luck!

Dear Guys!
Eleven years have flown by. For us teachers, it's very fast. For you, yesterday's kids, half your life has passed. Very soon new friends, new cities, new experiences await you!

The most wonderful time of being a student! I would like to wish you not to lose your childish ability to find beauty and wonder in simple things, to remain inquisitive and sincere!

Be honest with yourself, keep your eyes open and never give up!

Original congratulations from the head teacher at school graduation

Dear graduates!
Today we have all gathered here to congratulate you on the beginning of a new stage in your life. Tomorrow, having received your certificate, you will set off on a new voyage.

And I want to wish you to be wise and brave captains. Do not give up in the face of difficulties, be able to think positively and be resourceful.

May your journey be long and happy! Good luck, success and love to you!

Our dear and best graduates! On this festive graduation evening, as the head teacher of the school, I want to wish you victory in everything, good luck in life and courage!

Let this graduation be unforgettable and remain in your hearts forever. Remember our native school, within the walls of which you spent your childhood.

And we will always be proud of such a wonderful release and remember you! Congratulations, dear graduates!

Today is a very magical and solemn day for all of us, because we are sending our grown-up children into adulthood.

On behalf of the head teacher, please accept sincere congratulations on these fabulous and unforgettable moments. Always be as kind and noble, as talented and smart, as unique and special.

We will remember you forever. Today's episode is special, beloved and dear. We are proud of you, our dear children.

On this festive evening I would like to say a lot of kind words and wishes. After all, today is graduation party, and we are seeing off our dear students to a big and adult life.

You are our friendliest and most cheerful, dearest and favorite issue. Congratulations, our dear graduates!

In our school the head teacher is great,
And the whole educational process
Clear, coherent, beautiful,
Because the head teacher is a specialist.

The last bell rang.
We thank you now:
For your patience and skill
We say thank you.

We wish you creative ideas,
Only happy days
Quiet, meek and obedient
In the future of students.

You are a first-class specialist,
And the head teacher of the school is golden,
Let’s not hide, he’s a wonderful man,
With the kindest heart and soul.

Our final wishes for you
Bring all your plans to life.
May victories await you ahead,
Emotions of bright oceans!

Today I would really like to mention the person who is responsible in our school for discipline, organizing events and creative development - our wonderful head teacher! Thank you for everything you did for us, for the most interesting extracurricular life, various clubs that help us develop spiritually and physically, for your patience and care for us! I would like to wish you good health, success in your difficult profession, obedient and smart students and prosperity!

We really want to say “thank you”
And I wish you from the bottom of my heart
In matters of success, happiness in life,
Create, dream and prosper.

Ideas, achievements, new plans
And only moving forward.
Let work in our school
It will only bring you joy!

Who guards the school?
Will she put things in order?
This is our favorite head teacher!
Will never let you down.

Everything will be put in order,
Will resolve any conflict,
He will explain and tell
Even with humor at times.

Thank you very much
Today we are talking
For your labors, efforts,
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Let in the work team
There will be only kindness.
Congratulations to you today
Happy last call day!

Our head teacher at school is an irreplaceable person.
You are fair, you are strict at times,
But you are still loved by your students.
In your work you just go with your head!

The last bell rings, very sad,
And we say goodbye to school forever.
Without us, our school will not be empty,
New guys will come here!

May your work be pleasant,
Always monitor the educational process.
Let there be less stress and worries,
After all, come here with joy!

Being a head teacher is not an easy job,
Always being strict is not much easier
We read this verse with tenderness,
Although we were a little afraid of this meeting,

Our head teacher is unapproachable, very strict,
But you can’t hide kind eyes anywhere,
Our last school bell rings,
Let's hug you and cry sincerely,

Thank you for the kindness of your soul,
For dedication to the profession and school,
For giving us a start in life,
“Thank you,” we say to you with love!

The entire educational process is streamlined,
You are very important at our school.
You are fair and strict at times,
Hero of his profession.

You are the best head teacher in the world,
We say thank you.
We wish you good health,
May you have enough strength for everything.

Thank you, our beloved head teacher,
For your kindness and understanding.
You gave us a lot
Your care and attention.

Now other children will come,
But you remember us too.
I wish you health, goodness and happiness,
Don't lose your love for work!

We congratulate our head teacher,
" Thanks a lot!" We're telling you.
Today we say goodbye to our school,
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

During my school years, which were wonderful,
They will never be forgotten,
For instilling faith in everyone
Strive, try and believe in yourself.

Today I will bow to the head teacher,
Our parting thanks.
You were able to organize everything
What we know is thanks to you.

We wish you creativity,
Creative ideas, patience in everything,
And henceforth obedient students,
So that they don’t dare spoil the mood.

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