Rules of conduct in emergencies of a criminal nature. At a public event. If suddenly there was an explosion

Topic: Safe behavior in the face of threats criminogenic nature .

GOALS: introduce students to the rules of behavior in situations of a criminal nature; study the main types criminal situations; practice prevention methods to ensure personal safety.

TIME: 1 hour.

METHOD: story, conversation.


  1. I. Organizing time.
  1. II. Introduction to a new topic.

Discussion of the definition of the concept of “criminogenic situation”.

Issues for discussion:

  1. How do you understand what a crime situation is?
  2. What types of situations do you know?
  3. How do you understand what personal security is?

During the discussion, students write down the definition: a criminogenic situation is a situation where a person finds himself in conditions where a crime occurs or which leads to the occurrence of a crime. The most important thing in such conditions is not to become a source or victim of danger.

III. Studying the topic.

If on the bus or tram where you entered there is drunk company, try to go to the next carriage, do not answer or react to impudent shouts and offensive remarks, be outwardly indifferent.

On the street, stick to the middle of the sidewalk or the illuminated side of the street, avoid dark alleys that supposedly shorten your path home, do not keep your hands in your pockets, try to keep your bag or backpack as close to you as possible.

It is necessary to constantly scroll through dangerous situations in your thoughts, finding a worthy way out of them.

In a situation with an attack by a rapist, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the rapist, as a rule, is psychologically ready to resist and this excites him even more, intensifies his actions, and increases his aggressiveness. Therefore, you need to do something extraordinary to confuse him. For example, talk to him, declare that you are sick, for example, with some kind of sexually transmitted disease, even AIDS, distract attention: do something that will certainly discourage him from continuing his actions - induce vomiting, start meet your natural needs, etc.

Secondly, if you know (thoroughly) any technique, then use it; if not, then hit sharply in the groin, in the eyes (and in the eyes - with outstretched fingers), etc., but always, especially in the last In this case, be extremely careful in assessing the goal of the rapist, his personality, and actions, since sometimes passivity, on the contrary, can save your honor and/or life, but activity costs your health.

Simple tips on personal safety for girls

Be picky about who you meet. Avoid the company of unfamiliar, and especially drunk, men, especially after dark.

At night, try not to walk in deserted places, stay away from construction sites, buildings being reconstructed, abandoned or set for demolition, construction sheds, open basements, shopping tents - from any premises where a criminal may be hiding. Be careful on poorly lit streets, avoid remote areas of parks and squares.

If you've recently met a man, don't tell him until you've gotten to know him better. family secrets, don't invite me home. Try to prevent men you don’t know well from accompanying you home, much less to the door of your apartment - you and your loved ones may be in danger.

If you are returning late and are not accompanied by someone you know well and trust, ask one of your relatives to meet you at the bus stop or at your house.

Do not enter telephone booths unless absolutely necessary. late time when there are no people around.

If you have no way out and are returning late alone, exercise maximum caution in the yard, in the entrance, or when entering the elevator. Do not enter the entrance if there are unknown men next to it or inside. It’s better to wait until one of your housemates comes up and ask them to walk you to the door of the apartment.

At any time of the day, do not enter the elevator with by a stranger. If you are waiting for an elevator, and an unknown man is standing aside who has no intention of going up, do not let your guard down - he may last moment Before closing the doors, jump into the elevator. It is best not to enter the elevator in front of others, but to wait for other residents.

If you are attacked in an elevator, scream, knock on the walls, press the button to call the dispatcher, resist by all available means.

Do not board trailed tram cars or electric train cars if there are no other passengers in them. At late times, always take the first carriage. Avoid left-handed cars.

Try not to stay alone at your dacha or in your garden house, especially during periods when the majority of summer residents and gardeners are in the city.

Violence can provoke your appearance, cloth. This does not mean that you should dress in ugly, unfashionable clothes. But if you have to return home late, do not opt ​​for clothes that emphasize your figure or expose your body unnecessarily. In general, when choosing clothes, always take into account your plans for the day - unfortunately, in crime situation You can get there not only late in the evening.

If you are attacked, decide according to the circumstances whether to resist or not, but if possible, pinch, scratch, bite, tear your hair, kick the rapist, use objects in your hands, for example, an umbrella. Try to attract people's attention.

If you have been subjected to violence, do not hesitate to contact the police immediately.

  1. IV. Lesson summary.

— Name the areas of increased criminal danger.

— What are the basic rules of behavior in secluded places?

— What conclusions did each of you draw for yourself based on your behavior in

extreme situations?

Homework: answer the question: How to ensure personal safety?

Don't wear clothes that show off your figure too much, and avoid expensive jewelry if you'll be returning home late at night.
. If you have money with you (especially large ones), avoid crowded places. Try to stay away from markets and any crowds. Never count money in front of everyone, do not take it out of your pocket and do not show it to others. Don't keep money in pockets that are easy for a thief to get into. Less accessible to him are the internal pockets, fastened with buttons or pinned.
. Take special care of your bags and pockets in crowded places: department stores, markets, and crowded transport. Carry your purse close to your body and remember: if someone snatches it from you, give it back without hesitation. Just in case, put your keys and wallet in the inside pockets.
. If you need to leave the house in the dark, try to avoid sparsely populated and poorly lit places, deserted squares; on the streets, stay away from the walls of houses: danger may lurk in the alley and around the corner. It is better to walk down the street towards traffic: this way you will not be suddenly attacked from a car. Stay close to the edge of the sidewalk. Avoid using poorly lit underground passages.
. While on the street, do not be frank with strangers. Don't give out your address and home phone number unless absolutely necessary. You need to remember that when communicating with you, an attacker can come up with a plausible excuse and establish when you are at home, when you intend to go to the country, or go on vacation.
. Do not “vote” on the road and do not accept offers of a ride from unfamiliar drivers. If you are threatened from a car that has stopped next to you, scream loudly and run in the direction opposite to the traffic.
. Beware of anyone on the street gambling(even in chess you can lose a fortune) or making a bet. If a gypsy woman comes up to you and offers to “tell the whole truth,” know that this is a fraud. She will definitely ask you to put some gold things (ring, earrings, ring) or money on your palm. If you do this, you can say goodbye to the thing you placed in your palm. On the street you need to beware of all people offering any seemingly profitable deals.
. If returning home late, arrange to be picked up or take a taxi. Always ask the driver to wait until you enter the house.
. When using ATMs and pay phones, never stand with your back to potential danger. If possible, face the street and look out for any suspicious things. Try not to place your bag or wallet on the ATM or squeeze it between your legs: they can easily be snatched from you.
. When on the street in the evening and at night, never use the player, otherwise you will not be able to hear the approaching steps of a potential criminal.
. Do not unnecessarily take out your expensive mobile phone in public.
. If you feel like someone is following you, check it out: change your walking pace, cross to the opposite side of the street several times. If your suspicions are confirmed, run to where there may be people, or simply to a lighted place. If the pursuit continues, call for help. If there is a whistle, whistle without stopping running. If you are still being pursued and caught near your home, then not only call for help, but also shout “Fire!”, “We are burning!”, In case of acute danger, break the window of the lower floor. All this will find a much quicker response among residents.

Always proceed from specific and real circumstances; if necessary, do not hesitate to seek help from strangers (in safe places you can always find reliable people: in stores these are salespeople, managers, cashiers, in pharmacies - pharmacists, in banks - security guards, bank employees , in a church - a rector, a priest, a watchman, in a hairdresser or workshop - a master, in a school - teachers, security guards).

In public places

If you are alone, be discreet and attentive, do not be familiar with strangers, try not to attract attention to yourself.
. In a cafe or restaurant, sit away from the exit, better with your back against the wall, do not sit in dimly lit corners. The safest tables are those located next to the counter.
. Be attentive and careful with people sitting at your table. Never get involved in disagreements or quarrels, do not try to pacify or reconcile quarreling people.
. If you need to change currency, change it only in places specially designated for this. Don’t do this on the street, in the market: there are many chances to get counterfeit money in return.
. Do not make purchases second-hand or from people who are suspicious. Try not to buy a product much cheaper than its cost: this or stolen item, or a fake (especially often scammers offer to buy “gold” jewelry for next to nothing).
. Don't tell strangers what exactly you want to buy. Do not accept the seller’s offer to go to the back room, ask to take the goods out.
. Before accepting any offer, analyze how it could turn out for you, always trust your inner feelings, and if you are in trouble, turn to your parents for help.
. If you have a lot of packages and bags with purchases, take a taxi. You will overpay some amount, but you will get your things home safely.
. Try not to visit a public toilet alone: ​​this place, unfortunately, is unsafe. You know from many films that it is in public toilets that robberies, sexual violence or sexual harassment often occur.
. If you go shopping or on a holiday with friends, be sure to agree on where you will meet if you miss each other. Under no circumstances leave the designated place, even if strangers come up to you and offer their help.

At a public event

If you are going to a mass event (rally, sport competitions at the stadium, a popular concert music group), then prepare in advance.
. Do not take with you piercing or cutting objects, as well as film, photo, and video equipment (unless absolutely necessary), and posters on poles and sticks.
. Don't wear shoes on high heels, long clothes, tie, scarf, do not take bags and umbrellas with long handles. Tighten your shoe laces and tuck their loose ends into your shoes.
. Do not stand out from the crowd with various signs and symbols on your clothes.
. Gather loose hair into a bun, or better yet, hide it under a scarf or headdress.
. Fasten the zippers and buttons on your outerwear, close all pockets with flaps.
. Be sure to take your passport or other identification document with you.

When attending a public event, follow safety rules.

At the stadium, do not demonstrate your attitude towards one or another team, do not use the colors and symbols of one of the teams, take seats away from groups of fans.
. Immediately move away from the center of the conflict if unrest occurs; it is better to try to leave the stadium or square altogether.
. If you find yourself in a crowd, don’t try to get out of it right away, look around, try to find a fellow sufferer (it’s easier to get out of the crowd with two people).
. Do not go against the direction of the crowd, avoid its center and edges, try not to get close to shop windows, grates, lamp posts, etc.
. Avoid anything stationary on the way (you may simply be crushed), do not cling to anything with your hands (they may be broken). Hands should be held freely, bent at the elbows and pressed to the body. You can't keep your hands in your pockets.
. Try to stay on your feet at all costs, do not hesitate to grab onto people running nearby - this is a matter of your safety.
. When you fall to the ground, curl up on your side and cover your head with your hands. At the slightest opportunity, try to get back on your feet. To do this, quickly pull your legs towards you, group yourself and try to stand up with a jerk. Trying to kneel and then get up will not work and you risk further injury.

Rules of conduct in situations of a criminal natureand under the threat of a terrorist attack.

The most dangerous terrorist acts include:

  • explosions in crowded places (in markets, in train stations, in cinemas, during demonstrations, etc.);
  • capture of air and sea ​​vessels, cars and other vehicles, holding hostages in them;
  • kidnapping for ransom and threat of physical destruction of the hostage;
  • impact on hazardous industrial facilities (for example, chemically hazardous industries, nuclear power plants, arsenals and other dangerous military facilities, the destruction of which or disruption of their operation can cause mass casualties);
  • - poisoning of water supply systems, food products, artificial spread of pathogens of infectious diseases;
  • artificial contamination of the area with radioactive waste.


Currently, the most typical actions of terrorists are organizing explosions in crowded places and residential buildings.

Attention! Timely detection of explosive objects will save the lives of you and other people.

Unfortunately, explosions on the street, in the yard, in the house and in the car have become part of our ordinary life. Terrorists are very creative and have a rich arsenal - from improvised explosive devices to grenades and mines used in the Armed Forces.

If you notice an ownerless item, immediately contact a police officer or other official. Do not touch the find and do not let other people near it!


  1. Try to calm down and clarify the situation.
  2. Move carefully, do not touch damaged structures and wires with your hands.
  3. In a destroyed or damaged room, due to the danger of an explosion of accumulated gases, you cannot use open
    flame (matches, lighters, candles, torches, etc.).
  4. In case of smoke, protect your respiratory organs with moistened
    a scarf (a piece of fabric, a towel).
  5. Turn on the local (apartment) warning system and
    check the possibility of mutual communication (television, radio, telephone, voice).
  6. In case of forced evacuation, take the necessary
    wearables, money, valuables. Isolate the apartment (for-
    close all doors and windows), report the incident immediately
    by telephone to the appropriate law enforcement agencies. Notify neighbors to evacuate. Help the elderly and disabled
    leave the premises. Take into account the persons remaining in the premises. Close the front door tightly without locking it.
  7. If it is impossible to evacuate, you must take measures to ensure that you are known. Go out onto the balcony or open the window and call for help.
  8. When leaving home, move to a safe distance from it and do not make independent decisions about going to relatives and friends.
  9. Act strictly in accordance with the instructions of officials.


One of the common types of terrorism is taking people hostage and kidnapping people in order to obtain a ransom for them.

Anyone, especially children, can become a potential hostage. IN last years Cases of hostage-taking have become more frequent around the world. These criminal offenses, as a rule, are accompanied by insulting the honor and dignity of captured citizens, causing them moral and physical suffering, bodily harm, or even death.

IN beginning of XXI V. in the territory Russian Federation There were two major terrorist attacks related to the taking of hostages.

In October 2002, the terrorist takeover of the Dubrovka Theater Center (Moscow) endangered hundreds of human lives spectators and actors of the musical "Nord-Ost".

On September 1-3, 2004, armed militants seized a school in Beslan ( North Ossetia). Over 300 people died, most of them children.

Everyone must have the appropriate knowledge in the form of rules (recommendations) developed by the practice of negotiating with terrorists when releasing hostages.

Do not expose yourself to unnecessary risk, try to limit any contacts with criminals, do not cause aggression in them with your actions or words, especially if they are under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Try as much as possible to soften the hostility of criminals towards yourself by remaining flexible, calm and peaceful.

Do not resort to extreme measures to free yourself if you were unable to escape and escape immediately during capture.

From the moment of capture, control your actions. Try to record all the actions of criminals.

Assess your location and don't panic. Try to remain calm even in conditions where criminals threaten you with physical harm, and also try to limit your mobility, vision or hearing, create difficult living conditions, for example, restrict food and water.

Use every opportunity to report (transmit information) about your location, signs of criminals, and the characteristics of their behavior to your relatives or law enforcement agencies.

Do not react to the provocative actions of terrorists, do not ask them questions and try not to look them in the eyes: this may cause additional aggression towards you. Follow the terrorists' demands and ask them for permission for any of your actions.

In a vehicle seized by terrorists, stay in your place, do not move around the cabin, and try to attract the attention of criminals as little as possible.

Avoid rash actions that could endanger your life and the lives of other passengers, especially when aircraft are hijacked by terrorists.

In the event of a forceful release of hostages (during an assault by a special unit), try to hide behind objects (a chair, table and other pieces of furniture), cover your body from bullets with improvised means, with everything that can weaken the penetrating effect of bullets.

Try to move away from entrance doors, windows, portholes, hatches and take a horizontal position. Remain in this position until you receive a command to leave the room from the commander of the assault group. In the future, follow all his commands without question.

During the assault, do not pick up the weapons of criminals, as they may mistake you for a bandit and open fire on you to kill.

Try, if possible, not to let the bandits take your place among the hostages.


Try to make as much noise as possible to attract the attention of others and fight off the attackers.

To reduce the risk of kidnapping, the following precautions should be taken:

  • you need to know well the area where you live, its secluded areas;
  • If you feel like someone is following you, turn around and
    check your suspicions. In the event that these suspicions
    confirmed, change direction, pace of walking or flee;
  • do not get into a car with strangers or unfamiliar people;
  • you should categorically refuse, especially girls,
    evening walks through wastelands and construction sites;
  • never open an apartment door unless you know who it is
    rings, especially if you are at home alone.

Remember! The success of your liberation depends on your endurance and ability to navigate a difficult environment.


We must remember that a plane is most often hijacked twice: first by terrorists, then by special forces. These actions are dangerous, and the most important commandment is to unquestioningly follow commands.

As a rule, hostages suffer most not from physical violence, but from severe psychological shock.

  • first of all, you need to calm down yourself and, if possible, calm down your neighbor;
  • carefully inspect the place where you are, mark
    those places where you can hide in the event of a firefight;
  • try not to stand out in a group of hostages and do nothing
    annoy the bandits;
  • do not cough loudly, blow your nose, cry or express your dissatisfaction;
  • if you want to get up, move to another place or leave
    cover your purse, ask permission;
  • try to keep yourself busy - reading, writing or drawing;
  • give away personal belongings that the terrorists demand;
  • When shooting, take cover behind the seat and cover your head
    hands, but don’t run anywhere.

The hijacking of an airplane can last for several days, during which time there is an improvement in the attitude of the criminals towards the passengers, so do not lose faith in a successful outcome.

Often during negotiations, bandits release children, women and the sick. If you are among this number, you must help the remaining passengers on board the plane as much as possible. It is necessary to collect as much information as possible: the number of hijackers, what part of the plane they are in, how they are dressed, their behavior (aggression, exposure to drugs, alcohol), who is the leader in the group and other signs that you were able to notice.

Remember! If there are only terrorists and hostages on the plane, it is better to sit near the aisle. When a capture group appears, it is safer to be near a wall or porthole.

When hijacking an aircraft by special forces, you must:

  • close your eyes and hold your breath, because maybe
    tear gas was used;
  • do not rub your eyes;
  • cover your sides and stomach with your elbows (the safest position is with your hands behind your head on your neck);
  • Do not run or stand under any circumstances after
    the command was given to fall to the floor;
  • do not run out of the plane until the command is given;
  • after the command “Get out!” get out as quickly as possible;
  • do not waste time searching for your carry-on luggage: airplane
    may catch fire or explode.


You cannot stay indoors near windows. This is dangerous not only because of the threat of a direct hit from a bullet, shrapnel, shell, yes, but also because of the danger of a ricochet. Experience shows that a bullet, having flown into a room, can ricochet off the walls and ceiling more than once, especially in concrete houses.

You must immediately move away from the windows. If there is a bathroom, then it is advisable to hide there, lie on the floor or in the bathtub.

While in your shelter, you need to monitor the appearance of smoke and fire. Every 3-5th bullet is a tracer, so the risk of fire is high.

If a fire starts and the shooting does not stop, you must crawl out of the burning room (apartment), closing the doors behind you. In the entrance, it is best to hide away from the windows, for example in a niche.

It is dangerous to approach the windows and go out onto the balcony even if they are shooting far from your house.

When outdoors, you need to find shelter. They can be a building ledge, stone steps, a monument, a fountain, a concrete pillar, a brick fence or a curb. You need to crawl to the shelter. It is dangerous to run: they may be mistaken for an enemy.

If you are hiding behind a car, keep in mind that its metal is thin and there is fuel in the tank. In any case, even such shelter is better than none.

In such cases, there is no clear advice; the decision must be made on the spot.

Of course, there are also unconditional things: do not allow onlookers to stand and watch the shootout; first of all, children, elderly people and women should be saved.

Responsibility for participation in terrorist activities

(extracts from the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation1) Article 205. Terrorism

Terrorism, that is, committing an explosion, arson or other
actions that create a danger of death of people, causing significant property damage or the occurrence of other socially dangerous consequences, if these actions were committed with the aim of violating public safety, intimidating the population or influencing decision-making by authorities, as well as the threat of committing these actions in for the same purposes is punishable by imprisonment for a term of five to ten years.

The same acts committed:

b) repeatedly;

c) with the use of firearms - punishable
imprisonment for a term of eight to fifteen years.

or caused by negligence the death of a person or other
grave consequences, and are also associated with an encroachment on
facilities using nuclear energy or using
nuclear materials, radioactive substances or sources
radioactive radiation - punishable by imprisonment
for a period of ten to twenty years.

Note. A person who participated in the preparation of an act of terrorism is exempt from criminal liability if he, by timely warning the authorities or in another way, contributed to preventing the implementation of an act of terrorism and if the actions of this person do not contain another element of the crime.

Article 206. Taking hostages

1. Capturing or holding a person as a hostage, committed for the purpose of forcing the state, organization or citizen to perform any action or refrain from performing any action as a condition for the release of the hostage, is punishable by imprisonment for a term of five to ten years.

2. The same acts committed:

a) by a group of persons by prior conspiracy;

b) repeatedly;

c) with the use of violence dangerous to life or health;

d) using weapons or objects used as weapons;

e) in relation to a known minor;

f) in relation to a woman who is known to the perpetrator to be pregnant;

g) in relation to two or more persons;

h) for mercenary reasons or for hire - shall be punishable by imprisonment for a term of six to fifteen years.

3. Acts provided for in parts one or two
worthy of an article if they were committed by an organized group
or caused by negligence the death of a person or another grave consequence - shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of eight to twenty years.

Note. A person who frees a hostage voluntarily or at the request of the authorities is exempt from criminal liability unless his actions contain another crime.

Article 207. Knowingly false reports about an act of terrorism

Knowingly false reports about an impending explosion, arson or actions that create a danger of death of people, causing significant property damage or the occurrence of other socially dangerous consequences - is punishable by a fine of two hundred to five hundred. minimum sizes wages and amounts wages or one income of the convicted person for a period of two to five months, or correctional labor for a term of one to two years, or arrest for a term of three to six months, or imprisonment for a term of up to three years.

Article 208. Organization of an illegal armed formation or participation in it

1. The creation of an armed formation (association, detachment, squad or other group), not provided for by Federal Law, as well as the leadership of such a formation, is punishable by imprisonment for a term of two to seven years.

2. Participation in an armed formation is not envisaged -
nom Federal law, - is punishable by restriction of freedom for a term of up to three years, or arrest for a term of up to six months, or imprisonment for a term of up to five years.

Note. A person who voluntarily ceases participation in an illegal armed group and surrenders weapons is released from criminal liability unless his actions contain another crime.

1) List the methods of self-defense in a criminogenic situation that you know from educational material previous years.

2) Find and read in books, magazines, newspapers descriptions of cases of human behavior in criminogenic situations, evaluate how competently he acted.

3) What actions will you take if at the entrance
Do you notice an ownerless item (bag, sack, suitcase) at home?

4) List the rules safe behavior when,
if you are taken hostage.
Abstract from here


Parameter name Meaning
Rubric (thematic category) Occupational Safety and Health


A special group of negative impacts are represented by social dangers that are widespread in society and threaten people’s lives and health. The existence of these dangers is associated with the state of demographic processes and behavioral characteristics of individual people social groups. Social dangers are very numerous. These include wars and military conflicts, terrorism, criminalization of society, diseases, etc.

Rules of conduct in situations of a criminal nature

Criminal, criminogenic - means criminal. Compliance with the basic rules of safe behavior: to anticipate dangers, avoid them whenever possible, act competently and decisively - allows you to protect yourself from crimes.

It is much easier to anticipate a crime situation than to act in it.

The main condition for the safety of each of us is the ability to avoid direct contact with a person who can cause you any injury: physical, mental or spiritual. Most often, the criminal inflicts several criminal injuries on his victim. For example, wanting to take possession of property, a criminal intimidates the victim, humiliates her and can cause physical harm. It is necessary to follow the rules of safe behavior: anticipate and avoid dangerous situations and when it is of utmost importance, act wisely and decisively. In order to avoid becoming a victim of hooligans, robbers and maniacs, it is extremely important to follow a number of rules.

1. Do not be alone on the street at night. If you have to return late in the evening, call home and have an adult meet you.

2. Choose a safe route, without tempting yourself with the desire to “overshoot” through passageways or deserted streets.

3. The safest thing to do is to walk closer to the edge of the sidewalk towards the traffic and see approaching cars. If a car starts moving nearby, it is wiser to cross to the other side of the street.

4. Never, under any circumstances, get into a car with strangers or people you barely know.

5. Never go into other people’s houses and apartments, even if they convincingly ask you for help. In such a situation, you can offer to call the police, rescue service or ambulance.

6. When approaching the entrance of the house, be as careful as possible, especially late in the evening or at night. Make sure no one is following you.

7. Do not enter the elevator with strangers. Don't stand right in front of the elevator door, move a little to the side so that they can't drag you in.

8. If you notice that someone is following you, ring your neighbors’ doors and call for help.

9. If no one is home except you, never open the door to strangers.

10. If you find yourself in emergency- came face to face with a criminal, you need to try to remember his signs, by which he can be detained. For security reasons, we recommend that you: give money at the first request of a street robber; do not pull the bag towards you if it is snatched, do not get into arguments. Speak calmly and slowly and be confident. If possible, change your route and try to go to a safe place.

CRIMINOGENIC Emergencies - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "CRIMINOGENIC Emergencies" 2014, 2015.

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