Fonbet bookmaker bets. Fonbet - bookmaker

The Fonbet bookmaker is well known as one of the first organizations to engage in sports betting in Russia - the first betting office was opened by the company back in 1994. On this moment Fonbet is a completely legal bookmaker, operates under a license from the Federal Tax Service (among the licensees it is listed in the register as No. 4) and is a member of the SRO “Association of Bookmakers”. The organization is registered as Fon LLC at the address Moscow, 127562, Dekabristov Street, 8.

The bookmaker accepts bets through the website in the domain, as well as in its own clubs, the number of which exceeds 1000 in 75 regions of Russia.


In the summer of 1994, the company began its activities by opening its first betting office in Moscow. Launched in 1999 affiliate program Fonbet. In 2001, the company began accepting bets on the Internet. In 2004, the organization was one of the first to offer live betting - directly during sporting events.

The company has seen particularly active growth since the relicensing of bookmakers in 2009. Already in 2011, the number of company clubs exceeded 1000 throughout the country (about 70 of them in Moscow). In 2014, the office's clubs began to have their own betting machines.

In 2015, the bookmaker signed a partnership agreement with the Belgian company Federbet to combat fixed matches. A year later, the office becomes a member of ESSA and the Association of Bookmakers, and again begins to accept bets on the Internet. In February 2017, a full-fledged interactive bookmaker was launched.

Advantages and disadvantages

Despite the fact that the Fonbet office can be called one of the time-tested companies in the field of betting, it, like all bookmakers, has generally recognized advantages and disadvantages.

Completely legal in Russia

The site is convenient and not oversaturated with graphics

Huge network of own clubs

Fast deposits and withdrawals

Superexpress betting (previously called TOTO on Fonbet BC) has established itself as a very high-quality betting

Narrow match list
in pre-match and live modes

Limited number of bonuses and promotions

In the event of a bet being returned based on incorrect odds, the bet is calculated as 1.00 (lost bets based on incorrect odds are also returned)

Bookmaker website review

The company's website is available at Navigation around the site is fast, the design looks modern and does not hurt the eyes. uses mostly small font - the site designers tried to fit as much information on the page as possible.

On the main page you can see part of the pre-match and live line. In addition to the main sections Line, Live and Super Express, the site has sections that tell users about the bookmaker’s mobile applications and clubs, as well as about current promotions.

On the website, the user can view the table of results of matches already played, as well as view the statistics of meetings of various teams. By providing results, Fonbet allows customers to conduct the necessary research before playing. Match results are updated regularly.

Registration and verification

To register on the bookmaker's website, you will need to enter personal data. Depending on the bookmaker version, all you need to do is fill out online form, or go through identification in one of the BC clubs, in Euroset or Contact salons, or have a verified QIWI wallet. Fonbet supports the provision of bookmaker services to clients who have an account with TsUPIS (an intermediary between the player and the bookmaker, ensuring the legal flow of funds).


The office's support service is exclusively Russian-speaking and works around the clock. You can contact the support service by phone, via e-mail, or via live chat (response time 1-5 minutes, 1-3 hours and 1-3 minutes, respectively). Judging by numerous reviews, the employees try to understand the client’s problem, communicate politely and friendly, and resolve issues competently, although the waiting time for an answer is sometimes prolonged.


The office provides a wide selection of different championships in more than 20 sports, including e-sports and unpopular leagues. In total, fifty different disciplines are covered.

The line on Fonbet is truly extensive only in the most popular discipline - football. In other sports, the list of events is not so wide and does not differ much from the bookmaker’s lines of competitors, although in general the schedule in the office can be considered satisfactory.

However, despite the standard bets and lines, Fonbet has one unique advantage - its Super Express betting machine, previously called TOTO Fonbet, which is loved by many players. The jackpots of this betting previously reached up to 100 million rubles. After integration with TsUPIS, this service remained virtually unchanged.


The odds sizes can be assessed as average - there are no positive differences from the bookmaker lines of other companies in Fonbet. In prematch, the average margin is 6-8%, in live - 7-8%. For example, in an equally probable outcome, a combination of 1.85-1.85 is offered - that is, a 7.5% margin.

Selecting bets

The bookmaker company allows you to bet not only on football matches the strongest European leagues, but also for matches in exotic football championships (Second League of Japan, Iran, Indonesia, etc.)

The width of the list depends on the status of the match - the higher it is, the more options there will be: regular totals, outcomes, handicaps, etc. penalties, deletions, match progress and other additional options are added.

For KHL and NHL hockey matches, painting in Fonbet is also at a decent level, but in other disciplines everything is somewhat more modest. In basketball, there are additional bets only on totals, individual totals and handicaps. The situation is approximately the same with tennis and other less popular sports. In both prestigious and medium-sized tennis tournaments, BC Fonbet offers big choice totals and handicaps, a small number of additional options and at the same time does not provide lists for each individual set.

The minimum bet amount depends on the type of bet: for single bets the initial amount is 30 rubles, for express bets - 20 rubles, for system bets - 50 rubles.

The limit on the bet amount depends on the prestige of the match. In bets on football matches of popular leagues, it amounts to 300 thousand rubles. For KHL and NHL matches the limit is already lower - 200 thousand rubles. On NBA basketball matches or matches in similar tennis leagues, a player can bet no more than 150 thousand rubles.

Live betting

In BC Fonbet online betting are available for a fairly large number of sporting events, but the paintings for them can be characterized as standard. About 300 events are available per day. Through its website, the bookmaker provides players with the opportunity to monitor the dynamics of odds: growing online bets are highlighted green, and falling ones - in red.

Online bets are settled in approximately 10 minutes.

Deposit and withdrawal of funds

The player can top up his personal account with an amount from 100 to 250 thousand rubles through various payment systems: via Qiwi, bank card, mobile phone, online banking, cash through terminals. You can withdraw funds in the same way.

The minimum withdrawal amount is 100 rubles, the maximum depends on the type payment system: 15 thousand rubles when withdrawing to a phone balance, 75 thousand rubles when using a bank card and 250 thousand rubles when withdrawing to a Qiwi wallet. Payments are usually made within 1-3 hours, but when withdrawing to a card, there may be a delay of up to 5 days due to the peculiarities of the bank. The Russian ruble is available as a currency.


The bookmaker uses software proprietary development, giving players the opportunity to place bets with mobile phones and tablets on Android and iOS, as well as using clients for Windows and MacOS. The functionality of the programs fully corresponds to the functionality of the main version of the Fonbet website.

Office overview

Currency: RUB


  • Excellent internet site;
  • High odds;
  • Attractive incentive system;
  • Good support service.
  • Negative

  • Narrow painting;
  • Meager line.
  • Fonbet is a bookmaker of Russian origin with a long history. The first teaching staff was opened in Moscow back in 1994. Since then, the betting platform has been actively developing. New betting shops opened across the country. In 2001, the company began accepting bets on the Internet. Is it worth playing at this bookmaker? You will find out the answer by reading this review of BC Fonbet.

    Fonbet is a bookmaker. Official site

    TO appearance website no complaints. The main page is designed in a pleasant minimalist style. The website is dominated by White color, which improves the perception of information. In terms of navigation, the official Internet resource of BC Fonbet is very different from similar betting platforms. For example, disciplines are presented not as a sidebar, but as a drop-down list. This is a smart design decision. After all, the sidebar takes up quite a lot of space on the page. Despite the atypical interface, you can get used to it quickly and without problems. It is enough to use the betting platform for a couple of minutes. There are no banners on the website at all, which is good news. Resource optimization is also at the highest level. The site does not freeze, and the line loads in a matter of seconds.

    The functional content of the web resource is at a decent level. Basic betting tools are present. For example, BK Fonbet provides live broadcasts for almost every sports match. In addition, there is an analytical center that contains data about athletes, teams, etc. You will need all this if you want to bet on sports online in Fonbet. As for payment systems, the betting platform under review is aimed at a Russian-speaking audience. Accordingly, BC Fonbet supports all payment services that are popular in the post-Soviet space. Here are just a few of them:

    • QIWI;
    • Visa/MasterCard;

    It would be a shame not to mention the mobile client of the online office. It was performed at the highest technical level. In terms of functionality, the utility for phones is practically no different from the original website. Moreover, the program has a user-friendly interface, which was created for ergonomic reasons. Therefore, betting on sports in Fonbet Mobile is a real pleasure. The application supports smartphones running on the Windows Phone, Android and, of course, iOS operating systems.

    Sports betting on Fonbet

    The market for sports incidents in Fonbet online is meager. There are about 15 categories in total. This is half as much as the average domestic bookmaker. What can bookmaker Fonbet offer us? As you might guess, football is at the forefront. This direction receives the greatest attention. This discipline is covered in great detail. For example, the line represents all the largest European leagues. There are also cups on the football market that take place in the CIS. But that's not all. Book office Fonbet allows you to bet on little-in-demand leagues (Honduras, Paraguay, Bolivia, etc.).

    The line of the bookmaker BC Fonbet may also be of interest to fans of e-sports disciplines. The most popular tournaments from games like League of Legends and Counter-Strike are covered: Global Offensive, Dota 2. Unfortunately, there is no market for non-sports incidents.

    Fonbet is a bookmaker. List of rates

    The Fonbet office has a wide market. For example, for football in this direction, the list consists of more than 50 intermediate outcomes. The situation is identical with other disciplines. The painting is stable and includes 30-40 bets. There are no intermediate outcomes only for unpopular categories such as billiards.

    At the same time, the painting is monotonous and uninteresting. The bets are quite standard. You can bet on handicap, total, exact score, etc. There are no truly interesting bets (for example, on the performance of specific athletes).

    BK Fonbet - odds

    Definitely, odds are the strong point of bookmaker Fonbet. The betting platform provides its clients with quite tempting offers. For the sake of example, let’s look at the football market. Major clashes during popular leagues are subject to bookmaker commissions ranging from 5.5% to 6%. This is a good indicator, especially for the domestic betting market. But not every football competition can boast such high multipliers. For example, for the Egyptian Premier League, which is not particularly in demand among bettors, the margin is as much as 11%.

    In other sports categories, the bookmaker's commission is quite low. Tennis, volleyball, baseball - for all these sports the margin does not exceed 6%. Surprisingly, even not very popular disciplines can boast tempting multipliers. For example, for Australian football the margin is 6.5%.

    Promotions and bonuses

    The incentive system at the bookmaker under review is well developed. Moreover, it is aimed not at beginners, as is usually the case, but at experienced bettors. Take, for example, the most popular promotional offer called “Preferential Express”. Its essence is that a player whose express bet did not go through can return the money spent on the bet. To take advantage of the promotion, the “locomotive” must meet the following requirements:

    • An express must consist of at least 6 events;
    • The coefficient of each incident must be at least 1.6;
    • The money can be returned if all events except one from the express bet are won.

    But the incentive system of the Fonbet bookmaker does not end there. The betting platform constantly holds various promotions that are timed to coincide with high-profile sporting events. As a rule, the point is to predict the exact outcome of the confrontation. Between bettors who managed to accurately predict the outcome, they play valuable prizes(sometimes even cars).


    Most bettors have no complaints about the web bookmaker's support service. As players say, the support team employs polite specialists who promptly solve various difficulties. There are several channels to contact technical support:

    • Mobile phone (answer within 5 minutes);
    • Online chat (response within 3 minutes);
    • Mailbox (reply within 3 hours).

    The only thing that disappoints in terms of service is the attitude towards speculators. They are not liked at the bookmaker under review. But in fairness, it is worth noting that the online bookmaker fights against arbers in a gentle manner. If a better is caught speculating with bets, then he only faces the risk of having his maximums cut off. The betting platform does not take away winnings and, moreover, does not ban accounts, which makes it stand out from its competitors.


    Fonbet is a bookmaker with a long history. This office has been operating in the domestic market for more than 15 years. But is it worth using the services of this bookmaker? The answer is yes. Although the bookmaker under review has some minor disadvantages, its advantages more than compensate for all minor shortcomings.
    The company under review is included in the list of partners of the Center for Information and Information Services. This means that its activities in the territory Russian Federation completely legal. Considering all of the above, we can recommend the Fonbet bookmaker platform.

    The first and most important thing to remember about the line is that the bookmaker is a classic example of a company that works on its offers itself. Our own department of analysts is not only the main feature of the office, but also an excellent explanation of some of the features of Fonbet, which we will talk about now.

    The oldest bookmaker in Russia often becomes a role model for many younger companies, which is not at all surprising, because Fonbet offers the most complete and largest current line. It includes all the most significant species sports, as well as exotic competitions. Depth - up to junior and regional tournaments. This fact speaks for itself.

    Departure time is 13:00 Moscow time, however during the working day current line Fonbet can be supplemented with new interesting offers.

    Place a bet on Fonbet

    Listing, odds and margin

    The fact that the bookmaker wrote the line on his own in the best possible way visible on the list of sporting events offered by Fonbet. It may differ significantly from the painting of competitors, and in both directions. Even matches of the same rank and significance can be described differently by Fonbet analysts. It’s interesting that before the start of a match, the bookmaker usually adds new markets.

    Fonbet's pre-match quotes are not too high: the bookmaker deliberately avoids price wars with competitors, nevertheless maintaining its own opinion. In general, Fonbet’s odds can be either higher or lower than those offered by other companies. The margin depends on the sport, division, and match you choose. However, there is also a positive point: Fonbet does not have a margin of more than 10%. Typically, betting companies practice such indicators in unpopular markets.

    Fonbet has an excellent presentation: all the most significant tournaments are available. The standard list includes bets on the outcome, total and double chance, exact score, comparison of halves, individual team totals. If the match is allocated to the priority category, the schedule includes bets during the match on individual statistics, combined outcomes, corners, cards, exact score difference, etc.

    The most attractive quotes await those who like to bet on the Premier League and the German Championship (margin of about 5.5 - 6%). For the main football divisions of Italy, Spain and France, the margin is slightly higher - 6.5%. For medium-sized leagues, the margin varies between 6.5 - 8.5%. You can view the football betting line today by visiting the office’s website.

    Make a bet with Fonbet


    Accepting sports bets since 1994, Fonbet is also suitable for those players who give an advantage. The line contains a sufficient number of matches, both high and low rank. At the time of release, the list may be slightly inferior in the number of markets, but before the start of the match the bookmaker supplements it. A positive aspect is betting on handicap and total with the possibility of shifting in any direction up to 9 points. The bookmaker estimates the odds of equal opponents in the NBA at odds of 1.91–1.91. In other leagues, the margin is higher (approximately 8%) and quotes are at the level of 1.85–1.85.


    They look quite interesting on Fonbet. The line includes not only the most famous titled fights, but also bets on less popular fights. The standard of the list is handicap, total, bets on the duration of the fight. Fonbet also offers bets on UFC: mixed martial arts has been rapidly gaining popularity lately.


    Analysts predict a bright future for eSports, so bookmakers are actively offering their clients. Fonbet players can bet on cyber football, cyber hockey, as well as Dota2, CS and other popular games.

    How to place a bet in Fonbet

    Many bettors, especially beginners who have never bet, are interested in how to place bets on Fonbet without any problems. Of course, to play on the site you must first log in. Next, the algorithm of actions looks like this:

    Enter your bet amount and confirm it.

    If you want to place an express bet on Fonbet, select several outcomes and combine them into an express bet in the coupon.

    Under the coupon you can see the bets you have made previously. In addition, Fonbet tells its players in detail how to bet in the section with answers to frequently asked questions.

    Many people are interested in how to win bets on Fonbet. Nobody will give you instructions here. It all depends on your knowledge of the sport and luck.

    September 22 07.10.2018

    • Bonus for new players: 5000 rubles.
    • Pros: Good line and painting, video broadcasts, registration bonus.
    • Minuses: Registration only with a visit to the teaching staff of BC Fonbet, limit reduction.

    Review of the bookmaker Fonbet

    Bookmaker Fonbet is one of the oldest Russian bookmakers. The company was created in 1994, and initially operated illegally in the domain However, in 2007, a website appeared in the domain and the team began to enter the legal market.

    In 2016, the company received a license from the Federal Tax Service, became a member of the SRO and received the right to accept bets from citizens on a legal basis. Analysts of the website portal assessed the Fonbet bookmaker on a number of parameters.

    Betting line and event schedule

    Our rating: 4

    The coverage of events in the pre-match line is quite complete. There are not only major competitions, but also regional tournaments and youth team meetings. The line-up ranges from excellent to minimal - the bookmaker creates the line independently.

    The bookmaker offers a wide range of offers for individual matches. At the same time, even matches of the same level can have completely different content.


    The schedule for football depends on whether the match is allocated to the priority category or not. The standard list is laid out regardless of the specific championship: main outcome, double chance, main total and main handicap. Matches taking place within the framework of important championships include additional details - the exact score, half-time match, a selection of totals, handicaps, goals, comparison of halves, etc.

    If the match is allocated to the priority category, here you can bet on time intervals, combinations of outcomes and totals, statistics (corners, cards, posts), individual statistics, exact difference in the score.


    The Fonbet bookmaker gives a good breakdown of matches at the NHL or KHL level. There are bets on the period, bets on the result of the period and the match, the main outcome, total, individual total and much more.

    For matches not included in the top championships, a minimum schedule is laid out - the main outcome, the main totals and handicaps, a double chance.


    Schedule for tennis matches depends on the level of the match. For most games, a minimum schedule is laid out - either only the outcome, or the outcome and the main handicap and total. For some matches, the bookmaker draws up an extended list, including bets on statistical indicators.

    Martial arts (MMA and boxing)

    Martial arts are not among the core sports disciplines of BC Fonbet. For most matches, a minimum list is laid out, including only the main outcome. For fights with the participation of world-famous stars, an extended schedule is laid out, including several dozen outcomes, including a breakdown by round.

    Odds in BC Fonbet

    Our rating: 3

    The legal bookmaker Fonbet does not initially post high odds. There are no ultra-high margins either. All quotes are developed with the help of the bookmaker’s own analytical department, and its opinion does not always coincide with market leaders. It is possible to find some interesting arbitrage bets.


    The bookmaker offers good odds for matches of top European championships. The best quotes are offered for the Premier League and Bundesliga, slightly worse for Primera, Serie A and Ligue 1. For average leagues, quotes decrease; in the second and third divisions they fall much below the average level.


    Quotes for the KHL and NHL are presented at an average level. Margin is about 5-6 percent. Odds for minor leagues are much lower than average.


    The best odds are offered for the ATP and WTA Championships. On ITF and challengers, the margin increases by about one and a half times, which negatively affects the value of quotes.

    Martial arts

    Martial arts are not among the core sports disciplines for BC Fonbet. Quotes here are below average, high margin.

    Live betting

    Our rating: 4

    Live is good. The Fonbet bookmaker accepts bets on almost two thousand sporting events per day. At any given time, there are more than fifty matches going on. various types spot. The bookmaker has an excellent team of scouts who provide information about what is happening in real time. For leading matches, clients are offered an excellent list with variable offers.

    Eg, in football you can bet on a corner from each corner of the field or bet that the final score of the match will have a certain number, for example, 1. In this case, the bet will win if the score is 2:1, 1:3 and so on.

    The platform is weak. From time to time there are delays in calculating bets; the line is often frozen during the update period. In this case, you can bet on the event up to last minutes match.


    Our rating: -

    There is no traditional betting at the Fonbet bookmaker. There are also no casinos, gambling, poker, etc. Legal bookmakers have the right only to accept bets on sports in pre-match and live mode.

    bonus program

    Our rating: 5

    The Fonbet bookmaker offers new players a free bet of up to 5,000 rubles. To receive a freebet you must follow these steps::

    • Register on the bookmaker's website and go through full identification.
    • Top up your account with any amount of at least 500 rubles.
    • Place one or more bets. Coefficient – ​​from 2. Bet amount – 100% of the first deposit.
    • Receive a free bet up to 5000 rubles. The exact amount is 50% of the first deposit, no less than 250 and no more than 5,000 rubles.

    Other promotions, prize draws, etc. are also held periodically. Details about current promotions can be found on the website of the bookmaker Fonbet.

    Among the permanent promotions we can highlight bonus called “Preferential Express”— the player can place express bets, receiving insurance against losing one of the events. Promotion rules:

    • Express of six or more events.
    • The odds for each event in the express bet are 1.60.
    • If all six events are won, the bet wins.
    • If one event is lost, the bet loses.
    • The express includes events from any sport. If one or more events were cancelled, but in total there were at least four predicted outcomes, the express bet remains preferential.

    Deposit and withdrawal of funds

    Our rating: 4

    The bookmaker works only with Russian rubles. All payments are made through the TSUPIS center, so the number of ways to replenish your account and withdraw money is very limited.

    To replenish your game account, use the following means of payment:

    • Bank cards– VISA, MasterCard, Mir
    • Electronic wallets QIWI and Yandex.Money
    • QIWI terminals
    • Mobile payments– MTS, Megafon, Beeline, Tele2, Pay

    To withdraw money from the game account, use the following means of payment:

    • Bank cards VISA, MasterCard, World
    • Electronic wallets QIWI and Yandex.Money
    • Mobile payments– MTS, Megafon, Beeline, Tele2

    According to paragraph 1 of Art. 214.7 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, when paying winnings to clients, the bookmaker withholds income tax tax in the amount of 13 percent of the difference between the amount of winnings and the amount of the bet, i.e. from net profit.

    Game conditions

    Our rating: 4

    The official website of the office is

    The bookmaker is completely legal. When registering, you need to receive a Fonbet club card or go through verification using a Qiwi wallet. If in other offices verification is carried out after registration or before the first withdrawal of money, then in BC Fonbet account verification is required at the registration stage. To verify, you must visit one of the teaching staff, provide your passport and fill out a form.

    Another way to register is a verified Qiwi wallet. Verification is carried out in any Euroset store.

    Overall, the site is quite user-friendly, with clear navigation. At the top there is a slider with announcements of the best promotions and major sporting events.

    Mobile versions of the site

    Bookmaker Fonbet has developed applications for Android and iOS. To work, you need Android version 4.4 or higher. Apple requires iOS 7.0 or higher. Using the application, you can top up your balance, place bets, contact support on various issues, view infographics and video broadcasts.

    If your gadget is not responding necessary requirements or for some reason you do not want to install the software, you can use the mobile version of the Fonbet website. Settings mobile version can be set in your personal account.


    The bookmaker offers 24/7 Russian speaking support. You can contact specialists by phone, live chat or Email.


    Our rating: 3.5

    The bookmaker operates legally in Russia. Negative attitude towards profitable players - limits may be cut. For small and medium bets, reliability is within normal limits.

    Licenses that the bookmaker has

    The bookmaker's office has an official license from the Federal Tax Service to operate in Russia. Its main website is not blocked by Roskomnadzor, players do not experience difficulties in legalizing the money they win.


    Not a bad office for non-professional players. Profitable players often have lower maximums, and the criterion for profitability is determined by the bookmaker himself. In general, it will serve as an additional office for safety net.

    The FonBet line is located in a special menu!/bets and offers clients online bets with express bets, systems and single bets on baseball; cycling; floorball; basketball; MMA martial arts (fights without rules); beach/classic volleyball; auto and motorcycle racing; rugby league + rugby union; balls (balls, bowls); softball; water polo; boxing; table tennis.

    In the line of the prohibited gray/blue bookmaker, clients can be offered showball; billiards and snooker; lacrosse; golf; darts; handball; futsal; curling or chess with increased odds and quotes. A large selection is offered for e-sports/e-sports disciplines: Hearthstone/Hearzstone, Dota 2, CS:GO/ Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, World of Tanks/Tanks/Tanks, League of Legends/League of Legends, Rocket League, FIFA, NHL, NBA , Overwatch/Overwatch, Injustice 2/Injustice 2, Mortal Kombat X/Mortal Kombat 2, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds and others.

    The list of banned foreign bookmakers is pleasantly surprising: totals, exact scores, victories, handicaps, and many others. Maximum win, which the client can count on - 15,000,000 Russian rubles(or equivalent amount). By rainfall max. the winnings can be only 1,000,000. For example, in the banned foreign bookmaker Fonbet, the limit is 5,000,000 rubles (or equivalent) for transactions on any type of sports and entertainment.

    ATTENTION! By the way, you know that foreign bookmakers are prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation? In their place, legal national analogues appeared, including “1xBet” " You can safely create an account with it if you want to receive a bonus on your first deposit in the amount of 2,500 or 5,000 rubles!

    For now, we will try to understand in detail and step by step the answers to questions about the line of the prohibited bookmaker Fonbet, available sports, markets (markets), maximum and minimum bet amounts, available bets and many others! Our partners have prepared a series of videos with descriptions, reviews and instructions. Review the material!

    1. Where is the FonBet line and how can I quickly access it?
    2. What types of sports and entertainment does the betting line offer at the FonBet bookmaker?
    3. Is the line at BC FonBet profitable? Is betting in a blue prohibited book a source of profit or loss?
    4. Where and how to watch the FonBet line? Is FonBet a bookmaker whose line the official website offers without problems and without restrictions?
    5. What is the current line and betting odds at FonBet?
    6. What is the line for today's football at the blue foreign bookmaker "FonBet"? Are they offered in the banned foreign “FonBet” live betting football table line?
    7. What opportunities and features does the volleyball line provide at the foreign BC FonBet?
    8. What is basketball like in BC fonbet and the line in it?
    9. What is the hockey line at the blue banned bookmaker FonBet?
    10. What kind of tennis and line is there at FonBet BC?
    11. Where and how can I download the FonBet line without any problems?
    12. Why is the FonBet line slow? Why and how does the line move, how often does the FonBet line update?
    13. Are bets offered via telephone over the line in the foreign prohibited bookmaker FonBet? Is it possible to dial a hot number and immediately place a bet online?

    I want to say right away that on gray/blue the quotes and odds are not the most profitable and not the most profitable. This is quite understandable, because the bookmaker has serious competitors in the form of “1xbet” or “Marathonbet” (at worst, “Betting League”), in which the odds are considered one of the most profitable and high on the market.

    But if we compare the banned blue from Curacao and the legal national “Fon” from the Russian Federation, then the red one is seriously inferior. These are not just words and attempts at “characterization.” This is real information, which today cannot be avoided (unfortunately). For comparison, you can take a line along them.

    ATTENTION! But don’t despair and worry! Sometimes the forbidden blue office can offer interesting markets and bold quotes. You just need to gain experience and the ability to “catch” the odds.

    Watch the video on the line in FonBet

    Where is the FonBet line and how can I quickly access it?

    1. On the official website in the upper left corner. You will need to go to the resource, which is prohibited in the Russian Federation (clients are aware that for such actions they will have to use programs or mirrors).
    2. In the central section is the “Line” category. We click on it, and the system automatically sends you to the page!/bets.
    3. Here you will see a list available markets, sports and deals. If necessary, you can specify the “All time” section or select “Specific sport”.
    4. The following betting scheme is simple. We find the desired market, add it to the coupon located on the left side (you will first need to log in to your personal account: no authorization means no opportunity to enter into transactions).

    ATTENTION! You can place online bets without any problems through the programs, mobile applications, official website or mirrors. The odds will be the same everywhere, and you shouldn’t have any difficulties.

    What types of sports and entertainment does the betting line offer at the FonBet bookmaker?

    For them we go to the section with the rules (!/rules). It lists all types of sports and entertainment on which you can bet at a foreign bookmaker. But all this is indicated without reference to a specific time (for example, in the summer it is impossible to find quotes for biathlon in the line, since this is a winter sport, and so on).

    If you are interested in specific types of entertainment, the line (!/bets) allows you to find interesting options + add individual outcomes to your “Favorites”.

    In the banned foreign bookmaker Fonbet, clients will be able to place online express, system and single bets on baseball; cycling; floorball; basketball; MMA martial arts (fights without rules); beach/classic volleyball; auto and motorcycle racing; rugby league + rugby union; balls (balls, bowls); softball; water polo; boxing; table tennis.

    In the gray/blue line of the bookmaker there are favorable quotes for showball; billiards and snooker; lacrosse; golf; darts; handball; futsal; curling or chess.

    You can find a large selection in the esports/esports disciplines section. The client can bet “The map will end in the afternoon”, “First Blood” (first blood, first blood), Roshan (Roshan), Rehost, as well as other markets in Hearthstone / Hearthstone, Dota 2 / Dota 2, counter strike / CS: GO / Counter -Strike: Global Offensive, World of Tanks/Tanks/Tanks, League of Legends/League of Legends.

    Profitable bets are available on Rocket League/Rocket League, FIFA, NHL, NBA, Overwatch/Overwatch, Injustice 2/Injustice 2, Mortal Kombat X/Mortal Kombat 2, PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds. In general, you have a great set of chips at your disposal that you need to use. Good luck!

    Is the line at BC FonBet profitable? Is betting in a blue prohibited book a source of profit or loss?

    Any sports deals (live or pre-match) are a risk to your budget. There is no single strategy/tactic that is 100% safe and profitable. If on YouTube, VKontakte, on a forum or on a website you are offered to buy “the only 100% passable strategy/tactics” that allows you to earn money, do not rush. Experience shows that in 99% of cases, beautiful promises of big money hide deception.

    Make money on sports betting(as in Forex) it is possible. But the other question is whether you need it. Are you ready:

    1. Do you need to undergo training and improve your skills and spend time on it?
    2. Give money for paid courses, coaching, strategies?
    3. Test your own guesses and “use your head” for at least 3-4 hours knocking?
    4. See how outwardly profitable and successful strategy suddenly gets lost and closes at a loss?
    5. Consult with more experienced comrades?
    6. View paid and free forecasts, study analytics from Russian or foreign experts?
    7. Lose money in one week, but then raise profits and recoup losses in the second?

    Betting is not a “money” button, after clicking on which dollars will rain down on you from all the cracks. This is difficult work (not so much physical as intellectual). All kinds of “account acceleration”, “agreements”, “secret strategies”, “tactics for getting 100% profit without risks and without mistakes” are deception and a mousetrap.

    Where and how to watch the FonBet line? Is FonBet a bookmaker whose line the official website offers without problems and without restrictions?

    On the official website of the banned foreign in a special section (!/bets), on mirrors (when the official resource does not work and does not open), through mobile applications on Android/iPhone/ iPad/Java, through a client program for a personal computer or laptop.

    You go to the line, open the page, configure the display of odds and types of sports/entertainment. Everything is almost ready! The prematch loads and opens without problems.

    ATTENTION! The most profitable option is to try to open accounts in several national or foreign offices at once in order to be able to track quotes and profitable deals, test tactics and strategies, and catch bonuses and goodies.

    What is the current line and betting odds at FonBet?

    To find out, we go to the resource of the prohibited bookmaker, indicate the “Line” category in the central horizontal menu, and the system throws home page to the new!/bets. It presents current quotes for major sports and entertainment.

    ATTENTION! All odds and values ​​are updated in real time (online). There are cases when at 15:08 you decided to bet on P1 with odds of 5.44. While they were placing bets and applying for a coupon, the current online quotes changed to 3.98. Of course, your potential profit also fell (although nothing at all could have happened during this time).

    Clients often ask about what the schedule is, what events and outcomes will be available. They can be found in the line (i.e. on the page!/bets) or in the section with the rules (!/rules). Section 2 of the requirements sets out the main points.

    1. Bets on the actual outcome, on the victory of each of the teams/each of the athletes/participants in the match, taking into account the handicap (handicap).
    2. With handicap, Asian handicap, totals (total number of goals/points/red cards/corners/penalties/cards/others).
    3. For victory in competitions or for reaching the next round of tournaments, “Time Match”, individual indicators or comparisons of players (participants).
    4. Will there be a hat-trick, will there be a double, who is higher, even/odd in the total number of goals or points in the match.
    5. Indicators expressed as percentages (for example, in the bookmaker's office, % of the first serve or % of ball possession), the number of shots on target up to 1 goal, the number of fouls before the first card.
    6. For tour statistics or game day, on the outcome of halves/innings/periods/quarters, the time of the 1st goal, the time of the lead of 1 of the teams, the time of the 1st card, and many others).

    What is the line for today's football at the blue foreign bookmaker "FonBet"? Does the banned foreign “FonBet” offer live bets on the football table line?

    Good. There is a detailed explanation for this sport in the line + in the rules + in the secrets of online betting. The client will have the following options:

    • goals, substitutions and other game events that occurred during regular time;
    • goals, substitutions and other game events that occurred during injury time;
    • bets on victory at the bookmaker's office for each team in the match, taking into account the handicap;
    • transactions in which it is necessary to guess the outcome of the 1st half, as well as predict the result of the match as a whole - “time-match”;
    • betting on players' performance (corner, offside, goal kick, out);
    • market “What will happen to the player first”;
    • deal “How the 1st goal will be scored”;
    • market in the bookmaker's office for the time when this or that event will happen;
    • outcome of the match + also total goals in the match;
    • corners will be taken from all 4 corners of the field;
    • set-piece goals;
    • counting own goals;
    • the chief judge showed the video review gesture (rectangle icon);
    • the broadcast contains a VAR information caption (or video preview);
    • the chief judge used the video viewing television;
    • corner, goal kick, throw-in, offside, foul, post or crossbar, and many other options.

    For example, we entered the line on August 8, 2018. The bookmaker offered the following options:

    • "FOOTBALL. RUSSIA. FNL CHAMPIONSHIP”, as well as many other meetings, opportunities and options.

    A bonus offer from a gray prohibited bookmaker is the “Special Bets” section. It’s as if the outcomes have already been selected and the quotes are indicated, and all you have to do is sign “Yes” or “No”. The options available to the client will include:

    1. “PAOK-SpartM Promes K and Glushakov D will score a goal. Today at 20:00, the odds are 20.00.”
    2. “PAOK-SpartM Promes K and Fernando L will score a goal. Today at 20:00, quotes are at 18.00.”
    3. “PAOK-SpartM Promes K or Adriano L will score a goal. Today at 20:00, the odds are 2.10 on “Yes” and 1.65 on “No”.
    4. “PAOK-SpartM Promes K or Tashaev A will score a goal. Today at 20:00. Quotes - 2.60 for an affirmative answer and 1.45 for a negative answer.”
    5. “PAOK-SpartM Promes K and Prijovic A will score a goal. Today at 20:00. For “Yes” the odds are offered at 8.40, for “No” - 1.04.
    6. “PAOK-SpartM Glushakov D or Zobnin R will score a goal. Today at 20:00.” For “Yes” the odds are offered at 5.80, and for “No” - 1.10.
    7. “PAOK-SpartM Glushakov D or Fernando L will score a goal. Deals at 20:00. FOR “Yes” the odds are at 5.10, and for “no” - 1.13.
    8. “PAOK-SpartM Adriano L or Tashaev A will score a goal. Today at 20:00. An affirmative answer “costs” 2.70, and a negative answer costs 1.40.

    In BC "FonBet" the line is not always displayed normally today (because there may be technical glitches and problems on the server). But current quotes can be called +/- profitable.

    What opportunities and features does the volleyball line offer in the foreign BC FonBet?

    To find a sport, you will need to go to the line, and then indicate the entertainment from the list provided (!/bets/volleyball). Next, you will see events on which you can place an online bet right here and right now, as well as in the pre-match (i.e. before the start of the meeting). We recommend you study.

    In the rules section (!/rules) different types sports: classic or beach volleyball. It is indicated that when calculating transactions, accruing profits and writing off losses, the same rules apply as in tennis (!). It's surprising, but it's true.

    On August 8, we entered the line of a foreign bookmaker (!/bets/volleyball). Next, the system offered different types of matches/events and entertainment. At your disposal were “VOLLEYBALL. FRIENDLY MATCHES", "VOLLEYBALL. WOMEN UP TO 19 YEARS OLD. BRAZIL. PAULISTA", "VOLLEYBALL. WOMEN FRIENDLY MATCHES”, as well as “VOLLEYBALL. WOMEN INTERNATIONAL TOURNAMENT. HOLLAND". All that remains is to select suitable quotes/odds and look for a way to bet/earn money.

    What is basketball like in BC fonbet and the line in it?

    Searching for basketball is the same as any other sport/entertainment online or live (real time, bets during the match). When we go to the pre-match of a foreign bookmaker and select the “Basketball” category, the system automatically redirects to!/bets/basketball. In the corresponding section of the rules (!/rules) it will be possible to review the requirements.

    To make it easier for you to understand, here are the key points.

    1. The bookmaker offers clients bets on the match, on its parts (quarters, halves), as well as on “Overtime”.
    2. Transactions on basketball statistics in LIVE are allowed without problems and without complications.
    3. A client of a prohibited foreign bookmaker can choose trades based on the number of points scored in a match by each team.

    When we looked at the line on August 8, 2018 and selected “Basketball” in the corresponding menu, the system offered a very modest set of capabilities and options. At your disposal “BASKETBALL. WOMEN UNDER 18 YEARS OLD. CH. DIV. "A". ITALY”, as well as “BASKETBALL. WOMEN WNBA. CHAMPIONSHIP" or "BASKETBALL. WOMEN UNDER 18 YEARS OLD. CH. DIV. "IN". AUSTRIA".

    There is a great variety of markets. The list offers the exact score, handicap, totals, exact score/totals/handicap for halves/quarters/matches... List possible options literally endless. But it’s too early to talk about any advantages and features. Still, a lot depends on the chosen championship and the events presented in it.

    What is the hockey line at the blue banned bookmaker FonBet?

    You already know what to do. First, go to the “Line” category, then select hockey from the list of sports, and the system will automatically redirect you to the page!/bets/hockey. Here you can find meetings and competitions from various leagues/championships/tournaments.


    The list of events from the world of bandy hockey, field hockey or ice hockey includes victories, handicaps, totals, as well as some other types of bets. The rules state that in the foreign bookmaker Fonbet all hockey deals are settled without taking into account overtime (unless otherwise announced).

    It is indicated that in hockey matches the bookmaker accepts bets on the player’s points (meaning goals + assists). In order for you to win the bet, you will need to guess the total number of points scored by the specified player during the main time of the match.

    In face-off transactions at a prohibited foreign bookmaker, only face-offs won are taken into account. For online deals, bets will be accepted on the number of two-minute removals. In this case, the “2+2” penalty in a line or in a line is taken into account, but is counted as 2 deletions. If the penalty was awarded in parallel with the final whistle of the period/match (20:00 40:00 60:00), then it will be taken into account in the ended period.

    What kind of tennis and line is there at FonBet BC?

    In the prohibited gray/blue bookmaker "FonBet", the line offers bets on both classical (= big) tennis and table tennis. The correct one might come in handy.

    The search procedure for sporting events is standard, and we have described it in more than one instruction. The step-by-step process looks like this. We go to the resource of the banned foreign bookmaker You already know that the site will not open using direct links, so we use alternative ones. Next, in the horizontal top menu, click on the “Line” button, and the system automatically redirects to the page!/bets/.

    Next you will see a list of sports and entertainment options. But this is nonsense, because in a separate column with the menu you will need to select the “Tennis” category. The system will automatically send you to the page!/bets/tennis, where all available sports and entertainment will be presented.

    You will have options at your disposal:


    Of course, a detailed and detailed description of events largely depends on the time of registration of the request. If you are trying to find table tennis or classic tennis in the winter, you are unlikely to come across cool matches and tournaments with increased odds and favorable quotes.

    Where and how can I download the FonBet line without any problems?

    In a prohibited foreign bookmaker fonbet line available to everyone (and even without registration, without authorization in your personal account!). Honestly, not even makes a lot of sense is to download it. Of course, there are people who try to use quotes and odds and track movements to create their own tactics and strategies. True, in 99% of cases this only turns out to be a waste of time and effort.

    Why is the FonBet line slow? Why and how does the line move, how often does the FonBet line update?

    It happens that old quotes remain, but new ones have not yet had time to load. The problem exists in all national and foreign bookmakers. It can be solved with one simple action– wait 5 minutes for all values ​​to come into compliance with the specified values. At least, this is exactly the recommendation given by the technical support service of the Betting League (and in the gray Fonbet they only repeated it).

    Don’t worry: this type of access problem is typical for clients of an authorized or prohibited bookmaker. In any bookmaker, quotes do not “freeze” in place, but are constantly in motion: increasing, decreasing, and so on. This is understandable. For example, we have a meeting between Nadal and Djokovic with odds for the first to win at 2.00, and for the second to win at 2.33 (conditionally). 2 days before the fight, it becomes known that Djokovic was seriously injured, so he will not be able to perform at full strength.

    Of course, something needs to be done, and the foreign bookmaker (like its national counterparts) immediately changes quotes from 2.00 and 2.33 to 1.00 and 5.884. Of course, the line is updated constantly, as news appears and the balance of power changes. Keep your finger on the pulse of events!

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