On what days can you clean the house? Scientific basis for signs

Olga Nikitina

Reading time: 9 minutes


Carrying out homework, a woman has to reckon with her interests, hobbies and desires - washing, cooking and cleaning cannot be put off, these matters require a lot of time and effort to solve them every day. It is even more difficult for those women who work or who have Small child, requiring constant attention. Like a routine home cleaning make it an easy, step-by-step task?

Is it possible to do without general cleaning of the apartment?

It’s common practice that cleaning the apartment is often left behind at the end of the week. Since most women work on weekdays, cleaning most often takes place on free days, which would be good to use for rest - Saturday and Sunday. How can you clean your home? distribute evenly over all days weeks without spending much time on it?

There have always been attempts to create cleaning schedules and a certain order for household chores. For some housewives this acquired a certain algorithm and became part of daily life, and other housewives, having not achieved success, abandoned this idea and returned to their old familiar schedule. IN 1999 in the West even such a concept as “” (“finally loving yourself” – or “finally love yourself!”) , which marked a whole movement of housewives who were not resigned to the routine of household chores and were trying to give them some kind of ordered system , uniform throughout the week and easy to do. This progressive management model household began to immediately conquer the world, and today many housewives gladly use it to organize such uninteresting, but always necessary work.

To make your home clean and tidy, it is necessary a lot of work one day per week, or a bit of housework every day . With a reasonable and thoughtful apartment cleaning schedule, weekends - Saturday and Sunday - can be completely excluded from them, leaving them only for relaxation and favorite things. Below we present to your attention approximate apartment cleaning schedule , which will help you unload free time at the end of the week, devoting it to more enjoyable activities.

Basic principles of a weekly cleaning schedule - what to consider

The most important thing in planning your apartment cleaning for the week is to achieve uniform distribution of work by day of the week, otherwise the entire organized order will sooner or later “break” and cease to exist.

An ideal apartment cleaning schedule for a week that takes little time

On Monday we have - kitchen cleaning. If the kitchen has a balcony or pantry, these areas also need to be done
clean. Let's start cleaning the kitchen from the furthest cabinets, the cabinet under the sink, behind . First, you need to scatter the washing powder over the surface of the stove, over the sink - this will help the old grease “come off” more easily. Having rearranged the jars and dishes in the cabinets, you need to wipe the shelves underneath them and the cabinet doors. Once a week is necessary wash the hood , and once every two weeks - clean filters on her. You need to start cleaning the kitchen by cleaning the cabinets, then you need to wash the oven, stove and sink, and finish cleaning by washing the floor.

Advice: To ensure that cleaning the cabinets takes as little time as possible, and that all products and things are organized and in plain sight, it is recommended to purchase jars for storing bulk products, and not to store cereals and pasta in bags from which they can easily spill.

On this day we clean hallway, toilet and bathroom. First you need to apply the cleaning agent to enamel of the bathtub, on the sink, toilet so that it begins to act. Then you need spray tile cleaner along the walls of the bathtub and toilet, wiping them with a dry cloth, rubbing until shiny. After washing the plumbing, do not forget to wipe the nickel-plated surfaces with a dry cloth - shelves, taps, cabinet handles, shower stand. If there is a lot of residue left on them, it is recommended to use a spray or gel against limescale. Having finished working with plumbing, you need wipe the bathroom mirror, washing machine, shelves , wash the floors. In the hallway, you must first put things in order in the closet in front of the door, on the hanger - remove those clothes that no one wears anymore, put winter hats in bags and put them away for storage, sort out those things that need to be washed before storing them in the closet. Shoes should be wiped down, only those pairs that you and your family wear should be left at the door, the remaining pairs of shoes should be put in the closet. In the hallway you need to wipe down the furniture, and don’t forget about front door– it must be wiped and inside, and from the outside. At the end of cleaning, you need to wash the floor, shake it outside and lay rugs by the door.

Advice: So that cleaning in the hallway, as well as in the bathroom, does not take much time, teach your household to wipe the tiles in the bathroom after a shower, clean the sink of toothpaste and rinse the soap dish, wipe shoes daily and put them away for storage in a timely manner, without piling up at the doorstep .

On this day you clean bedroom and dining room. In the bedroom it is necessary, first of all, put things back in place , change bed linen, make the bed. Since there are always a lot of things in this room, the dust must be wiped very carefully and the carpet must be vacuumed. On varnished surfaces, dust must first be removed with a dry cloth without any means. Then treat the same places with a napkin with a special product for varnished surfaces applied, polishing furniture to a shine , ensuring that it dries completely to avoid streaks. In the dining room, it is necessary to wipe down the furniture containing dishes, the backs and crossbars of chairs, picture frames, and vacuum the carpets. Finally, the floors need to be washed.

Advice: To prevent dust from accumulating throughout the week, bedroom furniture must be wiped down daily. A furniture cleaner with an antistatic effect will work well - there will be less dust. Things should not be dumped in a chair, but hung in closets or sent to a laundry basket.

On Thursday it is necessary to clean in children's room, and at the same time you can study washing clothes in washing machine , ironing dried laundry. On this day you can make it a rule water houseplants , wipe furniture and floors on balconies, clean shoes, repair clothes.

Advice: So that after washing the laundry does not have to be steamed for a long time when ironing, you need to remove it from the lines slightly damp, put it in piles, and iron it the next day. To ensure that cleaning the children's room does not take much time, you need to teach your child to put all his toys and things in their place within a week. At first, this process will not be very fast, but then the child will perfect it to the point of automaticity.


On the last day working week need to put things in order living room, for this you need to wipe down all the furniture, appliances, vacuum the carpets, wipe the windows, wash the floors. All extra things need to get out of this room in a week , and then there will always be order in the living room. If cleaning the living room is not enough, then on Friday you can wash the floors, stove, sink in the kitchen, wipe the plumbing, mirror and floors in the hallway, toilet and bathroom.

Advice: So that on Friday you don’t have to literally shovel things thrown by household members and toys out of the living room, set a rule that during the week all these things should be taken to their places.

So, the work week is over, the house is properly maintained. You can devote two days of the coming weekend relaxation, hobbies, cooking delicious lunches and dinners, walks with the child . Products can also be buy during the work week, one evening so that you don’t spend time standing in queues on the weekend. Here . The smallest cleaning tasks can also be done on weekends - for example, clean the dressing table, the toy closet, iron washed clothes, repair those clothes that require repair. IN Saturday you need to wash your shoes thoroughly , dry it well and clean it with a cream suitable for this type of material. Napkins for wiping dust need to be rinsed well in water and dried - for cleaning next week.

Various signs and beliefs exist in all areas of our lives. A large number of them relate to everyday life and household activities. Even such a seemingly simple process as putting your home in order is surrounded by numerous beliefs and taboos. Signs for cleaning the house can be more or less reasonable, serious or funny. But many housewives adhere to them, reasoning like this: “Maybe this is not true, but why check it on yourself?”

When should you not clean the house?

There are many beliefs about when cleaning the house is strictly prohibited. The prohibitions on sweeping and washing floors are especially strict. Here are the cases when you should not do these things:

  1. After sunset. This way you can “sweep” wealth and health out of your home, and on them the place will come various negativity - from lack of money to family conflicts and serious illnesses. Moreover, after sunset they do not take garbage out of the house, because this can lead to constant discord.
  2. When someone from the family or a dear guest is on the road. You can start cleaning only from the moment a person reaches his destination. If the trip is expected to be long and difficult, it is better not to clean for three days after departure. Otherwise, the traveler may not return home.
  3. After the matchmakers leave or after the wedding. Otherwise, the wedding may be disrupted.
  4. While cooking. When you wash something at the same time as cooking, you “wash away your wealth.” This could lead to food shortages in the future.

Church holidays and house cleaning

If you follow religious canons, then it’s a sin to work on major holidays. But there are also folk signs regarding when not to tidy up. The following days are considered unsuitable for cleaning the house:

  • Annunciation;
  • Easter and three days before (from Good Friday);
  • Fedorin's Day (September 24).

As for Easter, you should clean the entire house and put yourself in order on Maundy Thursday. If this is not done on time, then there is nothing to count on the favor of higher powers. And on Fedorin’s day you can work anywhere - in the field, in the workshop, in the garden, but you cannot clean the house.

How to properly clean your house?

The day for cleaning the house has been chosen, now it needs to be organized correctly. According to an old adage, a woman should clean only with her head covered, otherwise she will not have time to do anything and will become a poor cook. It is also not advisable to clean up and clean the house when open windows. Such actions can lead to quarrels with relatives.

Here are some other beliefs about correct implementation cleaning:

  • The house should be swept in the direction of the kitchen. If you take revenge on the exit, you can lose your beauty and money (or simply “sweep your dirty laundry in public”).
  • The table should be wiped only with a rag or sponge and always on a plate (not on your palm). You cannot wipe the tabletop with paper - this will lead to losses and discord. Never sweep up crumbs with your hand.
  • It is advisable to do all the cleaning in the house with one broom - if you use several, then all the goodness will “scatter to the corners”.
  • Garbage collected from the floor is not stored in the house, especially until the next day. You need to take it out as soon as possible, since it is very easily damaged.

Signs about glass, mirrors and dishes

When cleaning, we pay a lot of attention to the cleanliness of windows, shop windows and mirror surfaces. But are we taking care of them correctly? For example, everyone knows that broken mirrors You can't keep it in the house. But few people know that they need to be washed with the addition of holy water. This will protect you from the “evil one” who likes to look there and take away people’s health, wealth and luck along with their reflection.

It is worth adding a little holy water to the water for washing windows. This way you will protect them from the penetration of negative forces from the outside. And in order not to once again attract harmful brownies and kikimoras into the house, do not leave dirty dishes on the table. And, of course, do not keep plates, cups and glasses with cracks or chips in your home. Throw them away without regret, otherwise your “frugality” will cost you dearly.

House cleaning and money: what attracts and repels wealth

Regarding the impact of cleaning work on financial condition There are a lot of signs for families. Here are just the most popular:

  1. The broom must be held upside down (with the wide end up) so that money flows into the house.
  2. You cannot throw garbage out the window, otherwise all the banknotes will fly out of the house with it.
  3. The floor should be washed from the window to the threshold, and not vice versa.
  4. In cloudy weather, you should not take things out of the house or throw away things.
  5. You can attract money into your home if you shake the tablecloth outside after guests leave.

Regardless of how much you believe in omens, you can safely order cleaning services from the Shining company. We work not only professionally, but also with good mood, wishing only the best for our clients. With us you will get radiant cleanliness in your home with a minimum of effort.

Even in this century technical progress folk signs about cleaning the house do not lose their relevance. And although few of us admit our penchant for superstitions, we understand that signs reflect the sacred wisdom of many generations. It’s not for nothing that our ancestors tried to find the secret causes of sudden illnesses and everyday troubles. That's why people's councils We can consider cleaning the house as an ancient instruction handed down to us from time immemorial.

The struggle of invisible forces in our home

Notice how inseparable the concepts are: folk customs, cleanliness, house, cleaning. The people believed that in any house the forces of Good and Evil are constantly in a struggle for influence over a person. But if the house is clean and bright, there will be no space left dark forces, because evil spirits love to hide in dirty, cluttered corners.
Many signs were associated with the brownie - a supporter of cleanliness and order. Our grandmothers advised young housewives: “Keep the house clean, don’t make the brownie angry! Otherwise, he has such a disposition - he’ll get angry with a lazy housewife, but will secretly help a hardworking housewife.”
Find out from your grandmothers too traditional methods, then cleaning the house will be done strictly according to the rules.
Don't be lazy to do the right thing

  • Start cleaning during the waning moon so that the dirt can be removed better. In the same days, you will be able to remove the cockroaches.
  • Considering popular tips for cleaning the house, start sweeping from the red corner and move towards the door. But do not throw garbage over the threshold, but stop and collect it on a dustpan.
  • Do not store the garbage you collected in the house. Take it out the same day, but not after sunset.
  • If one of your relatives goes on a trip, postpone cleaning for a while until he gets there. If you clean up immediately after he leaves, you will erase his energetic trace.
  • After your guests visit, wipe away what you brought. negative energy. To do this, wash the floor and do not leave unwashed dishes overnight.
  • Don’t try to manage to clean and cook dinner at the same time. Otherwise there will be less food in the house.
  • Folk customs of cleanliness and house cleaning do not recommend cleaning with the windows open. Otherwise, you will face a quarrel with your relatives.
  • When washing window glass and mirrors, add a little holy water to the cleaning solution.
  • It is advisable for a woman to tie a scarf around her head while cleaning, and be sure to wash it after work.
  • Do not clean after sunset, try to finish before dark. Otherwise, you risk sweeping wealth out of your home.
  • After finishing cleaning, be sure to wash yourself with running water, and if you are a believer, then cross yourself.
  • Use traditional methods of cleaning the house, and you can get rid of doubts about whether you did everything right.
    Why do people tend to believe omens? We are probably subconsciously looking for a hint that will help us avoid difficult situation. If a popular omen about cleaning the house comes true, this fact will be remembered, but many unfulfilled omen will remain unnoticed. It depends on you whether you believe the signs or not. But still, try not to let reckless faith lead you to constantly expecting unpleasant events.

Previously, brooms and panicles had a special, sacred meaning. With the help of their power, they drove out evil, got rid of troubles, and swept away lack of money. There are many broom spells that our ancestors used to attract prosperity and wealth into the house.

How to sweep away negativity, illness and negative energy from your home

On the waning Moon, sweep the entire house with a broom, concentrate all the garbage at the very entrance to the house, right at the threshold. The threshold is considered the boundary between two worlds. Collect the garbage in a scoop, throw it out of the scoop into a bag and immediately cross the threshold of your home with it with the words: “Garbage to garbage, good to good. I don’t need someone else’s evil, I send it back to where it came from.” Take the trash outside with a broom. Go home without looking back.

How in the old days they stole luck with a broom

In the old days there was a ritual with the help of which they stole luck from the richer and successful people. To do this, they took a broom, went to the fence of the lucky person’s house and began to sweep the earth at the gate, casting a spell on the broom: “I take your luck for myself.” They carried the collected earth to their home and threw it into their trash can. This garbage must “spend the night” in the house overnight. Afterwards you can throw it away. Of course, it is hardly possible to take back your luck in this way. But taking a little luck without harming your lucky neighbor is quite possible!

What days to sweep to attract money

If you want not only to clean the house, but also to attract money, then folk wisdom recommends taking into account the days of the week when cleaning.

On Monday you can't take revenge - you can lose money.
On Revenge Tuesday - you can find money. On this day, thanks to cleaning, you can find last year's nest eggs or lost money.
On Wednesday there is cleaning - trade will go well. By sweeping the floor on this day, you can attract good luck in business and sales.
On Thursday they sweep away lack of money. To do this, open all the windows so that dust, energy of loss and poverty from the floor can escape through the window.
Sweeping on Friday means losing money.
On Saturday, waving a broom means asking for money.
On Sunday of revenge - problems will be solved. This day was not meant for cleaning.

When sweeping the floor and thereby wanting not only to restore order, but also to attract good luck, do not forget to think about what you want to get rid of and what you want to attract!

The dark time of day was previously considered something mystical and mysterious. After sunset, people abandoned everything they were doing, otherwise they could bring disaster upon themselves.

Our ancestors had full list what not to do at night. It must be said that some of this list of signs is observed to this day.

You can't take out the trash at night

This superstition is associated with the meaning of the night itself in folk beliefs. They used to believe that evil spirits awaken at night, and if you take out the garbage after sunset, this could negatively affect material well-being all family.

You can't leave a knife on the table overnight - it's a bad omen

Leaving a knife on the table overnight means trouble and illness. This folk superstition meant that the edge of the knife could be used by the same evil spirits.

You can't clean up after sunset

If you start cleaning at night, you can bring bad luck and financial losses into your home. Our ancestors believed that if you wash the floors in the evening, you can wash luck, love and prosperity out of the house.

You can't cut your hair or shave

It is believed that if a man shaves after sunset, problems await him in intimate life. Also, girls were forbidden to cut their hair and nails at night. This could cause failures in your personal life.

You cannot lend or borrow money after sunset

According to a popular money sign, transferring money in the evening promises big financial losses. It is believed that if you lend money after sunset, you may lose money luck. If, on the contrary, you borrow money, then you can for a long time stay in debt.

Do not leave dirty dishes overnight

Unwashed dishes, according to folk signs and superstitions, promise monetary losses. Leaving dirty plates is disrespectful to the brownie. He may get offended and get into trouble.

You can't look in the mirror at night

The mirror appears very often in folk signs. Since ancient times he was endowed magical power. It is believed that at night it becomes a door to the other world, and if you look into it, you can attract guests from the other world. Also, young girls were forbidden to look in the mirror - this promised premature old age. In the dark, the mirror distorts the reflection, and it can “remember” the girl in not her best form.

All these signs and superstitions have a long history. Believe in them or not, decide for yourself. But remember that only those signs that a person sacredly honors come true. So believe only good superstitions. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

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