Dream interpretation of indoor flowers. Plant: why do you dream?

Flowers have always been the personification of joy and beauty. It is not surprising that most dream interpreters interpret flowers in a dream as a good sign. For example, many dream books associate a dream that featured flowers in pots with the sphere of interpersonal relationships. Attention to the details of a dream allows you to get a more detailed and accurate prediction.

Most dream books agree that flowers in pots are a good sign, a symbol of future prosperity and success, pure and sincere relationships, and joyful changes.

Flowers in pots in a dream and the material side of life

If the plants you dreamed of were fresh and beautiful, this promises soon positive changes directly related to the material sphere- perhaps you will finally have a chance to buy a new home or a car that you have been dreaming about for so long. This major purchase is sure to please you.

Dried flowers in pots warn about the possibility mistakes, making a wrong decision in any matter, which will ultimately lead to unexpected failure. Sometimes such a dream can foreshadow about financial collapse or car accident, in which the dreamer will suffer.

Flowers in pots: what does the dream book promise in your personal life?

Concerning personal life, a dream with fresh and beautiful flowers indicates that you will soon get rid of loneliness and meet your soulmate, and this meeting promises to be memorable and romantic. It is considered a good sign if in a dream you were in a room completely filled with beautiful flowers. Such a vision is a sign that in real life some man (woman) is in love with you, but due to his shyness, he (she) is afraid to admit his tender feelings. If you are no longer alone, a dream where you were present lush and bright flowers in pots, points to love and loyalty of a partner, pure, sincere and harmonious relationships, as well as reconciliation after a quarrel. For young girls such a dream can also symbolize imminent marriage.

However, beware if you see in a dream potted plants were ugly, wilted or completely withered. Such a dream does not signify anything except grief and loss. You may soon be forced to face deterioration of family relationships or betrayal by a partner.

Artificial flowers in pots warn about hypocrisy coming from close people. If a young man had such a dream, it indicates that it is necessary to postpone the marriage proposal if he was going to make one to his girlfriend. Artificial plants in pots in a dream are a symbol of superficial relationships and insincerity of feelings.

Flowers in pots in a dream and the dreamer’s actions

The actions that you performed in a dream with plants in pots are also important. Based on the interpretations given by various dream books (universal, Miller, Vanga, Grishina, gypsy, family, female), the following results are obtained:

  • plant flowers in pots- desire for solitude and peace. Sometimes such a dream speaks of changes that can be both positive and negative, but, ultimately, joy will definitely replace the negativity;
  • plant a plant in a pot and watch its rapid death- to money problems. If the flower you planted withers instantly, get ready for difficulties in your personal life;
  • replant a houseplant- a good sign for a married woman. Such a dream promises the onset of pregnancy (and it will be easy) and the subsequent birth of a baby;
  • watering a flower in a pot- to favorable changes in career: receiving a bonus, promotion. Some people may have a similar dream before winning the lottery;
  • feed a potted plant- receiving an expensive gift or making an expensive purchase;
  • receive a potted flower as a gift- to news related to a person you have not seen for a long time. Vanga’s dream book gives a not particularly favorable interpretation of such a dream: the dream promises health problems for your loved one, but promises a quick recovery (especially if you dreamed of a young plant in a pot);
  • give someone a houseplant- help this person in real life;
  • drop the flower and break the pot- promises major troubles, the elimination of which will require a lot of effort and financial investment from the dreamer;
  • break the plant, leaving the pot intact, - warns that the dreamer has secret ill-wishers who know important information.

Appearance and color of plants in a dream

The dream books listed above also pay attention to the color of flowers seen in a dream.

  • Red flowers, according to the universal dream book, predict success in your personal life and career;
  • flowers with colorful buds(universal dream book) foreshadow numerous joys prepared for the dreamer in his real life;
  • White flowers promise a meeting with a person who will radically change the dreamer’s life (for the better);
  • pink flowers- a symbol of tenderness experienced by the dreamer towards his partner;
  • yellow flowers warn about possible betrayal (treason) on the part of a lover;
  • blue flowers- patronage provided by an influential person;
  • green plant, according to the gypsy dream book, is a symbol of numerous worries and troubles, but they will lead to a feeling of deep satisfaction;
  • fantastic plant, which does not exist in real life, speaks of some kind of talent that the dreamer is endowed with. With the development and implementation of this gift, triumph and prosperity await a person.

It happens that sometimes a person can only dream empty flower pot, without any indoor plant in it. Such a dream portends long and difficult journey, but in the end the dreamer will be able to fulfill everything he has in mind.

In order to accurately understand how the dream book interprets a plant, it is necessary to consider this symbol in the context of the dream.

The plant usually symbolizes growth, both materially and spiritually. A special case - indoor plants - reflect the state of affairs of the dreamer in the family and in relationships.

If you have seen them growing in pots, it means that you are quite happy with the atmosphere in your family and in your relationship with your loved one. Depending on the type of indoor plant, you can analyze your and your partner’s feelings in more detail.

What exactly did you dream about?

Most often I dream:

  • Flowers
  • Palm trees
  • cacti
  • Fruit
  • Ferns



You dream of a fern as a reflection of your thoughts about the past. Perhaps you feel regret about something or are replaying in your head possible outcomes of events if you had acted differently in this or that case. A dried fern means you are ready to let go of the past and start a new life with a clean slate.

Dream details

What did you do with the potted plant in your dream? Your actions towards them can help you decipher what indoor plants mean in dreams.

1. What does it mean if you dreamed that you were given a plant?

If you dreamed that someone gave you a gift in the form of a flower in a pot, expect a pleasant offer or an invitation to a date. The person who gave you such a gift has truly sincere feelings and will not disappoint your expectations.

2. What does it mean to dream in which you had to uproot a plant from a pot?

If in a dream you broke a plant or pulled it out, in the near future there is a chance of making a mistake and breaking things. Don't ruin your relationship with a loved one or business partner because you're stubborn and unwilling to admit your mistakes.

3. Why dream about watering plants?

If you dream that you are fertilizing the soil with indoor plants, it means that you are making every effort to achieve your dreams. And thanks to such persistence, you will be able to achieve real results very soon.

4. Interpretation of the dream in which you broke a flower pot.

Why break a flower pot in a dream depends on the feelings you experienced. If this happened by accident and you are very upset, it means that you will become a victim of circumstances, and in order to avoid an unpleasant outcome you will have to resort to deception. Later you will be very ashamed of this act, but there is no other way out.

If you did this on purpose in a fit of anger, there is a high probability that, due to your ambitions or inflated claims, you will hurt the person who loves and appreciates you very much. Do not ignore this warning, try to control your emotions, and then an unpleasant situation can be avoided. Author: Ekaterina Volkova

It has long been believed that any dream carries a hidden meaning. Psychologists also agree with this opinion, believing that sleep is nothing more than a prism of the intense work of the subconscious and internal experiences. You can often see indoor plants in dreams. Why you dream of flowers in pots directly depends on what the plant looks like, what color it is, and how you interact with it.

General meaning of the dream

The interpretation of a dream in which you dreamed of a beautiful flower in a pot or vase is a very favorable sign. In general terms, such a dream symbolizes great luck, success in business and love. Of course, these are all general meanings; any image seen in a dream requires a deeper interpretation and study of several dream books, because any detail can be important. If you saw indoor plants in pots in a dream, then The following details can change the interpretation:

  • A plant, blooming or just green, with buds, blossoming flowers;
  • Flower shade;
  • They are dried out, limp or fragrant;
  • Appearance of the pot - large, small, broken;
  • Interaction with the plant - watering, care, inhaling the aroma, etc.

Any little thing can change the meaning of a dreamed object. Many interpreters agree that fresh, blooming flowers promise great success, material well-being, or a successful purchase in the future. But shrunken or withered plants, on the contrary, indicate that you may soon expect great losses, troubles at work, and disagreements in the family. Falling petals or leaves warn a person of a health hazard.

The type of flower also plays an important role in interpretation. For example, a girl’s dream of a sunflower in a pot speaks of marital fidelity and devotion. Snowdrops in a pot symbolize endless happiness and joy, and lily of the valley symbolizes unprecedented pleasure.

Flowerpot and personal relationships

If in the life of a sleeping person who sees indoor flowers in pots in a dream, problems occur in his personal life or, conversely, some pleasant turn in a love relationship is expected, then such a dream can tell a lot. Bright, lush plants indicate that the relationship between a man and a woman has become strong and reached a new level. In some cases, such a dream promises a quick wedding for lovers.

If the flowers are large and colorful, it means your partner is experiencing deep, sincere feelings. A wilted plant is a harbinger of an imminent crisis in relationships, talking about the fading of feelings that need emotional “feeding”. But artificial flowers, dreamed of by one of the partners, indicate that the love relationship is shallow and superficial.

Plant color palette

When wondering why you dream of flowers blooming in pots, you should pay special attention to the shade palette of indoor plants, whether they are the same color or not, and whether any shade predominates when flowering. Here are some color interpretations:

  • Red - passionate love or career success;
  • White - high spirituality of relationships and purity of thoughts of your partner;
  • Pink - relationships that are built on trust and tenderness;
  • Blue - care of a loved one and sincerity of feelings.

Multi-colored buds portend great joy and bright emotions that will overtake you in the near future. But flowers, in which a yellow tint predominates, become a warning that the partner may soon cheat or is already cheating. And not necessarily physically.

Flower care, replanting and watering

Of course, appearance and number of colors are not everything. The correct interpretation of a dream largely depends on interaction with a house plant. Quite often people mention that they have been replanting flowers. Such a dream carries a positive meaning and speaks of imminent changes for the better. Changes may affect work, personal life, family relationships, and material well-being.

If these are not the best times in the life of the person who saw such a dream, it means that soon everything will get better, and the black streak will be replaced by a white one. Transplanting plants into flower pots also symbolizes a quick move, a long trip or vacation, or parting with loved ones.

When a married woman dreams of replanting indoor flowers, she will soon expect an increase in the family budget or pregnancy. If the transplanted flowers bloom before your eyes, begin to bloom and grow wildly, then this promises success in the business you recently started. If the planted plant does not take root in the pot and begins to deteriorate, then this is a bad sign. Perhaps financial difficulties, disagreements in the family, or a quarrel with a loved one will soon arise. If a sleeping person dreams that another person breaks a transplanted flower, then this promises failure in business, the appearance of an enemy or ill-wisher.

Here are some more interpretations of planting houseplants in pots:

  • Seeing a small sprout emerging from a seed means a speedy recovery for a loved one (Vanga’s dream book);
  • Planting flowers in large pots with bowls means realizing your plans in the shortest possible time (interpreter Grishina);
  • The rapid withering of only a transplanted flower is the emergence of problems in your personal life that should not be resolved hastily (Eastern Dream Book);
  • Transplanting seedlings into pots - the imminent birth of a long-awaited baby (Universal interpreter).

If in a dream you are watering potted plants, then, according to Miller’s interpretation, rapid career growth, receiving monetary rewards at work, or winning the lottery are expected in the near future.

Why do you dream about the death of plants?

Such a dream speaks of internal experiences that can be transferred into reality. Withered buds portend troubles in the future. If you saw in a dream flowers in pots with many dead buds, then great grief may soon happen. The dream should be regarded not as an evil fate, but as a warning. There is no need to despair; it is better to try in every possible way to prevent trouble in order to survive it with minimal losses.

Withered flower buds can also indicate disagreements in the family, disputes with a loved one. You should not immediately break off the relationship, because such a dream, although it promises disagreements with your lover, promises a successful outcome and quick reconciliation. If the plant was green and then suddenly withered, then you will be disappointed in some business or person. Try to be more attentive to the people around you and don’t do anything rash in the near future.

Dreams with blossoming buds

If a person dreams of home flowers while they are blooming, then it is worth preparing for a large material reward: receiving bonus money, lottery winnings, an increase in salary, success in business. The larger the blossoming bud and the more lush the vegetation, the greater the financial increase.

If a snow-white flower blooms in a dream, then soon on your life path you will meet a person whose acquaintance will radically change your life. Another interpretation of why you dream about indoor flowers on the windowsill, according to a woman’s dream book, promises a quick meeting with a person who will come into your life for a long time.

The interpreter of Veles says that flowering house plants in pots symbolize great joy. The larger the buds, the greater happiness is expected ahead. Numerous flowers of a delicate pink shade speak of a partner’s devotion, and bright yellow petals seen in a dream warn of a possible betrayal of the other half. Fragrant blue buds foreshadow a meeting with an influential, rich person who can become your patron.

Other interpretations of sleep

Many people who dream of a house plant on a windowsill are curious about why they dream of flowers in pots. Of course, such a dream can mean not only quick changes in life, but also tell about a person’s character. If you saw such a dream, it may indicate secrecy, isolation, and the habit of restraining emotions within yourself. You may often suppress your feelings, which can have a negative impact on your health in the future. Flowering indoor plants seen in a dream become an incentive to change character and behavior.

Flowers in pots in a dream have other meanings:

  • Receiving a plant as a gift is a favorable sign, indicating a meeting with a new person who will become dear and close, or an old acquaintance from whom there has been no news for a long time;
  • Watering potted plants is the emergence of a new idea and plans that will be crowned with success. If after watering the flower blooms, it means that your efforts will be appreciated;
  • A house filled with flowering plants in pots suggests that there is a person in your life who has strong love for you, who is afraid to admit his feelings;
  • A window sill lined with pots - the imminent arrival of true love and the creation of a strong family;
  • Empty flower pots - a long journey or difficulties, through which you will be able to achieve your plans;
  • Dry plants - cooling feelings between lovers. If the flowers were black, then the cooling period may end in separation or severe emotional shock;
  • Buying artificial vegetation in pots is hypocrisy and deception of loved ones;
  • Flowers with thick green foliage are a symbol of a measured and calm life.

When trying to interpret a dream, you must try to remember its smallest details, because the meaning of the dream directly depends on the color of the flowering plant, its density, condition, and number of flowers. In any case, a flower seen in a pot does not foretell anything bad. Even if the interpretation says that a person will have to face difficulties, they will definitely end, and success will come sooner or later.

The wonderful gifts of nature are loved by everyone. Why do you dream of flowers in pots? The sight of fresh bright flowers pleases the eye, calms the nerves, they are pleasant to receive as a gift, and homemade flowers in pots complement any interior.

Therefore, when people see flowers in a dream, they usually rejoice because they believe that this is a good sign. This is true, but the appearance of flowers, the color, and the actions performed with them have a mystical meaning.

  • Seeing indoor flowers blooming in a dream- a good sign that promises happiness, good luck, new acquisitions and a pleasant pastime.
  • in a pot- receive good news from a lost friend.
  • Very large flowers in indoor pots portend losses and disappointments. Seeing an artificial flower in a pot of soil means deception on the part of a loved one is possible. Take a closer look at him and think: deception or betrayal is possible.
  • Dry, yellowed flowers in pots– you will soon have health problems.

Seeing a fresh bud of an indoor flower promises a long-awaited meeting with true love, a quick marriage, and the opportunity to change something for the better.

  • See the room filled with bright and fresh flowers– a happy and prosperous life in abundance awaits you.
  • Give someone a flower in a pot- Your help will be needed soon.
  • Dead plant in a pot- financial losses, collapse in your personal life, deception and betrayal await you.
  • Watering or caring for indoor flowers - soon you will need all your performance and stamina. You will achieve success, but you will have to work hard for it. Sometimes you have such a dream, foreshadowing a big profit or expensive upgrades.

Vanga's Dream Book

The great Bulgarian seer Vanga considered dreams in which you receive a beautiful bright flower as a gift as a harbinger of misfortune. It is very possible that soon you yourself or one of your loved ones will become seriously ill. But the disease will soon subside and everything will stabilize.

  • If you see small flower in a large pot, this means that you still have to work hard to acquire material well-being. But it will come eventually.
  • Trim indoor flowers or remove dried leaves- you will receive a gift that will involuntarily spoil your mood or meet with an old friend who will upset you.
  • Take flowers out of the house, giving someone a flower in a pot - helping someone in need in real life.
  • Receive a flower as a gift– learn about the imminent death of a loved one or good friend.

Noble dream book

  • Big white flower in a beautiful pot- a symbol of sadness, lovesickness, loneliness, grief.
  • Bright red flower with large petals - passion, love, sometimes meeting new love, secret dates.

Blue or pink flowers - peace, well-being, achievement of material wealth and stability.

  • Green fresh flowers– a smooth life without surges and storms, meeting a faithful spouse, happiness in children and the achievement of all cherished desires.
  • Black or large purple flowers– disappointment and deception, betrayal of a spouse, betrayal of friends, death of a loved one. But don’t be alarmed, life will soon enter a new phase - you will meet new love and be happy.
  • Dried flower in a beautiful pot- your love will pass irrevocably, you will part with your loved one.
  • Rotting flowers with a bad smell- there are many deceitful friends in your life or there is a secret passion or shameful vice in you that you are silent about, but are afraid that sooner or later it will become known to everyone.

Dream book of psychologist Tsvetkov

Dreaming with indoor flowers speaks of strong marital relationships, a strong marriage. If the flowers are withered or completely dried out, your marriage has outlived its usefulness, your love is gone.

Near your home - promises prosperity and gaining knowledge that will help you become happy.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Plants- symbolize life, so their nature and their condition (juicy, green or dried) are important.

Lush, green plants- to well-being.

Withered- to illness, the end of a relationship.

Freud's Dream Book

Various plants, their thickets, crops, etc.- symbolize your sexual ideas and fantasies. To interpret such a dream, additional information is required.

Dream book of lovers

Cultivated plants- portend love between spouses, peace in the family and comfort in the home.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Plants in a dream- symbolize current concerns and reflect the state of certain affairs. Different plants have different meanings, which are described in the relevant articles.

Dried plants- warn of possible failures or problems. After such a dream, you should be more careful in business and be more attentive to your own health.

Weeds- symbolize interference. Such dreams warn you about mistakes made that could harm your business.

Lots of different things to see- sometimes: regret about past joys.

Lots of climbing plants- gossip or lies through which the truth is not visible.

On stone, sand- moods caused not by external events, but by efforts of will.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

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