Is it possible to place a mirror opposite the door? Is it possible to hang a mirror opposite the front door and the door to the room according to Feng Shui: signs

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In most cases, a mirror installed in a house or apartment is used not only to control one’s appearance. Quite often it is used as an auxiliary tool to visually expand the space. The corridor in which the placement of a mirror is convenient and expedient in every sense is no exception. However, many people are concerned about the question: is it possible to place a mirror opposite front door? To find the answer, you need to consider all possible nuances.

Energy Impact Analysis

From the point of view of the eastern teachings of Feng Shui, a mirror is a magical object that carries out metabolic processes energy flows of all housing, which is also their storage. Based on the principles of Feng Shui, the placement of this item is allowed in any room of the house. However, the location chosen for installation and its surroundings significantly influence the result obtained in terms of energy saturation. In the basics of teaching, the mirror plays a very important role, and therefore the placement of this object opposite the door entails a lot of negative consequences.

The reason for the ban is the belief in the ability of energy flows to move freely, as well as under the influence of physical factors. Thus, an open entrance door to a home (as well as the presence of drafts through it) opposite which a mirror is located contributes to the disappearance of all positive energy in the house.

Such devastation can affect the owners, causing a feeling of causeless fatigue and apathy. Also, such an arrangement of objects entails the disappearance of the luck that accompanied the owners before. Well, another argument against installing such an object as a mirror opposite the front door is the possibility of simply accidentally scaring yourself when entering the house, mistaking the reflection for the presence of a stranger.

According to many opinions, mirrored objects located opposite the entrance can not only distract fortune, but also attract negatively inclined unexpected visitors. Therefore, the only correct option in such a situation is a mandatory change in the location of the mirror object. To do this, it is enough to place it a little further along the wall or on the opposite side of the hallway.

With absence suitable place, the correct measures to neutralize possible negative consequences is to place the product at a certain angle, allowing the front door to not be completely reflected.

Folk signs and superstitions

IN folk beliefs an object such as a mirror is a kind of magical portal capable of absorbing and subsequently releasing the energy surrounding it. Because with mirrors folk wisdom connects many signs and beliefs. According to them, the placement of mirror elements opposite the entrance is extremely negative. Consequences that can befall an apartment owner if the mirror is positioned in this way:

  • Feeling of emptiness and lack of life in the house;
  • Constant causeless apathy of homeowners and a feeling of mental and physical fatigue;
  • Owners and residents have an unreasonable reluctance to return home;
  • Quarrels and disagreements often begin to arise in the house, and a feeling of irritation appears in the owners as if out of nowhere;
  • An apartment or house begins to attract negatively-minded unwanted guests;
  • Being a kind of water element, a mirror located directly in front of the front door entails washing away wealth from the house through unnecessary and random expenses.

Based on all these possible consequences, people who thoroughly believe in omens must necessarily change the location of the mirror. Another reason for this is simple ethical considerations. Based on this set of rules, it is considered very impolite to force guests and other visitors to look at their image in the mirror from the threshold. This procedure is purely personal.

Thus, the best thing to do would be to find another place to install the mirror. As a last resort, it can be hung on the front door itself. Such an action would be correct both from the point of view of energy mergers and from ethical considerations.

Design solutions

Considering the fact that, for many reasons, it is undesirable to place a mirror opposite the front door, placing the product on the very surface of the entrance panel is gaining popularity. This design solution for the hallway interior appeared not so long ago. Its popularity is largely explained by its positive aspects:

  • Effective visual expansion of the hallway space, which in most cases has relatively small dimensions;
  • The hallway will become much brighter, since in most cases the mirror will receive, in addition to artificial light, natural light from the window openings;
  • The need to find free space to move the mirror from the area opposite the entrance is automatically eliminated;
  • The entryway takes on some unique personality;
  • Installing a mirror on the front door leaf can improve its sound-absorbing and heat-insulating characteristics.

When using an entrance door leaf, in addition to installing a mirror element, a very advantageous solution is to install a small camera instead of a peephole. This will allow you to more safely and clearly see the guest who comes to the door.

Based on all the above advantages, this location can significantly improve the quality and living conditions. In addition, when using a mirror cloth on the surface of the entrance structure, it is possible to create a unique decor.

To create some depth, the mirror can be darkened a little. If it is necessary to create a soft interior without the presence of sharp, eye-catching details, the mirror canvas can be lightened, made translucent or matted. Framing the mirror cloth with patterns or adding a pattern that is not overloaded with elements and colors will add charm to the entire room, and the front door in particular.

Stained glass decoration is also acceptable. However, this option should be implemented after some kind of “trying on” to ensure that the color and texture of the door leaf matches the intended decor. An excess of details in dark or deep tones can significantly visually weigh down not only the door leaf with a mirror, but also create a gloomy atmosphere in the hallway.

Door with mirror

As you already understand, a mirror opposite the front door is not the most optimal option for a hallway in every sense, but moving it to the plane of the entrance structure itself is a very reliable and functional decorative element. This proximity does not affect the quality and functional features of the door leaf at all.

Thanks to this placement, due to the visual feeling of some fragility of the structure, handling the door with the presence of a mirror will be much more careful. Such precautions can undoubtedly prolong the period efficient work all components of the door structure mechanisms.

An excellent option for placing a mirror surface is not only a wooden door, but also a metal door.

The combination of iron and glass always gives a certain elegance to the room. Such combinations have many advantages:

  • This solution significantly saves space in the hallway;
  • The design combines practicality and aesthetics at the same time;
  • These door leaves are ideal for any decor.

Since the mirror sheet is placed inside the metal door structure, the structure is highly reliable against the reflective element falling out of it. When making such a door, the maximum possible width of the cut is left on the inner panel of the door leaf. Only a technological type gap of 200 mm is left at the edges of the panels. This gap is intended for installation of fittings.

There are also options for installing a mirror sheet on the plane of the door, and not inside it. With this solution, the display canvas, as well as the mirror opposite the front door, is installed using a frame.

DIY installation

If you have a high-quality entrance door, replacing it with a new one, with an already installed mirror, in most cases is not advisable. Therefore, the most suitable way out of the situation is to install the mirror yourself.

At the very beginning, it is necessary to take measurements and mark the expected location of the mirror. In most cases, mounting agents such as liquid nails are suitable for securely fastening a reflective mirror sheet. To distribute the load evenly, it is necessary to cover the canvas with a liquid adhesive over its entire surface. For safety, special fasteners are used.

To increase reliability and improve the safety of using the mirror, before the installation procedure it is recommended to glue it to the canvas with inside special film. If a crack occurs, it will prevent splinters from spilling out. For the same purposes, a similar coating can be applied to the front part of the mirror.

It is worth remembering that if a mirror surface is installed on the front door by screwing it, the warranty in relation to the entrance panel is automatically void.

A mirror is not just a piece of decor that no person can do without, it is a magical object known since ancient times.

If used correctly, mirrors can significantly improve your life, but if used incorrectly, they can harm you. What does the mirror opposite the front door promise us according to Feng Shui?

Mirror in the teachings of feng shui

The magic of the mirror surface is that it is the link between our physical world and the subtle, invisible world to the human eye. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, a mirror is a conductor of positive Qi energy flowing into the house. Where it hangs determines where the streams of energy will go and how they will be distributed. Without good energy, a house “dies” - the people living in it constantly have problems in everyday life, in love, in terms of health and business. A properly selected mirror will help neutralize the influence of negative energies on our lives.


Let's talk a little about the shape of reflective surfaces. According to Feng Shui, it can be very diverse, therefore, choose the one that you like and is most in harmony with the interior of your home. In China they believe in magical power Bagua mirror, which was used as a protective talisman. It has a round reflective surface, enclosed in a special octagonal frame, with symbols printed on it.

Feng Shui mirror. Mirrors in the house according to Feng Shui

Feng Shui of mirrors: how to hang a mirror according to Feng Shui. Good Feng Shui for apartments and houses. Natalia Pravdina

Is it possible to hang a mirror opposite the door?

Mirror opposite the door/Secrets of mirrors

Feng Shui front door


Under no circumstances should the talisman be hung inside the home - its place is outside. The amulet is placed on the side of the house that is exposed to negative factors and requires correction. Such factors could be a noisy highway, a garbage dump, an intersection or a cemetery. Under no circumstances should the Bagua mirror be positioned so that it reflects buildings where people live or constantly work.


As for the size of mirrors, the teachings of Feng Shui welcome large mirror surfaces, where a person is reflected in full height. It is especially good to place such mirrors in the hallway. The surface is selected to suit the height of the tallest family member, taking into account the additional space above his head. This area “free” from human reflection promotes the spiritual, material and physical growth of family members.

According to the theory of Feng Shui, there is no need to use reflective surfaces that seem to “cut” the human body. They can cause health problems regarding the “cut off” parts of the body. And you certainly shouldn’t decorate the room with mirror tiles. The smaller it is, the more intensely it “breaks” the human reflection.

Properties of mirrors

The main property of any mirror surface is the doubling of everything that is reflected in it. Based on this, Feng Shui advises placing only what “pleases the eye” in front of mirrors. If your walls are torn or tiles are cracked, do not hang mirror surfaces opposite these places. Try to place them in such a way that they reflect beautiful landscape, flowers or happy faces of people. You can place any talisman in front of a reflective surface, and it will double its power.

The mirror surface “remembers” and multiplies all your emotions. Therefore, do not look in the mirror when you are crying, angry or scared. Don't look at it when you're sick or when you don't like yourself. Come to him in the hour of fun and happy events in your life. Try on beautiful outfits that make you look good in front of it - let it “see” you only “in a good light.”

Mirror at the entrance

According to the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, positive Qi energy enters the house through the front door, and through it it can also leave. Seeping into the home, energy flows spread throughout all rooms, filling them. If any reflective surface hangs opposite the front door in the hallway, positive energy leaves the house before it has time to enter it. It is possible to live in such an apartment, but it is difficult - household members are constantly haunted by failures in all areas of life, even the air in such a home becomes heavy.

According to the rules of Feng Shui, a mirror in the hallway should be placed on a wall that is at an angle of ninety degrees from the front door. It is desirable that it reflects other rooms. Flows of positive energy Qi, entering the room, are dispersed throughout the house with the help of a properly placed mirror surface. In front of the mirror in the hallway, you can hang symbols of wealth and prosperity, which will double.

It is better to choose a large mirror in the hallway, in which you can see yourself in full height. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, Qi energy should circulate freely in the room, so if your hallway is tiny, a mirror surface will help you. Place it so that it visually expands the room. If a long and narrow corridor stretches immediately from the entrance, then in this case you can lead along the mirror to its two opposite walls. At the same time, make sure that these mirrors are not opposite each other.

There are layouts that include placing a bathroom or toilet near the front door. According to Feng Shui, streams of positive Qi energy can leave the apartment, flowing out along with water into the sewer holes. To prevent this from happening, you can hang mirrors on the door of the toilet or bathroom, and they should hang outside. This simple technique will delay the flow of energy and redirect it to other places in the house.

Mirrors do not tolerate careless treatment. If you want them to bring only good things into your life, try to adhere to some “rules of behavior”:

  1. If the mirror breaks, do not fall into despair, mentally drawing to yourself terrible pictures of all kinds of disasters. Carefully pick up the broken pieces and rinse them under running water, then wrap them in a dark cloth and throw them away. Running water can erase information from a mirror surface.
  2. The mirror must be kept clean and wiped regularly, or better yet, washed in running water. As you know, mirror surfaces “absorb” a person’s information and emotions, and they are not always positive.
  3. Mirror surfaces with stains or scratches should not be hung.
  4. Do not bring home antique mirrors, especially if they belonged to people with a “difficult fate.”
  5. You cannot look into mirror shards or a cracked mirror.
  6. Do not place more than three mirrors in one room.
  7. You can't hang mirrors opposite each other, so you can create " mirror corridor", which can be quite dangerous.
  8. Mirror surfaces with patterns or engravings can distort information, which is undesirable.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, placing a mirror in front of the front door is absolutely unacceptable. This will lead to Vital energy will leave the house through this very door. And as a result, the home runs the risk of completely losing energy, which, in turn, will have an extremely negative impact on all household members. For example, home owners may feel unreasonably unwell and tired, they will be constantly haunted by failures, and quarrels in the family will become regular. Financial difficulties and endless debts are possible.

You can look at this from a more down-to-earth point of view - if a mirror hangs opposite the front door, then a person may simply be afraid of his own reflection in it when he returns home (anything can happen).

Tip: if it is not possible to place a mirror somewhere else, it is best to hang it in the hallway at a slightly angle, so that the door does not have a direct reflection in it. In addition, you can place the mirror on the opposite side of the front door, for example, opposite the closet.


There are a huge number of signs and superstitions about why you can’t hang a mirror opposite the front door. Here are some of them:

Attracts unwanted friends or even enemies;

The owners of the house will face not only moral, but also physical suffering;

Family members don't want to go home;

The home loses good energy and gains negative energy;

There will always be scandals in the house, and misunderstanding or even hatred will reign between family members.

Of course, to believe in these or not - everyone decides for himself. However, superstitious people, you should listen to and place the mirror not in the hallway, but in some other room.

In terms of hallway design

As mentioned earlier, a mirror is usually used in the interior of hallways to visually increase the space. But if you still don’t want to place it opposite the front door, you can use more in a simple way- purchase a door with a mirror. This option does not have any disadvantages, only advantages:

There will be a mirror in the hallway, but not opposite the front door;

If the room is small, then visually it will become lighter and more voluminous;

The interior of the hallway will become original and attractive.

And the most important thing is that a front door with a mirror will definitely not bring trouble and will greatly simplify life for those who believe in omens.

What do you think, what in ancient China was called “household mouths”, through which all positive and negative energy flows would penetrate?

It is the front doors, best of all, if there is also a mirror, on the front door according to Feng Shui that are the main passages for the circulation of qi energy flows.

Under ideal circumstances, qi flows accumulate and are redistributed in the spaces around the house, and then are activated by the movement of incoming and outgoing residents.

Feng Shui color of the front door

The importance of front door lighting

Visitors should have easy access, visibility and lighting of entrance doors. Because correctly illuminated doors show the direction of movement in houses. The lighting of the entrance doors itself is already considered to protect the home; as a result, it is not advisable to delay replacing burnt out light bulbs. The absence or lack of light can lead to a decrease in positive energy, which is fraught with problems.

Selection of suitable colors

The color of the doors can tell a lot about the homeowner.

  • Red doors give good luck and fame. Actually, these colors are more preferred in China.
  • Yellow speaks of the hospitality of the hosts.
  • Blue is about calm
  • Greens are about vitality.

IN multi-storey buildings doors are usually made to look like wood, so it is their shades that will characterize the owners.

It is not recommended that when entering energy houses you encounter any obstacles, for example second vestibule doors, nearby walls, colonnades, or simple rubbish - positive flows encounter such obstacles on the way and return back.

It should be borne in mind that according to Feng Shui, the location of the entrance door relative to the cardinal directions affects the incoming energy flows, and their strength is determined by the colors of the entrance doors.

Let's look at how it all works together.

Northern doors

Affect career growth.

  • They should not be painted yellow, brown or green.
  • White, red and black colors are more suitable.

South doors

  • Doors in red and green colors help support an active lifestyle.
  • But they can also weaken it with yellow, brown, blue and black colors.

Western doors

They transmit health energy and have a beneficial effect on family relationships, but only golden, silver and white ones.

Eastern doors

What to hang above the front door according to Feng Shui


One of the most ancient protective symbols of the house are horseshoes. They are also favorable Feng Shui talismans, because horseshoes have ideal shapes for holding qi. Similar in spirit to Feng Shui Indian system Vastu Shastra considers horseshoes to be one of the strongest protective talismans, and they also attract good luck.

Despite the fact that horseshoes are not traditional Feng Shui talismans, they will undoubtedly be an excellent amulet for entrance doors.

The music of wind

In some houses, wind chimes are hung in doorways, in the belief that they attract qi and scare away evil spirits.

However this big mistake, especially if the windchime is made of metal. It, similar to a mirror located in Feng Shui opposite the door, will reflect the energy flows back.


According to the teachings of Feng Shui, to create protection in the house, you should hang a simple metal bell above the door.

In this case, the wind chime can be moved away from the front door, approximately in the center of the hallway, where it will help in the redistribution of chi energy in the living quarters, especially when the toilet is located opposite the front door.

It’s good to hang bright, pleasing compositions (paintings, photos) opposite the entrance to the house. These could be images with bouquets of flowers or a large decorative fan.

In cases where there are columns, sewer pipes, sharp corners of walls or a bathroom (toilet) opposite the doors, it is worth separating them from the door with bamboo or beaded curtains with bright drawings on them. These attributes will help more qi flows enter the house and spread to other living areas of the house.

What not to hang opposite doors according to Feng Shui

It is ideal when there is free space on either side of the front door, which will create a feeling of life prospects and help in achieving goals. What should you give up in the interior of the hallway?


According to experts, the worst option would be mirrors opposite the front door according to Feng Shui. Under such circumstances, almost all chi flows entering the house will immediately be reflected back.

As a result of installing a mirror opposite the front door according to Feng Shui, extremely little energy will flow into the living quarters, which is necessary for health, abundance and prosperity, as well as personal happiness.

To make adjustments, you should move the mirror to another wall, preferably perpendicular to its previous location. For example, a mirror on the front door according to Feng Shui can smooth out a lot of negativity and correctly distribute energy flows

Blind wall

Also not the best option, this should also be corrected. It is not necessary to destroy the wall; you can simply hang on it an image (painting, photo wallpaper) of an open space, in particular, fields or roads stretching into the distance. But not water landscapes, especially with a sailing ship. Otherwise, new prospects and even financial resources may disappear.

However, due to the fact that water still attracts qi quite well, a panel with it can be hung on one of the side walls. It will be good if this is an image of a sailing ship sailing into the house.

Military theme

It can also attract bankruptcy, lawsuits and even divorce proceedings.

Feng Shui direction of the front door

When choosing houses or apartments, it is advisable to take into account some recommendations for the location of entrance doors.

  • It is not advisable to have three doors on one wall at once, especially if one of them is an entrance door. This arrangement can become a mortal threat to residents. If the situation is not reversible, then the entrance doors should be blocked from others with partitions or thick screens.
  • Feng Shui recommends positioning the front doors so that they lead into the hallway or spacious hall. Under such circumstances, all negativism will remain in the hallways, and exclusively positive energy flows will penetrate into the living quarters.
  • Under no circumstances should front doors be located near or as an extension of a home's internal staircase. A similar situation will lead to a lightning-fast release of qi energy and an increase in negativism from sha energy.

Attention! The worst door placements are considered to be single-level doors or with an entrance leading directly to the stairs. In such dwellings they will constantly experience discomfort, feel danger, and frequent illnesses are also possible. A simple way to avoid negativity is to raise the threshold a few centimeters so that those entering the house have to step over it.

Where does the front door open?

In the ideal understanding of Feng Shui masters, the front door is hung from the nearest wall of the house and opens towards this wall.

If the front door is opposite the toilet

Practical experience shows that in almost every apartment of old, Soviet houses, opposite the front door there are either toilets, or mirrors, or all together. According to Feng Shui, this is an extremely harmful and dangerous trend. Because a whole lot of human problems are provoked in the house, which no one ever thought about.

So, if there is a toilet in front of the entrance, then all the good luck that comes will simply be washed down the drain. If it is not possible to move the toilet, then at a minimum it is necessary to keep the toilet doors closed at all times.

It’s even better to put up a screen, which was already mentioned above.

In any case, Feng Shui recommends that when buying an apartment or house, you pay attention to the location of the door, arranging the entrance and decorating the hallway with mirrors and paintings. Each of these little things can bring positive energies and prosperity into the house or rid it of negativity.

When arranging the interior of an apartment, the features of some layouts make it possible to place a mirror in the hallway only opposite the front door, which is why many people are concerned about the question: is it possible to place it in this way? There are many opinions on this subject related to folk signs and beliefs, and this question also resonates in East Asian teaching. Let's take a closer look at this situation.

Is it possible to hang a mirror by the door?

Be that as it may, a mirror is required attribute any hallway, they look into it in order to evaluate their appearance before leaving the house, fix your clothes, hairstyle, makeup, etc. There is also a sign that when returning home for a forgotten item, you need to smile at your reflection; of course, in this case you can’t do without a mirror.

The main problem is not choosing a quality product of a suitable size and shape, but the question - is it possible to hang a mirror opposite the front door? There are various aspects to consider here. According to currently popular feng shui, doing this is strictly prohibited. The fact is that there is far more than one belief in this regard, both in Slavic and eastern countries. The main object of feng shui in this regard is energy.

One of the most rational arguments against this position of reflective objects is that a person may simply be afraid of his reflection when entering a house, mistaking it for a stranger at the first fleeting glance. That's why you can't choose this option.

What to do if you have a mirror hanging opposite the front door at home? The best way out The only solution to the situation is to change his position to a more advantageous one. The best option is to hang it above the chest of drawers or on the closet. If this is not possible and there is an extreme shortage of free space, try attaching it to the back door of the cabinet; if necessary, it will be enough to open it to see your reflection.

A mirror above the chest of drawers is the best option for placing a mirror in the hallway

Signs and beliefs

Why is it still impossible to hang a mirror opposite the front door? To better understand this issue, you should consider the most common signs in this regard. Almost all nations have approximately the same interpretation of this case.

So what can they tell us? folk signs about the mirror opposite the door:

  • According to Feng Shui, the basis of the biofield is chi energy; it enters the house through open space with the wind and your personal energy. If the mirror is located opposite the front door, it interferes with this exchange and disrupts the correct distribution of flows.
  • Reflective objects repel positive energy, they reflect it back and do not allow it to fully penetrate the house.
  • May accumulate in the mirror negative energy. According to Feng Shui, it absorbs not only your negative emotions that you bring from the outside, but also the experiences of guests, as well as all the negativity outside the home.
  • The mirror located opposite the front door invites you into the house uninvited guests, including ill-wishers, as well as evil spirits, being a kind of portal.
  • Being in this position, it sucks the energy and all the positivity out of the inhabitants of the house, which is why family members may feel unwell, get tired quickly, experience bouts of depression or just a bad mood.
  • Also, according to Feng Shui, any mirror located opposite the door contributes to the waste of money. In addition, it weakens a person’s health and drives away good luck and good mood from home.

Of course, there is no scientific confirmation of such signs. However, it is better not to take risks and trust the advice of energy experts. Correctly located objects in the house will give you an additional boost of positivity and self-confidence.

A mirror located opposite the front door contributes to the waste of money

Rules for safe placement of mirrors

So, we found out that you can’t hang a mirror opposite the front door. Now let's look at how to place it so as not to harm family members and the general energy of the home, but, on the contrary, to increase all the good things that are in it? There are several useful recommendations in this regard:

  • It is best to place the mirror on the side of the door, at some distance, so as not to touch it when entering, best option– above a chest of drawers or a shoe cabinet.
  • The larger the mirror, the stronger its effect, and it is also more convenient to look at your reflection in it, so you can glaze the entire wall in line with the entrance or purchase a wardrobe with mirrored doors.
  • An excellent solution is a floor model. Is it possible to place such a mirror directly opposite the front door according to Feng Shui? In case of indirect contact this is allowed.
  • You cannot use an item that has survived some kind of misfortune or simply an extremely unpleasant situation, since it will store these memories; it is best to buy a new product.
  • You can hang a mirror on the front wall, but so that it does not look at the entrance. Also, a mirror located opposite the front door can be neutralized by placing it at an angle, so it will slightly refract the flow and direct it into the room and not back.

The floor model of the mirror can be placed opposite the front door without harming the energy of the house


Not only is the question of the correct arrangement of objects according to the Feng Shui technique relevant, but the combination of the mirror with other interior items is also important. In matters of design, preference is clearly given to dimensional products, large mirror can visually expand the space of a small hallway, especially if it has a narrow corridor layout.

Now we know why you can’t hang a mirror opposite the front door, but what to do if the layout of the room does not allow you to place it in another place. To optimize energy flows according to Feng Shui, you can place a mirror on the front door itself. Usually, only special decorative inserts are used for this, which are fixed directly into the canvas. Decorating yourself can lead to the fact that the product will break off and break if it is moved suddenly. Additionally, the inserts can be tinted or decorated with some pattern in the general style.

Placing a mirror on the front door will not only save space, but also retain positive energy in the house

In the art of Feng Shui there are several more points regarding the mirror opposite the front door. They also need to be taken into account if you care about correct placement items in the room.

First of all, it should be taken into account that in no case should you use broken, chipped or scratched products; they will not only have a bad effect on the visual assessment of the interior, but can also bring misfortune to a person. It is also advisable to avoid sharp corners, the ideal shape is oval. For added edge protection and energy resistance, frame your mirror in a beautiful frame.

If possible, place paintings, flower arrangements or something equally pleasant and attractive in front of the mirror, this will help neutralize negativity and saturate the house with positive energy. Be sure to keep it clean.

Flowers in front of a mirror will saturate your home with positive energy

Also, according to Feng Shui, it is important to saturate the mirror with positive emotions yourself. Smile at your reflection more often and give compliments. It is strictly forbidden to swear and get angry near it; under no circumstances should you do this, otherwise all the negativity will inevitably accumulate in this object.

Don't be afraid bad omens, even if the mirror is located in front of the front door. With the help of Feng Shui, you can easily find the optimal placement for it and turn the hallway not only into a stylish room, but also into a source of positive energy for the entire home.

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