What is Gross Profit. Financial condition of Zhilstroyservis LLC

Enterprise management depends on many factors - awareness of technical, financial, legal and social processes and phenomena, entrepreneurial intuition, experience of doing business in modern conditions. market economy. At the core, any commercial activities lies the desire to get the maximum possible profit without loss of product quality and with minimal risks for the enterprise. It is profit that is the final, final indicator of the efficiency of an enterprise, and it is profit that allows this enterprise to develop and optimize its industrial potential. In order to correctly and purposefully direct and regulate financial flows both within the enterprise and externally, you need to have a certain competence in the types of profit, its sources, classification and optimal ways for its further use. One of these types is gross profit, which will be discussed in this material.

Gross profit (GP) and cost

If the concept of profit includes the difference between expenses and income from the sale of goods or services, then gross is a characteristic of the efficiency of production and financial policy enterprises. So, gross profit is the difference between revenue from a product or service sold and its cost. It is important to note that, unlike net income, VP does not exclude variable and operating costs and income tax deductions. In formal expression, the gross profit is obtained in this way: VP = B-C, where B is the revenue for the goods sold, and C is the cost of the goods or services produced. Gross profit This is the profit from the sale of a product or service minus its cost.

In order to correctly and objectively obtain the volume of gross profit of an enterprise, you must first determine all the cost items that include the cost of goods, including variables that were not determined and calculated in advance. So, according to the most common definition, cost is the entire volume of resources expressed in monetary equivalent, which was spent on the production and sale of a product or service. Thus, only having full picture About all the costs incurred by production for the production and sale of a product or service, it is possible to objectively calculate the volume of gross profit for a certain period of time.

Factors Affecting Gross Profit

Like any other financial category, LP is influenced by a number of factors. Conventionally, they can be divided into factors that depend on the activities of the entrepreneur and independent factors. The first category includes the dynamics of growth in production volumes and product sales, expansion of the range, work to improve the quality and competitiveness of products, cost reduction, optimization labor productivity and coefficient useful action each unit of human resources, maximum use of production assets and capacities, regular analysis and, if necessary, revision marketing strategy companies. The second category includes factors that cannot be influenced by subjects economic activity: geographical, natural, environmental or territorial conditions, legislative regulation, change state strategy in business support, international and global changes relating to resource and transport support for the enterprise.

If the second category of factors obliges the choice of a flexible and rapidly changing management strategy that would ensure the continued functioning of the enterprise without, or with minimal losses and costs, then the management of factors of the first category is quite within the capabilities of experienced and competent enterprise management.

By increasing the volume of production and sales of products, and thereby increasing trade turnover, the company contributes to the growth of its gross income; a directly proportional relationship operates here. Because great importance it is necessary to maintain the pace and volume of production at a stable level, avoiding a decrease, as this will inevitably entail a negative impact on gross income. It is important to note that unsold product balances, which could generate income, but for one reason or another become unnecessary ballast for the enterprise, have an extremely negative role. Some managers sometimes use a strategy of discounts, additional goods at a reduced cost, or barter exchange of balances, in order to maximize their implementation and return the spent capital to revolving fund. Most often, such marketing steps do not bring gross income, and if there is a positive result, it is minimal.

It is very important to influence production cost- use of innovative technologies in production, search for the lowest possible methods of delivering products to the buyer, introduction and use of alternative and economical energy resources ultimately helps reduce costs and significantly affects the gross profit of the enterprise.

One of the most important factors worth noting is the pricing policy of the enterprise - high competition in a modern market economy constantly stimulates the manufacturer to revise pricing. Here two categories of factors intersect, because state antimonopoly policy interferes with the pricing policy of an enterprise, on the one hand promoting healthy competition in the market for goods and services, and on the other hand, preventing the free setting of prices for a particular product. But you should not strive to constantly reduce prices to increase the company’s turnover - a stable and confident exchange rate will help you stay afloat, and this will in any case be better than a feverish increase in volumes in order to maintain a stable income.

Analysis of product profitability makes it possible to determine which product is worth making maximum bet, and the need to produce which products should be reduced or even limited. After all, it is obvious that the turnover of profitable products gives maximum gross income, thereby increasing the net profit of the enterprise.

During the operation of any production, over time, material reserves arise that are no longer used, or their use is impractical. This may arise due to illiterate management, or due to objective factors. In this case, in order to avoid losses that may arise due to the fact that the ownership of these assets and their further sale will be much lower than the costs of their acquisition, it is worth taking measures to sell them. The money received from the sale of fixed assets will also be part of the gross profit of the enterprise.

Another source for increasing gross profit may be non-operating income - incoming rent, interest and dividends on shares or deposits, fines and sanctions in favor of the enterprise and other sources.

Optimal distribution of gross profit

So, having sold products and received a certain amount of money, you need to use it correctly and constructively, without forgetting any of the expense items. Imagine a conditional pyramid, at the top of which is the total volume of gross profit, followed by various sources of expenses: rent for construction or production facilities, interest payments on existing loans, various charitable contributions and foundations, all kinds of taxes, and most importantly, net profit. Further, the net profit is also distributed into several groups - environmental funds and payments, selection, preparation and training of human resources, social funds for the creation of social infrastructure of both the enterprise and the state as a whole, personal income of the owners of the enterprise, and reserve cash savings.

The payout strategy gives a good effect wages staff, when they receive not only a fixed fee for their work, but, like the owner of the enterprise, a part of the income from the final gross income of the enterprise. Such payments are of a bonus nature and, as a rule, are made irregularly, most often at the end of the year or reporting period.

It is worth noting that all types of payments are divided into two categories - those whose minimum amount is fixed, and those whose distribution depends on the managers and owners of production. The first include different kinds payments for rent, interest, loans. The second category is more specific, since the volume of payments in charities or at social needs depends on the decision of the management apparatus, and therefore may not always be objective and useful. An increase in part of the businessman’s own profit, and therefore a decrease in expenses for other items, may further negatively affect the growth dynamics of the enterprise. This is primarily due to human factor, which plays a vital role in the production process - complete social package for personnel, developed social support and infrastructure significantly influence the level of labor productivity.

Thus, an objective and detailed approach to the distribution of gross income of any enterprise makes it possible not only for its subsequent development and expansion production capacity and strengthening human resources, but also contributes to a further increase in the net income of the enterprise.


In 2008, there was an increase in revenue by 2% compared to 2006 and 2007.

Gross profit

In this chart we see that in 2007 gross profit decreased by 1% compared to 2006, but in 2008 increased by 3% compared to 2007.

Net profit

In 2008, there was a decrease in net profit compared to previous years, this is due to an increase in the share of the cost of goods, products, works, and services sold.

Cost of goods, products, works, services sold

Over the course of three years, production costs have increased. Compared to 2006, the cost increased by 10%.

Profit before tax

We see a decline in pre-tax profits.

Product profitability

The decrease in profitability in 2008 is associated with a decrease in profits in the same year.

Average number of employees

The average number of employees increased in 2008 by 9%.

Amount of funds allocated for wages

The amount of funds allocated for wages increased in 2008 compared to previous years.

2. Measures to improve the activities of the enterprise

The main goal of the enterprise is to generate income. Income from ordinary activities is revenue from the sale of products and goods, receipts associated with the performance of work and the provision of services. This is one of the most important indicators of the financial results of the economic activities of organizations. Profit is calculated as the difference between the proceeds from the sale of a product of economic activity and the sum of the costs of production factors for this activity in monetary terms. High profits are the key to stability, prosperity and financial sustainability of an enterprise. To exist effectively, an enterprise must ensure a constant excess of income over expenses in order to maintain solvency and make a profit. High income (revenue) is the result of competent, skillful management of the entire complex of factors that determine the results of an enterprise’s economic activities and contribute to an increase in financial results.

Having analyzed the technical and economic indicators of the enterprise in Chapter 1, we can conclude that as of 2008, Kirov Plant OJSC has a number of problems:

    decrease in the net profit of the enterprise;

    falling profitability of sales;

    increase in the cost of goods.

Net profit- part of the balance sheet profit of an enterprise that remains at its disposal after paying taxes, fees, deductions, and obligatory payments to the budget. Dividends are paid to shareholders from net profits, reinvestments are made in production and the formation of funds and reserves.

Cost price– all costs incurred by an enterprise for the production and sale of products or services. The cost of production is a valuation of the natural resources, means and objects of labor used in the production process, services of other organizations and remuneration of workers. In other words, it shows how much it costs each organization to produce and sell products.

There is a problem of declining profitability. This problem is caused by changes in profits and an increase in the cost of goods.

Reducing the cost of goods ensures an increase in profits, an increase in revenue and profit - helps to increase profitability. This is the key to the profitable existence of an enterprise.

2.1. Ways to reduce production costs

The decisive condition for reducing costs is continuous technical progress. Implementation new technology, comprehensive mechanization and automation of production processes, improvement of technology, introduction of advanced types of materials can significantly reduce the cost of production.

Of utmost importance in the struggle to reduce production costs is compliance with the strictest savings regime in all areas of the enterprise’s production and economic activities. Consistent implementation of the economy regime at enterprises is manifested primarily in cost reduction material resources per unit of production, reducing costs for production maintenance and management, eliminating losses from defects and other unproductive expenses.

General cost structure of the issuer

Name of cost item



Raw materials, %

Works and services of a production nature performed by third parties, %

Fuel, %

Energy, %

Labor costs, %

Rent, %

Contributions for social needs, %

Depreciation of fixed assets, %

Taxes included in the cost of production, %

Administrative expenses,

Material costs, as is known, in most industries occupy a large specific gravity in the structure of the cost of production, therefore, even a slight saving of raw materials, materials, fuel and energy in the production of each unit of production for the entire enterprise has a major effect.

The enterprise has the opportunity to influence the amount of material resource costs, starting with their procurement. Raw materials and materials are included in the cost price at their purchase price, taking into account transportation costs, so the correct choice of material suppliers affects the cost of production.

It should be noted that for all items of prices for raw materials there is a significant increase, which in turn is reflected in an increase in the cost of finished products. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the supply of materials from suppliers who are located a short distance from the enterprise, as well as to transport goods using the cheapest mode of transport. When concluding contracts for the supply of material resources, it is necessary to order materials that, in size and quality, exactly correspond to the planned specification for materials, strive to use cheaper materials, without at the same time reducing the quality of the product.

Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the cost of purchasing raw materials, the price of which will be lower than the price of 2008.

If an enterprise reduces the cost of purchasing raw materials by 10%, then in 2009 the savings will be 1,750.00 thousand rubles.

Reducing production maintenance and management costs also reduces production costs. The size of these costs per unit of production depends not only on the volume of production, but also on their absolute amount. The lower the amount of workshop and general plant expenses for the enterprise as a whole, the lower, other things being equal, the lower the cost of each product.

The reserves for reducing shop and general plant costs lie primarily in simplifying and reducing the cost of the management apparatus and saving on management costs.

Management expenses table

change in control expenses in % = (control expenses 2007/control expenses 2008)*100%

management expenses in %=(38243001/42760442)*100=11.6%

In this table we see an increase in management expenses by 11.6%. Therefore, if in 2009 we reduce management costs by 5%, we will get 40,622,420 thousand rubles.

Significant reserves for reducing costs are contained in reducing losses from defects and other unproductive expenses. Studying the causes of defects and identifying its culprit makes it possible to implement measures to eliminate losses from defects, reduce and use production waste in the most rational way.

The scale of identifying and using reserves for reducing product costs largely depends on how the work is carried out to study and implement the experience available at other enterprises.

Comparative analysis

Let's calculate the planned cost by cost items for 2009 and compare it with the actual indicators for 2008. This table shows the change in cost in 2009 by 10%.

Cost price 2008

Cost price 2009 = * 10%

Cost price 2009 = 294887578 thousand rubles.

2.2 Ways to increase enterprise profitability

One of the most important performance indicators of an enterprise is profitability.

Profitability is a general indicator characterizing the quality of work of an industrial enterprise, since with all the significance of the mass of profit received, the most complete qualitative assessment of the production and economic activity of the enterprise is given by the value of profitability and its change. It represents the ratio of profit to production assets or to the cost of production. The profitability indicator evaluates the efficiency of production and its costs.

The main factors that have a direct impact on increasing the level of profitability in enterprises include:

1. Growth in production volume;

2. Reducing its cost;

3. Reducing the turnover time of fixed production assets and working capital;

4. Growth in the amount of profit;

5. Better use of funds;

6. Pricing system for equipment, buildings and structures and other carriers of fixed production assets;

7. Establishment and compliance with standards for inventories of material resources, work in progress and finished products.

To achieve a high level of profitability, it is necessary to systematically and systematically introduce advanced achievements of science and technology, effectively use labor resources and production assets.

According to the calculation method in the national economy, there is profitability of enterprises R pr. and profitability of products R prod. The first indicator is defined as the ratio of book profit P to the average annual cost of fixed production assets F op and working capital F ob:

R pr = (P / (F op + F ob)) x 100%

The second profitability indicator is expressed by the ratio of book profit P to the cost of finished products C:

R etc = (P/S) x 100%

Let's calculate the profitability of the enterprise for 2006-2008:

R pr. 2006 = 114156576 / 292670054*100= 39%

R pr. 2007 = 112589353 / 298114799*100 = 37.5%

R pr. 2008 = 115825407 / 324770114*100 = 35.4%

Profitability table

Methods for determining profitability clearly show that the level of profitability and its changes are directly related to prices for industrial products. Consequently, an objective pricing system is an important prerequisite for determining a reasonable level of profitability, which at the same time can influence changes in the price level of products. Thus, sound methods for establishing and planning profitability are closely related to the pricing system. The amount of profit, and therefore the level of profitability, primarily depends on changes in product prices and its cost.

The main factor in profit growth is the reduction in production costs. However, the amount of balance sheet profit is influenced by a number of other factors - changes in product prices, the amount of the balance of unsold products, sales volume, production structure, etc. The first factor is taken into account only in cases where there are sufficiently strong reasons to believe that a change will occur in the coming period prices (their increase due to improved product quality or decrease due to aging individual species products, saturation of the consumer market with certain products or in connection with the transition to new equipment and production technology). Increasing the profitability of production means an increase in the return on each hryvnia of advanced funds and, thus, their more efficient use.

Profitability indicators are important characteristics of the financial results and efficiency of an enterprise. They measure the profitability of an enterprise from various positions and are grouped in accordance with the interests of participants in the economic process and market exchange.

Profitability indicators are important characteristics of the factor environment for generating profit (and income) of enterprises. For this reason, they are mandatory elements of comparative analysis and assessment of the financial condition of the enterprise. When analyzing production, profitability indicators are used as a tool for investment policy and pricing.

Let us calculate the planned profitability of the enterprise for 2009.

    The company's revenue for 2006-2008 is growing, so we can assume that in 2009 revenue will also increase and amount to 386,521,322 thousand rubles.

    Let's calculate gross profit for 2009.

Gross profit is the difference between revenue from sales of goods and cost of goods sold. Calculated before expenses, payroll, taxes, and interest are subtracted.

Gross profit = Revenue from sales of goods - Cost of goods sold

Gross profit 2009 = 386521322-294887578 = 91633744 thousand rubles.

    R pr. 2009 = (P/S) x 100% = 91633744/294887578 *100% = 36,3%.

Enterprise profitability

Due to the increase in the profitability of the enterprise in 2009, we can count on an increase in net profit in 2009.


As a result of the work done, the following conclusion can be drawn: if the Kirov Plant OJSC enterprise follows the planned paths to solving problems, then product profitability and net profit should increase. The enterprise has an authorized capital and a bank loan, which must be used in the process of implementing the planned activities.

In the future, Kirov Plant OJSC can expand the range of products, since the available resources are sufficient for this.

In progress course work I analyzed the initial data, selected and justified the strategy, and drew up an action plan for its implementation. All this contributed to the development of practical skills in one of the most important management functions - planning.


    1) Official website of the enterprise www. kzgroup.ru/;

    Goremykina T.K. " General theory Statistics", Moscow 2007;

    Andreev G.I. “Fundamentals of enterprise management. Economic mechanisms of an enterprise", 2008;

    Chernyak V.Z. "Control Theory" 2008;

    Volkov D.L. “The Theory of Value-Based Management: Financial and Accounting Aspects” St. Petersburg 2008;

    Gerasimova V.O. “Analysis and diagnostics of production activities of enterprises (theory, methods, situations, tasks)”, 2008, Publisher: KNORUS;

    Malyuk V., Nemchin A. “Production Management”, series: " Tutorial", 2008, Publisher: Peter

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Conclusion: analyzing the table data, you can see that the cost of gross output in comparable 1994 prices at the enterprise in 1999 compared to 1997 increased from 2293 thousand rubles. up to 6451 thousand rubles. (the value of gross output in comparable 1994 prices increases by 181%). This may indicate that the company is increasing its output. Price commercial products also increases by 59%. This, in turn, can be associated both with an increase in production output and with an increase in the level of inflation and an increase in product prices. The percentage of increase in the cost of OPF is very high. In 1999 compared to 1997 it is 359%. The average annual number of employees increases by 8%. However, the total area of ​​agricultural land remains unchanged throughout all those years - 84 hectares. From the data in Table 1 it is clear that the Ovoshchevod agricultural production company does not produce livestock products; the enterprise only owns bees, the number of which increases by 88% in 1999 compared to 1997. Along with the increase in the cost of products in comparable prices, there is a decrease in the value of the enterprise’s property by 59%, including equity by 59.3%. At the same time, gross income increases by 35%. The amount of gross income depends on the volume of products produced, prices for them and the size material costs. Thus, an increase in gross income is associated with an increase in costs, sales volumes and sales prices. An increase in costs may be associated with an increase in energy prices, with an increase in costs associated with the sale of products (increase in transportation costs, etc.). The amount of net profit decreases by 7%, and the level of profitability of sold products - by 43%, i.e. profit for every ruble spent decreases. This is evidenced by an increase in total cost by 67% and a decrease in profit by 5%. The amount of gross income depends on the volume of products produced, prices for them and the amount of material costs.

To characterize the specialization of an enterprise, they use indicators of the structure of commercial products, which reflect the combination of industries and represent the share of individual types of products in total volume. The level of specialization is determined by the share of individual types of products in the total volume of monetary revenue.

Table 2 Composition and structure of revenue from sales of products at the Ovoshchevod agricultural enterprise

Product type

Revenue from real terms, thousand rubles

Specific gravity, %

Revenue from real terms, thousand rubles

Specific gravity. %

Revenue from real terms, thousand rubles

Specific gravity, %

Crop products:

Open ground vegetables

Vegetables in protected soil

Other crop products

Plant products of own production. Realization in processed form

Total crop production

Livestock products

Total for the enterprise

Conclusion: The largest revenue from sales at the Ovoshchevod agricultural production company comes from the production of vegetables in protected soil. In 1998, this figure increased to 14,141 thousand rubles. and amounted to 98.5% of the share of total sales revenue. However, in 1999 this figure drops to 14,018 thousand rubles. This may be due to an increase in transportation costs (increase in gasoline prices), or with an increase in product prices. In 1998 and 1999, the share of revenue from the sale of crop products in the total revenue from the sale of products was 100%, which indicates that that the enterprise specializes in the production of crop products, namely vegetables. No livestock products are produced at the enterprise.

In order to most fully determine the efficiency of an agricultural enterprise, they characterize the composition and structure of land and the level of its land supply. The ratio of individual types of land is called the structure of the overall land area. The composition of the land fund distinguishes between the total land area and the area of ​​agricultural land. The total land area includes the entire territory assigned to the farm; to agricultural land - arable land, hayfields, pastures, forests, ponds.

Table 3. Composition and structure of land holdings of SEC “Ovoshchevod”

Type of land

Area hectares

Specific gravity, %

Area hectares

Specific gravity, %

In total land area

In the agricultural area. lands

In total land area

In the agricultural area. lands

Total land area

Total agricultural Lands, of which:


Availability of irrigated land

Gross profit - English Gross Profit

Business owners and managers involved in financial management companies use many indicators and ratios to assess their financial position. Gross profit is a term that means the amount of money received from the sale of a product less the cost of goods sold. Operating expenses are not deducted from this amount! Knowing how much revenue from sales can be used to pay salaries and other fixed costs helps managers assess the financial health and viability of the company.

To calculate gross profit, you first need to understand what is included in cost of goods sold. Not all cost items that a company has can be legally included in the cost price. It includes only those costs that are directly related to the production of products. As practice shows, if the actual amount of costs changes relative to the quantity of products produced, these costs are called variable costs, and are thus included in cost of goods sold.

The economic efficiency of production is determined based on the use of a basic indicator - gross profit. Ratios such as gross profit margin, gross profit ratio (profitability) and gross profit percentage are calculated by performing the same calculations as the ratio of gross profit to total revenue. For example, if gross profit is $2,750 (USD) and total revenue is $7,830, then the gross profit margin is 0.3512 or 35.12% ($2,750/$7,830).

Managers use gross profit margin to evaluate the performance of the company as a whole and, in some cases, the performance of individual business units or products. Since this indicator is influenced by only two variables, there are only two ways to influence it. Increasing prices or decreasing costs increases gross profit, while decreasing prices or increasing costs decreases it.

If gross profit growth is observed within long period time, this means that the company’s activities related to the sale of products become more efficient. This does not necessarily lead to an increase in the company's profits, however, since factors such as employee salaries, taxes and rent may increase, which will negatively affect the bottom line. On the other hand, if there is a trend towards a steady decline in gross profit, the company's management may discontinue the production of certain types of products or change the way the company is managed. Gross profit is a required element of the income statement, and must be highlighted separately for the statement to comply

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Financial condition LLC "ZhilStroyServis"

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Fig.29. Change in sales revenue (2008-2009), thousand rubles.

2. Due to the increase in sales volumes, the cost of products sold (services provided) also increased. Thus, during the analyzed period, the cost increased by 4,609.0 thousand rubles. or 70.30% and as of the reporting date amounted to 11,165.0 thousand rubles.

Fig. 30. Change in cost (2008-2009), thousand rubles.

3. The gross profit of the enterprise in the reporting period amounted to 1788.0 thousand rubles, and for the same period of the previous year it amounted to 987.0 thousand rubles, i.e. there was an increase of 801.0 thousand rubles. or by 81.16%. An increase in gross profit is a positive development in the company's activities.

Fig.31. Change in gross profit (2008-2009), thousand rubles.

4. The enterprise’s commercial expenses for the analyzed period increased by 174.0 thousand rubles. or 18.59% and as of the reporting date amounted to 1,110.0 thousand rubles. In this regard, profit from sales in 2008 amounted to 51.0 thousand rubles, and in 2009 678.0 thousand rubles. Thus, profit from sales during the analyzed period increased by 627.0 thousand rubles. or 13.3 times. This indicates more effective cost management in the enterprise.

Fig.32. Change in sales profit (2008-2009), thousand rubles.

5. It should be noted that during the analyzed period the enterprise had no other income, and other expenses during the analyzed period tended to increase. Thus, as of the reporting date, other expenses of the enterprise amounted to 168 thousand rubles, while in the previous period they amounted to 26 thousand rubles, i.e. there was an increase of 142 thousand rubles. or 6.5 times.

Fig. 33. Change in other expenses (2008-2009), thousand rubles.

6. Profit from the financial and economic activities of the enterprise for the analyzed period increased by 485.0 thousand rubles. or almost 20 times and at the reporting date amounted to 510.0 thousand rubles.

Fig.34. Change in profit before tax (2008-2009), thousand rubles.

7. In order to determine net profit, reduce it by the amount of income tax. So, as of the reporting date, the company’s net profit is 432 thousand rubles, while last year it was 20.0 thousand rubles. Thus, during the analyzed period there was an increase in the enterprise’s net profit by 412 thousand rubles. or 21.6 times. The increase in net profit is due to the faster growth rate of the enterprise's income than the growth rate of its expenses. All this indicates an increase in the efficiency of cost management at this enterprise.

Fig.35. Change in net profit (2008-2009), thousand rubles.

Based on the available data, we will analyze the profit structure in order to identify the influence of individual results of the enterprise’s activities on the overall result. The only component of profit for the reporting period is profit from sales.

Let us determine the sensitivity of sales profit to changes in sales revenue, characterized by the ratio of gross profit to sales profit. This ratio is 0.14 (1788/12953). This means that if sales revenue increases by 1%, sales profit will increase by 0.24 times (0.14 * 171.72/100).

In order to determine the change in the profit of the enterprise as a whole for two years (2007-2009), we will compile and analyze Table 24 (see next page).

Table 24. Analysis of the dynamics and composition of profit of ZhilStroyServis LLC for 2007-2009.

No. Index 2007 2009 Deviation


A 1 2 3 4 5
1 Revenue from sales of goods, products, works, services 4356 12953 +8597 297,36
2 Cost of goods, products, works, services sold 3719 11165 +7446 300,22
3 Gross profit 637 1788 +1151 280,69
4 Business expenses 550 1110 +560 201,82
6 Revenue from sales 87 678 +591 779,31
9 Other income - - - -
10 Other expenses 39 168 +129 430,77
11 Profit before tax 48 510 +462 1062,50
12 Current income tax 10 78 +68 780,00
13 Net profit of the reporting period 38 432 +394 1136,84

Based on the data in Table 32, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. Revenue from product sales during the analyzed period increased by 8,597.0 thousand rubles. or almost 3 times and as of the reporting date amounted to 12,953.0 thousand rubles. The increase in sales revenue is due to an increase in sales volumes in the reporting period compared to the previous one.

Fig.36. Change in sales revenue (2007-2009), thousand rubles.

2. Due to the increase in sales volumes, the cost of products sold (services provided) also increased. Thus, during the analyzed period, the cost increased by 7,446.0 thousand rubles. or 3.0 times and as of the reporting date amounted to 11,165.0 thousand rubles.

Fig.37. Change in cost (2007-2009), thousand rubles.

3. The gross profit of the enterprise in the reporting period amounted to 1788.0 thousand rubles, and for the same period of the previous year it amounted to 637.0 thousand rubles, i.e. there was an increase of 1151.0 thousand rubles. or 2.8 times. An increase in gross profit is a positive development in the company's activities.

Fig.38. Change in gross profit (2007-2009), thousand rubles.

4. The enterprise’s commercial expenses for the analyzed period increased by 560.0 thousand rubles. or 2.0 times and as of the reporting date amounted to 1,110.0 thousand rubles. In this regard, profit from sales in 2007 amounted to 87.0 thousand rubles, and in 2009 678.0 thousand rubles. Thus, profit from sales during the analyzed period increased by 591.0 thousand rubles. or 7.8 times. This indicates more effective cost management in the enterprise.

Fig.39. Change in sales profit (2007-2009), thousand rubles.

5. It should be noted that during the analyzed period the enterprise had no other income, and other expenses during the analyzed period tended to increase. Thus, as of the reporting date, other expenses of the enterprise amounted to 168 thousand rubles, while in the previous period they amounted to 39 thousand rubles, i.e. there was an increase of 129.0 thousand rubles. or 4.3 times.

Rice. 40. Change in other expenses (2007-2009), thousand rubles.

6. Profit from the financial and economic activities of the enterprise for the analyzed period increased by 462.0 thousand rubles. or almost 10.6 times and as of the reporting date amounted to 510.0 thousand rubles.

Fig.41 Change in profit before tax (2007-2009), thousand rubles.

7. As of the reporting date, the net profit of the enterprise is 432 thousand rubles, while last year it was 38.0 thousand rubles. Thus, during the analyzed period there was an increase in the enterprise’s net profit by 394.0 thousand rubles. or 11.4 times. The increase in net profit is due to the faster growth rate of the enterprise's income than the growth rate of its expenses. All this indicates an increase in the efficiency of cost management at this enterprise.

Fig.42. Change in net profit (2008-2009), thousand rubles.

Thus, during the analyzed period, the company experienced an increase in profit indicators, which, undoubtedly, is a positive aspect in the company’s activities.

General indicators for assessing the efficiency of using an enterprise's resources and the dynamism of its development include indicators of the effectiveness of financial and economic activities - profitability and profitability.

Based on the reporting data of the enterprise ZhilStroyServis LLC, we will calculate the main profitability indicators and give them an assessment. To do this, let's draw up table 25 (see next page).

Table 25. Enterprise profitability indicators

Item no. Profitability ratios 2007 2008 2009
A 1 2 3 4
1 Return on Sales = Net Profit / Revenue *100 0,87 0,27 3,34
2 Return on Assets = Net Profit / Assets * 100 0,49 0,19 3,60
3 Return on current assets = Net profit/ Current assets * 100 1,90 0,38 6,57
4 Return on Equity = Net Profit / Equity *100 1,97 1,01 18,29
5 Production profitability = Net profit / Cost *100 1,02 0,31 3,87

Return on sales:

Sales 07 = 38 / 4356 * 100 = 0.87

Sales 08 = 20/ 7543 * 100 = 0.27

Sales 09 = 432 / 12953 * 100 = 3.34

Return on assets:

Raktiv 07 = 38 / 7701 * 100 = 0.49

Raktiv 08 = 20 / 10760 * 100 = 0.19

Raktiv 09 = 432 / 11889 * 100 = 3.60

Return on current assets:

RTA 07 = 38 / 2001 * 100 = 1.90

RTA 08 = 20 / 5254 = 0.38

RTA 09 = 432 / 6571 = 6.57

Return on equity:

RSK 07 = 38 / 1930 * 100 = 1.97

RSK 08 = 20 / 1978 * 100 = 1.01

RSK 09 = 432 / 2362 * 100 = 18.29

Production profitability:

Rproduction 07 = 38 / 3719 * 100 = 1.02

Pproduction 08 = 20 / 6556 * 100 = 0.31

Rproduction 09 = 432 / 11165 * 100 = 3.87

Graphically, we present the change in profitability indicators of the enterprise ZhilStroyServis LLC in Fig. 43.

Rice. 43. Changes in the profitability indicators of the enterprise ZhilStroyServis LLC for 2007-2009.

As can be seen from Table 25 and the data presented in Figure 43, in 2008 the profitability ratios of the enterprise’s activities decreased significantly compared to 2007. However, in 2009 the situation has changed and all indicators of the profitability of the enterprise, with the exception of the return on sales ratio, have increased significantly.

The increase in the return on current assets ratio over the analyzed period from 1.9 to 6.57 indicates an increase in the efficiency of using the enterprise’s working capital.

Return on equity ratio for the period 2007-2009. increased from 1.97 to 18.29, which shows that equity capital is being used more efficiently.

An increase in the production profitability ratio from 1.02 to 3.87 indicates an increase in the share of profit from sales in each ruble of revenue and in each ruble of total costs.

Thus, over the analyzed period, the enterprise has seen an increase in the profitability ratios of its activities, which generally indicates an increase in the efficiency of use of the enterprise’s resources.

2.6 Analysis of the liquidity of the enterprise’s balance sheet

In conditions of economic isolation and independence, business entities are obliged at any time to be able to urgently repay their short-term obligations, i.e. be liquid.

The need to analyze balance sheet liquidity arises in connection with the increasing need for financial resources. Balance sheet liquidity means the degree to which liabilities are covered by its assets, the period of transformation of which into monetary form corresponds to the period of repayment of liabilities. In other words, balance sheet liquidity is the basis for the solvency and liquidity of the business entity itself.

Analysis of balance sheet liquidity consists of comparing assets, grouped by the degree of decreasing liquidity, with short-term liabilities, which are grouped by the degree of urgency of their repayment.

According to the degree of liquidity and maturity, the assets and liabilities of the enterprise are divided into the following groups:

A1 – absolutely liquid assets – cash and short-term financial investments (balance sheet lines 250, 260);

A2 – quickly realizable assets – accounts receivable, goods shipped (line 240);

A3 – slowly selling assets, these include industrial goods, work in progress, finished goods (lines 210, 220, 230);

A4 – hard-to-sell assets – these are fixed assets, intangible assets, deferred expenses (lines 190, 216).

P1 – the most urgent obligations that must be repaid within a month (line 620);

P2 – medium-term liabilities with a maturity of up to one year (line 610);

P3 – long-term bank loans and borrowings (lines 590, 630, 640, 650, 660);

P4 – equity capital of the enterprise (line 490).

The ratio of assets and liabilities according to the degree of liquidity of the enterprise ZhilStroyServis LLC for the period we are analyzing is presented in Table 26.

Table 26. The ratio of assets and liabilities by the degree of liquidity of the enterprise ZhilStroyServis LLC for the period 2007-2009.

Assets Passive Ratio Standard

2007 2008 2009
1 2 3 4 5 6
A1 P1 60<5771 325<5782 68<7277 A1>P1
A2 P2 1941>0 3982>3000 3736>2250 A2>P2
A3 P3 - - - A3>P3
A4 P4 5700>1930 5506>1978 5318>2342 A4<П4

Thus, based on the data given in Table 26, we can conclude that the balance sheet of the enterprise ZhilStroyServis LLC is illiquid.

So, the enterprise’s value of short-term liabilities exceeds the amount of absolutely liquid assets (P1>A1). Due to the presence of short-term receivables at the enterprise, the ratio of less mobile assets and medium-term liabilities (A2>P2) is maintained.

The amount of equity capital is less than the amount of non-current assets, i.e. A4 ratio is not respected<П4.

Thus, an enterprise may have serious difficulties associated with paying off its obligations, because its solvency depends on the degree of liquidity of its balance sheet. At the same time, balance sheet liquidity characterizes both the current state of settlements and the prospects for their timely implementation. For a more accurate analysis, we will calculate the liquidity ratios of the enterprise under study.

Absolute liquidity ratio:

Cab. l. 2007 = 60: (5771 + 0) = 0.01;

Cab. l. 2008 = 325: (5782 + 3000) = 0.04;

Cab. l. 2009 = 68: (7277 + 2250) = 0.01.

Critical liquidity ratio:

Kcrit. l. 2007 = (60 + 1941) : (5771 + 0) = 0.35;

Kcrit. l. 2008 = (325 + 3982) : (5782 + 3000) = 0.49;

Kcrit. l. 2009 = (68 + 3736) : (7277 + 2250) = 0.40.

Current ratio:

Ktek. l. 2007 = (60 + 1941 + 0) : (5771 + 0) = 0.35;

Ktek. l. 2008 = (325 + 3982+0) : (5782 + 3000) = 0.49;

Ktek. l. 2009 = (68 + 3736+0) : (7277 + 2250) = 0.40.

Total liquidity ratio:

Kots. l. 2007 = (60 + 0.5x1941 + 0) : (5771 + 0.5x0 + 0) = 0.18;

Kots. l. 2008 = (325 + 0.5x3982 + 0) : (5782 + 0.5x3000 + 0) = 0.32;

Kots. l. 2009 = (68 + 0.5x3736 + 0) : (7277+0.5x2250 + 0) = 0.23.

We will summarize the calculations of the liquidity ratios of the enterprise ZhilStroyServis LLC in Table 27 and compare them with their standard values.

Table 27. Liquidity indicators of ZhilStroyServis LLC for 2007-2009.

Based on the data in Table 27, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. The absolute liquidity ratio for the analyzed period was significantly lower than the standard value (0.01 and 0.04< 0,25), что объясняется наличием достаточно высокой краткосрочной задолженности. У предприятия имеется высокий риск непокрытия краткосрочных обязательств за счет абсолютно ликвидных активов. Так, если несколько крупных кредиторов одновременно в срочном порядке потребуют погасить долги, то это может привести к банкротству предприятия.

2. The critical liquidity ratio characterizes the predicted payment capabilities, subject to timely settlements with debtors. The value of this ratio for the analyzed period, as well as the absolute liquidity ratio, did not correspond to its standard (0.35, 0.49 and 0.40< 0,7).

3. The current liquidity ratio during the analyzed period also did not reach the standard value.

4. The total liquidity ratio for the analyzed period, like all previous ratios, did not reach the standard level (>1).

Thus, to summarize, we note the following: the value of the coverage ratio in the reporting period is 0.40 - this is significantly lower than the standard value, which indicates that the company has decreased the ability to fulfill short-term obligations from current assets. This phenomenon is a negative point in the activities of the enterprise; the enterprise needs to take urgent measures to reduce its short-term liabilities.

The absolute liquidity ratio, which characterizes the company's ability to instantly repay debt obligations, amounted to 0.01 as of the reporting date, with a standard of 0.25. This means that the company can pay off 10% of its short-term liabilities at a time.

The value of the total liquidity ratio also does not correspond to the standard value (0.23<1,0). Предприятию необходимо срочно принять меры по сокращению краткосрочных обязательств и увеличению наиболее ликвидных активов.

Graphically, we present the change in liquidity indicators of the enterprise ZhilStroyServis LLC in Fig. 44.

Fig. 44. Changes in the liquidity indicators of the enterprise ZhilStroyServis LLC for the period 2007-2009.

2.7 Analysis of the financial stability of the enterprise

In market conditions, when the activity of an enterprise and its development are carried out through self-financing, and if its own funds are insufficient, through borrowed funds, an important analytical characteristic is the financial stability of the enterprise.

Financial stability is a certain state of the company’s accounts, guaranteeing its constant solvency.

The financial stability of an enterprise is assessed using the following group of coefficients:

Autonomy coefficient;

General solvency ratio;

Financial dependency ratio;

Financial independence ratio;

To determine these coefficients for the enterprise ZhilStroyServis LLC, we will draw up table 28 and analyze its values.

Table 28. Analysis of solvency ratios, %

No. Indicators Standard Coefficient value, %

2007 2008 2009

Autonomy coefficient (equity capital (SC)/balance sheet currency)*100 > 60% 25,1 18,4 19,9
2 Total solvency ratio ( borrowed capital(ZK)/balance currency)*100 <40% 74,9 81,6 80,1
3 Financial dependence coefficient (ZK / SC) * 100 <40% 299,0 441,9 403,3
4 Financial independence coefficient (SC/ZK)*100 >100% 33,4 22,6 24,8
5 Financial stability coefficient (long-term loans + IC / balance sheet currency) * 100 > 80% 25,1 18,4 19,9

Autonomy ratio:

Kavt. 2007 = 1930 / 7701 *100 = 25.1

Kavt. 2008 = 1978 / 10760 * 100 = 18.4

Kavt. 2009 = 2362 / 11889 *100 = 19.9

Total solvency ratio:

To the general area 2007 = 5771 / 7701 * 100 = 74.9

To the general area 2008 = 8782 / 10760 * 100 = 81.6

To the general area 2009 = 9527 / 11889 * 100 = 80.1

Financial dependency ratio:

To the financial manager 2007 = 5771 / 1930 * 100 = 299.0

To the financial manager 2008 = 8782 / 1978 * 100 = 441.9

To the financial manager 2009 = 9527 / 2362 * 100 = 403.3

Financial independence ratio:

To financial unveiled 2007 = 1930 / 5771 * 100 = 33.4

To financial unveiled 2008 = 1978 / 8782 *100 = 22.6

To financial unveiled 2009 = 2362 / 9527 * 100 = 24.8

Financial stability ratio:

To financial regulations 2007 = (0 + 1930) / 7701* 100 = 25.1

To financial regulations 2008 = (0 + 1978) / 10760 * 100 = 18.4

To financial regulations 2009 = 0 + 2362) / 11889 * 100 = 19.9

Based on the calculations obtained, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. The autonomy coefficient for the analyzed period first had a tendency to increase and then decrease and amounted to 19.9% ​​as of the reporting date. This value is far from the standard - > 60%, i.e. The company operates mainly through borrowed and raised funds.

2. The share of borrowed capital (the coefficient of total solvency or financial risk) during the analyzed period first increased to 81.6%, and then decreased to 80.1%, which was a consequence of the fact that the company obtained a short-term loan to replenish working capital. At the same time, it should be noted that the value of this indicator is still quite high and does not reach the standard level -< 40%.

3. The financial dependence coefficient for the analyzed period also had a tendency to first increase and then decrease. However, its significance never reached the normative level -< 150%, что говорит о финансовой неустойчивости предприятия. Если несколько кредиторов предприятия одновременно потребуют исполнения обязательств, это может привести предприятие к банкротству. Необходимо принять меры по наращиванию собственной ресурсной базы.

4. During the analyzed period, the indicator of financial independence also first had a downward trend and then a slight increase. However, its value does not correspond to the normative one. The company is highly dependent on borrowed funds and operates using borrowed resources.

5. Since the enterprise does not have long-term obligations during the analyzed period, the value of the enterprise’s financial stability coefficient coincides with the value of the autonomy coefficient.

Thus, based on the calculations made, we can conclude that the enterprise ZhilStroyServis LLC is in an extremely unstable position. To increase financial stability, it is necessary to increase the share of the enterprise's equity capital.

Graphically, the change in the financial stability coefficients of the enterprise will be reflected in Fig. 45 (see next page)

Rice. 45. Changes in financial stability indicators of the enterprise ZhilStroyServis LLC for the period 2007-2009.

To determine the possible bankruptcy of an enterprise, we will calculate the following coefficients and summarize the results obtained in Table 29.

1. Equity capital ratio:

CBS K 07 = (1930 – 0) / 5771 = 0,33.

KO SK 08 =(1978 – 0) / 8782 = 0,23.

KO SK 09 =(2362 - 0) / 9527= 0,25.

2. Solvency restoration coefficient:

Quosst.plat.07 = (0,35 + 6/12 (0,35 – 1,0) / 1,0 = 0,03.

Quosst.plat.08 = (0,49 + 6/12 (0,49 – 1,0) / 1,0 = 0,24.

Quosst.plat.09 = (0,40 + 6/12 (0,40 – 1,0) / 1,0 = 0,19.

3. Loss of solvency ratio:

Kutraty plat.07 = (0,35 + 3/12 (0,35 – 1,0) / 1,0 = 0,19.

Kutraty boards. 08 = (0,49 + 3/12 (0,49 – 1,0) / 1,0 = 0,36.

Kutraty plat.09 = (0,40 + 3/12 (0,40 – 1,0) / 1,0 = 0,25.

Table 29. Bankruptcy indicators of the ZhilStroyServis enterprise for the period 2007-2009.

Based on the data in Table 29, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. The current liquidity ratios of the enterprise for the analyzed period do not reach the standard value and range from 0.35 to 0.49.

2. The equity capital ratio for the analyzed period also does not reach the standard value. The company's activities depend on external sources of financing.

3. The coefficients of restoration and loss of solvency of the enterprise for the analyzed period are significantly lower than the standard value, which should alert the enterprise. It is necessary to take urgent measures to increase the values ​​of these coefficients.

Thus, based on the analysis of the financial condition of the ZhilStroyServis enterprise for the analyzed period (2007-2009), we can conclude that its condition is unsatisfactory. The coverage ratio and liquidity ratios of the enterprise for the analyzed period do not reach standard values. The equity capital ratio also does not reach the standard; the enterprise operates mainly at the expense of borrowed capital. And the recovery and loss of solvency ratios are very low, i.e. the possibility of bankruptcy of the enterprise is very high.

It is necessary to develop measures to improve the financial condition and increase the efficiency of the enterprise's production activities.

3. The main directions for improving the financial condition of the enterprise ZhilStroyServis LLC

3.1 The main directions for improving the financial condition of the enterprise ZhilStroyServis LLC

In the course of the analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise ZhilStroyServis LLC for the period 2007-2009, carried out in this work. it was concluded that the financial condition of this enterprise was unsatisfactory. The values ​​of many indicators do not correspond to established standards, the balance sheet of the enterprise is illiquid, and there is a high probability of bankruptcy of the enterprise. Thus, the equity ratio for the analyzed period with a standard of >0.6 ranged from 0.33 (2007) to 0.25 (2009), which indicates that the enterprise operates mainly through borrowed capital. At the same time, a negative factor in the activity of the enterprise is the negative dynamics of this indicator. The current liquidity ratio, which characterizes the possibility of repaying short-term liabilities with current assets, as of the last reporting date was 0.4 with a standard >1. This suggests that the company will be able to repay only 40% of its obligations at a time. The solvency recovery coefficients for the analyzed period also did not reach their standard value, which can lead to bankruptcy of the enterprise.

During the analysis of the enterprise's fixed capital, it was found that the fixed assets were quite worn out. The serviceability ratio of fixed assets was only 0.35 as of the last reporting date. To ensure a normal production process, it is necessary to take measures to update the composition of fixed assets.

Analysis of working capital showed that in the structure of working capital, the largest share is occupied by inventories and receivables. At the same time, there is a steady upward trend in these indicators.

One of the positive aspects in the activity of the enterprise is the presence of profit and the positive dynamics of its growth. This trend needs to be consolidated in the enterprise.

Thus, based on the above, we can conclude that the enterprise has ineffective management in the field of resource allocation. In this regard, a number of measures can be proposed to stabilize the financial condition and increase the financial stability of the enterprise ZhilStroyServis LLC. Let's look at some of them.

Firstly, the main problem of the enterprise’s production activity is the high percentage of depreciation of fixed assets (65%). For the successful development of production, it is urgent to update their composition. The use of new, more advanced equipment will provide opportunities to increase the production program, which will directly affect the financial performance of the enterprise. Today, the cost of new equipment is very high, so in order to replace equipment, an enterprise can take advantage of a long-term bank loan or purchase equipment on lease. Currently, leasing is a fairly common form of lending and is in good demand. At the same time, it should also be noted that in today’s conditions, the Russian government has developed a number of programs to support domestic business, including in the field of lending (part of the fee for using a loan is reimbursed to borrowers in the form of subsidies). Thus, a loan for the purchase of new equipment for an enterprise will not be so expensive. Analysis and assessment of creditworthiness in a graphical, tabular and coefficient way. Synthetic assessment of the financial condition of the enterprise. Evaluation of proposals for improving the activities of the enterprise as part of the development of a financial strategy.

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Comparative analytical balance of the organization. Calculation of financial stability, liquidity and capital efficiency ratios. Analysis of the enterprise's profit for the reporting year. Profitability of production costs and investment projects.

Comparative analytical balance of the enterprise. Composition and structure of sources of its funds, analysis of financial stability and balance sheet liquidity. Dynamics of business activity indicators. Analysis of the formation of financial results of the enterprise.

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Analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise using various techniques. Assessment of financial stability, liquidity, profitability of the organization. Assessment of the probability of bankruptcy according to the Russian model, as well as according to Altman’s two- and five-factor models.

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Analysis of the dynamics of the structure of assets and liabilities of the enterprise. The procedure for calculating growth rates and increases in structural coefficients. The concept of liquidity and financial stability. Economic essence and determining the profitability and profitability of the enterprise.

general characteristics and areas of activity, analysis of the balance sheet of Yeniseizoloto LLC, its main items and calculated indicators. Assessing the liquidity and solvency of the enterprise under study. Calculation and analysis of financial stability.

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