Marketing strategy. Marketing strategy - what it is, types, goals, stages and basics for developing, evaluating and choosing an enterprise marketing strategy

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Essence, goals and objectives of marketing strategy

In the process of their creation and operation, enterprises cannot do without using the basic principles of marketing. The term marketing refers to market activities. In a broader sense, it is a comprehensive, versatile and focused work in the field of production and market, acting as a system for coordinating the capabilities of the enterprise and existing demand, ensuring the satisfaction of the needs of both consumers and the manufacturer.

The development of a marketing mix, including product development, its positioning with the use of various measures to stimulate sales, is strictly related to strategic management. Before entering the market with a specific marketing strategy, a company must clearly understand the position of competitors, its capabilities, and also draw a line along which it will fight its competitors.

A marketing strategy is a set of long-term decisions regarding ways to satisfy the needs of a company's existing and potential customers through the use of its internal resources and external capabilities. The purpose of developing a strategy is to determine the main priority directions and proportions of the company’s development, taking into account the material sources of its provision and market demand. The strategy should be aimed at making optimal use of the company's capabilities and preventing erroneous actions that could lead to a decrease in the company's performance.

In my opinion, developing a marketing strategy is necessary to ensure the effectiveness of ongoing marketing activities. Developing and implementing a marketing strategy in consumer markets requires any company to be flexible, able to understand, adapt and, in some cases, influence the actions of market mechanisms using special marketing methods.

Most of the strategic decisions that any company makes lie in the area of ​​marketing. Creating a new business, mergers and acquisitions, developing a new market niche, dealer policy, narrowing or expanding the product line, choosing suppliers and partners - all these and many other decisions are made as part of a marketing strategy. The success of the business depends on the adequacy of the company's marketing strategy.

As part of the development of marketing strategies, it is assumed:

Development of a marketing policy for the enterprise as a whole;

Development of a marketing plan;

Identification of competitive advantages;

Development of a strategy to promote products and services to the market;

Formation of policy in the field of sales promotion;

Development of a consumer motivation system;

Solutions to attract and retain profitable customers.

The marketing strategy of an enterprise, firm or company is developed by specialists taking into account a set of factors, such as the current market situation, the influence of the external environment, the company’s development priorities, the company’s internal resources, etc. After collecting and analyzing the necessary data about the external and internal environment of the company, several possible scenarios for strategic business development are proposed. Each scenario may include: consumer segmentation, SWOT analysis, required key competencies of the company, assessment of the scenario in terms of risk and income. For the most promising scenario, a marketing strategy and a strategic plan for transition to the chosen strategy are developed.

Marketing strategy contains:

The company's long-term plans in consumer markets

Analysis of the structure of the markets under consideration;

Forecast of market development trends;

Pricing principles and competitive advantages;

Selection and justification of effective positioning of the company in the market.

I believe that the stages of developing a marketing strategy will be the following steps:

1) assessment of the current state of the market;

At this stage, it is necessary to give an accurate or at least expert assessment (in the absence of research) of the market share, analyze quarterly sales volumes and establish what it depends on: the arrival and processing of raw materials, seasonal demand, determine how the market for this type of product will change , and whether it will undergo significant changes, assess the changes associated with the further development of the service sector. (What will this cause a corresponding increase in demand and how to use this expansion of the market), conduct an analysis of price changes, analyze the market of suppliers.

2) Market segmentation and determination of consumer interest;

The choice of target segment determines what needs the company aims to satisfy and what products or services it will present to customers.

That is, the company actually needs to answer the question: Who are our consumers?

For a company to be most successful in the market, it needs to focus on unoccupied market niches, as well as on those consumer needs that are still not satisfied. For example, in 1850, the Levi's company was created, which produced jeans, which later became an integral attribute of the American way of life. And the company became a leader in this market segment and to this day remains a strong and profitable company that easily adapts to changing opportunities market.

3) Analysis of the activities of competitors and, in general, determination of the competitiveness of your enterprise;

That is, at this stage it is necessary to determine how your company differs from all others, that is, to identify the strengths and weaknesses that have the greatest impact on the success of the organization. They are determined in relation to competitors. Strengths and weaknesses are relative definitions, not absolute ones. It's good to be strong at something, but if your competitors are stronger at it, it will become your weakness.

For example, the Mercedes company was strong in the production of reliable, luxurious, durable cars, however, the Honda company launched the production of the Acura car, and Toyota - Lexus, which were superior to Mercedes in the American market, the company lost its advantages.

4) Formation of marketing development goals;

Defining clear goals helps develop an effective strategy and allows you to transform the company's mission into concrete actions.

Determine what the company wants to achieve as a result of its development? This could be an increase in sales, making a profit, satisfying public opinion (good attitude from suppliers, buyers, government, shareholders, etc.), building an image.

5) Research possible alternatives in terms of strategy;

6) Creating a certain image of the company on the market;

7) Assessing the strategy in terms of its financial viability.

At this stage the following is done:

Analysis and forecasting of the quality and resource intensity of the company’s future products;

Forecasting the competitiveness of the company's existing and future products;

Forecasting price and sales levels for the company's existing and future products;

Forecasting revenue and profit volumes;

Determination of benchmarks and intermediate stages of control (terms and control values).

There are situations when the developed strategy has to be adjusted or changed altogether. This occurs when there is a sharp change in the market situation, for example, the appearance on the market of significantly more competitive products than those produced by the enterprise, or when the enterprise’s own capabilities change, or opportunities expand as a result of the emergence of additional sources of financing.

Thus, the development of a marketing strategy will allow the company to:

Choose an effective pricing and product policy;

A marketing strategy is needed when the company is already doing well, since the market situation is not constant, timely actions of competitors can dramatically change the company’s position and importance in the market. Therefore, timely action and strong marketing are necessary. A marketing strategy is not only something that will be needed tomorrow when it becomes even stronger, but it is also something that is needed today. Marketing strategy is a necessary stage in the preparation and implementation of any business plan. A marketing strategy allows you to answer these vital questions and provide company management with an effective development plan.

The main goals of a marketing strategy are usually: increasing sales volume; identification and satisfaction of consumer needs; increase in profits; increasing market share; increase in client flow; increase in the number of orders. The goals and objectives of planned activities can be set abstractly, without taking into account current circumstances; these are usually the goals that management sets for the performer. As for the task, it is the goal given in specific conditions, namely:

Portrait of the target audience to attract which information and advertising events will be carried out. There can be many characteristics when drawing up a portrait; of course, moderation must be observed, sometimes restraining the excessive zeal of psychologists, sociologists, etc.;

Analysis of the presence of the target audience on the Internet. Here the consumer category of the audience is determined (buyers of cars, clothing, furniture, etc.). After this, we establish the fact of presence and the size of the audience of presence on the Internet. Open statistics and commercial research may be used to prepare this section;

Description of types and formats of advertising. The selected methods of presenting information to target audiences should be described here. This can be PR events, search advertising, graphic blocks (banners), advertising on thematic Internet sites, as well as offline advertising;

The expected effect of information and promotional activities. The most correct assessment is an increase in sales (primary, secondary, etc.), although it is not always possible to track this indicator. It is easier to estimate the number of phone calls and website visits, but it is not recommended to focus only on these indicators.

The main problems that must be solved in the process of justifying and developing a marketing strategy for an enterprise are presented in Fig. 1.

The task of strategic marketing is to clarify the company's mission, define goals, develop a development strategy and ensure a balanced structure of the product portfolio. In accordance with this, in the process of justifying and developing an enterprise’s marketing strategy, three interrelated tasks are solved:

1) development of a set of marketing activities (development of new types of products; creation of alliances, differentiation of market policies; diversification of production; overcoming barriers to entry into the market, etc.);

2) adaptation of the enterprise’s activities to changes in the external environment (taking into account cultural specifics in contacts with the public, the social situation in the country, economic conditions, etc.);

3) ensuring the adequacy of the enterprise’s marketing policy to the changing needs of customers (changes in the range of goods and services produced; knowledge of customer needs; detailed market segmentation, etc.).

In my opinion, developing a marketing strategy will allow the company to:

Significantly expand the customer base and increase sales volume;

Increase the competitiveness of products/services;

Establish a regular mechanism for modifying existing and developing new products;

Create a tool for mass customer attraction;

Develop an effective pricing and product policy;

Create a mechanism for monitoring marketing activities;

Improve the quality of customer service.

The importance of marketing strategy is due to the fact that marketing provides information, strategic and operational connections between the enterprise and the external environment. As a result, the direct functioning of marketing is closely related to other subsystems of enterprise activity management. Marketing activities of an enterprise make it possible to better navigate a specific market environment.

Any company should consider studying this issue. Marketing strategy is a component of corporate strategy that determines the direction of the company’s activities, taking into account its current internal state and the external conditions in which the enterprise operates.

The need to develop a marketing strategy

Strategic management is more common among large enterprises that need a professional approach to determining the direction of activity, the vision of the company in the future and have enough funds for this. The market position of small enterprises is often determined on an intuitive, reactionary level, since the distribution of a small amount of resources does not require significant labor and funds, and the future of such enterprises is more susceptible to outside influences. However, it is worth noting that strategic management is necessary to one degree or another in every enterprise, since competent management allows you to choose the right paths to achieve the final goal.

A marketing strategy helps to choose a basic model of an enterprise’s behavior in the market and ensure its further successful formation. It may not be able to protect against all market dangers, but it can help develop ways to respond to the most likely options and make the most efficient use of all available resources. The process of forming a marketing strategy, like other positions of this complex concept, ends with the choice of one of the alternatives, but management moves to the next stage - the development of action programs, which determines ways to achieve the goals set at the previous stage. Also, to develop a marketing strategy, it is important to establish an effective intra-organizational communication system.

Marketing strategy in the strategic pyramid

Strategic management involves the formation of a “strategic pyramid” at the enterprise, which includes four levels of strategies:

  • Corporate.
  • Business.
  • Functional.
  • Operational.

At the stage of business strategy formation, the following are determined: portfolio strategy, growth strategy and direct marketing (competitive) strategy. Let's focus on how to ensure its formation. A marketing strategy determines ways to enter and consolidate in certain markets and market niches, assesses development prospects in certain strategic business areas, methods of competition, and ensuring product competitiveness.

Types of Marketing Strategies

At the stage of choosing a competitive strategy, the enterprise determines the general model of behavior in the market, the methods by which target demand will be won and retained. The alternatives that an enterprise can follow are divided into types.

Marketing strategy is:

  • Violent (power).
  • Patient (niche).
  • Commutative (adaptive).
  • Explerent (pioneer).

The violent (force) strategy is used in the management of large firms specializing in mass, standardized production. Competitiveness in this case is ensured through “economies of scale,” which allows for the mass production of high-quality products and their sale at a relatively low price.

The patent (niche) strategy is typical for those firms that are focused on niche business, that is, specialized products to meet demand in a narrow market segment. The strategy is applicable to those who produce specialized, high-quality goods at a high price. This strategy is good because it allows you to find that part of the market that will be inaccessible to competitors, thereby making it possible to reduce the costs of competition and redirect resources to self-development.

The commutative (adaptive) strategy involves satisfying individual services and solving problems on a local scale, which is typical for small, private enterprises, often of short-term existence. Companies with a commutative strategy look for any opportunity to satisfy their customers' services, so such companies are usually very flexible in their activities.

Exploratory strategy (pioneer, innovative) is the riskiest of strategies, it involves the creation of completely new products, revolutionary products. The main problem of such companies is that it is impossible to study the demand for their products, since it simply does not exist yet. Explorers create a need for their own product, and their success in business depends on how well they succeed. The practice of experimenting companies shows that only a small percentage of “pioneers” achieve success, but this success is of enormous proportions and often covers the costs of all failures. Such a business is called “scalable” in the literature.

Functional Marketing Strategies

Next comes the functional level, which involves the development of tactical measures for different divisions of the company to achieve the strategies that were laid down at the previous stage. At this stage, existing product marketing is developed or improved, which is divided into the following types.

Marketing strategy at the functional level is divided into the following types:

  • Assorted.
  • Promotion.
  • Distribution.
  • Pricing.
  • Selecting the target market.

An assortment marketing strategy involves determining the product groups that will be included in the company’s portfolio, the breadth and depth of the assortment, and describing the differentiation of products or the development of new products.

Determining the target audience to which the enterprise’s activities will be directed, developing communication plans and conducting an information campaign that will familiarize potential consumers with the product - all this is included in building a promotion strategy. A promotional marketing strategy can also refer to a firm's advertising budget.

The company's success and long-term presence on the market are ensured by the correct approach to conducting business activities and constant monitoring of the situation in the economic sphere. If management plans and analyzes its actions, then any risks will be identified at an early stage and measures will be taken to minimize them. A marketing strategy is a huge mechanism for such planning, defining the goal to be achieved and how to achieve it.

It is believed that such a tool is needed only by large enterprises. But can a medium and small business be successful if the top management does not analyze the pros and cons of its activities and plan further steps according to its financial condition and possible competition? The basics of marketing strategy should be of interest to any manager or marketer in order to find ideal ways to achieve high results with minimal losses. What is such a strategy, what types of activity planning exist and how to use them - details in the article.

Let's get to the bottom of things

Enterprises at any stage of their development use different methods of promoting and combating competitors. A set of such measures is usually called a corporate strategy. One of its links is considered to be a marketing strategy, the specifics of which determine the direction of the organization’s actions, taking into account its internal capabilities and the influence of the external environment.

An entrepreneur should always have a picture of the desired result, or rather, the position that the company should take, say, in 3-5 years. To achieve your goal, you need to make a plan and evaluate your capabilities.

You can chaotically spend a large amount on a product that only at first glance seems in demand among the consumer and profitable for the manufacturer. But, having released it in large volume, the company encounters sales difficulties or the buyer does not show due interest, because the niche has already been occupied and the consumer has chosen a similar product under favorable conditions from competitors. The conclusion is that an entrepreneur should not take hasty steps without prior preparation and careful analysis, which is included in the list of marketing strategy methods.

Instructions for successful development must be prepared, risks taken into account, the right niche selected, consumer demand, market assortment and the position of competitors in the selected segment analyzed. For a manufacturing enterprise of any size, a preliminary program for reaching a specific level can be drawn up for one year, five years, or a longer period. If external or internal conditions taken as a basis for marketing planning change, adjustments to the program are always permissible. It is beyond the power of even the most seasoned marketer or manager to foresee all the nuances of the economic situation on the market.

Proper management always involves the use of a marketing strategy so that the company does not go astray and does not lose time and money.

Different planning methods

The management strategy of an organization depends on the specifics of the activity, time of presence on the market and other criteria. There is a certain classification of marketing strategy. Let's consider the main types of large-scale strategies to understand in which direction the enterprise can move.

Leader position, power strategy

The essence of planning is to achieve a leading position among competitors in the sale of goods on the market. The main focus is on increasing production rates. The company's goal is to produce a large volume of high-quality products. The product range is standard, it can be updated, but only slightly. Typically, this strategy is chosen by large companies that have been on the market for a long time, but want to improve their positions without investing extra effort and finances. Costs and labor productivity are carefully monitored. Marketers' efforts are aimed at increasing the manufacturer's presence.

This type of planning is also called concentrated growth tactics. The boundaries of presence are expanding due to new territories, modernization of the existing sales line, release of updated products (improving production recipes without financial losses).

But it is worth considering the fact that even the most popular product has stages of popularity and there may come a time when the consumer is looking for something new.


A strategy of this type involves expanding the specifics of the enterprise, that is, the activity is not concentrated on one product or service, but is focused on offering the consumer an additional assortment. Suppose a farmer at the initial stage chose the field of livestock farming in a narrow direction - breeding and keeping cows for milk. But there is a desire to cover another segment - breeding elite breeds for sale to other farmers. Or add barns with places to keep pigs for meat.

To prevent an entrepreneur from finding himself in a loss-making position, you should not focus on only one direction. The economic situation is always unstable, and it is necessary to predict its development.

An example is present in trade (expanding the range of branded goods), in pharmaceuticals (wholesalers open their retail pharmacy chains at more affordable prices for customers).

But you should not expand the specifics of economic activity too much; you may not get the expected profit if you are torn in different directions.

Specialized, niche promotion tactics

Both in production and in trade or services, there are two directions in reaching the target audience:

  • Mass – designed for the main categories of consumers, which are the majority.
  • Individual - aimed at a narrow circle of people, a product or service in a single copy or limited edition at a fairly high price.

This type of planning for an organization’s progress towards a goal is quite risky, especially for new business participants.

The strategy is based on searching for promotion options in a specifically selected (special) segment. This can be a niche (unique) product or a product of mass demand, but only one type, for example, branded clothing for children under one year old.

The task of marketers is to plan their work in such a way that the organization occupies a leadership position in the chosen segment even after 10-15 years. Particular attention is paid to potential competitors to prevent them from overtaking the company.

Having considered several types of marketing strategies, we can say that this is a general classification of planning to achieve a goal.

Additional Methods

Each type contains narrower elements of market promotion:

  1. Commodity. The focus of marketers is on the quality of goods, product range, and characteristics of raw materials.
  2. Price A strategy is being developed to maintain, reduce or increase prices. Results are determined by the presence or absence of competitors. Manufacturers choose consumers from the economy class, middle income or elite. Discounts and promotions are launched, the design changes, and additional services appear (for example, an additional warranty on household appliances).
  3. Branded. Enterprise promotion strategies that apply only to a specific brand.
  4. . This is a separate strategy in which the success and recognition of a manufacturer or seller depends on the effectiveness of the advertising campaign. You can spend a lot of money on advertising, but not get the expected profit.

Regardless of what marketing tactics an entrepreneur chooses, it is necessary to understand the stages of forming an action plan, which is commonly called the “marketing policy” of the organization.

Formation process

Any strategy takes time and is formed in a certain sequence:

  1. Determining the company's opportunities for marketing activities. Strengths and weaknesses, the ability to fight competitors, financial capabilities, pros and cons of previous attempts at promotion are studied. These features determine the ways to achieve the goal.
  2. Stage. Choosing a niche in which the entrepreneur can operate without serious risks. Consumer demand, niche occupancy, and the pros and cons of this particular market direction are studied.
  3. on paper with all recommendations and actions. Analysis of financial costs for an advertising campaign, release or development of a new product. This stage can be considered basic and quite labor-intensive.
  4. Final result. After studying the program compiled by marketers, the management staff evaluates the marketing strategy and makes a decision: the use of tactics or its further refinement. The functional elements of the marketing strategy are taken as a basis and transferred to special departments for implementation.

A marketing strategy template can be borrowed from successful competitors if you do not have the time or funds to develop your own plan. Developing different levels of business requires different approaches.

Some organizations go with the flow and don't focus on developing any strategy. External economic factors, consumer demand, and the financial position of the company create special conditions for the development or modernization of activities.

Sometimes the criteria for choosing a business area come down to the fact that there is always a demand for a specific product or service, for example, car tires or hairdresser services. Why not start implementing this project instead of wasting time describing methods for achieving results. Of course, this is not the right approach, but it has its place in small business.

Regardless of what type of activity is chosen and what its volume is in the general economic market, it is worth understanding that a marketing strategy is a whole system of interrelated activities aimed at creating comfortable working conditions. But one cannot overestimate it; strategy is only a plan of possible actions that is offered to the management apparatus as a choice of further actions.

Let's sum it up

Trade, construction, medical services, finance, and other forms of economic activity cannot stand still if they want to be successful and attract their target audience. This requires serious work and the formation of your marketing strategy, which must be adjusted to the conditions of reality.

Planning allows you to assess your capabilities, predict or prevent the risk of being left behind in the selected segment. Leaders of large companies spend a lot of money on marketers to keep up-to-date information and company dynamics. The types of tactics described in the article are just a general idea of ​​how you can achieve your goal. Each strategy is worth studying in detail to find effective methods for your promotion.

Marketing strategy is a particular element of a company's overall strategy, which describes how it should use the capabilities and resources at its disposal to achieve the greatest results and increase profitability in the long term.

In essence, it represents a general plan of marketing activities with the help of which the company expects to achieve its marketing goals. It involves setting specific goals for each individual product and type of market for a certain period of time. A strategy is formed within the framework of general production and commercial activities according to the individual capabilities of a particular enterprise and the characteristics of the market situation.

After developing a general plan, the company can move on to working on more specific (marketing plans).

The main sections of the marketing plan include: analysis of the current marketing situation, SWOT analysis, a list of tasks and existing problems, a list of obvious dangers and potential opportunities, a statement of marketing strategies, an action program, budgets and a certain control procedure.

A company's marketing strategy begins with the development of a specific program, setting goals and formulating objectives for all future marketing activities.

A marketing strategy is selected individually for a specific company in accordance with the characteristics of its current affairs and development goals for future periods. The main ones are: penetration into a new market, development of an existing market, development of a new product, diversification.

Based on the general marketing strategy, private programs of marketing activities are formed. Programs can be focused on achieving such effects from activities as maximum effect regardless of risk, minimum risk without counting on a large effect, various combinations of the two indicated approaches.

A marketing strategy is developed based on market requirements, company shortcomings, consumer requests and some other factors. The formation of a marketing strategy is influenced by trends in the state of the external marketing environment and demand, the product distribution system, and consumer requests; features and state of the competitive environment; individual capabilities of the company and its management resources; the main concept of the future development of the company, its tasks and goals.

The key subsystem of a corporate marketing strategy is the product marketing strategy of a commercial organization. It is aimed at analyzing and developing the most important strategic decisions on the assortment, nomenclature, volume and quality of manufactured products, and issues of product sales on the market.

It is the main strategy for survival, economic growth, quiet existence and commercial success of the company. Its main component is considered to be the optimization of the product program for the current year.

Thus, a marketing strategy is created in relation to a specific target market selected as a result of the advanced market conditions. Strategic planning is built on its basis and with its help the company’s competitive advantages for the future are ensured. It is the result of a rational and logical construction of long-term plans for success, on the basis of which movement towards the progressive development of production and sales is carried out.

Based on the developed strategy, a detailed program of specific activities is created for the entire marketing complex, responsible executors are assigned, future costs are determined and deadlines are set.

Most enterprises, in order to achieve colossal heights in development, necessarily create strategies. Not a single well-known company could exist in the modern market space if it did not adhere to them.

What is a marketing strategy?

Marketing strategy is one of the elements of an enterprise's work plans. It is aimed at developing, manufacturing and bringing to consumers goods and various services that will meet their needs.

Also, a marketing strategy can be described as a large-scale plan for achieving the main goals of the company. Its development is based on studying the target market sector and creating a marketing mix. The time frame for main events and resolution of financial issues must be determined. It is considered the foundation of any advertising strategy. Not a single marketing company ignores studying the situation that is developing in the market.

The primary task of marketing is to develop and implement a marketing strategy by any means. The main strategies are as follows:

  • Attracting buyers.
  • Product promotion plan.

Without these two main components, marketing will not exist.

Also, marketing strategy is characterized as a set of different principles. Thanks to them, the company forms marketing goals and is able to organize their implementation in the market.

Any marketing strategy must accurately outline the sections of the market where the company will concentrate its efforts. They will differ in preference and profitability. For each segment you need to develop your own marketing strategy. This takes into account the following: products, prices, product promotion, and sales. The marketing strategy of any company is always fixed in an individually drawn up document “Marketing Policy”.

Types and analysis

The work of any company is based on certain principles. An analysis of the marketing strategy is required. Its main tasks are:

  • Study effective demand for goods, be sure to pay attention to sales markets.
  • The plan for the production and sale of goods of the appropriate volume and assortment is also justified.
  • To analyze the factors that form the elasticity of demand for a product, the degree of risk of lack of demand for products is also assessed.
  • Assess the ability of a product to compete with other products and find reserves for increasing competitiveness.
  • Develop a plan, tactics, methods and means that create demand and stimulate the sale of goods.
  • Assess the sustainability and efficiency of production and sales of goods.

For a company to reach heights, it must not only develop its own, but also carefully study the best trending marketing strategy. Example: Schulco, Coca-Cola, etc.

To create an effective strategy, you must first study its types. So, the following classification is common:

  • A strategy for conquering part of the market or expanding this share to optimal levels. It involves reaching the necessary data, indicators of the norm and mass of profit. This makes it much easier to achieve greater profitability and production efficiency. The selected segment is conquered through the emergence and introduction of a new product to the market.
  • Innovation strategy. It implies the production of goods that have no analogues.
  • Strategy of innovative imitation. It is based on the combination of all new products from competitors.
  • Product differentiation strategy. Based on improving and changing familiar products.
  • Cost reduction strategy.
  • Waiting strategy.
  • Consumer personalization strategy. The most common at the moment among manufacturers of equipment that has a production purpose.
  • Diversification strategy.
  • Internationalization strategy.
  • Cooperation strategy. Based on the beneficial cooperation of a certain number of enterprises.

How are marketing strategies developed? Researching

The development of a marketing strategy takes place in several stages:

- First- market research. At this stage, it is necessary to determine the boundaries of the market and the enterprise’s share in this segment. You also need to assess the size and trends of the market. It is imperative to conduct an initial assessment of the competitive level.

At this stage, the external macroeconomic environment is necessarily analyzed. The following are being studied:

  1. Macroeconomic factors.
  2. Political factors.
  3. Technological factors.
  4. Social factors.
  5. Factors of an international nature.

- Second phase- assessment of the current state of the company. It includes mandatory analysis:

  1. Economic indicators.
  2. Production capacity.
  3. Marketing.
  4. Briefcases.
  5. SWOT analysis.

Another important point is forecasting.

- Third stage- competitors are analyzed and the company’s ability to surpass them is assessed. This stage includes the main actions:

  1. Detection of competitors.
  2. Calculation of opponents' strategies.
  3. Determining their main goals.
  4. Establishing strengths and weaknesses.
  5. Choosing a competitor to attack or ignore.
  6. Assess possible reactions.

-Fourth stage- the goals of the marketing strategy are established. First of all, it is necessary to assess current problems, determine the need to solve them, and consider the proposed tasks in more detail. Only then are the goals arranged in hierarchical order.

- Fifth stage– dividing the market into segments and selecting the right ones. In addition, consumers and their needs are studied in detail. The methods and period for entering segments are also established.

- Sixth stage- positioning is being developed. Experts give recommendations on managing and moving communications in marketing.

- Seventh stage- an economic assessment of the strategy is carried out, and control tools are also analyzed.

Any plan and development must be based on real facts; for this it is necessary to organize marketing research that will tell exactly what to focus on. These studies need to be conducted regularly, as the market changes, and so do consumer preferences.

The purpose of marketing research is to create an information and analytical base, with the help of which management decisions are then made. But to study individual components, individual diagrams are created. The marketing strategy also depends on the components of marketing. Example: studying products, prices. Below is a general diagram. It was developed and successfully used by many companies. Currently, it is also very often used in practice.

Marketing research is carried out in several stages:

  1. Problems and research goals are identified.
  2. A plan is being developed.
  3. Is being implemented.
  4. The results obtained are processed and reported to management.

Professional offer

Marketing services are provided by specialists in this field. This is an activity that is related to the study of the state of the market and the situation on it; trends in various kinds of changes are also determined, which allows the manager to properly build his business. There may also be other reasons for studying the market. Marketing services include research, without which an entrepreneur will not be able to launch his production and begin manufacturing a new product.

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