Management efficiency. Test: Management Efficiency

One of the stages in the development of knowledge about labor processes in the enterprise management system should be the development of approaches to determining its level and to developing criteria for assessing the effectiveness of measures aimed at increasing the level of staff performance and productivity. Staff motivation improves performance. The implementation in practice of the results of research into the processes of labor motivation of workers will make it possible to better use the labor potential of enterprises.

The influence of motivation on work

Motivation is a set of forces that force a person to do some kind of work. These forces can be internal and external. Internal forces that force a person to achieve a goal are called motives, and external forces are called incentives.

The level of labor motivation is a value that characterizes the motivation of employees, their desire to work to achieve both personal goals and the goals of the company. Testing an approach to assessing the level of labor motivation of enterprise personnel makes it possible to empirically determine the range of values ​​of the motivation indicator depending on the specifics and scope of the company.

What is the criterion?

At the preparatory stage of the study, it is necessary to develop criteria by which the effectiveness of the mechanism for improving a certain process in the enterprise will be assessed. The efficiency criterion should be understood as a measure of efficiency assessment in which certain means of achieving a given task are selected.

For the subject, the criterion becomes a guideline towards which the assessed phenomenon should strive in its development. The criterion is associated with the established task and the conditions for its implementation; it must establish and determine the level of achievement of the assigned tasks.

Development of criteria for assessing the effectiveness of an enterprise’s activities

By its nature, the criterion is qualitatively and quantitatively determined. When developing a criterion, a number of rules should be taken into account. Firstly, the name of the criterion must correspond to its essence. Secondly, the criterion must be clear and understandable, and it must serve a specific purpose and support specific strategies or initiatives.

In addition, it should be determined whether the determination of this aspect of performance is possible. If yes, then using what methods. It is advisable to determine whether the criterion can be expressed in mathematical terms and written down as a formula; Is the measurement system clear? Is it clear what data is needed for calculations? It is also necessary to establish how accurate the data obtained will be, whether some loss of detail is acceptable, and determine how often such calculations should be carried out; determine whether this frequency is sufficient to monitor the impact of interventions on improved performance; determine where data should come from to track criteria; determine who exactly is responsible for collecting, compiling and analyzing data; how the data obtained will be used.

Integral indicator as a way to determine the effectiveness of work

There are many criteria for assessing the performance of enterprise employees. One of them is the graphic-analytical method. The value of the resulting indicator determines the length of the vector, forming a pentagon of labor efficiency. Here, the indicators and criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the company’s personnel are the main functions of management:

  • planning;
  • making decisions;
  • motivation;
  • control;
  • organization.

If the values ​​of all resulting indicators are in the range from 1 to 2, then the level of labor efficiency is high, if all indicators are in the range of 1-0.5 - the level of motivation is characterized as “average”, the level of efficiency is characterized as “low” when the values ​​of the resulting parameters range from 0 to 0.5.

Application of a pentagon

A pentagon can have a regular or irregular shape. If its form is correct, the organization equally uses tools that help increase labor efficiency in all management functions. An irregular pentagon shape means that one vector is developed more than others or all vectors are developed differently. This indicates underutilization labor potential at the enterprise.

The level of labor potential of workers is determined using an integral indicator, the value of which can be in the ranges from 0 to 2.5, from 2.5 to 5 and from 5 to 10. If the value of the integral indicator is from 0 to 2.5, then this indicates about low level of potential. The range of 2.5-5 indicates an average level. A high level of labor potential is achieved with an indicator value of 5, but for some enterprises - from 7.

Achieving high impact from the activities of enterprise employees

When making management decisions, it should be taken into account that a low indicator of the level of labor potential of employees leads to low growth rates of labor productivity, and a high indicator is one of the prerequisites for achieving rapid growth rates both by increasing motivation and through direct participation in decision-making, planning, organization and control of its activities.

It should be noted the increasing role of labor motivation tools in the face of uncertainty future situation, insufficient level of awareness or the spread of misinformation in the workforce, lack of knowledge and experience in the field of planning, lack of confidence in the financial and social stability of team members. The problem of achieving the required effect from employees is relevant not only for countries with transition economies; it worries progressive scientists and politicians, business leaders and managers all over the world.

The development of criteria for assessing the effectiveness of activities in conditions of increased competition becomes very important. Wage growth that occurs in line with or slightly ahead of productivity growth creates favorable incentives to seek the most advanced competitive advantages.

At the same time, the social effect of incentive measures should not be underestimated. A decrease in the motivating and stimulating role of wages and income leads to the opposite effect - a drop in labor productivity, ineffective use of working time, degradation of the quality of labor potential and other negative socio-economic consequences. The question arises about determining the main criteria for assessing the effectiveness of workers, since economic and social dimensions have an impact on labor potential.

Criteria for assessing employee performance

The basis for studying the effectiveness of labor motivation methods is a system of criteria characterizing the complex and systemic impact on the management object. These include the movement of personnel, their qualifications, as well as how improving the work of the enterprise’s employees will affect the main economic indicators of the company itself.

In addition to all this, there are other criteria, for example, working conditions and its organization. Here we need to take into account how many times the employee did not go to work for an unexcused reason, how many times he was late. It is also necessary to pay attention to the number of employees who have a free schedule, and how many people at the enterprise work part-time.

Indicators for assessing the performance of company employees

Taking into account all the criteria for assessing effectiveness, it is necessary to develop a system of indicators. In this regard, it is worth grouping all criteria for the effectiveness of labor methods based on homogeneity:

  • personnel movement indicators;
  • social and psychological climate;
  • economic labor indicators;
  • labor organization indicators;
  • educational and qualification level;
  • socio-economic and innovative activity.

To assess the effectiveness of methods aimed at improving personnel performance, it is necessary to conduct a study of qualitative and quantitative criteria for assessing labor efficiency. Quantitative indicators include the wage fund, losses from marriage, total personnel costs, etc.; qualitative - job satisfaction, degree of freedom in decision-making and staff awareness of the enterprise's activities. In order to obtain the necessary information about quality indicators, it is necessary to use the results of various sociometric or sociological surveys, for example, a survey to study the level of the motivational mechanism in the company.

Indicators of the educational and qualification level of personnel influence such economic indicators of the enterprise as the number of mastered innovative types products, enterprise costs, volume commercial products, capital productivity and labor productivity.

Economic indicators

Spending on improving labor productivity can not only increase the productivity of staff, but also contribute to improving the performance of the entire company. The main criterion for assessing the efficiency of an enterprise is profit. The main task of any enterprise is to make a profit, so this is what all improvement measures are aimed at individual processes in company.

Economic indicators and criteria for assessing the performance of personnel and, as a consequence, enterprises play the most important role. The main indicators that can measure the effectiveness of measures to improve labor potential are the following:

  • labor intensity;
  • wage fund;
  • number of staff;
  • working time fund;
  • average salary;
  • gross personnel costs;
  • profitability of personnel costs;
  • return on personnel costs.

Economic criteria

Economic criteria for assessing the effectiveness of an enterprise’s activities include income, profit, costs, the size of gross, sold and marketable products, profitability, capital productivity, as well as the extent to which the enterprise uses its capacity. Of course, the main criterion is profit. A company's profit can increase either due to an increase in income or due to a decrease in costs. But most effective method increase profits - reduce costs and increase revenues.

To achieve goals, enterprise management must take into account the orientation of the basic principles, which are the basis for analyzing the effectiveness of methods for improving personnel productivity. These include efficiency, efficiency, consistency, objectivity, etc.

Criteria for assessing the effectiveness of operating systems management

The purpose of the assessment is to obtain the necessary information about the effectiveness of the management mechanism at the enterprise. This mechanism is aimed at meeting the needs and goals of the company. It can only be effective if harmony is achieved between the interests, needs and goals of the stakeholders.

The purpose of the operating system is to ensure the effective implementation of the company's goals and objectives. The main performance indicator for an operating system is how its goals are achieved. To determine effectiveness, goals must be quantified, and then goals actually achieved must be compared with what management planned.

The selection of criteria and indicators for assessing management effectiveness is carried out individually for each enterprise, and the list of indicators during the assessment will vary. An example is the improvement of collective bargaining regulation, which can affect the improvement of working conditions and wages.


Lecture outline

Criteria and indicators for assessing management effectiveness

Methods for assessing and analyzing management effectiveness

Factors for increasing management efficiency

The more effective the management of a society, the more prosperous the society is.

In modern conditions of increasing complexity of production and the economy as a whole, the increasing role of scientific and technological progress, increased competition, the need to take into account in the management process factors related to the use of raw materials and energy resources and the impact on environment, the final results of the company’s activities depend on the rationality of the structure and the effectiveness of management processes in all its elements and subsystems.

Assessing the effectiveness of management is of primary importance for many aspects of management, since with its help the correctness, validity, and effectiveness of the manager’s work are determined.

Is it possible to determine whether a particular leader is effective? And by what parameters, indicators or criteria can this be judged? Maybe based on the number of orders and instructions issued by the manager? Or by the number of decisions he made? Or maybe by how early he comes in and how late he leaves work?

The purpose of the lecture is to identify criteria, indicators and factors of management effectiveness.

Question 1. Criteria and indicators for assessing management effectiveness

The importance of determining management effectiveness attracts the attention of scientists and practitioners, including Z.P. Rumyantsev, R.A Fatkhutdinova, V.N. Parakhin and L.I. Uvitsky, whose works are summarized in this lecture.

In management theory, the qualitative side of the result obtained is denoted by the term performance criterion(hallmark, the measure on the basis of which each phenomenon is assessed), the quantitative side of the result obtained - indicator of efficiency.

Consideration of management effectiveness should be preceded by reference to the general concept of effectiveness, covering various areas human activity. This approach is dictated not only by methodological considerations, but also by the fact that the indicated general concept has not yet received an unambiguous interpretation. Literally "effective" (from Latin "effectus") means efficiency, effectiveness, productivity. Generally speaking, any interaction that has some result has an effect, and in this broadest sense, the effect can be considered as an absolute, result-characterizing property of any interaction or process. Despite the closeness of the categories “effect” and “efficiency,” they do not coincide with each other. Efficiency is not characteristic of every interaction, but only purposeful; therefore, this category is of a managerial nature and reflects, first of all, the degree of achievement of the pursued goals. Thus, in contrast to the effect, efficiency is always a certain ratio (of the result and goals or the result and the costs of obtaining it), i.e., a relative value. This starting position determines the understanding of management effectiveness.

A comprehensive set of criteria for the effectiveness of the management system is formed taking into account two directions for assessing its functioning:

According to the degree of compliance of the achieved results with the established goals of the organization;

According to the degree of compliance of the process of system functioning with objective requirements for its content, organization and results.

Management efficiency is a relative characteristic of the performance of a specific management system, reflected in various indicators of both the management object and the management activity itself (the subject of management). Moreover, these indicators have both quantitative and qualitative characteristics. In other words, the effectiveness of the management system must be expressed ultimately through the performance indicators of the managed system, although it may have its own private characteristics.

Management efficiency criteria are in close connection with the company's goals. The specificity of management is that the development of goals is a function of management itself, and their implementation is carried out both within the framework of the functioning of the subject of management and within the framework of the managed object. Therefore, to determine the effectiveness of management, criteria such as:

firstly, managerial efficiency itself;

secondly, economic efficiency;

thirdly, social efficiency.

Let's look at them. So, the first criterion for management effectiveness is managerial effectiveness, that is, effectiveness understood as achieving a goal.

Management efficiency reflects the effectiveness of ensuring the socio-economic development of the enterprise. In this regard, management efficiency is manifested in the achieved performance indicators of all enterprise activities.

An organization exists to achieve certain goals and, if these goals are achieved, then this organization can be considered successful, and its leader an effective manager.

Most common index managerial efficiency:

E ex. = result 100%

Also, the effectiveness of management can be expressed and assessed not only by the final results of the work of the entire company, but also by such parameters as the speed of decision-making and implementation of specific steps, the return on implementation of the decision, measured in cost terms. To determine the effectiveness of a particular decision, you can compare planned and actual “inputs” and “outputs” and measure the resulting return from the decision, i.e. the ratio of “output” to “input”. The effectiveness of the intra-company management system is defined in this case as the economic effect of adopting management decisions.

Since management is informational in nature, information also represents the result of an action, and therefore is the “output” of the management system.

In addition, the effectiveness of management is determined by the effectiveness of the functioning and use of each element of the management system - the rationality of the structure, the use of scientific, advanced management methods, speed, completeness of information services, the qualifications of management personnel, and their ability to creatively approach solving specific management problems.

The second criterion for management efficiency is economic efficiency, which characterizes the relationship between results and the costs necessary to achieve them.

Economic efficiency indicators:

E ex. = result 100%

E ex. = actual costs 100%

planned costs

Economic efficiency as an indicator of performance involves comparing costs with results and is always a relative value. It should be borne in mind that there is not and cannot be a universal indicator of economic efficiency, since a large number of factors determine it. As a result, profit can be considered as the final result of activity, and as costs - fixed production assets and working capital or production costs.

An organization can survive only through efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Consequently, these two criteria for management effectiveness are closely interrelated and interdependent.

An important quantitative characteristic of economic efficiency is productivity.

Productivity is the ratio of the number of units output to the number of units input.

This indicator of economic efficiency reflects the comprehensive effectiveness of the use of all types of resources (labor, capital, technology, information).

Among the economic indicators of an organization's effectiveness are usually called: stability (production, structure, market position), growth (growth rate of production, number of employees, number of innovations), the organization's ability to adapt to changes external environment(the relationship between indicators of the external environment and the organization’s activities). All these indicators must be analyzed not in absolute terms, but in dynamics, that is, in comparison with previous periods.

The effectiveness of an organization largely depends on its ability to plan its activities on a long-term scale and predict future changes. This allows you to minimize risk to a certain extent in an unstable economy. Thus, management efficiency directly depends on the efficiency of production as an element of the system. All other aspects of the organization’s activities also require effective management: marketing, personnel management, innovation management, strategic management. Moreover, the management subsystem must ensure effective management of all functional units (Table. 1).

“Effect” and “effectiveness” are different concepts.

Economic effect- this is the result of human labor in the process of producing material goods (the amount of products produced at a site, factory, the increase in newly created value in the national economy).

However, the effect in itself does not sufficiently characterize human activity. To characterize it more completely, it is important to know at what cost this effect was obtained, i.e. how much did the result cost? The same labor costs can produce different effects, and vice versa, the same effect can be achieved with different labor costs. Target social production- obtaining greater effect with the least labor, material and monetary costs. Therefore, it is necessary to compare the obtained result with the costs with which it was obtained, i.e., attribute the effect to costs, compare one absolute value - the effect - with another absolute value - costs. This comparison gives a relative value - efficiency.

Managerial work belongs to the most complex types human activity, and its assessment cannot always be made directly due to the lack of formalized results, quantitative assessment individual species work performed, therefore, indirect methods are often used to measure its effectiveness

Criterion– this is the most important distinctive feature that characterizes the qualitative aspects of a phenomenon, its essence. It expresses the purpose of a multifaceted management process. At the same time, in practical activities It is not the criterion itself that is used, but the structure built on its basis. scorecard, each of which should, to a certain extent, reflect the elements of the process under consideration. The criterion and indicator are closely interrelated: the scientifically based choice of criterion largely determines the correct choice of the system of indicators. Conversely, the quality of an indicator is determined by how fully and objectively it characterizes the adopted criterion.

So, the effectiveness criterion is an indicator that expresses the main measure of the desired result, which is taken into account when considering solution options.

The criterion for management efficiency is determined not only by the optimal functioning of the management object, but should also characterize the quality of work in the management system, environmental and social efficiency.

The criteria for economic efficiency of management are diverse and cannot be reduced to any one indicator. You can first consider the performance criteria related to the control object. The range of these criteria is very extensive.

1. General criterion – economic results of the activity of the managed subsystem as a whole, i.e. implementation by an enterprise (or organization) of its mission at the lowest cost.

2. Group of more specific local criteria:

1) the lowest cost of living labor for the production of products or provision of services;

2) the lowest costs of material resources;

3) lowest costs financial resources;

4) the highest rates of use of basic production assets(O.P.F.);

5) lowest costs;

6) highest profitability.

3. Group of quality criteria:

a) high level of technical equipment of the enterprise (organization);

b) working conditions for personnel, leading to a reduction in tension (fatigue) of workers;

c) fulfillment of orders, contracts (or provision of services) in the shortest possible time at costs within the normal range;

G) high quality services provided at stable costs within the established norm;

e) stability of personnel in meeting all other specified indicators;

e) environmental cleanliness.

The criterion for management efficiency under certain conditions can be the maximum output of products or the maximum of services.

From the point of view of the functioning of the subject of management, i.e. the management system itself, the criteria for economic efficiency can be:

Quick collection of necessary information for making management decisions;

The ability to make the optimal decision in the shortest possible time;

Prompt communication of decisions to implementers;

Ensuring strict implementation of decisions;

Exercising comprehensive control over the implementation of decisions.

All these criteria must be reflected in a certain system of economic efficiency indicators.

The fundamental principle of forming a system of performance indicators and expressing its essence at all levels of economic management (country, industry, economic entity) is the ratio of the final result (in the form of national income, gross domestic product, volume of output or sales of products) and the effect (profit) with applied and consumed resources (in aggregate or by individual types).

To determine the effectiveness of management, criteria such as,

Firstly, management efficiency itself;

Secondly, economic efficiency;

Thirdly, social efficiency.

Let's look at them.

1. So, the first criterion for management effectiveness is managerial effectiveness, that is, effectiveness understood as achieving a goal.

An organization exists to achieve certain goals and, if these goals are achieved, then this organization can be considered successful, and its leader an effective manager.

Most common index managerial efficiency is defined as follows:

In addition, the effectiveness of management is determined by the effectiveness of the functioning and use of each element of the management system - the rationality of the structure, the use of scientific, advanced management methods, speed, completeness of information services, the qualifications of management personnel, and their ability to creatively approach solving specific management problems.

2. The second criterion for management efficiency is economic efficiency, which characterizes the relationship between results and the costs required to achieve them.

Economic efficiency indicators:

Economic efficiency as an indicator of performance involves comparing costs with results and is always a relative value. It should be borne in mind that there is not and cannot be a universal indicator of economic efficiency, since it is determined by many factors. As a result, profit can be considered as the final result of activity, and as costs - fixed production assets and working capital or production costs.

An organization can survive only through efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Consequently, these two criteria for management effectiveness are closely interrelated and interdependent.

Management efficiency reflects the effectiveness of ensuring the socio-economic development of the enterprise. In this regard, management efficiency is manifested in the achieved performance indicators of all enterprise activities.

Such a quantitative characteristic of economic efficiency is productivity. Productivity - this is the ratio of the number of units at the “output” to the number of units at the “input”.

This indicator of economic efficiency reflects the comprehensive effectiveness of the use of all types of resources (labor, capital, technology, information).

Among the economic indicators of an organization's effectiveness are usually called: stability (production, structure, market position), growth (rate of growth of production, number of employees, number of innovations), the organization's ability to adapt to changes in the external environment (the relationship between indicators of the external environment and the organization's activities). All these indicators must be analyzed not in absolute terms, but in dynamics, that is, in comparison with previous periods. The effectiveness of an organization largely depends on its ability to plan its activities on a long-term scale and predict future changes. This allows you to minimize risk to a certain extent in an unstable economy.

In addition, management efficiency directly depends on the efficiency of production as an element of the system. All other aspects of the organization’s activities also require effective management: marketing, personnel management, innovation management, strategic management. Moreover, the management subsystem must ensure effective management of all functional units ( table 1).

Table 1 - Quantitative and qualitative criteria for assessing management effectiveness

Considering all these indicators in dynamics, that is, in comparison with the previous period, one can judge an increase or decrease in management efficiency.

3. The third criterion for management effectiveness is social efficiency, which reflects the degree of achievement of social management parameters.

Social efficiency is ensured by the implementation of a system of measures aimed at meeting the socio-economic expectations, needs and interests of the enterprise's employees. Social efficiency is manifested, firstly, in the development of staff potential; secondly, the possibility of realizing this potential.

The concept of social efficiency includes the requirement for the harmonious development of the personality of each employee, improving his qualifications and expanding flexibility and mobility, creating a favorable social climate, strengthening social activity and improving the entire lifestyle; all of these are manifestations quality of working life.

If all these components of social efficiency are not met, then the growth rate of labor productivity will inevitably decrease. Moreover, it should be borne in mind that just as there is no single synthetic indicator of management efficiency in general, there is also no single indicator of social efficiency. The analysis of socio-psychological aspects is carried out on the basis of criteria for staff motivation, characteristics of the moral climate, quantity and quality of interpersonal communications, flexibility of the promotion system, the powers of employees and their responsibility, the degree of satisfaction from the work performed, the authority of the manager and own assessment team of established relationships in the organization.


1. Theoretical part

1.1 The essence of management effectiveness

1.2 Criteria and indicators of management effectiveness

1.2.1 Quantitative performance indicators

1.2.2 Qualitative performance indicators

1.3 Economic assessment management efficiency

1.4 The influence of culture on organizational effectiveness

2. Practical part




Traditional economic theory assumes that in organizing the work of any enterprise it is necessary to compare costs and results of work, to apply certain indicators. At the same time, the criterion for the effectiveness of management as a whole is maximizing productivity and minimizing costs. Moreover, this should be given the closest attention when it comes to successful economic activity, about advancement in the market, about achieving superiority over your competitors.

Management effectiveness is a complex, multifaceted category. It reflects the characteristic features of economic, social and other phenomena. Analysis of the category of efficiency and its determining factors allows us to conclude that adequate content and forms of manifestation of efficiency are groups of economic efficiency indicators, which can act as a meter, a criterion for the effectiveness of an organization. Analysis of the category of efficiency and its determining factors allows us to conclude that adequate content and forms of manifestation of efficiency are groups of economic efficiency indicators, which can act as a meter, a criterion for the effectiveness of an organization. As a criterion for the efficiency of production and management, private indicators of the use of certain types of resources are used: material resources, fixed production assets, capital investments, labor productivity, which characterizes economic activity personnel, and general indicators characterizing the final results. Improving the organization's performance indicators is possible as a result of developing and implementing ways to increase the economic efficiency of management.


1.1 The essence of management effectiveness

The concept of management efficiency largely coincides with the concept of the efficiency of an organization's production activities. However, production management has its own specific economic characteristics. The main criterion for management effectiveness is the level of efficiency of the managed object. The problem of management efficiency - component management economics, which includes consideration of:

· Managerial potential, i.e. the totality of all resources available and used by the management system. Managerial potential appears in material and intellectual forms;

· Management costs and expenses, which are determined by the content, organization, technology and volume of work to implement the relevant management functions;

· The nature of managerial work;

· Management efficiency, i.e. the effectiveness of people’s actions in the process of the organization’s activities, in the process of realizing interests, in achieving certain goals.

Efficiency is the effectiveness of the functioning of the system and the management process as the interaction of the managed and control systems, i.e. integrated result of interaction between control components. Efficiency shows the extent to which the management body realizes its goals and achieves planned results. Management efficiency is manifested in production efficiency and is part of production efficiency. The results of action, correlated with goals and costs, are the content of efficiency as a management category.

A number of factors influence the effectiveness of a manager: the employee’s potential, his ability to perform a certain job; means of production; social aspects activities of personnel and the team as a whole; organization culture. All these factors act together, in integration unity.

Thus, management efficiency is one of the main indicators of management improvement, determined by comparing management results and resources spent to achieve them. Management efficiency can be assessed by comparing the profits received and management costs. But such a simplified assessment is not always correct, since:

1) the result of management is not always profit;

2) such an assessment leads to a direct and indirect result, which hides the role of management in its achievement. Profit often acts as an indirect result;

3) the result of management can be not only economic, but also social, socio-economic;

4) management costs cannot always be clearly identified.

Of fundamental importance for assessing the effectiveness of a management system is the choice of a basis for comparison or determination of the level of effectiveness, which is accepted as normative. One of the differentiation approaches comes down to comparison with indicators characterizing efficiency organizational structure reference version of control systems. A reference design can be developed and designed using all available control system design methods and tools. The characteristics of this option are accepted as normative. A comparison with performance indicators and characteristics of the management system selected as a standard that determines the acceptable or sufficient level of efficiency of the organizational structure may also be used.

If management activity fully or partially solves the task, is embodied in the expected result, and ensures its achievement based on the optimal use of available resources, then it is considered effective. In the first case we are talking about external efficiency, in the second - about internal efficiency.

External efficiency is otherwise called profitability, and internal efficiency is called efficiency, showing the price that had to be paid for the result obtained (for this purpose it is correlated with the amount of costs). What is the result in to a greater extent exceeds the costs, the more economical the activity.

However, often the main thing is not how many times the result is greater than the costs, but whether it is more valuable.

Management effectiveness can be tactical and strategic, and they contradict each other. For example, the focus of the company's management on obtaining immediate benefits does not leave resources for its development in the future.

Management efficiency can also be spoken of as potential or actual. Potential effectiveness is assessed in advance, while actual effectiveness is determined by the degree to which the goals themselves are achieved and by the results obtained in practice. Since different methods are used in management, it is also legitimate to evaluate their effectiveness.

It should be noted that there is no one-to-one correspondence between efficiency and profitability. Highly economical management can be ineffective from the point of view of achieving the goal itself and lead away from it, and effective management can be uneconomical if the goal is achieved at too high a price.

Therefore, in practice, a certain compromise must always be achieved between these two approaches, taking into account the requirements of a particular situation.

A change in a more favorable direction in the relationship between the results obtained and the costs associated with them is called the economization of activities. In practice, it is not always possible, and often its stabilization and even the reverse process occurs.

Management economization itself is achieved in several ways:

1) cost reduction with the same results;

2) an increase in results with a smaller increase in costs;

3) increasing results while reducing costs (the most favorable option);

4) a decrease in results with an even greater reduction in costs.

Thus, economization of management is not always associated with an increase in profitability, since the absolute result may even be reduced. Therefore, the profitability criterion is taken into account only when assessing the achievement of a specific management goal without regard to other objectives.

Management effectiveness can be defined in general form or in relative terms, for example, as the ratio of the goal and the result obtained (the degree of goal implementation), the result obtained and the resources used to obtain it, the economic effect and costs, the need and its satisfaction, or in absolute terms, say , in the mass of profits.

In practice, management effectiveness can be measured as general indicators, characterizing the work of the company (labor productivity, profitability, growth in production volumes, etc.), and specific (cost savings by streamlining information flows, reducing the share of managers in the staff, reducing the number of management levels, etc.).

Effective management is consistent with the purpose and strategy of the organization.

Effective management activities must be timely, which requires choosing the most successful moment to begin, the optimal sequence of individual stages, and eliminating unnecessary interruptions and wasted time. The importance of taking these circumstances into account in the context of the constant complication of economic processes cannot be overestimated.

The most important conditions for effective management today are the use of the latest information and management technologies, maximum automation and computerization of business processes. They allow a person to be freed not only from hard work, but also from performing routine operations that hinder his creative potential.

A significant increase in the effectiveness of management activities is achieved when members of the organization identify its goals with their own and actively participate in management, and this is possible only at a high level of maturity of both each individual and the team as a whole.

Effective management also requires the formation of reliable communications that allow timely provision of information to all participants in the management process necessary information, maintain an appropriate level of exchange, a favorable moral and psychological climate.

To assess management effectiveness important has a definition of compliance of the management system and its organizational structure with the management object. This is expressed in the balance of the composition of management functions and goals, the correspondence of the number of employees to the volume and complexity of work, the completeness of provision of the required information, the provision of technological means management processes, taking into account their nomenclature.

1.2 Criteria and indicators of management effectiveness

Analysis of the category of efficiency, the factors that determine it, the content and results of managerial work allows us to conclude that adequate to the content and forms of manifestation of efficiency are groups of indicators that can act as a meter, a criterion of efficiency, depending on the purpose of the organization and the conditions of its functioning. Each control system option corresponds to a certain efficiency criterion value, and the management task is to find a control option in which the corresponding criterion takes on the most advantageous value.

Profit and profitability indicators most fully characterize the final results of operations, and, accordingly, the effectiveness of management. In this case, it is necessary to exclude the influence on profit of factors not related to the activities of this business unit. General indicators reflect the results of economic activity and management as a whole, but do not fully characterize the efficiency and quality of management of labor processes, production assets, and material resources. For this purpose, private indicators are used. Thus, to assess the increase in efficiency of use labor resources the indicator of the growth rate of labor productivity is used, the increase in the efficiency of use of material resources is characterized by indicators of material intensity of products, and the efficiency of use of fixed assets is characterized by the indicator of capital productivity. When assessing management effectiveness, it is necessary to comprehensively use the entire system of general and specific indicators. The effectiveness of management activities in relation to the subject of management can be characterized by quantitative (economic effect) and qualitative indicators (social efficiency).

1.2.1 Quantitative performance indicators

Quantitative indicators of the management system’s performance include:

· a set of labor indicators - savings in living labor in the field of management (numbers, reduction in the labor intensity of management processes), etc.;

· financial indicators management system activities (reduction of management costs, etc.);

· time saving indicators (reduction in the duration of management cycles as a result of the introduction of information technologies and organizational procedures).

1.2.2 Qualitative performance indicators

Indicators of social efficiency of management (qualitative) are of particular importance:

· increasing the scientific and technical level of management;

· level of integration of management processes;

· advanced training of managers;

· increasing the level of validity of decisions made;

· formation of organizational culture;

· system controllability; job satisfaction;

· gaining public trust;

· strengthening the social responsibility of the organization;

· environmental consequences.

If, as a result of management rationalization, it is possible to achieve a high level of the above indicators, then a positive shift occurs in the organization of the management system and an economic effect is achieved.

Due to the fact that improving the management of an organization and the introduction of computer information technologies require certain capital investments, the economic efficiency of management improvement projects (efficiency assessment) can be carried out in accordance with the “Methodological recommendations for the assessment of investment projects and their selection for financing”, approved Gosstroy of Russia, Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, State Committee for Industry of Russia March 31, 1994. (No. 7-12/47).

According to Methodological recommendations when assessing the effectiveness of investment projects, the following are used: commercial (financial) efficiency, which determines the financial consequences of the project for its direct participants; budget efficiency, reflecting the financial consequences of the project for the federal, regional and local budgets; economic efficiency, taking into account the costs and results associated with the implementation of the project, going beyond the direct financial interests of the participants in the investment project and allowing for cost measurement. The basis for assessing the effectiveness of projects is the determination and correlation of costs and results from their implementation. When assessing the effectiveness of investment projects, it is necessary to bring the indicators to the cost of the moment of comparison, since cash receipts and costs in different time periods are unequal.

Other approaches to assessing the effectiveness of management are also being developed, in particular, the resource-potential approach to assessing the effectiveness of the management system. In it, absolute management efficiency is represented by the ratio of potential production capabilities to the actual value of its use. Relative efficiency is defined as the ratio of the total effect of management to costs.

1.3. Economic assessment of management efficiency

Economic efficiency indicators

In general, the effectiveness of management activities (E) is expressed by the following formula:

Where R - the result of the functioning of the control system (resulting component);

3 - costs of management activities or the amount of resources used (cost component).

At the level individual enterprises V various industries Economics uses a variety of groups of economic efficiency indicators. However, at each enterprise the economic efficiency of using material resources, fixed production assets and working capital, capital investments, personnel activities, and also calculates a general indicator characterizing the economic efficiency of the enterprise as a whole.

Indicator of efficiency of use of material resources(E m) characterizes the material intensity of products:

where: MZ – material costs; VP – cost of manufactured products.

Reducing the material intensity of products is one of the main directions for increasing efficiency in industry and construction, since the costs of materials account for more than half of the costs of producing products in these industries. As a rule, this is achieved by introducing new resource-saving technologies and replacing expensive materials with cheaper ones.

Indicator of efficiency of use of fixed production assets (Ef) is usually determined by their capital productivity indicator.

where: PF – cost of fixed production assets; VP – cost of manufactured products.

The main production assets include: means of labor (industrial buildings and structures, machines, machine tools, equipment, vehicles, etc.) that are involved in production. The most important areas for increasing the efficiency of using fixed assets are: increasing the shift ratio of the enterprise, reducing the loss of working time of equipment, etc.

Indicator of efficiency of capital investments (E p) is the payback period of capital investments.

where: K – volume of capital investments; ∆P is the increase in profit caused by these capital investments for the year.

As is known, the optimal payback period for capital investments should not exceed two years.

An indicator characterizing the effectiveness of personnel activities (Et), is labor productivity. At the enterprise level, it can be defined as an attitude.

where: CR is the average annual number of employees employed at the enterprise.

In addition, labor productivity is determined by production output per unit of time.

Increasing labor productivity depends on a number of factors: the technical level of production, the qualifications of workers, the quality and availability of required quantity materials, etc.

Material intensity, capital productivity, return on investment are indicators characterizing the economic efficiency of using individual resources. Meanwhile, at each enterprise it is necessary to determine a general indicator that allows assessing the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole. In market conditions, such an indicator is profitability, as the ratio of profit received to costs:


where: P – estimated profit, i.e. profit remaining at the disposal of the enterprise; C – costs associated with the creation and replenishment of fixed and working capital.

Profitability qualitatively characterizes the operation of the enterprise and reflects the comparison of profits with all costs. In different industries, specific features may exist at the level of individual enterprises.

The given indicators of economic efficiency of management are static.

The reliability of performance indicators increases if, when analyzing the forms of management effectiveness, its dynamic aspect is taken into account.

In this regard, it is advisable to consider management efficiency indicators in dynamics by recording and comparing changes over two or more periods.

The dynamic indicator of management efficiency can be presented as follows:

Coefficient E md shows how many rubles the final indicator (profit) changes during the period under review when management expenses change by 1 ruble. It reflects the dynamics and growth rates of management efficiency.

The dynamics of economic efficiency of management is also characterized by a comparison of these indicators for two or more periods, giving an indicator of the relative change in management efficiency, expressed as a percentage:


where: E 1 and E 2 – economic efficiency of enterprise management, respectively, in the base and given years.

It is also advisable to calculate the given dynamic indicators when making fundamental changes to the organization’s management system, when comparing various options for improving the management system. Assessing the real relationship between specific management performance indicators and the listed characteristics of the management system allows us to diagnose the management system, reveal its potential, and determine ways of improvement.

1.4 The influence of culture on organizational effectiveness

Organizational culture is important for the effective operation of an enterprise. Organizational culture usually refers to the atmosphere or social climate in an organization.

The concept of “culture” of an organization includes ideas, beliefs, traditions and values, which are expressed in the dominant management style, methods of motivating employees, the image of the organization, etc. It is known that organizations differ in atmosphere, methods of performing work, degree of activity, individual goals - and all these factors depend on the history of the organization, its traditions, its current position, production technology, etc. In this sense, the culture of the plant differs from the culture of the bank and the culture trading company. The usefulness of defining the culture of an organization is evidenced by the fact that people can get along better in an organization or even predict the behavior of its members if they understand its culture. It is not always easy to understand the culture of your own organization. One approach to understanding an organization's culture is to consider: its origins, which may explain its current state; type of property; technologies that determine the production and management structure of the enterprise and the various characteristics of specialists (“blue collar” / “white collar”, skilled, unskilled workers); bright events from the life of the organization, which become its folklore.

IN last years interest in the organization's culture has increased dramatically. This is due to the fact that there has been an increased understanding of the impact that the phenomenon of culture has on the success and effectiveness of the organization. Numerous studies show that thriving companies are characterized by a high level of culture, which is formed as a result of thoughtful efforts aimed at developing the spirit of the corporation for the benefit of all stakeholders in its activities.

An economic organization is a complex organism, the basis of life potential of which is organizational culture: that for which people became members of the organization; how the relationship between them is built; what stable norms and principles of life and activities of the organization they share; what they think is good and what is bad, and much more that relates to values ​​and norms. All this not only distinguishes one organization from another, but also significantly determines the success of the functioning and survival of the organization in the long term. The bearers of organizational culture are people.

From a management perspective, an organization's culture is the way work is done and the way people in the organization are treated. Culture is often the only predictor of an organization's long-term behavior, a reflection of its values ​​and beliefs, strengths and weaknesses.

There is usually no universal approach to developing a common organizational culture. Modern theories, which emerged in more dynamic conditions, highlight a situational approach to choosing the type of organizational culture rather than prescriptive ones. ready-made recipes. This involves matching the culture and structure of the organization with other variables - people, tasks, environment, technology. There is a definite connection between culture and structure.


Let us evaluate the management efficiency of CenterTelecom OJSC.

OJSC "CenterTelecom"- the largest fixed-line telecommunications company operating in the Central Federal District, on whose territory more than 20% of the Russian population lives. The company provides the population and organizations with a wide range of telecommunications services, including local and intra-zonal telephone services, high-speed Internet access using xDSL technology, data transmission, wired and terrestrial radio broadcasting, and provides program broadcasting cable television, and also provides connection services and traffic transmission services to other telecom operators. The quality management system of CenterTelecom OJSC is certified for compliance with the requirements of the state standard GOST R ISO 9001-2001 (international standard ISO 9001:2000). The company is actively developing broadband multiservice backbone networks and subscriber access networks based on the most modern telecommunications technologies.

As initial data, let's take an excerpt from annual report companies for 2007 (Table 1).

Table 1.

Let's calculate the figures for 2007:

Let's calculate the efficiency indicator for the use of material resources:

Material resources were used by 6%.

Let's calculate the efficiency indicator for using fixed production assets:

The main production assets were used by 97%.

Let's calculate an indicator characterizing the efficiency of personnel:

This indicator characterizes labor productivity.

Those. revenue exceeds costs by 35%.

Let's calculate the figures for 2006:

those. material resources were used by 7%.

Main production assets were used by 90%

Let's calculate a general indicator of the company's activity:

Those. revenue exceeds costs by 33.9%.

Let's compare management efficiency indicators for 2006 and 2007:

In 2007, compared to 2006, the use of material resources was reduced by 1% due to resource-saving policies.

Capital productivity in 2007 was higher than in 2006 by 7%, i.e. in 2007, fixed production assets were used most efficiently.

The personnel performance indicator shows that in 2007, the labor of employees was used most effectively, with a larger percentage of profit per employee. And the number of personnel has decreased compared to 2006.

The general indicator of profitability indicates that in 2007 the company performed better than in 2006, because the profitability rate is higher.

Let's calculate the growth rate of management efficiency:

where: P o, P b – the final indicators (profit) of the enterprise, respectively, in the given and base years; R o, R b – expenses, respectively, in the given and base years.

Coefficient E md shows how many rubles the final indicator (profit) changes during the period under review when expenses change by 1 ruble. It reflects the dynamics and growth rates of management efficiency.

That is, if expenses increase by 1 ruble, profit will increase by 1.45 rubles.

Conclusion: based on the above calculations, management at CenterTelecom OJSC can be considered effective.


Management efficiency, as a socio-economic category, is the effectiveness of this activity, the degree of optimal use of material, financial and labor resources. Management effectiveness is formed under the influence of a number of factors that can be classified according to the following criteria: duration of influence; nature of influence; degree of formalization; dependence on the scale of influence; content; form of influence.

The economic efficiency of management can be determined using the main indicators: the economic efficiency of the use of material resources, production assets, capital investments, personnel activities, as well as general and dynamic performance assessment indicators.

The main measures to improve the economic efficiency of management are: technical, organizational and socio-economic.

The assessment of social efficiency reflects the social result of management activities and characterizes the degree to which the potential capabilities of the team are used to achieve the organization's mission.


1. Ansoff I. Strategic management: Translated from English. – M.: Economics, 1989.

2. Management: Textbook for universities / M.M. Maksimtsov, A.V. Ignatiev, ed. MM. Masimtsova, A.V. Igntieva. – Banks and exchanges, UNITY, 1998.

3. The effectiveness of the organization's management. Tutorial. – M.: Russian business literature, 1999.

4. The effectiveness of managerial labor: a political and economic study. Voronezh, Voronezh University Publishing House, 1990.

5. Falmer R.M. Encyclopedia of modern management. T. 1-5. – M., 1992.

6. Internet resources: – website of the company JSC CenterTelecom.

A goal is an ideal, mental anticipation of the result of human activity. The goal is the direct motive that directs and regulates human activity. The content of the goal depends on the objective laws of reality, the different capabilities of a person and the means used to achieve the goal. There are strategic (global) and tactical (local) goals.

Goal achievement criterion is a quantitative indicator that determines the measure or degree of evaluation of goal achievement in comparison with others possible options(alternatives). The criterion always has a quantitative assessment and is aimed, depending on the indicator, at minimizing or maximizing the state of the system. For example, minimum training costs, maximum revenue from training, minimal staff turnover, maximum proportion of teachers with degrees and titles.

The global goal of a developing society was defined by K. Marx and F. Engels as “ensuring complete material well-being and free comprehensive development personalities of citizens."

Classification of goals – difficult task, since it has a qualitative form of measurement, therefore it can be formulated sufficiently general signs decomposition of goals. The following characteristics of the decomposition of goals can be specified as group-forming factors: planning horizon, scale of management, sphere of activity, material and spiritual needs, composition of subjects, period of time, management resources (Fig. 2.1.2).

In practical activities, we are always faced with the need to specify life goals. So, the strategic goal

– growth of material well-being – can be divided into a set of tactical goals. Improving living conditions: place in a hostel – separate room– small-sized apartment (“gostinka”) – full-sized apartment – ​​separate house (cottage); improvement of personal vehicles: bicycle - motorcycle - car - expensive limousine - personal plane; improvement of clothing and footwear: simple seasonal clothing and footwear – a set of imported clothing and footwear – expensive sets fashionable clothes and shoes from

branded stores; high-quality food: cheap “consumer basket” – good quality food – high-quality expensive food from environmentally friendly products.

The strategic goal - ensuring the comprehensive development of the personality of citizens - can be divided into tactical goals: obtain higher education professional education, take a competitive leadership position, defend a Ph.D. thesis, learn to play tennis well, learn a foreign language, etc.

The decomposition of organizational management goals is of practical importance. As the global goal of the enterprise, we can accept the above-mentioned definition of the global goal of humanity, which applies to all members labor collective. The global goal is divided into six main strategic goals depending on the areas of activity of the organization (Fig. 2.1.3): managerial, production, technical (engineering), personnel (social), economic, marketing.

Each of the strategic goals of macro-subsystems (level I) is divided into goals structural divisions(II level), and the criteria for managing the organization are determined (III level).

Some rules for formulating and realizing a person’s life goals:

"Challenge!" The goal should be a challenge and determine the prospects for your development.

“Write it on paper!” The goal must be clearly formulated in writing, highlighting the criteria for its achievement.

“Limit the time!” The goal must be within certain time boundaries (duration, start and end dates).

“Break it into stages!” The goal should consist of separate local goals and be determined by quantitative indicators of their achievement (criteria).

“Tie a knot!” The existence of a set goal should constantly remind you of the need to reserve time and resources to achieve it.

"Plan at any cost!" The goal must be realized by a set of individual plans for 5 years, a year, a quarter, a month, a week or a day.

"Don't be afraid of mistakes!" If in the process of achieving a goal you make mistakes, come to a negative result, do not be upset - adjust the goal or set a new one.

The global goal is to ensure complete material well-being and free all-round personal development


decomposition Characteristics of goals


Field of activity

(macro subsystem)

Material needs







personnel and





















five year olds

(medium term)


(from 10 to 25 l.)






Rice. 2.1.2. Classification of management goals

Management Goals

Management criteria


Security effective management based

Total management costs, thousand rubles.

combination of administrative, economic and

Control reliability, shares

sky goal

socio-psychological methods for achieving

Management costs organization for 1 rub. products, kop./rub.

of the final results of the organization’s activities

Ratio of number of workers and employees, people.

tions (management goals)

Management quality, shares


Ensuring effective innovation activities

Labor productivity (output), rub./person.

efficiency, comprehensive mechanization of production

Ratio of growth rates of labor productivity and wages, %

va, implementation new technology and technologies for you

Annual effect from the introduction of new technology, thousand rubles.


launch of high quality products

Capital productivity of OPD, rub./rub.

Volume of investments in new projects, thousand rubles.

Ensuring effective and timely training

Product output in natural units, units.


production, labor protection and safety equipment

Volume of products produced, thousand rubles.

military goal

dangers for the production of high-quality products

va on time and with low production costs

Costs per 1 ruble of commercial products, kopecks.

Occupational injury rate, %

Personnel and

Compliance with the proportions of social development, creating

Total number of personnel, people.

providing conditions for comprehensive personal development

Average salary per 1 employee, rub./person.


workers, ensuring the production of qualified

Worker turnover, %

qualified personnel

Loss of working time per 1 employee, person-days.

Average number of days of training per 1 employee, person-days.

Ensuring the sale of goods and services in selected

Volume of commercial products (sales), thousand rubles.


market segments and meeting needs

Percentage of contracts fulfilled (by volume and terms), %

customers, fulfillment of contractual deliveries, dis-

Share of regional (local) sales market, %

gov goal

expanding product sales markets and minimizing

Costs (expenses) for selling goods, kopecks/rub.

level of the organization's material reserves

Number of dealers and sales representatives, people.

Compliance with the proportions of economic development

Enterprise profit, thousand rubles.


main and auxiliary production facilities based on

Costs per 1 rub. commercial products, kop./rub.

sky goal

new revenue maximization (sales volumes),

Profitability level, %

profit growth and reduction in product costs

Volume cash flow, thousand roubles.

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