“The further into the forest, the more firewood.” The meaning and essence of the proverb

Strange headlines have been appearing in Nasha Niva lately.

I can’t believe my eyes!

After all, “Nasha Niva” is not ours for a long time. But to wrap something like this up is mind-boggling!

However, if you take into account who calls the tune and add events to it last months, everything is drawn.

The West has finally changed its tactics. He no longer needed the destroyers of the last Soviet-era outpost. Their mission is over.

Due to the inertia of the working strata of the population, the electoral resource of the new plan, of course, remained the same. These are the intelligentsia, students and high school students.

The opposition has also invented the main culprit for “our troubles and our evils” - Putin’s Russia. Being under sanctions, you can hang all the dogs on her, starting with Ivan the Terrible. Will endure.

Now - at the instigation of Dubovets - they have added to her company, oddly enough, an ardent Russophobe of perestroika and post-Soviet times - Zenon Poznyak.

What is new in the approaches of the West and its henchmen to dismantling peace in our society?

The new task now is to enslave the same intelligentsia and youth on the sly. But without cultivating radical nationalist sentiments, but by creating intellectual platforms where fraternization with Russian liberals would become the norm.

After all, the Ciceros have disappeared from our country, and Navalny and others are visible in Russia.

I think that for this reason the opposition was gradually converted to Russian-speaking.

It is this goal that explains the strange appearance and circulation of quotes from the newly minted literary diva Svetlana Alexievich, who spoke quite definitely:

“It was impossible to do what I did in the Belarusian language.”

And finally, period. Finally, the main thing is the emergence of a passionate desire among the puppeteers to create here, on the basis of the portal TUT.by, which has radically changed its rhetoric, an intellectual platform for those who like to scratch their tongues with the involvement of the promoted liberalism of foreign countries (read - Russian renegades).

They are, like no one else, close to us in mentality.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Shenderovich or the taciturn Savik Shuster show up as hosts of these gatherings.

After all, he never said anything unpleasant about Lukashenko. Others spoke, and he, without visible emotions on his face, listened and did not assent.

But let's return to Poznyak.

I will honestly say that I, like many, understand this very bright propagandist, who managed to become the central figure of the Belarusian Popular Front in the late 80s, and then with little effort to saddle the Belarusian parliament and solve the priority tasks of gaining independence for the country.

The main thing: he is an ideological opponent of everything Soviet, but not a traitor. He does not count “Judas’ pieces of silver” in his pocket, but sticks to his line because he believes, because he is convinced that he is right and defends his point of view.

The West did not like Poznyak’s straightforwardness and independence of judgment, and he was pushed to the margins of Russophobic politics.

He is not their man. They don't need people with their own opinions. They need performers.

So what does the revolutionary Sergei Dubovets, widely known in narrow circles, accuse Poznyak of on the pages of “Nasha Niva” and “Svoboda”?

Neither more nor less - in the most important thing: “The history of Muggles would have been different, if the Popular Front of the 90s would have been different.”.

Him, you see, then "nathnyauv pryklad" Popular Front of microscopic and quiet Estonia.

It was there, and not in Lithuania and Latvia with a huge number of Russians living, in his opinion, that the most successful pies were baked.

Maybe it was so, since in Estonia people did not die in clashes with special forces, and there was no particular need to torment the Russians. But Dubovets’ claim that he allegedly mastered the situation in the post-Soviet space at that time and could determine priorities is very doubtful.

To Dubovets, who was then in euphoria, “It seemed that Belarus, for most of its history, was stale and as non-Belarusian as the BSSR”.

But in Belarus, at first, she came to the throne "the highest dzyarzhauna asoba"- Shushkevich. In parliament, either Poznyak and his comrades, or Lukashenko were raging.

What line Dubovets followed then is not very clear, because he was not in the public eye and only came out now - with discussions about Poznyak’s mistakes.

Further, he asks why everything didn’t go the way it did in Estonia, why we are not where Estonia is, and not like Estonia with its higher standard of living than in the post-Soviet space.

Let's not argue with Dubovets. He either does not understand, or deliberately does not want to understand, the difference in mentalities, the incomparability of production capacities and the scale of production relationships that characterize the economies of our countries.

He does not think about current information about how many people left for the West from the Baltic republics in comparison with Belarus.

He is not interested in the state of the real sector of the economy and what are the prospects for economic development of Estonia, etc.

For him, Estonia is paradise, because “Didn’t people hate the good and bad Estonians there? And where did the democrats recognize the Popular Front? And why did they set a course for independence - NATO - Europe?

The question is, was it different for us in the early 90s?

Was our BPF headed by the Partygenosse? Didn’t US President Clinton come to us and give us a bench in Kurapaty?

After all, can a sane politician really believe that the path to "independence" lies through NATO membership?

In his rantings, Dubovets, of course, could not ignore "Mounaga torture."

80 percent of communists, Soviet generals, even Yankovsky from the Russian Theater voted for his language, but it was his fault that not everyone spoke on it "theatricalized radicalism" - “He is an intellect who developed that tiny hellishness of Belarus, which was taken away during the war. The parallel with Estonia was wrong.”

It’s hard to even call it stupidity. After all, the impulse of Belarusians for change at that time was not due to an insatiable thirst to use the Belarusian language, but to the distrust of the authorities sown among the people, Chernobyl fears and the infantilism of those who stood at the helm of the young republic.

Further, Dubovets claims that the split into the svyadomy and the unsvyadomy did not happen immediately after the formation of the Belarusian Popular Front, but after the election Supreme Council XII convocation. And the reason for this is Poznyak.

He's writing: “At the same time, the “elite” disappeared - the menavita pavodle gatay prikmety - svyadomyh, gata zanyts, molded for others, maceros, lich that “Estonians”, who rose above the old Belarusians.”

We've arrived.

After all, everyone remembers that this so-called “elite” began to emerge when it ran from one room to another under the name "Talaka."

She, the “elite,” gained breath when the sons of party workers realized that in the changed conditions the chance to rise to the level of power of their fathers presented itself only on the wave of national radicalism, and not obedience.

After all, even then life posed the question bluntly: either - or. Maneuvering was not welcomed, since everyone was tired of it during perestroika times.

Further, Dubovets confirms the inertia of his own thinking:

“I saved 25 years, and maybe even more, as long as we know that Belarusians are different, because all the trees and oak trees are different.”

It turns out that the situation now is not the same as before. There was a click: harmony reigned in society and "pamyarkoўnasts". (“Facebook” doesn’t count).

But this appearance of reconciliation is not without reason. This is a run-up to kick Poznyak and his entourage again:

“And what do you say - how are the people pagodzitsa na getki padzel, that we are Belarusians, but are there more Belarusian Belarusians? It is clear that “great Belarusians” will have abstract meetings on their side.”

Lukashenko is left too. It turns out he “I took the language out of the city” because she “became an admonisher of my family”, and Belarusians are suckers “I felt satisfied with the hell of it, to show the “big Belarusians” Kuzkin’s mother.

The schools themselves are rightly de-Belarusized.”

Well, just like Emelyushka: “The sleigh rides, it rides on its own, it rides on its own without a horse.”

And this nationwide revolt, born of the radicalization of the Svyadomy, led to the fall of the Belarusian Popular Front as a powerful mass movement and contributed to “We are installing an authoritative madele of ўlady, because the “unstable” people are autamatychna subjects of the palace, and the “elite” is a stratsila subject, closed on itself.”

Dubovets never clarified what the subjectivity of the people in politics means and who prevented the “elite” from losing it, each time remembering his beloved Estonia.

In rare moments of enlightenment, he speaks the absolute truth:

“...every Estonian will tell you who Lukashenka is, but only the hellish people of Belarus can guess who the President of Estonia is.”

And then he gets nostalgic:

“... some people think so myself - all of us, at the heart of all Belarusians, are hidden from all Belarusians, we cry out to them and ourselves, to the whole people.”

Let us take a moment and imagine what the result would have been if Lenin and his entourage had "maryli" or “clicked to yourself” in 1917?

The Bolsheviks were not infantile intellectuals. They were armed with modern theory, strategy and tactics of thoughtful action. They persistently, competently and purposefully carried out daily work among workers and soldiers and were successful.

Revolutions in the minds of people are not made through incantations and humiliation of the current government alone. And the aggravation of national issues in multinational republics is always fraught with carnage. You don't have to look far for examples.

Thank God, Zenon Poznyak and the revolutionaries of the first wave, willy-nilly, were brought up in a decent society. At that time they were not itching to unleash fratricidal conflicts on very unstable national and linguistic grounds.

There was controversy, ballpoint pens were broken, but not spears.

And here Dubovets is openly disingenuous, declaring that “atrad musіў bazavazza na demakratychnyh padstav. Not at all on the canned and radical ones, which instead of the agricultural sector were used, on the contrary, by the loud elite and the desperate cleanliness. What's wrong and you're sick."

After all, we remember very well: the entire opposition was not at all engaged in a detailed elaboration of the strategy for returning the country’s economy to a stable position, but instead struck in search of the future in the past on the basis of nationalist sentiments alien to people.

Surely the same Dubovets tore his shirt by "The language and the weakened hell of Balshevism" instead of agitation for national consensus and the translation of public debate into the mainstream of economic problems and ways to solve them.

It served as an excuse for our national humanitarians, who knew nothing about economics. “Road to Europe.” It was as if they were impatiently waiting for us there and there was no life for them without us.

At the end of his story, Dubovets sincerely admits his thoughtlessness:

“In this case, if we understand this, the scale of the bastards and the apostolic exit of the “families of Belarus” has been eliminated - other countries have different countries, different languages.”

However, even today his reasoning has not received at least any replenishment with new ideas and does not go beyond “mounaga torture.”

He states that "znіkla self-proclaimed“elite of the great Belarusian Belarusians”, svyadomyh,” but, like a woodpecker, he remains faithful to the previous standard, with which he pins timid hopes: “...how can we understand ourselves with the Estonians, and why is this magical misery irrevocable?”

And Dubovets’s confession without admitting his own mistakes naturally caused a resonance in the opposition community.

It should be noted that many of the arguments of the discussion participants seem quite reasonable.

For example, someone under the nickname “Sviadomy”, talking about Poznyak, states:

“In 1994, I couldn’t have perekanauvchuyu podtrymku in the city... I would have had the Gamsakhurdy forest in Georgia... I could have worked on this, because I would have been able to produce a well-adjusted vertical and garyzantal, from Shushkevich’s atrocious hell.”

“...the size of the active Rukhaitsa has grown “everything, on the right is broken up, the pallet system is pabudavana - it is necessary to think about it”, the green ones have abandoned the work of the business, the family - right from the broad faction of the apa members of the parliament (there were only members of the Belarusian Popular Front) , they began to explore their own interests: who is the pasada, who is the cavalak of the land in the adpachynku zone, who is given away their works for dzyarzhainy kosht, who is married to Lithuania, who lives in an old Belarusian y stalitsy".

“Mae Ratsyu” and someone “Benedzikt”:

“Suchu for obmerkavannem and vyshavany zauzhazhyts - not abmyarkovaetstsa extremely important problem (it seems that menavіta yana “motivated” Dubaevts (and not only Iago) on the written word of the article).

Prychyna ў offensive - agulnavydom, that the scandal with the adventure - facts ab uncollected, falsified signatures "Govpravda" and how other "lidars" plow all these dzeyachov in your sheragovaya apa zitsyi.

It is true that Z. Paznyak ab dzeynastsi pseudapazitsynykh struktury".

What can I say? Everything is correct. The way it is.

We must pay tribute to Poznyak. Despite all his recent miscalculations, he is the only significant figure who does not compromise on principles and does not wag his tail in front of those who call the tune.

If his nervous system had not resonated with the Ukrainian events, which in no way correspond to his own ideas about good and evil, he could have become an inappropriate leader alternative thinking, but a real Belarusian politician who has no need to fight with windmills communism - they are already in the past.

In conclusion, I wanted to write something smart, but one expression from Dubovets brought a smile and put me off the desire to pound water in a mortar:

“...all the trees in the oak tree are rosy, only the pine needles are hellishly timid. And the very sign is like this - an oak, oaks for other oaks - not the same as in nature.”

It seems that Dubovets told the truth. But, as you know, in every process there are exceptions.

Today “Oakest for other oaks” still there.


How long ago was all this? Maidan demands Ukraine's entry into the European Union. Several dozen militants who came from Western Ukraine staged a sabbath on Kyiv's Independence Square. A wavering President Yanukovych exhorts the crowd from his office. But they don’t want to listen, and now hundreds are joining them, and they are already demanding the resignation of the government and the president. Tents are erected on the square and bonfires are lit. Yanukovych continues to exhort from his office.

Militants seize ministry buildings, set up their headquarters in them, throw Molotov cocktails at Berkut fighters, burn them alive, shoot at them with sniper rifles. And President Yanukovych gives the command not to shoot at the rioters who are not leaving the square and continues to exhort from his office.

It would seem that everything is clear: the peaceful demonstration has crossed the boundaries of what is permitted, does not want negotiations, a real war is beginning, it is time to act from a position of strength and disperse the Maidan, arrest the instigators, including the newly-minted leaders Yarosh, Tyagnibok, Klitschko, Yatsenyuk. But the hesitant President Yanukovych prefers negotiations, to which Russia is finally joining.

The result exceeded all expectations: the president was overthrown, the Russian language was banned, Ukraine became different, US Navy ships entered the Black Sea, ready to support the new government of Ukraine.

And then Crimea exploded. Supported by Sevastopol, they kicked out the Ukrainian troops, held a referendum, and asked to come under the wing of their historical Motherland - Russia. She accepted Crimea with joy. US Navy ships were forced to withdraw.

But after Crimea, other former Russians from Kharkov, Donetsk, Lugansk, Kramatorsk, Odessa and other cities in southeastern Ukraine asked to come to Russia. Transnistria joined them. Logically, they should all have received the same reception as the Crimean people. After all, Crimea was annexed to Russia under the banner of protecting the Russian-speaking population from Ukrainian chauvinists and out of fear that the Crimean naval base of Sevastopol could be occupied by NATO troops. Both factors are extremely important for Russia.

The south-east of Ukraine actively held a referendum, despite Putin's strange request to hold off on it, received an overwhelming number of votes of support, announced the creation of Novorossiya, returning to the historical name of the region, and turned to Russia with a request to join, as Crimea did earlier, as Transnistria did this too.

But a metamorphosis has occurred in Russian politics. Defense Minister Shoigu rattled his sabers by holding military exercises near the borders of Ukraine and unexpectedly withdrew troops from the borders. And immediately after this, the illegal government of Ukraine, which came to power through fire and sniper shots, began the so-called anti-terrorist operation to clean up the southeast. And, if after the murder of one person by a sniper in Crimea there was a flurry of indignation and all measures were taken to prevent the repetition of terrorist acts, then first dozens, and then hundreds of deaths in Donbass and Lugansk due to the fault of Ukrainian security forces, bombings and rocket attacks on Slavyansk, Kramatorsk, Lugansk and Donetsk, the burning of civilians in Odessa due to the fault of the right sector only ends in diplomatic negotiations with appeals to the world community to bring the Ukrainian authorities to order.

At a recent meeting with French journalists, Russian President V.V. Putin, answering direct questions, explained that Crimea was annexed to Russia by decision of a popular referendum, as for Ukraine and its southeast, there are no Russian military there and there have never been any, and, moreover, Russia does not intend to interfere in the affairs of Ukraine .

Novorossiya fights from last bit of strength. Every day, civilians die there, thousands of refugees leave the country, and due to the blockade of cities by Ukrainian troops, the population faces a humanitarian catastrophe. The cry of despair of the commander of the defense of Novorossiya, Strelkov, calls for help.

At the same time, US President Obama meets with the elected President of Ukraine Poroshenko and promises him economic assistance, promises to send military specialists, although they are already there, promises to send body armor and respond to other needs. Ukraine is creating its own triple alliance directed against Russia.

And Russia, like the once hesitant Yanukovych, continues the negotiation process, handing over the Russian population of Ukraine to destruction and genocide, and handing over the Ukrainians themselves to the fascist authorities. Having surrendered the south-east of Ukraine, having surrendered Ukraine itself, we will surrender Crimea, we will see again Navy The United States is on our shores of the Black Sea, we will see NATO troops in Ukraine near our borders and surrender Russia.

All this could have been stopped on the Maidan. This can and should be stopped now, although this will now require much more strength. But if we want to stay great Russia, we must stop fascism in Ukraine. The further into the forest, the more firewood. Isn't this clear?

The traditional role of the family of small interfering RNAs (siRNAs), small RNA molecules that do not code for proteins, is considered to be the repression of gene activity and, in particular, protein synthesis. However, a new study has shown (for the umpteenth time!) that the functions of one of the groups of these molecules - microRNAs - are much broader: in certain cases they can stimulate translation rather than block it.

In the last ten to fifteen years, the basic dogma of molecular biology (“DNA → RNA → protein”) has been significantly weakened and expanded due to the fact that a great many molecular mechanisms have been discovered that stand out from this harmonious concept. The discoveries associated with short, non-protein-coding RNA molecules were revolutionary: this included the famous phenomenon of RNA interference (noted by the Nobel Prize shortly after its discovery) and other mechanisms of RNA-dependent gene repression. One of the types of short RNAs - micro-RNAs (miRNAs; miRNA) is actively involved in the processes individual development organism, including temporal control, death, cell proliferation and differentiation, embryonic organ formation. They fine-tune gene expression at the post-transcriptional level, thereby adding another layer of complexity to the sophisticated mechanism of intracellular regulation. Originally discovered in a "laboratory" nematode C. elegans, miRNAs were then discovered in many plants and animals, and more recently in single-celled organisms.

Previously, it was believed that short RNAs are used by cells in the process of RNA interference for the specific degradation of unnecessary or harmful RNAs - in particular, this is how a cell can destroy foreign genetic material of viruses, related retrotransposons and other mobile elements, as well as RNA formed as a result of transcription genomic repeat sequences. Therefore, it was logical to assume that short RNAs serve as a kind of prototype of the “immune system” inside the cell. As our understanding of the participants and mechanisms of RNA-dependent gene repression developed, more and more new interesting features, the rich variety of ways of implementing this repression existing in nature was revealed.

The mechanism of action of most miRNAs is in many ways similar to RNA interference - a short (21–25 bases) single-stranded RNA as part of a protein complex (the key component of which is a protein of the Argonaute) bind with high specificity to the complementary region in the 3′-untranslated region (3′-UTR) of the target mRNA. In plants whose miRNAs are completely complementary to a segment of the target mRNA, binding leads to cleavage of the mRNA by the protein Argonaute right in the middle of the miRNA–mRNA duplex - a situation closest to “classical” RNA interference. In animals, miRNAs are not completely complementary to their target, and the result of binding is different. For a long time it was believed that binding leads to translational suppression (the mechanism of which still remains a mystery) and does not cause any noticeable degradation of the target mRNA. However, it was later convincingly demonstrated that for most miRNAs this is not the case - proteins forming a complex with miRNAs stimulate the degradation of target mRNA, attracting enzymes that remove the cap at the 5′ end and shorten the poly(A) tail at the 3′ end. end of the mRNA. (This is where the degradation of mRNAs that have served their purpose usually begins.) Surprisingly, it is still not entirely clear whether the suppression of translation is a cause or a consequence of the onset of mRNA degradation.

Meanwhile, life once again demonstrates its reluctance to fit into any clear-cut schemes: in the laboratory of Joan Steitz ( Joan Steitz) it was found that siRNAs can effectively suppress translation by binding not only to the 3′ untranslated region of mRNA, but also to the 5′ UTR. And recently in the magazine Science another article from this successful laboratory appeared. It says that under certain conditions (reminiscent of cells going into “hibernation” when they are cultivated in the absence of serum in a nutrient medium), the interaction of miRNA and target mRNA leads to a strictly opposite effect - enhancing synthesis target protein. This was shown for the mRNA of one of the cytokines, tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α), and the miRNA miR369-3, and then confirmed for the let7-a and miRcxcr4 miRNAs paired with artificially constructed mRNA targets.

Figure 1. In an actively dividing cell, miRNA binds to a complementary sequence in the 3′ untranslated region of mRNA and inhibits protein synthesis (translation). However, in a resting cell, the same event leads to exactly the opposite effect.

Interestingly, the effect of the same miRNA depended on the state of the cells: in dividing cells, miRNA suppressed mRNA translation, and in quiescent cells (temporarily left the cell cycle), on the contrary, it stimulated (Fig. 1). It is also interesting that miRNAs acted as part of a complex containing proteins Argonaute 2 And FXR1(although the human genome encodes 4 related proteins of the family Argonaute, and all of them deal with miRNA to one degree or another). It is these proteins that play the main role in the mechanism of the observed phenomenon, while miRNAs perform the function of a “replaceable adapter” through which proteins interact with various mRNA targets.

The question of the mechanism of action, as well as the avalanche of other, more specific questions raised by this publication, remain unanswered. But I remember the time when the phenomenon of RNA interference was just discovered - how clear everything was to us then and how logical it seemed!.. But now we can only shrug our shoulders - the further into the forest, the more firewood.


  1. MicroRNAs were discovered for the first time in a single-celled organism;
  2. Grigorovich S. (2003). Small RNAs in big science. Part 1. The phenomenon of small RNAs. scientific.ru;
  3. J. R. Lytle, T. A. Yario, J. A. Steitz. (2007). Target mRNAs are repressed as efficiently by microRNA-binding sites in the 5" UTR as in the 3" UTR. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 104 , 9667-9672;
  4. S. Vasudevan, Y. Tong, J. A. Steitz. (2007). Switching from Repression to Activation: MicroRNAs Can Up-Regulate Translation. Science. 318 , 1931-1934;
  5. Nicole Rusk. (2008). When microRNAs activate translation. Nat Methods. 5 , 122-123.

Selection scary comics in the setting of rural America.

To bookmarks

Fans of the horror genre are familiar firsthand with the oppressive atmosphere of American forests. You don’t have to look far for examples: you can recall both classics like Sam Raimi’s The Evil Dead and the experimental The Cabin in the Woods, directed by Drew Goddard.

However, this setting was used not only by filmmakers, but also by many comic book authors, whose key works this collection will introduce you to. More material you will find about comics in my telegram channel.


Eric Powell - creator of the legendary comic The Goon. Having completed the epic saga, the author changed course to more local stories in his new fantasy universe. A stern-looking protagonist with a mysterious origin, who travels the world and encounters evil spirits from myths and legends. Doesn't remind you of anything? Analogies with Hellboy suggest themselves, but already in the first issue it becomes obvious that the comics are different both in spirit and in execution.

During the creation of The Goon, Powell practiced his craft of screenplay and art, achieving high level in Hillbilly. Drawing inspiration from Appalachian folklore, the author uses a distinctive mountain accent in the dialogue to add authenticity to the work.

In this comic he moved away from the long format plot novel with many characters and twisting plots, focusing on short but captivating plots. The main character loves to listen, tell and discuss stories. At the same time, as in life, stories change from storyteller to storyteller, inviting the reader to decide for himself: what is true and what is fiction.

To convey the mood, Powell actively works with colors: the main part of the world is made in muted yellow-brown shades, with sharp pencil lines, like a rough sketch in a notebook. At the same time, the author has an impressive range of visual styles, without turning the comic into a dull yellow mess. Powell enjoys working with mythological bestiary: here you will find many-faced wolves, insidious witches, familiar trolls and creatures characteristic of Appalachia, which you have hardly heard of before.

Overall, a great story that combines a unique fantasy universe with horror elements and great dialogues about repentance, love spells and stupid people.

Harrow County

A teenage and sometimes rather naive comic book that talks, among other things, about the problems of growing up. The story of Harrow County is dedicated to the conflict between a girl and the villagers, who are confident that she is the next incarnation of a powerful witch who was once killed. In an attempt to prove her innocence, the main character discovers that she actually has a connection with supernatural beings.

After this, the plot of the work begins to develop rapidly, and many secondary characters appear on the stage. Cullen Bunn, far from being the most talented screenwriter, performs surprisingly well in Harrow County. He is especially successful at intensifying the horror, which he creates using a simple formula: several pages are spent leading up to the spread, where the next monster appears in all its disgusting ugliness. A kind of analogue of jump scares from movies.

But the star of the comic is artist Tyler Crook, who is known for his work on B.P.R.D. The ability and love to draw monsters and “body horror” is what sets Harrow County authors apart from the rest. In addition to the horde of evil spirits, which range from skinless little boys to giant demons, the comic is replete with nauseating moments, such as people with disfigured faces, rotten food in which maggots swarm, and, of course, a lot of blood.

Freaks In The Heartland

A slow, moving story about the importance and, at the same time, depravity of family ties, about the deeply wounded and wretched - all this through the prism of a closed community.

Greg Ruth, a comic book artist known among other things for his illustrations based on Twin Peaks, did a masterful job of conveying the viscous atmosphere of the work. Autumn, dirty tones are ideal for depicting rural areas: dilapidated barns, endless fields and withered trees. With every frame you plunge into the abyss of hopelessness, saturated with hatred and fear.

Even though the general outline of the universe is unsaid and many elements remain behind the scenes, ignoring the reader’s questions, the comic focuses on the two-faced nature of family ties. The authors are more interested in talking about the ambiguous moral essence of ugliness, where the absence of physical flaws does not make you a good person.


Another work from the famous duo responsible for the crime comic 100 Bullets. Without parting with the gangsters, the authors add a pinch of horror and supernatural monsters to their new creation.

Moonshine will tell you a lot with its ambiguous name: having coveted excellent moonshine, polished gentlemen in jackets and with Thompson machine guns send their man to West Virginia in order to conclude a deal and arrange the supply of alcohol. As a result, the hero encounters a family clan of proud werewolves who do not need partners.

By setting the story in forests and swamps, Azzarello gives Risso complete carte blanche, emphasizing his irresistible love of contrast. Having gotten rid of contours, the artist enthusiastically depicts shadows that replace objects, buildings and even entire backgrounds. Whether it’s a hidden werewolf in the thicket of a forest, a character’s languid gaze, or a half-empty room, the artist invariably lines the frame with twilight.

In addition to the amazing art and monsters with bloody mouths, the comic contains reflections on the theme of loss - one of the main leitmotifs of Brian Azzarello. Main character Having lost a loved one, with every step deep into the wild lands he risks losing himself, forever getting lost in the madness of moonlight.

Hellboy The Crooked Man

Traveling through 1950s Virginia, a cult demon witnesses otherworldly interference and teams up with a local redneck as they both try to figure out what's going on here.

The drawing is not made by Mike Mignola himself, but by the legendary author and artist Richard Corben, who specializes in the horror genre and is known for his distinctive style, expressed in the grotesque masculinity of the characters. This time, instead of muscular monsters, Corben surrounds readers with endless tracts of coniferous forests. The stunning beauty of the original landscape in Richard's rough, sloppy drawing captivates and points to sinister secrets hidden in the depths of untouched nature.

While the drawing conveys the aesthetics most effectively one-story America, with all its crumbling chapels in the wilderness and wooden shacks inhabited by witches, the story focuses on the motives of return: returning home to origins, family reunion. Hellboy serves as a silent observer here, often remaining in the shadows or on the edge of the frame, giving way to the cursed little people who want to find peace in this dead land.

In general, comics are a very difficult medium for horror: the specificity of the image of frames and the absence of sounds pushes Mignola and Corben not to use standard “boo” moments and regular depiction of challenging elements on the pages of the comic, but to consistently build an oppressive atmosphere.

Gradually, page after page, the heroes plunge into the abyss of witchcraft, losing their comrades and all hope of redemption. When it’s all over, the reader will long remember the silent expanses of the mountains, dense forests and the crooked grin of the devil.

The material has been updated by the editors


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18. The further into the “forest”, the more “firewood”

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18. The further into the “forest”, the more “firewood” Meanwhile, time flowed as usual. Everyday life replaced each other. In May 1989, one very interesting experiment was carried out. It was conducted at the Brain Institute. In a special chamber into which no electromagnetic waves penetrate

Further into the forest - more firewood

From the book of Nature's beauty author Sanzharovsky Anatoly Nikiforovich

Further into the forest - more firewood. Further into the forest - more firewood, further into an argument - more words. People don’t go from forest to forest looking for firewood. Where wood is cut, there are wood chips. chop wood. Without arson, firewood does not burn. Wet firewood causes flooding,

More real estate - more problems - more money

From the book Real Estate Investments author Kiyosaki Robert Tohru

More real estate - more problemsmore money The next point in curriculum began taxes. Having sold three apartments, I put a lot of money in my pocket - and spent it. On next year I discovered that it was time to pay my taxes. I earned money

Further into the old days - more miracles

From the book Among Mysteries and Miracles author Rubakin Nikolay Alexandrovich

Further into the old days - more miracles When you read and leaf through such books, they smell like a distant, distant antiquity. There is a lot in ancient books that you will not find in new books. The ancient people had their own special language, special ways to express your thoughts, special

Further more…

From the book Investigative Journalism author Team of authors

Further - more... And then we draw attention to the fact that the names of the police officers who carried out the arrest or took part in all these three criminal cases... are repeated. And one - S-v - appears in all three cases. And then, finally, in the investigation service


From the book Choosing food - choosing fate author Nikolaev Valentin Yurievich

THE FURTHER, THE MORE QUESTIONS THERE ARE MORE QUESTIONS In our family, everyone has mastered fasting for a long time. Years passed, the children grew up, and when they lost their appetite, they simply didn’t eat for several days, and when they grew up, they used the classic RDT scheme. This method was mastered by our example and many

The farther - the more

From the book Laptezhnik against the “Black Death” [Review of the development and actions of German and Soviet attack aircraft during the Second World War] author Zefirov Mikhail Vadimovich

The further you go, the greater the number of attack pilots who received the title of Hero in 1943 Soviet Union, increased by thirty percent compared to last year. 43 people were awarded, fifteen of them posthumously. Number of combat sorties,

Secret 7: Live a full life, or How to make him want you more and more and more

From the book You Are a Goddess! How to drive men crazy by Forleo Marie

Take more, throw further

From the book Literary Newspaper 6299 (No. 44 2010) author Literary Newspaper

Take more, throw further Recent history Take more, throw further HOW WE WORK The 75th anniversary of Stakhanov’s labor feat prompted the media to remember labor productivity. About a topic that has been taboo for many years economic reforms. Because established in Russia

What is a dispute with the Creator? – Who will give more to the other?

From the book Book 21. Kabbalah. Questions and answers. Forum 2001 (old edition) author Laitman Michael

What is a dispute with the Creator? – Who will give more to the other Question: In the chapter “Vayikra” there is an episode of Abraham’s dispute with the Creator about the destruction of Sodom and Amora. How to understand this - a dispute with the Creator? And later in the Torah, Moshe also often argues with the Creator. Answer: Disputes with the Creator are allegorical

Chapter 18. 1. Dispute among the disciples about who is greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.

From the book Explanatory Bible by Lopukhin. The Gospel of Matthew by the author

Chapter 18. 1. Dispute among the disciples about who is greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven. 1. At that time the disciples came to Jesus and said: Who is greatest in the kingdom of heaven? (Mark 9:33, 34; Luke 9:46, 47). The parallel story of the weather forecasters (before Matt. 17:23; Mark 9:32; Luke 9:45) was interrupted by an insertion in Matt. 17:24-27 story about payment

Chapter 18 1. Dispute among the disciples about who is greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven

From the book The Explanatory Bible. Volume 9 author Lopukhin Alexander

Chapter 18 1. Dispute among the disciples about who is greatest in the kingdom of heaven 1. At that time the disciples came to Jesus and said, “Who is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” (Mark 9:33, 34; Luke 9:46, 47). The parallel story of the weather forecasters (before Matt. 17:23; Mark 9:32; Luke 9:45) was interrupted by an insertion in Matt. 17:24-27 story about payment

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