How to deal with bad luck: psychological and folk methods. Why you are unlucky in life: energetic reasons for failures and troubles

A lot of people are unlucky with work for various reasons. Let's leave them out. We will talk about people who, no matter where they get a job, are always unlucky. Either this is the job and the boss is a bad person, or the person specifically gets a job so that he can be fired.

No matter where you manage to get a job, after a while something goes wrong. A continuous streak of bad luck. And he explains the reason why he is unlucky with work in different ways: “It didn’t suit me. The boss is a rare idiot, and the team is rotten, they don’t let me work,” “They pay little, but the conditions are better at another job,” etc.

And everything would be fine, I’d get fired, go to the job forum and find another job, but it’s like a plot that plays out every time, and every time with the same ending.

Got a job, worked, got fired.

This begs the question - why are you unlucky with work? And how can you find the right one, so that everything suits you, so that you can climb the career ladder and earn big money? So that you don’t have to do what you don’t feel like doing. And finally have some luck!

And so year after year passes, while he marks time. Other people achieve new heights and climb the career ladder by leaps and bounds, but he is constantly unlucky with work.

How to make sure that good luck with work accompanies you and that the question is resolved - why are you unlucky with work? To make life more prosperous and fulfilling.

Why are you unlucky with work?

According to System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan, each person is naturally endowed with certain desires and all the properties for their implementation.

With the correct development of properties in childhood, a person learns to enjoy achieving his goals. He understands what he wants and knows how to achieve it. Therefore, the question - why he is unlucky with work and money - does not confront him.

Who then complains that he is unlucky with work and money?

Unlucky with work and money. One of the reasons

It all starts from childhood. The fact is that by nature a child with a skin vector is given ambitions that he must develop and realize. These ambitions manifest themselves in the desire to be first.

Whoever is first is a hero, and whoever is last is a loser! So these children compete in games, just as they will compete in careers or sports in the future. And usually the losing child with the skin vector suffers, because he wants to be first.

But by continuing to constantly train, the child achieves what he wants and gets his result. He still wins and gets great pleasure from his victory, from winning in the competition.

But if such a child was treated poorly in childhood: beaten and/or insulted. If he did not feel a sense of security and safety from his parents, the child’s psyche cannot stand it.

The psyche of such children is naturally flexible, as is their body. And the child’s flexible psyche, trying to protect itself from this suffering, is restructured to get rid of it. That is, his brain produces natural opiates (endrophins) that relieve pain. And the child begins to enjoy physical or verbal violence.

And this child, having matured, will ask the question “why is he unlucky with work and money?” But the fact is that he did not learn to enjoy the results achieved, but, on the contrary, only from failures.

All his ambitions come down not to achieving results from the work (efforts) done, but from its failure. That is, in the first case, a person tries to achieve a result, despite his failures and without stopping in his movement, and in the second, a person does not need a result, failure is enough for him. No luck with work!

In order to fully understand and figure out how you can change the current situation from “no luck with work” to “finally I found a suitable job,” you need to understand yourself, recognize your innate desires and abilities, and learn to apply them. This allows you to change the unfavorable life scenario laid down in childhood. You can learn how to do this at the free online training on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.

In the modern world, not all people manage to arrange their lives in such a way that they do not need anything and live comfortably. The majority suffers from a lack of funds, attention, love, amenities and other things. You will find out what to do if you are unlucky by reading this publication to the end. In it you will find not only discussions on the topic of luck, but also practical recommendations that can significantly improve your life.

The article, entitled “What to do if you’re unlucky,” appeared thanks to a message from one of the readers of the “Advise!” site. To understand what we are talking about, read it:

Good afternoon What to do if there are constant setbacks throughout the year mainly concerns money. Perhaps there is something abnormal with me!? Thank you in advance.

Causes of troubles

Unfavorable fate is the main reason why you constantly have bad luck. What to do in this case? Most astrologers agree that you cannot change your life. It is believed that everything that is given from above is a certain standard that permeates a person through and through and influences her behavior and the events in which she finds herself. However, experienced Feng Shui masters easily manipulate their destinies and those that are “prescribed” for their clients.

Wrong choices and stupid actions are the second aspect due to which many people are unlucky. What to do if you can’t think correctly and act without harming yourself? Self-control is needed here. People choose what is harmful to them and has a bad effect on their lives, because they are influenced by the same forces that keep the destiny program in balance. If you act thoughtlessly, then everything will happen as “as intended by heaven” or even worse.

Believing that you are unlucky is also one of the factors contributing to the emergence of unpleasant situations and problems. What to do when you are convinced that you are unsuccessful? Of course, you need to start convincing yourself of the opposite. This is very difficult, however, it completely eliminates the wrong attitude and false mental attitudes.

How to find luck?

In this part of the publication I will tell you what you need to do to get lucky. Let's start, perhaps, with the origins of all failures - fate. Its turns can be significantly softened and completely change the course of events if you then practice it. I myself suffered from all sorts of problems until I became seriously interested in Feng Shui.

Now I don’t ask what to do if I’m unlucky. After all, my life has become completely different. There are no unpleasant moments, suffering, lack, failures and other “not...” in it. To experience the first positive changes in your life, make small rearrangements in your home, focusing on your gua number. You can calculate it if you use .

What should you do to get lucky when the number of gua has already been determined? You need to read from which sides of the world favorable energy comes to you, and from which negative energy. You are probably unlucky at the moment simply because you are sleeping with your head in the direction of “total collapse.” Place the head of the bed in the direction of your “best source of qi” and you will be much luckier. Life will immediately transform, and the negative attitude will completely disappear.

To always be lucky, people who study Feng Shui know what to do. One of the rules of this unconventional science is that all favorable directions of light supply a living being with creative energy. And the negative ones are the opposite. In your best directions you need to sleep with your head and turn your face. For example, if you work at your desk or watch TV in the direction of the “heavenly doctor,” your health will improve significantly. And by turning in the direction of “harmony in marriage”, you can find your soulmate or improve your real relationship. “Personal development” - allows you to find a well-paid job, pass exams successfully and start your own business.

How to become a lucky person?

The previous paragraph provided practical recommendations that will allow you to actually get rid of problems that have become habitual for you. Now let’s think about how to set yourself up so that you don’t have to think anymore about what to do if you’re unlucky. As mentioned above in this article, a flow of favorable energy helps change a negative attitude. Feng Shui helps to figure out where it comes from and navigate the room. Therefore, the very first step is to follow the recommendations given in the previous part of the publication.

Then think about how to become a lucky and successful person. This idea needs to be thoroughly explored. To do this, drink hot sweet cocoa, wrap yourself in your favorite blanket, lie down on your bed or sofa, relax and think. Surely thoughts will begin to arise in your head about how you can become a more successful person. Don't think about what to do when you're unlucky. You need to think about ways to achieve what you need. If you can’t come up with anything, then repeat this exercise every day until you start to have a lot of interesting and inspiring ideas.

Many women think about how to become successful and happy, including the author of the message thanks to which this publication was written. But they don’t think at all that it is necessary to imagine the way to achieve what they want. Most of the unconventional teachings suggest focusing on the result. In this case, it is believed that the universe will respond and itself will find ways to achieve what a person wants. However, no one managed to achieve their goals using this scheme. You should plan your route. And it doesn’t matter if you want to get from one part of the city to another or if you want to find your happiness, calling, stability.

Do you often wonder what to do if you are unlucky? Give it up, forget about it. Think correctly, for example, how to achieve wealth of a thousand dollars a month. What thoughts do you have when you do this? I'm sure you immediately began to think about it. This is already the right thinking, which leads to security. Do you want to find happiness? Also, ask yourself the right questions and you will find the right solutions.

How to become a successful person in life?

Now the time has come to respond to the woman’s message, which is given in the second paragraph of this article. She asks what to do if she is unlucky, believing that something is wrong with her. In fact, the reasons lie not only in a person’s perception of his life, environment and events, but mostly in fate. To soften its blows, you need to become convinced of your own inferiority. You should learn to value yourself, you need to find dignity in yourself and your actions.

For example, after another failure, you don’t need to think about what to do if you’re unlucky, but should first react calmly, as if nothing had happened. Consciousness will not concentrate on this event, and therefore will not provoke new unpleasant moments. And when you have done something very well, for example, washed the floor, you need to mentally praise yourself for this action. Don't forget to shower yourself with laurels for the deliciously prepared borscht. Thus, consciousness learns to look for the best in everyday life and then creates events on which you concentrate.

From all this it follows that in order to become a lucky and successful person, you need to think positively about yourself, about your life and praise yourself for a good deed, for every correct and useful action. Thus, a habit is developed - to experience pleasure in life, and when it takes root, everyday life will automatically change for the better. And then you will no longer need to think about what to do if you are unlucky.

But only a few are able to make this dream a reality, because not everyone is capable of earning millions, and somehow you don’t want to get them in a dubious way. Gradually, a person begins to think about how to find a way out of such a situation and whether there is any way to improve his financial situation. Let’s try to figure out together what is preventing the flow of money.

Why doesn't the money come to us?

There are three main reasons why we are unlucky with money:

  1. These are usually negative mental attitudes related to finances.

The most common reason why people are unlucky with money is that a person is hampered by his personal principles, worldview and conservative views. For example, some are confident that finance will come to them only if they earn it with their own hands, and nothing more. Such people simply do not recognize easier ways to increase income, such as winning the lottery or receiving capital by inheritance. This approach can close the money channel, and you will not have alternative sources of income for a long time. Money will come to you only after you earn it yourself.

These principles and thoughts that limit a person’s actions usually prevent him from looking for additional income opportunities. They can become a serious obstacle on the path to long-awaited prosperity, because a person gets used to thinking like this, and giving up his beliefs is not so easy. It’s better to try to get rid of these thoughts and remember the proverb that money, as everyone knows, has no smell. Of course, if you are not going to earn them dishonestly, by deceiving other people, but simply will not receive pleasant monetary surprises, even if you received these bills without much effort.

2. Fear of big money

Another negative attitude that many people find true is the idea that big money comes with risk and danger. Some people are afraid to keep finances not only at home, but even in bank accounts - they constantly think that they can be robbed or deceived by scammers. Subconsciously, such a person will strive to spend most of the salary received as soon as possible, forgetting that money needs to be saved and saved. This approach to money can even leave you without the last penny.

3. Memories from the past

Another, third, reason why people fail to earn a significant amount of money is memories from the past associated with negative life experiences related to finance. For example, someone could simply be robbed on the street after receiving their paycheck and the entire amount taken, while someone else lost their business and became a victim of financial fraud. A person cannot forget this situation for a long period of time; he is tormented by fears that it may happen again in the future. Such suspicious people are afraid to open their own business and invest money in various projects, preferring to work in low-paid jobs.

4. Low self-esteem

The fourth reason for bad luck in the financial sphere may be a person’s low self-esteem. Money loves self-confident people who know their worth. If you are not self-confident, unsure of your capabilities, or are simply afraid to try yourself in something new, for example, get a higher-paying job, then be prepared for the fact that you will not have money for a long time.

How can you make money love you?

There are several simple ways to attract monetary energy into your home. If you are determined to get rid of financial failures, general cleaning of your house or apartment will help you. Throw out all the trash and old things that have accumulated in the house, buy several money talismans and place them in prominent places. And, of course, put your thoughts in order. Stop being sad and overthinking yourself, just believe that everything will work out for you soon. Convince yourself that you can not only earn money, but also receive it.

Try these tips and you will understand and can easily solve this problem.

In adolescence, this problem is especially acute. Complexes immediately develop. There is no boyfriend, which means it didn’t happen. It serves as a kind of indicator. And the question is very often asked: “Why does everyone except me have it? Why am I lonely? Years will pass and this girl will most likely think: why am I unlucky with men?

Why am I lonely - reasons for female loneliness

The absence of a young man can really cause a girl to develop many complexes about her appearance, character, and intelligence.

Precisely, in order to eradicate them and not feel driven and lonely on those evenings when other girls go on dates, she intensively thinks about what to do if there is no guy.

She is looking for some shortcomings in herself, poking around in her past to find gaps in relationships. The consequence of this behavior is a strict diet, low self-esteem and often nervous breakdowns. Who will love this?

You need to love yourself, no matter what thoughts and complexes that arise from time to time. Even if you can’t find your soul mate yet. There is no need to feel inferior about this, be complete yourself. You never know that everyone has boyfriends. Firstly, not everyone has it - it just seems so, and secondly, not all of these couples have long-lasting relationships. You don't need someone for a while, do you? Although anything is possible. In order to avoid boredom in the evenings, you can, at least for a change, go on dates with that person with whom you know that nothing more will work out.

If you're lonely, take a look at yourself

However, every girl understands that she wants real love, not a temporary relationship. It is very rare to find someone who is able to force herself to love someone who did not initially spark a spark in her heart or, in extreme cases, her eyes. Think about it, maybe you’re hanging out in the wrong groups where your date might be. It is possible that your interests differ from everyone you know.

Try meeting a guy on the Internet. This may not necessarily be a public social network. Find some site where people have the same hobbies as you. There you will quickly find like-minded people, occupy your free time and make many new acquaintances. Perhaps this is how you can meet your future lover.

And if you’re already tired of thinking about what to do if there’s no boyfriend, why you’re lonely, then talk to your friends. They won't give bad advice. Knowing you, they may be able to find a man suitable for you among their friends, with whom you have not yet met.

Many women wonder: why am I single and at the same time pathetically exclaim: “Well, no luck, that’s all! But..." Next comes a list of names of the "lucky ones", including many women I know. But not you. You have fallen out of this cage. And, but in your opinion, forever. “Apparently, this is fate.”

One of my friends, a psychologist, used a killer phrase in her practice. When another “unfortunate woman” came to see her, complaining that “all her friends are in couples, only I’m single,” she interrupted her and asked: “Please tell me, why do you want to get married?”

After that, the woman’s mouth silently opened and closed, like that of a fish thrown ashore. She didn't know how to answer this question. And really, why? If you answer this question essentially, then congratulations.

But, as a rule, after a short confusion, the woman begins to cheerfully, bending her fingers to herself, list the list of “joys” of marriage: having children - one; have her own house - two (as if she now lives on the street or in a garbage dump); take care of someone - three (this includes preparing breakfast, lunch and dinner, washing, ironing, going to shops and markets, taking the child to kindergarten, and then to school - ugh! Enough?)...

It turns out to be an interesting picture: a woman is dying to be with someone. And often it doesn’t matter with whom, just to be (in the future, this circumstance will play a fatal role in her life). She does not perceive herself as an independent, mature person, which is why she sometimes has no luck with men. It seems to her, both consciously and unconsciously, that she will be able to develop to her full potential, to show everything that she is capable of, only by being married.

And a woman perceives her life only as a prelude to the real one that will come to her when she puts a wedding ring on her finger and puts a stamp in her passport. There is nothing more dangerous than this delusion! Why?

Yes, because this woman is alone with herself, she risks living her whole life at the station waiting for her train. There is such a famous surreal play “Waiting for Godot”, the meaning of which boils down to the fact that everyone is waiting for a certain Godot, but he never appears. So a woman can live her whole life “waiting for Godot.”

Why I have no luck with men. I’ll repeat my favorite phrase once again: “A person,” as a rule, gets everything he wants, just not at the moment when he needs it most.”

Law of fate? Nature's mockery?

A woman dreams of marriage, a woman simply rushes into marriage, like a frisky, zealous horse - to freedom. She wants to be tied up and ringed. But it just doesn’t work!

Why I have no luck with men and am lonely

There are many answers here.

Firstly, because men do not like the matrimonial sparkle in their eyes. It scares them to death. As well as phrases dropped as if by chance like “I really love children, and you?” (option: “...We will put the beds here”) or “The most important thing in life is a strong family rear.”

A couple of such phrases - and I give an absolute guarantee that your gentleman will quickly melt into the air, like an invisible man. And you will cry, bite your elbows and throw the same question into the void: “No luck again! Why, oh why am I unlucky with men?

Never show a man your interest in him as a potential husband. Don't show how much you are in love with him! This is absolutely not worth doing. A slight touch of cold has never harmed anyone; on the contrary, it teases the imagination and inspires awe.

The fact is that a man, in the presence of a woman who is passionately in love with him, gradually begins to feel awkward; he wants, simply put, like a naughty schoolboy, to run away from her. A woman is not supposed to be chanting a man! The man begins to feel an inner fear that he has been mistaken for someone else.

Well, he, small and plump (or tall and skinny, or stupid and impractical - the list goes on and on) cannot inspire such strong feelings in a woman! And then, you also need to correspond to these feelings. And this is very annoying. What if this is necessary? Does he not have enough worries of his own? And the man leaves your life in English, that is, without saying goodbye. Or, after all, saying goodbye, but this is little consolation.

Why you have no luck with men: mistakes of single women

Men are not at all eager to solve your life problems. The main mistake of women who wonder: why am I single? is that they often view men as a universal remedy that will help them solve all their accumulated problems at once.

However, men are also not blind and also want someone to share their problems with them. Remember the old, old joke about the Jewish wife who is “not a luxury, but a means of transportation”? Does this remind you of anything? Maybe you want to buy yourself a “vehicle” to a bright future, as well as a “money printing machine” and many other useful and necessary things?

For God's sake, buy whatever you want, just explain to me, please, what does marriage have to do with it?!

When you enter into marriage with these basic prerequisites, after a while you find yourself in the position of a horse that has come to the finish line. What's next? Well, she came, well she received (if she received it, that is, the best option came true). And now?

Participate in a new race, that is, change your husband in order to solve completely different problems that this spouse is not able to cope with? In passing, it should be noted that this type of woman exists. They change men like gloves to improve their social and material status.

But this, as they say, is a completely different type and character that few women possess. And the external data in this case should be very, very above average. Otherwise, there's no point in trying. (And over the years they, that is, external data, inevitably fade away.)

So, there is only one conclusion. If you want to know why I am lonely, why I have no luck with men, deal with your problems yourself, without pinning them on anyone.

The point is that many women gradually begin to feel a strong psychological dependence on a man. It seems to them that the whole world has converged on him like a wedge. There is a humorous test that will help you determine the degree of affection you have for your partner.

Unfortunately, most women suffer from psychological dependence syndrome. This seems to me to be a kind of disease that should not be neglected and that must be treated on time.

A harmless, at first glance, desire in body and soul for a loved one, the desire to be with him every minute and adapt to his tastes and preferences can take a woman very far, so far that she will not even notice how she will turn into the shadow of her partner.

A shadow that has no needs or goals of its own. In this way, the woman deprives herself of the opportunity to create a stronger, more stable and harmonious relationship with another man. That's why I have no luck with men.

She gradually completely loses her own “I”, becomes angry and irritable, even her appearance undergoes changes, and not for the better: her lips become pursed, her eyes become tense, her movements become sharp and impetuous. And then she starts pestering her friends with the question: why is she having no luck with men?

It would be interesting for such “obsessed” women to look at themselves from the outside. I think that they have no idea how strong the changes that have happened to them lately are. If they had seen it, they might have thought and stopped.

Conclusion: live your own life. Stop endlessly wondering: Why am I lonely? It has long been noted that nothing conquers a man more than a woman’s confidence and independence. He is drawn to such a woman, she attracts and beckons him. Perhaps this happens because subconsciously he feels: he will not have problems with this woman, on the contrary, she can take over and solve his problems.

You must build your life regardless of external circumstances and rely more on yourself than on others. Don’t be a naive girl looking for support and support in a man. Become your own support. It's better and more worthy.

Unlucky with men: bad luck or your character?

Well, okay, you say, but how do you still attract a man? Why am I lonely? Re-read the above text again. And then do self-hypnosis. Very cool thing.

We must always remember that the subconscious plays an important role in our lives. Everything that we consciously “imprint” on our subcortex will sooner or later take on a material form. Therefore, mentally draw a portrait of your lover or future husband.

It is best if these are not external characteristics, but a set of certain qualities and advantages that you would like to see in your future chosen one. The most important thing is not a shadow of irony.

On the contrary, tune in to the seriousness of the moment, sit in a comfortable chair in the evening, close your eyes, relax, enter a state of peace and harmony. Now say the following words in your mind with conviction:

“I feel like a man is striving for me - honest, kind, generous, sincere, happy and wealthy. I know that there is a principle of irresistible attraction. I call for a man who meets all my expectations and aspirations. I am unshakably convinced that everything I believe in will come true... I know that I can give peace and happiness to this man. We have the same ideals. We will be bound by feelings of love and mutual respect.”

Repeat these words every evening. Awaken the best in yourself - love, devotion, openness.

But don't think about how, where and when you will find your life partner. Trust the wisdom of your subconscious and intuition. They don't need your tips. We are what we think. And please forget the words “why am I unlucky with men.”

There is another way - the path of love magic. It is no coincidence that many newspapers are full of advertisements: “I will bewitch, I will return my loved one.” Have you turned to fortune tellers and magicians? No? You did the right thing - you saved your money. But if you still want to bewitch, try it. I have written down the most effective recipes for love magic for you in the “Secret Notebook”.

Failure, loser - words that we don’t like to say; one might say, we are afraid. For centuries people have tried to attract good luck to themselves with the help of various amulets, rituals and spells. It is believed that luck is a capricious thing and is not subject to logic and laws.

Some blame themselves for their failures, while others blame anyone and anything around them: from neighbors to the government and spots on the Sun. Perhaps both are right. But, unfortunately, we have no control over sunspots, but trying to change something in ourselves in order to grab Lady Fortune by the tail is quite possible. To do this, we need to think a little and determine what prevents us from being lucky.

1. Lack of information and understanding of what is happening

While we receive a variety of knowledge at school, we, however, for the most part are not ready to connect the information received into a common cause-and-effect pattern in real life. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, the volume of knowledge we receive is very large, and it is not surprising to get lost in this information flow. Secondly, the modern education system, having moved away from the academic principles of presenting information, has predominantly concentrated on the so-called “mosaic” method of teaching, when knowledge is given not from the point of view of the system as a whole, but separately for each discipline, without understanding the relationships between various disciplines. Be that as it may, when leaving the school walls into real life, we need to try a lot to, with the help of self-education, logic and intuition, “sew” the mosaic we received into a real solid canvas, and thereby facilitate the understanding of the life processes taking place around us.

2. Psychological ignorance

As practice shows, knowledge of psychology is one of the foundations for achieving success in life. Unfortunately, most of us live with various childhood psychological traumas laid down by harmful programs, and do not even suspect that we can get rid of this burden pulling us back in order to look at the world with completely different eyes. Only a few of our fellow citizens know how to properly build relationships with loved ones, work colleagues and friends, and cope with their own emotions... and without this it is so difficult to achieve success in many areas of our lives!

3. Banal laziness

The danger of laziness is that it perfectly mimics, masquerading as all sorts of reasons and reasons for inaction. Of course, there are cases when such inaction is not laziness - for example, decision-making extended over time at a certain stage does not imply active action. But in most situations, alas, it is laziness that prevents us from achieving much in our lives. Only we ourselves can determine whether we are lazy, or whether there are objective reasons for our inaction. Psychologists define laziness as the absence of clearly necessary actions without objective reasons. If you once again internally argue for your inaction, try to be honest with yourself: is there really an objective reason for it?

4. Spiritual immaturity

As a rule, we are all so deeply immersed in our problems that we forget to simply enjoy the fresh morning and the beginning of the day. Our argument, as a rule, is invincible: I have problems, I have no time for joy! But in vain. It is the ability to see small bright moments in life that helps us tune in to perceive great joy. If a person is spiritually focused only on his problems, he is unlikely to be able to get out of them.

5. Lack of logical thinking

Many problems in a person’s life arise from the fact that he draws the wrong conclusions from what is happening and incorrectly plans the necessary actions that can help correct the situation. The reason for this is weak logical thinking, the inability to ask yourself and others the right questions, which, as we know, already contain half the answers. In my opinion, a logic exam should be made mandatory for graduates of any educational institution, because it is logical thinking that helps us avoid making mistakes.

6. Lack of paradoxical thinking

A paradox is a combination of seemingly incompatible things. It would seem, why do we need this in life? But it is the ability to combine incompatible things that is often the key to success and making the right decision. Train your brain by periodically pushing your thoughts beyond conventional boundaries, and one day this skill will serve you well.

7. Indecisiveness and cowardice

You will be horrified if you find out how many people around you are being prevented from becoming happy and successful... by excessive modesty. “The whole world is for others, but I need to move on” - it’s hard to imagine a more destructive thought than this. How many unfinished deeds, untaken first steps are buried in our past precisely thanks to our cowardice and indecision! How many missed moments, chances, opportunities were ruined as a result of hesitation and empty fears! Modesty, of course, adorns a person... but only if there is something to decorate. Think about it.

8. Life is a draft

You can often see how people, seemingly quite capable of coping with certain circumstances in their lives, react to them as if they were first-graders with two notebooks: a first copy and a draft. In a draft you can “try”, make a mistake, write carelessly – right? So in real life, such people act as if they were writing in a draft - half-heartedly. Meanwhile, life does not forgive such an attitude towards oneself. There are no rough days or hours in it, and what’s more, there aren’t even rough seconds, everything is serious, everything is real, “all over the place.” As soon as you understand this, the need for a “draft” will disappear, and the intention to do something seriously will entail a certain potential that will give you strength and your business success.

9. Health problems

Our body is not such an eternal luxury that we should treat it with disdain. Strength diminishes over time, problems and illnesses appear. To prevent your body from letting you down at a crucial moment, pay regular attention to it. Do morning exercises, go to the gym or pool, monitor your health, and visit doctors if necessary. The longer you manage to maintain your health, the more productive and successful your life will be.

10. Awareness of your desires and goals

Often our life is useless and empty if we don’t know what we want. Try to always be aware of your desires and the reasons for their occurrence. Clearly setting a goal greatly facilitates the path to achieving it. Are you not rich and “want to get rich”? What for? How do you intend to manage the money? And how many do you need? Try to clearly build this chain in your mind, and see for yourself: this way it is much easier to achieve success and luck.

11. Nothing comes for free

This truth should be remembered by everyone, starting from a very tender age. The love of free things has never made anyone happy. The crumbs picked up “for free” from Lady Life’s table have never brought any good to anyone. You need to realize that everything you want to receive must be earned - with your brains, hands, resourcefulness, ingenuity, strength... Nothing in this life is given for free, this is the law.

12. Freedom and responsibility

If a person suddenly gains freedom, he, as a rule, immediately feverishly looks for someone to give it to. Alas, this is how most of us work. Freedom is responsibility, the ability to be responsible for your choices and actions. This is not available to everyone. You need to have a certain courage to feel free and make your own decisions.

13. Fear of publicity

Take a closer look at blogs and forums. Are there many participants on them who show their own faces in their profiles? Fear of publicity, fear of standing out from the crowd is one of the foundations on which a loser stands. “Let them be in the crowd, as long as they don’t notice!” But if they don’t notice, then everyone won’t notice. And Luck – including...

14. Lack of intuition

Intuitive instinct, inner voice is a very important factor that cannot be discounted. Our intuition, it would seem, is like a computer's RAM: it produces hints and solutions that seem to be based on nothing. Meanwhile, this is not so. Our intuition is based on the totality of knowledge already accumulated in the process of life and acquired experience, but sometimes we are not able to trace all these logical chains. Trust her! If you don't hear your inner voice, luck will pass you by more often.

15. Negative perception of the experience gained

Let's say you are left without a great job for reasons that are beyond your control. How will you act - like a loser or like a lucky person? The loser will endlessly complain about what happened, look for reasons, blame the former bosses, the government, the stars that lie askew in the sky... and in the end he will remain without a job. Fortune's minion will just shrug his shoulders and smile: how many wonderful opportunities his dismissal opens up for him! Maybe this is a chance to change your profession, to realize yourself in a long-desired field? Remember that if the world takes away one opportunity from you, it will certainly give you another in return. Know how to find positive aspects in what is happening, and luck will definitely put you in the saddle!

The problems listed do not necessarily all apply to you. But read more carefully, and, most likely, you will find manifestations of your own behavior and reactions at some points. Try to get rid of what prevents you from becoming successful. In the end, just try changing something in your life for a while and see what it does for your luck.

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