Unusual scientific facts. The most interesting facts in nature, science and technology

Newborns typically have about 270 bones, most of which are very small. This makes the skeleton more flexible and helps the baby pass through the birth canal and grow quickly. As we grow older, many of these bones fuse together. The adult human skeleton consists on average of 200–213 bones.

2. The Eiffel Tower grows 15 centimeters in summer

The huge structure is built with temperature expansion joints, allowing the steel to expand and contract without any damage.

When steel heats up, it begins to expand and takes up more volume. This is called thermal expansion. Conversely, a drop in temperature leads to a decrease in volume. For this reason, large structures, such as bridges, are built with expansion joints that allow them to change in size without damage.

3. 20% of oxygen comes from the Amazon rainforest


The Amazon rainforest covers 5.5 million square kilometers. The Amazon jungle produces a significant portion of the oxygen on Earth, absorbing huge amounts of carbon dioxide, which is why it is often called the lungs of the planet.

4. Some metals are so reactive that they explode even when in contact with water.

Some metals and compounds - potassium, sodium, lithium, rubidium and cesium - exhibit increased chemical activity, so they can ignite with lightning speed when in contact with air, and if they are placed in water, they can even explode.

5. A teaspoon of a neutron star would weigh 6 billion tons.

Neutron stars are the remains of massive stars, consisting mainly of a neutron core covered with a relatively thin (about 1 km) crust of matter in the form of heavy atomic nuclei and electrons. The cores of stars that died during a supernova explosion were compressed under the influence of gravity. This is how super-dense neutron stars were formed. Astronomers have found that the mass of neutron stars can be comparable to the mass of the Sun, although their radius does not exceed 10–20 kilometers.

6. Every year, Hawaii gets 7.5 cm closer to Alaska.

The earth's crust consists of several huge parts - tectonic plates. These plates are constantly moving along with the upper layer of the mantle. Hawaii is located in the middle part of the Pacific Plate, which is slowly drifting northwest toward the North American Plate, on which Alaska is located. Tectonic plates move at the same speed as human nails grow.

7. In 2.3 billion years, Earth will be too hot to support life.

Our planet will eventually become an endless desert, similar to today's Mars. Over hundreds of millions of years, the Sun has warmed up, become brighter and hotter, and will continue to do so. In more than two billion years, temperatures will be so high that the oceans that make Earth habitable will evaporate. The entire planet will turn into an endless desert. As scientists predict, in the next few billion years the Sun will turn into a red giant and completely engulf the Earth - the planet will definitely come to an end.


Thermal imagers are able to identify an object by the heat it emits. And polar bears are experts at staying warm. Thanks to a thick layer of subcutaneous fat and a warm fur coat, bears are able to withstand even the coldest days in the Arctic.

9. Light will take 8 minutes 19 seconds to travel from the Sun to the Earth

It is known that the speed of light is 300,000 kilometers per second. But even at such breakneck speed, it will take time to cover the distance between the Sun and Earth. And 8 minutes is not so much on a cosmic scale. It takes sunlight 5.5 hours to reach Pluto.

10. If you remove all the interatomic space, humanity will fit in a sugar cube

In fact, more than 99.9999% of an atom is empty space. An atom consists of a tiny, dense nucleus surrounded by a cloud of electrons, which occupy proportionately more space. This is because electrons move in waves. They can only exist where the crests and troughs of the waves are formed in a certain way. Electrons do not remain at one point; their location can be anywhere within the orbit. And therefore they take up a lot of space.

11. Stomach juice can dissolve razor blades

The stomach digests food thanks to caustic hydrochloric acid with high content pH (hydrogen index) - from two to three. But at the same time, the acid also affects the gastric mucosa, which, however, can quickly recover. The lining of your stomach is completely renewed every four days.

Scientists have many versions of why this happens. The most likely: due to huge asteroids that influenced its course in the past, or due to strong circulation of air currents in the upper atmosphere.

13. A flea can accelerate faster than the space shuttle

Flea jumps reach mind-boggling heights - 8 centimeters per millisecond. Each jump gives the flea an acceleration 50 times greater than the acceleration of the spacecraft.

What interesting facts do you know?

Newborns typically have about 270 bones, most of which are very small. This makes the skeleton more flexible and helps the baby pass through the birth canal and grow quickly. As we grow older, many of these bones fuse together. The adult human skeleton consists on average of 200–213 bones.

2. The Eiffel Tower grows 15 centimeters in summer

The huge structure is built with temperature expansion joints, allowing the steel to expand and contract without any damage.

When steel heats up, it begins to expand and takes up more volume. This is called thermal expansion. Conversely, a drop in temperature leads to a decrease in volume. For this reason, large structures, such as bridges, are built with expansion joints that allow them to change in size without damage.

3. 20% of oxygen comes from the Amazon rainforest


The Amazon rainforest covers 5.5 million square kilometers. The Amazon jungle produces a significant portion of the oxygen on Earth, absorbing huge amounts of carbon dioxide, which is why it is often called the lungs of the planet.

4. Some metals are so reactive that they explode even when in contact with water.

Some metals and compounds - potassium, sodium, lithium, rubidium and cesium - exhibit increased chemical activity, so they can ignite with lightning speed when in contact with air, and if they are placed in water, they can even explode.

5. A teaspoon of a neutron star would weigh 6 billion tons.

Neutron stars are the remains of massive stars, consisting mainly of a neutron core covered with a relatively thin (about 1 km) crust of matter in the form of heavy atomic nuclei and electrons. The cores of stars that died during a supernova explosion were compressed under the influence of gravity. This is how super-dense neutron stars were formed. Astronomers have found that the mass of neutron stars can be comparable to the mass of the Sun, although their radius does not exceed 10–20 kilometers.

6. Every year, Hawaii gets 7.5 cm closer to Alaska.

The earth's crust consists of several huge parts - tectonic plates. These plates are constantly moving along with the upper layer of the mantle. Hawaii is located in the middle part of the Pacific Plate, which is slowly drifting northwest toward the North American Plate, on which Alaska is located. Tectonic plates move at the same speed as human fingernails grow.

7. In 2.3 billion years, Earth will be too hot to support life.

Our planet will eventually become an endless desert, similar to today's Mars. Over hundreds of millions of years, the Sun has warmed up, become brighter and hotter, and will continue to do so. In more than two billion years, temperatures will be so high that the oceans that make Earth habitable will evaporate. The entire planet will turn into an endless desert. As scientists predict, in the next few billion years the Sun will turn into a red giant and completely engulf the Earth - the planet will definitely come to an end.


Thermal imagers are able to identify an object by the heat it emits. And polar bears are experts at staying warm. Thanks to a thick layer of subcutaneous fat and a warm fur coat, bears are able to withstand even the coldest days in the Arctic.

9. Light will take 8 minutes 19 seconds to travel from the Sun to the Earth

It is known that the speed of light is 300,000 kilometers per second. But even at such breakneck speed, it will take time to cover the distance between the Sun and Earth. And 8 minutes is not so much on a cosmic scale. It takes sunlight 5.5 hours to reach Pluto.

10. If you remove all the interatomic space, humanity will fit in a sugar cube

In fact, more than 99.9999% of an atom is empty space. An atom consists of a tiny, dense nucleus surrounded by a cloud of electrons, which occupy proportionately more space. This is because electrons move in waves. They can only exist where the crests and troughs of the waves are formed in a certain way. Electrons do not remain at one point; their location can be anywhere within the orbit. And therefore they take up a lot of space.

11. Stomach juice can dissolve razor blades

The stomach digests food thanks to caustic hydrochloric acid with a high pH (hydrogen index) - from two to three. But at the same time, the acid also affects the gastric mucosa, which, however, can quickly recover. The lining of your stomach is completely renewed every four days.

Scientists have many versions of why this happens. The most likely: due to huge asteroids that influenced its course in the past, or due to strong circulation of air currents in the upper atmosphere.

13. A flea can accelerate faster than the space shuttle

Flea jumps reach mind-boggling heights - 8 centimeters per millisecond. Each jump gives the flea an acceleration 50 times greater than the acceleration of the spacecraft.

What interesting facts do you know?

Most of us are far from science and understand little about it, but will this stop us from learning interesting scientific facts about the world that surrounds us? Many interesting, funny and surprising things are hidden from our eyes.

Proven Scientific Facts

Various scientific facts

Facts about people

A little about the world around

Space is waiting for us

  • The length of a day on Mars is almost the same as on Earth, they are only 39 minutes longer.
  • Fastest planet solar system- this is Jupiter. It takes only ten hours for it to completely rotate around its axis.
  • The galaxy we are in contains about 200-400 billion stars.
  • At a decent distance spaceship can take a photo of a million square kilometers of our planet in just ten minutes. The same thing can be done using an airplane in four years.


The concept of a scientific fact is quite broad, so a lot of information from different areas knowledge. To recognize a fact as such, it must not only be proven, but also verified. The problem with scientific fact is that very often this evidence is neglected and the product is presented in its raw form, but science will always be able to distinguish truth from lies.

Here are a number of interesting and amazing facts about science, which includes research into our Universe, and also touch on the topic of the elixir of immortality and some alarming moments.

What is so interesting about science?

The world of science has inexhaustible information, but where else more information still remains inaccessible to human minds. However, we strive to penetrate the secrets of the universe, which leads us to various discoveries, many of which are extremely fascinating and surprising.

What are some interesting facts about science? various directions Can you give an example today, so that every reader will find something interesting for themselves in each of them? Let's try to talk about the most surprising and relevant ones.

The head of the department of geocryology at one of the Russian universities, Anatoly Brushkov, injected into his body an ancient bacterium that was once discovered in a frozen state in Siberia. As he assures, it contains a gene responsible for longevity. It was found in the region of Yakutia, whose residents have a high life expectancy.

The scientist believes that bacterial cells are endowed with special mechanisms that make it possible to significantly prolong their existence. Brushkov insists that the experiment carried out on himself will be successful, which will someday be confirmed by the extension of his life. Although, how can we know how long he would have lived without this bacterium?

Are we not alone in the Universe?

Interesting Facts The science of astronomy often shocks the world. Some time ago, during joint research carried out by German and American scientists, it was possible to detect radio signals sent from space. Researchers have no doubt that they come from outside the solar system, and the energy of the source of these signals is conventionally equated to the energy generated by the Sun during the day.

On this basis, a variety of hypotheses are built, and the main one is the opinion that this was an attempt by an extraterrestrial civilization to establish contact with us. Or the signals are a consequence of certain processes occurring in space, about which modern science nothing is known.

Scientists are also confident that the source is located somewhere within our galaxy, and not outside it, and in the near future attempts will be made to determine more accurate coordinates.

Black holes or spatial gates?

Everyone has heard about the existence of black holes in the Universe. These are substances that have great mass and energy, and absorb all matter, including any cosmic bodies.

Famous physicist Stephen Hawking insists that these holes can act as gates for transition from one Universe to another. However, according to the scientist, a traveler who enters such a gate may find himself in any place in some other Universe, but will never be able to return to this one.

Previously, black holes were considered a dead end, an element of the end of the world. Now Hawking expresses the opinion that this is a one-way tunnel with a one-way ticket. This hypothesis is, in fact, an attempt to answer the question of scientists about where bodies and objects can disappear, including sunlight. After all, this contradicts the earthly laws of physics and the main one: energy does not come from nowhere and does not disappear into nowhere.

Endangered bees

Interesting facts about science also emerge in the world of fauna. Scientists suggest that bees may completely disappear from our planet within 20 years. The process of their disappearance is already progressing dynamically. For example, in Russia the number of these insects has almost halved.

Researchers cite the deterioration of the environmental situation as an explanation for this. Besides, rapid development telecommunication systems affects in the form of radio emissions, which also makes it impossible for many species of organisms to exist on Earth.

How much is the Earth worth?

An interesting idea occurred to an American astrophysicist. He considered that the mass of the planets of the solar system and their sizes are no longer interesting to anyone, but the cost is monetary equivalent– new and relevant. Through research, GregLaughlin came to the conclusion that our planet is the most expensive of them.

Most of the knowledge acquired at school will never be useful to us. Most of this we will never even remember. And yet some crumbs of “useless” information will remain in memory. Paradoxically, it is thanks to them that we feel educated people. The luxury of keeping in mind not only vital information, but also “information surplus” increases self-esteem and gives a feeling of intellectual competence.

And “unnecessary information” surprisingly turns out to be the most interesting. This interest can become a magic key for children to huge world science, which often hides behind boring formulas and incomprehensible definitions.

In this article, we have collected nine scientific facts that can be used in mathematics, physics, geography, chemistry and biology lessons to clearly show: science is not something abstract from real life, but the situations we face every day.

Fact No. 1. On average, an ordinary person travels a distance equal to three Earth equators in his life

The length of the equator is approximately 40,075 km. Multiplying this figure by three, we get 120,225 km. With an average life expectancy of 70 years, we get about 1,717 km per year, which is a little more than five kilometers per day. Not that much, but it adds up to life.

On the one side, practical application this information does not have. On the other hand, it is much more interesting to measure the distance traveled not in meters, steps or calories, but in equators. And calculating the percentage of the length of the equator will attract attention not only to geography, but also to mathematics.

The following two facts may also be useful in mathematics lessons. Using the first, you can calculate the number of children in a parallel or even in an entire school born on the same day.

Fact #2: If there are 23 random people in a room, then the probability that two of them will have the same birthday is more than 50%.

And if you bring 75 people together, then this probability reaches 99%. There can be a 100% chance of a match in a group of 367 people. The probability of a match is determined by the number of pairs that can be made from all the people in the group. Since the order of people in pairs does not matter, total number such pairs are equal to the number of combinations of 23 by 2, that is (23 × 22)/2 = 253 pairs. Thus, the number of couples exceeds the number of days in a year. The same formula calculates the probability of coincidences for any number of people. This way you can estimate the number of children born on the same day in a parallel school or even in the entire school.

Fact No. 3. The number of living organisms in a teaspoon of soil is greater than the entire population of our planet.

One square centimeter of soil contains billions of bacteria, fungi, algae and other organisms. About 60 million bacteria live in just one gram of dry soil. There are significantly fewer nematodes, or roundworms (the most famous of which are roundworms and pinworms) in the same amount of soil - only 10 thousand. A figure incommensurate with the human population, but no less unpleasant for that.

Practical application of information: Wash your hands thoroughly after caring for your indoor plants, as well as after working in the garden or vegetable garden. An area of ​​increased bacterial danger is the sandbox on any playground.

Fact #4: The average toilet seat is much cleaner than the average toothbrush.

The bacteria on your teeth live at a density of about 10 million per square centimeter. The amount of bacteria on the skin varies depending on the part of the body, but in any case it is much less than in the mouth.

But there are no bacteria on the skin of frogs at all. The reason for this is the mucus secreted by the frog and containing strong antibiotics. This is how frogs protect themselves from the aggressive bacterial environment of the swamps in which they live.

A person is much less adapted in this regard, so it is recommended to change toothbrushes every couple of months.

Fact No. 5. In the evening a person becomes 1% shorter compared to his “daytime” height

Under load, our joints tend to compress. With a normal lifestyle, by the evening a person’s height decreases by 1-2 cm, which is approximately 1%. The decrease is short-lived.

The maximum reduction in height occurs after weightlifting. Changes in height can be three or more centimeters. This is due to compaction of the vertebrae.

Fact #6: Diamonds can be produced from peanut butter using very high pressure.

Scientists from the Bavarian Research Institute of Geophysics and Geochemistry tried to simulate in the laboratory the conditions of the Earth's lower mantle, where at a depth of 2,900 kilometers the pressure is 1.3 million times higher than atmospheric pressure. During the experiment, some innovative ways of producing diamonds were discovered. According to one hypothesis, diamonds are formed from carbon under very high pressure. Carbon is found in almost all foods. And since the researchers only had peanut butter on hand, they tried it. Unfortunately, hydrogen, which is bound to carbon in peanut butter, slows down the process significantly, taking several weeks to produce even a small diamond. Thus, scientific thought proves that the most incredible transformations are quite possible.

Fact No. 7. The height of the Eiffel Tower can change by 12 centimeters depending on the air temperature

An iron rod 300 meters long lengthens by 3 mm with increasing temperature environment by one degree.

This is exactly what happens with the Eiffel Tower, which is approximately 324 meters high.

In hot sunny weather, the iron material of the tower can heat up to +40 degrees, and in winter in Paris it cools down to approximately 0 degrees (severe frosts are rare there).

Thus, the height of the Eiffel Tower can fluctuate by 12 centimeters (3 mm * 40 = 120 mm).

Fact #8: A typical microwave oven uses much more energy to keep its built-in clock running than it does to reheat food.

While in standby mode, a modern microwave uses approximately 3 watts per hour. Already 72 W per day comes out, and if we multiply this number by thirty days, we get an energy consumption of 2160 W per month.

If we assume that we use the microwave every day for 5 minutes, we get 150 minutes or 2.5 hours per month. Modern stoves consume about 0.8 kW/hour in heating mode. It turns out that with this use, the energy consumption directly for heating food is 2000 W. If you purchase a more economical model that consumes only 0.7 kW/hour, we get only 1.75 kW per month.

Fact No. 9. The first computer mouse was made of wood

Sometimes we are just curious to know the fate of the objects that we use every day.

A computer mouse in our usual design was introduced to the world in 1984 by Apple. Largely thanks to her, Macintosh computers became incredibly popular. But my true story this small but such a necessary device starts 20 years earlier.

In 1964, engineer Douglas Engelbart from Stanford developed a manipulator to work with the oN-Line System (NLS) operating system. Initially the device was a wooden box self made with two wheels inside and a button on the body. After some time, a third button appeared on the device, and after a couple of years Engelbart received a patent for his invention.

Then Xerox comes into play, but its modification of the computer mouse costs about $700, which does not at all contribute to its mass distribution. And only Steve Jobs’ company is able to develop a similar device with a cost of 20-30 dollars, which was included in daily life billion people.

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