Organizational forms of training. Lesson as the main form of educational organization

Active forms of learning in primary school

When the teachers stop teaching,

The students will finally begin to learn.

La Rochefoucauld

Modern changes in education provide for the orientation of the educational environment not only towards the student’s assimilation of a specific body of knowledge and skills, but also poses the defining task of developing the individual, his cognitive and creative abilities.

Therefore, one of the main tasks of a modern school is to reveal the abilities of each student, to cultivate the qualities of an individual capable of living in a high-tech, competitive world.

Therefore, education in primary school is based on the principles of the system-activity approach:

Operating principle.

The principle of continuity.

The principle of a holistic view of the world.

Minimax principle.

The principle of psychological comfort.

The principle of variability.

The principle of creativity.

These principles make it possible to intensify learning activities. Children should be directly involved in the learning process, since 70% personal qualities starts in elementary school. And in life, a child will need not only basic skills, such as the ability to read, write, count, but also the ability to listen to others, express their opinions, analyze, compare, solve emerging problems, be responsible, and so on.

In their work as teachers primary classes combine traditional and active forms of learning. They encourage students to think and practical activities in mastering educational material. Here such personality qualities as independence, initiative, the ability to acquire knowledge and apply it in practice, and the development of creative abilities are cultivated.

Here are some of the forms used in the work of a primary school teacher.

1. Get ready to work.

Before starting a lesson, I try to create a friendly, comfortable atmosphere in the class. Exercises such as “Smile at each other”, “Gather energy in your palm”, “Rubbing the tips of your ears” help with this.

Young teachers very actively use the classroom space to create a working environment. Children create posters and visual aids that are hung in the classroom and help in the study of subject topics.

2. Problem-based learning.

This is a form of learning in which the process of student cognition approaches search and research activity. The main teaching technique is the creation problematic situation, which has the form of a cognitive task. Such tasks should be accessible in terms of their difficulty, take into account the cognitive abilities of students, and be significant for them.

Students should not just master information, but actively become involved in discovering new knowledge for themselves.

For example, when studying the topic “Units of Length” in 2nd grade, children are asked to work with the measurements of the studied units of length (millimeter, centimeter, decimeter). The group receives individual task– measure the length of a pencil, stand, matchbox, cabinet, classroom. In this case, the group must explain the choice of unit of length to measure their object.

When almost all groups have completed their tasks, we notice that the group with the task of measuring the length of the class has not yet completed it. Why? The measurements are small. How to cope with the task? The guys suggest measuring with window openings and other measurements. This is how students approach the discovery of a new unit of length - the meter.

3. Project-based learning technology.

A characteristic feature of this method is the presence of a significant social or personal problem of the student, which requires integrated knowledge, research search for solutions, project activities. The role of a teacher is that of a mentor, advisor, but not a performer.

The goal of project-based learning is to master general skills in the process of creative independent work, to develop communicative properties personality.

Guys primary school They enjoy participating in projects.

Educational project “Words with uncheckable spellings.” In Russian language lessons we get acquainted with such words and write them down in dictionaries. Why not design them as a crossword puzzle? The children get acquainted with various types of crossword puzzles, design them and present them at spelling minutes of Russian language lessons.

"Gift for a first grader." All third graders participate in this project. The guys decide what they can give to first-graders for the “Initiation into Lyceum Students” holiday, how to do it, and imagine.

4. Interactive technologies are an organization of the process that is based on direct interaction of students with the surrounding information environment. The learner's experience is the central activator of learning cognition. The main method is communication. Form – learning in collaboration, in a group, in pairs.

For example, when practicing morphemic analysis of words, I use group work, where each student is responsible for his own stage of analysis (searching for endings, roots, prefixes, suffixes). The group then presents their work to the whole class.

Children often do vocabulary work in pairs, creative tasks.

5. Gaming technologies.

Primary school teachers are well aware that no matter how difficult and serious the knowledge in our curriculum is, children remain children. They want to play, love to play, and feel the need for it even more than they did a few years ago.

Game situations and stories help to intensify the learning process and master a number of educational elements.

Games "Bingo", "Escalator", "Detectives" ( lexical meaning words), "Mime Theater" ( phraseological units), “Yes-no”, etc.

The game can be played on different stages lesson. At the beginning of the lesson, the goal of the game is to organize and interest children and stimulate their activity. In the middle of the lesson, you must solve the problem of mastering the topic. At the end of the lesson it can be creative and exploratory in nature.

6. Physical exercises.

Of course, keeping students active throughout the lesson is very difficult. A constant change of activity is necessary, moments of rest that do not take the child out of educational process, but allow you to change activities while being on a given topic.

The kids and I are learning different rhyming exercises and doing them in class.

If the work was very active, the guys communicated a lot in pairs and groups, expressed their opinions, proved that physical minutes help to calm down, come into balance with the outside world, and restore attention. (“Movement while counting”, “Sounds around you”, etc.).

Lessons using active forms learning is interesting not only for students, but also for teachers. They help provide effective organization and consistent implementation educational process to achieve the involvement and interest of students in educational, project, research activities, the formation of personal qualities, moral attitudes, value guidelines that meet the expectations and needs of students, parents, and society.

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IN modern world Parents and children are given a choice of several forms of education. In addition to full-time education, the most common today, there are also such forms of education as family education, self-education, external studies and part-time education. Not everyone knows about them, not everyone dares to transfer their child to part-time or part-time education. Many are biased towards them, believing that children learn less in these forms of education. In fact, the requirements for certifications are quite complex, and if you have not studied the topics well, then you will not receive a good grade for them. Below I will briefly talk about different forms training and will give the pros and cons of each.

Full-time education

As I indicated above, this form of training is now the most common. It lies in the fact that the child goes to school every day and studies all subjects without exception at school.


  1. The child, in addition to parental control, is also under the control of teachers, who force him to study and complete assignments - the task of parents, as a rule, is made easier.
  2. If a child has problems with a school subject, and the parents themselves do not understand the subject and cannot help, then the teacher can explain an incomprehensible topic to the student.


  1. If a child is well versed in a school subject even without the help of a teacher, if he is better than most of his classmates, then taking this subject will be a waste of time, because with self-study, he would learn the material taught by the teacher much faster.
  2. Often, in full-time education, a child spends a lot of time studying, and he has little time left for sports or creative activities.
  3. Sometimes teachers cannot explain the material well or spend a lot of time on abstract topics.

So, full-time education is good for those who cannot organize themselves properly, i.e. someone who needs control, which for some reason cannot be fully provided by parents. Also, this form of training is necessary for those who have serious gaps in their knowledge of subjects, and studying them independently will require a lot of effort and time.

Family education

This form of education is part-time. It lies in the fact that the child, under the control of parents, tutors, or independently studies all school subjects, and comes to school only at the end of a quarter or half a year in order to take tests. To switch to this form of education, you need to write an application about this to the school and to the department of the Ministry of Education. After this you negotiate with the administration any schools about the deadlines for passing the certification. It is important to know that with family education the child is not part of the school's student body. If the student is unable to pass the certification (receives a “2”), then the school may require the child to return to full-time education.


  1. Parents and children can develop their own learning program that they think is most effective.
  2. The child is under stronger parental control.


  1. It is necessary to have a good understanding of all subjects, since parents cannot always help.
  2. The child is not part of the school’s student body, so the school has no incentive to “pull” him out, and the requirements for certifications can be quite stringent.

Thus, the family form of education can be good only when the child is well versed in all subjects, or when the parents know school subjects well and can explain them to the child.


In principle, this is almost the same as family education. The difference is that when choosing self-education, students in grades 10-11 can write an application themselves and switch to this form of education, and for this no parental consent required.


This is also a part-time course of study. To switch to it, as well as to other correspondence forms of education, you need to write an application to the school and to the department of the Ministry of Education. To switch to this form of training you need agreement parents. This form of training is different in that the student can hand in some or all subjects in advance. For example, a child is 13 years old, that is, by age he should be in the 7th grade. But, having passed the subjects externally, he can immediately go, for example, to the 8th grade or even to the 9th grade and higher.


  1. Time is freed up for the child’s creative and sports activities, better preparation for exams, etc.
  2. If a child is clearly ahead of his peers in knowledge of subjects, then he can, after passing the certification, immediately move to the next class and, again, gain time.


  1. It is not so easy to pass all subjects in advance and move on to the next grade, so studying externally can be difficult psychologically.
  2. Not all children are able to quickly master the school curriculum.

Part-time and part-time education

I am in my second year of full-time and part-time education and consider this form of education to be the best. It differs in many ways from correspondence. Firstly, the student in this form of education is part of the school. This is very good, because the school is interested in the student having good grades. Secondly, the student must study some subjects at school, and some on his own, then comes to school and takes the test. Those subjects that the child understands well, he studies on his own, and the subjects with which he has problems, he studies at school. If during the course of training it turns out that it is difficult for the student to cope with some other subjects on his own, then you can rewrite the application and add new subjects to the list of subjects studied by the student at school.


  1. Since the student is part of the school, the school is interested in him having good grades.
  2. A student can independently study subjects that he knows well, and at school study subjects with which he has problems.
  3. Thanks to self-study some items gain time.


The only problem that you may encounter is the biased attitude of teachers towards this form of education. On the other hand, if you know the subject well, then what difference does it make who thinks what :)

So, currently there are several forms of training. Depending on the circumstances, you can always choose the form of education that will be more convenient for the child and parents. If parents are not satisfied with the chosen form of education, they can transfer their child to full-time education at any time. Forms of training can be changed according to any time, at least every day :)

Attached to the record are templates for applications to the school and to the department of the Ministry of Education for the transition from full-time education to part-time or part-time.

In the school educational process, various organizational forms of teaching are used. They are divided into several types, each of which has certain characteristics.

The holistic picture and quality of students’ knowledge acquired during the learning process, the ability to successfully apply it in practice, largely depends on the teacher’s ability to organize the process itself. For high-quality organization of the educational process, filling it with meaningful and structural elements, modern pedagogy and didactics have come to a number of forms and types of teaching.

However, not everyone understands what organizational forms of training are. Therefore, it would be nice to talk about this concept in more detail at the very beginning.

The definition of the form of education, according to researcher M. A. Molchanova, is based on the philosophical category of content and form, which is explained by the fact that the form of education as such undoubtedly contains a set of methods, techniques, types of training, due to which it expands its content. B. T. Likhachev presents the form of teaching, first of all, as the relationship and mutual transfer of information in the process of cognition between two objects, namely the teacher and the student. Scientist I. F. Kharlamov believes that such a form cannot have a clear definition due to the diversity of its components, but researcher Yu. K. Babansky writes that the form of teaching is nothing more than the external expression of some content. Despite the many different opinions any form of educational organization performs an integrative function and represents a certain structure consisting of elements of the educational structure.

Successful training, regardless of the chosen form and type of its organization as a whole, depends on the training system, as well as on the structure of the educational process. If you give knowledge to students chaotically, without relying on a specific plan, without using the methods and methods that the form of teaching obliges you to use, this will lead to the fact that instead of knowledge there will be “porridge” and complete confusion in your head.

Scientists such as Ch. Kupesevich and I.P. Podlasy in their works on pedagogy classify organizational forms of education according to the following indicators: location of classes; number of students; duration of classes. Based on these indicators, it begs to be identified as follows: organizational forms training: by quantity - individual and collective, by place - classroom and extracurricular, and by duration - classic lesson, double session or shortened double session.

Modern researchers I. F. Isaeva, A. I. Mishchenko, E. N. Shiyanova and others identify several forms of organizing school education, namely: individual, classroom and lecture-seminar. However, it is most advisable to present all forms of organization of the learning process in the form of a three-dimensional model, where the general forms of organization, internal and external, will be its sides, carrying the semantics of types and covering a set of elements, i.e., filled with content.

It is worth considering the content of each form of training organization in more detail.

The presented model demonstrates that general shape The organization of the school learning process contains a set of individual, pair, collective, group and frontal forms. Individual and paired forms of learning are more related to the extracurricular process, while group, collective and frontal are very close to the organization of school education.

Thus, the group form of training presupposes the presence of a group of students consisting of three or more people. This form of training not only finds application in modern school education, but is also successfully implemented in such types of school process as a seminar or laboratory lesson.

Frontal and collective forms of learning require the presence of large group students, and such a group should be mutually learning, i.e., have direct contact with each other and the teacher in order to transfer educational material and exchange acquired knowledge. These forms of learning, unlike group ones, are broader in the pedagogical field, however, they also have a number of difficulties associated, first of all, with the number of students and the forms of organization of their educational process. Responsible for organizing the forms of the educational process next side three-dimensional model, namely, external forms of organization of training.

External forms of organizing learning at school include such forms of learning as a lesson, didactic game, seminar, practical lesson, lecture, laboratory work. It is worth considering them in more detail.

A lesson is the main form of the educational process, the main task of which is to solve didactic problems in the learning process. The lesson has a certain structure and includes the availability of means and methods of delivery necessary information for the purpose of assimilation and consolidation by students. As an external form of learning, the lesson unfolds within the framework of the curriculum and program. In modern pedagogy, it is customary to distinguish between types of lessons and distinguish between a lesson-conversation, a lesson-lecture, a lesson-excursion. This distinction is associated with different lesson contents as a form of the educational process.

Lecture is one of the oldest forms of teaching, which is also used in modern system education. At school, this form of teaching is called a lesson-lecture, but in essence it is filled with the same content as a lecture in higher education. educational institutions. The purpose of the lesson-lecture is to introduce students to new material, to give them the most complete and structural understanding of the issue under consideration. A lecture, as a type of organization of educational activities, is also usually divided into types. Thus, there is an introductory lecture, a lecture-discussion based on the question-answer principle, or a visual lecture using visual aids or video materials.

A didactic game is a type of collective learning activity that is implemented in the form of a game, but has a number of features that define it as a form of learning. One of these defining features is the formulation of a problem that requires a solution, the ability of students to present it in the form of a game various fields social life, as well as direct contact with the teacher, who here plays the role of a leader and evaluates the implementation of didactic and game goals from the outside.

Unlike didactic game, the seminar is more complex in nature and is aimed at independent and in-depth study by students of one or another learning task. The purpose of the seminar is to systematize and consolidate the theoretical knowledge of students through their study of a sufficient number of sources on the problem being studied. The main goal The seminar is to develop analytical and synthetic abilities in students, improve the culture of speech, and form a scientific worldview.

Practical lesson is one of modern forms training at school, aimed at consolidating theoretical knowledge and is expressed in the application of acquired skills and abilities in practice. The value of such activities, first of all, is in identifying correct understanding, previously received information and, if necessary, making the necessary amendments and corrections.

Laboratory work is a type of organization of educational activities, similar in purpose to a practical lesson, but based on the goal of implementing such functions as the development of research skills in students, the students’ coverage of the system of methods of the experimental and practical field of research, a significant expansion of the possibilities of applying theoretical knowledge to practice.

The conference is one of the types of organization of school education, giving students the opportunity to express themselves in the field of science and express their opinions, resorting to scientific analysis and synthesis.

All of the listed external forms of modern school education are closely related to the third side of the teaching model - internal forms. Internal forms of learning take place in the organization of the teacher’s work and the structural design of the entire educational process. Thus, internal forms of education include both the mandatory presence of introductory and planned lessons, as well as lessons to consolidate the material, as well as practical exercises and assessment of the knowledge and skills acquired during the learning process.

All aspects of the types of organizational forms of modern school education under consideration have common goals, one of which is mastering new knowledge, consolidating it in practice, developing the necessary skills, implementing and systematizing knowledge and skills, as well as monitoring and evaluating the material received. Importance also plays a role in achieving these goals independent work students and extracurricular forms activities that undoubtedly contribute to a broader perception and consolidation of educational information.

The organizational forms of education at school may be different, but you should fulfill all the requirements, listen carefully to the teacher, study a lot, and then the student will be able to leave school with a rich stock of knowledge. They will certainly be useful to him in later life.

Despite different kinds organizational forms of training, yet they are all aimed at giving maximum knowledge to students. To achieve this, you need to rely on your own strength.

      history of the development of forms of training organization.

      class-lesson teaching system (co).

      lecture and seminar co.

      lesson as ped. system.

Another element of the didactic system is the form of organization of training. In the philosophical dictionary, “form” (Latin) – 1) external outline, 2) mode of existence and expression of content, 3) device, structure. All these aspects are reflected in the didactic concept of form. The form of training is understood as a design of the training cycle, implemented in the interaction of the teacher and the student in mastering the content. Thus, the form of training is a variant of the compositional construction of a segment of training, indicating the external side of the organization (who, when, where and how is trained). Being an external characteristic of the didactic process, form, however, is directly related to the purpose, content, methods and means of teaching. The classification of forms of education is based on the following characteristics:

    number and composition of trainees

    place of study

    duration of study work.

In connection with these characteristics, they distinguish: individual, group and collective forms of work, school and extracurricular, classroom and extracurricular. This classification allows you to organize forms of learning without being strictly scientific. There is another classification based on the following characteristics:

    number of trainees

    ratio of individual and collective types of work

    degree of independence and specificity of pedagogy. manuals.

In connection with these characteristics, they distinguish: individual training, class-lesson system, lecture-seminar system.

The system of individual training took shape back in primitive society and existed until the beginning of the 18th century. Its essence lies in the transfer of information from seniors to juniors. In individual learning, the teacher, working with the student, directly or indirectly helps him in independently mastering the material. Individual learning dominates family learning. Since the 16th century, individual learning has been transformed into individual-group learning. With this system, the teacher works with a group of children, with each of whom he works according to an individual program, i.e. teacher teaches 10-15 students of different ages and different levels preparedness, located in the same room, but takes turns working with them. This form of education allowed students to start the school year at different time and master educational material at different paces. As an exception, the teacher organized the whole group for collaboration. Already by the end of the 16th century, the ineffectiveness of the individual-group form of education became obvious. A more advanced system was the classroom-lesson system, described at the beginning of the 17th century by the great Czech teacher Jan Kamensky in his book “The Great Didactics.”

The classroom-lesson system is characterized by the following features:

    permanent composition of the group (classes), uniting approximately the same level of preparedness and age of students

    Availability curricula and programs regulating the content of education in each class

    strictly defined class schedule

    combination of individual and collective forms of work

    the leading role of the teacher

    systematic checking and evaluation of homework

    the main unit of classes (lesson) is devoted to the study of one topic

Subsequently, the theory of the lesson was refined in the works of such famous scientific teachers as Ushinsky (organizational structure of lessons, typology of lessons), Disterweg (principles and rules of teaching). Thus, the classroom-lesson system is more than 420 years old. And throughout this time, the lesson was modified in two directions: 1) in terms of the number of students, 2) in terms of management aspects. At the end of the 19th century, the so-called system of mutual teaching was formed (authors are the English scientist Lancaster and the priest Belle), which is also called the Belle-Lancaster system. The essence of this system is as follows: up to 600 students could be trained simultaneously. Initially, under the guidance of a teacher, students received theoretical knowledge, and then, under the supervision of monits (assistants), they received special knowledge. knowledge and instructions, prepared independently. Subsequently, they reported to the teacher. This system made it possible to teach a larger number of students with a small number of teachers.

At the end of the 19th century, on the basis of the same class-lesson system, a form of selective education appeared, which is known under two names: the Botavian system in the USA and the Mannheim system in Western Europe (Germany). The essence of this system is that the teacher conducts one part of the lessons with the class, and the second part individually, if the student needs them. In an individual lesson, the teacher could be helped by stronger students. The positive thing is that students are differentiated into strong, weak and average achievers. The disadvantage is that the teacher focuses his work on the average student. But by the 20th century, an individual form of education emerged, which was first used by Elena Parkhurs in the American city of Dalton and was called the Dalton plan. Lessons were cancelled. The students received written assignments, consultations with the teacher, and had to complete them individually. The teacher provided consultations and organized workshops. It turned out that there was no schedule. Experience has shown that not all students can learn without a teacher and therefore the color scheme is not widely used.

In the 1920s, a modification of the Dalton method was developed in the USSR - the brigade-new method. The brigade received tasks, the teacher advised, and then the commander monitored the implementation of these tasks. It turned out that systematic tasks were not given, but, as a rule, activists carried out tasks, and poor students could “sit out”, and for a high result the whole brigade received 5. In 1932, this method was banned.

The lecture-seminar system originated with the emergence of the first universities (10-11 centuries), but has not undergone any changes since then. Within the framework of the lecture-seminar system, there are classes aimed at theoretical training of students (lectures, seminars) and forms of training aimed at practical training - workshops, coursework and dissertations. The lecture-seminar system is accompanied by tests and exams. The requirements in the modern lecture are highlighted:

    humanistic orientation of the material

    scientific and informative

    evidence and argumentation of presentation

    imagery of examples, facts

    emotional presentation of the material

    the need to activate the thoughts of listeners

    methodical processing of material

    usage technical means training and various teaching materials

Lecture happens different types: introductory, review and review at the end of a course or topic, review taxonomy of large material, informational (daily). Attempts are currently being made non-traditional forms lectures. In the 60s In the 20th century, an attempt was made to modify the lecture-seminar system by Trump, who proposed organizing classes in 3 stages:

      a highly qualified teacher gives lectures in front of a large audience (100-150 people) using technical means. Such activities take up 40% of the time.

      For 40% of the training time, a huge group is divided into groups of 20 people, and assistants work on the most difficult and key points of the material.

      Students complete these tasks independently. In the American system, this plan is still widespread.

The lesson is the main form of education in secondary school. A lesson is a form of organizing the educational process in which the teacher, for a precisely set time, organizes cognitive or other types of activities for students, taking into account their characteristics, using methods, means and forms of work necessary for all students to master the material being studied. The most commonly used lesson typology is classification according to didactic purpose (author Esipov):

    A lesson in mastering new knowledge

    Lesson on pinnable material

    Repetition lesson

    Lesson on systematization and generalization of new material

    Lesson on assessment and inspection

    A combined lesson aimed at solving several didactic problems.

The structure of a typical combined lesson is:

      Organizing time

      Checking homework

      Survey on the material covered

      Learning new material

      Consolidating new material


The lesson necessarily combines individual, group and collective forms of work. The teacher guides the independent work of students. Forms of organization of training are accompanied by corresponding forms of control - tests, tests, exams.

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