Methods of working with children in kindergarten. Best teaching experience by section. How to work on a single methodological topic

Non-traditional forms and methods of working with teachers in kindergarten.

The quality of education and its effectiveness is one of the pressing problems of modern pedagogy. Leading role in ensuring the effectiveness of educational educational process plays the teacher, his professionalism.

Increasing the level of skill of teachers - priority activities methodological work, which occupies a special place in the management system of a preschool institution and represents an important link in the holistic system of advanced training of teaching staff, since, first of all, it contributes to the activation of the teacher’s personality, the development of his creative personality.

What is methodological work in kindergarten?

In the Montessori school approach, children participate in activities involving the use of simple materials, designed to develop fundamental skills: in this educational vision, sensory intelligence is the basis of learning. Criticism of the Montessori method is often related to excessive rigidity, which sometimes seems to favor a sense of order in relation to the freedom in fantasy and emotional outbursts of the little ones. Among the positive aspects of the Montessori method, born as education in autonomy, we find a tendency to allow the child to be alone: ​​learning, which can become a life lesson, teaches independence.

A constant connection between the content of methodological work and the results of teachers’ work ensures a continuous process of improving the professional skills of each educator. At the same time, methodological work is of a proactive nature and is responsible for the development and improvement of all work with children, in accordance with new achievements in pedagogical and psychological science. Therefore, it is impossible to agree with the understanding of methodological work as only a service for correcting errors in the activities of the teacher, although in the course of it these problems also have to be solved. The main thing is to provide real, effective and timely assistance to teachers. However, the problem of improving the professional skills of each preschool teacher still remains one of the most difficult. It's no secret that sometimes a lot of effort is spent on organizing events, but the return is negligible. How can we explain all this? Traditional forms of methodological work, in which the main place was given to reports and speeches, have lost their importance due to their low efficiency and insufficient feedback. Today it is necessary to use new, active forms of work, which are characterized by the involvement of teachers in activities and dialogue, involving a free exchange of opinions.

However, for those who are interested in all Including children in a Montessori school would be a good idea for staff evaluation and environment in a certain way: each school is different in that it is created not by a method, but by the people who work there every day.

Are you interested in the Montessori approach? You can find many texts in local or online libraries where you can find interesting and easy-to-implement ideas for applying the Montessorian philosophy at home from the first months of a child's life. A child begins to discover the world through the senses, so it is important to create a range of materials that can stimulate your skills and accompany your child in developing skills. The real challenge is to offer children experiments and games while allowing children to act autonomously.

The purpose of work experience is to study the process of applying active learning methods in the methodological work of preschool educational institutions

Object of study: methods active learning in the methodological work of preschool educational institutions.

During the study, the following questions were raised: tasks:

  1. Reveal the essence of the concept of “active learning methods”;

  2. Consider the classification of methods and their main components;

  3. To identify the place and role of a business game in the methodological work of a preschool educational institution as an interactive form in working with the teaching staff;
Research methods: study of psychology - pedagogical literature on the research problem.

Exist various shapes methodological work for the successful implementation of the annual tasks facing the teaching staff.

Today, Montessori schools are spreading throughout the world and are valued because they offer teachings based on sensory exploration, the spirit of freedom and autonomy, disciplines such as love of order and respect for others. Rigidity risks killing the love of learning and instinctive creativity.

Especially in primary school it is essential to combine the ability to provide knowledge useful for positive incentives, without forgetting that development critical thinking and research methods are the true foundation needed to work with secondary schools and administrators. How to apply the ideas of the Montessorite approach at home? The experiences that a child carries between the inner walls, in the family, they are just as basic compared to the learning that takes place in school and promote growth. It is important to evaluate in stages, first observing your child: every child is different and continues to evolve through different stages.

The main ones are:

Teachers' councils


Methodological associations

IN preschool institution The pedagogical council is the highest governing body of the entire educational process.

How to turn a boring teachers' meeting into an interesting and exciting event?

One of the most important forms of methodological work is the pedagogical council. According to the forms of organization, the pedagogical council can be traditional, non-traditional and using separate methods of activating teachers. Different forms of pedagogical councils are defined in the works of Volobuev L.M., Gazin O.M., Fokin V.P. Let's consider non-traditional forms pedagogical councils that have proven themselves in the practice of preschool educational institutions.

Most toys or items that we tend to consider essential are fundamental to inform, because fathers will grow with their children, cultivating their vision through useful tools such as books, videos and courses. Whether indoors or at home, Montessori activities are a tool that encourages children to learn to dress, dress or cook while experiencing practical life.

Life choices and innovative ideas, in opposition to her father, were supported by her mother Renilda, who loved to read. At the same time, he was born a son, Mario, that only the death of his grandmother, when the boy was now fourteen years old, would live with Maria. Personal stories and professional interests contribute to giving this scholar a deep knowledge of the universe of childhood. Children with high degree intellectual development and special abilities in the fields of science, art and sports, rely on becoming drivers of overall economic, social and spiritual life.

Teachers' council - a business game is most often used to sum up the work of the team on any problem or for a certain period. The main place in such a teachers' council is occupied by group activities. Organizers need to think through the scenario down to the smallest detail, define roles, tasks, and calculate regulations. Participants analyze the issues raised, develop goals and objectives, and draw up programs that will form the basis for the decisions of the teachers’ council.

With their unconventional thinking and imagination, with their well-developed competencies to explore, build, compete, solve complex problems, find original and optimal options, they are called upon to be useful not only for themselves, but also for the whole society.

In connection with the creation of the European pedagogical space and the eurozone for higher education, Bulgarian educators are expected to successfully solve the current and significant problem of identifying and developing children with outstanding talents. This should be based on the common European philosophy of gradually narrowing the differences between education systems European countries, while maintaining national characteristics, priorities and identity.

Teachers' Council - round table. To prepare it, managers need to select important, interesting issues for discussion and think through the organization. For example, some topics can be given to a group of educators in advance and the relevant literature can be offered to them. Then they will be able to familiarize themselves with different theories, approaches, opinions and think about their point of view. The main rule when organizing a round table is the preparedness and interest of each participant. It is also important to choose a presenter who understands the problem and knows how to direct the conversation in the right direction.

In order to expect a positive result in this direction, it is advisable to start with the training of teaching staff on this issue first. This is also in line with the aim of ensuring that the European Higher Education Area maintains its quality, as well as with the objectives of the European Council for the Highly Gifted.

It is of a recommended nature. It sets out the objectives - what needs to be achieved and gives member states the freedom to determine the ways and means to achieve them. It is recommended that teacher preparation programs include strategies for recognizing talented children with exceptional abilities.

Situational teacher council consists of considering one or more situations that can be played out by pre-prepared participants. You can conduct a discussion of the situation based on the video recorded on the video camera.

Teachers' council - discussion requires that teachers divide into subgroups in advance and prepare their concepts of the problem being discussed. During the discussion, a plan to solve the problem is jointly thought out. For example, you can discuss the topic “How should the interaction between the teacher and the child’s family be organized?”

In the Republic of Bulgaria, the issue of working with children and adolescents with outstanding gifts is covered in the Child Protection Law, State agency on the protection of children, the Decree on the conditions and procedure for the protection of children with proven talent. The development of a National Strategy for Working with Children with Exceptional Talents is expected.

Despite good preconditions with the presence state documents, the problem of working with gifted children and adolescents has still not been solved at the required level in mass pedagogical practice. This is why all degrees must be made. For higher educational institution It is possible that future teachers should prepare for the challenge of working with gifted students to cover all levels of bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees: in the curriculum; in educational programs; their analysis through forms - lecture, seminar, practical classes conducted for a specific purpose to work with gifted students; development of textbooks and teaching aids with theoretical and practical aspects; project development, graduate work, dissertation.

It is necessary for all members of the teachers' council to be active, express their point of view, doubts, and share their work experience. Any form of teacher council necessarily requires an analysis of the results. It should be remembered that the result of the work of any teachers’ council should be the adoption of decisions to improve the work of the team.

Practice has shown that the final result of any methodological event will be high and the impact will be effective if various methods of inclusion and active work. Their choice should be determined by the goals and objectives of the event, the features of its content, the contingent of teachers, and the state of the educational process.

Module for theoretical orientation

Theoretical presentation of the issue - a strategy for the development of gifted students based on a humanistic approach through a subjective subjective position in relation to others and to oneself. Determining the signs of giftedness, abilities and talent that characterize gifted children. Apply effective methods and technologies for the preparation and development of gifted students. Use appropriate methodologies to identify gifted students. . The order of the steps is thus logically justified. Before applying the most appropriate technology to work with exceptional students, it is, of course, necessary to learn reliable methods for diagnosing their abilities, interests and aptitudes.

1. Theoretical justification of interactive methods and active learning methods in the methodological work of preschool educational institutions

1.1 The essence of the concept of “active learning methods”

Using interactive methods in pedagogical process encourages the teacher to constant creativity, and in this regard to improvement, change, professional and personal growth, development. After all, when getting acquainted with one or another interactive method, the teacher determines its pedagogical capabilities, identifies it with the characteristics of the participants, and tries it on to his individuality. And this innovative activity does not leave the teacher until he realizes that interactive teaching methods are an effective pedagogical tool, and the use of interactive learning technology in the pedagogical process is necessary condition optimal development of both those who study and those who teach.

Characteristics of Gifted Students

To do this, it is necessary to know very well the characteristics of these children, the signs of their giftedness, abilities and talent. Conceptual apparatus; Characteristics; Myths and reality for the gifted; Problems of gifted students.

Identification of gifted students

Diagnose children's interests; Diagnostic methods; Methods for studying general intellectual abilities; Methods for studying special abilities; Determining the profile of talented students. Strategies and technologies for effective interventions with gifted students. Historical roots ideas for the development of natural gifts; Capabilities, prerequisites and patterns of development of gifted students; Approved technologies for the development of gifted students in teaching practice; Positive and negative qualities teachers and parents when working with gifted students.

Practical training module

This module creates competencies in students - future teachers - to identify and develop children and adolescents with outstanding talents.

Activation creative activity teachers is possible through non-traditional, interactive methods and active forms of work with teachers.

Active learning methods are a set of pedagogical actions and techniques aimed at organizing educational process and creating by special means conditions that motivate students to independent, proactive and creative development educational material in progress cognitive activity(V.N. Kruglikov, 1998).

It takes the form of training, which provides conditions for self-improvement and self-development of students. There are 3 cycles, in each cycle of which there are 5 meetings that correspond theoretical research problems depending on their content, purpose and objectives. Various interactive teaching methods are used, various combinations of face-to-face, group and individual training. Variations of problem problems and problems, business games, case studies and tests are offered. Various tools are being created for use in teaching practice - questionnaires, variables individual programs, strategies and technologies, projects.

The peculiarities of the methods are their focus on activating cognitive, communicative, professional activity and improving their quality (thinking, speech, actions, emotional and personal relationships, which is consistent with experimental data, which indicates that when presenting material through lectures, no more than I - -30% of information is absorbed, with independent work with literature - up to 50%, when speaking - up to 70%, and with personal participation in the activity being studied (for example, in a business game) - up to 90%).

The training program usually includes

Planned trainings are varied, of varying complexity, they are variable, they make it possible to include students both in imaginary situations and in reality, they provide activities with a partial and completely research character.

Characteristics of gifted children

First meeting: introduction to the program practical exercises- goals, objectives, content, methods, forms and tools.

Second Meeting: Characteristics and Problems of Gifted Students - Issues and Challenges, Case Study, Test, etc. Third meeting: myths and reality for gifted problem issues and problems, case study, test, etc. Fifth meeting: self-control and self-assessment of competencies to characterize gifted children - self-control and self-assessment.

Many major methodological innovations are associated with the use of interactive teaching methods. The word "interactive" came to us from in English from the word “interact”, where “inter” is “mutual”, “act” is to act.

Interactive means the ability to interact or is in the mode of conversation, dialogue with something (for example, a computer) or someone (for example, a person). From this we can conclude that interactive learning is, first of all, dialogue learning, during which interaction between teachers or a teacher and the leader of a methodological event takes place

First meeting: diagnosing children's interests - problems and tasks, survey options. Second meeting: study of general intellectual abilities - problematic issues and tasks, variation methods. Third meeting: studying special abilities - problematic issues and tasks, variation methodologies.

Fourth session: How to determine the personality profile of a gifted student? - problematic problems and tasks, tools for determining a personal profile. Fifth meeting: self-monitoring and self-assessment of competencies for using methods for identifying gifted students - self-testing and self-assessment.

What are the main characteristics of “interactive”?

It should be recognized that interactive learning is a special form of organizing a particular activity. She has quite specific and predictable work goals in mind. One of these goals is to create comfortable learning conditions, such that the teacher (student) feels successful, intellectually competent, which makes the entire learning process productive and effective.

Strategies and technologies for working with gifted students

First meeting: conditions, prerequisites and patterns of development of gifted students - problems and problems, case study, test, etc. Second meeting: guidelines, methods and procedures for effective creative activity - problems and tasks, business games, variable individual programs for gifted students.

Third meeting: technology for developing gifted students in the classroom and extracurricular activities- problems and issues, case studies, teaching aids, options for talented students, projects for dissertations and dissertations. The presented methodology has been approved in various pedagogical specialties at the Russian Economic University N. Rilski - at the Faculty of Pedagogy and the Faculty of Arts. The results are encouraging, proving its effectiveness and feasibility.

In the course of dialogue, teachers develop the ability to think critically, reason, and solve controversial problems based on an analysis of the information they hear and circumstances. Teachers learn to weigh alternative opinions, make thoughtful decisions, express their thoughts correctly, participate in discussions, and communicate professionally with colleagues.

It is valuable that with such an organization of work, the teacher can not only express his opinion, view, give an assessment, but also, having heard the evidence-based arguments of his colleagues, abandon his point of view or significantly change it. Teachers develop respect for other people's opinions, the ability to listen to others, and make informed conclusions and conclusions.

For this purpose, during the classes of professional associations, different shapes– individual, subgroup, pair, applied role-playing games, documents and information from various sources are analyzed.

What are forms of interactive learning? Let's look at some of them.

Most simple form group interaction – “big circle”. The work takes place in three stages.

First stage– teachers sit in a large circle. The leader creates the problem.

The second stage - for a certain time (about 10 minutes), each participant individually writes down on his own sheet of paper proposed measures to solve the problem.

Third stage– in a circle, each teacher reads out his proposals, the rest listen silently (without criticism); along the way, a vote is taken on each item - whether to include it in common decision, which is recorded on the board as the conversation progresses.

The “large circle” technique is best used when it is possible to quickly determine ways to solve a problem or its components. Using this form, you can, for example, develop instructions, regulations, local or regulatory legal acts.

The importance of interactive methods is the achievement of such important goals as:

  1. Stimulating interest and motivation for self-education;

  2. Increasing the level of activity and independence;

  3. Development of skills of analysis and reflection of one's activities;

  4. Developing a desire for cooperation and empathy.
What are the advantages of such work?

Firstly, the motivation for the professional activities of teachers, their social and cognitive activity increases significantly.

Secondly, those aspects of a person are realized that in everyday, rather monotonous life, do not find application or development.

Thirdly, experience of collective activity, mutual respect, support, cooperation is acquired, without which work in human society is impossible.

The main focus of interactive forms is to activate teachers, develop their creative thinking, and find a non-standard way out of a problematic situation.

1.2. Classification of active learning methods and their features

The disadvantage of traditional forms of work (along with its advantages) is that not all educators act as active participants. A business game and other innovative forms working with teaching staff.

Every creative teacher knows how often he is visited by wonderful ideas, sudden insights (eureka), which, being unclaimed in a timely manner, are lost and forgotten. Whatever happens, there is discussion- this is a discussion-argument, a clash of different points of view, positions, approaches. Discussion should not be confused with polemic, i.e. purposeful, emotional, deliberately biased defense of an already formed position. It is possible to use collapsed forms of discussions, which include: round table - “aquarium” technique. Its main task is to develop the skills to critically evaluate different approaches to solving specific issues in the practice of preschool educational institutions, the ability to defend one’s point of view with reason, and to create a culture of discussion. Topics for round tables can be different, but they must contain alternative elements in their formulation. For example, - “Problems of interaction between public and family education on modern stage", "Preschool educational institution- what should he be like?”, “The strength of the teacher’s personality. What is it?”, “Ten Commandments of a Creative Personality. Do you agree with them?

One of the effective interactive forms of working with preschool teachers is training(quick response, fast learning).

The goal is to develop professional skills and abilities.

Training is an English word – a special training regime. Training can be an independent form of methodological work or used as a methodological technique when conducting seminars.

When conducting training, pedagogical situations, handouts, technical means training. It is advisable to conduct training in training groups of 6 to 12 people.

Basic principles in the work of the training group: confidential and frank communication, responsibility in discussions and when discussing the results of the training.

Pedagogical ring- guides teachers to study the latest research in psychology and pedagogy, methodological literature, helps to identify different approaches to a decision pedagogical problems, improves skills logical thinking and argumentation of one’s position, teaches conciseness, clarity, accuracy of statements, develops resourcefulness, and a sense of humor. This form provides criteria for evaluating the answers, speeches and actions of participants:

  • general erudition;

  • professional knowledge, skills, abilities;

  • ability to get out predicament, impromptu
    For example, the pedagogical ring: “Ways to improve the learning process in preschool educational institutions.”
Round table- is carried out with the aim of developing a common opinion and position of the participants on the issue under discussion. Usually 1-3 issues of the problem under discussion are thought through.

When carrying out " Round table“It is important to pay attention to the design of the room. For example, it is advisable to place tables around the perimeter of the room. The host of the Round Table determines his place so that he can see all the participants. Invited specialists, administration, etc. may also be present here. During the work, each issue of the problem is discussed separately. The floor is given to teachers who have experience working on the problem. The facilitator summarizes the discussion of each issue. At the end, he offers a version of the general position, taking into account comments, additions, and amendments.

"Aquarium"- a form of dialogue when teachers are asked to discuss a problem “in front of the public.” The group chooses to lead the dialogue on the problem with someone it can trust. Sometimes there may be several people willing. Everyone else acts as spectators. Hence the name – “aquarium”.

What benefits does this technique give to teachers? The opportunity to see your colleagues from the outside, that is, to see how they communicate, how they react to someone else’s thought, how they resolve an emerging conflict, how they argue their idea and what evidence they provide that they are right, and so on.

Or this form: intragroup work, where a group is formed (6-7 people), whose work is open to observation. The rest of the teachers, together with the leader, without interfering, observe the implementation of roles in solving the cognitive task. However, at the end of the lesson, observers, group members and, finally, the leader consistently summarize various results (cognitive, communicative, etc.). Required condition successful discussion: participants should not know about the positions of others, but behave in accordance with the assigned role.


Seize the initiative from the very beginning, defend your position with arguments and emotional pressure.


Meet with hostility any proposals put forward and defend opposing points of view; in a word, adhere to the position of Porthos: “I fight because I fight!..”


Express your agreement with any points of view and support all statements of the speaker


Do not get involved in an argument, but from time to time put forward some unexpected proposals.


It is necessary to organize the discussion so that all participants have their say, ask clarifying questions


Avoid answering the question directly; no one should understand what point of view you adhere to.


Always disrupt the smooth flow of the discussion (drop something, giggle at the wrong time, ask your neighbor in a loud whisper to move...)

Each problem to which a group of questions asked by teachers relates is revealed as fully as possible. Teachers must clearly understand theoretical basis problems, ways to solve them, forms of organization, methods and techniques of work, and more.

Discussion– critical dialogue, business dispute, free discussion of a problem, a powerful combination of theoretical and practical knowledge.

Purpose of the discussion– involving listeners in an active discussion of the problem; identifying contradictions between practices and science; mastering the skills of applying theoretical knowledge to analyze reality.

The form of the meeting is a collective discussion of theoretical issues.

Methodology of its organization:

  • determining the purpose and content of the problem under discussion, forecasting the results;

  • identification of key issues on which the discussion will be organized (random, secondary issues are not brought up for discussion);

  • planning;

  • preliminary familiarization of teachers with the main provisions of the topic under discussion

  • familiarizing teachers with the problem, situational task.

  • Questions are presented to teachers sequentially in accordance with the plan.

  • a discussion of opposing points of view on the essence of the problem under consideration is organized.

  • conclusion, summing up the discussion.
In conclusion, the presenter notes the activity or passivity of the audience, evaluates the teachers’ answers,, if necessary, refutes incorrect judgments with arguments, supplements incomplete answers, draws a general conclusion based on the results of the discussion, and thanks the teachers for participating in the discussion.

The presenter must:

  • It is good to know the problem, the topic of discussion.

  • Study the position and arguments of your opponents.

  • Do not allow the conversation to deviate from the subject of discussion or substitute concepts.
Method "Brainstorm" or "Brainstorming" (brainstorming)- a procedure for group creative thinking, more precisely, it is a means of obtaining a large number of ideas from a group of people in a short period of time.

This method can be actively used at meetings creative group to discuss a plan or conduct various events: children's holidays, competitions, pedagogical competitions, methodological associations, etc.

To brainstorm:

  1. A problem is selected for discussion;

  2. A creative group of approximately ten people is formed: the discussion of the problem takes place in a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere;

  3. The brainstorming procedure itself is divided into three stages:

  • Introduction. During which a problem is announced and written on the board. The presenter explains the reason for putting forward the chosen topic, then asks the participants to offer their own wording options;

  • Generation of ideas. Discussion participants freely express their ideas, which are recorded on the board. At this stage, criticism is strictly prohibited, because the best ones are the so-called “crazy ideas”.

  • At the stage of analyzing ideas and searching for opportunities for their implementation, the proposals made are processed, it is proposed to consider ideas from the points of view of originality and possibility of implementation. Each idea is marked with a card with icons:
Moderation method(moderator – intermediary, regulator). This method allows you to “force” people to act as one team to develop, in the shortest possible time, specific, implementable proposals aimed at solving the problem.

Using this method, each teacher can:

  • focus on content;

  • act purposefully;

  • maintain the opportunity for improvisation;

  • show independence to each participant in the discussion;

  • conduct discussion in a free and collegial atmosphere.
The method involuntarily creates a collegial atmosphere, not questioning or taking turns speaking, but making decisions as you work.

  • Events. A general conclusion is drawn up from the individual conclusions of the working groups. At this teachers' council, as a result, teachers drew up an action plan for the development of children's speech activity and their speech creativity together with parents, using modern methods and technology. At the end of the teachers' meeting there is an assessment of the work on the topic. (Are the teachers satisfied with the result of the discussion? Are they satisfied with the proposed solution prospects?) At the same time, I would like to note that teachers are not always satisfied with the result of the discussion. In this case, it is necessary to analyze the work of teachers and identify the reasons for the ineffectiveness of the discussion.
Case study method– a non-game method of analyzing and solving situations where teachers participate in direct discussion of business situations and tasks taken from real practice. This method is usually used during a situational business game, which itself is also interactive game method and involves the deployment of special (game) activities of teachers - participants in the simulation model, recreating the conditions and dynamics of the educational process or cooperation with the parents of students.

When using the “Cases” method, all situations discussed are divided into:

  • situations - illustrations;

  • situations - exercises;

  • situations - assessments;

  • situations are problems.
Symposium- discussion, during which participants give messages representing their points of view, after which they answer questions from the audience.

Debate- a discussion built on the basis of pre-agreed speeches by representatives of two opposing groups.

Dispute(from Latin disputable - to reason, to argue) involves a dispute, a clash of different, sometimes opposing points of view. It requires the parties to have conviction, a clear and definite view of the subject of the dispute, and the ability to defend their arguments. Such a teacher council is a collective reflection on a given topic or problem.

Laws of dispute

  • Dispute is a free exchange of opinions.

  • Everyone is active at the debate. In a dispute, everyone is equal.

  • Everyone speaks out and criticizes any situation,
    which I don't agree with.

  • Say what you mean and mean what you say.

  • The main thing in a dispute is facts, logic, and the ability to prove. Facial expressions, gestures, exclamations are not accepted as arguments.

  • A sharp, apt word is welcome.

  • Whispering on the spot and inappropriate jokes are prohibited.
The subject of the dispute should be a problem that causes conflicting judgments and is solved in different ways. The dispute does not exclude, but presupposes the depth and comprehensiveness of the disclosure of the problem. Where there is no subject of dispute, but only speeches that complement or clarify certain arguments, there is no dispute, this is, at best, a conversation.

The formulation of the topic should be acute, problematic, awaken the thoughts of teachers, contain a question that is solved differently in practice and in literature, and raises different opinions, For example:

  • "Do kindergartens need standards?"

  • "What should we teach preschoolers today?"

  • "Innovative technologies: pros and cons",

  • "What are the goals of education today?"

  • "What are universal human values?"

  • "What is the role of family education today?"
Option pedagogical council-dispute is the solution to pedagogical situations. The leader or senior teacher selects a bank of complex pedagogical situations on the problem and offers it to the team. The form of presentation can be varied: targeted, by drawing lots, divided into groups. The administration of the preschool educational institution can play the role of jury, presenter, consultant, opponent, etc.

Traditional pedagogical advice based on the creation of problem groups

Main disadvantage traditional form pedagogical council with a report - low activity of teachers. This disadvantage can be avoided if you choose current problem and involve all members of the pedagogical council in its discussion by organizing a number of problem-solving creative groups.

Stage 1 – the development stage is carried out methodological advice. The main problem is divided into several subtopics, which are proposed to be developed by groups of members of the pedagogical council, selected on the basis of their involvement, competence, and experience in this area. Published overall plan advice, questions for discussion, bibliography.

Stage 2 – preparation stage (creative problem groups). Preparation for the pedagogical council is simultaneously carried out by problem groups together with the administration, subject departments and methodological associations, and a methodological office. Plans for the work of the pedagogical council are being developed.

Each group receives the task: to study the state of the problem in their area. Members of the administration and heads of methodological associations join (provide assistance) to the work of the group.

Problem groups together with the administration:

Are engaged in developing questions for the pedagogical council;

Conduct surveys of teachers and students;

They are thinking over a series of supporting events (theoretical seminars, subject weeks, methodological days);

Attend classes and extracurricular activities;

Provide assistance to teachers in systematizing material on the selected problem;

Study the documentation of the educational institution;

Develop reminders;

They are preparing an announcement about the upcoming pedagogical council;

Publicity and stimulation of teachers' preparation for the pedagogical council is ensured by the fact that a poster announcing the upcoming teachers' council is posted in the teachers' room a month or more in advance. It contains the date, topic, time, place, goals and objectives of the teachers' council, agenda, questions for teachers, as well as a list of references on the issue under discussion.

Stage 3 – implementation stage. The duration of the pedagogical council is 2 - 2.5 hours. The Chairman of the Pedagogical Council reminds of the requirements for speakers:

Be able to listen and not interrupt the speaker;

Everyone's opinion must be heard, taken into account and accepted;

Thoughts and suggestions must be formulated clearly and concisely;

Other people's opinions should be respected, but at the same time you need to express your own;

Prove your point of view based on analysis school situation, facts, data and conclusions not only of pedagogy, but also of psychology, physiology, defectology and other sciences;

Make specific proposals and address them precisely. Criticize in a businesslike manner, as a matter of principle. Avoid emotional outbursts; remember that emotions sharply reduce the effectiveness of the exchange of opinions.

The decision-making procedure is important. The draft decision is prepared in advance by the working presidium and put to a vote. Before voting, a discussion of the draft decision must be announced. After voting (open), proposals for amendments, clarification of the decision adopted as a basis are taken into account, and, finally, the final version of the decision as a whole is voted on.

Let us note that the attitude towards the decision of the pedagogical council is already manifested in the process of its adoption.

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