Speech development in preschool children as a psychological and pedagogical problem. Speech development

Speech development- the process of speech formation depending on age characteristics person. The formation of speech goes through three main stages. The first stage is preverbal. This is the first year of a child's life. Although the child does not yet know how to speak, during this period conditions are created that ensure the mastery of speech in the future. Such conditions include the formation of selective receptivity to the speech of others - preferential selection of it among other sounds, as well as a more subtle differentiation of speech effects compared to other sounds. Sensitivity to the phonemic characteristics of spoken speech occurs. The preverbal stage of speech development ends with the emergence of understanding of the simplest statements of an adult, i.e., the emergence of passive speech in children. The second stage is the child’s transition to active speech. It usually occurs in the second year of a child’s life. The child begins to pronounce the first words and simple phrases, and phonemic hearing develops. Great importance For timely mastery of speech and for the normal pace of its development, in the first and second stages there are conditions for communication between a child and an adult: the presence of emotional contact, business cooperation between them and rich communication with speech. At the third stage, speech is improved as a means of communication. It more and more accurately reflects the speaker’s intentions, and more and more accurately conveys the content and general context of the events being reflected. The vocabulary is expanding, grammatical structures are becoming more complex, and pronunciation becomes clearer. The lexical and grammatical richness of children's speech depends on the conditions of their communication with people around them. They appropriate from the speech they hear only what is necessary and sufficient for the communicative tasks facing them. In the second or third year of life, intensive accumulation of vocabulary occurs, the meanings of words become more and more defined. By the age of two, children master singular and plural numbers and some case endings. By the end of the third year, the child speaks approximately 1000 words, by 6-7 years - 3-4 thousand words.

By the beginning of the 3rd year, children begin to develop a grammatical structure of speech. By the end preschool age Children practically master almost all the laws of word formation and inflection. At the beginning of this period, the child’s speech is situational: fragmentary, understandable only in specific conditions, tied to the current situation. Gradually, speech becomes less situational. Coherent contextual speech appears, expanded and grammatically formatted. However, elements of situationality have been present in the child’s speech for a long time: it is replete with demonstrative pronouns, and there are many violations of coherence. IN school years the child moves on to conscious mastery of speech during the learning process. Written speech is mastered - passive (reading) and active (writing). This opens up additional opportunities for further development lexical, grammatical and stylistic aspects of not only written, but also oral speech.

Speech, a wonderful gift of nature, is not given to a person from birth. It will take time for the baby to start talking. And adults, and first of all parents, must make a lot of efforts to ensure that the child’s speech develops correctly and in a timely manner. Mother, father and other family members are the baby’s first interlocutors and teachers on the path of his speech development. In to school age(3-7 years) individual characteristics and deficiencies in the speech development of children begin to appear. This happens because it is during this period (on average 5 years) that the development of speech is completed. Speech development means that the child pronounces all sounds correctly native language; has a significant vocabulary; mastered the basics of the grammatical structure of speech; masters the initial forms of coherent speech (dialogue and monologue), allowing him to freely come into contact with people. A normally developing child actively enters into a variety of relationships withsurrounding people; All big role Peers and other children play in his life. Poorly speaking children, beginning to realize their shortcomings, become silent, shy, and indecisive; their communication with other people (adults and peers) becomes difficult, and cognitive activity decreases. This happens because a child with various speech defects becomes a “difficult” interlocutor; it is difficult for him to be understood by others. Therefore, any delay, any disturbance in the development of speech negatively affects his activity and behavior, and therefore the formation of the personality as a whole.

Unfortunately, in last years There is a sharp decline in the level of speech development of preschool children. And one of the reasons for this decrease is the passivity and ignorance of parents in matters of children’s speech development. The participation of parents in the development of a child’s speech plays a colossal role. The speech of children is formed under the influence of the speech of adults. It is beneficial when a child hears normal speech and lives in a cultural, healthy environment. Violation of this influence distorts his speech development. a condition for normal speech development is the presence of a favorable language environment. The more a child communicates with loved ones and parents, the more intense and better his speech development occurs. On this site you will find tips on how to develop your child’s speech: how to create a speech environment, how to talk to your baby, what games to play and much more. In addition, everything you find here we use in kindergarten with your children. Read, study, use at home and you will immediately notice that your child’s development (and not only speech) will become more intense and of higher quality. After all, we can only achieve good results in the development, upbringing and education of children together, only in “kindergarten-family” cooperation.


Preschool age is a sensitive period of speech development in a person’s life. “Sensitive” means a very significant, especially sensitive, period of developing abilities. And the opportunities inherent in this period must be used to the fullest. It can be very, very difficult to catch up.

Let's, dear parents, first figure it out - what is speech development? What do you think?

And I’ll start with the fact that many parents have an erroneous opinion on this issue, which not only does not contribute to the speech development of children, but, on the contrary, significantly inhibits it.

Opinion 1 and error 1. While the child does not speak, there is no need to develop speech. That is, we need to wait until the speech matures, and then, if he speaks, we will develop it, if he does not speak, we will go to a speech therapist. This opinion greatly interferes with speech development, and this is the root of speech development problems in most children.

Opinion 2 and error 2. If he speaks, it means that his speech development has ended. The main result has already been obtained. This is a very common opinion among parents. From this point of view, it turns out like this: as soon as the baby speaks, as soon as his first words appear, there is nothing left to develop, no development of speech is needed, because the child speaks, which means speech is there and developed! This is wrong. The first words are just the first stage in speech development. All the most interesting things await you ahead. And writing fairy tales and riddles, and getting to know poetry and other genres of children's literature and the ability to distinguish them from each other, and logical speech problems, and games with sounds, syllables, sentences, and retellings, and much more.

Opinion 3 and error 3. Speech development is a speech therapist. The most common mistake in speech development is understanding speech development too narrowly - as the work of a speech therapist to produce impaired sounds in children. It is believed that if a child pronounces all sounds, then his speech is well developed and there is no need to develop anything, which is not at all true!

Let's look at these two concepts - speech correction and speech development.

Line 1. Speech correction. A speech therapist deals with speech correction, i.e. correction of speech disorders in children and adults. That is, a speech therapist conducts classes with children whose speech is already impaired and helps the child correct speech disorders. Moreover, speech disorders concern not only sounds, but also speech breathing, intonation, tempo and timbre of speech, as well as grammar, vocabulary, coherent speech, that is, all aspects of speech development.

Line 2. Speech development and prevention of speech disorders . With normal speech development speech therapy classes the child is not required. But developing his speech is very necessary and important! This means that he needs classes and games not for speech correction, but for speech development. A lot can be done from the first days of a baby’s life to prevent him from developing speech disorders in the future. And so that he speaks freely, beautifully, accurately, expressively, correctly and without mistakes. This is the development of speech.

Opinion 4 and error 4. Lessons from textbooks are needed already in kindergarten. Some parents, having this opinion, buy a huge number of different manuals, workbooks, and begin to work diligently with their children, starting from 5-6 months (or even earlier). The only result that can be achieved with such “development” is to completely discourage the child from studying.

Opinion 5 and error 5. Speech development - literacy (reading) training

Very often, the concept of “speech development” is narrowed only to preparing children for learning to read and write, or is considered even more narrowly - only as learning to read. That is, in this case, parents believe that the development of speech in preschoolers means teaching children to read and children’s good knowledge of letters. But fast reading and knowledge of such concepts as “word”, “syllable”, “hard consonant”, “soft consonant”, “vowel”, “sentence” is only a small, very narrow particle of the holistic system of speech development in preschool age. And everything else: lexicon, an accurate understanding of the meaning of words, a sense of language, mastery of the grammar of the Russian language, mastery of intonation, speech breathing, mastery of means of expression - this is what is included in the concept of “speech development” and, in addition to this, literacy training.

Opinion 6 and error 6. Some people believe that the method of speech development is simply tongue twisters, counting rhymes, riddles, and simple proverbs. You need to use them with children in any order and more often, and everything will be fine. Or is there an opinion that speech development is simply memorizing and naming different objects by a child from pictures(memorizing and naming the names of cities, trees, flowers, animals, countries, body parts, birds, fish, etc.). And we need to make sure that the baby more words– he remembered the names of the objects, so his speech will be developed. This is wrong. Developed speech is much more than simply naming objects.

Methods of speech development- this is not a mountain of chaotically selected rhymes, poems or tongue twisters and games, but these are specific stages of solving specific problems in their system. Well-founded, proven steps! Since each pure tongue twister or tongue twister or other technique does not exist on its own, but “fits” into the system of speech development, and fits not just like that, but into a specific direction and at a specific stage of children’s education.

What actually is the method of speech development and the development of speech in children?

The methodology for developing children's speech answers the questions:

1) why teach children's speech development,

2) How learn,

3) For what And Why that's how to teach.

The goal of children's speech development in preschool age is help the child master competent, beautiful, expressive oral speech in his native language, learn to accurately, vividly, figuratively convey HIS thoughts, feelings, impressions in speech (note - your own, i.e. do not memorize and repeat like a parrot what is said to an adult, but compose your opinion about the event and express it in speech, prove it, discuss it with others).

That is Well-developed oral speech of a child should be:a) correct (that is, without errors), b) “good” in quality, that is, beautiful, imaginative, accurate, rich, expressive. This is our goal for the development of speech in children in preschool age.

Nowadays there are more and more children who are considered geniuses in the family. They know huge passages from encyclopedias by heart. But any creative or problematic situation confuses them. They also don’t have beautiful creative expressive speech. That is, they do not have the base, the basis for the development of abilities and speech development.

So we have determined that Speech development is not a narrow area of ​​working with sounds or learning to read, but is a very broad area that is very important in the development of a child. What does speech development include - what areas are highlighted in it:

Sound culture speeches – correct sound pronunciation, rhythm, tempo, timbre, intonation, speech breathing, diction and other indicators of “sounding speech”.

Vocabulary development: includes three lines - a) enriching the dictionary with new words, b) activating the dictionary, c) clarifying the dictionary (that is, the ability to select the most accurate and appropriate word in a given situation).

Mastering the grammatical structure of speech: a) morphology (that is, the ability to correctly and without errors coordinate words with each other in sentences - for example, say “red boots”, but “red dress”, and not “red boots”, “red dress”), b) syntax ( ability to construct sentences and texts different types), c) word formation (the ability to form new words from known ones by analogy, for example: builds - builder, teaches - teacher, development of linguistic sense and word creation)

The modern school requires from the child high level mental and speech development. Human language (speech) is not only a means of communication, but also a means of expressing thoughts. The more figurative and correct the speech, the more accurately the thought is expressed. The development of speech entails the development of mental operations, and, conversely, the development of thinking contributes to the development of speech. If the level of speech development of a child is high, then he not only reads well and writes competently, but also better understands and perceives what is being studied, and clearly expresses his thoughts.

There are several interrelated types of speech: oral speech, inner speech and written speech, all of which are inextricably linked with thinking. Oral speech is speech spoken out loud; it is always addressed directly to the interlocutor and serves the purposes of direct communication between people, that is, it is communicative. Many aspects of personality find expression in its content, tempo, rhythm, and smoothness. Some people speak very emotionally, others speak about the same events without much emotion, some speak laconicly, others are overly lengthy, others different people- different vocabulary. Thinking has a decisive influence on the content and direct execution of oral speech, and an attentive interlocutor can easily determine how active this moment, how flexible the speaker’s thinking is at its core, to what extent his active vocabulary is developed and how quickly the interlocutor manages his mental operations. Of course, one or several conversations cannot be used to judge the development of thinking and level of intelligence of the interlocutor; one must always take into account the general state of the person, his degree of interest in the proposed topic. Especially when it comes to the damage to the development of speech and thinking in children, because voluntary attention, when they are able to maintain a conversation with a strong-willed effort, is formed only at school age.

Thinking is organically connected with speech and language. Their emergence and development mark the emergence of a new special form of reflecting reality and managing it. It is important to distinguish language from speech. Language is a system of conventional symbols with the help of which combinations of sounds are transmitted that have the same meaning and the same meaning as the corresponding system of written signs. Speech is a set of spoken or perceived sounds that have the same meaning and the same meaning as the corresponding system of written signs. Language is the same for all people who use it, speech is individual. Speech expresses the psychology of an individual person or a community of people for whom these speech features are characteristic; language reflects the psychology of the people for whom it is native, and not only living people, but also previous generations. Speech without language acquisition is impossible, while language can exist and develop relatively independently of a person, according to laws not related to either his psychology or his behavior.

A child’s speech is formed under the influence of the speech of adults and depends to a great extent on sufficient speech practice, a normal speech environment and on upbringing and training, which begin from the first days of his life. Speech is not an innate ability, but develops in the process of ontogenesis - individual development organism from the moment of its inception to the end of life.) in parallel with the physical and mental development of the child and serves as an indicator of his general development. A child’s acquisition of his native language follows a strict pattern and is characterized by a number of features common to all children. In order to understand speech pathology, it is necessary to clearly understand the entire path of sequential speech development of children in normal conditions, to know the patterns of this process and the conditions on which its successful occurrence depends.

For a preschool child, good speech is the key to successful learning and development at school. Children with poorly developed speech lag behind and often find themselves among those who fail in various subjects.

The main task of kindergarten is to develop the child’s oral coherent speech. The characteristic features of such speech are not only extensiveness, but also arbitrariness. By the age of seven, a child’s speech should be meaningful and based on sufficient knowledge. But this is not enough - the content must be built in a logical sequence: significant episodes cannot be skipped, they cannot be rearranged randomly, unnecessary insertions should be avoided, logically move from one part to another, and be able to complete the statement. In this case, the child must correctly pronounce all the sounds and words of his native language.

Timely and complete mastery of speech is the first most important condition for the formation (appearance) of a full-fledged psyche in a child and further proper development her. Timely means started from the very first days after the birth of the child; full-fledged means sufficient in terms of volume of language material and encouraging the child to master speech to the full extent of his capabilities at each age level.

Attention to the development of a child’s speech in the first stages of development is especially important because at this time the brain is intensively developing and its functions are being formed. According to research by physiologists, the functions of the central nervous system are easy to train precisely during the period of their natural formation. Without training, the development of these functions is delayed and may even stop forever.

According to M.M. Koltsova, for the function of speech creation, such a “critical” period of development is the first three years of a child’s life: by this period, the anatomical maturation of the speech areas of the brain basically ends, the child masters the main grammatical forms of his native language, and accumulates a large vocabulary. If in the first three years the baby’s speech was not given due attention, then in the future it will take a lot of effort to catch up.

The process of mastering native speech is a natural process of development and improvement of the speech-creating system of an individual person’s body. We call the pattern of language acquisition the dependence of the intensity of education of speech skills on the developmental potential of the language environment - natural (in homeschooling) or artificial, i.e. language environment specially prepared methodological means(in preschool institutions).

The pattern of speech acquisition: the ability to perceive native speech depends on the training of the muscles of the child’s speech organs. Native speech is acquired if the child acquires the ability to articulate phonemes and model prosodemes, as well as isolate them by ear from sound complexes. To master speech, a child must practice the movements of the speech apparatus (and then, when mastering written speech, the eyes and hands) necessary to pronounce each phoneme of a given language and their positional variants and each prosodeme (modulation of voice strength, pitch, tempo, rhythm, timbre of speech), and these movements must be coordinated with hearing.

Speech is acquired if a child, listening to someone else’s speech, repeats (aloud and then silently) the speaker’s articulations and prosodemes, imitating him, that is, if his speech organs are actively operating.

The characteristics of the child’s psyche are of serious importance: the child must clearly perceive words and sounds, remember them and accurately reproduce them. Good hearing health and the ability to listen carefully are crucial. The child must correctly reproduce what he heard. To do this, his speech apparatus must function clearly: the peripheral and central parts (brain).

Most parents believe that it is enough to teach their child the letters and he will begin to read and write correctly. However, as practice shows, knowledge of letters does not exclude serious difficulties for preschoolers in learning to read and write.

But the main reasons for this phenomenon are a violation of phonemic perception, pronunciation defects, as well as undeveloped skills of sound analysis and synthesis.

The reading skill is formed in a child only after mastering the merging of speech sounds into syllables and words.

That is, if we want the child to learn written speech(reading and writing) quickly, easily, and also avoided many mistakes, he should be taught sound analysis and synthesis.

In turn, sound analysis and synthesis should be based on a stable phonemic perception of each sound of the native language.

Phonemic perception or phonemic hearing is the ability to perceive and distinguish speech sounds (phonemes).

This ability is formed in children gradually, in the process of natural development.

So, imperfect phonemic perception, on the one hand, negatively affects the development of children's sound pronunciation, on the other hand, it slows down and complicates the formation of sound analysis skills, without which full reading and writing are impossible.

So, the necessary prerequisites for teaching a preschooler to read and write are: formed phonemic perception, correct pronunciation of all sounds of the native language, as well as the presence of basic sound analysis skills.

The most significant thing for a seven-year-old child is the transition to a new social status: a preschooler becomes a schoolchild.

The child combines traces of preschool childhood with new qualities of a schoolchild. Transfer from play activity educational activities significantly influences the child’s motives and behavior. The quality of educational activities will depend on the extent to which the prerequisites were formed in the preschool period.

Very important:

how it went physical development child, his characteristics;

condition of physical hearing (frequent otitis media);

development fine motor skills fingers, general motor skills, developmental disabilities;

state of the nervous system (excitability, depression, etc.);

what knowledge and ideas about the world around the child (space, time, counting operations);

development of voluntary attention, indirect memorization, and the ability to listen to the teacher;

cognitive activity, desire to learn, interest in knowledge, curiosity;

communicative activity, readiness to work together with other children, cooperation, mutual assistance.

On the basis of these prerequisites, at primary school age, new qualities necessary for learning begin to form. Readiness for school education is formed long before entering school and is not completed in the first grade.

The concept of readiness for learning includes not only a qualitative characteristic of the child’s stock of knowledge and ideas, but also the level of development of generalizing thinking activity. Schooling places new demands on the child for his speech, attention, and memory. Plays a significant role psychological readiness child to learning, i.e. his awareness of the social significance of his new activity.

Special criteria for readiness for schooling are applied to a child’s mastery of his native language as a means of communication.

1. By school age, the child should have all hissound side of speech.

The child must have correct, clear sound pronunciation of all groups of sounds.

2. By the age of six, phonemic processes, the ability to hear and distinguish, differentiate phonemes (sounds) of the native language are fully formed.

3. Readiness of children for sound-letter analysis and synthesis of the sound composition of speech. This is the ability to isolate the initial vowel sound from the composition of a word; analysis of vowels from three sounds of AIU; backsyllable analysisvowel – consonant; hear and highlight the first and last consonant sound in a word, etc.

4. Development of vocabulary, ability to use different ways word formation. Education and correct use of words with a diminutive meaning, the ability to form words in the required form. Identify sound and semantic differences between words. Form adjectives from nouns.

5. By school age, the grammatical structure of speech is formed. This is the ability to use detailed phrasal speech, the ability to work with sentences. Correctly construct simple sentences, see the connection between words in sentences, extend sentences with secondary and homogeneous members, grammatically correct construction complex sentences. Children should be able to compose stories based on pictures, based on a series of plot pictures.

The presence of even mildly expressed deviations in phonemic and lexico-grammatical development in younger schoolchildren leads to serious problems in mastering general education school programs.

The main task of parents during pay attention to various oral speech disorders of your child in preschool ageto provide speech therapy correctional assistance before school and prevent communication difficulties in a group and poor performance in secondary school.

The sooner correctional and developmental training is started, the better the result will be.

Development of correct speech - important condition mental development and preparation of the child for school.

Sergeeva T. E.


How often do parents who pay a lot of attention to their child come across the magic phrase “speech development”!

Speech is the highest mental function . This is what psychologists write about it. What for ordinary people do these words mean? That speech is a very complex process, connected with the activity of the nervous system, and the brain in particular. Its appearance cannot happen “out of the blue” - it requires very different educations conscious. Therefore, speech can be an indicator - an indicator that the child is developing. That is why doctors pay attention to whether he speaks or not, how difficult it is to speak.

Speech is a development tool. By being able to speak, we can develop further. And not only because we can now communicate with others. The highest level of thinking is directly related to speech.

Speech is a way to compare. For ordinary people, speech is a criterion for comparing a child. Because it’s not so easy to assess physical development, thinking, and imagination at a glance. But the way the baby speaks or does not speak can be heard immediately.

Speech development includes:

Sound culture of speech is mastery of the culture of speech pronunciation;

Formation of a dictionary is a process of mastering speech;

The grammatical structure of speech is the interaction of words with each other in phrases and sentences. There are morphological and syntactic systems of grammatical structure. The morphological system is the ability to master the techniques of inflection and word formation, and the syntactic system is the ability to compose sentences and combine words in a sentence in a grammatically correct manner;

Connected speech is such expanded (that is, consisting of several or many sentences) statements that allow a person to systematically and consistently express his thoughts.

It is necessary to develop speech. But how? How exactly to do this? Buy all the books - notebooks - games that promise to do this? Take classes to centers - clubs - kindergartens and schools? Find a speech therapist?

It all depends on what you have now and what you want to achieve. If there are problems, then they need to be solved, and the best result will be when you work with specialists together. If everything is fine with the child, and you just want to help him develop, then your games with the child will be the most effective. Because games on the go, along the way, in between, short and joyful, will give results, and at the same time they will not have time to tire the child, and will save his time and energy for something else.

When should classes start? You can and should start playing with your child, stimulating his speech, from birth. And don’t stop after sending me to 1st grade. Just in at different ages The games will be different, the goals will be different.

Indicators of speech development in children.

Sound culture of speech

Grammatical structure speeches

Formation of a dictionary

Related speech

3-4 years

The child can engage in onomatopoeic exercises (kwa-kwa, pi-pi-pi, doo-doo-dui, etc.), pronouncing vowel sounds loudly. He develops a special sensitivity to the sound side of speech.

Actively uses grammatical forms.

Distinguishes between singular and plural objects (dishes, clothes, toys).

Correctly uses words denoting baby animals.

Identifies the characteristics of objects (shape, color, size).

Agrees the verb in time with the noun.

Understands the purpose of prepositions.

Uses different intonations (interrogative, narrative, motivating).

Reflects in speech first the objects of the immediate environment, then the signs of objects, then animals, vegetables, fruits, plants, etc.

The child is characterized by dialogical speech.

He is able to begin retelling a fairy tale (“Ryaba Hen,” “Turnip,” “Kolobok”), and sometimes, with the help of an adult’s questions, continue it.

Able to look at pictures and toys; answering questions.

Isolates individual

addressing him. An indicator is initiative speech.

4-5 years

For the most part, he clearly pronounces all the sounds of his native language.

Easily imitates surrounding sounds and noises in nature: wind, water, bugs, pump, etc.

Can vary tempo and intonation expressiveness while reading fairy tales and poetry.

Distinguishes between words and sounds.

Creatively applies what he has learned: practices using the genitive case plural nouns, imperative verbs.

Word creation is the norm.

Identifies properties, qualities, details, parts in objects and verbally denotes them. Able to select appropriate actions for a subject. Capable of elementary generalization of objects into generic categories (furniture, dishes, clothing).

Can answer questions about the content of literary works, talk about a picture, describe the features of a toy, and convey personal impressions in his own words.

5-6 years

Able to pronounce difficult sounds, speech is clear.

Uses means of intonation expressiveness: sad, cheerful, solemnly reads poetry, regulates the volume of the voice and the pace of speech under different circumstances, uses narrative, interrogative and exclamatory intonations.

Can detect pronunciation errors in the speech of peers and adults.

Saturates his speech with words denoting all parts of speech.

Active in word creation, inflection and word formation, asks a lot of search questions.

Able to establish and reflect cause-and-effect relationships in speech, generalize,

analyze and systematize.

Able to coordinate an adjective with a noun in gender and number, correctly use singular and plural nouns in the genitive case, and use complex sentences.

The child develops a critical attitude towards his speech.

Fluently uses generalizing words, grouping objects according to generic characteristics.

The semantic side of the child’s speech develops (synonyms, antonyms, shades word meanings, selective, suitable expressions, the use of words in different meanings).

He understands what he reads well, answers questions about the content and is able to retell fairy tales and short stories.

Uses synonymous expressions and is able to participate in collective retelling.

Can talk about a picture (a series of pictures), about a toy (about several toys) and about something from personal experience, conveying the beginning, climax and denouement. Able to go beyond the real, imagining previous and subsequent events.

Can notice not only the essential in a story, but also details and particulars.

6-7 years

Critical of mistakes, strives for accuracy and correctness. Actively uses synonyms and antonyms, is able to explain unknown meanings of familiar polysemantic words, and combine words according to their meaning. Able to build short messages. Able to formulate a monologue speech grammatically correct, consistently and coherently, accurately and expressively retell and independently narrate, having an idea of ​​the composition of a literary work and linguistic means artistic speech

1. Try to speak to your child slowly, in short sentences without unnecessary emotionality, use simple words.

2. Try to keep your child from speaking when he is on the verge of hysterics or crying. First, you need to calm him down in any way, distract him with something interesting, caress him.

3. Treat your child with respect, listen carefully, and do not interrupt. Feel free to express your love. Smile more often and praise your child.

4. Don’t adapt to the baby’s language, don’t babble, don’t lisp with him. This manner of communication not only does not stimulate the child to master correct sound pronunciation, but also perpetuates his shortcomings for a long time.

5. If a child pronounces any sounds incorrectly, do not imitate the words. Can't demand correct pronunciation sounds when the process of sound formation is not yet completed.

6. Talk to your child as much as possible: on the way home, on a walk, etc.

7. Discuss with your child the books you have read, TV shows, films, and cartoons you have watched.

8. Don’t scold your child for bad speech; it’s better to give the correct example.

It is known that speech is not a gift that appears with the birth of a person. In order to properly form it in a pupil, adults need to make a lot of effort. A lesson on speech development should be carried out by the parents of the baby from the first days of his birth. For teachers educational institutions who work with children of preschool and school age also face a lot of painstaking work on the formation of speech skills.

Where to start

The result of insufficient attention from adults to working on a child’s speech is a delay in its development, which, in turn, negatively affects the formation of memory, perception, thinking, imagination, and the sensory sphere. In a word, speech is a skill that affects the quality of a person’s entire life. That is why work on its development must begin as early as possible.

With regular communication with the baby, already in the first weeks of life, he begins to develop the ability to listen to the sounds of speech and focus attention on them. During this period, the baby is already able to distinguish human speech from the general stream of sounds surrounding him.

The ability to distinguish the intonation with which an adult addresses the baby and respond to it accordingly is the next step in the work when speech is formed. This skill is observed in most babies by four to five months. Further work on the development of speech skills in infants is aimed at the ability to understand the meaning of words, short phrases and respond to them correctly.

Tips for conducting classes aimed at developing speech

  • talk to your baby as much as possible;
  • repeat the same technique several times during the day;
  • address the baby more often with words of affection and show your friendly attitude.

All actions performed at the moment of communication with a child must be performed against the background of sounding speech, that is, the adult pronounces what he is doing and why.

An adult’s speech should be emotional and expressive, and serve as a role model.

The role of small literary genres in child development

Russian speech, decorated with short rhymes, is always attractive to listeners. Kids show genuine interest in jokes, nursery rhymes, jokes, and sayings. Adults need to skillfully use this natural attraction of children to folk art.

It is recommended to accompany the reading of poetry with certain movements of the child’s arms, legs, fingers and other parts of the body. Such exercises help the baby understand that every spoken word has certain meaning, indicates an object, its sign or action. By playing with an adult, the child expands his passive vocabulary. In addition, he learns to carry out commands that are given by word.

Parents need to know that games such as “Ghouls Have Arrived”, “Ladushki”, “Magpie-Crow” and many others are not just fun, but techniques aimed at developing the child’s speech. Such exercises should not be neglected.

Organization of special classes

Speech is a complex skill, the full development of which requires special organized training kids. That is why most of the time in children's education and development programs in schools and kindergartens is devoted to the issue of speech development.

In special classes in kindergarten and school lessons, it is recommended to include the following types of work:

  • enrichment of the child’s passive and active vocabulary;
  • development of dialogical and monologue speech;
  • familiarization with works fiction, created by masters of words;
  • learning by heart;
  • retelling

The result of systematic work should be the child’s ability to describe the subject in detail, outline the course of certain events, and conduct basic reasoning with evidence.

Requirements for baby's speech

Teachers and parents are required to know what literary standards the child’s speech should comply with. This is a whole complex of characteristics.

In the monologue speech of students, the correct grammatical structure sentences - they can be simple and complex. The sound corresponds to orthoepic standards. Speech is intonationally colored. There are no defects in the pronunciation of individual sounds. The active vocabulary is quite diverse - the child uses words of the same root, which Russian speech is so rich in. In addition, the student skillfully uses forms of the same word.
The entire process of language acquisition takes a long time and requires diligence on the part of the child and the adults who work with him.

Lesson structure

Each speech development lesson is aimed at developing a specific skill. Its structure will largely depend on this.

Most often, such lessons begin with children listening to a coherent text. Its volume and content depend on the age of the students. At this stage the adult can read piece of art, talk about an event on your own behalf, talk with children about the topic, using specially prepared questions.
Next, using the prepared language material, exercises are carried out aimed at enriching vocabulary, developing phonemic awareness, and language grammar. Diction and the necessary intonation are also practiced. For these purposes, individual sentences, phrases, words, and letter combinations taken from texts already familiar to children are used.

Working on coherent text

As the child grows up, namely in preschool and primary school age, adults are faced with a task, as a result of which his independent speech should be formed. This skill can be assessed during children's free oral statements on a specific topic. It is also good to look at the level of speech proficiency when students perform such types of written work as presentation and composition.

The list of types of tasks used in working on connected text is huge, but we can highlight those that are most popular among children and teachers.

The work of composing a story from a picture can begin very early. At the same time, the content of the pictures can be very diverse. The main condition is that it must be understandable to the child and appropriate to his age.

Retelling a text with a change in its beginning or end is popular with fantasy children. It is only important for the teacher to listen carefully to the narrator and unobtrusively correct errors that arise in the speech.

Similar actions are required from the teacher when a retelling is performed with a change in the person from whom the story is told. Of particular interest are exercises where the child is invited to become a direct participant in events and tell a story in the first person.

Thanks to regular performance of such exercises, children subsequently successfully master the skills of monologue oral and written speech.

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