Step by step drawing with cotton swabs. Wet painting technique

Children's creativity

Let's draw cotton swabs

When drawing, you can use a template by simply filling parts of the drawing with dots of the desired color. On the contrary, you can draw only colored outlines of objects using dots. It’s interesting to add dots to finished drawings, for example, this is how children paint snow or rain with gouache on top of a finished watercolor drawing. We draw with cotton swabs

Today we will talk about techniques for drawing with a cotton swab. Having framed your child’s drawing, you can decorate his room with a painting of your own making. On the one hand, drawing with cotton swabs is a natural intermediate stage between drawing with fingers and a brush, on the other hand, it is very unusual technique drawing that will definitely interest children.

For example, it is much easier for a child to draw with a stick than with a brush, and the stick does not need to be washed.

For drawing you will need: finger or regular gouache, paper, coloring books, cotton swabs (a lot) and a palette. A plastic palette is needed to prevent the child from dipping a stick into a jar of gouache and taking on too much paint. And on the palette it is enough to put a little gouache of different colors, dilute it with water to a semi-liquid state, for each color you need to put its own stick. And that’s it, you can start drawing.

Show your child how to draw with a stick: draw lines or put dots. Even a little one will understand this, because this is exactly how he drew with his finger.

When drawing, you can use a template by simply filling parts of the drawing with dots of the desired color. On the contrary, you can draw only colored outlines of objects using dots. It’s interesting to add dots to finished drawings; for example, this is how children paint snow or rain with gouache on top of a finished watercolor drawing.

Simonova Tatyana

Drawing- one of the most popular types creative activity in the lives of many children. And that's great! After all, in artistic activity there is enormous potential, which are attentive and loving parents can be successfully implemented in activities with their child.

So what is it pointillism? Pointillism is a unique movement in painting, which translated from French means "write with dots". Many artists painted paintings of this kind. For example, paintings by Georges are recognized as masterpieces

Sulfur. He is considered the founder of this technology.

Pointillism based on a strict scientific physical and mathematical basis. The colors on the palette do not mix; bright, contrasting colors are applied in dots, and it is understood that the mixing of colors occurs due to an optical effect directly on the retina. And if the viewer looks at the picture from a close distance, then the drawing is poorly visible, but if you look from afar, the whole picture is visible.

In genre pointillism drawing with a cotton swab or with the thin end of a brush, marker, gel pens, felt-tip pens, fingers.

Why is it useful? drawing for a child?


– develops fine motor skills and tactile perception;

– trains memory;

– teaches perseverance and composure;

– helps strengthen the hand for learning to write;

– enriches the inner world;

– helps to express feelings; promotes emotional liberation;

– develops imagination;

– develops Creative skills;

– forms a creative approach to life;

– develops individuality;

- introduces you to art.

Necessary materials: paper for drawing, paints, cotton buds, brush, water glass, napkins.

Step-by-step job description:

1. Using a brush, draw a trunk on paper wood brown paint;

2. Next we will need gouache in red, yellow, orange and green. We will draw using cotton swabs. Let's dip cotton swab in gouache and method"poke" begin draw leaves;

3. Draw the grass in the same way;

4. We move on to coloring the puddle and sky;

So bright and unusual we got trees!

Thank you for your attention.

Publications on the topic:

Unconventional drawing “Mimosa Branch”. Average speech therapy group No. 2 Educator Natalya Nikolaevna Solomatina Implemented educational.

Drawing a bullfinch with cotton swabs. Objectives: - teach children to color the chest of a bullfinch without going beyond the outline; - develop children's drawing skills.

Summary of GCD “Beautiful flower for mom.” Drawing with cotton swabs (senior group) Progress OD: Educator: Guys, today a very unusual guest came to us. And who is it, let's try to guess: Fly, fly, petal.

Abstract of the educational activity “Rowan berries for a bird” (drawing with cotton swabs) Abstract directly educational activities teacher with children of the second group of early age Topic: “Rowan berries for the bird” (Integration.

Summary of GCD in senior group on the topic "Goldfish".

From a very early age, children are drawn to scribble something on paper; all children love to draw. Children especially enjoy drawing.

Drawing is one of the leading activities of children attending preschool educational institutions. It promotes knowledge of the world around us and is the most effective means formation of a creative personality. To stimulate interest in visual arts, it is advisable for the teacher to use non-traditional drawing methods in his work. Working with unusual materials and new techniques will give preschoolers middle group exceptionally positive emotions, will reveal new possibilities for using familiar objects.

The importance of non-traditional drawing techniques for children's development in the garden

Unconventional drawing is interesting because children’s images always turn out different. As a rule, these are simple and available techniques, however, play a very important role in mental development preschooler. Their use presupposes an atmosphere of ease, allowing the child to take the initiative and express feelings and emotions in the drawing. The main thing in such activities is not the final product, but the formation of a self-confident personality.

The use of non-traditional techniques develops the research abilities of 4-5 year old children. After all, they provide an opportunity to experiment (for example, mix gouache with soap foam, apply paint to natural materials).

Non-traditional drawing improves the fine motor skills of middle group preschoolers, which in turn contributes to the development of correct speech.

Mental processes such as thinking, attention, visual memory, and imagination develop. Tactile sensitivity increases - the fingertips are in direct contact with the paint, feeling its thickness and viscosity.

Work with unusual materials makes children wonder, improves their social and communication skills: children ask more questions to the teacher, to each other, their vocabulary is enriched and activated.

A variety of methods and techniques (palms, poking, printing, thread printing, etc.). Materials used

In the middle group, it is already possible to successfully use a wide variety of non-traditional drawing techniques. Let's consider the main directions.

Children really enjoy printing with different objects. These can be foam forms: the teacher applies an in-depth drawing to them with a sharp object. The child dips such a “signet” in paint and then applies it to a sheet of paper - a beautiful image is obtained. Similarly, you can print with vegetables and fruits: potatoes, apples, and carrots are especially suitable for this purpose. To do this, they are given the desired shape and a paint that matches the color is selected.

You can also print using foam rubber, a crumpled piece of paper, or a cotton pad. An interesting image is obtained from leaf prints (this way you can draw trees or a butterfly). The side with veins is covered with paint and applied to the base with the painted side. The leaf petioles can be carefully painted on with a brush. An interesting gradient effect is obtained if several colors are mixed on the surface of a sheet.

You can draw a variety of objects using half a potato

A more difficult activity for middle group preschoolers is poking with a hard brush. The child hits the previously drawn outline with a brush with gouache paint. Moreover, the brush is not wetted with water. The result is an imitation of a fluffy or prickly surface, which is ideal for depicting animals, for example, a hedgehog, bear or hare. While working, the brush must be held vertically - then the pokes will be even.

The poking method is good for depicting various animals

Poking drawing

Kids love to paint with their hands. The child's entire brush is dipped into gouache or painted with a brush, and then he leaves an imprint on the base. You can draw at the same time with two pens painted in different colors. The sun, grass, trees, and birds are often drawn this way. After work, wipe your palms with a napkin, then the gouache is easily washed off with water.

Drawing with palms

Poster as a gift for mom made using palm painting

When painting with fingers, the child does not dip the entire palm into the gouache, but only the tip of the finger. Dots or specks are applied to the paper. You can paint a different color on each finger. A similar image is obtained when using cotton swabs.

Drawing with cotton swabs

Finger painting

Fancy patterns on a sheet of paper can be created using semolina (salt and sand can also be used for this purpose).

This technique is good for creating landscapes - semolina gives the composition a beautiful texture. The background is sprinkled with grain while the paint is still wet. After a short period of time, the semolina is simply shaken off, and light spots remain in its place. Another option is to draw the object and paint it with a glue stick (necessarily on a colored background), and then sprinkle it with semolina.

Drawing with semolina Threadography is a technique of drawing with ordinary thread.

The kid folds a sheet of paper in half and dips the thread into the paint. An image of thread is laid out on one side of the base, while one end remains free. The drawing is covered on top with the second half of the paper and pressed. After this, the thread is pulled out by the tip. The result is an image that is completed with a brush to the desired image.

Nitcography Children in the middle group love to draw with foam rubber.

This is a convenient means for creating a background for a picture; in addition, foam rubber has great potential to embody a child’s fantasies. For example, this is an ideal way to depict snowdrifts in a winter landscape.

Drawing with foam rubber using a stencil An unusual image is obtained using the blotography technique. The child scoops up gouache paint with a spoon and then pours it onto the base. You get stains yourself different shapes . The base is covered with another sheet - an image appears on it, which is completed until the desired image

. You can also blow on the stain with a straw to make it appear larger.

Drawing using the blotography technique An unusual drawing tool is a toothbrush. Thick, harsh bristles allow you to apply design details with varying densities. Due to this, a volume effect occurs, you can combine different shades

. For example, in this way you can depict a Christmas tree very realistically.

Drawing a toothbrush gives the branches volume

Drawing with a toothbrush You can draw in a similar way with a plastic fork.

, dipping its tip into the paint. This way you can depict a prickly hedgehog or the sun.

Drawing with a fork

The drawing perfectly conveys the spines of the animal For drawing in the middle group, the teacher can offer the children candles or wax crayons. Using these materials, the child creates an image on paper and then paints it over with watercolors. The drawing with a candle or crayons remains white

Drawing with a candle, soap bubbles, cotton swabs, wax crayons

Unconventional drawing of individual objects and objects (examples of work with comments)

Some topics are especially conducive to unconventional drawing methods. For example, a tree can be depicted in an original way using a print of leaves, completing the missing parts (composition “ Autumn trees"). Another interesting way- imprint cabbage leafwinter tree"). Using your palm, you can depict a snow-covered crown (“Snow-Covered Tree”). The leaves and fruits of the tree are often depicted with fingers or cotton swabs (“Apple Tree”).

Leaf prints and drawing Drawing with palms and fingers Printing with cabbage leaves Drawing with cotton swabs

Such a favorite item for kids as Balloons, can be depicted with foam rubber or using the rubber balls themselves (they are inflated and the tip is immersed in paint - a very realistic image is obtained).

Drawing with a balloon

Drawing with a balloon

Falling autumn leaves similarly can be depicted using real leaves. To do this, it is better to select small-sized specimens (“Multi-colored leaves”). Another way is to draw with cotton swabs, fingers, or poking. Leaves can also be printed with potatoes, after first drawing the corresponding silhouette on the vegetable.

Printing with leaves

Poking drawing

The structure of the rowan branch is conducive to drawing it with cotton swabs, fingers or a poke (photo).

Poking drawing

Birds in the middle group are also often depicted in unconventional ways. For example, using your palms you can draw a graceful flying or swimming swan.

Drawing with palms

Drawing with palms

Using unconventional drawing methods, it is good to depict vegetables and fruits.

Drawing with a pipette

Printing with half an apple and drawing with cotton swabs

Class notes

Author's full name Title of the abstract
Druzhina E. "Winter"

(drawing in unconventional ways - imprint with a cabbage leaf, image with cotton swabs)

Educational objectives: learn to draw a landscape using unconventional techniques (printing with a cabbage leaf, painting with cotton swabs).
Developmental tasks: expand your understanding of the winter season.
Educational tasks: to cultivate interest in nature, a sense of beauty.
Integration of educational areas: « Artistic creativity", "Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Health".
Demo material: reproductions of winter landscapes.
Handout: tinted sheets of white paper according to the number of children, brushes, white gouache, sheets of Chinese cabbage, sippy cups, stands for brushes.
Progress of the lesson:
Riddle about winter. The teacher asks the children what words can be used to talk about winter (snowy, frosty, shiny, fluffy, etc.), what they can play in winter.
To the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky guys look at reproductions of paintings by Russian artists in winter. At the same time, the teacher consolidates knowledge of what a landscape is.
A surprise moment - a package arrives at the group, but it does not open. To open it, one of the guys must read a poem about winter.
There is a knock on the door - a toy hare appears, who says that he delivered the package and complains to the children that he cannot find his way home. The guys promise to help him. The hare opens his package - it turns out to be a cabbage leaf.
The teacher invites preschoolers to turn into landscape artists and draw winter picture in a special way - cabbage leaves.
Demonstration of image techniques. Apply a thick layer of paint to the sheet with a brush, then apply it to the base and carefully remove it with both hands. The resulting print looks very much like a snow-covered tree.
Independent work preschoolers to the composition by O. Gazmanov “ White snow" The teacher guides the children as necessary.
At the end of the first stage of work, a physical education session “Snowman” is held. The teacher notices that there is something missing in the drawings. The children realize that there is not enough snow. The teacher suggests depicting it using cotton swabs - you need to dip them in a jar of white gouache and apply dots (poking method).
In the traditional way, using a brush, snowdrifts are drawn under the trees.
Summing up the lesson - returning from the fairy forest.

Kolesnikova I.
(in the middle group using the non-traditional poking method)

Progress of the lesson:
The lesson begins with a riddle about a bear. Then the teacher reads the fairy tale “Masha and the Bear”. Conversation on content: what Mishka did with Masha. Consider the structure of the bear, determine the shape of its head and body.
The teacher demonstrates how to paint a bear figure using the poking method (the eyes and nose are glued on).
Independent activities of children. Analysis of finished works.

Karpova I.N. "Fish"
(painting with palm and fingers)

At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher organizes the game “Aquarium” (children perform actions according to the text):

  • The snails are crawling, / Carrying their houses, / Moving their horns, / Looking at the fish.
  • The fish are swimming, / rowing with their fins./
  • Turn right, turn left, / And now it’s the other way around.

Riddle about fish. Pictures of fish are considered. Conversation about where they live, what they eat, what helps them swim.
Reading the poem “Fish” by I. Tokmakova.
The teacher invites preschoolers to depict a fish in an unconventional way - using the palm of their hand. To do this, you need to put your palm in a plate with gouache, and then make an imprint on a sheet of paper ( thumb at the same time bent, the rest are spread out). Actions must be performed quickly, otherwise the paint may have time to dry. Near the fish, it is advisable to depict a background - pebbles (painting with fingers) and algae (painting with a brush).
After the children’s independent activities, a physical education session called “Fish” is held.
An exhibition of works is held: the guys explain where each fish swims and choose the most beautiful of them.

Zotkina O.K. "Scarlet Sails"
(drawing with sand and paints)

The kindergarten is located in the resort town of Evpatoria, so sand painting is very relevant in this case.
At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher reads V. Orlov’s poem “I draw the sea” to the children.
A conversation is held about their hometown, which tourists also call the city of the Sun, the city of Childhood. This is due to the fact that in Evpatoria there are a lot sunny days year, an unusually gentle sea, and there is also a huge number of children's health centers and camps.
The teacher reminds the children that they were at sea today and asks what they remember most (warm sand and pleasant water, bright sun, beautiful shells, ships, boats).
The teacher invites preschoolers to draw a ship with scarlet sails, bright sun and their favorite sea. And sand brought from the beach will help to do this.
Physical education is held at marine theme"Sea".

  • The sea is very wide
    (Children spread their arms wide to the side.)
    The sea is very deep.
    (They squat, touching their hands to the floor.)
    Fish live there, friends,
    (Perform the “Fish” movement.)
    But you can’t drink water.
    (Spread their arms to the side, raising their shoulders.)
    Seagulls circle above the waves,
    (waves hands)
    Let's fly after them together.
    (spinning around in place)
    Splashes of foam, sound of the surf,
    And above the sea - you and I!
    (Children wave their arms like wings.)

Examination of a sample and explanation of image techniques. The sand needs to be sifted to remove shells and other impurities. With a simple pencil The contours of the ship, the sun and the sea are drawn, onto which glue is then generously applied. Sand is scooped up into a pinch and sprinkled onto the contours of the image. The excess is poured into a plate. Next, the sails are covered with scarlet paint so as not to touch the sand. The sun, sky and sea are also painted.
The guys begin to work to relaxing music (sounds of the sea and the sound of the surf).

Long-term planning for non-traditional drawing (middle group)

In the middle group, non-traditional drawing can occasionally be included in visual arts classes and can be carried out as part of a project. Most often, such techniques are studied with children as part of group work.

As an example, we will give a fragment of long-term planning of classes for a circle for the secondary group “Rainbow” (teacher O.V. Chernysheva, MBDOU d/s “Yolochka, Abakan”).

Month Subject Tasks
SeptemberAutumn leaves
Watercolors + wax crayons
Promote the most expressive reflection of impressions of autumn. Improve skills in drawing with wax crayons and watercolors
Teddy bear
Poking with a hard semi-dry brush
Strengthen the ability to use the “poking with a hard semi-dry brush” technique
Introduce children to the monotype technique. Introduce children to symmetry (using the example of an apple). Develop spatial thinking.
By design
Finger painting
Strengthen the ability to draw with fingers, the technique of dipping. Develop a sense of composition and color perception.
Introduce the technique of blotography. Develop a sense of composition.
Improve skills in drawing with plasticine.
Introduce the spraying technique. Develop a sense of composition.
NovemberVacuum cleaner
Introduce the grattage technique. Learn to trace simple shape templates.
Drawing with cotton swabs
Strengthen the ability to draw with cotton swabs. Develop a sense of composition
By design
Strengthen the ability to choose your own technique and topic
Strengthen the ability to draw with plasticine. Develop a sense of composition.

Let us note that regularly (about once a month) drawing in the circle is carried out according to the plan, during which children independently choose the technique and theme. It develops creative imagination and independence of preschool children.

All classes are built on a similar principle: they begin with a game moment, include finger gymnastics, massage, independent activity children usually undergo musical accompaniment. At the end of the lesson, there is always a mini-exhibition of children's works.

Children always strive for new experiences and are interested in creative activities. The task of the teacher is to awaken in each child faith in his own individuality and the ability to create beauty. In this regard, there are great opportunities unconventional techniques images: when drawing without a brush and pencil, the baby feels more relaxed, feels colors better and begins to fantasize.


1 MADOU “Kindergarten 94”, Perm Short-term educational practice for children 4-5 years old “Drawing with cotton swabs” Non-standard drawing technique Teacher Zamakhaeva O.M.

2 Relevance. Program for the implementation of short-term educational practice “Drawing with cotton swabs” Drawing is of great importance in the formation of a child’s personality. A child only benefits from drawing. The connection between drawing and a child’s thinking is especially important. At the same time, visual, motor, and muscular-tactile analyzers are included in the work. In addition, drawing develops children's intellectual abilities, memory, attention, fine motor skills, teaches the child to think and analyze, measure and compare, compose and imagine. Drawing using non-traditional image techniques does not tire preschoolers; they remain highly active and efficient throughout the entire time allotted for completing the task. Non-traditional techniques allow for an individual approach to children, taking into account their desires and interests. Each of these techniques is a little game. Technique of drawing with cotton swabs. For drawing you need to prepare cotton swabs. Dilute with water in a palette desired color paints. To paint sticks, you need to wet them well with paint. For different colors, you can use one stick from different ends. Technique of dipping with cotton swabs. Using a cotton swab, touch the sheet of paper and carefully lift the stick. An even circle remains on the paper. With a cotton swab, you can touch the sheet of paper only lightly (not completely dipping), then the circle will be small size. So that the circles (colored blots) are not bright, you need to make two or two blots on the draft, and then draw with this stick. Line drawing technique. Using a cotton swab, draw a short stroke and then a long stroke. The width of the stroke will depend on the thickness of the stick. You can paint with these strokes in the same way as with a brush. Adviсe. 1. You can make cotton swabs yourself. For drawing, it is better to make sticks of different thicknesses by wrapping a piece of cotton wool around a match, toothpick or stick. Goal: teach your child to draw independently with cotton swabs. Tasks: Continue teaching children to work with gouache. Strengthen the ability to recognize and name colors. Promote interest in experimentation. Develop fine motor skills of the hands. To form a cognitive interest in fine arts. Cultivate responsiveness, goodwill, accuracy, independence. Equipment: - gouache, - cotton swabs, - album sheets. Participants: teacher and middle group children. Implementation period: 4 lessons of 20 minutes each.

3 Expected result: Children learned to draw with cotton swabs. They can teach other children to draw. Lesson 1. “Apples” Lesson 2. “Daisies” Lesson 3 “Polar Bear” Lesson 4 “Mimosa Sprig” Summary of lesson 1 of drawing with cotton swabs “Apples” Purpose: To develop interest in unconventional drawing methods. Objectives: Expand children's understanding of fruits; Strengthen your drawing skills unconventional methods drawing (drawing with cotton swabs). Develop fine arts, continue to develop the ability to rejoice beautiful drawings. Equipment: Outlines of fruits on album sheets, blank sheets paper, gouache, cotton swabs, containers of water for each table, wet cloth napkins for hands. Progress: Riddle: Round, ruddy, I grow on a branch; Adults and little children love me. (Apple) Educator: Today I was going to kindergarten and on the way I noticed the fruits in the kiosk. I had a camera with me and took pictures of the fruit. Look how beautiful it is! (Show photos or pictures). Educator: Name the fruits you see. Children: Apples. Educator: What color are apples? Children: Green. Red, yellow-red. Educator: What shape are apples? Children: Round. Educator: Draw in the air. (Children draw round fruits in the air with their fingers) Educator: I know, guys, that you are good at painting with brushes and love this activity. Today we will draw fruits with cotton swabs. Teacher's demonstration. Results. Abstract 2 Purpose: to teach children to draw daisies in an unconventional way; develop the ability to solve riddles; cultivate an interest in reflecting your impressions and ideas about colors in drawings. Materials: an envelope with a chamomile and a riddle, a teacher's sample, cotton wool, white and yellow color in small plates, glasses of water, wet cloths, napkins, sheets of paper. Preliminary work: conversations, looking at illustrations with daisies

4 Progress of the lesson: The lesson begins with surprise moment. The teacher notices a mysterious envelope on the windowsill and wonders what’s in it. - Guys, there’s a riddle in the envelope, let’s try to guess it: Little sisters are standing in the field, Yellow eye, white eyelashes. Children guess (daisies). -And here is the answer (the teacher takes a flower from the envelope). A short conversation is held about chamomile, what color, shape. The teacher listens to the children's answers and summarizes. - Children, how can you draw a daisy? Children answer that a daisy can be drawn with a brush, pencils, crayons, etc. - That’s right, but today I will teach you how to draw daisies with cotton swabs. The teacher explains and shows the sequence of work: first we dip a cotton swab in gouache and depict the middle of the flower, then we dip it in white paint and print petals around the middle in a circle. You can draw as many daisies as the sheet can accommodate. Children complete the task. At the end of the lesson, an exhibition “Chamomile Carpet” is organized. Abstract 3 Goal: Improve the ability to draw with cotton swabs Objectives: - teach how to draw a polar bear using cotton swabs - expand knowledge about the world around you - consolidate the ability to depict the shape of parts, their relative size, location, color - develop a sense of composition and color Material for classes: illustrations with the image of the Umka bear cub sheet of blue cardboard, size A4 additional sheet, size ½ A4 set of gouache paints a glass of water cotton swabs napkins Progress of the lesson Q: Guys, how can you characterize the north. Let me start and you continue. The wind is howling, the night is dark D: Snow, cold Q: Please remember, are there any animals in the north? Name them? Today in class we will draw a polar bear cub. Q- Now it remains to remember how we will draw a bear cub? What body parts does it have? D- Torso. B- That’s right, the body is the largest and let’s start drawing it. Demonstration by the teacher (draws the torso). B- The Teddy Bear’s body looks like a large oval. Q-What other body parts does Teddy Bear have? D- Head, paws. Q- How big is the head compared to the body?

5 D- Small. Q-What shape is it? D- Round. Q - What is the entire body of the Bear cub covered with? D-Wool. Q - What color is Teddy Bear’s fur? D - white. Q- So what color paint will you choose? Our drawing will mainly be done in white. Draw snowy mountains too. The snow mountain is not simple; it has a ledge, so it is worth highlighting. Look how I do it. Our little bear is ready. Let's draw his eyes, nose and claws on his paws. Q: Pay attention to each of your work and say what you did well and what didn’t work out very well. Note 4 Drawing on the topic: “Mimosa sprig” with cotton swabs. Goal: To strengthen children’s ability to draw by poking with cotton swabs. Objectives: Look at the picture of a mimosa with children; Promote development fine motor skills hands Equipment and materials: yellow and green gouache, cotton swabs according to the number of children, glasses of water, napkins, one glass for cotton swabs, a tray. Content organized activities children Organizing time. - Who can tell me what time of year it is? (Winter.) - That’s right, winter. And after winter? (Spring.) - Please tell me which ones spring holidays You know? (March 8). -Whose holiday is this? (Moms and grandmothers). - What is its correct name? (International Women's Day.) - Who is congratulated on this day? (All women and girls.) - How are they congratulated? (They read poems, sing songs, give gifts: flowers, cards, etc.) A. Sbezhneva March sun, frosty nights. Fresh mimosas were brought to our city. There are tassels of leaves on the green branches, yellow flowers that look like chickens. - A sprig of mimosa is a spring flower, the first to bloom. The teacher asks the children to repeat the name. It is suggested that you look at the picture carefully. The teacher demonstrates drawing techniques. - What color are the flowers? (Yellow). - How many are there? (A lot of). - What shape are they? (Round). - What do they look like?

6 - Now listen to me carefully and look at me. Today we will draw with pokes. On your tables there are sheets of blue paper with mimosa branches painted on them. I have exactly the same sheet. A mimosa branch is drawn on the leaf. We need to draw mimosa flowers. I remind you that the poke must be held in your right hand, slightly above the middle. Dip it in yellow paint. With these movements, we abruptly put points with a poke. The mimosa branch is ready. The teacher notes that mimosa flowers can also be depicted by adding a little orange color. - Guys, look, I already have a postcard ready. The teacher shows a pre-made postcard. Finger gymnastics“Flower” Our yellow flowers (we press our elbows to each other, we close our hands in the form of a boat). The petals are blooming. (then they open up in the form of a bowl in front of the face). The breeze breathes a little (then the hands move counterclockwise and then clockwise). The petals are swaying. (hands tilt left and right). Our yellow flowers (we press our elbows together, close our hands in the shape of a boat). Close the petals (show with your fingers how the petals close). They quietly fall asleep and nod their heads. Drawing. - And now I suggest you “dress” the bare branches of mimosa lying on your tables. While drawing, the teacher helps the children with advice. Children's attention should be paid to the accuracy of completing the task. Remind you to use tissues if necessary.

7 MADOU “Kindergarten 94”, Perm Short-term educational practice for children of the older group (5-6 years old) “Magnetic Lego mosaic” Educator Zamakhaeva O.M. Program for the implementation of short-term educational practice.

8 Goal: to teach the child to independently compose an image from the details of a magnetic mosaic. Objectives: Mastering the modeling action. To consolidate knowledge about the properties of a magnet. To develop sensory-analytical activity, the ability to conduct a holistic analysis of objects: identifying the whole, its parts, then the details and their spatial arrangement, and again the object as a whole. Develop basic spatial orientation skills. To promote the formation of logical and associative thinking in children, the development of fine motor skills; stimulate the development of the most important mental processes, train the skill of performing painstaking work. Methods and techniques: 1. Game situation using artistic word. 2. Demonstration and explanation by the teacher. 3. Observing children's work. 4. Analysis of work. Expected result: Children independently invent and create an image from mosaic parts of different geometric shapes and different colors. Participants: teacher and children of the senior group. Implementation period: 4 lessons of 25 minutes.

9 p/p Name Objectives of the lesson 1. Flowers Fix the names geometric shapes. Develop fine motor skills of the hands. Learn to work according to a model. 2. Cockerel Development of visual and color perception of shape, development of fine motor skills of the hands, development of spatial perception. Learn to act by example. 3. Kitten Develop perseverance, fine motor skills, consolidate knowledge about color and geometric shapes. 4. Our Street Creating an image according to design by using various geometric shapes. Consolidating color knowledge. Material used Pictures depicting flowers made up of geometric shapes, various magnetic geometric shapes. Pictures depicting 2 versions of a cockerel made from geometric shapes. Pictures of a kitten made up of geometric shapes. Coming up with a street layout yourself.

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- Introduce photocopy drawing techniques.
- Formation of skills in the technique of drawing with a candle.
developing attention by observing frost patterns in winter;
fostering interest in winter natural phenomena;
instilling accuracy in execution.
Equipment: patterns samples, album sheet; additional sheet, piece of candle; watercolor paints; wide bristle brush; a glass of water, napkins, a letter.
1. Organizational moment.
Psycho-gymnastics: “Ray”
Reaching for the sun
They took the ray
Pressed to my heart
And they gave it to each other.
Report the topic of the lesson.
Guys, today the topic of educational and organizational activities is “Frosty Patterns”, and not just an activity, but drawing with a candle
Surprise moment.
Guys, what time of year is it now? Children answer winter
It's winter now. Winter is a wonderful time of year! Various miracles happen in winter! So I received a small parcel. Who sent it to us?
Let's see what's in it, maybe we'll find out who it's from.
Reading the piece of paper attached to the parcel
Guys, here is a snowflake with a riddle poem. Listen carefully to guess it. Whoever guesses it will raise their hand:
Stars fall from the sky and fall on the fields.
Let the black earth hide under them.
Many, many stars, thin as glass;
The stars are cold, but the earth is warm.
What artist put this on the glass?
And leaves, and grass, and thickets of roses. Children answer that these are snowflakes because they cover the ground with snow and look like stars.
Well done guys, you are very observant, so you guessed the riddles correctly.
Introduction to the topic.
And who is winter’s faithful and irreplaceable helper? Children respond to frost
Right. With the onset of winter comes cold weather. Frost is knocking on every house. He leaves his messages to people: either the door will freeze - they are poorly prepared for winter, or he will leave his art on the windows - a gift from Frost. Let's see what kind of messages he sent us
I take out pictures from the parcel - depicting frosty patterns
What is shown in the pictures? Children answer Twigs, snowflakes, ice flowers, curls and hooks of cold
That’s right, there are kids here and the spruce branches are decorated with frost.
This is how Frost painted our windows without brushes or paints.
Guys, how do you think Moroz draws these patterns? Children make their own assumptions. Blows cold air on the glass, magically throws snowflakes onto the windows, and they stick to the window.
In fact, from the cold, frosty air, droplets of water that are present in the air settle on the cold glass, freeze and turn into pieces of ice - needles. During the night, many, many of them are formed, they seem to build on each other. And as a result, we get different patterns that we just saw.
Guys, do you think we could draw patterns in such a way that at first they were invisible, and then suddenly appeared, like Frost’s? No.
But it turns out it is possible. And now I’ll introduce you to this method of drawing - it’s called “photocopy”.
2. Practical part.
Take the candle pieces in your hands and try to move them along a sheet of paper.
Does the candle leave visible marks? Children answer No
Now cover the top with any watercolor paint. What did you get? Lines appeared under the paint, which we drew with a candle.
Guys, why do you think the lines made with the candle weren’t colored? Children express their opinions
The candle consists of wax, which repels water, so a design made with a water-repellent material appears after applying watercolor paint diluted with water. Today we will try to create a miracle - we will draw Frost patterns using a candle.
Where do we start drawing? Children answer by drawing from the top, going down.
That's right, in order to ensure that the drawn elements do not overlap each other, it is best to draw the pattern from top to bottom. Cover the finished drawing with watercolor paint. I would advise choosing blue or purple. To prevent the sheet from getting wet, apply the paint evenly over the entire sheet, but do not apply it over the same place several times.
3. Independent work of children.
I provide individual, dosed assistance

4. Summing up
What do you guys call the painting technique we used to create these? great work? Children answer photocopy
What else do you think can be drawn using the photocopy technique? Children respond with flowers, patterns, sun.
Our lesson has come to an end, I am very pleased with you and I really want to know what surprised you today? What did you especially like today?

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