Description of the painting by K. Yuon “March Sun”

K.F. Yuon loved to paint sunny landscapes, and this picture was no exception. The canvas “March Sun” depicts a warm day in an ordinary village. Although March is considered the month of spring, it is still winter on our streets. The snow is just beginning to melt a little, and the sun is giving its warmth. The sky becomes somehow light and weightless, not at all like in winter, when it is cloudy and heavy.

Here are horses with young riders walking along a well-trodden path. Snow crunches under their hooves, melted in the sun. Behind them comes another horse, next to which is a black dog. She tries to play with the horse, barking loudly at it. Along the path there are tall trees stretching upward towards the clear blue sky. Thin birch trees expose their branches to the sun, trying to warm up after a long winter. Very soon the snow will melt, and they will again find new life, spreading the leaves.

On the hill you can see houses whose roofs are still covered with a snow cap. The houses are cozy and warm, although outside, despite the snowdrifts, the spring sun warms so pleasantly. There is no one to be seen except animals and children. Everyone is busy with their own business. Although along the path one can assume that quite recently, literally in front of the young riders, other horses galloped. The path is well-trodden, and therefore it is easy for the guys to control the horses, directing them where they need to go.

At first glance it may seem that this is a winter landscape. The snow sparkles and shimmers under sun rays, however, one feels that the sun is already warm, like spring. The snowdrifts seem to be covered with a melted crust, and very soon the long-awaited streams will begin to flow. Nature wakes up from hibernation and spring comes into its own. K.F. Yuon surprisingly accurately conveyed both the warmth of the sun and the spring translucent weightless sky, through which small airy clouds float.

March sun! What could it be more beautiful than spring, when you're pretty tired from winter sleep nature begins to gradually awaken.

March is an amazing month! It is in March, looking at the sky, that we feel freedom. Even piles that haven’t melted yet February snow, from which not so long ago the boys sculpted snowmen, (the last reminder of winter) cannot spoil the spring mood. After all, although deceptive, such a gentle sun shouts to the whole world that spring is coming into its own.

Konstantin Yuon - “March Sun”

That's painting artist Yuon Konstantin Fedorovich’s “March Sun” reveals to us all the beauty of early spring. Written in 1915, it is considered one of the best works artist. Peering at the canvas, we immediately plunge into the world where Russians skilled the men built good-quality large huts with a real Russian stove.

Such huts stand close to the road, their windows sparkling cheerfully in the sun. And somehow your soul feels cozy and warm. And even if work in the field is still far away, and the roofs of the houses are hidden by caps of snow, but has this ever stopped the village boys from having fun? Just like adults, they ride horses on their own business, known only to them.

One cannot help but pay attention to the cheerful fuss of the dog and the dog, who are enjoying the warm day. Looking at this picture, you involuntarily want to be somewhere in the village, breathe in the clean village air and say with a smile: “Well, hello March sun

March is a special time of year, bringing joy that spring will soon come into its own. On the side of the road lies slightly melted snow, which in the rays of the cool sun, already somewhat saddened, is quietly melting every day. Although the trees did not have time to acquire a beautiful crown, they are very happy about spring. Although they know that March is a very deceptive month and the warmth will not last long. There will still be many morning frosts that are dangerous for plants.

The painting “March Sun” by K. Yuon, painted by the artist in 1915, personifies spring mood. The sky occupies the main part of the canvas; it shines through the bare branches of the trees and merges on the horizon with the snow-covered street.

The predominant blue of the canvas instills in the soul extraordinary lightness, joyful serenity and unshakable confidence that everything will be fine. After all, we survived such frosts and waited until the morning of the year. An unusual sensation arises that captivates and remains in the memory for a long time.

In a simple plot we see horsemen racing along a village street. A small dog runs alongside the horses, trying to keep up. She showers the foal with a shrill bark, showing her owners her importance. The cavalcade has just left the village, as can be seen from the narrow path leading to the richly carved houses.

In the old days, villagers tried to show great ingenuity when decorating their homes, and each house was different from the others, sometimes marvelous. fairy tale cockerel on the roof, then with unique patterned platbands or an intricate porch. Sometimes the home resembled a work of art. Wooden houses stand with their facades turned towards the roadway, their cleanly washed windows sparkling in the sun, like princely mansions. And a large peasant family of three or even four generations lives here together.

In 1903, the Union of Russian Artists was created in Moscow. The central figures in it were K. Yuon, A. Arkhipov, I. Grabar and A. Rylov. Artists tried to develop their own own style, opposing themselves to the St. Petersburgers. They did not accept symbolism and related ideas, combining in their art the realism of the Wanderers and impressionism in the transfer of air and light. They were most interested in landscape and genre drawings.

One of the landscape painters was Konstantin Yuon, the artist unrivaledly depicted the lyricism of the winter landscape and early spring, which is shown in the film, “March Sun”. Here the play of light on the melted snow is incredibly conveyed, which perfectly combines with the delicate blue of the sky. Awakening of nature. The snow on the ground is no longer fluffy white, as at the beginning of winter, but already dirty gray and heavy.

The birches stretched out their white trunks, as if trying to be closer to the sun. The artist does not show the luminary on the canvas, but its rays literally filled the entire space. The roofs of the houses, the tops of the poplars, everything is illuminated by the gentle rays of spring. And there are long, bright purple-blue shadows in the snow, which means the sun has already turned to sunset. Small wings of light clouds slowly move across the bluish endless sky. The air is clean, but still a little frosty. You can feel movement in everything, horses are galloping, a dog is jumping, a foal is frolicking. People, animals and all nature rejoice.

The paints carefully selected by the artist gave extraordinary freshness. spring day. Behind the riders, outbuildings and houses are visible, covered with snow, and smoke rises into the sky from chimneys. Trees on the canvas are a symbol of life awakening under the sun's rays illuminating the entire area; they give the canvas optimism and a sense of celebration.

Centuries-old trees also stretched their branches, twisted by time and weather conditions, towards the sun. Perhaps they were planted by the great-grandfathers of the villagers. Fresh footprints in the snow are clearly visible; someone managed to run through the snowdrifts that had formed overnight.

The artist depicts the unique moment of the first days of spring. The snow crunches under the hooves of running horses, and the snowdrifts are still deep, but you can already feel the gentle breath of spring. A small genre scene is organically integrated into the landscape.

Wonderful artist Konstantin Yuon showed us the beauty of nature on an ordinary weekday. He seems to be telling us: “People, there is an amazing and inimitable world around us. Every living creature, pebble, mountain stream, inconspicuous wild flower“, a snowflake that fell into our palm and lingered for just a moment - can cause sincere surprise, admiration and peace.”

Today, K. Yuon’s painting “March Sun” is in Moscow in Tretyakov Gallery, oil on canvas, its size is 107 by 142 cm.

March sun

March... The month of the year when winter slowly loses its power, and spring comes into its own. It was this time of year that the famous Russian artist Konstantin Yuon depicted in his canvas “March Sun” in 1915.

At the first glance at the picture, a positive impression and a positive attitude are created. The entire space is brightly lit by the spring sun, which peeks out from behind the occasional floating light white clouds. The bright blue sky indicates the coming spring. The ground and roofs of houses are still covered with snow, glistening like delicate diamond chips in the rays of the sun.

Along a wide country road, past well-built huts standing in a dense row, a pair of riders on black horses rides. The riders are dressed in dark sheepskin coats, and on their heads they have hats that match the color of their clothes. A little further away a two-color horse trudges along, with a dog running next to it.

Along the road there are tall trees that seem to touch the heavenly heights with their tops. Branched birches blend their whiteness with the snowdrifts. In the snow you can see many hoof prints that paved the path. The sun is already high above the horizon, because the trees and riders are already casting shadows. The painting depicts a small village, low but beautiful houses visible both in the foreground and in the distance, behind the hill. The wide roofs of the houses are strewn with snow shimmering in the rays of the sun. The deserted street suggests that today is a day off, and all the people, except for two random riders, are relaxing at home. A picture of nature awakening, unencumbered big amount people, pleasing to the eye.

Konstantin Yuon’s painting “March Sun” fascinates and attracts. The snow still lies on the ground in a dense layer, but you can already feel the approach of spring in the air.

Description of the painting for 3rd grade

The March sun is so beautiful! It's still winter, but the sun is so bright. And joyful. The sun is smiling. And horses are running along the snowy road. The children are also happy there. They all feel that spring is coming.

The sun will warm and melt all the snow. And under the snow the grass is green! And flowers! Horses feel it. Horses of different colors: black, red, blonde... And there is also a dog. She runs after them. Dogs run after everything that moves.

If you sit by the window in the sun in the spring, you can (close your eyes) imagine that it is summer. It’s the same here too.

There are also nice houses and trees in the picture. The trees are all big and beautiful! This is the edge of the village. The sky is bright and beautiful. Some white clouds. And also such shadows as flying saucers!

There are a lot of shadows in the picture, that is, the sun is not at the top, but to the side. Here are the shadows from the trees, that is, the forest is hidden on the left. But now we know that he is there!

Essay on a painting March sun Yuona 8th grade

In the works of K.F. Yuon's theme of spring, natural rebirth is found in at least two canvases. One of them is “March Sun”.

If not for the title, would the viewer be able to understand the artist’s intention and see the image of spring? I think I could. At first glance, it is difficult to notice the not so obvious awakening of nature, but upon closer examination everything falls into place. Even if there are no buds or leaves on the trees yet, but there are thawed patches and streams on the ground, thanks to the bright sun flooding everything around and the clear sky, we can easily guess the natural state.

Compositionally, the painting has three plans (like three spring months). The one in the background shows a village that has not yet woken up after the winter blizzards - there is snow on the roofs, the inhabitants are not visible and the path has not yet been beaten. The central plan allegorically reflects the gradual emergence, the breath of life in both animals and riders. They are like a central link connecting a sleepy village with the already awakening nature. And the third plan, closest to the viewer, is the trees reaching towards the light, perked up in spirit and ready to be reborn with the arrival of warmth. Thus, the picture depicts three characters - nature, animals and people, united in one impulse - to bring warm days closer as soon as possible.

The color scheme is laconic. The whole picture is filled with one color - blue, barely perceptible. Both snow and sky are depicted in blue. A feeling of mirroring is created. It’s as if the sky is “looking” at its own reflection on the earth. Blue is a color that pleases the eye and inspires hope. The houses, although they have facades of different colors, are all covered with snow and have practically become one whole. What can't be said about nature - even birch trees each have their own customized forms and shades. Everything in nature is unique and this is its beauty.

As for the animals and people depicted by the artist, the color component fades into the background, since it was important for the author to show dynamics. The horses are depicted in motion - we see this by their flowing manes and by lagging behind the small procession of the foal. The dynamics are completed by the dog, barking after the stallion, trying to catch up and notify everyone around him of his joy at the onset of spring.

8th grade, 3rd grade

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Anna Pavley
Abstract of the GCD for viewing the painting by K. Yuon “March Sun”

Summary of GCD

By looking at painting K. Yuona

« March sun»

Program content:

Continue to introduce children to K.’s work. Yuona.

Develop in children artistic perception works of painting.

Learn to understand the content paintings and notice the means of expression used by the artist.

Material: reproduction paintings K. Yuona« March sun»

Flashback: The artist K. Yuon spent his childhood in Moscow. He loved Moscow, and especially the nature surrounding it. In his works, nature is always bright and joyful. This is how she is shown picture. Tell me, what time of year did the artist depict here? How can you guess that it is the end of winter? What shades does snow have? Why did the artist use cool colors to paint snow?

After answering the questions, the teacher makes a generalization.

Playback: That's right, under the rays the sun melts the snow, filled with moisture. Here on picture can we guess what day? How? What colors did the artist use to show that the day is warm? solar?

Children: Light brown for tree trunks. White - the birch trees seem to glow. From brown paint It's like it's getting warmer. The houses are also yellowish-brown.

Playback: These colors exude warmth, they are warm. To show wet snow, the artist used cold colors. What else tells us that winter is over and it will soon be warm?

Children: Bright blue sky. In winter it is pale and white. They're floating Cumulus clouds, this doesn’t happen in winter.

Playback: The artist very skillfully used warm and cold tones to depict such a wonderful landscape. Let's try to guess what he called this picture.

Children come up with a name paintings: March. Spring. Spring Sun. End of winter. March day.

Playback: This is true March. March sun. Winter is over, taking with it snowstorms and frosts. Nature has come to life. This is felt in everything. We see the outskirts of the village. Most paintings takes up the bright blue sky. The day is worth solar, bright, so light that even the snow, darkened by water, takes on a blue tint. Brightness sun emphasized by the shadows cast by trees and horses. Such shadows exist only in sunny weather. Blue color and its shades predominate here. Although blue is a cold color throughout picture a joyful mood prevails. And the warm colors of the colors used to paint the trees help you feel the warmth. Light clouds float across the sky, just like spring ones. This doesn't happen in winter. In the distance a few clouds are slightly obscured, but they do not disturb general mood paintings - joyful, warm, clean, bright.

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