Rowan tree drawing in winter. Learning to draw a rowan branch correctly

Beautiful tree Rowan grows in our Russian parks, gardens, and forests. This not very tall, spreading tree belongs to the Rosaceae family. It has rather large odd-pinnate leaves, white flowers collected in inflorescences, which have a very bright, specific aroma. Everyone knows the fruits that remain after the rowan tree blooms. These are beautiful clusters consisting of small orange or red balls with seeds. These fruits contain many useful substances: vitamins, microelements, and sugars. These rowan fruits are used for the production of medicines, for the needs of the cosmetic industry, and for various vitamin supplements. You can make jam from rowan fruits and squeeze the juice. Rowan berries usually ripen in the fall, closer to the cold weather. Very often you can see bright rowan clusters dusted with the first snow. Rowan is a magnificent decorative element of our gardens and parks. We would like to teach you how to correctly draw a branch of rowan berries with a twig here step by step using a pencil.

Stage 1. First, let's draw a sketch of a rowan branch here. Let's draw one middle line, on the sides of it there are two more lines diverging in different directions. Using this sketch, we outline the contours of the rowan branch itself. We show the thickness of the branches and the branches coming from the main branches on the sides.

Stage 2. Now at the ends of the small branches we begin to draw the rowan berries themselves. We draw the first row of small circles, located not in one straight line, but so that some berries are slightly higher, others slightly lower. We also draw a few berries peeking out from behind the berries of the first row.

Stage 3. Below we will draw a couple more rows of rowan “beads”. We make circles. We arrange them quite densely, since they are located on living mountain ash.

Stage 4. Here we make a so-called “cross” at the bottom of each rowan berry. This is a small depression at the tip of the berry, left from a flower, which later gave a fruit - this very berry.

Stage 5. Now on the branches of the rowan we will draw lines diverging in different directions and located at approximately the same distance from each other. These will be the main veins of future leaves.

Stage 6. Now we need to make the outlines of the leaves around each such vein. The leaves are elongated oval in shape, with jagged edges. And from the main vein, do not forget to show the small veins running. The leaves sit on small petioles. We make the main veins on the other branch in the same way.

Stage 7. We also draw leaves on the second branch.

Stage 9. Now all that’s left is to color the drawing brighter. Make a bunch of berries orange or red. The branches are green and the leaves too, but choose different shades. The outlines of the picture can be outlined in black. This is such an elegant rowan!

The article offers you tips and templates for depicting winter landscapes, drawings and characters.

The winter girl is often present in children's drawings, like a kind sorceress who brings a fairy tale to daily life. Most often, the winter girl is associated with fairy-tale character named Snow Maiden. However, there are no special rules or requirements for drawing it; the main thing is to convey the subtlety of the pore.

Features of the winter girl:

  • Cold colors. They must be present in everything: the girl’s main features, her hair and eye color, her clothes.
  • Warm clothes. Here it is important to depict furs, long fur coats, large hats, mittens, scarves and other clothes that are associated only with winter.
  • Magic. Since the character is a fairy tale, he may well have unusual abilities: making snow, freezing, covering the ground where he steps with ice.

Drawing step by step:

Sketching and shaping the silhouette

Add small parts drawing

Complete the drawing with paints

How to draw a Christmas tree in winter with pencil and paints?

Symbol of winter and New Year's holidaysgreen herringbone and it is invariably present in any drawing with a winter landscape. The Christmas tree can be small or large, green or covered with snow. In order for the Christmas tree to be beautiful in the drawing, you need to use tips for drawing it.

Step by step drawing:

Step by step image

Simple image of a Christmas tree

How to draw a birch tree in winter with pencil and paints?

Russian winter is invariably associated with the beauties of Russian nature, and main symbol Russian nature - birch. By using step-by-step advice you can draw a beautiful birch tree against the backdrop of a winter landscape.

Step by step drawing birch trees

Finished drawing: birch tree in a winter landscape

How to draw a tree in winter with pencil and paints?

In addition to birch, you can draw absolutely any tree. The main thing in the image of trees is a lush, beautiful crown with many branches.

Step by step drawing of a tree Finished drawing: winter tree

How to draw a rowan tree in winter with a pencil and paints?

Rowan in winter time year attracts the eye with bright red berries, massively hanging down from thin branches. By drawing a rowan, you will complement any winter landscape, making it contrasting, interesting and unusual. Rowan can grow in a forest or city, near a house or by a stream.

Young rowan: winter landscape

Winter rowan: finished drawing How to draw rowan branches?

Bullfinches on a mountain ash: drawing

How to draw a bullfinch on a branch step by step in winter?

On rowan branches you can often find bullfinches feeding on its berries. These bright red-breasted birds are constant symbols of winter. By drawing a bullfinch, you will decorate any drawing with a winter landscape. Simple step-by-step drawing of a bullfinch Red-breasted bullfinch: step-by-step drawing

Step by step drawing of a bullfinch for children

Ideas for drawings with a winter girl: photo If you don't have artistic skills, you can always depict something on paper by sketching. Choose a suitable template, place a sheet of paper and draw with a simple pencil

along the contour of the drawing. Draw the finished sketch manually with a pencil and color it.

How to draw a rowan is a popular request - 110 people a month ask this question to Yandex.

At the same time, people are interested in: how to draw a rowan tree, how to draw a rowan tree step by step, how to draw a rowan tree with a pencil, how to draw a rowan tree branch, rowan tree drawing... and much more.

Therefore, I will try to write in more detail.

Moreover, we will soon go over the topics and glue them together. So, honestly, you need to study the rowan tree thoroughly, and not rely on “from your imagination.” I draw like this: I put a branch in front of me and try to convey the resemblance. That is, the goal is to draw something similar from life. Conveying the mood or introducing some subtext... this will happen later, when we draw the compositions. And now it's clean academic work

– fit it correctly into the format, maintain proportions and shape, convey color. And this is very serious work.

How to draw a rowan in stages

I draw a leaf (gypsy-pinnate) and berries - collected in a shield. There is no need to go into very, very details. What I mean is that I know from experience: children, when drawing a rowan tree, try to depict the serrated edge of the leaves more jagged, generally like a saw, they draw out the veins all over... And so, chasing these details, they manage to break the proportions a hundred times and everything in general. Learn to see the whole nature, details are good only in place, and not on their own.

Now - color. I will color with felt-tip pens. I recently bought another set and will test it.

The set is Chinese, that’s why I appreciate it – the colors are just random! There are already three different shades grey-green!!! There are not only eye-catching spectral colors, but also some transitional ones, even swampy-withered ones.

In general, I paint the leaves first (I had to whiten them with a white gel pen).

Now it's time to grab the berries:

Well, here in several layers - from pale orange, then red and finally, burgundy-brown shadows.

DON'T FORGET THE GLARE! And for this, look at nature, and not in your head. Otherwise, we often get the impression that we have already understood a hundred times over what this leaf or twig looks like. And we, you know, decorate without paying attention to... what? - that we have forgotten nature and are already inventing anything. Sound familiar?

But we are not like that! Let's draw from life carefully! We notice everything. If the berry has a star on its nose, we draw it; if it’s not visible, then it’s not visible. If the berries obscure one another, then as is, we draw with the obstruction. It's all true.

Legends and myths about rowan.
In one of the old English legends There is a story about how a certain young hero, who went on a long voyage, cannot return to his native castle for a long time, captured by a witch, because the evil sorceress every time creates storms on the way of his ship. And only then does the young man manage to break through the magical obstacles and free the castle, when a wise man prompts him to replace the keel of the ship from oak to rowan, for evil witchcraft dissipates where the wood of this tree, beloved by many peoples, appears...
According to another legend, a wife turned into a rowan tree, at whose feet her beloved husband died. Evil people they wanted to separate them, but could not achieve this either with the help of gold, or with the help of power and weapons, or even with the help of death. Their life was wonderful, and their death was also wonderful. Kissed in last time husband, called faithful wife to the Lord so that he would protect her from the power of murderers, and at that very moment she became a mountain ash on his grave. Its fruits became red like blood shed in the name of love.
There is an Irish legend about Fraorte, in which the magic rowan berries, which are guarded by a dragon, could replace nine meals, and in addition were an excellent remedy for healing the wounded and added an extra year to a person’s life. If we turn to the legend of Diarmoyd and Grainne, then there is even more, it is said that rowan berries, like apples and nuts, were considered the food of the gods.
They tell a legend about the goddess Freya (the goddess of love and beauty among the inhabitants of Asgard), who had a necklace made from rowan fruits, which protected her from various evil eyes and damage.
The northerners lined their homes and temples with rowan trees, thus protecting buildings from lightning strikes. And almost everywhere the tree itself was dedicated to the local thunder god. Among the Slavs it was the tree of Perun; the Scandinavian Thor also did not disdain the mountain ash. Among the Scandinavians, rowan protected not only from lightning, but also from hostile magic. The Karelian-Finnish deity Tara, the same thunderer as his consonant Thor, also received a rowan tree as a dedication. Among the Celts, rowan was considered an analogue of Greek ambrosia. Its red berries, guarded by a green dragon, were called the food of the gods.
There is a holiday of rowan - this is the Day of the Holy Cross, or “Rowan Day”. Celebrated on May 3 or May 13. On this day, rowan branches were brought into the house to protect the house from all kinds of adversity. Rowan name days were also celebrated in some regions. These holidays took place four times a year: in the spring, when they celebrated the end of plowing and the opening of the rowan leaf; in the summer, when the sowing season ended and the rowan blossomed; in the fall, when the harvest was completed and the onset of the new year was celebrated, then the mountain ash ripened; and in winter, when they were preparing for the new season. All these holidays were accompanied by a special bell ringing, which was popularly called “Rowan Ring”.

Zoya Grigorievna, your master class on drawing a rowan branch describes all stages of the work in detail and clearly. Selected interesting material about this plant. Use it in your work different techniques, which are easy for children to repeat. Children's work serves as proof of your professionalism. I wish you creative success and my vote +1!

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