Poems, stories, fairy tales for reading to children in the summer in the second junior group. Fairy tales for younger children

Project in 2 younger group

"Reading fairy tales"

MDOU "Kindergarten No. 25"

Project “Reading fairy tales” in the 2nd junior group.

-Project type: creative, artistic and aesthetic

-The nature content: child and adults
-Project participants: teacher, children of the 2nd junior group, parents

-By number of participants: collective

Stages of work on the project.
1. Preparatory.

Relevance of the project:

Folk tales are the oldest common form of oral folk art, present among all peoples. A fairy tale reflects beliefs, views, dominant features national character, denounces class relations while simultaneously exposing old life, which is often reflected in individual works- everyday tales, tales about animals, fairy tales. Mastery of the native language and speech development is one of the most important acquisitions of a child in preschool childhood and is considered in modern preschool education, How general basis raising and teaching children. Working with children, we were faced with the fact that their coherent speech is poorly developed, they have difficulty talking about the events of their lives, and cannot retell a literary work.

To solve this problem, I chose to work on getting acquainted with fairy tales, since I believe that fairy tales have firmly entered the child’s life, and in their essence a fairy tale is fully consistent with nature little man, is close to his thinking and idea.

Formulation of the problem:

Children know few Russian folk tales.

2. Goal setting


Create a positive emotional mood. To form children's ideas about Russian folk tales through various types of activities. Consolidating and systematizing children's knowledge about fairy tales.


1. Educational:

Create the necessary conditions to get acquainted with fairy tales.

Develop the child's cognitive abilities, curiosity, creative imagination, memory, fantasy.

Work on sound pronunciation, develop the sound culture of children’s speech.

Develop the ability to retell fairy tales.

2. Developmental:

Develop group cohesion and self-esteem in children.

3. Educational:

Instill in children respect for themselves and other children.

Arouse interest in fairy tales.

3. Planning.

Estimated results of the project implementation
-Children will get acquainted with many Russian folk tales and will know their content.

Children will try in games - dramatizations, puppet theaters, tabletop theaters convey your hero.

Involving parents in further participation in group activities (drawing competitions, crafts, replenishment of the development environment, etc.)

Development of cognitive activity in children, creativity, communication skills.

Organization of an exhibition of drawings. “Visiting a fairy tale” (with the involvement of parents).

Development in children children's creativity– drawing, modeling, applique.

Project methods:

Cognitive and gaming activities, games, conversations, observations, cooperative games.


Main directions of development

Forms and methods of work


Cognitive and speech development.

Acquaintance with the work of the writer-storyteller.

Listening to the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”

Listening to RNS "Cat, Rooster and Fox"

Listening to the RNS “Geese and Swans”.

Listening to RNS "Masha and the Bear".

The children got acquainted with new fairy tales.

Consolidate knowledge of fairy tales, pay attention to intonation expressiveness.

Artistic and aesthetic development

Examination of figurines of fairy tale heroes, attributes for dramatization games.

Animals in fairy tales (drawing).

Table theater based on the fairy tale “Teremok”.

Artistic creativity: plasticineography - molding of the walls of the "Teremka", decoration with peas and buckwheat. ( extra work– applique - roof and window of the mansion)

Book exhibition “Ours” best friends- books."

Decorating a theater corner in a group.

Exhibition of children's works.

Introduce children to theatrical performances.

Exhibition of children's works.

Introduce children to new books.

Evening time

Social and personal development.

Didactic games: “Assemble a fairy tale from parts”, “Which fairy tale”, etc.

Role-playing games, dramatization games, etc.

Selection didactic games on this topic.

Selection of attributes for games - dramatizations.

During theme week

Working with parents.

Help in setting up a group.

Exhibition of drawings “Through the pages of fairy tales”.

Organization of a book exhibition.

Making a traveling folder “The role of the family in the development of children’s language.”

Memo for parents:

"Reading fairy tales"

Preparation of printed information; design of a moving folder.

5. Presentation.
Game motivation

While introducing children to fiction through the arrival of Grandmother, the storyteller, introduce children to Russian folk tales - names, content, discussion of fairy tale characters, highlighting positive and negative traits.

Final activities:

Table theater game based on the fairy tale “Teremok” (19.03.) and artistic creativity(20.03): plasticine painting - molding of the walls of the “Teremka”, decoration with peas and buckwheat. (Additional work - applique roof and window of the mansion)

Target: To develop children's memory, the ability to guess the names of Russian folk tales, based on the riddle and visual picture of the fairy tale. To develop children’s ability to convey their character in the fairy tale “Teremok” through speech, facial expressions, gestures and actions. Develop skills in working with plasticine to create a tower: pinch off a small piece from the whole and, by smearing it with your finger, fill in the outline of the object. Develop finger motor skills by using peas and buckwheat to decorate the house. Cultivate interest in fairy tales and accuracy in working with plasticine.

Move (19.03).:
The arrival of Grandmother the storyteller: “Hello children, do you recognize me? And I didn’t come alone, I brought you friends! Meet them!
(Takes out fairy tale hero dolls from a large chest or table theater. Children call them).
And in a small chest I brought a surprise.
Here's the first one: You know a lot of fairy tales, you read a lot. Fairy tales are asking you, friends, to guess them!” (takes out pictures - fragments of fairy tales and reads a riddle, the children guess):

Mixed with sour cream, chilled on the window ,

Round side, ruddy side, rolled ... (bun).

Oh you, Petya - simplicity,

I messed up a little:

I didn't listen to the cat

Looked out the window. ("Cat, Rooster and Fox")

And the road is far,

And the basket is not light,

I would like to sit on a tree stump,

I would like to eat a pie. (" Masha and the Bear")

In the fairy tale the sky is blue,

In the fairy tale, the birds are scary,

“Rechenka, save me,

Both me and my brother." ("Swan geese")

Near the forest at the edge,

Three of them live in a hut,

There are three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows,

Guess without a hint

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? ("Three Bears")

Everyone knows in Rus',

We were waiting for mother with milk,

And they let the wolf into the house,

Who are these... little children. ("The wolf and the seven Young goats")

Grandmother: Well done, you guessed all my riddles, everyone learned the fairy tales.

Let's relax and build a house for the gnome:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, (turns right, left, hands on the belt),

We will build and play (squats),

We are building a big, tall house (hands up, on tiptoes),

We install the windows, cut the roof (we show the window with our hands, hands above our heads - imitation of the roof),

That's what beautiful house(hands in front of you, pointing to the house),

An old gnome will live in it (claps hands)

Grandmother: And now, the second surprise.
Dear viewers,

Would you like to see a fairy tale?

Every fairy tale has its uses

A lesson for girls and boys.

The game is a dramatization of the fairy tale “Teremok”.

Grandmother is a storyteller: Hello children. I was with you yesterday. You and I are like this an interesting fairy tale They told us and watched it themselves. Let’s make “Teremok” as a gift today for my fairy-tale heroes. I offer a sample of the work that should turn out. What are the walls of the tower painted with? (children's answer) Correctly with plasticine, pinch off a small piece and smear it on the walls, without going beyond the outline. When you paint the entire wall with plasticine, you can decorate with cereals: peas or buckwheat, which I prepared for you.

Independent activity children. Grandmother, a storyteller, provides assistance as needed; reminder, uses sample display, etc.

Rating from Grandmother - a storyteller: Well done, they tried very hard. For this, here is my third surprise from the chest - new books with fairy tales and treats (candy).

Farewell and departure Grandmothers are storytellers.

6. Reflective-evaluative.

Project result:

1. The children got acquainted with new fairy tales.

2. Children learned to recognize fairy-tale characters from illustrations.

3.During didactic games, children consolidated their knowledge of colors, quantity, and counting.

4. The children tried to display what they read in creative works.
5. The children got acquainted with theatrical performances.
6. We discussed our project with the children.

7. Design.

After analyzing our successes and failures, it was decided to continue getting acquainted with new fairy tales, to expand theater corner, participate in dramatization games.

Natalya Samotoeva
Long-term planning for reading fiction in the second junior group


№1. The story of Ya. Taits “Cube upon cube” Develop an interest in reading and telling works of fiction to adults; draw attention to the rules of the game with other children in the group. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children 3-5 years old p. 29

№2. Story by V. Stepanov “The Game” Develop an interest in reading and telling literary works to adults; evoke a desire to speak out and engage in verbal communication. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children 3-5 years old p. 31

№3. Fairy tale by N. Pavlova “By car” Develop auditory perception, interest and desire to listen to an adult reading or telling a story; take part in the general conversation. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children 3-5 years old p. 32

№4. Fairy tale by V. Suteev “Apple Develop auditory perception, interest and desire to listen to an adult reading; to teach children to carefully examine the illustrations, ask questions if necessary, and take part in a general conversation about the content of the fairy tale. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children 3-5 years old p. 33

ABOUT October

№5. Belarusian folk tale “Pykh” Maintain interest in reading books; develop the ability to listen carefully, look at illustrations, and join in the discussion, answering questions from an adult. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children 3-5 years old p. 34

№6. Nursery rhymes about a cockerel Develop auditory perception, interest and desire to listen to poetic speech, understand its basic meaning; involve in learning a short poem by heart; teach you to look at the illustrations carefully. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children 3-5 years old p. 35

№7. Fairy tale by V. Stepanov “House for the Sparrow” Develop reading listening skills work of art together with a group of children, understand the main meaning; develop emotional responsiveness and desire to participate in conversation. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children 3-5 years old p. 37

№8. Stories by V. Bianki “Squirrel Drying House”, G. Skrebitsky, V. Chaplina “How a Squirrel Winters” Develop the ability to listen carefully to the reading of a work of art, to understand the main meaning; develop emotional responsiveness and desire to participate in conversation. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children 3-5 years old p. 39


№9. Fairy tale by S. Marshak “Mustachioed - Striped” Develop an interest in reading books; improve auditory perception, emotional responsiveness; create a desire to participate with other children in some play activities. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children 3-5 years old p. 40

№10. Russian folk tale "Masha and the Bear"(modeled by M. Bulatov) Develop the ability to listen to the teacher’s story together with a group of peers; develop interest in fairy tales, emotional responsiveness, desire to participate in conversation, responding to simple questions. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children 3-5 years old p. 42

№11. Ukrainian folk tale "Rukavichka"(translated by E. Blagina) Develop interest in reading books, the ability to perceive text by ear; evoke a desire to take on the role of one of the characters, to participate in role-playing game according to a fairy tale. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children 3-5 years old p. 43

№12. Fairy tale by M. Plyatskovsky “A hedgehog that you can pet” Arouse interest in reading books, an emotional response to the work read. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children 3-5 years old p. 44


№13. Lullabies Develop auditory perception, emotional responsiveness, interest in the poetic word; create a game situation that children will be able to transfer into independent role-playing games in the future. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children 3-5 years old p. 45

№14. Story by L. Voronkova “It’s snowing” Develop auditory perception, the ability to listen carefully to descriptive text, understand the general meaning, and evoke a desire to answer questions; relate the content of the work to personal experience children. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children 3-5 years old p. 48

№15. Poems about birds Develop auditory attention and interest in the poetic word; through literary works, enrich ideas about the life of birds in winter; enrich your vocabulary. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children 3-5 years old p. 49

№16. New Year's poems Learn to monitor the development of action in short works; relate the content of works to personal experience. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children 3-5 years old p. 52

№17. Poem by E. Moshkovskaya “Greedy” Develop interest in reading books, auditory perception, emotional response; accumulate experience in conveying the content of a work through gestures and actions; cultivate a negative attitude towards greed. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children 3-5 years old p. 54


№18. Folk songs and nursery rhymes about cats and kitties To develop an interest in the poetic word, the ability to carefully examine illustrations to the text, to correlate their content with what is heard; develop emotional responsiveness, the ability to convey the actions of characters with gestures. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children 3-5 years old p. 56

№19. Polar bear(stories by E. Charushin and S. Sakharnov) Develop interest in reading, attention and concentration when listening to a descriptive natural history story, understanding it general meaning based on illustration. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children 3-5 years old p. 58


№20.Fairy tale by S. Kozlov “The Lion Cub and the Turtle” Create conditions for literary characters, meeting them again through watching a cartoon; develop emotional responsiveness, the desire to take part in general imitation actions, singing along. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children 3-5 years old p. 59

№21. Fairy tale by V. Suteev “The Cat is a Fisherman” To develop interest in reading books, attention and concentration when listening, understanding the general meaning of the work (based on illustrations); develop a desire to answer questions and speak out. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children 3-5 years old p. 61

№22. Fairy tale by V. Suteev “Different Wheels” Develop an interest in reading, the ability to listen carefully, and understand the general meaning; give an idea of ​​a spinning wheel, a well, a mill; enrich your vocabulary with new words. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children 3-5 years old p. 62


№23. Fairy tale by K. Chukovsky “The Cluttering Fly” Develop auditory and visual perception, interest and desire to listen to readings, respond emotionally to events occurring in the book, answer questions; introduce new words into the dictionary: samovar, cowardly, brave, villain, win. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children 3-5 years old p. 63

№24. Russian folk tale "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats"(modeled by A. Tolstoy) Develop auditory and visual perception, emotional response to the events of a fairy tale; arouse interest in reading books, a desire to answer questions, and speak out. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children 3-5 years old p. 64

№25. Show yourself, sunshine (folk songs and nursery rhymes) To develop children’s interest in the folklore genre, emotional response, desire to take part in the conversation; to teach you to carefully examine the illustrations, correlating the text of the nursery rhyme with the picture, noticing small parts, reasoning about what he saw. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children 3-5 years old p. 66

№26. Fairy tale by K. Chukovsky “Moidodyr” Develop interest in books and reading; emotional responsiveness to a literary work, the ability to listen carefully to an adult reading, the desire to express the meaning of what is read; to teach to look at illustrations, correlating them with the text of the work. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children 3-5 years old p. 68

№27. Meeting the birds Develop auditory attention, understanding of the general meaning of poems; enrich ideas about bird life. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children 3-5 years old p. 70


№28. Fairy tale by M. Plyatskovsky “How two foxes shared a hole” Develop emotional responsiveness; follow the development of the action, convey the general plot in words and gestures, answer questions. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children 3-5 years old p. 72

№29. Story by E. Charushin “Sparrow” Develop emotional responsiveness to a literary work; be able to relate what you read to personal experience and talk about it. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children 3-5 years old p. 74

№30. Stories by V. Charushin about animals Learn to listen carefully to prose texts, correlate verbal descriptions with illustrations, and express your impressions; lead to guessing riddles using verbal descriptions. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children 3-5 years old p. 75

№31. Rain, rain, get heavier, the grass will be greener Develop listening ability poetic works, react emotionally to their content; create conditions for various improvisations based on read songs and nursery rhymes. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children 3-5 years old p. 77

№32. Russian folk tale "Bull - tar barrel" Develop interest in a fairy tale, the ability to listen, understand the main content, join the general conversation, responding to an adult; learn to change the intonation and timbre of your voice, pronouncing the text on behalf of different characters. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children 3-5 years old p. 80

№33. Poem by S. Marshak “Good Day” Learn to listen carefully to the expressive reading of a poem, understand its meaning, follow the development of the plot; relate the content to personal experience and talk about it. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children 3-5 years old p. 82

Program content:

  • generalization of knowledge and expansion of ideas about fairy tales;
  • development of communication skills, creative abilities;
  • creating a favorable emotional environment and psychological climate in a children's group;
  • to form in children a keen interest in theatrical play;
  • encourage children to actively participate and use all the surrounding space;
  • develop children’s speech and motor activity, imitation skills;
  • develop acting skills.



  • Reinforce the concepts: folk and literary fairy tales.
  • Introduce children to different types fairy tales: magical, everyday, tales about animals, etc.
  • Teach children to identify types of fairy tales.
  • Draw children's attention to the authors of the books they read.


  • Continue enriching children's vocabulary with new words.


  • To foster in children a love of folk and literary fairy tales.

Preliminary work :

  • Reading Russian folk tales, original fairy tales, and fairy tales of other peoples; viewing DVD ; examining illustrations for fairy tales, showing fairy tales on flannelgraph, bi-ba-bo and flat theater.
  • Creating conditions in the group for joint theatrical activities between the teacher and children, showing them to children various types theater and Russian folk tales, their dramatization;
  • viewing illustrations, discussing the content of fairy tales, outdoor games, theatrical activities, watching and listening to Russian folk tales on video and audio recordings.

Attributes: Fairytale panel, educational rug, tower, costumes, benches, musical instruments(bells, maracas).

Used Books:

  • Reading book “Reading at 3 years old”;
  • Theatrical games in kindergarten T.I. Petrova; E.L. Sergeeva.
  • “Playing a fairy tale” O.A. Shorokhova.

Music : Song "Come, fairy tale!" Y. Kim.

Clip “Fairy tales walk around the world”

Progress of the lesson.

Children enter the group and stand in a circle.


Hello my dears,

The kids are mischievous.

Educator:Guys, do you like to travel?

Children: Yes!

Educator:Then I invite you to go to one amazing country, to the land of fairy tales. Do you like fairy tales?

Children: Yes!

Educator: Well, then let's go.


One, and two, and five, and eight, we transport everyone into a fairy tale!

(children spin around to the music)

So we got into magical land. Let's take a walk along it.

The music sounds “Come, fairy tale!”

(the teacher leads the children in a circle, like a snake, twisting and unwinding the spiral).

Guys, look, we find ourselves in a magical clearing, how beautiful it is here!

Oh, look what a beautiful bag lies in the clearing.

- Guys, I wonder what’s in the bag? Let's sit down and take a look!

These are riddles, listen and guess them. (children guess riddles)


Small, white in the forest

one snowball at a time.

Jumps on the ground, swims on the water. ( Frog)

Who walks around angry and hungry in the cold winter. ( Wolf)

Red-haired cheat, cunning and dexterous,
I got into the barn and counted the chickens.

In winter he sleeps, in summer he stirs up the hives. ( Bear)

A little gray ball is fumbling under the floor. (Mouse)

Guys, who guessed which fairy tale these animals are from? That's right, Teremok!

Guys, what groups can all fairy tales be divided into?


  • Russian national
  • Copyright
  • Tales of other people V

Educator:There are many fairy tales in the world,

Children love these fairy tales

But now I’ll find out how they know them.

Questions for children:

1. Name the Russians folk tales(children call fairy tales)

  • "Kolobok"
  • "The Wolf and the Little Goats"
  • "Cat, Rooster and Fox"
  • "Swan geese"
  • "Snow Maiden and the Fox"
  • "Teremok"
  • "Masha and the Bear"
  • "Three Bears"
  • “How a goat built a hut”
  • And others


3. What fairy tales did Chukovsky write?

(children call)

  • "Stolen Sun"
  • "Barmaley"
  • "Chick"
  • "Fedorino grief"
  • "Aibolit"
  • "Confusion"
  • "Telephone"
  • "Moidodyr"

4. And the tales of A.S. Which Pushkins do you know? (children's answers)

  • "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"
  • "ABOUT dead princess and seven heroes"
  • "About the Golden Cockerel"

5. What fairy tales different nations we read?

  • “Pykh” - Belarusian
  • “Rukavichka” - Ukrainian
  • "Nanny Fox" - Finnish
  • "Two Greedy Little Bears" - Hungarian
  • “Visiting the Sun” - Slovak
  • “Stubborn goats” - Uzbek


Well done! How many fairy tales do you know? Well, since you know a lot of fairy tales, then you can answer what the various heroes in fairy tales were called.

A game "Rhymed fairy tale expressions."

Fox - ... (the whole forest is beautiful)
Wolf - ... (clicking teeth)
Hedgehog - ... (not heads, not legs)
Mouse - ... (norushka)
Spinning top - ... (gray side)
Sivka – Burka -…(prophetic kaurka)
Wolf -…(gray tail)
Baba - Yaga - ... (bone leg)
Kitten - ... (gray pubis)
Bunny - ... (coward)
The Little Humpbacked Horse)
Bunny - ...(run around).
Frog - ... (wah).


We've been sitting in the clearing for too long, let's play.

Do you want to turn into fairy tale heroes? I will read a poem about the heroes of a fairy tale, and you guys go out and portray the animal in question.

( the teacher tells a short poetic description of the characters, the children imitate the movements.)

  • Fox, fox, fox!
    Very cunning eyes
    Fur coat - you can’t take your eyes off it.
    “I love to eat chicken!”
  • Clumsy, clubfooted
    A bear walks through the forest.
    If they ask what he likes,
    He will say: “I wish I could eat some honey!”
  • The bunny went out for a walk,
    He began to jump and play.
    Suddenly there was a crack and a click,
    The bunny pressed his ears and hopped.
  • The frog sits with his eyes bulging,
    He doesn't speak Russian.
    She likes to live alone in the swamp,
    She catches mosquitoes.
  • A gray toothy wolf prowls the field,
    Looking for calves and lambs.
  • Little gray mouse
    Hiding under the floor, afraid of cats.

Educator:- Well done boys. How interesting it is in the land of fairy tales. Or maybe we can play a fairy tale?

The time for fairy tales has come,
He invites us to the theater.
You sit down, don't be shy
Make yourself comfortable.

(children sit on chairs)

Imagine that you are all different animals today.

Can everyone see it, can everyone hear it?
Prepare your ears, eyes,
I'll tell you a fairy tale now.

And I’ll tell you a fairy tale about a little house that animals found in the forest.


There is a teremok in the field, a teremok -
He is neither short nor tall.
Who, who lives in the little house?
Who, who lives in a low place?
Nobody is answering.
Suddenly from around the corner you hear:

Mouse: Peep-pee-pee.

Who are you?

Mouse:I'm a little mouse. Oh, what a beautiful little mansion! And who lives in it?

Educator: Yes, no one answers, probably no one.

Mouse: Then I will live in it.

Educator: And the Mouse began to live in the little house.

There are frogs running across the field. They stopped at the door and shouted.

Frog: Kva-kva-kva! Who lives in the little house?

Who lives in a low place?

Mouse: I, Little Mouse! And who are you?

Frogs:1.I'm green and small. The eyes are big and big. I'm good at jumping.

2. Frog.

We green frogs, qua-qua-qua!
Pop-eyed girlfriends kva-kva-kva!
We are not afraid of anyone, qua-qua-qua!
We have fun all day long, qua-qua-qua!

Mouse:Oh, how funny you are, come live with me!

Educator: The frogs jumped to the mouse in the little house. They began to live - to live, to sing songs.

(children take musical instruments, sing a song and play)

The song “Sunshine” is performed

Educator: Here, across the field, the Bunny is running. He stopped at the door and said.

Hare:Oh, what a beautiful little mansion.
Who lives in the little house?
Who lives in a low place?

Mouse:I, Little Mouse!

We are frogs!
And who are you?

Hare:I, Bunny, am a runner.

Mouse and Frogs: You are welcome, come to us. We will live and play together.

Hare:I'm glad to live with you!

Educator: Let's play the game "Bunny":

The little white bunny is sitting
He wiggles his ears.
Like this, like this
He wiggles his ears.
It's cold for the bunny to sit
We need to warm up the paws
Clap, clap, clap, clap.
We need to warm up the paws.
It's cold for the bunny to stand
Bunny needs to jump
Skok, skok, skok, skok
Bunny needs to jump.
Someone scared Bunny
The bunny jumped and ran away

He is neither short nor tall!
Here, across the field, the little fox is running.

Who lives in the little house?
Who lives in a low place?

Everyone answers Lisa in order. They all ask together: “Who are you?”

Fox:I, little fox-sister. Let me live with you.

All: You are welcome.

Educator: And a wolf with a gray tail ran past, he saw a little house and asked: “Who lives in the little house?
Who lives in a low place?

All by in order answer the wolf. They all ask together: “Who are you?”


I want to live with you.

There is a teremok, teremok in the field,
He is neither short nor tall!
Who lives in the little house?
Who lives in a low place?

All the animals come out and stand in a circle.

Educator: Dear animals, who forgot to come to our fairy tale today? (Bear).

It’s already spring outside, how long has the Bear been sleeping?

Hare:Now we’ll go and wake him up.

Game "Bear the Bear in the Forest".

The bear crawls out of the den:

Who woke me up?
I am a forest animal, I sleep in winter
I live as a master in the forest.

Hare:Stop sleeping, Bear!

The sun laughs tenderly
Shines brighter, hotter.

Everyone around is enjoying spring, come and dance with us!

Bear: Is it really spring already, oh, how long I slept!

General dance to r.n. melody.

Educator: And the animals began to live together and not bother.
And now my fairy tale has come to an end,
And whoever took part in it – well done!

And today the roles were played by the children of our group (lists).


Fairy tales go around the world,

For children to read them,

In fairy tales, so that we learn good things,

And as in good fairy tale lived.

Fairy tales end

They say goodbye to the children.


It's time for us to return from the land of fairy tales.

A song plays and a clip about fairy tales appears on the screen. The teacher shows a magic chest where books for children are hidden.

Literary quiz “On the roads of fairy tales” for the second younger group

The material is intended for educators preschool institutions, it can also be used by parents.

Target: consolidate children's knowledge of previously read works.
1. Strengthen children’s ability to guess familiar fairy tales.
2. Learn to repeat songs from fairy tales, with intonation accuracy.
3. Cultivate love for literary works.
Material: illustrations for familiar fairy tales, characters from familiar fairy tales – Stuffed Toys, pictures depicting fragments of the fairy tales “Teremok” and “Kolobok”
Preliminary work: reading fairy tales “Teremok”, “Kolobok”, “Masha and the Bear”, “Fox, Hare and Rooster”, “Kids and the Wolf”, “Cat, Rooster and Fox”.

Quiz progress:

Children play independently. Suddenly there is a knock on the door and the Storyteller enters the group.
Storyteller:“Hello guys, I’m the Storyteller, I came to visit you, tell you a fairy tale and listen to you. Do you like listening to fairy tales?
Children:“Yes, we love you!”
Storyteller:“Do you know a lot of fairy tales? »
Children:"Yes many".
Storyteller:“Then sit down, get comfortable, and listen carefully: now we will find out what fairy tales you remember. I will make a wish for you various riddles based on fairy tales, and you will guess them. If you cope with the tasks, then you will find new fairy tale. Just be very careful. Fine? »
Children:"Yes. Fine".
Storyteller: “Well, then let’s begin”:
The fox took him away
Behind distant forests.
But the cat will come to the rescue,
He will save his friend! (cockerel)

He left his grandmother
And he left his grandfather,
Sang songs under the blue sky,
For the fox he became lunch.
(gingerbread man)

We were waiting for mother with milk,
And they let a wolf into the house...
Who were these
Small children? (little goats)
She is the most important mystery of all,
Even though she lived in the cellar:
Pull the turnip out of the garden
Helped my grandparents. (mouse)

Answer the question:
Who carried Masha in a basket,
Who sat on the tree stump
And wanted to eat a pie?
You know the fairy tale, right?
Who was it? … (bear)
Who loved to play and sing?
Two mice - Spin and...(Turn)

Storyteller:“I see, my boys, you know these fairy tales well. Now let's see how you cope with the next task. Ready? »
Children: "Yes"
Storyteller: “Now I will show you different heroes, and you must remember what songs they sing in their fairy tales.”
If children find it difficult, help with guiding questions:
- What song did the bun sing when it met a bunny, a wolf, a bear, a fox?
- What did the Goat sing to her kids so that they would open the door for her?
- What did the cockerel sing when he chased the fox out of Zyushka’s hut?
-What did the fox sing when luring the cockerel out of the house?
Storyteller:“You guys are so great for coping with this task. Now let's rest a little. Repeat after me!"
"Once upon a time there were bunnies"
At the edge of the forest, (hands up, fingers apart - “tree”, draw a plane with your palms)
Once upon a time there were bunnies (twist the “flashlights” in front of you, show the “ears”)
In a little white hut. (“house”)
Wash your ears (swipe your index and middle fingers)
We washed our little paws. (imitation hand washing)
Bunnies dressed up (twist your hands, “Ears”)
We put on slippers. (stomp feet)
Storyteller: “Now, my kids, be very careful: I have pictures from the fairy tales “Teremok” and “Kolobok”, you need to put these pictures in order, how the actions took place in the fairy tale. Girls make up “Teremok”, and boys “Kolobok”. So, is everyone ready? Then let's get started."
Storyteller: “And finally, the last task. I’ll start, and you continue, what are the names of the heroes, call them!”

Storyteller: “Bunny...”
Children: “Runaway!”
Storyteller: “Top...”
Children: “Gray barrel!”
Storyteller: “Fox...”
Children: “Sister!”
Storyteller: “Cockerel...”
Children: “Golden comb!”
Storyteller: “Mouse...”
Children: “Norushka!”
Storyteller: “Frog...”
Children: “Wahkah!”
Storyteller: “Guys, I made sure that you know these fairy tales well. And you can cope with any tasks. I really enjoyed playing with you. Now sit back, the fairy tale begins.”
The storyteller tells the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden and the Fox”
Storyteller: “Guys, tell me, what did we do today?”
Children: “We remembered fairy tales, guessed riddles...”
Storyteller: “You are very smart, attentive children. I really enjoyed staying with you, but it's time for me to leave. See you again, goodbye!”


POEMS, STORIES, FAIRY TALES for reading to children in summer period in the second junior group

V. Berestov

Happy summer

Summer, summer has come to us!

It became dry and warm.

Barefoot feet walk straight along the path.

The bees are circling

Birds are flying.

And Marinka is having fun.

I saw a rooster:

What a miracle! Ha ha ha!

Amazing rooster:

Feathers on top, fluff below!

I saw a piglet

The girl smiles:

Who runs from a chicken?

The whole street is screaming,

Instead of a tail there is a hook,

Instead of a nose there is a snout,



What about the Fidgety hook?

And Barbos,

Red irec,

Made her laugh until she cried.

He's not running after the cat,

And behind your own tail.

The cunning tail curls,

Can't be punched in the teeth.

The dog waddles sadly,

Because he's tired.

The tail wags merrily:

“I didn’t get it! I didn’t get it!”

Summer, summer has come to us!

It became dry and warm.

Barefoot feet walk straight along the path!

B. Zhitkov

Brave Duckling

Every morning the housewife brought out a full plate of chopped eggs for the ducklings. She put the plate near the bush and left.

As soon as the ducklings ran up to the plate, a large dragonfly flew out of the garden and began to circle above them.

She chirped so terribly that the frightened ducklings ran away and hid in the grass. They were afraid that the dragonfly would bite them all.

And the evil dragonfly sat on the plate, tasted the food and then flew away.

After this, the ducklings did not come to the plate for the whole day. They were afraid that the dragonfly would fly again.

In the evening, the hostess removed the plate and said: “Our ducklings must be sick, for some reason they are not eating anything.”

Little did she know that the ducklings went to bed hungry every night.

One day their neighbor came to visit the ducklings, little duckling Alyosha.

When the ducklings told him about the dragonfly, he began to laugh.

What brave men! - he said. - I alone will drive away this dragonfly. You'll see tomorrow.

“You are bragging,” said the ducklings. “Tomorrow you will be the first to get scared and run.”

The next morning, the hostess, as always, put a plate of chopped eggs on the ground and left.

Well, look,” said the brave Alyosha, “now I will fight with your dragonfly.”

As soon as he said this, a dragonfly began to buzz.

It flew straight from above onto the plate.

The ducklings wanted to run away, but Alyosha was not afraid.

Before the dragonfly had time to sit on the plate, Alyosha grabbed its wing with his beak. She forcibly escaped and flew away with a broken wing.

Since then, she never flew into the garden and the ducklings ate their fill every day. They not only ate themselves, but also treated the brave Alyosha for saving them from the dragonfly.

N. Pavlova


The sun is shining. A strawberry berry has ripened in a clearing.

A mosquito saw her and squealed: “The berry is ripe: red, fragrant!”

The bird heard the mosquito and flew into the clearing.

Wants to eat strawberries.

The mouse heard the mosquito and ran into the clearing.

Wants to eat strawberries.

The frog heard the mosquito and jumped into the clearing.

Wants to eat strawberries.

The snake heard a mosquito and crawled into the clearing.

Wants to eat strawberries.

A cloud came over the sun. A mosquito saw her and squeaked: “It’s going to rain: wet, cold!”

The bird heard the mosquito and ran to the tree.

The mouse heard the mosquito and quickly went into the hole.

The frog heard the mosquito, quickly - under the leaf.

I heard a mosquito snake, quickly - under the root.

And the strawberry bathes in the rain and is glad that no one touched it.

G. Snegirev


One boy, his name was Prosha, did not like to go to kindergarten. His mother takes him to kindergarten in the morning, and Prosha asks:

Why are you leading me on?

Mom says:

Because you alone will get lost!

No, I won’t go astray!

No, you'll get lost!

Prosha argued with his mother every day. One morning his mother says to him:

Go to kindergarten alone!

Prosha was happy and went alone, without his mother. And my mother walked along the other side of the street and looked - where would he go? Prosha did not see his mother. He walked a little along the street, stopped and began to look out the window. He loved to look into other people's windows.

There was a dog sitting in this window. She saw Please and began to bark. And Prosha was not at all afraid of the dog. True, he was afraid, but only a little: he knew that the dog was behind the glass!

Prosha became more and more brave. First he stuck his tongue out at the dog, and then began throwing pebbles. The dog was angry with him. She wanted to bite him, but the glass wouldn’t let her in. Someone called the dog. She wagged her tail and jumped into the room.

Prosha still stood at the window and waited. And suddenly he sees the door open - this dog comes out and a girl with it. She took her out on a chain for a walk.

Prosha wanted to run, but his legs couldn’t move from fear. I wanted to scream, but I couldn’t either!

And the dog saw Please and how he growled, he bared his teeth!

The girl holds the dog with all her might and shouts to Proshe:

Run! Run!

Prosha covered his face with his hands and began to roar:

I won't do it again! Won't I tease?

Then Prosha’s mother came up, took him in her arms, and they quickly went to the nursery.

Grass tail

(Eskimo tale)

In the spring, when the sun warmed the tundra and green leaves appeared on the bushes, a small stoat went out on its first hunt. He sniffed the pebbles around the hole, chewed the moss - no, it was not tasty - and ran into the tundra.

Suddenly he sees a hole in the ground. And someone's tail is sticking out of the hole.

This mouse fell asleep in a hole and forgot to remove its tail.

The ermine grabbed the tail with his teeth and asked:

Ponytail, whose are you?

I am Grasstail.

And I'll eat you!

“But you can’t eat it,” said the tail, “stoats eat birds and ermines, but don’t eat grass.”

“Let them not eat,” said the ermine, “but I will eat!”

All the animals in the tundra will laugh at you, says the tail.

Well, let them laugh,” said the ermine, “but I’ll eat you anyway.” “If I don’t deceive this fool, I’m dead,” thought the mouse. “No, not

Let’s give in!” And she said:

Okay, eat me, little ermine, just tear your tail off the ground first, otherwise it will stick to you.

“Is my tail stuck?” the little ermine got scared. “It can’t be!”

“But look!” said Grasstail.

The ermine looked around and unclenched his teeth.

And the mouse quickly put its tail into the hole and sits there, laughing at the stupid ermine.

Grasstail, where are you? - called the ermine.

But the tail did not answer him.

A little ermine looked into a mouse hole - no tail! I looked behind the hummock - there was no tail! There is no tail anywhere! Only the sun is shining and the blades of grass are swaying in the wind.

And so ended the little ermine’s first hunt.

(Retelling by V. Glotser and G. Snegirev.)

3. Alexandrova


Rain is jumping towards us on a long wet leg along the path.

In a puddle - look, look! -

He's blowing bubbles...

This is the kind of watermelon we have -

Tastes wonderful!

Even the nose and cheeks are all covered in watermelon juice.

O. Vysotskaya


The sun dropped a golden ray.

The dandelion has grown

First, young.

It has a wonderful golden color.

He big sun Small portrait.

M. Poznanskaya


In the meadow by that path,

What runs straight into our house,

A flower grew on a long stem -

White with a yellow eye.

I wanted to pick a flower

She raised her hand to him,

And the bee flew off the flower and buzzed, buzzed - “Don’t touch it!”

Little raccoon and the one sitting in the pond

One day Mother Raccoon said:

Today the moon will be full and bright. Little Raccoon, can you go down to the fast stream alone and bring some crayfish for dinner?

Well, yes, of course,” answered Little Raccoon. “I’ll catch you such crayfish as you’ve never eaten before.”

Little Raccoon was small but brave.

At night the moon rose, large and bright.

It's time, Little Raccoon,” said Mom. “Go on until you reach the pond.”

You will see a large tree that spans the pond. Follow it To the other side. Exactly this the best place

for catching crayfish.

By the light of the moon, Little Raccoon set off.

He was so happy! So proud!

This is what he is like -

I went into the forest all alone,

First time in life!

At first he walked slowly,

Soon Little Raccoon entered a dense, dense forest.

Not far from the pond he saw the Fat Rabbit.

Fat Rabbit was sleeping. He opened one eye and jumped up.

“Oh, you scared me!” he said. “Where are you going all alone, Little Raccoon?”

“I’m going to the fast stream!” said Little Raccoon proudly. “It’s on the other side of the pond.”

Oooh! - said the Fat Rabbit. - Aren’t you afraid of Him?

Who should I be afraid of? - asked Little Raccoon

“The one who sits in the pond,” said the Fat Rabbit. “I’m afraid of Him!”

Well, I’m not afraid!” said Little Raccoon and moved on.

“Here I need to cross,” Little Raccoon said to himself. “And there, on the other side, I will catch crayfish.”

Little Raccoon began to cross the tree to the other side of the pond.

He was brave, but why did he meet this Fat Rabbit!

He didn't want to think about who was sitting in the pond, but he couldn't help himself.

He stopped and looked in.

Someone was sitting in the pond!

It was he! I sat there and looked at the Raccoon in the light of the moon.

He made a face.

The one in the pond also made a face. What kind of face was that!

Little Raccoon turned back and ran as fast as he could. He rushed past Fat Rabbit so quickly that he was scared again.

Little Raccoon wanted to bring home crayfish. So he took the stone and walked back to the pond.

Maybe He has already left! - Little Raccoon said to himself.

No, He didn't leave.

He was sitting in the pond.

Little Raccoon didn’t even show that he was scared.

He raised the stone high.

The one who was sitting in the pond also raised the stone high.

Oh, what a big stone it was!

Little Raccoon was brave, but he was small. He ran as fast as he could.

Little Raccoon wanted to bring home crayfish. And so he took the stick and went back to the pond.

“Maybe He managed to leave,” Little Raccoon said to himself.

No, He didn't leave!

Little Raccoon did not wait. He raised his big stick and threatened

But Togo, in the pond, also had a stick. Big, big stick! And he threatened Tiny Raccoon with this stick.

Little Raccoon dropped his stick and ran.

Without stopping, all the way to the house.

Little Raccoon told his mother all about the One who sits in the pond.

“Oh, mom,” he said, “I so wanted to go alone for crayfish!” I was so excited to bring them home for dinner!

And you will bring it! - said Mom Raccoon. “I’ll tell you what, Little Raccoon.” Go back, but this time...

Don't make a face

Don't take a stone with you

Don't take sticks with you!

“What should I do?” asked Little Raccoon.

Just smile!” said Raccoon’s Mom. “Go and smile at the One who sits in the pond.”

And nothing else?” asked Little Raccoon. “Are you sure?”

That’s all,” said my mother. “I’m sure.”

Little Raccoon was brave, and his mother was sure of it.

And he went back to the pond.

Maybe Op has finally left! - Little Raccoon said to himself.

No, he didn't leave.

He was still sitting in the pond.

Little Raccoon forced himself to stop.

Then he forced himself to look into the water.

Then he forced himself to smile at the One who was sitting in the pond.

Little Raccoon was so happy that he began to laugh. And it seemed to him that the One who was sitting in the pond was laughing, just like raccoons do when they are having fun.

He wants to be friends with me! - Little Raccoon said to himself. - And now I can go to the other side.

And he ran up the tree.

There, on the bank of a fast stream, Little Raccoon began to catch crayfish.

Soon he collected as many crayfish as he could carry.

He ran back up the tree and across the pond.

This time Little Raccoon waved his hand to the One who was sitting in the pond.

And He waved his hand in response.

Little Raccoon rushed home as fast as he could, holding his crayfish tightly.

Yes! Neither he nor his mother had ever eaten such delicious crayfish. That's what Mama Raccoon said.

Now I can go there all alone, whenever you want! - said Little Raccoon. - I am no longer afraid of the One who sits in the pond.

“I know,” said Raccoon’s Mom.

He’s not bad at all, the one who sits in the pond! - said Little Raccoon.

“I know,” said Raccoon’s Mom.

Little Raccoon looked at his mother.

Tell me,” he said. “Who is that sitting in the pond?”

Raccoon's mother laughed.

And then she told him.

(Translation from English by O. Obraztsova.)

Ch. Yancharsky

Adventures and travels of Mishka Ushastik


It was a toy store. In the store, teddy bears stood and sat on a shelf.

Among them there was one Mishka, who had been sitting on the shelf for a very long time. Other bears quickly fell into children's hands. Smiling, they left the store with the children. And no one asked Mishka about this. Maybe because he was standing in the corner.

Mishka was sad. He also wanted to play with the children. And out of chagrin, one of his ears even drooped.

It doesn’t matter! - the bear cub consoled himself. - Now, if a fairy tale flies into my ear, it won’t fly out of the other.

And then one day Mishka found a red umbrella on the shelf. The bear took the umbrella and boldly jumped down. Then he left the store and went outside. At first Mishka was a little scared: there were both people and cars on the street. But soon he saw two children - Zoe and Jacek. And I immediately stopped being afraid. The children smiled at Mishka.

Who are you looking for, Mishka? - they asked.

I'm looking for children.

So come with us.

Good! - the bear cub was happy.

And they went together.


There was a courtyard in front of Zoya and Jacek's house. The dog Chernushka and the red-feathered Cockerel lived in the yard.

The bear went out for a walk. Chernushka immediately ran up to him. And after her came the Cockerel.

Hello! - said the bear cub.

“Hello!” answered Chernushka and Cockerel, “We saw you come here with Zosia and Jacek.” Why do you have a drooping ear?

Mishka told why his ear drooped.

“Don’t worry,” the Cockerel consoled him, “otherwise you’ll lose other things.” We will call you Ushastik, Mishka Ushastik. OK?

Little Bear really liked this. He clapped his hands and shouted:

I am now Mishka Ushastik! I am now Mishka Ushastik!

And now, Ushastik, we will show you the Bunny.

The bunny was nibbling the grass.

First Mishka saw long ears. And then a funny moving muzzle.

The bunny got scared of Mishka and... disappeared behind the fence.

Soon he returned. He was ashamed.

You were right to be afraid. Bunny,” said Chernushka. “We will introduce you to our new friend.” His name is Mishka Ushastik.

Ushastik looked at the fluffy bunny ears and sadly thought about his own drooping ears.

And then the Bunny said to Mishka:

What a beautiful drooping ear you have...

AND I WILL GROW UP TOO It rained at night.

Ushastik looked around and noticed that everything had grown after the rain.

Radishes in the garden, grass and burdocks...

And Mishka began to jump and tumble on the lawn. He did not notice how a cloud appeared and blocked the sun. Heavy rain poured down. Ushastik jumped to his feet and was about to run home.

But suddenly it occurred to him: “It’s raining, and everything will grow again.

This means that I, too, will grow up after the rain. If only I could become like Big Bear...” The little bear stood in the middle of the lawn.

Kwok-kwok, kwah-kwah,” he heard next to him.

“This is a frog,” thought Ushastik. “It also apparently wants to grow up...”

But the May rain ends quickly.

The sun smiled, the birds chirped, the droplets sparkled on the grass.

Mishka stood on tiptoes and shouted:

Zo-o-xya! Zo-o-xya! And I've grown a little!

Kwa-kwa! - the frog laughed. - How funny you are, Mishka! You haven't grown up at all, you've only gotten wet.


The children are already sleeping, but Mishka Ushastik is not sleeping. “I’ll go to sleep now,” he thinks, “but first I’ll eat a nut.”

Suddenly the nut fell out of Mishka’s paw. Rolled under the closet.

The bear jumped off the bed. He wants to get the nut with his paw, but he can’t reach it. He lay down on the floor and called: Come out from under the closet, little nut!“I won’t go out,” the nut squeaked, “because I feel good and happy here.” That’s the thing,” Ushastik was surprised. “Why is it funny under the closet?” Because here

old pencil

Jacek, a button from Zosya’s apron and a pink eraser. We tell each other

different stories

We are the button and the eraser

Walnut and pencil.

Ushastik found us all,

Our cheerful bear!

He and Mishka Ushastik talked until late at night. And when the children woke up early in the morning, they were very surprised:

Where did this pencil come from that we lost long ago? And here is the old button! And an eraser, an eraser!

(Retelling from Polish by V. Prikhodko)

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