Essay based on N. Krymov’s painting “Winter Evening”

Essay-description based on the painting by N.P. Krymov " Winter evening" .

Goals and objectives:

  1. Prepare students for a descriptive essay based on the picture.
  2. Help to understand the content of the painting and the means of expressing the artist’s intentions.
  3. Use an art history text in your work as a basis for students to create their own speech works.
  4. Activate vocabulary on the topic “Description of nature (winter evening).”
  5. Introduce art historical terms into students’ active vocabulary: color, palette, tone.
  6. Cultivate a feeling of love for native nature, thoughtful, careful attitude to her, the ability to see beauty in modest corners of native nature


Power Point presentation;

Handouts (printout of art history text by I.B. Porto, multi-level assignments).


Types of speech; speech styles (artistic style); main idea of ​​the text;

During the classes:

  1. Introduction

A) The teacher's word.Today our lesson will be devoted to working on a descriptive essay based on a painting by the artist N.P. Krymov. Our task is to get acquainted with the special manner of his writing and create our own piece of art- essay on a painting.

B) Updating knowledge.What would you depict in your painting “Winter Evening”? What paints were used on the canvas? Where would your landscape take place? Is it easy to convey twilight in a painting?

In the history of paintingN.P. Krymov is known as an excellent master of lyrical landscape, as a poet of modest Russian nature. Now we will read the art criticism text of I. Bortko and get acquainted with the peculiarity of N.P.’s writing style. Krymova.

  1. Work with text

Stored in Tretyakov Gallery several winter landscapes created by Krymov during this period: they depict cozy, snow-covered small houses of a provincial town, illuminated by the golden light of the setting frosty sun. The mood of a fading winter day is perfectly conveyed. Evening is one of Krymov’s favorite states of nature. Reproducing the edge of day and evening is exactly that “little bit” in Krymov painting that he so often spoke about to his students. In the paintings, this short time seems to sharpen the whole essence of nature, its colors become fleeting and changeable, the shadows thicken, the horizon brightens, the sun flashes on the snow with unexpected golden and ocher-lilac spots. It seems that a few more moments and twilight will extinguish this beautiful time of day. I.B. Porto.

1. Read the text to yourself, prepare for expressive reading.

2. Read the text expressively.

3. What is this text about? What is its theme?

4. What is the main idea of ​​the text? What did the author want to express?

5. How can you title the text? (Winter landscapes of Krymov).

6. What feature of Krymov the painter does the author note? (Reproduction of the edge of day and evening, “a little bit” in Krymov painting).

7. Do you think this artist's style of painting is based on color (= tone) or halftone? (Krymov's painting - halftone painting).

8. What type of speech does this text belong to? (Description).

9. In what style is it written? Why? (IN artistic style, because the author creates an image of nature).

10. Language means, helping to create an image of winter nature in the text:

Determine which part of speech predominates in the text? (Adjectives).

What categories of adjectives do you know by meaning? Underline the adjectives with the nouns they refer to

What adjectives help to feel the mood of the author and at the same time convey the artist’s writing style - painting in halftones?(Cozy, golden, short, fleeting, changeable, ocher-lilac).

Write down the adjective unexpected, explain the spelling of the prefix not-.

Choose a synonym for the adjectivefrosty (= winter, cold).

What other text synonyms did the author of the text use? (Landscapes = paintings = paintings).


So, with the help of this text, we got acquainted in absentia with the painting of N.P. Krymov, the features of Krymov the painter, and now let’s turn to the painting on which we will write an essay.

  1. Working with a painting

1. Looking at the picture.

2. Does the text we worked with correspond to the content of the picture?

3. What mood does it create in you when you look at Krymov’s painting “Winter Evening”?(A good, pleasant mood is created, you want to look at this picture for a long time, from itbreathes peace and tranquility).

4. What signs of the coming evening do you see?(Deep snow with lilac-blue shadows, illuminated by the rays of the setting sun. A light stripe of bluish snow shades the sky and emphasizes the darkened foreground. These are, first of all, long afternoon shadows. The color of the snow, bluish with a violet tint, also indicates the coming evening).

Shadows on the snow : long, late afternoon, lilac-blue, thick shadow from a hill, long shadow along a deeply trodden path.

The coming evening is also indicated by snow color . At home you should have worked with a dictionary and found epithets to help describe snow. (White, blue, bluish-gray, silver-blue, grayish, violet-gray, lilac-bluish, light blue, loose, loose, soft, deep)

5. Working with cards: B: description of the sky;

S, N: description of trees.

Option: How did the artist depict the sky in the early evening?

(Greenish-gray, sometimes pinkish-lilac sky. The artist depicted this color of the sky because blue sky in combination with the yellow rays of the sun illuminating it, it acquires a greenish tint).

N, C option: How are the trees depicted?

(On the right is a mighty pine tree with twisted branches and a lush crown. On the left is a dense deciduous forest, and in the center of the picture are tall dome-shaped trees. The trees are painted in a reddish-brown color, which they acquire from the rays of the setting sun).

6. Artist's palette.

What colors did Krymov use to describe a winter evening?(The artist used mainly cold colors: blue, grayish-blue, silver-blue snow, greenish-gray sky, which convey the feeling of a frosty evening. But he also used warm colors).

Give examples of objects written in warm colors.(Redish-brown trees; yellowish-brown walls of houses and barns; yellowish reflection of windows illuminated by the sun. These colors convey a feeling of comfort, calm, warmth).

7. What do we see in the center of the picture?People walking along a path, horses carrying a cart of hay, create the impression of movement, fill the picture with life, and indicate the connection between man and nature.

What is the peculiarity of the construction of the picture, its composition?

(The picture is built diagonally: an looming shadow, paths rush upward, towards houses with tall trees, to the center of the picture.

8. V. Favorsky in his memoirs about N.P. Krymov will write: “His works amaze with the perfection of design and colors, and all this is imbued with musicality, different each time, in each landscape.” Let's try to voice the picture.What could the artist hear?(Deep silence, broken only by the slight creaking of snow under the steps of those walking, the subtle squealing of sleigh runners; the quiet singing of birds, the muffled sounds of a bell...)

9. What Do you feel what you are thinking about when you look at this landscape?Describe your feelings. (This landscape, depicting a quiet, cozy evening in the village, gives us a feeling of tranquility and peace. I want to visit this beautiful corner of Russian nature, enjoy the silence rural life in the early evening, breathe in the fresh frosty air).

10. Generalization.

Indeed, Krymov’s small landscapes, dedicated to modest corners of the Russian village, amaze not with their external attractiveness, but with their strict depiction and laconicism. “Love nature, study it, write what you truly love. Be truthful, for beauty is in truth,” said the artist.


Where would you start describing the picture?

What would you definitely write about?

How would you end the essay?

Rough plan

1. N.P. Krymov - landscape artist.

2. Winter as depicted by the artist

a) Snow, sky, shadows

b) Features of the composition (foreground, background, center of the picture).

c) Artist's palette.

3. What feelings and thoughts does the landscape evoke?

“Landscape is a portrait of nature. Writing a landscape well is as difficult as writing any good work..."

N.P. Krymov’s landscape was a success, let’s hope that your essays will turn out no less interesting.

D/Z: write an essay in accordance with the chosen genre in an artistic style.

Essay examples

The frozen river in the foreground also has its own shades. The ice covering the pond practically merges with the snow, as it has the same pale turquoise color. The only evidence that this is a river is the bushes and birds perched on them.

This different connection the colors of snow perfectly reveal that same Russian frosty winter to which every person is accustomed. This is the kind of snow that is expected every year; it is the snow that gives the world a simultaneous feeling of cold, freshness, cleanliness and a festive mood.

Krymov’s sky has a special color scheme – it is both light green and sandy in color, which surprisingly harmonize with each other. The vault of heaven seems to embrace the surrounding landscape and people's lives, demonstrating the stunning beauty of nature. Such a landscape exudes peace and tranquility, which creates harmonious combination warm and cold colors. As a rule, such an unusual sunset is a time of a frosty and at the same time warm day.

In Krymov, the snow is fluffy and airy at the same time. It carries a discreet beauty and demonstrates the diversity of the Russian winter, in which there are snowstorms, frosty days and thaws. The painting “Winter Evening” depicts the winter that many people love - frosty, airy, kind and incredibly charming thanks to the combination of colors.

“Winter Evening” is a fairly harmonious landscape in which incompatible shades are miraculously intertwined. Krymov masterfully conveyed natural beauties, managed to organically combine them with way of life Russian village. This fragment is from the usual human life, become a “portrait” of both all of Russia and native land artist.

Description of the painting “Winter Evening” by N. Krymov

Every stroke of N. Krymov’s brush is the charm of the beauty of nature, skill family traditions painting and deep soulfulness. To say that the artist loved his land is to say nothing. He admired every moment spent there.

Graphic images and theater scenery Krymova is something special for the art world. Recognized early, the master was that rare lucky person whose canvas adorned the Tretyakov Gallery during his studies. All the artist’s early and subsequent works breathe symbolism, which was greatly facilitated by the work of the designer of the Golden Fleece magazine. His landscapes are not a traditional depiction of nature, but a tapestry, so similar to the one woven by medieval ladies. Its colorful haze resembles a mirage, clothed in the form of Russian traditional objectivity and three-dimensionality of the image.

The painting “Winter Evening” is one of such works. The traditional landscape of central Russia is realism and symbolism at the same time. This is the very nature that is inextricably linked with people's lives. Krymov is one of the few who knew how to draw “portraits” of Russia in a modest form that was familiar to every viewer.

The foreground of the picture is occupied by a river covered with ice, along which there are small bushes with birds clinging to them. The sun disappearing behind the horizon is the background, which affects the entire color scheme of the canvas. Little ones wooden houses reflect the light of the setting sun and glow with their own light. Winter is in full swing - this is indicated by the numerous paths that lead to the village.

The central part of the picture is occupied by the image of people who want to get home quickly. Warm clothing indicates a frosty season, which evokes sound associations in the viewer: it seems that the creaking of snow under shoes can already be heard. One of the women stops, either thinking about something, or to admire the beauty of the winter landscape. A sleigh is heading to the village, carrying hay for the horses. Their riders walk alongside, heading towards a barn in one of the courtyards.

In the painting “Winter Evening” there is no generally accepted concept of “landscape”, which implies natural views. Living people are included in the context, which gives the canvas dynamics and imbues it with life. The trace of man is in everything here: in the trodden path, in the houses, in the horses and figures, and even in the church in the background of the picture. Children who slide down the hill on a sled are the main “engine”, which, although written in several dots, says that winter life is not dull, but colorful and dynamic.

The left side of the picture is another moment of movement. The village, located diagonally, towards which carts with hay are moving, indicates that life is in full swing in it. The short winter day approaching evening seems to make people move faster. Coffee-colored wooden houses that exude warmth are a symbol of home comfort in Krymov’s canvas. A church on a slope with a dome glowing with golden light instills hope in people, gives harmony and completeness to the canvas.

Winter time in Krymov is measured and quiet. Nature, immersed in sleep and a carpet of white-blue snow, it would seem, should fill everything around with silence, but this does not happen. Eat human factor, which creates a living and at the same time harmonious life around itself.

Viewers can remember all the lines of Russian classics about winter, and each of them will reflect Krymov’s perception of a winter evening: it is unhurried, peaceful, measured and inevitable, and at the same time has a special sound. His music immerses every person in the quiet hour of the evening, when the creaking of runners, the laughter of children and the muffled sounds of church bells are clearly audible.

The color scheme of the painting is somewhat unusual for depicting a winter evening. After all, Krymov gravitated towards symbolism, and these people were always looking for unusual ways images of the world. The greenish sunset makes the picture unusual, but at the same time emphasizes the softness of the descending twilight. Snow, painted by the artist, is a unique play of a whole range of shades - from the tone of heavenly azure to a light purple color scheme. These colors are located in ascending order from the lower left corner; they change the color of the snow, leaving it pristine white on the roofs. This transition is not accidental - it creates melodic and crunching sound effects.

The famous Russian landscape artist Nikolai Petrovich Krymov painted many paintings throughout his entire period of creativity. Most of them are images of deserted nature, shown to the viewer in a very poetic way.

One of the most beautiful landscapes The artist’s painting is “Winter Evening”. Krymov it was created in 1919. On this canvas the author depicted the discreet beauty of his native Russian nature and what he especially liked - frost, snow, as well as the majesty and tranquility of winter.

"Portrait" of Russia

N.P. Krymov’s painting “Winter Evening” already at first glance gives us an idea of ​​its author as a master of harmonious landscape. The canvas, which depicts central Russia, is distinguished not only by its realism, but also by its subtle display skills natural paints the surrounding world.

In his painting “Winter Evening” Krymov was able to accurately recreate the nature of his native land and the life of the peasantry. That is why the landscape can be called a “portrait” of Russia, which the author was able to see in an ordinary, modest corner of the country.

Overall plan

The curriculum provides for schoolchildren to study the painting “Winter Evening” in the 6th grade. Then students are asked to make a description of it. Children formulate their ideas about the landscape in the form of an essay. One of its mandatory points is a description general plan paintings. It is an image of a village outskirts. There are less than a dozen small wooden buildings, as well as a visible church dome. Depicted in the foreground are two sleighs carrying firewood. These are all the main details of the picture, when viewing it, the viewer cannot help but develop a feeling of warmth and peace in his soul. And this despite the fact that the canvas depicts a snowy winter.

Basis of the picture

What else needs to be talked about when writing an essay (6th grade) based on the painting “Winter Evening” by Krymov? The main part of the landscape depicted on the canvas is occupied by snow. He is fluffy and white. Several small birds are sitting on a bush sticking out from under a snowdrift, as if trying to catch the last rays of the sunset.

The wooden houses located a little further away look quite dark. That is why the white snow covering the roofs of peasant buildings looks especially contrasting. People rushing from the cold to the warmth also stand out as dark spots in the picture.

It’s not for nothing that the artist emphasizes the appearance of snow so much. After all, he, white and fluffy, is a real attribute of the Russian winter. N. Krymov in his painting conveys not only the beauty of the Russian landscape. It allows us to understand the sensations and sounds of nature. The picture blows the winter cold at the viewer and at the same time it warms him with memories and native warmth.

In the image, the snow is fluffy and airy. And this technique gives a special charm to a corner of Russian nature that is discreet in its beauty. We know that weather conditions in winter can be very different. Sometimes snowstorms swirl and come very coldy or there is a thaw. The author showed us a winter, albeit snowy, but at the same time kind, by choosing an incredible combination of shades to display a wonderful evening.


Admiring the painting “Winter Evening”, the first thing we see is a river covered in ice. It is located in the foreground of the artist’s canvas. The water in the river is clear and clean. Near the shore, small islands of shallow water can be seen from under the ice. Bushes grow near the river. Small birds sit on their branches, basking against each other. Such an image indicates that in N. Krymov’s painting “Winter Evening” we see a frosty day, but not too cold. Most likely because of this there are no people on the river. After all, the ice is thin, and walking on it can cause you to fall through. In almost horizontal natural light, it is painted a pale turquoise tone.

Surely the artist painted while positioned on the opposite, higher bank of the river. After all, the entire image in the painting “Winter Evening,” like the artist’s gaze, is directed from top to bottom.

Winter nature

Looking at the painting “Winter Evening”, it becomes clear that the painter depicts on his canvas a village located somewhere in the Russian outback. It is completely covered with snow. It is impossible to find even one well-worn road here. This is what gives the painting “Winter Evening” a certain mythical look.

The snow-covered expanse along with the frozen river seem to come out of some Russian fairy tale. It seems that it will still pass In a little time, Emelya will go to the river on her stove for water. At the same time, the winter nature depicted in the artist’s painting is quiet. She seemed to have fallen asleep, and it seems that she will remain so until spring.


What is necessarily included in the description of Krymov’s painting “Winter Evening”? The picture, from which it is difficult to take your eyes off, shows us in the background the outskirts of a village consisting of several houses. At the first of them you can see a built barn. A village cannot be small. After all, otherwise there would not be a church in it, the dome of the bell tower of which is visible behind the residential buildings and is illuminated by the sunset rays. Most likely, the painting depicts a village. After all, it is precisely in these relatively large settlements As was customary, parishioners came from all the surrounding villages.


Looking at Krymov’s painting “Winter Evening”, in the 6th grade, children must certainly give a description of the nature that is located outside the village. These are towering above residential buildings, poplars and oaks.

The artist depicted a forest against a background of a bright sky and white snow, creating a bright contrast. On the right on the canvas rises a mighty pine tree with a lush crown and twisted branches. On the left is quite dense forest, consisting of deciduous trees. In the center of the picture, the author depicted tall trees with a dome-shaped crown. All of them are painted in reddish-brown tones, which were given to them by the rays of the setting sun.


The description of the painting “Winter Evening” allows you to feel the beauty and majesty of Russian nature. On his canvas, the author depicted the sky in slightly light green-sand tones and without a single cloud. This allowed him to create a soft contrast with the trees, illuminated by the setting sun, that tower in the background of the houses.

When admiring the canvas, a feeling of peace and tranquility comes. At the same time, the author’s combination of cold and warm tones, in which snow cover and the pre-sunset sky are written, evokes impression of lightness frost and extraordinary freshness.

Describing the painting “Winter Evening”, one can assume that soon in this cozy corner of Russia it will be possible to enjoy a bright crimson sunset. After all, such clear skies often become its harbinger. And according to folk signs, the next day in the village after a calm and have a quiet day strong wind may blow.

Shades of snow

They are never a purely formal reflection of reality good paintings artists. “Winter Evening” can be classified as one of them. After all, when viewing the canvas, you don’t just admire the landscape, but, it seems, you hear the ringing silence in the village. A similar feeling can be achieved by a huge snow field located in front of residential buildings. Krymov brilliantly used color palettes to depict him. Snow transferred various shades. Its main color is pale blue. In addition, bluish-black shadows are visible in the picture. They fall from houses. In the shadows, snow is depicted in a wide variety of shades. These are tones that start with sky azure and end with light purple.

The snow in the picture is not depicted shimmering in sun rays. After all, the heavenly body is already ready to hide behind the horizon. Where there are no shadows, the snow is light, and where they fall on the field, it is dark blue. Thanks to the large number of shades, the viewer admiring the painting has a feeling of warmth. This is what Krymov achieved, using a variety of color scheme. It was thanks to her that the author gave his canvas sincerity and sensuality.


The action depicted on the canvas by the artist Krymov takes place in the evening hours. The pinkish tints of the sky tell us that the sun is trying to hide behind the horizon. All other colors of nature are evidence of the onset of evening. After all, at sunset they no longer shine as much as they do in the morning. At this time, the frost intensifies somewhat and silence, tranquility and tranquility appear. The sunset of the day is also indicated to us by the shadows falling on the snowy field. They lie on the snowdrifts, giving them depth and splendor.

The painting depicts a winter evening, when the lights are already on in the windows. However, despite this, the canvas is very light. Maybe it's because we're seeing a lot of snow, or maybe it's just not that late. But these are still evening, pre-sunset hours.


From the thin paths trodden between the snowdrifts, one can judge that winter has already fully come into its own. However, the artist makes it clear to us that people are not at all afraid of her and do not want to sit at home.

On the snow you can see numerous shadows left by the rays of the setting sun. And they are not only from bushes. Shadows also fall from four human figures walking along a narrow path trodden in a snowdrift. Most likely, these are peasants who are in a hurry to get to their warm and cozy home. The path is so narrow that people walk behind each other. Ahead, presumably, is a husband, wife and child. They are all dressed in dark fur coats. There is another person standing at a distance. Why is he a little behind everyone else? The artist did not reveal this secret to us. He gave the viewer the opportunity to come up with the plot themselves. But at the same time, people are clearly distinguishable main feature- they all look into the distance. Perhaps the child is interested in the birds, while the adults are admiring the beautiful winter evening.

In the foreground of the picture you can see dark spots, in which village children are guessed to be sledding down a hill. It will soon become dark, and they will also run to their home.

On the left side of the picture you can see a country road with two horse-drawn sleighs moving along it. The carts are loaded with haystacks. The people driving the horses are also in a hurry to finish their work. After all, this must be done before it gets completely dark.

People walking along the path and horses pulling sleighs with hay fill the picture with movement and life, pointing us to the connection that exists between man and nature.

When painting the picture, the artist was clearly at a considerable distance from the village. This is told to us by small-sized images of horses, unclear small figures of people, as well as buildings and houses in which it is impossible to see specific details. Trees also appear as a mass on the canvas.

Looking at the picture, we clearly feel a deep silence. It is disturbed only by the slight creaking of the snow cover under the feet of those walking, the subtle squealing of the cart runners, the singing of birds and the muffled sounds of the bell.


The painting “Winter Evening” was painted by N. Krymov with great love and thoroughness. This becomes clear from the wide palette of shades and the variety of details included in the image. The artist was able to create the right atmosphere, thanks to which the viewer imagines himself standing on a hill, admiring the village, feeling the frost and the gradually approaching twilight.

The whole picture painted is common for the village. These are real Russian villages where they live simple people, loving surrounding nature and grateful for your life.

The picture still continues to create a peaceful and calm mood in the souls of viewers. Surely every person has dreamed of living in a village at least once in his life, feeling peace and human happiness. You can only experience it in such a quiet place, and not in the city, where life proceeds at a completely different rhythm.

Today, the original painting by Nikolai Petrovich Krymov “Winter Evening” is one of the exhibits on display State Museum fine arts, which is open in Kazan.


Introduce students to a work of art. Development of artistic imagination based on the description of the picture, ideas, development of written and oral speech. Prepare students for a descriptive essay based on the picture.

Help to understand the content of the painting and the means of expressing the artist’s intentions.

Equipment: A reproduction of the painting “Winter Evening” for each student.

Vocabulary dictation.

Bluish, grayish, silvery, light blue, soft, loose, fresh, deep, like a snow-white blanket, like a fluffy blanket, lilac-blue shadows, setting sun, hay train, greenish-gray, pink-lilac


Today our lesson is devoted to working on a descriptive essay based on a painting by the artist N.P. Krymov. In the history of painting, N.P. Krymov is known as an excellent master of lyrical landscape, as a poet of modest Russian nature. Our task is to get acquainted with Krymov’s paintings and create our own work of art - an essay based on the painting. Just recently, winter came to visit us, and the new year has begun.

Blue twilight, light powder, an old Christmas tree, a fairy tale, the flickering and crackling of candles, and prickly frost, and a scattering of star rays.

This is exactly how the master of landscape painting N.P. saw winter. Krymov.

We met and talked about painting and landscapes of Krymov. You should have prepared a report at home about the life of N.P. Krymova.

The student reads a message about the artist.

The work of Nikolai Petrovich Krymov is inextricably linked with the development of Russian fine art. His talent was most fully manifested in landscape painting. Along with painting, he was engaged in graphics and theatrical decoration. Krymov was a happy artist creative destiny, who gained early recognition. It is perhaps a rare case that a work written by a second-year student at the School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture was purchased by the Tretyakov Gallery.

N.P. Krymov was born in Moscow on May 3 (April 20, old style) 1884 in the family of the artist Pyotr Alekseevich Krymov. The father of the future painter taught drawing in Moscow gymnasiums and was a good portrait painter. Pyotr Alekseevich noticed his talent early youngest son, his extraordinary drawing abilities. After Krymov graduated from real school, the father himself began to prepare his son for exams at the School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, which he successfully passed, and in 1904 he was accepted among the first. In those years, the school had a very strong and authoritative staff of teachers. After graduating from college in 1911, Krymov embarked on an independent creative path as a mature, established artist. In the 1910s, the young artist continued to develop the problem of landscape painting in his work.

Krymov lived a long, 74-year life, which, it would seem, passed without visible unrest or tragedy. But this is probably the special inner strength and mental fortitude of a man who, like the people of his generation, suffered three wars and three revolutions. He is one of the best landscape painters of the 20th century, who was also known as a painting theorist and as a brilliant teacher (in 1919-1930 the artist taught for a long time at the Prechistensky Practical Institute). The teachers of this artist were such masters as V.A. Serov and K.A. Korovin. N. Krymov was an opponent of any experiments in the field of art and thanks to this he described all living things as they are.

The artist was a follower of the classical direction of painting that developed in the 19th century. He tried to put together and generalize this direction. He had a large number of students whom he taught according to his own system. And even more students learned according to his system. Distinctive feature This artist was that he instilled in each of his students a sense of individuality. Krymov is a true adherent of the classical direction of painting; he left a deep mark on the painting of the 20th century in Russia.

We have already looked at the artist’s paintings. Let's remember them. (“Windy Day”, “After the Rain”, “Dawn”, “Morning”)

What does the artist depict in his paintings, what does he glorify? (He glorifies Russian nature in his landscapes, modest in appearance, but full of charm)

Krymov dedicated a lot of his paintings to winter. Winter was my favorite time of year. What kind of paintings are these? (“Winter Evening”, “Winter Day”, “Winter”, “Pink Winter”, “Winter Landscape”)

Krymov painted from life only in the summer. He painted the winter landscapes from memory, but despite this, they are very reliable. He could believably convey the state of nature and lighting. Krymov's winter landscapes could give a detailed and colorful story about this time of year. Krymov never sought to create huge canvases. Such is the painting “Winter Evening”. In my youth, this was due to limited funds. During his years of study, the artist was in need. He had no money for painting supplies. He used those paints that wealthy students cleaned from their canvases. Later he told his students: “It is not at all necessary to paint huge canvases with broad strokes. You can paint with one small brush on a small canvas and the paint will cost you a penny.” In his mature years, large canvas sizes could not add anything to the master’s individuality. His small-sized landscapes have always remained monumental.

Let's turn to the painting “Winter Evening”. Look carefully at the picture.

What mood does it create in you when you look at Krymov’s painting “Winter Evening”?

(This canvas depicts a small village in winter. Looking at the picture, the viewer has a feeling of peace, calm and warmth, despite the fact that the author depicted winter.)

Did the artist manage to convey the beauty of a winter evening?

(We look at the picture and seem to feel the soft flowing snow, illuminated by the rays of the setting sun, the silence of the early evening hour. The artist admires the evening twilight. He wants to show how beautiful our Russian nature is!)

What attracts you in the picture at first glance? What signs of the coming evening do you see?

(Deep snow with lilac-blue shadows, illuminated by the rays of the setting sun. A light stripe of bluish snow shades the sky and emphasizes the darkened foreground. These are primarily long afternoon shadows. The color of the snow, bluish with a violet tint, also indicates the coming evening.)

What is the peculiarity of the construction of the picture, its composition? Where is the artist located?

(We can assume that the picture was painted by the artist from the opposite bank. At that moment he was on a hill. The picture is built diagonally: an looming shadow, paths rush upward, towards houses with tall trees, to the center of the picture. People walking along the path, horses , carrying a cart with hay, create the impression of movement, fill the picture with life, and indicate the connection between man and nature.

The artist is located at a great distance from the village: this is emphasized by the small size of the horses depicted, obscure small figures of people, houses and buildings in which no details are visible. The trees act as a mass.)

How did the artist depict the sky in the early evening?

(The author uses various shades in his work white for the image of snow. The ice on the river is colored turquoise. The artist conveys the color of the evening sky using light greenish and yellow tones. Greenish-gray, mauve-pink sky in places. The artist depicted this color of the sky because the blue sky, in combination with the yellow rays of the sun illuminating it, acquires a T greenish tint.)

How are the trees depicted?

(In the background of the canvas, the painter depicted a winter village. Behind it is a forest consisting of oaks or poplars. It stands out as a dark mass against the background of a light, greenish-yellow sky. On the right is a mighty pine tree with twisted branches and a lush crown. On the left is a dense deciduous forest , and in the center of the picture are tall domed trees. The trees are painted in a reddish-brown color, which they acquire from the rays of the setting sun.)

Describe the village.

(The village is one of the main objects of the canvas. It is a small group of buildings drowned in dense snowdrifts. Reflections of the sun are visible in the windows of one of the houses. On the left, a little away from the residential buildings, the dome of the bell tower is visible.)

V. Favorsky, in his memoirs about N.P. Krymov, will write: “His works amaze with the perfection of design and colors, and all this is imbued with musicality, different each time, in each landscape.” Let's try to voice the picture. What could the artist hear?

(Deep silence, broken only by the slight creaking of snow under the steps of those walking, the subtle squealing of sleigh runners; the quiet singing of birds, the muffled sounds of a bell...)

What colors did Krymov use to describe a winter evening?

(The artist used mainly cold colors: blue, grayish-blue, silver-blue snow, greenish-gray sky, which convey the feeling of a frosty evening. But he also used warm colors: reddish-brown trees; yellowish-brown walls of houses and barns ; yellowish reflection of windows illuminated by the sun. These colors convey a feeling of comfort, calm, warmth.)

What do you feel, what do you think about when you look at this landscape? Describe your feelings.

(I really like his canvas and evokes the warmest feelings. I want to visit this beautiful corner of Russian nature, enjoy the silence of rural life in the early evening, breathe in the fresh frosty air.)


Indeed, Krymov’s small landscapes, dedicated to modest corners of the Russian village, amaze not with their external attractiveness, but with their strict depiction and laconicism. “Love nature, study it, write what you truly love. Be truthful, for beauty is in truth,” said the artist.


Where would you start describing the picture?

What would you definitely write about?

How would you end the essay?

Rough plan.

N.P. Krymov - landscape artist.

Winter as depicted by the artist:

D) features of the composition (foreground, background, center of the picture).

What feelings and thoughts does the landscape evoke?

Writing a descriptive essay.

“Landscape is a portrait of nature. Writing a landscape well is as difficult as writing any good work...”

N.P. Krymov’s landscape was a success, let’s hope that your essays will turn out no less interesting.

Essay based on the painting by N.P. Krymov "Winter Evening".

N.P. Krymov is a famous Russian artist, a master of lyrical landscape, who grew up in a family of painters. He passionately loved nature, loved to depict it, discovering it close relations with a person. Krymov’s landscapes are originally Russian; they are imbued with the artist’s love for the Motherland, its majestic and quiet nature. Krymov especially loved to depict winter. Here is what I. V. Porto wrote about this artist: “Several winter landscapes created by Krymov during this period are kept in the Tretyakov Gallery: they depict cozy, snow-covered small houses of a provincial town, illuminated by the golden light of the setting frosty sun. The mood of a fading winter day is perfectly conveyed. Evening is one of Krymov’s favorite states of nature. Reproducing the edge of day and evening is exactly that “little bit” in Krymov painting that he so often spoke about to his students. In the paintings, this short time seems to sharpen the whole essence of nature, its colors become fleeting and changeable, the shadows thicken, the horizon brightens, the sun flashes on the snow with unexpected golden and ocher-lilac spots. It seems that a few more moments - and twilight will extinguish this beautiful time of day.”

We see such a borderline plot, a reproduction of the edge of day and evening, in the painting by I.P. Krymov “Winter Evening”, created in 1919. The plot centers on a Russian village in winter. In the foreground we see a huge plain covered with snow. We see a small river, frozen and powdered with snow. On its bank there is a small bush, next to it little birds quietly lurk, escaping from the frost. The deep snow is crowned with bluish-purple evening shadows, and the rays of the setting sun fall softly on it. It’s as if we feel this crunchy snow under our feet, a slight invigorating frost, glorious, clear air. “The picture is built diagonally: the approaching

shadow, paths rush upward, to houses with tall trees, to the center of the picture. People walking along a path, horses carrying a cart of hay, create the impression of movement, fill the picture with life, and indicate the connection between man and nature.” In the center of the picture we see village houses shrouded in snow. Behind them rise powerful old reddish-brown trees, whose powerful crowns reach up to the greenish-gray sky. In the background there are two small houses, a rural church, and a forest stretching into the distance. The painting creates an amazing mood, conveying the special state of peace and tranquility that reigns in the evening winter nature. Looking at this landscape, I involuntarily recall Fet’s poems:

I'm Russian, I love the silence given to the nasty,

Under the canopy of snow, monotonous death,

Forests under the caps or in gray frost,

Yes, the river is ringing under the dark blue ice.

This poet was characterized by a special aesthetic perception of nature. It seems that I.P. Krymov also perceived nature. V. Favorsky wrote in his memoirs about this artist: “His works amaze with the perfection of design and colors, and all this is imbued with musicality, different each time, in each landscape.” Indeed, this landscape is surprisingly musical. We seem to be immersed in the silence of the early evening hours, broken only by the creaking of sleigh runners carrying hay and the muffled sounds of bells. How beautiful this fading winter day is!

The artist mainly uses cold tones and shades: soft bluish, greenish, lilac, gray. This landscape creates a mood of peace, joy, and encourages philosophical reflection.

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