Artistic style: concept, features and examples. Artistic style: what it is, examples, genres, linguistic means

Art style is a complex alloy that reflects all the richness of the national language. A combination of elements of all styles is possible here literary language. By means artistic word through a system of images, artistic style influences the mind, feelings and will of readers, shapes their ideological beliefs, moral qualities and aesthetic tastes.

Imagery distinguishes an artistic style from other styles. The use of linguistic means is determined by its purpose - to figuratively recreate reality. Language fiction characterized by an exceptional wealth of vocabulary and phraseology. Historicism, archaisms, dialectisms, elements of vernacular, even jargon are introduced into works of art. Example of archaisms: The mouth of the mute shall be opened.

An example of dialectisms: “In Yaremche, not far from the waterfall, a Hutsul was sitting in a captarik, in a keychain, in an embroidered shirt and smoking a pipe. Nearby lay linen besaghs with some kind of kadib, bought in Yaremche at the fair, the besaghs stretched out their legs in white gachas.”

Emotionally expressive vocabulary is widely used in the artistic style: synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, paronyms, phraseological units. A variety of methods are used to convey thoughts (epithets, metaphors, comparisons, symbols, etc.).

Scientific style

The main function of the scientific style is to communicate. Works written in this style contain scientific information, so it is subject to strict compliance requirements.

The scope of application of the scientific style is scientific and scientific-technical works intended for specialists, textbooks for higher schools.

The main purpose of the style is to present the consequences of research about man, society, natural phenomena, substantiate hypotheses, prove the truth of theories, classify and systematize knowledge, explain phenomena, stimulate the reader’s intellect to comprehend them.

The main features of the scientific style: clarity and objectivity of interpretations, logical consistency and evidence of presentation, generalization of concepts and phenomena, objective analysis, accuracy and conciseness of statements, argumentation and persuasiveness of statements.

The main feature of the scientific style is terminology. The world described through terms. Definitions are often given various concepts, phenomena, processes, etc. Since the basis of terminological vocabulary is nouns, this part of speech is represented in a scientific style more than other parts of speech, for example, verbs. In works of scientific literature, common words are nouns formed from new verbal and adjectival roots using various generalizing suffixes:

  • awn: property, moisture, consciousness, duration;
  • nn(s): competition, ignoring, prosperity;
  • Anne(me): relationships, relationships;
  • inn(s): understanding, conscience;
  • stv (o): students, peasantry;
  • TsTV (o): production, cooperation;
  • AC(s): aviation, mechanization;
  • ism: historicism, aphorism;
  • ism: humanism, Darwinism.

Works in a scientific style are rich in abstract vocabulary. Common words are used, as a rule, only in one of their meanings.

In a scientific style, repetition of the same words in a small text is allowed. This is due to the need to accurately and unambiguously express opinions.

“The wire is covered with insulation in the form of a thin layer of scale, so the turns of the wire are insulated from each other. A metal rod is placed above the winding along which the slider can move. The slider is pressed against the winding turns with its contacts. Due to the friction of the slider against the coils, the layer of scale under the contacts of the slider is erased, and electricity in the circuit runs from the turns of wire to the slide. And through it - into a rod that has a clamp at the end.” (From the textbook)

Scientific speech is dominated by complex sentences, especially complex subordinates, participles and participial phrases, plug-in and inserted designs. This emphasizes the bookish nature of the scientific style, which allows information to be presented logically and consistently.


What is the difference between fiction and non-fiction? Examples

March 12, 2017

Literature is an irreplaceable part of the culture of every country. Without it, it would be impossible to exchange information, find out last news or study science. In all its splendor, literature appears before readers in various genres. And it is often difficult to choose which book to give preference to. Especially often such torment arises when the reader does not know the difference between fiction and scientific literature. Well, let's try to help him.

It all starts with theory

Before classifying texts into fiction and scientific, it is worth arming yourself with theoretical knowledge in this area. That is, learn about what scientific and fiction literature is.

  • Fiction is a unique type of art, the main component of which is the word.
  • Scientific literature - represents written works that were created in the course of specific research using some scientific method. This type of literature is intended to provide information to scientists about the latest developments in their field.

If you look only at these definitions, it is impossible to understand how, in fact, the difference between fiction and non-fiction literature is manifested, except for the target audience.

What is style?

Therefore, it is worth studying this issue in more detail. Fiction and scientific literature did not receive original titles. The whole point is that the first is created by artists, and the second is all about formulas. It's all about the features (or, as they say, styles) of writing the text.

Style is the design of text. This is a kind of “clothing” of the text. Scientifically speaking, style is a system of linguistic means and methods that are used to present any information. Each system and method is used in certain cases.

What is the difference between fiction and non-fiction? First of all, in the style of the text. And if we look at it in more detail, then you need to know about the peculiarities of the textual conventions of each style.

Video on the topic

Artistic style of speech

This style is emotional and expressive. The author of the text mainly focuses on displaying images and emotions, which, in fact, captivates readers.

Main features of the artistic style:

  • The hero and the narrator in one bottle are a free reflection of one’s “I”.
  • The text conveys the images, emotional background and mood of the characters.
  • The author can use many stylistic structures in the text: homonyms, antonyms, phraseological units, outdated words, hyperboles, etc. His choice of verbal forms is unlimited.
  • In a literary text, the author can use many different styles, beautifully “tailoring” them to the general author’s style.
  • There is always a hidden meaning in words.

The main purpose of the text in this style is to convey emotions and create a certain mood in the reader. This is the first difference between fiction and scientific literature.

Scientific style

However, these are not all the distinctive characteristics of the styles. It is impossible to compare artistic and scientific style without saying something about the features of the content.

Main features of the scientific style:

  • The author is objective and impartial. The text uses the pronouns “we” or “they”.
  • Lots of terminology and speech cliches. Absence or minimal use of emotionally expressive vocabulary.
  • The text is static and slow to read due to the abundance of adverbs, adjectives and nouns.
  • The text is structured logically, presented sequentially, according to the theses.
  • There are many introductory words that explain phenomena or concepts.

This is another difference between fiction and scientific literature.

A little about popular science

Many readers tend to confuse scientific literature with popular science. Popular science literature is a literary text about science. It is intended for both experienced researchers and the general public. The difference between fiction and popular science is that the latter combines the main features of two literary styles. Here you can find images, emotions, and dry information that is frightening with formulas and terminology.

Plan and example

The difference between artistic and scientific literature really big. To summarize everything that has been written, it is worth giving a practical example.

The difference between fiction and scientific literature (examples):

  • Art style: “The first rays of dawn were already rattling on the horizon, but no one in the camp paid attention to them. Each soldier was lost in his own thoughts. Someone was cleaning the barrel of a machine gun, someone was finishing the last lines of a letter, and someone was looking indifferently in the direction where the enemy was located. Today the decisive battle was to take place. The whole night no one could sleep a wink, and the minutes of the early morning crawled like snails, until someone shouted: “It has begun!”...

  • Scientific style: “The Berlin offensive operation began on the morning of April 16, 1945. 9,000 Soviet guns and mortars hit German positions. In a matter of minutes, the first line of defense was destroyed. Air bombers attacked German artillery and headquarters. 2,145 units of German military equipment were destroyed... Germany announced its surrender on May 8, 1945.”

These two texts tell about the beginning of the Berlin offensive operation- the last battle in the Great Patriotic War. And if you draw up a plan: “The difference between fiction and scientific literature,” then it will look like this:

  1. IN scientific text will always be indicated:
  • exact dates and numbers;
  • list of main operating elements;
  • assessment of what is happening;
  • attention to significant moments;
  • general results;
  • numbers, protocols, statements.
  1. The literary text includes:
  • impressions of what is happening;
  • description of the place where the events take place;
  • means of expression that make the reader experience;
  • reality is depicted in living pictures.

Even the small examples presented correspond to most of the points in the plan. The difference between fiction and scientific literature is briefly outlined in the article. If the first represents something sublime, sensual and spiritual, then the second is its direct opposite - it sets out the basic facts using complex terminology and, forgetting about the aesthetics of speech patterns, stubbornly steps towards the goal. We can say that they are like heaven and earth. There is no point in comparing them. However, it is impossible to imagine the world of culture both without works of art and without scientific works.

To the question: What is the difference between a literary text and a scientific text asked by the author? Olga Gracheva the best answer is What is the difference between a literary text and a scientific text?

Answer from chevron[expert]
Scientific style
Scientific style - the style of scientific communications. The scope of use of this style is science; the recipients of text messages can be scientists, future specialists, students, or just any person interested in one or another scientific field; the authors of the texts of this style are scientists, experts in their field. The purpose of style can be described as describing laws, identifying patterns, describing discoveries, teaching, etc.
Its main function is to communicate information, as well as prove its truth. It is characterized by the presence of small terms, general scientific words, abstract vocabulary, it is dominated by a noun, and many abstract and real nouns.
The scientific style exists primarily in written form. monologue speech. Its genres are scientific article, educational literature, monograph, school essay etc. The stylistic features of this style are emphasized logic, evidence, accuracy (unambiguity), clarity, generalization.
Art style
The artistic style is used in fiction. It affects the imagination and feelings of the reader, conveys the thoughts and feelings of the author, uses all the wealth of vocabulary, the possibilities of different styles, and is characterized by imagery and emotionality of speech.
The emotionality of an artistic style differs from the emotionality of colloquial and journalistic styles. Emotionality artistic speech performs an aesthetic function. Artistic style presupposes a preliminary selection of linguistic means; All language means are used to create images.

Answer from Black Hundred[expert]
The first embellishes, the second sets out FACTS and EVIDENCE! Thank you.

Answer from Lana+[guru]
The scientific text will be made up of special terms

Answer from Moan[guru]
Simply put:
Scientific style involves the use of emotionally neutral words and impersonal sentences.
Words like: fool, stink, flagrant, torment, whore, drunkard are not allowed. Such words are replaced by scientific terms or neutral words. Science has its own vocabulary. It's dry and boring. The main goal is to convey information, not entertain.
The following sentences are not allowed: I think... In my opinion...
Replaced: There is a point of view... The author believes...
Art style. Here the word is a tool, the task is to convey an image, feelings. Each writer shows his mastery of words. Anything is possible here, the main thing is that it works for the plot, for creating an image, and that it meets the general aesthetics and does not contradict the rules of the language.

Answer from Varvara Verzilova[newbie]
Scientific style
Scientific style - the style of scientific communications. The scope of use of this style is science; the recipients of text messages can be scientists, future specialists, students, or simply anyone interested in a particular scientific field; The authors of texts of this style are scientists, experts in their field. The purpose of style can be described as describing laws, identifying patterns, describing discoveries, teaching, etc.
Its main function is to communicate information, as well as prove its truth. It is characterized by the presence of small terms, general scientific words, abstract vocabulary, it is dominated by a noun, and many abstract and real nouns.
The scientific style exists primarily in written monologue speech. Its genres are scientific article, educational literature, monograph, school essay, etc. The stylistic features of this style are emphasized logic, evidence, accuracy (unambiguousness), clarity, generalization.
Art style
The artistic style is used in fiction. It affects the imagination and feelings of the reader, conveys the thoughts and feelings of the author, uses all the wealth of vocabulary, the possibilities of different styles, and is characterized by imagery and emotionality of speech.
The emotionality of an artistic style differs from the emotionality of colloquial and journalistic styles. The emotionality of artistic speech performs an aesthetic function. Artistic style presupposes a preliminary selection of linguistic means; All language means are used to create images.

The book sphere of communication is expressed through an artistic style - multitasking literary style, which has developed historically, and stands out from other styles through means of expression.

Artistic style serves literary works And aesthetic activity person. the main objective– impact on the reader with the help of sensory images. Tasks by which the goal of the artistic style is achieved:

  • Creating a living picture that describes the work.
  • Transferring the emotional and sensory state of the characters to the reader.

Features of artistic style

Artistic style has a purpose of emotional impact on a person, but it is not the only one. The big picture The application of this style is described through its functions:

  • Figurative-cognitive. Presenting information about the world and society through the emotional component of the text.
  • Ideological and aesthetic. Maintaining the system of images through which the writer conveys the idea of ​​the work to the reader awaits a response to the plot's concept.
  • Communicative. Expressing the vision of an object through sensory perception. Information from art world connects with reality.

Signs and characteristic linguistic features of artistic style

To easily identify this style of literature, let’s pay attention to its features:

  • Original syllable. Due to the special presentation of the text, the word becomes interesting without contextual meaning, breaking the canonical patterns of text construction.
  • High level organizing text. Dividing prose into chapters and parts; in a play - division into scenes, acts, phenomena. In poems, metric is the size of the verse; stanza - the study of the combination of poems, rhyme.
  • High level of polysemy. The presence of several interrelated meanings for one word.
  • Dialogues. The artistic style is dominated by the speech of characters as a way of describing phenomena and events in the work.

The literary text contains all the richness of the vocabulary of the Russian language. The presentation of the emotionality and imagery inherent in this style is carried out using special means called tropes - linguistic means of expressive speech, words in a figurative meaning. Examples of some tropes:

  • Comparison is part of the work, with the help of which the character’s image is complemented.
  • Metaphor is the meaning of a word in a figurative sense, based on an analogy with another object or phenomenon.
  • An epithet is a definition that makes a word expressive.
  • Metonymy is a combination of words in which one object is replaced by another on the basis of spatiotemporal similarity.
  • Hyperbole is a stylistic exaggeration of a phenomenon.
  • Litota is a stylistic understatement of a phenomenon.

Where is the fiction style used?

The artistic style has incorporated numerous aspects and structures of the Russian language: tropes, polysemy of words, complex grammatical and syntactic structure.

Therefore, its general scope of application is enormous. It also includes the main genres of works of art.

. Example - Three sisters A.P. Chekhov.

These genres have subtypes, which can be divided into even more specific varieties. Basic:

A story is a medium-sized manuscript that has the plot features of a novel and a short story.

common in Shakespeare. Genres:

  • dramatic works
  • Comedy - the genre is based on a plot that makes fun of social vices. Tragedy is a work that describes tragic fate
  • heroes, struggle of characters, relationships.

Drama – has a dialogue structure with a serious storyline showing the characters and their dramatic relationships with each other or with society.

It is easier to understand and consider the features of this style when the reader is provided with a literary text with a clear example. Let's practice determining what style of text is in front of us using an example:

“Marat’s father Stepan Porfiryevich Fateev, an orphan from infancy, was from a family of Astrakhan binders. The revolutionary whirlwind blew him out of the locomotive vestibule, dragged him through the Mikhelson plant in Moscow, machine gun courses in Petrograd ... "

Main aspects confirming the artistic style of speech:

  • This text is based on conveying events from an emotional point of view, so there is no doubt that this is a literary text.
  • The means used in the example: “a revolutionary whirlwind blew out, dragged” is nothing more than a trope, or rather, a metaphor. The use of this trope is inherent only in literary texts.
  • An example of a description of a person’s fate, environment, social events. Conclusion: this literary text belongs to the epic.

Any text can be analyzed in detail using this principle. If functions or distinctive features, which are described above, immediately catch the eye, then there is no doubt that this is a literary text.

If you find it difficult to deal with a large amount of information on your own; fixed assets and features literary text you don’t understand; Examples of tasks seem difficult - use a resource such as a presentation. A ready-made presentation with illustrative examples will clearly fill gaps in knowledge. The scope of the school subject “Russian language and literature” serves electronic sources information on functional speech styles. Please note that the presentation is succinct and informative and contains explanatory tools.

Thus, once you understand the definition of artistic style, you will better understand the structure of works. And if a muse visits you and you feel the desire to write yourself piece of art– follow the lexical components of the text and emotional presentation. Good luck with your studies!

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