Photos of rapunzel in different styles. Where to treat psoriasis? How can hydrogen peroxide be used externally in the treatment of psoriasis

If you've had enough of all kinds of living Barbies and Manga cartoons, how about Rapunzel? We are sure: this girl will not leave you indifferent!

New and new, coolest, revived Barbies and other "human miracles" appear on the network every day, but this girl, referred to in social networks " Rapunzel" just blew up the internet! Russian woman Daria Gubanova simply amazes with the length of his hair, which, by the way, has been growing since 2003. Her Instagram has more than 111 thousand followers, who awarded the beauty with the name of the fairy princess.

Dasha herself knows that she is very similar to the heroine of a popular cartoon and in every possible way confirms this similarity with all sorts of hairstyles or just beautiful pictures with her hair down. When asked by followers about why she does not donate hair for wigs for people in need (for example, survivors of chemotherapy), "Rapunzel" replies that he will definitely do this when he reaches his goal.

By the way, do you take care of your hair? Daria with the help of natural linseed oil, which she spoke about on her Instagram page:

"I want to talk about a product like linseed oil, the beneficial properties of which are very important for human health.

This oil can be used as a hair mask - Apply a small amount of heated oil to the scalp with massage movements. Distribute over the entire length of the hair. Keep the mask on for an hour or two. Then rinse your hair thoroughly with shampoo. In such a mask, you can add vitamins A and E, olive oil, sour cream..

Flaxseed oil can also be taken on an empty stomach before meals in the morning (1 tablespoon), such an additive will help keep the body healthy - both internally and externally: it normalizes hormonal balance and metabolism, improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails))) ".

Daria also uses organic argan oil: "I tried the ORGA therapeutic organ oil (vanilla and musk) KERA CELEB ORGA HAIR OIL TREATMENT the other day I liked it very much. The hair after it is soft, light and combs well. I even applied it to the hair roots and did not regret it .. The hair does not become greasy even after a couple of days )".

By the way, Dasha is raising her daughter, who, like her mother, boasts luxurious hair!

Dasha is compared not only with Rapunzel, but also with another long-haired heroine - the Little Mermaid.

Dasha "Rapunzel" in childhood


Outdoor use

Nose instillation

drip introduction

  • 1 day - 100 ml;
  • 2 day - 150 ml;
  • 3-7 day - 200 ml.

Treatment of psoriasis with hydrogen peroxide: reviews. Psoriasis: symptoms and treatment. Can psoriasis really be cured?

Psoriasis affects the skin of the human body and joints. Skin psoriasis is chronic, sometimes severe. It is accompanied by the appearance of reddish-burgundy spots raised above the skin with the presence of silver-white scales (hence the second name of the disease - scaly lichen).

The spots either scatter like drops over the body, or merge into plaques, forming localized foci that range in size from tiny to huge. In addition to physical suffering, the disease causes significant psychological discomfort. Because of it, social phobia arises, expressed in reduced self-esteem, the acquisition of inferiority complexes, difficulties in communication and difficulties in professional activities.

Is psoriasis a contagious disease?

Centuries ago, psoriasis was overly feared, identifying it with leprosy. In the era of Hippocrates, these two diseases were combined into one, calling them "leprosy". At present, although people know the answer to the question of whether psoriasis is transmitted, having met a patient who is not really capable of infecting them, they still do not hide their horror.

Most medical scientists believe that the cause of the disease lies in the negative changes that occur in the genetic system of patients. This is the main reason, although not the only one. Fortunately, they completely managed to refute the infectious theory of scaly lichen.

Doctors have not recorded a single case of transmission of psoriasis from sick people to healthy people. They cannot be infected even at the time of blood transfusion. Keep in mind that psoriasis is not contagious. But it's not aesthetic. Fear is caused by foci of disease disfiguring the skin.

In addition to the hereditary theory, doctors focus on endocrine and metabolic disorders, as well as changes in the immune system of patients. They often explain the appearance of scaly lichen by transferring all sorts of neuroses and stresses. Doctors now admit that psoriasis is a mystery to them.

Despite the multicausality of the disease, treatment leads to a significant reduction in symptoms, long-term persistent remissions, and in some cases, the complete disappearance of psoriasis.

Heredity and psoriasis

Since 60% of patients have or had relatives burdened with the disease, doctors answer the question of whether psoriasis is inherited, they answer in the affirmative. They identified the chromosome responsible for the transmission process. And if the patient does not know any of the ancestors who suffered from scaly lichen, this does not mean at all that they were not. The disease has been dormant for many years. It may not affect children and grandchildren, but it will strike great-grandchildren or great-great-grandchildren.

The disease affects people who have reached the age of 15-25 years. Its development is associated with puberty, when the psyche is especially vulnerable and the hormonal background is being restructured. Such impulses to the appearance of an ailment are not uncommon, such as conscription into the army, service, unhappy love, death of loved ones. Psoriasis is triggered by mental failures and environmental problems (in industrial cities, the disease is much more severe).

The appearance of the disease is so unpredictable that its behavior is equated with the action of an unexploded bomb: no one knows when and why it will explode.

Symptoms of psoriasis

Psoriasis begins with a rash in small areas. It is a single scattered plaques, localized in favorite places. Psoriasis is found on the hands, head, its scalp, legs, in one or another part of the body. It affects the sacrum, knee and elbow joints, the outer intimate area, armpits and other areas.

Disfigured by psoriasis, the skin is clearly delimited from healthy areas. The surface of the plaques is from bright pink to rich red, covered with loosened silver-white scales. The rash is accompanied by peeling. Psoriasis often improves in summer (symptoms). And the treatment, carried out all the time, turns out to be nothing to do with it. The sun's rays make the disease recede. For some people, the symptoms disappear completely.

In addition, psoriasis is characterized by the Koebner phenomenon (when the disease affects the places of scratches and injuries). With scaly lichen, not only the skin, but also the joints suffer. If the joints are involved in the disease processes, patients have an additional concomitant diagnosis - psoriatic arthritis.

Treatment of psoriasis

It does not matter if psoriasis is found on the hands or other parts of the body, the treatment is carried out in two directions. First of all, efforts are directed at interrupting the cycle that causes accelerated growth of skin cells. This prevents the formation of plaques and reduces the inflammatory process. Secondly, local remedies remove scales and smooth the skin.

Carry out drug treatment and photochemotherapy (when there are no contraindications to it). Phototherapy is prescribed if drug treatment has not been successful - psoriasis (symptoms) has not weakened. And treatment is required in more radical forms. The method of photochemotherapy allows to achieve an anti-inflammatory effect and correction of immune processes.

With this technique, psoriatic plaques are exposed to UV rays. On the skin, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, inflammatory reactions are suppressed. This method has side effects, expressed in withering, redness and aging of the skin.

If photochemotherapy does not succumb to psoriasis, the doctor switches to systemic treatment methods, in which he prescribes drugs by injection and orally. The method contributes to a significant weakening of the symptoms of scaly lichen, causing side effects along the way, consisting in a toxic effect on the kidneys and liver.

For this reason, systemic therapy is selected strictly individually, based on blood tests. In the process of treatment, blood tests and the patient's state of health are monitored.

Medicines for psoriasis

To suppress the disease, many means are used, found by traditional healers and developed by official medicine. Medicines are selected individually for the patient, taking into account the type and degree of the disease and the characteristics of its course. For example, initial psoriasis is treated with topical agents.

The affected areas are treated with special solutions, ointments, creams and shampoos. Complicated forms of the disease are trying to be eliminated with local hormonal drugs - glucocorticosteroids, which freeze outbreaks of inflammatory processes. Such drugs for psoriasis significantly reduce peeling and itching in the plaque area.

Calcipotriol, which is an analog of vitamin D 3, copes with the suppression of excessively rapidly dividing epithelial cells. It is well tolerated by people suffering from psoriasis. It is especially effective in combination with glucocorticosteroids.

It is impossible to take hormonal drugs for psoriasis for a long time. They are too toxic, give unwanted serious side effects, are addictive, leading to atrophy of the skin, especially those located in areas of natural folds. And after a remission, sometimes quite long, the disease flares up with renewed vigor, while its foci grow, capturing the skin that is clean from plaques.

In an attempt to get rid of the disease, salicylic acid is widely used, which has an inhibitory effect on rapid cell division and relieves inflammatory reactions. In local treatment, ointments based on boric acid, tar and zinc oxide are used. Psoriasis is treated with hydrogen peroxide. Reviews about it, as well as about other means, are different. Only a doctor can say for sure whether this method is worth trying for a particular patient or not.

Hydrogen peroxide against psoriasis

Is it possible to treat psoriasis with hydrogen peroxide? Reviews based on some data and preliminary studies claim that there are indeed positive results of treatment with hydroperitone.

Theoretical aspects

Hydrogen peroxide to a certain extent is able to remove the inflammatory and immunological reactions that occur on the skin. But research in this direction is incomplete. Scientists do not know how the drug works.

Supporters who advocate the treatment of psoriasis with hydrogen peroxide, whose reviews are in the public domain, convince that it alleviates the manifestations of the disease, reduces the size of foci with plaques, and eliminates itching. However, all these reviews are unofficial, they are left by patients using medication to treat psoriasis. However, negative reviews are written no less than positive ones.

We are talking about three methods of peroxide treatment: its topical application, internal use according to Neumyvakin and intravenous administration.

Topical peroxide treatment

Local treatment with a 3% peroxide solution is ineffective. Perhaps someone went into remission, but it took too long to achieve it (especially if the foci are large).

The second method of topical application involves the use of 30% peroxide (perhydrols). Women with scalp psoriasis intentionally become blondes using perhydrol as a dye. Thanks to this procedure, they claim, they manage to get rid of scaly lichen, hidden by hair.

Removal of plaques with perhydrol in other places, especially in tender areas, is an intolerable procedure. Peroxide of this concentration causes a strong burning sensation, so patients stop performing painful treatment. There are more negative reviews about this method than positive ones.

Peroxide for internal treatment according to Neumyvakin

According to Neumyvakin, peroxide should be taken orally, gradually increasing the dose of the drug to 30 drops. Since the effect of atomic oxygen released from peroxide is not fully understood, many physicians warn of the dangers of using this method of treatment. And again, no reliable data on healing have been presented by official sources. The technique is under investigation.

Intravenous peroxide treatment

With intravenous administration of the drug, atomic oxygen that has entered the blood is quickly distributed throughout the cells of the body. It is supposed to burn pathogenic cells. However, no one can guarantee that diseased cells will be destroyed, and healthy ones will remain unaffected. In addition, this procedure is quite dangerous. It is not suitable for self-treatment. It is performed only by qualified doctors. It has a side effect - triggering premature aging.

When a person realizes that his disease is practically incurable, he is ready to grasp at any straw. However, do not forget to include the mind. Whatever the advertised treatment of psoriasis with hydrogen peroxide, the reviews indicate with certainty that this method is not a panacea for scaly lichen. Peroxide is far from a harmless drug. It is quite toxic and can do much more harm than good.

Expert opinion

From the results of the study, it is known that there are certain advantages in the treatment of psoriasis with hydrogen peroxide. It increases the permeability of the nail bed, which makes it easier for drugs prescribed for psoriasis to penetrate into the nail. But this fact does not give grounds to believe that it is possible to treat psoriasis with hydrogen peroxide. Reviews of medical scientists are as follows: hydrogen peroxide cannot be recognized as a treatment for psoriasis.

Where to treat psoriasis?

The most famous places where psoriasis is treated include regions located on the coast of two seas - the Dead and the Red. People with psoriasis go to Israel, Jordan or Safag for healing. There, dry and hot air enhances the effect of sea baths, the water in which is oversaturated with salts, healing clays and sands.

However, positive results in the treatment of psoriasis have been achieved in clinics and resorts in Russia, the CIS countries and Europe. The healing factors of the Sea of ​​Azov are hydrogen sulfide mud and healing clay. In the Kazakh lake Alakol, where psoriasis is treated, there are completely unique salty waters with a chloride-sulfate-sodium composition.

In Azerbaijan, psoriasis is treated with naftalan baths, ointments and wraps, and in Abkhazia - at hydrogen sulfide sources. They go to get rid of psoriasis on the hydrogen sulfide springs of Perm, salt lakes located in the Crimea and near Rostov.

Popular Russian clinics where psoriasis is treated

There are many places in Russia where you can try to cure psoriasis. Clinic "Presidentmed" eliminates plaques with the help of effective cold plasma technology. The network of clinics "Linline" uses painless laser technologies for the treatment of the disease. Visible results are obtained after the first procedure. In the clinic "City Resort" modern techniques are combined with healing water procedures.

You can treat psoriasis in many other Russian clinics and resorts. The choice of a medical institution depends on the individual case and the financial capabilities of the patient. For example, they seek treatment at the clinic of Dr. Kupeev, where 10 days of treatment cost approximately 65,000 rubles. Here they are treated according to the unique method of phytolaserophoresis (this method is not used in any other clinic in the world). Patients undergo 4 courses of treatment.

Free treatment can be achieved by obtaining a quota to federal institutions where PUVA therapy, non-hormonal ointments and effective medicines are used. The quota is obtained in the regional and regional KVD.

Treatment of psoriasis with hydrogen peroxide

Everyone knows that the treatment of psoriasis with hydrogen peroxide is not a new method of struggle. Studies and reviews have proven that hydrogen peroxide in psoriasis helps to remove unpleasant signs of the disease from the skin.

When inflamed psoriatic plaques are very disturbing, it is necessary to carry out in different ways psoriasis treatment with hydrogen peroxide. 3% hydrogen peroxide and hydroperite are bought at a pharmacy and used: as an internal medicine, externally in the form of compresses, instillation into the nose, and also intravenously (under the supervision of a doctor).

Research scientists have proven that this substance saturates the internal organs with oxygen, therefore, when hydrogen peroxide is used for treatment, psoriasis begins to recede.

  1. To treat psoriasis with hydrogen peroxide by ingestion, you need to drop 1 drop of peroxide into water (about 3 tablespoons), swallow the solution on an empty stomach three times a day, always half an hour before eating. The next day, add 2 drops of peroxide to the same amount of water, increasing drop by drop daily, gradually increasing to 10 drops. This is the highest dose. Then 3 days break and continue taking. The treatment schedule is as follows: drink the solution for 3 days, rest for 3 days.
  2. Grind 6 tablets of hydroperite into powder and dilute with 25 ml of hydrogen peroxide and mix. In the morning and before going to bed, lubricate psoriatic plaques with a cotton swab. At first, there will be pain on the smeared areas, but as soon as the hissing of the mixture subsides, it will stop hurting, the wounds will heal quickly and the skin will be soft.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide for psoriasis externally it is used like this: every day, you can apply a compress on psoriatic plaques for 30–60 minutes (pour about 2 tsp of 3% hydrogen peroxide into water, 50 ml).

When psoriasis is being treated, you can drink vitamin C along with hydrogen peroxide, also three times a day.

Hydrogen peroxide for psoriasis: application

To see the effect of the action of hydrogen peroxide, at this time it is not necessary to apply other methods of treatment. Hydrogen peroxide is like water that has a metallic taste and in acceptable amounts (about 30 drops per day) it is absolutely harmless.

Painful areas of the skin should be lubricated morning and evening with 3% hydrogen peroxide diluted with a small amount of water. The duration of the period when psoriasis is treated with hydrogen peroxide can be 4-6 weeks, during which time psoriatic plaques disappear.

In addition to compresses, hydrogen peroxide is very useful when a solution with water is instilled into the nose, because in this case the substance immediately enters the bloodstream, supplying the diseased organs with oxygen and their fight against the disease intensifies.

Sometimes hydrogen peroxide for psoriasis used in this way: 200 ml of saline is mixed with 2 ml of peroxide and administered intravenously through a dropper:

  • On the 1st day of admission - 100 ml is administered;
  • Further, the 2nd day of admission - 150 ml;
  • Then 3-7 days - 200 ml.

This method is suitable only in a hospital, under the supervision of a doctor, since the individual reaction of the body to the rapid filling of tissues with oxygen is different.

Treatment of psoriasis with hydrogen peroxide

Psoriasis and hydrogen peroxide

Professor Neumyvakin I.P.

Psoriasis, a skin autoimmune disease, accompanied by peeling of the skin and the formation of itchy psoriatic plaques that can appear on any part of the skin, significantly spoils the appearance of a person, reduces the quality of life and self-esteem, and causes irritability.

Modern medications used in the fight against this disease, which is unpleasant in every sense, only alleviate the patient's condition for a certain period. During remission, the number of plaques decreases, the skin takes on a vibrant appearance, however, after a while, the disease comes with renewed vigor and affects the skin area by area.

And then, having used almost all methods of treatment as prescribed by the attending physician, a person turns to folk methods of treatment.

One of these methods is the method of Neumyvakin, a professor who devoted his work to studying the properties of hydrogen peroxide and using it to treat a number of diseases, including psoriasis.

Hydrogen peroxide, whose chemical formula looks like H2O2, is a colorless, transparent liquid with a slight metallic taste. It has long been used in medicine due to the antiseptic and disinfectant properties of this simple peroxide.

What are the healing properties of hydrogen peroxide

Doctor of Medical Sciences, I.P. Neumyvakin, as a result of his research, proved that the use of hydrogen peroxide in therapy helps the process of restoring the vital functions of a weakened body.

And while peroxide's wound-healing properties have long been known in traditional medicine, its treatment of incurable diseases such as psoriasis is innovative, effective, and increasingly popular.

How can hydrogen peroxide be used externally in the treatment of psoriasis

Hydrogen peroxide in the treatment of psoriasis

So, having decided to apply the method of treating psoriatic plaques with hydrogen peroxide, you should temporarily set aside all the drugs with which you have been treated before. This is necessary in order to see and evaluate the effect of such a simple method of treatment.

According to the findings of Professor Neumyvakin, for the treatment of the chronic course of psoriasis, a three percent peroxide solution should be used, which can be bought ready-made in pharmacy stores. For the treatment of acute psoriasis, a more concentrated solution is used - up to 33%. It can be made independently using hydroperite tablets.

If the lesions are large enough, but the disease is in remission and the plaques are not too pronounced, you should moisten a cotton swab in a pharmacy 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, and treat the affected skin with this swab.

When peroxide is applied to the skin, it begins to hiss, and a burning sensation appears. It is worth being patient - after the hissing stops, the psoriatic plaque softens and turns white, and the burning sensation and itching go away.

After at least eight hours, repeat the procedure. And so - hearth after hearth, we treat all the affected areas of the skin with a cotton swab with hydroperite twice a day with an eight-hour break.

If the plaques are small and scattered over the body in separate spots, then it is more convenient to use not a swab, but cotton swabs for skin treatment - and in this case peroxide will be used more economically.

And yet - starting the treatment of plaques with a solution of a three percent concentration, you should gradually increase the concentration of the solution by adding hydroperite tablets. In order to achieve the complete disappearance of plaques, you need to use a solution in concentration: add six crushed tablets of hydroperite to one pharmacy vial of three percent peroxide. Keep the bottle with the finished mixture in the refrigerator.

Psoriasis-affected areas of the skin should be treated with a peroxide solution regularly, until the skin is completely cleansed. Most often, it takes almost a month, however, in especially neglected cases, treatment takes one and a half to two months.

What you need to know when using hydrogen peroxide to treat psoriasis

Treatment of psoriasis with hydrogen peroxide

You should not be afraid of pain during the treatment. External use of hydrogen peroxide does not lead to any side effects, it is completely harmless to the body. Only people with individual intolerance to peroxide, this method of treatment is not suitable.

Also, when handling hydrogen peroxide, care must be taken to avoid getting the drug on the mucous membrane of the eye.

The higher the concentration of peroxide you apply, the more intense the burning sensation will be. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the concentration gradually so that the skin gets used to the drug and the sensations of pain are not too sharp. If at the first application even a three percent solution causes acute pain, try first treating psoriasis with a dilute solution of hydrogen peroxide in water based on 50 ml of water - 2 tsp. peroxides.

The importance of an integrated approach

And yet, psoriasis cannot be cured by applying only one method of treatment. The nature of psoriasis is still not fully understood, the causes are multifaceted, there is no panacea for this disease yet. Therefore, if you suffer from psoriatic rashes and plaques, you must first take care of your diet. Fatty meats, vegetables and red fruits should be excluded from the diet. Food should be rich in vitamins, easy to digest and free of harmful ingredients. It is an integrated approach to treatment that will give the desired effect and help get rid of debilitating itching and disfiguring spots on the body and face.

It should be mentioned that I.P. Neumyvakin in his works also recommends the use of complex treatment of psoriasis with hydrogen peroxide, using it orally according to a certain scheme, and even administering it intravenously. However, traditional medicine does not support such methods of treatment, and even more than that - there are a lot of well-founded rebuttals to such a radical method of treating psoriasis. Therefore, it is still worth using the already studied properties of hydrogen peroxide for external use, and in no case should you experiment on yourself without the supervision of a doctor, taking hydrogen peroxide orally and even more so intravenously.

Psoriasis - how to get rid of a deadly autoimmune disease?

Judging by the fact that you are now reading these lines, victory in the fight against psoriasis is not yet on your side.

And have you already thought about cardinal treatments? It is understandable, because psoriasis can progress, resulting in a rash covering 70-80% of the body surface. Which leads to the chronic form.

Red blisters on the skin, itching, cracked heels, peeling of the skin. All these symptoms are familiar to you firsthand. But perhaps it is more correct to treat not the consequence, but the cause? We found an interesting interview with a dermatologist at the Russian Center for Dermatology. Read interview >>

How to treat psoriasis with hydrogen peroxide

It is known that psoriasis is one of the most intractable diseases of the skin. Drug therapy is aimed at minimizing symptoms, but not completely eliminating the disease. At the moment, the problem is being investigated by academicians, the causes of the disease have not been identified. Treatment of psoriasis with hydrogen peroxide has become a salvation for many patients and has yielded better results than therapy with expensive drugs. How to cure psoriasis at home with an affordable remedy and different methods of application?

Healing properties of hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a colorless liquid, belongs to the group of oxidants, has a metallic taste. Upon contact with damage to the skin and mucous membranes, it produces a hemostatic effect, releases active oxygen from tissues and deactivates organic substances. The skin area treated with hydrogen peroxide is temporarily freed from pathogens, therefore, an antiseptic is used to wash damaged tissues, rinse the throat and mouth, and for gynecological diseases.

How to use hydrogen peroxide in the treatment of psoriasis

To treat psoriasis on the body with this antiseptic, you should make sure that you do not have allergies. There are several options for the treatment of psoriasis with hydrogen peroxide: this is oral administration, drip introduction into the body, external use and instillation into the nose. The duration of each treatment option is different and the features of the procedures are different. Doctors do not recommend starting treatment with folk remedies at home, if the disease is accompanied by additional symptoms and deterioration of the body after the first use of peroxide.

Check out other methods and find out how to treat psoriasis on the head and body.


What are the features of oral treatment of psoriasis with hydrogen peroxide? It is recommended to observe the following rules for taking the drug inside:

  1. Reception of peroxide should be daily. The drug is taken three times a day, with an equal time interval between doses.
  2. The initial dose of peroxide (3% solution) is 1 drop diluted in two tablespoons of water.
  3. Every day the dose of the drug is increased by one drop.
  4. The maximum dose of drops per day is 30. This means that for each dose there are 10 drops, diluted with two tablespoons of water.
  5. The initial course alternates with a break of five days, then another course is needed, but with an initial dosage of 10 drops per dose of the diluted medicine. According to this scheme, the drug is taken for three days, then a break is required.
  6. Peroxide should be taken 40-60 minutes before a meal.
  7. An overdose of the drug should not be allowed, the maximum number of drops per day is 30.
  8. Body support can be backed up by a triple intake of vitamin C.

Outdoor use

In combination with external use, ingestion will give much better results. Proper external processing consists of the following features:

  1. To treat psoriatic plaques, you will need a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.
  2. You can treat the foci of the disease with a cotton pad soaked in a solution.
  3. Compresses are effective. To create them, you need 2 tablespoons of the drug and 50 ml of purified water. In the resulting composition, a cotton pad is wetted and applied to diseased areas for a month and a half.
  4. To get more visible results of treatment in a short time, a 30% peroxide solution is used. With a cotton swab moistened with peroxide, the plaques are lubricated twice a day. This treatment option is not painless, not everyone can withstand it because of severe burning and pain, so the use of perhydrol in this way brings a lot of negative reviews.

Nose instillation

Washing the nasal cavity is carried out quickly, because when the nose is instilled, part of the oxygen quickly reaches the brain and provokes secretions. Mode of application:

  1. 10-15 drops of peroxide are dissolved in a spoonful of water, taken into a pipette and injected into each nostril, 10 drops.
  2. After 10-20 seconds, abundant discharge from the nose begins. You need to tilt your head to one side, pinch the upper nostril, and blow out excess mucus from the lower one to get rid of an unpleasant symptom.

Such cleansing helps to cure psoriasis rashes in the head area, pressing headaches, and colds. Washing with peroxide helps to treat Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis and skin diseases of the head. Doctors note this method of treating psoriasis as highly effective due to the quick response of the body to the drug.

drip introduction

For the introduction of hydrogen peroxide intravenously, 2 ml of the drug is added to 200 ml of saline. The finished mixture is injected at a rate of 60 drops per minute according to the scheme:

  • 1 day - 100 ml;
  • 2 day - 150 ml;
  • 3-7 day - 200 ml.

This method of treating psoriasis is not absolutely safe for health. An increase in temperature, redness of the injection site, according to Dr. Neumyvakin, is provoked by the death of bacteria harmful to humans. On the territory of the Russian Federation, this therapy option is not approved, because the reaction of the body can be unpredictable. Such an injection is possible only under the supervision of a doctor during inpatient treatment.

Almost every girl dreams of having long hair, but how many will agree to a toe-length braid?

To grow long hair, you need to have tremendous patience and diligence, but our heroines are ready for anything for their luxurious braids!

Malgorzata Kulchik

The most important wealth of Malgorzata Kulchik from London is, of course, her long blond hair, which the girl has not cut for 25 years (since the age of seven) and is never going to do it:

“I don't think I'll ever cut them off. I can't imagine myself with short hair - no one will recognize me"

Malgorzata pays close attention to hair care: twice a week she pampers her hair with homemade coconut masks, and once every two months she strengthens the ends with a special tool, while never cutting them.

It's amazing how Malgorzata manages to cope with such a huge mass of hair: in just a couple of minutes she manages to make spectacular hairstyles and braid various types of braids.

33-year-old American Andrea Colson lives in Micronesia, where she works with children. But she became famous not because of her noble work, but thanks to a mop of luxurious blond hair, the length of which is 164 centimeters. Andrea started growing her hair as a child and is not going to cut it, for her it's like losing a part of her body.

To maintain the beauty of her curls, Andrea makes a special mask from coconut and olive oils and eggs. In addition, she eats a spoonful of peanut butter every day - this saves her hair from dryness.

Andrea washes her hair only in cold water and never uses a hair dryer. Once every few months, the girl cuts the ends. To create hairstyles, she has to use a lot of hairpins and elastic bands, but the result is always amazing!

For 13 years now, the Russian beauty from Barnaul has been growing her hair and has achieved impressive results in this field. And it all started with a bet: when Dasha cut her hair short at the age of 14, a friend told her that her hair would never grow back. The girls argued, and Dasha won. But, apparently, the process fascinated her so much that she decided not to stop there and set herself the goal of growing the braid to her toes. And now, judging by the photographs, it won't be long before her dream comes true!

Every morning, the girl applies sea buckthorn oil to the ends of her hair, and it takes her only 5-10 minutes to style her hair. Dasha has not used a hair dryer for 8 years and regularly nourishes her hair with a variety of masks. However, she is not going to put an end to the haircut:

“... as soon as I feel that it’s hard or uncomfortable for me with my hair, I will cut it a little and I certainly won’t torture myself”

Briton Leanne Robinson, 28, has not cut her hair in 17 years and has grown gorgeous hair that gives her an incredible resemblance to the fairy princess Rapunzel. The girl admits that she does not particularly strain for the sake of her hair. She washes them with regular shampoo, never dyes them, tries not to style them and blow-dries as little as possible.

This year, a 12-year-old resident of Novosibirsk entered the Russian Book of Records as the owner of the longest hair among children in her age category. The length of her braid at the time of fixing the record was 139 centimeters.

Asha Mandela

Asha Mandela is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the owner of the longest dreadlocks in the world, the length of which reaches almost 6 meters! And one of the dreadlocks "has grown" up to 17 m! In the press, the woman is called nothing more than "Black Rapunzel".

Doctors warn Asha that her dreadlocks, which weigh over 17 kilograms, pose a serious danger to her spine, but Asha does not want to hear about parting with her luxurious hair!

Cen Yinyan

The height of the 46-year-old Chinese woman Tseng Yinyan is only 152 centimeters, and the length of her hair reaches 2 meters! Despite the fact that the braid needs careful maintenance (it takes an hour to wash and half a day to dry), Tseng categorically refuses to get rid of hair.

Xie Qiuping

57-year-old Chinese Xie Qiuping is officially recognized as the owner of the longest hair in the world and is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. In 2004, the length of her hair was 5.6 meters! So far, no one has beaten this record!

Aliya Nasyrova conquered social networks with her luxurious braid 2.3 meters long and weighing 2 kilograms! The girl was born in Samara, grew up in Evpatoria, and now lives in Latvia. Even as a child, Aliya dreamed of long hair and purposefully began to grow it from the age of 7. According to the girl, her hair does not require special care. She washes her hair once a week and trims the ends several times a month. Aliya never appears with her hair down on the street, but even in her hair, they never go unnoticed and attract admiring glances.

The long-haired beauty Rapunzel is known to us from the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm. By the way, this plot is also widely known in folklore, but the writers processed it properly, adapted it for a wide range of readers. To modern children, this heroine is familiar mainly from the cartoon of the same name from the Disney studio. It is this image that we will focus on when we learn how to draw Rapunzel.

Rapunzel with hand chameleon

In the brothers' tale, the heroine of the tale is a modest, quiet girl, which is quite understandable: she spent almost her entire life imprisoned in a tower. But in the cartoon, she appears to us as a rather lively, cheerful, perky person. In addition, she has a wonderful friend - the chameleon Pascal. We will depict them together, and at the same time we will figure out how to draw Rapunzel in stages.

First, let's draw the girl's face. It will be exactly like the cartoon version. It is worth paying special attention to the shape of the eyes and nose.

Then add the neck and upper body. The girl will peek around the corner, so that the case will be located almost horizontally.

Let's add lacing to the dress - women's clothing of that time necessarily included a corset, which was laced in a similar way. We will also put Pascal, a cute smiling chameleon, on her shoulder.

Time to paint the picture. The hair of our heroine, the dress is pink. And the chameleon, of course, green - just like in the cartoon.

Portrait of Rapunzel - a girl with amazing hair

Although the cartoon was filmed more based on the fairy tale, and not in exact accordance with it, one detail is exactly the same - the main character is incredibly beautiful. This can be demonstrated on paper if you learn how to draw Princess Rapunzel.

Let's start with the oval of the face and the hairline. The cheekbones will be pronounced, the shape of the chin is close to a triangle.

Then we will draw facial features - big eyes, a neat nose, a charming smile.

Now let's draw the torso - narrow shoulders, waist, graceful arms. One hand will be on the belt. Pay attention to the dress with lantern sleeves.

After that, we will add some details - lacing on the dress, stripes on the sleeves. Now our beauty is fully drawn.

Then color the drawing. Let's make the eyes juicy green, the hair - light, and the outfit - pink.

Perky Rapunzel - a princess from a modern fairy tale

All girls dream of becoming princesses, but now, when women are becoming more active, lively, participating in public life, princesses are also changing. Now these are not timid creatures waiting for help from brave and courageous princes, but perky, cheerful and very brave girls. That is our heroine. So let's learn how to draw Rapunzel with a pencil.

Let's start with the markup - draw the oval of the face and, for convenience, divide it into four parts.

Then draw facial features - large rounded eyes, a mouth with medium thickness lips and a small nose. We will also depict the luxurious thick hair of the heroine. And also - a thin neck and collarbones.

Then we draw a neckline bordered with lace.

Let's add some color to our drawing. With the help of colored pencils, we will make the girl's hair golden, the dress light pink, and the eyes emerald.

That's all. You see, figuring out how to draw Rapunzel for beginners is not difficult at all.

Rapunzel in full growth - draw a Disney princess

If in the previous sections we drew portraits of the golden-haired princess, now we will get down to business thoroughly and learn how to draw Rapunzel in full growth.

First of all, we outline the oval of the face, as well as the arm turned towards the viewer, bent at the elbow.

After that, add a torso with a thin waist and a floor-length skirt that hides long legs. The skirt seems to be picked up by the wind, because of which large folds will flaunt on it.

And, of course, you need to draw the chic hair of our beauty, descending to the floor. Flowers will be woven into the hair - for beauty.

At the next stage, we will depict the facial features and neat bare feet of the girl.

Then we add color by painting the princess's hair in wheat color, the dress in soft pink, and her eyes in green. Flowers will come in a variety of colors.

Now everything, we coped with the task.

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