Essay on the topic “Dagestan is my native land. Essay on the topic "Dagestan is my home"

My hearth is Dagestan. This year is called the year of Rasul Gamzatov, the singer of Dagestan. The Kraynovskaya school takes an active part in holding events dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of the wonderful Dagestan poet. In all classes of the Krainovskaya Secondary School, classes were held about the life and work of Rasul Gamzatov, where poems by the legendary poet were read and songs based on the words of Rasul Gamzatov were performed. The school held competitions of drawings, posters, and essays dedicated to Rasul Gamzatov. On October 25, our school held the holiday “My Hearth of Dagestan.” It was prepared and carried out by: teacher native language Muslimova M.M., teacher of culture and traditions of the peoples of Dagestan A.P. Aganyants, music teacher O.N. Kirillova. We entered the office, the stage is decorated in the style of a picture of Dagestan life. In the center we see the decoration of the Dagestan landscape. Nearby there is a corner with household items: Dagestan carpets, jugs, daggers, highlander clothing. 5th grade students perform on stage. They solemnly sang the anthem of Dagestan. Eighth grade students read poems about Dagestan. The guys talked about the Dagestanis who showed courage and heroism during the Great Patriotic War. 58 Dagestanis received the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union, and there is simply no number of other orders and medals. Among them: M. Gadzhiev., Yu. Akaev., A. Sultan, Kh. Nuradilov, V. Emirov and many, many others. At the event it was said that Dagestan has attracted conquerors since ancient times. The Romans and the Huns, the Arabs and the Khazars, the Turks and the Mongols - the Tatars, fought for the right to own this harsh but beautiful land for several millennia. Our ancestors rose to the defense native land. History has preserved the names of legendary heroes, these events are reflected in heroic epic our people. It was the wisdom and courage of the Dagestan people that did not allow Dagestan to be drawn into a bloody, terrible Chechen war, although it touched each of us. The years 1992-1996 are written in black ink in the history of our country. Next to them is 1999. Kizlyar and Pervomayskoe, the treacherous invasion of militants into the territory of Dagestan, are always in our memory. Destroyed houses, burning villages, thousands of ruined lives, tens of thousands of crippled destinies... Russian soldiers, 18-year-old boys who gave their lives for their homeland. And next to them are volunteers - Dagestanis who understand: the fire of war cannot be allowed to spread to Dagestan. Participants of the event spoke about the heroes of Russia - the Dagestanis, who showed true Caucasian character - courage, self-control, will. Dagestan saved Russia from collapse. The guys named the names of the heroes of Russia: Z. Zagidov, M. Dibirgadzhi, M. Isaev, A. Magomedshamil and many many others. Many people who come to our republic are surprised how their large numbers and multilingualism do not prevent Dagestanis from living in peace and harmony. Our people not only have a heart of gold, but also golden hands. The products of Kubachi and Untsukul craftsmen, Balkhar jugs, Tabasaron carpets, Andean burkas, and Levashin hats are widely known outside of Dagestan. The culture of Dagestan and Russia is connected by long traditions. The Russian language has become the language of interethnic communication among the peoples of Dagestan and, according to Rasul Gamzatov, opened the way for many mountaineers from little Dagestan to the vast world. Therefore, every Dagestani remembers: our small, beloved hearth is Dagestan, and our big, but no less beloved, hearth is Russia. At the event, poems were performed by: Omarbagomaeva S., Mamaeva A., Teteryatnikov P., Magomedova P., Alkhasova P., Akhmedov S., Magomedova P., Imanalieva P., Efimova A., Abdulaeva Sh.. The musical performances: a song in the Avar language “Dagestan” by M.M. Muslimova, a song “My Dagestan” performed by S. Aliyeva and T. Kocheneva, a dance performance “At the Spring”, a sketch “Neighbours”, etc. Schoolchildren of the MCOU "Krainovskaya Secondary School" are faithful to the traditions, culture and laws of their fathers. We honor and respect our elders, we try to preserve and enhance the cultural heritage of Dagestan. Deputy Director for HR Koleganova L.P.

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Dagestan..."Country of mountains" and "mountain of languages", a quiet river and the raging Caspian Sea, green expanse and harsh mountains, a peaceful fellow countryman and a temperamental mountaineer, true friend and vile enemy... - it’s all you “ epic Dagestan”..., as R. Gamzatov wrote in his poems.
A lot has been written and spoken about my mountainous region lately. But unfortunately, the media is creating, to put it mildly, a not very favorable environment around the republic. I am a journalist and I know that many things are deliberately exaggerated by someone. After all, when it comes to Dagestan, the federal media demonstrate terrorist attacks, which, alas, have become more frequent in Dagestan. Along with negative news, Dagestan can boast of massive cultural events“Caspian - Shores of Friendship”, “Festival of Russian Theaters”, other events dedicated to professional, federal and republican events. But... apparently, they are not so interesting.
Yes, alas, there are people among Dagestanis who do not have the right to call themselves Dagestanis, mountaineers, or even people. But not all of us are like that. In no way do I justify the actions of these people, but I also don’t consider it necessary to justify myself to anyone. We are different, and everyone is different.
My reverently and tenderly beloved, cherished in my heart, dear and beautiful Dagestan, my tormented and ancient land. How I want peace and harmony in your fields, in the mountains, in your forests...
I would like to show you my Dagestan. Make you look at my wealth through my eyes. I want my love for the republic to infect everyone so much that everyone who sees my region no longer wants to leave it, so that they want to come back here every year and enjoy life.
For me, Dagestan began with my village, a small little Switzerland untouched by man. When you look at the village from high up, it seems that my Chumli is a bouquet of beautiful flowers, decorated on all sides with greenery. Roofs of different colors resemble a well-chosen floral composition, and the forest that surrounds it on all sides is like a carpet of bright green fabric. I love summer, because it is at this time that nature becomes so attractive that you just want to abstract yourself from everything and enjoy the gifts of nature.
By the will of fate, I became a wife, a mother and traveled outside of my paradise, but believe me, when I get out of the car it becomes so easy that I don’t want anything else. In the father's house there is always a pleasant meeting with all the relatives that surrounded him from childhood and acquired a special color in adulthood.
Dargin poet Gazimbeg Bagandov said: “If there is a place on Earth where God did not spare beauty, then Chumli is one of them.” Indeed, even the residents of Dagestan itself, accustomed to living among a landscape that seems to have been copied from a picture, are surprised by the beauty that surrounds my Chumli.
My homeland was, is and will always remain my glorious republic. The republic has raised prominent scientists, poets, writers, engineers, politicians, goldsmiths, carpet weavers, journalists, gunsmiths, needlewomen and simply good people. Bad people there is enough in the world, but if each of us, leaving bed and standing in front of the mirror, says: “What a great day and wonderful people are waiting for me today!” (as I do), then life will not only seem good, but will become so, given the fact that our thoughts have the ability to materialize.

I am proud that I was born in Dagestan. My region is located in the very south of Russia and occupies a huge area. The capital of my homeland is the wonderful city of Makhachkala. The entire republic is an incredibly beautiful area, exquisite culture and kind, sympathetic people.

More than a hundred peoples have lived peacefully in Dagestan for a long time. It is because of this diversity that our people speak many different languages: Tat, Chechen, Aryan, Lezgin, Russian, Avar, Kumyk and others. Radio, television and media also cover latest events and conduct programs in these dialects.

I like that in my region human dignity is most valued. From childhood we are taught to cherish honor and nobility, because this is the main thing that is in the soul and will remain there until old age. Family is also important to us. No matter how our life turns out, we always remember our relatives. It is believed that everything about a person can be learned only by how he treats his family.

We have many traditions that characterize Dagestanis from all possible sides. Firstly, we value our religion, Faith, and therefore before we eat, we ask Allah to bless the food. Secondly, we value real, honest human work. That is why every time we meet an employee, we always wish him Have a good day and fruitful work. And thirdly, Dagestanis love their Motherland so much that they put all their feelings into art. In our culture there are a huge number of poems, songs, fables, sayings and paintings dedicated to Dagestan.

I am proud to be a Dagestani. I am happy in the knowledge that I have something to say about my Motherland. It is a great blessing that I had the opportunity to be born in such a place. strong-willed republic, and each of us remembers that we are Russians.

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  • Dear Colleagues! We present to your attention articles about Dagestan, its famous people and places on English language. I hope this work will help teachers, especially in Dagestan, in conducting various events, lessons, etc. You can contact me through Facebook or the website: Multilesson. Thank you for your attention!



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    Makhachkala - a city in southern Russia, the capital of the Republic of Dagestan, the third most populous city in the North Caucasus region and the largest city in the North Caucasian federal District. The population of the urban district Makhachkala - 705,642 people. Makhachkala population agglomeration according to some estimates can be totally 1 million inhabitants. The administrative center of the city district is the city of Makhachkala.

    November 15, 1918 by the decree of the temporal ruler of Dagestan Nuh Beg Tarkovsky city was renamed to the city of Shamil Kala "in the types of remembrance in the hearts of Mountain on behalf of our national hero Imam Shamil".

    The area where the castle is based, among mountaineers known since the Middle Ages called Anji Kala - "pearl city".

    The city is home to over 60 ethnic groups in Dagestan, Russia and the rest of the former Soviet Union.


    Imam Shamil was born in 1797 in the small village of Gimry Dagestan. He established himself as a well-respected and educated man among other Muslims of the Caucasus.

    In 1834 Shamil became the premier leader of the Caucasian resistance. In 1839 Shamil and his followers found themselves under siege in their mountain stronghold of Akhoulgo. This epic siege of the war lasted eighty days, resulting finally in a Russian victory. After his capture Shamil was sent to Saint Petersburg to meet the Emperor Alexander II. He died in Medina in 1871 while visiting the city, and was buried in the Jannatul Baqi which is also the site where many important personalities from Islamic history are buried.


    Atayev Zaynalgamid Agalatipovich- military pilot was born in 1945 in the village V - Kazanische.

    In 1960 he entered the first Buynaksk Teacher Training College. In 1964 he entered the Yeiskoe Higher Aviation School of Military Pilots.

    In 1975 Atayev entered the Air Force Academy named after Yuri Gagarin. He was presented to a high state award - the Order of Courage.During his service he flew more than 2,400 flying hours. From 1994 until now Atayev works in the Russian Emergencies Ministry Head of State institutions "Center for Civil Defense and Emergencies."


    Muradova Bariyat Soltan-Medzhidovna(1914-2001) - kumyk Soviet actress, singer. People's Artist of the USSR (1960).

    Born 3 (16) January 1914 in the village. Lower Dzhengutay, Buynaksk district of Dagestan.

    In 1926-1930 years - soloist Dagestan Radio Committee. In 1930, joined the troupe of Kumyk Music and Drama Theater in Makhachkala.

    The Supreme Council of the Dagestan ASSR 1st convocation. A member of the Soviet Peace Committee. In 1926-1930 years – soloist of Dagestan Radio Committee.

    In 1930 joined the troupe of Kumyk Music and Drama Theatre. Played a role in the tragedies and farces, comedies and dramas with great skill.

    Died in June 3, 2001 in Makhachkala.


    Dune Sarykum is a unique natural monument of Dagestan. It is recognized as the second largest in the world. In Europe and Asia, has no equal in magnitude to our Sarykum. Its length is 12 km, maximum width - 4 km, height 252 m. It is established as an excellent fine sand.

    Apart from the fact that there grow plants in Barkhan and animals are found, some of which are characteristic of Central Asia. Where did these sands come from? There are many different versions, hypotheses and many legends. Doctor of Geological Sciences Bunin believes that the dune is a volcanic origin.


    Dagirov Nabi Sadykovich – was born in 1923 in the village of V - Kazanische.

    Famous composer, People's Artist of Russia and Dagestan.

    In 1952 he graduated with honors from Composition Department of the Leningrad State Conservatory.

    From 1952 to 1963 works as an artistic director of the Song and Dance Ensemble of the peoples of Dagestan.

    In 1954 Dagirov became a member of the Union of Soviet Composers.

    Major works: Opera "Aygazi" and "Yyrchi Kazak" operetta "Tricks of Khizri Mizri". Symphonic Poem "fighter for the happiness of Dagestan" and "Tarki-Tau." Two string quartets, a fantasy "Khars" Preludes and Variations for Piano. He died in 2004.


    Zakir Alievich Daudov – was born on March 25, 1980 in the village of V – Kazanische. Drafted into the army in 1998.

    In September 1999 relocated to Chechnya. On the night of 29 to 30 December 1999, in the battle at the Shali district, sergeant Daudov remained to c over the retreat of the group of soldiers. For courage and bravery in the Chechen Republic in December 1999, he was awarded wiyh the title of Hero of Russia.

    In 2003 at Secondary School where once studied Zakir, was opened the memorial dedicated to the memory of the Hero.

    In 2006 the monument to the National Hero was unveiled in his village.


    Abdulkhakim Ismailov - World War II veteran, hoisted the Victory Flag over the Reichstag, was born on July 1, 1916 in the village of Chagari-flocks Khasavyurt. In Spring of 1945, Ismailov together with their comrades - Kovalev and Gorychev, hoisted the flag of victory in Berlin over one of the towers of the Reichstag. The front photojournalist confirmed that.In 1996 Ismailov was awarded the title of Hero of Russia, he was also awarded the Order of the Patriotic War 1st degree, Glory 3rd degree, the Red Banner, medals "For courage",


    Naryn-Kala - the ancient, pre-Arab stronghold in the mountainous part of Derbent, connected with the Caspian Sea double walls that are designed to block.

    Republican competition creative works among students in grades 7-11

    “Dagestan is my home!”

    Nomination:essay- essay on the topic:

    "Dagestan is my father's home"

    Completed by an 11th grade student

    MKOU "Utamyshskaya Secondary School"

    Bamathanova Kistaman

    Head: Isaeva E.Kh.,

    teacher of native language and literature

    MKOU "Utamyshskaya Secondary School"

    Dagestan is my father's home!

    Do I need you, my epic Dagestan,

    Don't pray

    Shouldn't I love you?

    Should I be like a crane in your village?

    Be a breakaway bird?

    Rasul Gamzatov

    Dagestan- “mountainous country”, a country of majestic mountains!

    Dagestan is my home! Every person has his own father’s house “native nest” on earth. And this is my nesting place - DAGESTAN. I feel the most here happy man. I love it for its beauty, hospitality and the fact that different families live together here.

    Dagestan! At least in translation

    You sound like “Mountain Country”,

    “Dagestan is a family of nations” -

    Life is calling you.

    I am glad that I was born in such a country. Dagestan is located in the very south of Russia and occupies a huge area. The capital of mountainous Dagestan is the wonderful city of Makhachkala.

    My Dagestan is beautiful with its exquisite culture and beautiful terrain.

    High mountains, clear rivers,

    The Caspian Sea with its depth

    They exalt you, my Dagestan forever,

    To the sovereign heights of our dear Fatherland.

    More than a hundred peoples have lived together in Dagestan for a long time. It is because of this diversity that our people speak different languages: Avar, Dargin, Tat, Chechen, Lezgin, Russian, Agul, Kumyk and others.

    There is a legend according to which the republic became multinational. A little boy, who lived in a village in Dagestan, asked his grandfather, a shepherd: “How do eagles fly?” The grandfather lifted his grandson, he took off and turned into an eagle, and a bag of nationalities was caught in his claws. So this bag fell and crumbled, along with the nationalities. The nationalities of the people fell into different areas Dagestan. Since then, the following nationalities have been formed: Avars, Dargins, Kumyks, Lezgins, Laks, Tabasarans and many others.

    Peace and harmony reign between peoples. This is especially evident during holidays and weddings.

    I like that in my region human dignity is most valued. From childhood we were taught to cherish honor and nobility, because this is the main thing that is in the soul and will remain there until old age. Family also plays an important role for us.

    The parental home is the place in which we are born, develop, and grow up; Every person hears this word the same way, but at the level of perception everything happens differently. For some, home is a place that is associated with their childhood and growing up. This is the happiest and most carefree time of a person’s life.

    I feel very good and cozy in our house. My parents are good people, my father works as an economist, my mother works at school. I always help my dad and mom with household chores, because I want them to feel good too.

    No matter how our life turns out, we always remember our relatives. People believe that everything about a person can be learned only by how he treats his family.

    Where our life begins at home. The beauty of your father’s home is the family that is always waiting for you, no matter how many years have passed.

    In Dagestan we have many traditions that characterize Dagestanis from all possible sides.

    Firstly, we value our religion, Faith, and therefore before we eat, we ask Allah to bless our food.

    Secondly, we value real, honest human work. That is why every time we meet an employee, we always wish him a good day and fruitful work.

    Thirdly, we respect our elders and value the “golden rules” of hospitality.

    Fourthly, Dagestanis love their Motherland so much that they put all their feelings into art. In our culture there are a huge number of poems, songs, fables, sayings, proverbs and paintings dedicated to Dagestan...

    O almighty Dagestan,

    I love and respect you.

    I will never betray you,

    I praise and glorify you.

    You have been my cradle since birth,

    Father and mother were born here.

    And the woman and grandfather are in raptures

    They love to remember their youth.

    My Dagestan, my native land!

    You enchant with your beauty:

    There are mountains everywhere you look

    And neither one compares to the other!

    There is wonderful water here

    Your springs will give us water,

    Give a bountiful harvest

    Your wonderful gardens!

    I would like to believe that Dagestan, my native home, where I was born and live, will always be as beautiful, as cozy as my father’s home!

    I love my home, my small homeland- Dagestan!

    Nice people live here,

    They sing in different languages!

    Here at weddings there is a feast

    And the lezginka sounds until the morning!

    If trouble suddenly strikes,

    Everyone will stand up for each other!

    Brotherly friendship Dagestan

    Glorious from time immemorial!

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