Musical and literary evening for children of senior preschoolers “Pushkin’s living room. Literary evening dedicated to A.S.

Scenario of a literary evening for older preschoolers “In the world of poetry”

Gosteva Olga Aleksandrovna, teacher of MBDOU B “Firefly”, branch “Fairy Tale”, Blagoveshchensky district.
Description: I bring to your attention the script for a literary evening, a joint event between children, parents and teachers for methodological district association on the topic “Speech development in preschool children.”
The publication may be useful for methodologists and teachers additional education, educators. All the poems that the children read were original ones, written by parents together with their children.
Goals: formation of readership and musical culture, formation in children of a stock of literary artistic impressions
Tasks: present to the attention of listeners poems composed by children, together with their parents, about the seasons, about family, about friendship. Promote the development of acting skills, create joyful. Emotional mood.
Participants: children of the senior group, teacher, music worker.
Equipment: paintings by Russian poets, projector, multimedia board, audio recordings.
Preparation: the idea of ​​holding a literary evening in kindergarten was very unusual and original, but this idea did not confuse us for long with its originality. The project “In the World of Poetry” was developed.
Work to bring the project to life took a month. Children were introduced to the poetic works of Russian poets, conversations were held on the topics: “What is poetry?”, “What is rhyme?”, various didactic games on the development of figurative speech, consultations were presented for parents “Do I need to learn poetry?”, “About the benefits of books.” We involved parents to help their children write poems. We learned these poems with the children. I thought out the setting for the evening and made slides for each poem. Together with children (a drawing was drawn for each poem) A book of original poems, “The House Where Poems Live,” was published.
Was arranged musical accompaniment and reading poems in one harmoniously and logically constructed script.
What came of it is up to you, dear colleagues, to decide.

Progress of the event

(Slide No. 1)
Hello guys!
Hello, dear viewers!
We are glad to see you in our hall!
Today is an extraordinary day for us. Children, I invite you to amazing world poetry. Do you know what poetry is?
Yes, poetry is poetry.
That's right, poetry. These are words put together to rhyme. You can tell about everything in poetry: about the warm sun, about the cheerful rain, about green grass, about your family, about friends and much, much more, about everything in the world, because it’s not for nothing that they say that poetry is like the sun with its dark spots and eclipses that illuminate the whole world.

A child reads a poem:
Poetry is a wonderful page,
The door opens for us today.
And let any miracle happen!
The main thing is to believe in him with all your heart!
Love and beauty of nature,
The road of fairy tales.
Any world!
Everything is subject to poetry,
And open the door to her country!
The rustling of leaves underfoot, a drop of rain,
Rainbow in the sky, nightingale trills, -
Here the frost draws a pattern on the glass.....
The world around is beautiful! And everyone in it is an actor.
(E. Nekrasova.)
Indeed, poetry is an amazingly huge, Magic world. Children, tell me, where does poetry come from, who writes poetry?
Poets write poetry.
What poets do you know?
Agnia Barto, Sergei Mikhalkov, Korney Chukovsky, Samuil Marshak, Alexander Pushkin.

Well done guys, you know the poets. We got acquainted with their poems. You yourself, just like poets, are also already trying to compose your own poems.
And now, you will read the poems that you composed yourself or with the help of your parents to our guests.
And today Alexandra will help me, announce the performances of our readers. Let's welcome her.
(Slide No. 2-3)
Our first poem is about winter. Winter is a wonderful time of year. Comes down to the ground in winter The Snow Queen, and everything around resembles a fairy tale. At this time, everything is wonderful without exception! Even severe frosts are good, because they teach you to love and appreciate the warmth and comfort of your home. And now Natasha will read her poem to us about this.
(Slide No. 4)
The wind howls menacingly,
The prickly snow is scattering,
We look out our window
And our room is warm.
Mom lit the stove,
We won't go to the porch.

(Slide No. 5)
Winter can sometimes be very harsh. It’s not easy for our feathered friends, the birds: they are both hungry and cold, and therefore, in order for the birds to live more joyfully, they need to be fed. And Nikita will tell us how to do this in his poem.
A bird is freezing in the cold,
Dove, sparrow, titmouse.
Build them feeders
It will be satisfying for them in winter.
(Slide No. 6-7)
Imagine how fabulously beautiful the forest is on a clear winter day, especially when it sparkles Sunbeam and illuminate the snow-covered treetops. Lera prepared a poem about wonderful winter pictures and now he will read it to us.
Winter pictures are beautiful,
The trees are decorated with wonderful snowflakes,
They cast a gentle spell on the green Christmas tree,
We diligently decorated all its needles.

(Slide No. 8-9)
Sasha, do you like falling snow, so beautiful and shimmering?
Yes, I really love snow, I love it when it falls, it makes everything light and elegant, as if someone upstairs is fluffing up their huge down pillow. You look at the snowflakes, and it seems that they are flying up, not down.
Yes, wonderful. They are so small and fragile that it is even scary to touch them, it seems that they are about to crumble. It is about such gentle snowflakes that Yesenia will read her poem.
A white snowflake fell into my palm.
She whispered quietly: “Don’t touch me.”
I am light and fragile, shining in the sun,
I delight you with bright flowers.

(Slide number 10)
Winter forest covered in snow, snow, all the paths are covered in powder, it seems like there is no one around.
Leading: And Sonya has a poem about how animals have fun during the winter.
A little white snow fell on the steep bank.
The squirrel jumped from the pine tree and somersaulted by the river.
The bunny emerged from the snowdrift,
A lot of mice ran by.
What fun! It's winter!
Beauty to all animals!
(Slide No. 11-12)
In winter, you don’t need to think long about how to have fun: you can just go out into the yard and build a snowman with your friends and play snowballs, sledding, skating, or skiing. Our Nastya loves you very much winter activities, and her poem is about exactly that.
It's snowing outside, the snow is flying like fluff.
Wonderful weather, everything around is sparkling.
I'll go outside and build a snowman,
There will be a bunny, a bear and a fox nearby.
(Slide No. 13-14)
Guys, do you know what ancient Russian sunny holiday happens at the end of winter? That's right, Maslenitsa. Everyone loves her: young and old. Everyone goes out to the holiday to have fun and wish each other: fun, laughter, prosperity, have a nice year! Maxim has a poem about such a joyful holiday.
The snowstorms have died down,
The frosts have receded.
The sun melted the last ice.
Welcoming spring widely,
Happy people come out for the holiday!
(Slide No. 15-16)
And now the long-awaited spring comes to replace the harsh winter. How we wait for her when snowstorms are raging outside the window and frosts are crackling! She leaves, and the spring sun begins to shine outside the window, filling my heart with joy and inspiration! Icicles are melting. Sparrows chirp merrily. Sasha and Nastya have poems about this.
Look outside.
The sun is high in the sky,
Smiles at the children.
The sparrow chirped
Fun on the branch.
Invites all friends
Having fun together.
(Slide No. 17)
Blue sky, green grass.
The sun is golden, spring has come to us.
A fresh wind blows in our faces.
My soul is calm, joyful, light.
(Slide No. 18, 19,20)
After spring comes summer. Summer is the time of sun, heat, bright colors, joy. And now comes the height of the summer reign. Let us now remember this wonderful time, albeit not for long... And Sania will share with us her impressions of the summer!
I like summer very much……
It is warmed by the hot breath of the sun,
I really like to swim
Dive, tumble in the sand.
I love having fun like this!
Dima, Bogdan and Igor have prepared poems about animals, since they love them very much, let's listen to them.
(Slide number 10)
Dima introduces himself in his poem
a wise and fair hedgehog.
A gray hedgehog walked through the forest,
It carried a white fungus on its back.
He wanted to treat the mouse,
Bunny, hedgehog, monkey.
After all, in the forest between the animals
There is a law that is wiser than all things:
To be friends with each other
Treasure strong friendship.
(Slide No. 11)
Bogdan has a poem about a cheerful and mischievous monkey.
Monkey - jumping
Jumped all the tops!
The suitcase was knocked down
I ate a sweet banana,
I picked a dandelion
She knocked over the glass.
Oh, what a naughty girl!
Mischievous merry girl!

(Slide No. 12)
Igor came to us with his cheerful girlfriend and read us a poem about her.
Green belly,
Green barrel
Green paws
And he jumps, hops and hops.
And the whole swamp knows
After all, the song is funny
She always sings: kwa - kwa - kwa.
(Slide No. 12)
Sasha, almost all the children have already read their poems to us, but will you tell us yours?
Of course, I will read you a poem about my favorite cockerel.
Cockerel, cockerel,
golden scallop,
I love him very much
I feed him every day
And for this my friend
He sings all the songs to me.
(Slide No. 13)
Guys, you read your poems to us today: about snowflakes, about the sun, about animals - these are all poems about what surrounds us, about nature. 2017 has been declared the year of ecology in Russia and Ilya prepared his poem about how to preserve nature.
Green forest and fresh air
It’s not easy for us to preserve.
To live peacefully on the planet
We must love nature!

(Slide No. 14, 15)
Sasha, today we heard a lot of poems about nature. But Seryozha has a poem about the most precious, most important thing that we have, what do you think?
Child: I think the most precious thing is family.
Yes, that’s right, and if the family is also friendly, this is real happiness! Please, Seryozha, read your poem to us.
We have a friendly family,
We love to travel,
Spend time together
And welcome friends.
We love to play sports
We love to sing songs
Ride a car
Sit on the porch.
(Slide No. 16)
Family is the most important thing, but it is very good when a person also has friends.
Sasha, who do you think friends are?
Yes, it would seem that the answer is simple, these are the people who will always come to our aid. But friends are also those with whom there is never a dull moment, with whom you share everything in half. This is precisely the kind of friend our Kirill’s poem is about.
I have my friend Sashka,
We've been friends for a long time!
We don't fight, we don't play pranks,
We go to the cinema.
Together we build rockets,
We share candy together.
The two of us are not bored at all,
Because we are friendly friends.
And now Olga Alexandrovna will read her poem to us, it is about us, about children.
Children are happiness, children are joy,
Children are a fresh breeze in life.
You can't earn them, it's not a reward,
By grace, God gives them to adults.
Children, oddly enough, are also a challenge.
Children, like trees, do not grow on their own.
They need care, affection, understanding.
Children are time, children are work.
(Slide No. 17)
Where there are always a lot of children, of course in kindergarten. After all, kindergarten is a country of childhood, where joy, children's laughter and fun always reign. Danil has a poem about this.
Kindergarten "Fairy Tale" is simply a miracle!
We all love each other here.
We are friends, we run, we play,
We forget about grievances.
We do exercises together,
Let's jump into bed together,
We eat together, we walk
We respect the kindergarten!
Guys, you all read your wonderful poems to us!
For your creativity, for the wonderful reading of your poems, I want to present you with certificates as a keepsake of your participation in our event. (children are awarded certificates).

Guys, you all received certificates today, but look what else I have for you? (the presenter shows a book, there are no pages inside)
This is a book.
That's right, it's a book, but it's not simple, it's magical, and to open it, you need to come up with rhymes for the word book. Let's match them to this word.

Children select rhymes.
Well done guys, you picked a lot of rhymes. Now, let's try to see if the book will open. So it opened! What's here? Yes, here is a sweet surprise for you - after all, you deserve it today, you selected rhymes, prepared such beautiful and interesting poems for this evening.

Literary evening script

“Journey through the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin”

for older preschoolers

Goal: to create interest in the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin; create conditions for interaction between teachers, students and their parents.

Tasks: 1. Continue introducing children to the works of A.S. Pushkin;2.B game form repeat and consolidate children’s knowledge about the contentfairy tales by A.S. Pushkin;3.Develop speech creative thinking, memory;

4. Develop the ability to perform small theatrical productions;5. To cultivate the spiritual and moral qualities of a preschooler through fairy tales, love for Russian writers, and teach to take care of books.


Presentations on Pushkin's fairy tales;-exhibition of books by A.S. Pushkin;-exhibition of children's drawings;-items from fairy tales (mirror, apple, arrow, seine, nuts, etc.);-disc with music by N. Rimsky-Korsakov, M.I. Glinka;-children's musical instruments.

Preliminary work:

View the presentation “Biography of A.S. Pushkin”;
- reading fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin;- examining illustrations and drawing scenes from fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin;- listening to fragments from operas by N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, M.I. Glinka “Ruslan and Lyudmila”;

Watching the films “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, etc.;

Learning poems, songs, dances, dramatizations.

Progress of the evening:

Images from A.S. Pushkin’s childhood appear on the screen

Educator: ...and do you like fairy tales? (Yes). Do you know who comes up with these fairy tales? It’s clear who they are – storytellers. Listen to what I'm going to tell you guys now. It was a long time ago, 200 years have already passed. A boy, Sasha, was born in Russia. He was smart, curious, black and curly. As a child, he loved to listen to Russian folk tales, which were told to him by his kind old nanny, Arina Rodionovna. When Sashenka grew up and learned to read and write, he began to write beautiful poems and fairy tales. And his fairy tales turned out so good and wonderful that he became a great storyteller in Rus'. Who becomes a wizard in fairy tales? And I was in that country. Yes, my dears, it was like that in the old days...

Today our holiday will be dedicated not to all storytellers, but to the poet A.S. Pushkin.

An image of a portrait of A.S. Pushkin appears on the screen

Child: Today is not an easy day at all, we will talk about Pushkin here,About the poet whose poems we glorify these days.He was a brilliant poet, we remember him for many years.And that’s why now we invite you to a fairy tale.(Music sounds)

On the screen of the video “Lukomorye”, children read poetry to the video.

1 child. There is a green oak near the Lukomorye;Golden chain on the oak tree:

2nd child. And day and night the cat is a scientist,Everything goes round and round in a chain;He goes to the right - the song starts,To the left - he tells a fairy tale.

3 child. There are miracles there: a goblin wanders there,

4child. The mermaid sits on the branches;

5 child. There on unknown pathsTraces of unseen beasts;The hut is there, on chicken legs,It stands without windows, without doors;

6 child. There the forest and valley are full of visions;There the waves will rush in at dawn,The beach is sandy and empty,And thirty beautiful knightsFrom time to time clear waters emerge,And their sea uncle is with them;

7 child. The prince is there in passing,Captivates the formidable king;

8 child. There in the clouds in front of the people,Through the forests, across the seasThe sorcerer carries the hero;

9 child. In the dungeon there the princess is grieving,And the brown wolf probably serves her;

10 child. There is a stupa with Baba Yaga,She walks and wanders by herself,

11 child. There, Tsar Koschey is wasting away over gold;

In chorus. There's a Russian spirit... it smells like Russia!

Educator: Now an excerpt from A.S. Pushkin’s poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila” was read. But he wrote not only poems, but also poems. Most of all I liked to write about the seasons. Children read poems: “It’s not for nothing that winter is angry...”, “The sky was breathing in autumn...”, “Frost and sun, a wonderful day...” and others.

Meowing is heard behind the door. Educator: I think someone is meowing. Admit it, who brought the cat?A cat appears from behind the door accompanied by music.

Educator: How did you get here?

Cat: Hello my friends!The scientist cat is me.I'm friends with fairy talesYou are welcome to visit!I am a scientist cat, a magical cat,I live in a fairyland.And everyone here recognizes meAnd everyone here is known to me.By the way, I can sneak anywhere.Here is my magic book.I open the magic book,I find myself in a fairy tale with you...

Screensaver "Pushkin's Tales"

Cat: But first, for the sake of order,I'll tell you riddles.Agree without fear!Let's remember Pushkin's fairy tales,And heroes, and names.Are you ready? Attention!

Mystery: He lived in a dugout for 33 years,

And I went fishing in any weather.

Yes, his old wife openly scolded him

For a broken, worthless trough.

Call me quickly with a smile!

This is a fairy tale about... (a fisherman and a fish)

The page “turns” on the screen and the title of the fairy tale opens,
(further also after each riddle)

Educator: (Staging of an excerpt from “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish,” dialogue between the old man and the fish)

Here is the blue sea, here is the seashore.The old man will go out to the sea, he will cast a net,He will catch someone and ask for something.

First presenter :

An old man lived with his old woman

By the bluest sea.

They lived in a dilapidated dugout.

The old man was catching fish with a net,

The old woman was spinning yarn for him.

An old man appears, sits down in front of the net and sorts it out. The old woman kneels in front of the washtub and washes.

Old woman: (throws away the rag)

You fool, you simpleton!

The simpleton begged for a trough, a hut!

Turn back, bow to the fish:

I don't want to be a black peasant girl,

I want to be a high-ranking noblewoman!

Second presenter:

So the old man went to the blue sea

He sees that the sea is playing up a little.

He began to click on the goldfish.

The song of the sea sounds. Girls run out - waves and gold fish. Execute dance improvisation

Gold fish:

What do you need, old man?

Old man:

Have mercy, lady fish!

The old woman became more foolish than ever,

The old man gives me no peace:

She doesn't want to be a peasant

She wants to be a high-ranking noblewoman.

Gold fish:

Don't be sad, go with God!

Old woman:

Why are you sitting sad?

Don't you amuse the lady?

Come on, start singing a song

Quick dance start!

Dance "Russian side"

Girl - storyteller, looking out of the window

And it all ended in the same trough,But not new, but old, broken.

Cat: (addresses the children): And now you are the waves from “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.” We will try to revive our waves. Show how they move.

Game "The Sea Is Troubled" (musical accompaniment)

Cat: And here is the next riddle:A little danger is visible.

Faithful watchman as if from a dream

Will move, perk up,

Turns to the other side

And shouts: “Kiri - ku - ku!

Reign lying on your side!("The Tale of the Golden Cockerel")

Game “Where the cockerel is looking” Children follow the teacher’s commands: left, right, etc.

Cat :

Guys, tell me, what fairy tale is this item from?(mirror) (The cat takes the mirror) "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights" - What did the queen do when the mirror told her that she was not the cutest of all?

Game: “Repeat after me” Shows movements, children along with him. And the queen laughs,And shrug your shouldersAnd wink your eyes,And click your fingers,And spin around, arms akimbo,Looking proudly in the mirror.



The stars shine in the blue sky.The waves are lashing in the blue sea.At the shores of Okiyanthe kingdom of the glorious... Saltan!

Educator: Now we will watch a dramatization of an excerpt from this fairy tale.(Staging of an excerpt from “The Tale of Tsar Saltan...”)

Girl - storyteller, looking out of the window

In this fairy tale the girls

They dreamed of becoming queens.

Look what happened

It actually worked.


Three maidens by the window,
We spun late in the evening.

1 girl:

“If only I were a queen,”
Storyteller : One girl says, -
1 girl:

Then for the whole baptized world
I would prepare a feast."
2 girl : “If only I were a queen,”
Storyteller : Her sister says, -
2 girl :Then there would be one for the whole world
I wove fabrics.”
3rd girl: “If only I were a queen,”
Storyteller : The third sister said, -
3 girl : I would for the father-king,
She gave birth to a hero."

Storyteller: I just managed to say,
The door quietly creaked,
And the king enters the room,
The sides of that sovereign.
During the entire conversation
He stood behind the fence;
Speech last on everything
He fell in love with it.

Tsar: “Hello, red maiden,”

Storyteller: He says, “be a queen,
And give birth to a hero
I'm at the end of September.
You, my dear sisters,
Get out of the bright room,
Follow me
Following me and my sister:
Be one of you a weaver,
And the other one is the cook.”

Girl - storyteller looking out of the window

But greed, guys, does not lead to good.
And the fairy tale will show how life will punish them.

Cat: Tell me, how fabulous Pushkin hero is the owner of a wonderful beard, in which “strength lurks”? (Chernomor)

Riddle: It’s a miracle here on Lukomorye

The sea will swell violently,

Will spill in a noisy run

And they will find themselves on the shore

In scales, like the heat of grief... (33 heroes)

Dance "Russian heroes"

Cat: Well done! Thank you, you were real artists. But I have another task for you. Answer my questions about Pushkin's fairy tales.

Cat: 1. How long did the old man live with his old woman? (thirty years and three years).

2. Who and from which fairy tale says the following words: “Light, my little mirror, tell me and report the whole truth. Am I the sweetest, the most rosy and the whitest in the world?” (the queen from the fairy tale “The Tale of dead princess and seven heroes").

3. Tsarevich Guidon in the fairy tale turns into insects 3 times. Name them! (mosquito, fly, bumblebee).

4. In what fairy tale did the old woman throw an apple to the princess? (“The Tale of the Princess and the Seven Knights”).

5. The fish is not simple, its scales sparkle. Swims, dives, fulfills wishes. ("Gold fish")

6. In which fairy tale is there a magical squirrel? ("The Tale of Tsar Saltan…")

7. In which fairy tale is a cockerel standing guard? ("The Tale of the Golden Cockerel")

Cat: Now I know for sure that you know and love the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin. It’s time for me to say goodbye to you and go to A.S. Pushkin’s favorite poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”.The cat leaves. Educator: Our journey is over. Did you like it?Child : This is Pushkin. It's a miracle. It's a delight without end.There will always be voices from these fairy tales in our lives.How many fairy tales does the poet have? There are not many and not few,
But everything about Pushkin is our eternal beginning.

Educator: Let's lay flowers at the portrait of the great poet and sing the song “Kindness” in memory of him.

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Literary development children are encouraged by matinees, leisure evenings, dedicated to creativity writer or poet, evenings of fairy tales, riddles, literary quizzes(By folk tales, based on the works of one author, based on well-known books by different writers). Combining different types of arts - music, fiction, visual arts creates a festive atmosphere.

This is a group of methods and means of using literature outside of class, where works of art are presented both in unadapted form and in the form of adaptations and dramatizations.

Literary evenings of leisure contribute to the deepening of acquired skills, increase interest and love for works folk art and writers, give novelty to the impression, create a joyful mood.

Literary holidays consolidate and generalize the diverse artistic impressions, knowledge and skills of children; they include different types children's activities:

  • reading and storytelling;
  • singing and dancing;
  • hearing;
  • screenings and performances.

On holidays of a domestic nature(birthday party, entertainment evening) children can perform with retelling prose works , including retelling in parts. It should be noted that in the practice of kindergartens at holidays, prose sounds clearly insufficient. For some holidays in older groups (fairy tale day, spring and summer holidays, bird day, etc.), it is recommended to select works of various genres: poems, riddles, stories, excerpts from fairy tales, as well as proverbs and sayings that the presenter will use in the appropriate situation.

In pre-school groups unique forms of work are used fiction: literary matinees And amateur literary concerts not only for children six or seven years old, but also for younger ones.

Matinee maybe dedicated to the anniversary or work of a writer beloved by children. The theme of the matinee could be: “Russian folk tales”, “Poems of poets for children”, “ Foreign fairy tales" etc.

The structure of the matinee has much in common with the structure of any holiday: Grand opening, introduction presenter (in this case it may be more detailed), inspection festive decoration, Exhibitions, concert numbers, interconnected by explanations and stories from the presenter, which should be interesting and accessible to children.

You can invite the children of the older group to the second half of the matinee (after the intermission), in conclusion, present memorable gifts to everyone present, look at the exhibition in more detail (give the children the opportunity to approach the stand, take a book, etc.).

Children aged six or seven can arrange on their own concerts for kids. It is advisable to entrust elders with the role of organizers and presenters. They draw up the program themselves, assign roles, conduct rehearsals, and prepare the premises. This concert lasts 10-15 minutes. Its program can be very diverse: reading nursery rhymes and poems known to younger children (preferably using visual material- toys, objects, pictures), retelling a fairy tale familiar to “guests”, reading new poems or nursery rhymes for kids, table theater fairy tales, dramatization game or puppet show. Children leading the concert can invite small spectators to perform (optional) reading poetry, uttering onomatopoeia in chorus, etc.

TO spectacular views entertainment relate performances, theatrical performances, concerts which are carried out by adults, schoolchildren (or older kindergarten students).

It is advisable to introduce older preschoolers to professional performing arts: the teacher should recommend that parents attend children's performances in drama and puppet theaters with their children.

In kindergarten, you can organize viewing of dramatizations of works, methodically correctly preparing children for it. A lot of works of art dramatized for preschoolers using cinema (cartoons, films). For example, “The Tale of the Military Secret...” by A. Gaidar was repeatedly filmed, cartoons were created based on the works “Moidodyr” by K. Chukovsky, “Mustachioed and Striped” by S. Marshak, etc.

In the method of showing cartoons (it is most often found in kindergartens), preliminary preparation of children for viewing is important: reading a filmed fairy tale or another work similar in theme, looking at pictures that are similar in content to the film, talking with children. This work is carried out several days before the show. Before showing the cartoon, it is advisable to have an introductory speech from the teacher.

The effectiveness of the spectacle will be higher if the teacher consolidates the impressions received in the process of drawing, modeling, playing, talking, etc.

Each teacher must be proficient in the technique and methodology of showing children films and theater performances, firmly know the hygienic standards of their conduct (duration, seating of children), follow safety rules.

Show theatrical performances and films can be carried out in the hall, in group rooms, in the summer on the site, sometimes combining one age groups. Depending on the latter, the display time is also set. IN different groups It is better to carry it out within one or two days in order to save time on installing the screen, screen, and preparing props.

Children become familiar with dramatizations by also listening to recordings. Perceiving a dramatization by ear is more difficult. It requires preparatory work(introduction, reminder, etc.).

Currently, preschoolers are widely familiar with literary art thanks to television.

Marina Kolesnikova
Scenario of the literary evening “Poets for Children” ( preparatory group)

Scenario for a literary evening of poetry"poets for children" preparatory group


Deepen and expand knowledge about children's creativity poets.

Cultivate a love for the artistic word.

Preliminary work:

Reading and memorizing poems by A. S. Pushkin, S. Yesenin, K. I. Chukovsky, S. V. Mikhalkov, S. Ya. Marshak, A. L. Barto, E. A. Blaginina, looking at illustrations, drawing favorites plots for these works.

Progress of the event

Presenter: Hello Dear friends! Today we have gathered in our literary living room to talk about poetry. What is poetry (children's answers). That's right, poetry is poetry. Who writes poetry? (children's answers). Poets. What are poems - they are works written in rhyme. Today we will get acquainted with children's poets different years , learn a lot of interesting things about them, read poetry. Oh, guys, do you hear someone rustling? I'll go see who it is.

A cricket appears

Cricket: Hello guys! I am a cricket - the keeper of the most interesting, most ancient books. Now we will go back to the last century, when ladies wore long, fluffy dresses, and the gentlemen in wigs and tails (they show balls of the 18th - 19th centuries on the screen). During these times the great Russian was born and lived poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. He was born on May 26, 1799 in Moscow. He spent a lot of time with his nanny Arina Rodionovna. It was she who instilled in him a love for literature, singing songs, telling fairy tales, legends, sayings and jokes. Many plots and motives fairy tales narrated by her poet used in his work. What works of A. S. Pushkin do you know? (children's answers). And these days people have not forgotten poet, they erect monuments to him, bring flowers, there is a Pushkin Museum, Pushkin streets, his works are studied in schools. And we will read his poems (children read poetry).

Next poet - Sergei Yesenin(portrait on the screen, who was born in 1895 in the Ryazan province into a peasant family. He was an expert vernacular and the Russian soul. His poetry is imbued with love for the Motherland and Russian nature. He didn't write specifically for children, but children liked his poems. And they still read them with pleasure. Let's listen to his poems (children read poetry).


And now I invite you to the dance of those times “polonaise” in order to feel the era in which the great A.S. Pushkin worked.

Dance "Polonaise"

Cricket: Let's continue our journey. And let's meet Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky (portrait on screen).He was born in St. Petersburg. He spent his childhood in Odessa and Nikolaev. I was self-educated and studied English language. Chukovsky began to be interested in poetry from early years, wrote poems and even poems. He wrote a lot of works for children. Which ones do you know (children's answers). Let's honor them (children read)

Next poet- Sergey Vladimirovich Mikhalkov (portrait on screen). Born in Moscow into the family of an employee. His father instilled in him a love of Russian literature, he read him a lot of different books, helped him understand their meaning. Mikhalkov fought at the front. During the war he also wrote for children. Poet wrote not only for children, but also for adults, He wrote the anthem of Russia. What works do you know? (children read poetry).

Next poet- Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak (portrait on screen) born in Voronezh. I started writing poetry while still in school, then graduated from university and continued writing for children. Marshak understood children and their problems well. He created living, recognizable images of adults and children, animals and birds, and even things that found themselves in different situations that evoked laughter, sympathy, and empathy. What works of Marshak do you know? (children answer). Now let's read his poems.

Presenter: Guys, we've been sitting too long. It's time to get some exercise

Dance "Charging"

Agnia Lvovna Barto (portrait on screen) was born in Moscow in the family of a veterinarian. She received a good home upbringing from her father. Then she studied at the gymnasium where she began to write poetry and at the same time practiced dancing. First, she wrote a cycle of poems for little ones, “Toys.” Then the poems “Roaring Girl” and “Dirty Girl” were written. Barto's poems have been translated into many languages ​​of the world.

Elena Aleksandrovna Blaginina (portrait on screen) born in the Oryol village. At first she studied at a pedagogical institute and wanted to become a teacher, but she realized that she wanted to write poetry and graduated literary institute. The children loved her and loved her poems. Poems about what is near and dear children: about rain and rainbows, about the wind and birch trees, about the garden and of course about the children themselves. Let's listen to her poems (children read poetry).

Cricket: Guys! Well done! You have learned and read the poems perfectly. Met famous children's poets. I hope that you will read books, join the library and maybe start writing poetry yourself. And now I would like to give you gifts. Gives gifts.

Publications on the topic:

Scenario for February 23 preparatory group Defender of the Fatherland Day (preparatory group) Progress of the holiday Children enter the hall with balloons, flags, fireworks, and perform exercises.

Children enter the hall with balloons right hand, to the music, they do formation changes and exercises, give the balls to the mothers and stand in a semicircle. 1-Happy holiday.

Script for a literary evening dedicated to N. Nosov Goal: Continue to introduce children to the works of Nikolai Nosov. Encourage children to become interested in books and reading. Preliminary work: Listening.

Scenario of a literary evening dedicated to S. V. Mikhalkov “Now we know exactly who he is - Mikhalkov!” Goal: Consolidating children’s knowledge about the work of S. V. Mikhalkov. Tasks: -continue to teach children to recite poems by heart; -develop.

Scenario of the event within the framework of the literary club “Sweet Tale” (senior group) SWEET TALE. Children go to music hall. Presenter: The huge face of the moon looks sternly from heaven to earth. And drowns in silver Into space.


Scenario for literary entertainment in the senior group “What a delight these fairy tales are!”

Target: preserving and strengthening the physical and mental health of children through summarizing children’s knowledge about fairy tales and the Year of Literature.


Continue to develop interest in the greatest wealth of Russian folk culture– fairy tales; improve children's recognition skills individual tales according to characteristic features.
Develop speech, observation, mental activity, the ability to express and justify your judgments.

Develop thinking skills.

Promote the development of thinking, visual and auditory attention, general fine motor skills, the ability to listen carefully to the speaker, not interrupt, and listen to the end.
Improve children's motor skills and abilities.
Bring up positive traits personality: self-confidence, ability to help each other, work in a team.
Cultivate a friendly attitude towards the characters of fairy tales and each other, and a sense of humor.

Preliminary work:

Reading and discussion of fairy tales, preparing a costume, choosing necessary equipment and attributes

Didactic games: “Guess which fairy tale”, “Miracle Tree”, “Fairytale Salad”;
Depiction of fairy tale characters in modeling, appliqué, origami, drawing;
Exhibition of drawings on the theme: My favorite fairy tale";
Crafts competition based on Russian folk tales “Visiting a fairy tale”;
Dramatization of fairy tales “Turnip”, “Teremok”, “Masha and the Bear”, “Kolobok”;
To the soundtrack of N. Koroleva’s song “Confetti,” the Fairy Tale Fairy enters the hall.

Equipment: multimedia installation, snowflakes, book, Fairy Tale costume, broom, 2 fish on sticks, 2 horses on a stick, Baba Yaga mask.

Song of Fairy Tales:
The fairy tale fairy came to visit you, and you recognized me
Fairy tales are loved by children, you have always been waiting for me.
I'll wave my magic wand and the doors will open,
Once again you find yourself in a fairy tale and immediately believe in a miracle.
Fairy Tales - sorceress and sorcerer.
The fairy tale fairy always surrounds children.
We visited different fairy tales and distinguished good from evil.
Miracles happen only in fairy tales!

Fairy Tales. Hello guys! I am Fairy Tale Fairy. It's so good that we met again. Do you know why we have gathered? The Year of Literature is coming to an end. The Year of Literature was announced in our country at the beginning of 2015. Let's look at the emblem of the Year of Literature.

The official emblem of the Year of Literature depicts the profiles of great Russian writers and poets:
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, Anna Andreevna Akhmatova. They are painted in colors Russian flag: white, blue, red.
I know that throughout this year you have been learning poetry, reading different fairy tales, met interesting fairy-tale characters. And today I invite you to take a journey along the roads of fairy tales you know. Do you love fairy tales? Now let's check if you know them well.

1 task. "Guess the Fairy Tale"

Fairy Tales
. Guess which fairy tales the following lines are from:
The owners came to the house and found it in disarray. (Three Bears)
The mouse came to their aid; together they pulled out the vegetable. (Turnip)
He treats different kids, treats birds and animals. (Dr. Aibolit)
The apple tree helped us, the stove helped us. (Swan geese)
We're not afraid Gray wolf. (Three piglets)
Don't sit on a stump - don't eat the pie. (Masha and the Bear)
Come, cockroaches, I’ll treat you to tea. (Fly Tsokotukha)
DO NOT drink from the hoof - you will become a little goat. (Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)
The blanket ran away, the sheet flew away, and the pillow jumped away from me like a frog. (Moidodyr)
I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother. (Kolobok)
What was the name of the sister of the seven dwarf brothers? (Snow White)
And the dishes answered:
“It was bad for us at the woman’s place,
She didn't love us
She beat us, she beat us,
Got dusty, smoky,
She ruined us!” (Fedorino’s grief)

Game "Broom"

The players stand in a circle. In the middle of the fairy tale is a fairy tale with a broom. She begins to spin, moving the broom in a circle above the floor, trying to hit the players' legs, and says:
And the broom, the broom is cheerful,
She danced, played, swept.
She didn’t leave a speck of dust behind Fedora.
The players' task is to jump over the broom. Whoever gets hit by the broom is out of the game.

2. “Get to know the hero of the fairy tale”

He's still lying on the stove
And he stubbornly says:
"By pike command,
According to my desire..."
The grandmother loved the girl very much,
I gave her a red cap.
The girl forgot her name
Oh, well, tell me her name.
My father had a strange boy
Unusual - wooden.
But the father loved his son.
What a weird one
Wooden man?
On land and under water
Looking for a golden key.
He sticks his long nose everywhere.
Who is this?

The hero lives in a fairy tale:
He is not a hedgehog or a cat,
It's from grandma from the window
Jumped straight onto the path
Rolled, ran,
Got it on the fox's tongue! Who is this? Kolobok

The beautiful maiden is sad,
She doesn't like spring.
It's hard for her in the sun
The poor thing is shedding tears.
Snow Maiden

At Alyonushka's sister's
The birds took my brother away.
High they fly
They look far away
Swan geese

An arrow flew and fell into a swamp,
And in this swamp someone caught her.
Who said goodbye to green skin.
Have you become cute, beautiful, pretty?
Princess Frog
Her grandfather planted her in the field
The whole summer grew.
The whole family pulled her
It was very large.
Grits his teeth, moves his nose
And I can’t stand the Russian spirit.
Old woman with a bone leg
It's called... Baba Yaga.

Game with Baba Yaga.
Children stand in a circle. In the middle, the driver is Baba Yaga, blindfolded. Children say the words:
Grandmother - Hedgehog - bone leg,
She fell from the stove and broke her leg.
I went into the garden, scared the people,
She ran to the bathhouse and scared Vanka.
Baba Yaga catches children.

Task 3 “Who sent the message?”

1) “Save us, we were eaten by a gray wolf” (kids)
2) “Very upset. Accidentally broke an egg” (mouse)
3) “Everything ended well, only my tail remained in the hole” (wolf)
4) “Help, our house is broken, but we ourselves are safe” (animals)
5) “Dear grandparents, don’t worry. I figured out how to trick the bear. I’ll be home soon” (Masha)
6) “Help, my brother has turned into a little goat” (Alyonushka)
7) “It’s a disgrace, someone ate my porridge and broke my chair” (bear cub)
8)“ Dad, my arrow is in the swamp. I’ll marry a frog” (Ivan Tsarevich)
9) You, elder, let me go to sea!
Dear, I will give a ransom for myself:
I’ll buy you anything you want.”

Game "catch the goldfish"
2 participants are invited. Everyone has a stick with a ribbon in their hands. At the end of the ribbon is a goldfish. At the signal, the participant winds the ribbon around the stick, thereby bringing the silhouette of the fish closer to him. The one who picks up the fish the fastest wins.

Task 4 “Find out the fairy tale from the picture.”
On the slides there are illustrations for fairy tales: “The Tale of a Stupid Mouse”, “The Three Bears”, “Teremok”, “Sivka the Burka”, “The Golden Scallop Cockerel”, “The Fox with a Rolling Pin”.
outdoor game “Who is faster on Sivka-burka”

Task 5 “correct the mistake”
1) princess - turkey
2) at the dog's command
3) Ivan Tsarevich and the green wolf
4) sister Alyonushka and brother Nikitushka
5) Cockerel - golden shepherdess
6) Boy - with a fist
7) Fear has big ears
8) Ax noodles

Task 6 “The 4th odd one”

Fairy tale.
Look, children, at the screen. Guess which fairy tale is the odd one out here.
On the slide there are 3 pictures from one fairy tale, and the 4th from another.

Fairy tale. Well done guys, you completed all the tasks. And now I will tell you a fairy tale.
‘ Fairy Tale “Good Fairy”
Many, many years ago, once a year, in winter, the Fairy of Goodness flew to earth. She always had a bag over her shoulders, in which she carried magic snowflakes. The Fairy of Good was so tiny and inconspicuous that many did not pay any attention to her. But she was not offended by anyone and by everyone, even the most evil people, gave magical snowflakes.
When there was not a single snowflake left in her bag, spring came, and the Fairy of Goodness quietly disappeared, only to fly back a year later in winter.
Everyone who received a magic snowflake as a gift became awe Ma happy person on earth, because he became cheerful, caring, and responsive. People became kind, they had good thoughts, they learned to speak good words and do good.

Fairy Tales. Today I will give you magic snowflakes to make you the happiest and kindest.
The Fairy Tale Fairy gives snowflakes to children and guests.

Fairy Tales
. There are many fairy tales in the world, sad and funny.
And we cannot live in the world without them.
Aladdin's lamp, lead us into a fairy tale.
Crystal slipper help on the way.
Boy Cipollino, Winnie the Pooh bear.....
Everyone is a true friend to us on the road.
Let the heroes of fairy tales give us warmth,
May good triumph over evil forever!

Name: Scenario literary entertainment V senior group“What a delight these fairy tales are!”
Nomination: Kindergarten, Holidays, entertainment, scenarios, themed parties

Position: teacher of the first qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU kindergarten No. 2 “Firefly”
Location: Zherdevka, Tambov region

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