Craft on the theme of Pushkin's fairy tales. Homemade fairy-tale characters: we make our favorite characters with our own hands

Our mothers and grandmothers constantly make crafts for kindergarten-aged children. What these crafts are not connected with: and with calendar holidays, and with the anniversaries of the organization, and with the events of the year. It’s impossible to list everything.

Fairy-tale heroes

One of the favorite topics is “Do-it-yourself fairy-tale heroes.” Why is this relevant? As easy as pie. Children up to school age Russians read all the time folk tales. Reading occurs not only because it is understandable and close to children, but also because it is easier to educate through a fairy tale than to mutter edifyingly about what is possible, what is good, what is correct. Through a fairy tale, you can unobtrusively and easily make it so that the child does not notice that he is being called to something, is being taught something. He easily gets involved in the process and happily participates in it.

Now imagine that the fairy tale is also accompanied by real heroes. This is just fantastic: baby preschool age develops according to imaginative thinking. It is important for him to see the hero, the action, the image. He does not have developed logical, much less abstract, thinking. But if, along with telling a fairy tale, you offer a hero from this work, then the matter will advance to unattainable heights, and you will simply become the child’s idol.

Fairy-tale characters make it easier to enter into the proposed events. And fairy-tale characters created with your own hands become even more familiar, understandable, and, most importantly, more valuable (after all, “your shirt is closer to your body”).

Let's try to make our own heroes

DIY crafts of fairy-tale characters can be found in literature or from friends. The main thing is not to “drown” in the variety of forms, techniques, and ideas of this direction. Here's what you can use:

  • Paper. Available material, cheap, anyone can handle the cutting technology.
  • Dough, clay. Don't think this is material for kindergarten age children. There is a place for older people to roam here too.
  • Threads, knitting. What the masters of this type of art can’t come up with! You will simply be surprised at what you can knit with threads.
  • Tree. How much you can make from this wonderful material! Don't think that Pinocchio is the only wooden character.
  • Textile. What not to sew from this very versatile material! People, animals, even just objects, furniture, Natural resources- easily.
  • Plastic.

What is there to list? You can take any material that is closer to you, clearer, easier to process and more affordable.

How to make a hero out of paper

Making a fairy-tale hero from paper with your own hands is easy. You understand perfectly well what you will use in your work, especially since you can always choose the simplest, cheapest materials. First of all, we choose a character: Baba Yaga, princess, bunny - whoever. We take scissors, a template (if imagination is tight), and cut out a shape using the template. The hero character is ready to stage a fairy tale.

It can be more complicated. The modular origami technique will require a lot of time and money. Here you will need to add up several tens or hundreds of triangle modules to volumetric figure. But it’s okay, it’s a bad start. The main thing is the ability to connect modules in a circle, and then, where necessary, subtract or add elements in a row. This way you can make figures of a hare, fox, wolf, even an old man and woman.

The quilling technique will require more virtuosity from you. It is very labor-intensive: curls, droplets, “eyes”, plant elements will require you to spend a long time creating beauty. But the work will turn out to be very gentle, elegant, noble.

Most often, parents find it difficult to find time to spend with their children. Then, to make a fairy-tale toy with your own hands for kindergarten (for example), you can fold the paper in half and create a princess, a bunny, or a tree using symmetrical cutting. The baby will have a lot of delight, and you will spend a minimum of resources. Moreover, creating the figures will take a few minutes, which corresponds to the age of a preschooler for concentration and interest in the process. A do-it-yourself fairy-tale hero for kindergarten is interesting, simple and useful.

Let's try to make heroes from dough?

Try it, this process is also very addictive. After all, you can sculpt anything from salt dough. Don't think that you can only make some trinket. In fact, even masterpiece heroes and compositions with very small details and exclusivity of patterns. Yet again, fairy-tale heroes may turn out to be very original and unique. Using one pattern, different craftswomen will recreate completely different things. The same needlewoman does not repeat herself in her works. We don’t think we need to convince you of this. The main thing is to start.

Fairy tale in metal

Do you think it's impossible? Are there not enough excellent blacksmiths in Rus'? What about a flea? An almost reliable fact is how Lefty shoed a flea. True, it is a painstaking task. You can't get by with the small details here. We need scope. This is not suitable for a child of kindergarten age. But it’s worth trying to create a New Year’s fairy-tale hero with your own hands. By the way, the sculpture can also be embodied in ice material. Yes, you yourself saw fairy-tale characters in the squares (especially Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, three horses with a sleigh).

Here, of course, it’s difficult to get by with nail scissors; you need a saw and tools for working with ice. But that doesn't matter either. Your desire to create, to create in front of your child’s eyes, noticing his interest, surprise, and desire to help you, is very important. And when the result is already in reality, there is also an assessment of the child’s help in the work. This is truly worth a lot.

What about the fabric?

Is it possible to create fairy-tale characters with your own hands from fabric? There are no limits to human perfection. Fairy-tale characters can be embodied through the pattern of any living or inanimate object. By the way, how much New Year's costumes You can sew fairy-tale characters from fabric with your own hands! You just have to move forward without stopping there.

Can threads work too?

Oddly enough, but yes. Indeed, even text messages with important data were written from threads (previously it could have been knotted weaving). Why not connect Piglet with Winnie the Pooh and the dog Sonya now?

What heroes can you make?

Absolutely any. The only limit is your imagination. Here are the characters you can make with your own hands:

  1. Kolobok. The simplest and one of the first characters. This hero can be made from paper (flat, origami, modules) and from threads (knitted, stuffed with synthetic padding; or you can wind threads around a ball to get an openwork Kolobok). You can sculpt a hero from dough, decorating him with some kind of Panama hat.
  2. Princess Frog. A simple way to make a frog from plasticine. A very profitable option, because imagination can not only tell us that we need to add an arrow and a crown, but also fashion beads. And it will be even more expressive if you dress this “lady” in a royal dress.
  3. Goby - tar barrel. Homemade wooden toys are rarely found in the house. But such a character is easy to make, even just by taking a cut from a tree. Glue the head, legs to the body, fluff out a tail from threads.
  4. Baba Yaga. A very common fairy tale character. This image can be sewn from various old scraps. But the face will have to be worked on. It is worth doing it using the stocking sewing technique. To do this, you will need fabric very similar to nylon tights, although you can take the tights themselves. When you fill the hero’s “face” with padding polyester, you can sew on the eyes using large beads or buttons. Embroider the mouth with red threads, and wrap the nose (you need to separate a small part from the middle of the face) with threads matching the color of the fabric.

In short, the choice of hero, material and technique is entirely at your discretion.


Playing with a child is simply necessary, because this is the only way for a little person to understand the world and himself in it. Socialization occurs from the very beginning early childhood, and the first with whom the child associates himself are, among other things, fairy tale characters. From their example, the child learns how to act well and how to act badly, and receives the first knowledge about nature, rules of behavior, phenomena and objects. What will help better than hand-made toys and fairy-tale characters? Moreover, this has a double benefit. You will spend time with your child while you make the Snow Maiden or a bunny from a fairy tale, and his creative abilities will develop, fine motor skills, perseverance.

Elena Barsukova

Children of the senior group took part in the competition crafts"Fairy tales wondrous light", which is held every year by the House children's creativity. The guys worked hard and the work turned out interesting. During the work we remembered a lot fairy tales, some even staged it. In some fairy tales They came up with new stories, giving the characters completely different qualities.

"Geese - swans" plasticine, natural material Belustin Dima 6 years old

The bun is rolling" colored paper, colored cardboard, ball of thread Popov Alyosha 6 years old

"Bouquet" beans, plasticine, colored cardboard, pencil shavings Bormova Polina 6 years old

Fairy tale"Geese - swans" plasticine, natural material, cardboard Zevakhovs Sasha and Katya 6, 7 years old

During production crafts a variety of materials were used.

"Golden Fish" computer disk, colored paper. self-adhesive Becker Bogdan 6 years old

"Theater Fairy tale" cardboard, small toys, fabric Shcheglova Dasha 6 years

"Country of Smeshariki" plasticine, Lego parts Zevakhov Sasha

"The bun is rolling" braid. cardboard Ivanina Albina

New Year's fairy tale"salt dough Walter Diana

"The Adventures of Luntik" felt Kokov Savva

Moydodyr" cardboard, thread, dishes Bekker Bogdan

"Magic mirror" jewelry made of satin braid Baikalov Vova

Publications on the topic:

“There are many fairy tales in the world, Sad and funny, We cannot live in the world without our favorite books.” In order to attract public attention to literature.

On July 8, Russia celebrates a very soulful and profound holiday - the day of family, love and fidelity. Family - so many pleasant emotions.

Craft from natural material “Here is my village”, made by Ilya Artikulov, age 6 years, teacher Shatokhina V.V., Samara Region, city o.

Every year the House of Children's Creativity of the city of Sorsk holds a city exhibition of applied and technical creativity. Our group "Sunflowers".

Every year in kindergarten An exhibition of crafts made from natural materials "Autumn Fantasy" is being held. the main objective- bring children and parents together.

“Victory Day, how far it was from us.” (from the song) 70 years have passed since that solemn and great day, and Soviet people everything is more beautiful.

In the falling leaves, bright, What a miracle? -let's ask- -Here gifts are rich. The time of year is autumn! With the onset of autumn, the gardens and vegetable gardens ripen.

Chukovsky K.I. - biography

His work is diverse, which is why Korney Ivanovich is called a children's writer, journalist, Russian Soviet poet, publicist, translator, literary critic, literary critic.

But the real name of the writer is Nikolai Korneychukov, and Korney Chukovsky is literary pseudonym. He was born in St. Petersburg in 1882 on March 19 (31). The mother of the future writer, peasant woman Ekaterina Osipovna Korneychukova, was a servant in the family of his father Emmanuel Solomonovich Levenson.

As is now commonly said, they lived in a civil marriage; it was not officially registered. Nikolai is the second child in this family. Marusya was born before him. After three years of civil marriage, the father abandoned this “illegitimate family” and married a woman who was from “his circle.”

The mother of the future writer moved with her children to Odessa. He spent his childhood here and in Nikolaev.

My creative activity Korey Ivanovich started at the Odessa News newspaper, for which he wrote articles. Then he married Maria Borisovna Goldfeld and together with her in 1903 he went to London as a correspondent for Odessa News.

Chukovsky independently learned English from a self-instruction manual, was the only English speaker in the publishing house, so he was sent to work in London.

The correspondent was promised a lot of money for those times - 100 rubles a month. This trip contributed further development writer, because here Chukovsky was able to read books by English writers in the original; the writer’s biography was supplemented by the fact that he studied the works of Thackeray and Dickens.

But upon his arrival in Odessa at the end of 1904, even more global events awaited him - the revolution of 1905.

Korey Ivanovich seriously took up criticism and after the revolution of 1917 he published two books - about Mayakovsky and Akhmatova, about Blok. At the same time, he began many years of work on Nekrasov, his favorite poet. And back in 1908, he published works on Chekhov, Blok, Balmont, Bryusov, Kuprin, Sergeev-Tsensky, Artsybashev, Gorky, Merezhkovsky and others.

Koren Ivanovich Chukovsky wrote his first fairy tale “Crocodile” in 1916. And he published “Cockroach” and “Moidodyr” in 1923. A year later, a poetic work for children “Barmaley” was published.

In the early 1930s, Korney Ivanovich became interested in studying child psychology, how they learn to speak, and wrote the book “From Two to Five.”

In the 60s, Chukovsky decided to write a Bible for children. But at that time the authorities carried out anti-religious propaganda, and the project did not materialize. At first he was told not to write the words “God” or “Jews” in the book. Korney Ivanovich replaced the word “God” with “Wizard Yahweh.”

The book was printed, but did not see the light of day, since the authorities destroyed the entire circulation. This is what Chukovsky, whose biography is full of drama, experienced. After all, he lost his beloved daughter Masha, who died in childhood. The writer often mentions her in his works, calling her Murochka.

In addition to her, the poet had a daughter, Lydia, who also became a writer. Son - translator and prose writer - Nikolai and son Boris, who died during the Great Patriotic War.

Streets were named in memory of the great writer, monuments were erected to him and the heroes of his works in different cities. An asteroid is named after Chucocolla.

How to make a miracle tree from Chukovsky’s work?

Now that you have found out for yourself and told the children about Chukovsky’s biography, learn his poems together. To make them better remembered, during creative process Make a miracle tree with the kids.

To make it, prepare:
  • thick wire;
  • salty dough;
  • paints;
  • thin tape;
  • artificial moss;
  • glue;
  • green corrugated paper;
  • scissors;
  • miter or pencil;
  • brush.
Help your child twist the base of a tree from wire - a trunk with branches. At the bottom, make a thickening like a stand out of it. Prepare salt dough. Let the child cover the entire tree with this material. In this case, the trunk at the bottom should be thicker. From the same dough, let the child fashion shoes, thread ribbons through the holes, and tie them.

Cut rectangles with a side of 2 cm from corrugated paper. Winding the blanks onto a pencil, make trims out of them. Attach those to the branches as leaves.

Now you need to let the dough dry completely, only after that paint the tree and shoes. The child will do this with pleasure.

Glue moss down to the base or paint the trunk circle in green color. You can sculpt a cat out of dough and plant it under a miracle tree.

Fly Tsokotukha - crafts, three-dimensional applique, costumes

Read lines from this work to children from infancy to show that the children have developed well. When they can speak, they will repeat the lines after you. For them to memorize them, together make a character from a fairy tale in verse - the fly Tsokotukha.


You can create one in just 15 minutes from scrap materials using egg cartons. Here full list needed:
  • cardboard boxes for eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • gouache;
  • colored cardboard;
  • wire flagella;
  • scissors;
  • pom-poms;
  • ready-made eyes;
  • glue gun;
  • brush.
Let the child turn over the egg cell and paint individual elements with gouache of different colors.

Now he will trim off the excess.

The flagella are twisted to give them the shape of wings: round, triangular, square, heart-shaped.

To attach them to cardboard blanks, make 3 pairs of holes opposite each other in each one.

This is where the legs need to be threaded and secured. The eyes are glued onto the pompoms, and these blanks are glued onto the head of the Tsokotukha fly. Glue the wings to the back.

The silicone rods of the hot gun are very hot. To prevent your child from getting burned, glue the elements yourself, and he will watch and learn.

The result was a wonderful craft, the fly Tsokotukha, or rather, several characters at once. Children can also create a three-dimensional applique. This type of needlework is suitable for younger kindergarten age.

Volume applique

If the kids are small, draw them with a simple pencil elements future painting. Prepare the following materials with them:

  • paper napkins;
  • cotton pads or cotton wool;
  • glue;
  • dark yarn;
  • colored and simple pencils;
  • colored cardboard.
Draw with a pencil on cardboard:
  • clatter;
  • samovar;
  • trees;
  • cobweb;
  • mosquito, other guests.
First, read this fairy tale in verse to your children, called “The Fly Tsokotukha.” When children remember the plot and characters well, start creating creativity with them. Show the children how to cut green napkins into small squares, then crumple them with their fingers and glue them onto the tree instead of leaves.

Then they will do it themselves. Instead of apples, you can also glue crumpled pieces of napkins, but Pink colour. Let them paint the tree trunk with a brown pencil, and let them paint the samovar with yellow. They will make a basket with flowers from napkins, because it is Tsokotukha’s birthday.

When all the characters are colored, show your child how to glue the yarn to make a web. The spider needs to be drawn on cardboard, cut out and glued to a web of thread.

To make clouds, have children roll cotton balls or cotton wool into circles. fill in a pencil sketch of clouds with them. All that remains is to place the volumetric applique in a frame and you can hang it in the most visible place.

Tsokotuhi Fly Costume

If you need to quickly make a Tsokotukha fly outfit, put a yellow blouse, a black skirt and a dark beret on your child. You need to make 2 holes in it, insert black antennae made of soft wire here.

All that remains is to make the wings. Here are 2 options for making them.

Option #1

Cut out the wings from white mesh. Tuck the edges under and stitch to leave a small gap on all sides. Insert the wire here and shape the wings.

Option No. 2

It is suitable for those who do not have a sewing machine.

For these you will need:
  • pink nylon;
  • aluminum wire;
  • gray marker;
  • pink satin ribbon;
  • scissors.
Bend the wire to create a wing shape. Using its outlines, cut out 2 wings. Place them on the wire, fold the bottom of the fabric, and hem the arms on all sides. Draw on the nylon with a marker gray wing veins. Cut out straps from satin ribbon and sew them to the wings so that the child can wear them like a backpack.

You can sew a piece of white fur to one and the second wing to connect them at the top and decorate.

And of course, the Tsokotukha Fly needs to make the “money” that she found. To do this, take:
  • cardboard;
  • foil;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • marker or wooden stick.
Cut a circle out of cardboard and apply glue to it. Place foil on top, gluing it. Write with a marker that this is 5 kopecks or do it with a wooden skewer, carefully move it along the foil to indicate required letters and a number.

You can also complement the Tsokotukha fly costume with a head mask like this.

To do this, cut out 2 strips from black paper - one along the volume of the head, the second will be located transversely. Leave some extra space for gluing the ends. Cut out 2 eye circles from gray paper. Using a ruler and a black felt-tip pen, draw a grid on them. Glue these “eyes” to the base.

Experienced craftswomen can sew a clattering fly costume.

  • black fabric;
  • silver jersey;
  • silk ribbon;
  • braid;
  • wire;
  • white organza or tulle.
Sew a silver fabric trim on the front and make a bow out of it. Gathered organza strips or silk ribbon are sewn to the bottom of the sleeves and hem. Also, these places need to be decorated with braid.

The wings are created in the same way as described above, but the edges are trimmed with braid. All that remains is to put white tights on the girl, black lacquered dolls, and the image of the character is created.

Using fishing line, you can create amazing outfits, including the Tsokotukha fly costume. If you make wide ruffles, tuck them on all sides along the edge and thread them into the resulting drawstring, then you will get beautiful flounces. You can do it differently by using knitted fabric. It is overlocked along the edges, it is shirred, and ruffles are obtained.

All that remains is to add wings to them. Enlarge the following template or transfer it to squared paper.

If you know how to crochet, then you can knit a clattering fly costume using this tool. Cosmetic makeup will complement the look.

Here is an example of a Tsokotukha fly costume made of black and yellow fabric. On the head are eyes made of cardboard. A mesh is applied to them, then they are glued to a paper strip, and wire antennae are attached here.

Her image can also be made from paper or newspaper tubes.

They are painted, when it dries, the blanks are folded into various knots to create a fly from a fairy tale. From the same material, make a samovar that the fly bought at the market.

Kids can also make it from plasticine. To play puppet show, they mold characters from this material and attach wooden skewers to them. Holding them will teach the heroes to move.

All this is put into a wire basket, and its sides are braided with thread.

“Doctor Aibolit” by Korney Chukovsky - crafts

Children will also know this work by K.I. Chukovsky very well if you make a thematic craft with them.

For this you need:
  • cardboard shoe box;
  • plasticine;
  • white cardboard;
  • cotton wool;
  • felt;
  • maple seeds;
  • glue gun;
  • bandage;
  • toothpicks or wooden sticks;
  • wrapping paper or wallpaper;
  • dye.

The pictures show how Doctor Aibolit is made.

The master class will tell you about two options for creating it. For the first one, cut out a triangle from white cardboard, roll it into a cone, and glue the sides to each other. Let the child draw the doctor’s facial features with a felt-tip pen and glue cotton wool in the shape of a beard or hair. He will roll up a strip of cardboard, draw a red cross on it, and glue this cap on Aibolit’s head.

You can sew it and a felt headdress, embroider a red cross, facial features, and glue cotton wool, which will become a beard and mustache.

Cover the box with wrapping paper or a piece of wallpaper. Glue Aibolit and tree branches along with seeds onto this frame. Attach a bug sticker to the branch. After all, according to the story, not only large animals, but also bugs and spiders came to the good doctor for treatment. Repeat the lines of the fairy tale while making crafts with your child so that he remembers them well.

He will be happy to make a fox, who also used the services of the fairy-tale doctor. The body is a bump, but you need to glue on the head, ears, tail, paws from orange plasticine, and make the bunny from white.

Trim the wooden sticks so that they are the same length. Paint them or cut off the top of the toothpicks. Glue or stick this fence picket. Decorate it with a flower.

Make a stool for the bunny from wooden sticks. Glue a painted popsicle stick onto the “tree”, this sign says “Limpopo”.

When good doctor Aibolit will arrive there and will be met by African animals. Among them is the ostrich. The child will make his body from a foam ball, to which he will attach a neck, head, paws from plasticine, wings from maple seeds, and legs from painted wooden sticks. You need to tie a bandage around your neck because the ostrich is sick.

It’s not difficult to make a giraffe from plasticine, looking at the photo clue.

You can make a craft based on a fairy tale, consisting of two parts. Place one Aibolit on the left side, and a second one on the right. Near the first there will be domestic animals, near the other - African ones. Then glue the shells to the ocean shore where the shark swims out.

If you need to perform the play “Doctor Aibolit”, you can use the child’s existing soft toys - these are animal characters. You can turn a doll into a doctor by giving it appropriate makeup and sewing clothes.

Other tales by Chukovsky


This is another fairy tale in verse by a great writer. Drawing - great way remember her. The work will be even more interesting if the child glues this to his hands. negative hero plastic fork and knife.

You can use the quilling technique to create another work based on Chukovsky’s fairy tale. The remaining details are being completed.

The next craft will teach the children their first sewing skills. For it use:

  • fairly dense fabric;
  • padding polyester;
  • soft wire;
  • cardboard;
  • glue.

The head and body are one-piece. You will need 2 identical pieces made of fuzzy brown fabric. Stitch them along the edges, leaving an unstitched space at the top. Place a padding polyester through it, sew it up, after inserting 2 wire antennae here. From it make the front and hind legs, insert their upper ends into the side seam and sew.

The paws are made of fabric, they look like house slippers.

Cut out the nose from burgundy fabric, glue it to the insect's muzzle, and on it - the eyes are made of white, and the pupils are made of black cardboard.

So soft and fluffy, and not at all scary, the character from the fairy tale “The Cockroach” came out.

After this story, you can tell the children another one.

"Stolen Sun"

This poem begins with the crocodile swallowing the sun. Read these lines to the children and show them how to make a craft for which you need to use:

  • green cardboard;
  • pink colored paper;
  • 2 wooden sticks;
  • black felt-tip pen;
  • glue.

For crafts, you can take wooden skewers for shish kebab or sushi sticks. The sharp ends of the skewers are cut off.

Cut out the front and back of the alligator from green paper. Circles are drawn on these parts - a pattern on the skin. Eyes are depicted on the face. Cut out 2 strips from colored paper. Place 2 sticks between them, glue the paper together, and fold it like an accordion. By holding the skewers, you can change the size of the crocodile, making it larger or smaller.

But then the bear helped return the sun to the animals. Let the children show this moment on paper. daylight You can depict it in a very interesting way by dipping one side of a matchbox in paint and leaning it against the paper in a circle, making rays.


And a good crocodile helped put out the fire, albeit with pies, salted mushrooms and pancakes. Such a funny picture can also be created by children's hands. Invite them to make an implication on cardboard, paper or fabric using felt.


Another tale by Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. Kids will love making a cleanliness warrior from a rectangular yogurt container. Here's what you'll need:

  • a jar of yogurt;
  • plasticine;
  • sheet of blue cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • cotton wool
Have your child cut a piece of cardboard to fit the middle of the jar, but with enough room to fold the edges and place it in the container. This is water. To make foam, you need to roll balls of cotton wool or create them from white plasticine. From this mass, but of a different color, the child will sculpt the legs, faucet, and facial features of the hero. Will secure it all in place. It is easy to form a bar of soap from pink plasticine, and a bottle of shampoo from a mass of a different color.

And here is another Moidodyr. The craft is being created in an interesting way. Take:
  • 2 small cardboard boxes of different sizes;
  • PVA or other glue;
  • colored paper;
  • tow;
  • markers;
  • scissors;
  • handkerchief or cloth;
  • plastic basin for toys.
Both boxes need to be covered with colored paper, the small one with white, and the large one with, for example, green.

Let the child draw on big side green box for the door and cabinet handles, and on top - a sink or make it out of light paper and glue it on top. White box Moidodyr's face. On it are drawn: eyes, a crane mouth, stern eyebrows, a nose. Now glue this light box onto the green one, on the end.

Sew a towel from fabric or place a handkerchief on the hero’s shoulder. Place the basin on the other. And if you need it for a matinee, you can also create it from cardboard boxes.

Here are some crafts you can make based on the fairy tales of K.I. Chukovsky. To interest kids, show them cartoons based on books. children's writer. While watching entertaining stories, make crafts together.

Read to your kids Pushkin’s works “Near Lukomorye there is a green oak tree” and “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Goldfish” and make crafts on this topic.

DIY crafts on the theme “Green oak near the Lukomorye”

These lines begin the tale of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan.” The kids will remember these lines better if you make crafts with them based on Pushkin’s fairy tales.

To illustrate this story, you will need the following materials:
  • thick cardboard measuring 24 by 35 cm;
  • A4 sheet of white cardboard;
  • paper towels;
  • PVA glue;
  • oak leaves;
  • acorns;
  • a paper bag in which grill coals are sold;
  • acrylic lacquer;
  • hot glue gun;
  • acrylic paints;
  • colorless silicone sealant;
  • pebbles and shells;
  • semolina;
  • Bath salt;
  • rectangle of artificial grass;
  • golden chain;
  • play dough;
  • rhinestones;
  • Kinder surprise toys;
  • small chest;
  • kebab skewers;
  • dried flowers;
  • cardboard box.
With all this in front of you, begin the magical process of creativity. Place oak leaves on newspaper or paper, cover it first with one layer of varnish, then with a second.

In order not to wait for the varnish layer to dry with reverse side, hang the leaves by their petioles on a rope using clothespins. Paint them in this position on both sides at once.

To glue the acorns to their caps, do it with a hot gun. Use pliers to cut off pieces of wire the right size, fold them, twist them closer to the bottom, bending these segments here in the form of roots. At the top, twist several wires at a time to make branches.

Turn the coal bag inside out or use another paper one and place a tree trunk here. Twist the bag and glue it to the bottom frame of the tree in the form of a trunk. For branches, you need to cut strips from this package and also glue them to the tree branches.

Next, to create this Pushkin craft, you need to attach acorns and leaves to hot silicone from a glue gun.

Now you need to think about where to place the craft. A large cardboard box is perfect for this. On the sides, glue to it paper towels soaked in PVA glue and water, taken and diluted in the same proportion.

To make a blank for the seashore, you need to cut out a trapezoid from white cardboard. Its smaller side is 6 cm, the larger one is 16, the base is the same as the width of the box. The right edge of this figure is located at an angle of 90 degrees to the base, and the left represents curved line shores.

Decide where it will end, where the sea is, cover this place with blue paint. Mix green and yellow bath salts with semolina and PVA glue. This mass needs to be applied to where the shore will be located on your cardboard. Before the glue dries, press small pebbles and shells into the area. Place this work near a heating device to allow the glue to dry.

When this happens, proceed to the next step. He's quite interesting. Show children how to achieve a 3D sea effect. You have already marked it with blue paint, now squeeze the sealant here. Make waves out of it by forming them with a teaspoon dipped in water. Where you want the waves to be foamy, place pieces of cotton wool under them, helping yourself with a toothpick.

Now it’s time to put the individual elements of this fairy tale-themed craft together. Using hot glue, attach the base of the craft to the cardboard, while on the right there will be a blank of the sea and the sandy shore. Glue on an artificial grass mat; by the way, you can buy it at the Fix Price store.

To this artificial grass base you need to attach the tree. To do this, pierce it with wire roots, bend them on the back side, and secure them. Hang a gold chain on the oak tree, glue a mermaid or a cat to the tree using hot silicone. If you don’t have ready-made figures, make them from salt dough and paint them.

This is such a wonderful and unusual job. While doing it, say the famous lines of the poem, then the child will quickly remember them.

If you want him to learn more, then make another Koshchei by taking a suitable figurine from the Kinder Surprise. Place a small chest next to it and fill it with coins.

To make a hut on chicken legs, make it from wooden sticks or matches, attach a wire with paper in the shape of chicken legs at the bottom. Decorate the building with dried flowers.

Crafts from the heroes of Pushkin’s fairy tale “About Tsar Saltan”

After the child has memorized the introduction of this magical story, it’s time to introduce him to the main characters, but first let him prepare the necessary scenery. Kingdom can be made using:

  • burlap;
  • scraps of fabric;
  • glue stick;
  • scissors;
  • a needle.
Master Class:
  1. Help your child cut out a rectangle from burlap. Together with your baby, decorate the edges. To do this, first, on one side, you need to remove the horizontal threads with a needle to form a beautiful fringe. This is done on all four sides.
  2. Now you need to cut out fragments of houses, roofs, windows, doors from fabric. To ensure that the elements are even, it is better to first draw them on cardboard, then use these templates.
  3. The child will lay out the fabric elements on the burlap. If everything suits you, you need to glue them. If the work is small, then the burlap can be glued to a sheet of cardboard so that the base is dense.
If the work turns out to be large, then tuck the top of the panel and hem it here. Insert a wooden stick, tie a rope to it at both ends to hang finished work for her.

To make the ships on which the guests sail in the fairy tale, take:
  • Styrofoam;
  • colored paper;
  • wooden skewers or toothpicks;
  • scissors.
Cut out blanks from foam plastic that resemble ships in shape. Make rectangular sails from colored paper and secure them on skewers. Stick their sharp ends into the foam to make these wonderful boats.

When spring comes, the child will be happy to let them run through the melting puddles and streams that form. This is also great fun for the bathroom.

Repeat to your child the lines that the squirrel sings songs and gnaws all the nuts. The squirrel here is soft toy, you will make nuts from foil, which needs to be given a round shape.

To make the main characters of a fairy tale, use ready-made dolls. It is enough for them to sew the appropriate robe, and now the king, Guidon, beautiful swan, who turned into a princess, appeared before our eyes.

You can make decorations Pushkin's fairy tales right on the table. It is enough to lay a tablecloth here, lay a transparent fabric in the shape of a lake, and place paper swans on it.

How to make a paper swan for “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”?

This skill will be useful to the child; in “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” this noble bird is one of the main characters. If you are crafting with young children, show them an easy way to make a swan.

  1. Draw the outline of a bird on the cardboard, extend its body below so that a small strip. It is needed to give the swan stability.
  2. If the cardboard is white, leave the blank in this form; if it is gray, then let the child cover it with white paper on both sides. You need to make a swan tail from it. To do this, cut out a rectangle from white paper and fold it like an accordion. The coils at the bottom are folded into a fan shape, glue them together and glue them onto the bird so that it gets such a beautiful tail.
  3. Let the child draw on the eyes and nose; now he knows how to make a swan out of paper.
But this is an example for small children. If they are a little older, then show them how to make a swan from origami paper. The following diagram will help with this.

As you can see, you need to take a square sheet, fold it first once diagonally, then along the second diagonal. Following the photo prompt, turn this blank into a beautiful bird.

There is another great option. Having made such a swan, place it in your summer cottage and perform a performance based on Pushkin’s fairy tale with your children.

Before making a swan, take:
  • thick sheet of foam;
  • light packages;
  • scissors;
  • wooden skewer;
  • 2 rods of reinforcement.
Cut out the outlines of the future bird from foam plastic. Cut the bags into squares with a side of 4–5 cm. Make punctures in the foam with a wooden skewer, screw a square from the bag onto it, and thread it into the prepared hole.

Place the next trim as close as possible to this one. Decorate the entire swan in this way and paint its nose.

Insert reinforcement along the rod into the lower part of the bird, and drive their ends into the ground. But it is better to first lay a blue synthetic fabric or a substrate of this color on the soil, and cut this material in the form of a lake. Then fix the swan and flowers from plastic bottles here.

If the child is older, show him how to make a swan from origami paper. To do this, you first need to roll up a lot of blanks as follows.

Each of these triangular elements It has two pockets and two corners, so it will be easy to connect them together. The following step-by-step photographs show how to make a swan to illustrate Pushkin's fairy tale.

Assemble origami modules, starting from the bottom, lay them out here in a circle. After you make the body of the bird, you need to make two wings, and then make the neck, head and beak.

You can make a swan using the trimming technique.

To do this, cut strips from a white napkin, then shred them into squares with a side of 1 cm.

Each one is screwed onto a pencil and glued onto a swan drawn on cardboard. This base must first be lubricated with glue. Plasticine can be used to attach trim pieces. You need to knead it, coat the swan drawn on cardboard. If this is a painting, then folded squares are attached here using the trimming technique the right colors to decorate the background.

If you have enough time, then the swan for Pushkin’s fairy tale can acquire these luxurious feathers; they are cut out of paper and glued to a prepared base. The bird's neck can be decorated with cotton pads.

Theme of Pushkin's fairy tale “About the Fisherman and the Fish”

Another story in verse by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Crafts based on this fairy tale can be made from the most unexpected materials.

To make one like this three-dimensional picture, take:
  • bark;
  • birch bark;
  • cones;
  • sticks;
  • plasticine;
  • yellow cardboard.
Master Class:
  1. Place a section of thick bark on work surface, clean it from dust with a cloth. Let the child put a piece of crushed plasticine here and place chaga on top.
  2. We make the grandfather from a big bump, which will become his body, and a small one, which will turn into his head.
  3. Using plasticine, the child will attach sticks, they will turn into the arms and legs of the character. The waves are made from pieces of birch bark, which need to be twisted and fixed in this position on the bark using plasticine.
  4. The child will cut out a goldfish from yellow cardboard, draw scales, eyes, and other elements with a felt-tip pen. Let him attach the fish to the wave using a piece of plasticine.
  5. Using natural materials, such as acorns, the child will make a grandfather from a fairy tale. Just let the adults drill holes in the acorns so that matches or toothpicks can be inserted here, which will become the arms, legs, and neck of the hero of Pushkin’s fairy tale. The stick and rope will turn into his fishing rod.
  6. Place the old man on the moss and cut out the sea from blue paper.

The theme of the fairy tale about the fisherman and the fish in crafts continues with the next master class. From it you will learn how to make a picture from threads. For this craft you need to take:
  • sheet of cardboard;
  • glue;
  • brush;
  • threads of different colors;
  • openwork braid;
  • bead for the eye.
Manufacturing instructions:
  1. First, you need to weave braids from threads. Now let the child draw the outline of a fish on the cardboard.
  2. Dipping a thin brush into glue, outline them with this substance, then glue a pigtail of yellow thread along the contour. On the body of the fish they will be laid out in the form of scales. Bow sponges are made from red braids, waves from blue and light blue ones.
  3. Here you can use either a braid of yarn or simply glue the threads. Finish the work with them by completing beautiful frame. Let the child glue an eye from a bead, and make a tail from openwork braid.

This is such an interesting goldfish made from threads. It can be made from other materials.

To make such a sea dweller, take:
  • foam egg;
  • satin ribbon;
  • beads;
  • eyes for toys;
  • colored pebbles;
  • shells;
  • Titan glue;
  • white seeds;
  • alabaster;
  • wire;
  • acrylic paints;
  • glitter;
  • polymer clay;
  • patch;
  • pallet;
  • transparent nail enamel;
  • pencil.
Draw with a pencil on one side of the foam egg where the fish will have a face. Cover it with yellow sparkles, attach eyes and a mouth made of red satin ribbon.

Weave the upper and two lower fins from wire and beads.

Instead of scales, glue seeds, pointing them in one direction so that the narrow tips are near the body. Start attaching from the tail side, gradually moving towards the head. Limit the junction of the scales with the face with red beads, attach it here.

Carefully apply glue to the tips of the seeds and sprinkle them with red and yellow glitter. Decorate the face of the sea dweller in the same way, using only yellow sparkles. Seal the whole thing on top with clear varnish.

Here's how to make the fish next. Twist a loop from thick wire and wrap it with adhesive tape. Pour diluted alabaster onto the tray and insert the lower part of the wire here. Wrap another piece of wire with blue tape, this is where you will attach the fish. Also put it in this solution. Paint the wave and frozen alabaster with blue acrylic paint.

To make a beautiful tail for a goldfish, string beads of different colors onto a wire, bend this blank into a tail, and glue it to the sea creature.

All that remains is to decorate the voluminous work with algae made from polymer clay, shells, pebbles. And here is the final result.

Now you can show your children how to make crafts based on Pushkin’s fairy tales. If you want them to see how to make a goldfish, play the following story for them.

It is suitable for very young children. If you need to learn how to make a swan for older children, a video lesson will help with this.

If you are interested in the origami swan, to understand the intricacies of the process, check out the third video.

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