Self-analysis of a literary reading lesson in the senior group “Fairy tales of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Analysis of the lesson educational and methodological material on speech development (junior group) on the topic Familiarization with visual materials

Lyudmila Matveeva
Self-analysis of educational activities for reading fiction “Literary lounge “Books in our library”

Introspection of immediate educational activities on reading fiction.

Subject: Literary lounge “Books in our library.”

Educator: Matveeva L. O.

Type: integrated (communication (speech development) together with familiarization with fiction with elements of dramatization).

The presented summary is built in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education, as well as didactic and general pedagogical principles:

The principle of continuity (the lesson was built on the basis of previous lessons and joint actions of the teacher and children)

The principle of activity (motivation and interest were maintained)

The principle of accessibility (matching the individual characteristics of children)

The principle of psychological comfort (confidence, calmness, goodwill)

GCD purpose: systematize children's knowledge about the main genres of Russian literature.

GCD tasks were selected in accordance with educational program MDOU "May kindergarten "Solnyshko".

During the lesson the following tasks were solved:

develop emotionally expressive speech (use logical stress, pause, understand the content of a literary phrase, use non-verbal forms of speech expressiveness (the ability to intonate, convey emotions and empathy through gestures, facial expressions);

develop communication skills and personal interaction of preschoolers while performing joint tasks;

develop coherent speech, imagination, fantasy, thinking, and the ability to act in concert according to oral instructions;

improve the ability to retell meaningfully and expressively literary texts, dramatize them, use speech as a means of communication;

encourage the expression of interest in the semantic side of the word; improve dialogic and monologue forms of speech;

cultivate interest in Russian culture and instill a love of literature and books.

In preparation for the lesson, the requirements of the program were taken into account: integration of areas, age characteristics of children, solving educational and educational problems in unity, taking into account the provisions on leading activities and changing types of activities, creating a relaxed atmosphere, interaction with the leading role of an adult.

The following materials were used: Portraits of writers I. A. Krylov and K. D. Ushinsky. Exhibition of books in the group library. Didactic game “Choose a rhyme using pictures.” Mnemotables. Costumes: foxes, crows, hares, dogs, ducks, Vasya; layouts: spruce, fence, house, pond. The book “Genres of Russian Literature”, four sheets of Whatman paper for designing the pages of the book. Visual materials: gouache, watercolor, colored pencils, wax crayons, crayons, brushes, water jar. Audio recording (musical accompaniment of theatrical activities).

Preliminary work: Acquaintance with the works of I. A. Krylov and K. D. Ushinsky, examination of illustrations for their works. Conversations on fables, dramatization of excerpts from fables. Conversation about the genres of Russian literature. Learning fables, poems, fairy tales, stories, dramatization. Production of little books on genres of Russian literature and exhibition design.

During the lesson we used various methods and techniques:

verbal (telling poems, fairy tales, stories, reading fables, riddles, conversation, questions, explanation);

visual (mnemonic tables, portraits of Russian writers);

practical (Didactic game “match the rhyme to the picture”, musical accompaniment, creation of the book “Genres of Russian Literature”).

gaming (dramatization of a fairy tale, fable, story, physical exercise.)

The use of the above techniques contributed to conducting the lesson in a comfortable, emotionally charged environment. Throughout the lesson, the children were active and interested.

The duration of the lesson corresponds to the norms.

Conclusion: The goal of the lesson was achieved, children’s knowledge about the main genres of Russian literature was systematized, the assigned tasks, in my opinion, were completed.

Publications on the topic:

Forms of working with parents on reading fiction FORMS OF WORK WITH PARENTS ON FICTION 1. SEMINARS 2. WORKSHOP 3. CONSULTATIONS for parents. 4. COMPETITIONS - Readers.

Topic: “Visiting a fairy tale” Objectives: Educational area “Socially - communication development» 1. Form an attentive, caring attitude.

Experience in additional reading of fiction I offer my colleagues my experience of additional reading of fiction with children in order to instill in them the skills of full text analysis.

Open lesson on reading fiction “Burik the Bear” Notes on fiction on the topic: “Burik the Bear” II junior group Karanova M. S. Educator, Surgut Programming.


Long-term planning for reading fiction in the middle group September 1-4 - Reading chants, songs, nursery rhymes. “Bucket Sun…” p. 105 “Legs, legs, where have you been?” page 138 “Don! Don! Don!" page 3.

Introspection open class"A Journey Through Russian Folk Tales"

Analysis classes on the topic: « A journey through Russian folk tales»

Class corresponded to the training program.

The topic is taken from the long-term plan.

Type classes: generalizing

The presented summary is built in accordance with didactic and general pedagogical principles:

Continuity principle ( class was built on the basis of previous classes and joint actions of the teacher and children)

Activity principle (maintained motivation and interest)

Accessibility principle (matching the individual characteristics of children)

The principle of psychological comfort (confidence, calmness, goodwill)

During classes the following have been resolved tasks:

Didactic: summarize ideas about fairy tales, its features and types: magical, everyday, fairy tales about animals;

improve the ability to recognize fairy tale based on illustration, according to the excerpt (i.e., according to the characteristic features and actions of the heroes).

Correctional: correction of visual perception “Look, find, lay out”.

Educational: raise the emotional mood of children by meeting heroes fairy tales And play activity. Cultivate interest and love for oral folk art.

During the preparation of this classes was carried out preliminary work With children:

1. Reading Russian folk tales(enrichment of children's vocabulary)

2. Examination of illustrations for Russian folk tales.

3. Coloring pictures based on Russian folk tales

4. Acting out fairy tales"Kolobok", "Turnip" using a tabletop theater.

5. Watching cartoons « Russian folk tales» .

6. Conducting didactic games: "Find out fairy tale from pictures» , “Whose headdress?”, "From what fairy tale hero» etc.

At the organizational stage, a positive attitude was created among students to include them in educational activities. Carrying out reflection "Mood" emotionally colored class and allowed me to identify the mood of the children before starting classes.

Thus, temporary ideas were consolidated.

For interest in the correction exercise I included surprise moment with the appearance of the fox.

When developing a correction exercise, I took visual perception as a basis, since it is through this analyzer that the bulk of information is received. She applied a differentiated approach, which made it possible to take into account the individual characteristics of each person and thereby contributed to their maximum inclusion in work behavior.

At the next stage classes through artistic word introduced children to the topic, stimulating interest in it. The boys were asked to go to a journey through Russian folk tales, they accepted the game plot with interest and tuned in to joint activities (using relaxation to develop the ability to relax and imagine, which is very difficult for our children).

The main task of the main stage classes– generalize children’s knowledge about Russians folk tales , about the main characters of these fairy tales.

To the structure classes includes tasks for the development of children's cognitive activity and creative abilities.

The main reason for participating in came to class:

Show slides combined with explanations and questions;

Health-saving technologies: gymnastics for the eyes smoothly turning into physical education combined with the theme; physical education minute « Fairy tale» was aimed at developing the ability to coordinate speech with movement.

The appearance of Baba Yaga contributed to the preservation of the emotional mood towards further activities children.

Playing a game with Baba Yaga "Guess a riddle", contributed to consolidating children’s knowledge about Russian folk tales, about the main characters fairy tales;

Playing out fairy tales"The wolf and the seven Young goats"- contributed to the development of initiative in children and independence, relieving tightness and stiffness. Thus, children are actively involved in the show fairy tales expressed the character’s state using facial expressions, voice, intonation in the image characteristic features heroes. Actively participated in the preparation fairy tales.

At the final stage, the children were asked to remember in which fairy tales they visited, What the most important thing in Russian folk tales what was interesting and memorable to them the most. The participation of each child was noted with praise and positive evaluation. At the end classes children received coloring books with characters as a gift Russian folk tales.

Bottom line classes Reflection took place for the guys in game form, for yourself, to reveal the mood of the children at the end classes.

Target classes achieved, children enriched their knowledge about Russian folk tales, their main characters

The use of the above techniques contributed to the classes in a comfortable, emotionally charged environment. Throughout children were active in classes, interested.

Duration classes meets the standards.

Conclusion: the assigned tasks, in my opinion, were completed.

Analysis educational activity

New topic contains many new words, which enriches and activates their vocabulary. The equipment was prepared by the teacher in advance. Structure: organizational moment, repetition, new material, physical minute, consolidation, results. The stages are logically interconnected from repetition Lesson time 10 minutes. Volume and complexity selected according to age characteristics. To consolidate, a game was organized on the topic; in the game, children will better and more effectively consolidate their knowledge. Each child took part in the game to the best of his ability. The objectives of the lesson have been achieved.

Analysis of a lesson on communication and reading fiction

Type - new material. Structure: org. moment, new material, physical. a minute, consolidation, results. The stages are logically and sequentially interconnected. The work used is understandable to children.

Used the following methods and techniques: reading, showing illustrations, conversation, questions. The children actively participated in the conversation and answered questions. The objectives of the lesson have been achieved.


Intensive development innovation processes in social, economic, political life country poses new problems for education, both nationally and in a specific educational institution.

Analysis is the division of a phenomenon into parts, elements, followed by studying them separately, as parts of a given whole.

Pedagogical analysis- this is a management function together with direction, control, coordination, correction, aimed at studying the actual state of affairs and the validity of application in various ways, means to achieve goals, as well as an objective assessment of results pedagogical process and the development of regulatory mechanisms to transfer the system to a new qualitative state.

In my practice, there were enough analysis schemes various types activities (these are diagrams taken from the recommendations of K.Yu. Belaya, and schemes developed by our pedagogical institute etc.), everything would be fine, but our kindergarten works according to O.M. Dyachenko’s (L.A. Venger’s) “DEVELOPMENT” program and many schemes for analyzing classes are not suitable for us. As a methodologist, I was faced with the problem of how best to develop a developmental activity and analyze it from all sides.

After thinking, reading methodological literature and establishing contact with teachers of the IGPI named after. P.P. Ershova, we have developed a memo for educators on setting goals for developmental activities (Appendix No. 1).

I had to think the same way and develop a reference scheme for analyzing and designing lessons (Appendix No. 2).

Based on these schemes, it is easier for me to analyze, as a leader and teacher, to do self-analysis.

At the end of the school year, I invite my teachers to propose their own open events for the next academic year, and then analyze and make a graph open events. And in the annual plan I reflect the plan for visiting groups and the schedule for monitoring educational work and open viewings.

For me, as a methodologist, the most important thing when attending a class is to see the creative spark in the work of a teacher with children, that is, how a teacher will creatively and unordinarily lead children into the world of knowledge, what path he will use, what methods, forms, techniques and innovations he will use in this lesson.


Specification of norms and level of knowledge acquisition for each child

A clear definition of the level of formation of any skills and abilities

Addressing specific gaps in the knowledge and skills of a particular child


Ensure the child's progress in activities that contribute to the formation of experience creative activity, socially significant qualities personality (hard work, independence, initiative), moral qualities(sympathy, empathy, humane attitude)

Provide situations aimed at developing skills and abilities cognitive activity, social experience.


Setting the goal of a developmental lesson is not an elementary definition of plans, but a logical determination of the direction and results of movement (the point of gradual movement towards the goal along a certain route).

Target pedagogical activity– mental anticipation of the results of the process. In their formulations pedagogical goal should reflect the qualities that the educational process is aimed at developing.


1. Goals focused on the development of a personal and semantic attitude to the material being studied and the process of one’s own cognitive activity: the relevance and personal meaning of the topic being studied for children, helping children to understand the social, practical and personal significance of the material being studied.

2. Goals aimed at developing children’s value relations to the surrounding reality: to promote children’s awareness of the values ​​of the material being studied, to help children realize the value of joint activities.

3. Goals aimed at developing intellectual culture in children: to equip (i.e. create organizational and content conditions for the development of children’s skills) with methods (techniques) of mental activity: to teach children to analyze a cognitive object, to develop the ability to compare, generalize, classify, correlate, see patterns, find contradictions, etc.

4. Goals focused on the development of a research culture (research skills): to promote the development in children of the ability to use various methods of cognition: observation, hypothesizing, the ability to analyze an object, highlight its essential features, compare various facts, draw conclusions.

5. Goals aimed at developing an active culture in children: developing in children the ability to set a goal, plan their activities (monitor, self-assess and self-correct their activities).

6. Goals focused on the development of children’s communicative skills (culture): to promote the development of children’s ability to communicate, to ensure the development of monologue and dialogic speech in children.

7. Goals focused on the development of children’s reflective culture: create conditions for the development in children of the ability to suspend their activities, highlight the key moments of their own or someone else’s activity, and ensure the development of the ability to objectify activity.

7.9. Observation and analysis of the organization

physical education group activities

Complex morning exercises

General developmental exercises

1-2 weeks of practice

Sharik I.P: legs slightly apart, hands behind your back. Bend your arms, hand into a fist, closer to your mouth and inflate the balloon. Spread your arms to the sides, straighten up - cheated. Look hands up - flew away, return to I.P. Where are I.P.’s knees? sitting, legs apart, hands resting behind. Lean forward, palms on the deer, look at the deer, straighten up. Say “here” Ball I.P. legs slightly apart, arms down. Slightly bend and straighten your legs - soft balls. 8-10 bouncing – balls bouncing, alternating with walking 3 times

3-4 weeks of practice - With a handkerchief

Poduy I.P. legs slightly apart, headscarf lowered. Handkerchief in front of your chest, blow on it, strong wind. Lower, say “no wind” Let’s hide I.P. legs apart, handkerchief down. Bend forward, handkerchief in front of the face - hide. Lower the handkerchief, straighten up, sit down, stand up I.P. legs slightly apart, handkerchief on the floor. Sit on a handkerchief, in front of him, behind him, near him. Stand up, say “sit down”

Outdoor games

The bun is rolling

Goal: develop large muscles of the body, relieve the spine. Create a feeling of satisfaction from the movements performed

Shaggy dog

Goal: to teach children to listen to text and quickly respond to signals

Walk through the stream

Goal: to develop a sense of balance, dexterity, and eye in children

Sunshine and rain

Goal: to develop in children the ability to run in all directions, without bumping into each other, and to quickly respond to a signal

Analysis of morning exercises

Gymnastics is carried out in the gym, after each group there is ventilation, and at the end the room and equipment are wet cleaned, which corresponds to hygienic conditions.

Gymnastics begins with warm-up exercises, ORU correspond to the age dosage, exercises are performed first for the neck, for the limbs, then for the torso. The main types of movements are used: walking, running, jumping, duration and intensity correspond to age standards. The end of the gymnastics is smooth, performing exercises to restore breathing. Children perform movements in an organized and active manner. The teacher gives clear, accessible instructions and commands. Monitors correct execution and posture. Musical accompaniment not used. Carrying out morning exercises for teachers meets hygienic conditions and age standards, and takes into account individual characteristics.

Task plan for thematic examination

Date: 10/15/2012 - 10/18/2012

Purpose of control: To determine the effectiveness of MBDOU work in introducing preschoolers to fiction.

Control issues

Control methods

Contents of control


Who conducts

ZUN children

Observation and analysis of direct educational activities.

Organization of GCD, compliance with the GCD structure, main stages of work with literary text, a book.

15.10.12 - 18.10.12

Pedagogical Commission

Observation and analysis of unregulated activities: Team work teacher and children (observation, conversations, reading fiction, looking at illustrations); independent activity children.

Analysis of the teacher’s work with children to familiarize themselves with fiction in joint activities (daily readings “for the soul”); organization of GCD for educational field“Reading fiction”; creation of a subject-developmental environment that introduces the child to the world of book culture.

15.10.12 - 18.10.12

Pedagogical Commission

Planning work with children

Analysis of software and methodological support, calendar plans educators.

A system of work to familiarize yourself with the fiction of non-fiction books, interrelation with other types of activities, independent verbal communication.

Availability of a long-term work plan in the area, reflection of the work in the calendar plan.

15.10.12 - 18.10.12

Creating conditions

Analysis of the subject-development environment.

Creating a subject-development environment that introduces a child to the world of book culture: the availability of books in the Book Center in accordance with the age of children, a variety of types of books, adherence to the principles of selecting children's books, design aesthetics, display cases for drawings according to literary works, illustrations of literary works, portraits of children's writers.

15.10.12 - 18.10.12

Pedagogical Commission

ZUN of educators

Observations. Conversations. Self-analysis of events.

Knowledge of software tasks. Methodology for conducting educational activities in the educational field “Reading fiction”. Guiding children's independent activities. Features of the organization of the pedagogical process.

15.10.12 - 18.10.12

Krasnova R.V. Biryuchevskaya O.A.

Working with parents

Analysis of documentation, visual ped. propaganda; observation of the process of communication between the teacher and parents.

Work on this topic, the presence of joint activities.

15.10.12 - 18.10.12

Krasnova R.V. Biryuchevskaya O.A.


based on the results of thematic control

“Introducing preschoolers to fiction”
In accordance with annual plan work of compensatory kindergarten No. 37 “Rodnichok” for the 2012 – 2013 academic year and on the basis of Order No. in the period from 10/15/2012 to 10/18/2012 thematic control was carried out in age groups on the topic “Introducing preschoolers to fiction.”

The purpose of the control: to determine the effectiveness of the MBDOU in introducing preschool children to fiction.

Control program:

  • planning work with children;

  • creation of conditions;

  • ZUN children;

  • ZUN of educators;

  • working with parents.
Control methods

  • observation and analysis of educational activities directly;

  • observation and analysis of unregulated activities: joint activities of the teacher and children (observation, conversations, reading fiction, looking at illustrations); independent activity of children;

  • analysis of planning educational work with preschoolers;

  • analysis of the subject-developmental environment, conditions for organizing children's activities aimed at introducing the child to books;

  • analysis of forms of pedagogical education and interaction with parents to introduce preschoolers to fiction.

During the control it was established:

Familiarization of preschoolers with fiction is carried out on the basis of promising and scheduling. IN long-term plans it is planned to become familiar with works of art in accordance with the program of education and training of children “From birth to school” by N.E. Veraxa and the Regional Program preschool education Shaekhova R.K.

Analysis of calendar planning showed that educators understand the importance of children's fiction in comprehensive development child. In this regard, teachers plan direct educational activities in the educational area “Reading fiction”, “reading for the soul” before bed, artistic and speech activities with children in organizing various routine moments. Poems and riddles are used during observations on a walk. Readings of various works of art are organized followed by conversation, dramatization of fairy tales, short stories. In younger groups, nursery rhymes and funny songs help create a positive emotional mood during cultural and hygienic procedures, eating, going to bed, and getting dressed for a walk.

You should pay attention to planning individual work with children in this area. In addition, it is necessary to think through and plan different shapes working with preschoolers to introduce them to reading fiction.

The study of a subject-developmental environment conducive to children’s familiarization with fiction showed that all groups are equipped with Book centers that comply with the “law of age correspondence” and the “law of age perspective.” The centers have a rich book fund of various genres (fairy tales, poems, short stories, encyclopedias), and there are works by the same author from different publishing houses. There are portraits of children's writers, materials about their work, but little material about illustrators. In addition to books, the centers have various thematic folders and albums, illustrations for works, didactic games, equipment for a “hospital for books.” But minor shortcomings were identified in the design of the centers of the Book. In the middle, senior and Tatar groups, the place for organizing the viewing of books was poorly chosen. In the first junior, preparatory and Tatar groups few books of different formats. However, after consultation " Book Center V kindergarten", all violations were eliminated and replenished with new books and aesthetic equipment. In addition, children’s drawings based on their favorite works and didactic games “Heroes of Fairy Tales” appeared in the Book centers.

An analysis of the directly reviewed educational activities in the educational area “Reading fiction” showed that educators have the skills expressive reading, organizing a conversation on a read work, can convey to children the meaning and ideological content works. Teachers of the senior and preparatory school groups (Chupakhina O.V., Natalina L.V.) use demonstration of fragments animated films; Salimova R.R. - puppet show.

During the reading process, teachers interpreted words that children did not understand and showed pictures in books. Usage demonstration material, examination of illustrations to works contributed to the formation in children of independent examination of books, as well as love and interest in fiction.

Directly reviewed educational activities in a preparatory group for school (teacher L.V. Natalina) showed that children not only know many works, but can also name and recognize the authors of these works, they know and name various genres(fairy tale, story, poetry).

It is also worth noting that children know how to listen carefully to works and are active in verbal dialogue.

The speech skills of children in the 2nd junior group also meet the program requirements. Children know how to listen to the teacher, understand his speech, and react emotionally to the teacher’s promptings to perform imitative actions characteristic of a particular character in a fairy tale or nursery rhyme. Many kids already use in speech complex sentences answering the teacher's questions.

Thus, observations of preschoolers during classes, analysis of their speech activity and the correct use of lexical and grammatical structures, individual conversations with children indicate that, in general, children’s speech preschool groups corresponds to the norm, with the exception of its phonetic side. This result is an indicator of the system of work with preschoolers.

In order to improve the quality of work on speech development The child should pay attention to the following requirements:

In all groups, pay attention not only to enriching the active and passive vocabulary of children, constructing grammatically correct statements, but also to the development of figurative speech in preschoolers. Children must learn to use epithets, metaphors and other means of artistic speech expressiveness in their speech. This can be helped by reading children's fiction, didactic games, and live communication between an adult and a child.

An analysis of conversations with children showed that many children do not know the names of writers and poets whose works they read in kindergarten. To do this, it is necessary to think through interesting forms of working with children and parents. For example, design thematic exhibitions or holding evenings dedicated to the work of writers, getting acquainted with their biographies, celebrating the name of a work, holding intellectual marathons, designing layouts based on favorite fairy tales, encouraging the creation and enrichment of family children's libraries, visiting a children's library.

An analysis of work with parents indicates that work to introduce preschoolers to reading fiction is limited only to such forms of work as the design of folders and visual information, preparation for a thematic drawing competition based on works and a reading competition.

Conclusion: the work of the kindergarten in introducing preschoolers to fiction is effective.

  1. Plan individual work with children in the Book Center.
Deadline: permanent.

  1. Diversify the forms of work with children to familiarize preschoolers with fiction.

  1. Conduct entertainment “We are friends with books.”

  1. Intensify and diversify interaction with parents to develop preschoolers’ interest in reading books.
Due date: immediately.

  1. Prepare booklets and recommendations for parents on organizing family reading.
Deadline: no later than 12/01/2012.
Members of the commission:

Head of the kindergarten_________ Krasnova R.V.

Senior teacher ____________ Biryuchevskaya O.A.

Educator ___________ Chupakhina O.V.


Vafina G.S.


Malykhina V.N.


Idrisova Yu.R.


Minnigaleeva N.I.


Koshel E.V.


Nabiullina F.A.


Krupenchenko I. V.


Natalina L.V.


Kurguzkina N.A.


Salimova R.R.


Lapshova N.V.


Chupakhina O. V


Analysis map

directly educational activities in the educational field

"Reading fiction"

Subject _____________________________________________________________________________________

The date of the ____________________________________________

Age group ____________________________________

Amount of children ____________________

FULL NAME. teacher ______________________________

Criteria for assessing the work of a teacher

Assessment level




Was the structure of the GCD for familiarization with fiction followed?

Has the teacher prepared the children to perceive a work of art?

Was the goal achieved? preparatory work before reading - to arouse interest in the main character or object, phenomenon depicted in the work?

Was the text of the work of art read (narrated) expressively?

Have you observed words and developed the ability to see vivid artistic details?

Was there any interpretation of words that children did not understand during the lesson?

Has any other work been done on children's speech development?

Has the ideological content of the work become clear?

Was there any work to collectively review the book?

Was a recommendation given for independent individual work with a book, work?

Did this educational activity contribute to the formation of love and interest in fiction in children?


Senior teacher ________________

Teacher _____________

Analysis map of visual information for parents within

thematic control

“Introducing preschoolers to fiction”

Analysis criteria

Age groups

1 ml.

2 ml.





Specificity of information

Availability of the offered material

Brevity of material

Aesthetic design of visual materials

Pedagogical appropriateness of the proposed materials

Material supply form

Sliding folders



Information letters-memos, booklets for parents

Indicators: + optimal level; V permissible level; - insufficient level

Card for checking the plan of educational work within the framework of

thematic control

“Introducing preschoolers to fiction”

Directions of educational work

Age groups

1 ml.

2 ml.





Planning direct educational activities “Reading fiction”

Daily reading for the soul

Creative types of reading activities (graphic and verbal drawing, writing, making baby books, etc.)

Working with Book Center materials

Joint activities with the city children's library

Leisure, entertainment

Working with family

Indicators: + optimal level; V permissible level; - insufficient level

Questionnaire for parents

“Cultivating a child’s interest and love for books”

1. Do you have a children's library at home? (Not really.)

2. What works do you have in your children's library? (fairy tales, poems, educational encyclopedias, etc.) / Underline whatever applicable/

3. Do you often buy books for your child? (Often, rarely.)

4. What guides you when buying a book for a child? (check one box.)

I'm looking through the contents

I take into account the age of the child,

I choose a book based on illustrations,

I buy it by accident.

5. How often do you read books to your child?


Two to three times a week

Once a month,

I don't read at all.

6. On whose initiative do you read books?

At the child's request,

On your own initiative.

7. Do you talk with your child about what you read? (Yes, no, sometimes.)

8. Does your child tell you about works of art whom he met in kindergarten? (Yes, no, sometimes.)

9. Do you subscribe to children's magazines? Which? ______________________________________________

10. What, in your opinion, is the role of books in a child’s development? (write) ____________________________


Thank you for your cooperation!

in the second junior group

"Visiting a fairy tale"

OO: Communication

Target: develop in children creative imagination, improve the means of expressiveness in conveying images, enrich and activate the vocabulary through theatrical activities.


    consolidate children's knowledge of Russian folk tales;

    develop the ability to recognize and name them by individual subjects and illustrations;

    to cultivate children’s love and interest in Russian folk literary art;

    develop expressive speech, memory, attention, arouse interest in the theater.

Methodical techniques:

    Game(use of surprise moments) .

    Visual(use of dolls) .

    Verbal(reminder, instructions, surveys, individual responses from children) .

    Encouragement, lesson analysis.

Materials for the lesson: attributes for the magic chest, for the fairy tale “Teremok”, counting sticks, ball.

Progress of the lesson:

Surprise moment: Little Red Riding Hood enters to the music(child) :

Hello guys!

I came to you from a fairy tale,

I brought you a chest,

The chest is not simple,

It's magical, not empty!

Many fairy tales live in it,

We need to register them.

Educator: Do you know fairy tales?

Children: Yes, we know!

Educator: 1-2-3-4-5 it’s time for us to play a fairy tale, whoever is late for the beginning is late for the fairy tale.

The teacher opens the chest and says:

Oh, what a mess it is here!

I urgently need help.

You guys will help,

Tell me all the stories.

The teacher takes turns taking out attributes for fairy tales from the magic chest and conducts a conversation on the questions.


Who baked the bun?

Where did the bun roll to?

Who did the bun meet on the way?

Who ate the kolobok?

What is the ending of the fairy tale?

Problematic question:

    Why did the bun roll off the window?

    What would have happened if the fox had not eaten the bun?

Ryabka chicken:

How does a fairy tale begin?

What egg did the hen lay?

Who broke the egg?

How did she break it?

What did the chicken answer to grandpa and grandma?

Problematic question:

    What would happen if the egg didn't break?

    Why did the grandfather and woman want to break the egg?

Masha and the Bear:

How did Masha get to the bear?

What did the bear say when he was carrying the box?

And what did Masha answer?

How did the fairy tale end?

Problematic question:

    Why did Masha decide to run away from the bear?


Who planted the turnip?

Who helped pull out the turnip?

Educator: But it seems to me - friendship. When we are together, we can do anything, I suggest you tell me how friendly you guys are.

Children holding hands form a circle:

We are friendly guys

We don't quarrel at all

We are friendly guys

Tell it to everyone!

Little Red Riding Hood invites the children to rest.

Fizminutka"Three Bears" .

Three bears were walking home

Dad was big, big

Mom is with him shorter,

Well, my son is just a little baby!

He was very small

Walked around with rattles

Ding, la-la, ding, la-la!

The teacher takes out a model of a house from the chest, question: What is another name for a house in fairy tales?(hut, little house) .

I suggest you model and build a hut from our magic counting sticks(children work at tables) .

Now let's play and remember the heroes of fairy tales.

Ball game “Tell me which hero?”:

    bun - ruddy

    grandfather - old

    granny - gray

    hare - eared

    wolf - toothy

    bear - clubfoot

    fox - cunning

    turnip - big

    frog - green

    mouse - gray

    Masha - kind

    pies - delicious

    egg - golden

    hut - wooden

The teacher takes out a wolf mask from the chest: You and I will now visit another fairy tale. Or rather, we will show a fairy tale, and you will be real artists.

Distribution of roles with a counting rhyme:

Hedgehog, eccentric hedgehog,

I sewed a prickly jacket,

We have to choose a hero.

Fairy tale dramatization"Teremok" .

Summary of the lesson.

Little Red Riding Hood: I really enjoyed visiting you. You know a lot of fairy tales. And most importantly, you helped put order in my chest.

To the music, children say goodbye to Little Red Riding Hood and fairy tales.

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