Games by rules in social communicative development. Didactic games and teaching aids for the social and communicative development of children

The Federal State Educational Standard identifies 5 areas of development and education of children: social communicative development; cognitive development; speech development; artistically aesthetic development; physical development.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, a social and communicative direction has been defined, the objectives of which are:

- assimilation of norms and values ​​accepted in society, including moral and moral values;

- development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers;

- formation of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of one’s own actions;

Development of social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, empathy, formation of readiness for joint activities with peers, developing a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one’s family and to the community of children and adults in the Organization;

Formation of positive attitudes towards various types labor and creativity; formation of the foundations of safe behavior in everyday life, society, and nature.

To solve these problems, it is proposed to use the didactic game “Constructor of Emotions”.

Preschool age is the period when the foundation is laid preschool life child. The problem of emotional development of older preschoolers is relevant because emotional world plays an important role in the life of every person. This problem was dealt with by many teachers who argued that positive emotions create optimal conditions for active brain activity and are a stimulus for understanding the world. These emotions are involved in the emergence of any creative activity the child, and of course, in the development of his thinking. Then, as negative emotions force one to avoid unwanted or harmful actions, they protect and protect the child. If you look at our daily life, then you can see that our attitude towards people, events, and assessments of our own actions and actions depend on emotions.

From the practice of working with preschoolers, it is clear that year after year children come to kindergarten with a depressed emotional sphere. They cannot express their feelings, and if they do express them, it happens in a harsh form, which causes problems in communicating with peers and adults. The child withdraws into himself with his problems and fears.

Emotions help a child adapt to a particular situation. Thanks to emotional development, the child will be able to regulate his behavior, avoiding those actions that he could commit under the influence of random circumstances and fleeting desires. Therefore, it is necessary not only to study, but also to develop the emotional sphere of a preschooler, since emotions “tell” the adults around him about the state and inner world of the child.

Research shows that older children preschool age are able to correctly perceive the state of another person, while they more accurately determine joy, delight, admiration and find it difficult to determine sadness, sadness, fear, surprise. Children pay attention to facial expressions without attaching importance to pantomime (posture, gestures). Often the child simply does not know how to show his emotions.

Description of the game “Emotion Constructor”

This game will introduce the child to facial expressions of various emotions and feelings. Having awakened imagination and creativity, this construction set will help each child create his own image of a hero, play out various situations, expressing his feelings and emotions, and will also help him get acquainted with the problems that may arise in both children's team, and in the family.

This manual will be useful for children of primary and senior preschool age, teachers and parents. The allowance can be used for individual and collective activities of children.

Target: the ability to identify and distinguish between human emotions and feelings.

Tasks: promote the development of constructive skills; to form the social and emotional sphere of the child; develop imagination; develop fine motor skills; develop spatial and logical thinking; develop monologue and dialogic speech of children; cultivate a feeling of love for a loved one.

Games and exercises are carried out with a group, in pairs and individually.

They are used in any part of the day depending on the situation (for example, in routine moments - “morning greeting”, and are also included in educational activities - “ surprise moment») .

Didactic manual consists of the following elements:

2 face ovals (you can use more);

4 pairs of painted eyes;

A set of schematically depicted lips;

3 pairs of eyebrows;

Hairstyles (boy, girl, mom, dad, grandpa and grandma)

Game options:

Game "Collectors"

1 option. Invite children to collect this or that emotion, label it and discuss why the created character has such a mood. What happened to him, what happened? Or help the hero change sadness to joy and fear to surprise, simply by rearranging parts of the face, and then come up with a story.

Option 2. The game is played in pairs. Children jointly come up with a story, while composing one or another facial expression - an emotion. Then you can play out the situation in the form of a dialogue between the created images. For example: a dialogue between grandmother and grandson.

Game "Show it on yourself"

To play, you need to create a certain facial expression from the “emotion constructor”, and the children use mirrors to repeat this expression. Next, the children can talk about which emotion was closer and more pleasant to them, and which was the opposite and why. Invite them to remember life situations that caused them sadness, joy, surprise, fear, etc.

Game "Listen and collect"

Children are invited to listen to literary works - stories, poems, fairy tales, in which this or that emotion is worked out. After listening, children and an adult discuss what they read and collect the desired emotion on the board. For example: an excerpt from T. Shorygina’s poem: “I don’t want to be a coward”:

I'm afraid to tell my mom

That he broke a jug of flowers.

I'm shaking with fear,

I'm probably just a coward! or

... I called the guys into the yard,

Took my sister and brother -

Let's all ride!

Gave to Seryozha and Alyosha,

Gave to Andrey, Katya, Gaucher,

Let him please the guys

Silver scooter

We played very friendly -

Joy needs to be shared.

(T. A. Shorygina “They bought me a scooter”)

Sample list literary works, which will introduce children to this or that emotion.

Working with the emotion of sadness: Oster " Bad advice"; R.n. With. "Swan Geese", "The Cockerel and the Beanstalk"; S. Marshak “The Tale of a Stupid Mouse”; K. Chukovsky “Stolen Sun”:

Working with the Emotion of Surprise: A. Pushkin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”; D. Kharms “What was that? "; N. Nosov “Living Hat”; V. Suteev “Under the Fungus”; N. Ekimova “Clouds”.

Working with the emotion of fear: O. Knyazeva “Happy, Sad”; A. Kushnir “What's in the corner? "; G. Semenov “Happy Mistake”; E. Permyak “The worst thing.”

Working with the emotion of joy: K. Ushinsky “Four Wishes”; E. Blaginina “That’s what a mother is like!” "; K. Chukovsky “Stolen Sun”.

Working with the Emotion of Anger: K. Chukovsky “Stolen Sun”; V. Viktorov “Gloomy Eagle”.

Working with the emotion of grief: I. Tokmakova “I’m sad.”

Game "Theater of Emotions"

When emotions are well studied, children can be asked to use facial expressions and gestures to depict the emotion that is spoken in the poem. These poems can then be used as physical exercises. For example: "Witchcraft"

We start to play

We begin to cast a spell (hand movements are performed, as if children are casting a spell)

For all of us, without a doubt,

Mood affects. (Clap hands for each word)

Who is having fun... (image of facial expressions of joy)

Who is sad... (image of sadness)

Who's scared...

Who is angry...

"Baba Yaga"

In one forest there is a hut (we connect our hands above our heads - a roof)

Stands backwards (turns right and left)

And in that hut there is an old woman

Grandmother Yaga lives (as if we were tying a scarf)

Crochet nose (put your hand to your nose and place your finger like a hook)

Eyes like bowls (we put the fingers of both hands into rings and apply them to the eyes)

Like coals are burning (without removing your hands, turn right and left)

And angry and angry (we show anger, wave our fist)

The hair stands on end (put your fingers spread on your head)

And only one leg (we stand on one leg)

Not simple, bone

That's how Grandmother Yaga is! (We clap our knees. To the words of Grandmother Yaga we spread our arms to the sides)

"Merry Men"

Little people in lived at home,

They were friends with each other.

Their names were absolutely wonderful -

Hee-hee, Ha-ha, Ho-ho-ho.

The little men were surprised: -

Ho-ho, ho-ho, ho-ho-ho!

The dog walked towards them

And she breathed deeply.

The little men laughed:

Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee.

The dog got angry

And she shook her ears.

The people laugh:

Ha-ha, ha-ha, ha-ha-ha!

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Topics, purpose, game event Adult-children (partnership) activities Alleged independent activity children Materials and equipment
View Form of organization
I and my family. Formation of the child’s ideas about himself and loved ones. Final event: exhibition of joint creativity between adults and children “What autumn brought us” Gaming Story games “The family receives guests”, “The doll’s birthday”, “The doll got sick”, “The family moves to new apartment", "Ride the Bus", "Unforeseen Situation on the Road", Didactic games: “Polite words” “Call mom (dad) on the phone”, “Where we were, what we saw” “Who needs what for work”, “Who likes to do what?” and others. Theatrical game based on the fairy tale “The Three Bears”. Dramatization game “Our little Masha”, “Why is this so?” Playing with your favorite toy, character and role-playing attributes. Actions with characters from the fairy tale “The Three Bears”. Looking at family photo albums. Construction of familiar buildings from large and small construction sets. Games with water, soap bubbles, experiments with sand, clay. Modeling family composition (large and small circles). Productive activities with familiar natural visual materials. Dolls are large and medium; telephone. Large doll furniture, chairs, bed, sofa, cabinets for linen and dishes, kitchen stove; sets of tea and tableware, bedding and clothes for dolls, etc. Pictures depicting objects necessary for the activities of a man and a woman, family members, good and bad deeds. Caps-masks for dramatizing the fairy tale “The Three Bears”. (family photo albums) portrait-type photographs of family members and full height. Designers large and medium.
Conversation “My family”, “Holiday in my family”, “Everyone works in our family”, “Favorite activities of our family members”, etc. Storytelling on the topic “Our Friendly family”, Descriptive stories “Necessary Helpers”, (household items), etc. Situational conversations and speech situations: “You got lost”, “The child broke his mother’s favorite vase”, etc.

Didactic game for children “Wash the doll”

Target: transfer the acquired washing skills into play activities; Maintain positive feelings about the washing process.

Equipment: a water tap attached to the back of a high chair, a small plastic basin placed on the seat of the same high chair, a small terry towel or napkin with a loop placed on the same high chair with reverse side backs, a piece of soap - a small plastic brick from a construction set, a Katya doll.

The teacher draws the children's attention to the Katya doll, who is about to eat. Asks the children what needs to be done before sitting down at the table. Summarizes children's answers.

Educator. What should you offer Katya for washing her hands?

Children list the items placed in the play corner that are necessary for the game.

The teacher invites the children to perform actions with the participation of the doll in a certain sequence, accompanying their actions with reading nursery rhymes, approving or correcting the sequence of actions.

Now let’s wash Katya’s face with clean hands. Watch how I will do it. (Picks up some water in her cupped hands and brings it to the doll’s face, rubbing it with water, while reading the nursery rhyme: “Water-water...”)

Let's all show Katya how to wash her face together.

The teacher, together with the children, imitates these actions, repeating the words of the nursery rhyme.

Who wants to wash Katya? (Calls two or three children.)

The teacher encourages children to name the actions being performed by introducing the words into their active vocabulary: lather, shake, dry.

At the end of the game, the teacher, on behalf of the doll, thanks the children for teaching her how to wash her hands and face correctly, repeating: “It’s so good when your hands are clean.”

Well done! You are big and know how to wash your hands yourself and teach all your dolls to do this.

Tasks: teach to accept a game situation - bathe dolls, perform a sequential chain of game actions, accompany actions with speech, facial expressions, gestures, listen to figurative poetic speech; develop gaming experience; involve in making requests to each other; develop the ability to convey an attitude towards a doll as a child, express affection, understand its state (cheerful, sad, cold or warm, etc.), answer questions about the object and actions with it, show interest in adults, their actions; clarify the names of toilet items (soap, soap dish, towel, comb); verbally indicate the nature of the action (soap, rinse, wipe).

Equipment: naked dolls, bathtub or basins, soap (brick or other substitute), soap dish, towels, water tap.

The teacher draws the children's attention to the table, on which there is a bathtub with a naked doll, and toiletries are placed nearby.

Educator. Doll Tanya asks to bathe her, she is still small and does not know how to wash herself. Let's give her a bath and help her wash up. To keep the doll clean, we will take soap, lather the doll and then wash off the foam with water. What kind of water do you need - cold or hot?

If the children find it difficult, the teacher says: “That’s right, it’s warm!” After this, the teacher opens the water tap, “fills” the bath, drawing the children’s attention to how the water flowing from the tap “sings” (“s-s-s”), invites the doll Tanya to swim, and talks to her affectionately.

Come on, Tanya, I’ll pour some water on your back and wash your legs with soap.

Water, water,

Wash my face

To make your eyes sparkle,

To make your cheeks blush,

To make your mouth laugh,

So that the tooth bites!

Children, would you like to help me bathe our dolls?

The teacher distributes the necessary prepared game material. All children are involved in the game, carry out the actions shown and instructions.

Children, look, the dolls are clean, but they are cold, you need to quickly wrap them in a towel so that they don’t catch a cold.

The teacher repeats the nursery rhyme 3-4 times and invites the children to repeat the words. Then, on behalf of the dolls, he thanks the children.

Didactic game for children “Bathing a doll”

Target: consolidate the acquired washing skills in independent play activities; learn to transfer acquired skills to other gaming activities.

Equipment: baths, naked dolls, towels (napkins), “soap” (according to the number of children).

There are bathtubs on the children's tables, with all the necessary attributes nearby. The teacher has similar items on the table.

Educator. Children, you have learned how to wash your hands correctly, you taught this to your doll Katya. You have your own dolls who also want to be clean. Let's remember what needs to be done first?

Children. Wet the doll's body with water, take soap, lather, rinse the soap with water, wipe dry with a towel.

As they are named, the teacher invites the children to perform these actions, showing an example on their doll.

After completing all the actions, the teacher invites the children who wish to bathe their doll again.

Didactic game for children “Errands”

Tasks: develop orientation in space, the need to communicate with adults, goodwill towards them; introduce the arrangement of objects in the group room and their purpose; teach to show interest in toys, to carry out instructions at the request of an adult; consolidate knowledge of the names of the children in the group.

Equipment: doll, ball, cubes, cars.

Educator. Look, children, how many toys we have in our group. Each toy is in its place. And several toys are scattered around the group. They are lost and cannot find their place. Let's help them. Look carefully, where are our dolls sitting?

The children answer.

That's right, the dolls are sitting at the table. Masha, take the lost doll and sit it at the table. Tell me, where did you put the doll?

The child answers.

The teacher ensures that the children answer or repeat correctly.

Where do we have cups for dolls?

The children answer.

They are right on the table. Irochka, put the lost cups on the table.

The child performs.

Where are our cars parked?

The children answer.

Yes, the cars are in the garage. What car didn't come to the garage?

The children answer.

Seryozha, where did you park the car?

The child answers.

Now look what I have under the table?

Children. Ball.

Educator. Where should the ball be?

The children answer.

Well done, you beautifully put the toys in their places, the room became beautiful, and all the toys thank you for helping them find their place.

Didactic game for children “Room for dolls”

Tasks: learn to name and distinguish pieces of furniture (table, chair, sofa, bed, armchair); enrich the vocabulary with adjectives (big, small, hard, soft, wooden); form primary ideas about the origin of things; cultivate neatness in relation to things.

Equipment: doll furniture: table, chair, wardrobe, bed, sofa.

The teacher invites the children to visit the dolls. Notice how beautiful the dolls are in the room. On behalf of the dolls, he invites children to the table.

Educator. Come in and sit on the chairs. Children, where have we come?

Children. We came to visit.

Educator. Where did the dolls invite us to sit?

Children. We sat down at the table.

Educator. Which chairs did the children sit on, and which did the dolls sit on?

The children answer.

(Asks the dolls.) Dolls, where do you sleep? (Speaks on behalf of the dolls.) We sleep on the bed. Children, who wants to put the doll to bed?

The children answer.

Where did they put the doll to sleep?

Children. The doll sleeps on a soft bed.

Educator. Where can children sleep?

Children. Children can sleep on the sofa.

Educator. What else do you need a sofa for?

Children. You can sit on the sofa and listen to fairy tales.

Educator. Why is there a locker in the room? Who knows?

The children answer.

Right. We put things in the locker. Tell me, Alyosha, where do the dolls put their things?

Child. Things are put in the closet.

Educator. Tell me, what is the cabinet made of?

Children. It's wooden.

Educator. Did you enjoy visiting the dolls?

The children answer. The dolls invite us to drink tea.

The activity turns into a game.

Didactic game “Let’s feed the doll lunch”

Tasks: consolidate the idea of ​​using utensils; form a generalized concept of dishes, primary ideas about the origin of things; develop gaming experience, the need to communicate with adults, goodwill towards them; engage in naming familiar words, make sentences with them on the topic.

Equipment: dolls, table, chairs according to the number of dolls, plate, spoon, cup, pan, kettle.

The teacher invites the children to the dolls. Speaks on behalf of the big doll.

Doll. Raya, Mashenka and Zhenya, wash your hands well, don’t skimp on the soap!

Children go to the tap with “water”, “soap” their hands, “wash off” the foam, “wipe” them dry.

I already set the table, set out the cutlery for everyone, and handed out napkins to everyone. Educator. Children, what is on the table?

The children answer.

What are spoons for?

The children answer.

What are napkins for?

The children answer.

Let's sit the dolls at the table and feed them.

Doll. Stop talking - I poured you some soup. Educator. What do you need to feed your dolls soup? Children. A saucepan, soup is cooked in a saucepan, a plate, soup is poured into a plate, soup is eaten with a spoon.

Educator. Let's feed the dolls soup, saying: “Eat the soup, it's delicious. Eat carefully!”

At the end of the “meal”, he invites the children to wipe their mouths with a napkin.

And now you can drink compote. The compote was poured into the teapot. Alena, take the teapot and pour compote into the cups.

The child performs.

Tell me, Natasha, what do the dolls drink?

Child. They drink compote.

Educator. What do dolls drink compote from?

Children. They drink compote from a cup.

Educator. Well done, we ate everything! What needs to be said?

Children. Thank you.

Educator. Now you need to wash the dishes. Children, what are we going to wash?

Children. Dishes.

Educator. The dolls' room will again be beautiful, everything will be clean and in its place.

Independent play continues in the play corner.

Didactic game “Let’s feed the doll Masha”

Target: consolidate acquired table behavior skills and transfer them to another situation.

Equipment: doll Masha; game table and chairs; teaware; devices.

The teacher draws the children's attention to a table covered with a beautiful tablecloth, asks the children to put everything they need on the table: a teapot, cups and saucers, teaspoons, a sugar bowl, vases with treats. The teacher brings in the doll Masha, greets the children, invites Masha to the table on behalf of the children, the children offer Masha tea and various treats: bagels, cookies, pies made from salt dough. The teacher repeats the names of the treats, affectionately inviting the doll to sit at the table with the children. Invites the child to pour tea into cups, add sugar, stir it and treat the doll and children. The children, together with the doll and the teacher, “drink” tea, saying: “How delicious!”, “Help yourself, please.” At the end of the tea party, the doll Masha thanks the children for the treat and promises to come again.

Didactic game “Vanyushka’s birthday”

Target: consolidate the acquired skills of behavior at the table in a gaming situation, cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other.

Equipment: Vanya doll; a set table with arranged cutlery, toys that are invited to the birthday party.

The teacher, on behalf of the doll Vanechka, invites the children to a birthday party. Children with their toys greet Vanechka on their behalf, congratulate him on his birthday and sit down to the covered festive table. Vanya treats the children with sweets, fruits, and tea. Children thank, express joy (“Everything is so delicious!”), ask for something to be served or tea to be poured. At the end of the tea party, the children thank Vanechka, and he invites all the guests to dance with him.

Didactic game “What should we give Mishka for his birthday?”

Tasks: continue to develop the need to communicate with adults, goodwill towards them, imagination; learn to convey your ideas about the purpose of objects in everyday life.

Equipment: a teddy bear with a red bow on its neck, a barrel of honey, a pine cone, small toys - bears, balls (the number of toys according to the number of children).

Educator. It’s your friend Mishka-Goptyzhka’s birthday today, he invited you all to visit him. Do you want to go to Mishka-Toptyzhka’s birthday party?

The children answer.

What should you bring for your birthday?

Children. Present.

Educator. Let's choose gifts and go to visit the bear for his birthday.

Children choose their favorite “gifts” from the table and move to another corner of the room, where a smart bear sits at the table. Children say hello to the bear and sit on the chairs.

The teacher invites the children to congratulate Teddy Bear and give him gifts. The children take turns congratulating.

Seryozha, what will you give to the bear?

The child answers.

Why does he need a barrel of honey? Child. Bears love to eat honey.

If the child finds it difficult, the teacher helps him make up a sentence and asks him to repeat.

Educator. What will Daniel give the bear?

Child. I'll give Mishka-Toptyzhka a cone.

Educator. Why does a bear need a cone?

Child. He chews on pine cones.

Educator. Who will you give to Mishka-Toptyzhka, Yura?

Child. I'll give him a teddy bear.

Educator. Why does he need a bear?

Child. The bears will have fun.

Other toys are given in the same way. The teacher thanks the children on behalf of the bear.

Game "Bubble"

Children (hold hands and move backward, expanding the circle)

Blow up, bubble,

Blow up big

Stay like this

Don't burst out.

A large, stretched circle is formed.

Presenter (touches the joint of hands). The bubble burst!

All children pronounce “t-s-s-s”, imitating air escaping, and move towards the center.

Then the game resumes.

Didactic game “Dress the doll Masha for a walk”

Target: teach how to consistently put on outerwear on a doll; fix the name of the outerwear.

Equipment: doll Masha; a set of clothes for the season.

Children sit on chairs. The teacher brings the Masha doll and a chest with her clothes into the group, and addresses the children on Masha’s behalf.

Educator. Children, it's getting cold. I really want to go for a walk with you, but I don’t know how to dress. Help me please!

The teacher takes out items of clothing according to the season from the chest, invites the children to name them using adjectives (red tights, warm pants, rubber boots, fluffy blouse, yellow jacket, beautiful hat, soft scarf).

Let's tell Mashenka what to wear first. That's right, first you need to put on tights. How are we going to put them on? Go, Irochka, sit Mashenka on your knees and put on her red tights.

Pants are put on in the same way.

Now let’s put on the boots: this one on the right foot, this one on the left foot. What will we put on Mashenka next? That's right, Seryozha, go put a blouse on the doll. Tell the children what kind of blouse Mashenka has?

Seryozha. Fluffy, soft, beautiful.

Educator. Remember how we put Vanechka’s shirt on: first on one arm, then on the other. Let's fasten all the buttons so that Masha doesn't catch a cold. But you can’t walk like that yet. It's cold outside and you need to wear a jacket and a hat.

Alena, go put a jacket on Mashenka and show all the kids how to put on a jacket correctly. Well done! All that remains is to put on a hat and tie a scarf.

Invites children to do this if they wish. When the doll is dressed, the teacher reads a nursery rhyme.

One two three four five -

We're going for a walk.

Tied up for Mashenka

Striped scarf,

Let's get dressed - I myself, I myself!

Mashenka is dressed and invites all the children for a walk. Let's go get dressed!

Didactic game “Let’s dress the doll Tanya for a walk”

Tasks: develop the need to address questions and requests to an adult; reproduce game actions; learn to recognize yourself, your family members in a photo, and show interest in the facial expressions of your peers; fix the names of winter clothes and their purpose.

Equipment: doll with a set of winter clothes (fur coat, hat, mittens, boots, knitted suit, scarf); photographs of children and their families.

The teacher draws attention to photographs of children and their family members and asks them to find photographs of people wearing winter clothes. The teacher asks to name who they see in the photograph, why are people dressed in winter clothes?

There is a knock on the door, the teacher brings in the crying doll Tanya and asks what happened? Why is she crying? The doll replies that she wants to go for a walk, but does not know how to dress for a walk in winter.

Educator. Children, let's calm down the Tanya doll, help her get dressed and take her for a walk. What should she wear?

The children answer.

That's right, Tanya brought us her clothes.

The teacher lays out clothes on a chair and asks the children to name the things.

What should Tanya wear first?

Children. First we put on warm pants.

Educator. Pants are knitted from warm wool threads. This grandmother knitted pants for her granddaughter. What are you wearing for Tanya, Olya?

The child answers.

Why are you putting her pants on?

The child answers.

What do we wear next?

Children. Socks, boots.

The conversation on each item is conducted in the same way.

The teacher draws attention to the fact that you need to put on one thing at a time, carefully straightening them out, and take your time. When the doll is dressed, she invites the children to get dressed too and go for a walk together. The doll goes out with the children into the dressing room, the children remember the dressing sequence.

When the children get dressed, the teacher, on behalf of the Tanya doll, offers to take a photo of everyone together on a walk.

Didactic game “Buckle and Lace”

Goal: develop fine motor skills; strengthen the skills of buttoning and unfastening buttons; learn to lace correctly.

Equipment: various fasteners with a set of small attributes, fasteners can be made independently. Silhouettes are cut out of thick fabric: favorite animals: bunny, fox, bear, hedgehog (you can attach bows, ties, aprons to them, apples, mushrooms for hedgehogs); trees (attach leaves, apples); baskets (vegetables, fruits, mushrooms are attached); New Year's tree (balloons and toys are attached); lacing various shapes and configurations.

Didactic game “Button up”

Children perform actions with fasteners. The teacher individually, if necessary, provides assistance and explains the actions being performed.

Didactic game "Laces"

Children perform actions with lacing. The teacher provides individual assistance and explains the correct execution.

Game-dramatization “Olya and Aibolit”

Tasks: highlight and name parts of the doll’s body, items of clothing; learn to correlate play actions with a doll with a word; clearly pronounce the sounds [o], [a] in onomatopoeia.

Equipment: Olya doll, Doctor Aibolit.

The teacher brings to the group new doll, waits for the children to pay attention to her.

Educator. A beautiful doll came to our group. What is her name? Her name is Olya. Please look at what Olya is wearing?

The children answer.

So, a coat? No, it's a jacket and trousers. What's on your head? The children answer.

That's right, a hat. It is cold now. What is she wearing on her hands?

The children answer.

That's right, mittens to keep your hands from freezing.

But why are you, Olya, crying? Do you hear Olya crying: “Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh!” Olya, why are you crying? Her teeth hurt. Guys, what should I do?

The children answer.

To fix your teeth, of course. Who will we invite?

The children answer.

That's right, Doctor Aibolit. Let's call him on the phone. Denis, please help me dial the number and say: “Doctor Aibolit, come to us as soon as possible. Olya’s teeth hurt.”

The child performs.

Children, let's all call Dr. Aibolit together: “Doctor Aibolit, come!”

Everyone repeats together.

Unbeknownst to the children, the teacher takes out a toy representing a doctor.

Dr. Aibolit. Hello guys! Who called me? Children and howl feeder. Hello, doctor!

Dr. Aibolit. Is Olya sick? I'll look at her now. First, take off your hat and mittens. Olya open your mouth. Yes, that's a bad tooth. Now I will cure you. That's it, it won't hurt anymore. Do you guys have any toothache? Now I will examine you too. Please say "ah-ah-ah."

Holding a doll in his hand, the teacher approaches each child and asks them to say “a-a-a.”

You are all healthy. I must visit other sick people. Goodbye.

Educator. The doctor left. Let's shake our Olya "a-a-a."

Lets several children rock the doll in turn.

Olya doesn't cry anymore. Lenochka and Sveta, take Olya by the hands. Let's show her our group, our doll corner, and treat her to tea.

The action moves to the play corner, where children begin to play with dolls. The teacher teaches children how to pour tea, put sugar in cups, and stir.

Didactic game “The doll wants to sleep”

Tasks: introduce a new game chain of actions (put the mattress on the bed, cover it with a sheet, put a pillow, lay the doll down, cover it with a blanket); teach how to treat the doll affectionately.

Equipment: cribs (according to the number of children playing), blankets, duvet covers, pillows, pillowcases, sheets, mattresses; chairs; dolls

There are cots placed on the table (carpet).

Educator. Today we will...

Children(prompt). Put the dolls to bed.

Educator. That's right, put our Masha to bed. Where should we put Masha?

The children answer.

That's right, on the bed. Sit, Masha, near the crib, we will prepare everything for you.

The teacher takes out the necessary items one by one, acts slowly and clearly, commenting with a short phrase.

This is a mattress. What is this and why?

The children answer.

That's right, this is a mattress to sleep softly. We put it on the mattress...

The children answer.

That's right, a sheet. Sheets to prevent the mattress from getting dirty.

This is how he comments and discusses every subject.

Lie down, Mashenka, put your head on the pillow, I’ll cover you with a blanket to keep you warm. Sleep! Good night! I'll sing you a song. (Sings a lullaby, attracting children to sing along.) Bye-bye-bye.

Didactic game “Let’s put the doll Masha to sleep”

Target: learn to take off clothes in a certain sequence, carefully hang things on a high chair.

Equipment: doll - girl; doll furniture (bed with a set of accessories, high chair).

Children sit in a semicircle on chairs. The teacher has the necessary attributes on the table. The teacher takes the Masha doll and addresses the children on her behalf, asks them to help her undress and go to bed, and encourages the children to help.

Educator. Mashenka, let us first help you take off your dress. Like this. (Accompanies the actions with words, grabs the dress from below and lifts the arms up, pulling out one handle, then the second, then removes the dress from the head.)

Oh, how difficult it is for Mashenka! Who wants to help her take off her dress? (Invites three or four children, accompanies the actions with words, reinforcing the sequence of actions, encouraging the children to pronounce these actions.)

Well done guys, we taught Mashenka to take off her dress, but where do we put it? That's right, on the back of the chair. Irochka, carefully hang the dress on the back of the chair. What else do we need to remove? That's right, shoes and socks. Misha, please help me take the shoes off Mashenka’s feet and put them under the high chair.

Sashenka, do you want to help take Mashenka’s socks off and put them back in place? Where do we put the socks?

Children. On a high chair.

Educator. We carefully straighten out all the clothes and put Mashenka to sleep. (Reads a nursery rhyme while stroking the doll.)

Sleep, Masha the sun,

Go to sleep, little grain of wheat.

Sleep, my dear,


Didactic game “Let’s put the doll Vanya to sleep”

Target: teach to remove clothes from a boy doll, unbutton the front buttons.

Equipment: doll - boy; doll furniture (bed with a set of accessories, high chair).

The teacher draws the children's attention to the objects of the game and asks what the crib and high chair are for. Gives children the opportunity to answer and summarizes their answers.

Educator. Who wants to sleep with us? (Draws attention to the Vanechka doll sitting nearby.)

The teacher and children look at the doll’s clothes and name them.

Vanechka is dressed in blue trousers and a yellow shirt. But Vanechka is very tired and wants to quickly go to bed. Let's all help him. What will we take off of Vanechka first? That's right, a shirt. And to take it off, you need to unfasten the buttons. Who knows how to unbutton buttons?

If such a child is not there, the teacher shows how to do this: take the button by one end and push it through the loop.

Where will we hang Vanya’s shirt? That's right, on the back of the chair, just like Mashenka's dress. We hang it carefully, adjust the sleeves and put them on the back. Like this. Who will help you take off your pants?

Go, Andryusha, take off Vanechka’s trousers and put them on the chair. Like this. What else needs to be removed from Vanechka? That's right, shoes and socks. Where do we put them so they don't get lost? Go, Anya, put everything back in its place and put Vanya in the crib. Like this. We will cover him with a blanket: warm and fluffy and sing a song.

Lyuli-lyuli, lyuli bai,

Get to sleep quickly!

I'll walk on water

I'll give the bunny some tea.

Didactic game “Putting the dolls to sleep”

Target: consolidate the ability to remove clothes, following the sequence of actions with a little help from adults; learn to ask an adult for help.

Equipment: girl dolls and boy dolls; cribs and high chairs according to the size of the dolls according to the number of children.

The teacher draws the children's attention to the furniture and dolls sitting on the children's tables. Children choose any dolls they want and stand next to them.

Educator. Children, let's remember how we put the dolls to bed, undressed them, and folded their clothes. Who can tell me how we will undress our dolls, girls and boys.

The children answer.

Where will we put the clothes? That's right, on the chairs.

The teacher observes the children’s actions, corrects them if necessary, encourages them to pronounce the actions, and speak affectionately to the dolls. Encourages children. When all the dolls are put into bed, a lullaby is sung.

Bye-bye, bye-bye!

You, little dog, don't bark,

Beloloba, don't whine,

Don't wake up our baby!

At the request of the children, the game can continue.

Didactic game “Doll Masha woke up”

Target: teach how to put clothes on a girl doll, following the sequence of actions with a little help from adults; fix the name of the clothing.

Equipment: Masha doll; doll furniture (bed with a set of accessories, high chair).

Children sit on chairs. On the table in front of them is a crib with a sleeping doll Masha.

Educator(lifts the doll out of bed)

Stretch, stretch,

Geese flew low.

Stretch, stretch,

The feathers are soft in the pillow.

I have a girlfriend -

Down pillow.

Our baby woke up, our Mashenka woke up. Shall we help her get dressed?

The children answer.

Nastenka, take the doll and put her on the chair. What should we put on her first? That's right, a dress. Who wants to dress Mashenka in a dress? Here it hangs neatly on the chair. Sashenka, take the dress and put it on Mashenka. Like this, look: let’s take the dress with two handles and put it over the head, then we’ll put the handles into the sleeves, lower the dress down, and straighten the collar.

The teacher performs the actions together with the child.

What else does Mashenka need to wear? That's right, socks and shoes. Go, Irochka, take one sock and put it on Mashenka’s foot. Well done. Who wants to put on a second sock?

Now let’s put Mashenka’s shoes on and take her to play with us.

The child puts the shoes on the doll and takes it in his arms.

The teacher, on behalf of Mashenka, thanks the children for their help and invites them to play the outdoor game “Catch Me.”

Didactic game “Vanya the doll woke up”

Target: continue to teach how to put clothes on a boy doll; consolidate the sequence of actions; learn to use your things, know them.

Equipment: Vanechka doll; doll furniture (bed with a set of accessories, high chair).

The teacher tells the children how the doll Mashenka told her friend the doll Vanechka that she was visiting, and the children taught her how to dress properly. Vanechka also wants to be taught how to dress properly.

Educator. And now we’ll wake him up quietly: Vanechka, wake up!

Stretch, stretch,

Geese flew low.

Stretch, stretch,

The feathers are soft in the pillow.

I have a girlfriend -

Down pillow.

The teacher invites the children to dress the doll and assigns the names of the Vanechka doll’s clothing items.

What will we put on Vanya first? That's right, a shirt. Go, Seryozha, help me put the shirt on the doll. Let's take a shirt and put the sleeve on first one arm, then the other. Like this. Well done. Who wants to help Vanechka fasten the buttons on his shirt? Go, Anya. Well done. Anya took the button, found her house and let her in. Here is a little button looking out the window.

So gradually all the buttons are fastened. If there are those willing, call them, accompanying the actions with words. When all the buttons are fastened, the teacher pays attention to accuracy, adjusting the collar.

What should Vanechka wear next? That's right, pants. They are more convenient to put on when sitting on a chair. Vovochka, put Vanya on your knees and put on his trousers. Well done! That's how beautiful our Vanya is! But you also need to put clothes on your feet so that they don’t freeze. Invites children who want to put on their socks and shoes. The teacher, on behalf of Vanechka, thanks the children and invites them to play the round dance game “Who is good with us!”

Didactic game "Tricky Shoes"

Target: consolidate the skill of putting on shoes correctly; learn to distinguish between shoes: sandals, shoes; give the concept of “pair of shoes”; develop children’s speech, the ability to communicate with adults, and answer questions.

Material: doll; “magic” box with shoes.

The group “includes” the Alena doll with a “magic” box.

Doll. Hello children! I came to visit you.

Teacher and children. Hello, Alyonushka! Come visit us, we are glad to see you!

Doll. Guys, while I was walking to you, my legs hurt - my shoes were too tight.

The teacher and the children look at Alena’s shoes and find out that her shoes are on incorrectly.

Please teach me how to put on shoes correctly.

The teacher takes off the doll's shoes.

Educator. We have two legs and two shoes, each leg has its own shoe. If you put the shoes with their toes in different directions, they will “quarrel” and will be put on incorrectly. And if we put the shoes so that the toes are next to each other and look at each other, then we will put on the shoes correctly.

The teacher accompanies the story with a demonstration. Once again he draws the children’s attention to how to place shoes correctly and invites the doll Alena to put on her shoes.

Doll. Thank you, now the shoes don't feel too tight.

Alena shows the “magic” box. Look what's in my box.

The box contains two pairs of shoes: shoes and sandals.

The teacher takes out a pair of shoes and puts them “toes apart” - they “quarreled.”

Then he takes out a pair of sandals, puts them “toes to each other”, they will “look at each other, be friends.”

Educator. Which pair of shoes is wrong? Correct the mistake.

Children correct.

Now I’ll tell you a story about tricky shoes.

“Olenka had cunning shoes, but she decided to outsmart them.

Mom bought Olenka shoes with straps. Olya placed them so that the straps were side by side. And... chuck!.. grab the straps with both hands at once! Olenka spread her shoes to the sides and quietly put them on the floor. The left shoe was immediately put on the left leg, and the right shoe was put on the right leg. That's all the tricks! The main thing is that the straps are side by side!”

During the story, the teacher shows all the actions on shoes with straps.

This is how, Alyonushka, you need to put on your shoes correctly: toe to toe, strap to strap. Guys, show Alyonushka how you learned to put on shoes.

The children show the doll, the doll notes that the children have different shoes, and asks everyone to name theirs. Children call.

The doll thanks the children for their help and says goodbye to them.

Didactic game “Dolls visiting children”

Tasks: learn to name parts of the doll’s body and items of clothing; intensify the use of adjectives denoting color, correlate play actions with a doll with the word; pronounce the sound [a] protractedly in onomatopoeic words.

Equipment: 6 - 8 new dolls in different clothes (preferably talking, with closing eyes), tea utensils (cups, saucers, spoons, teapot, sugar bowl, milk jug).

The teacher notices that someone has come to visit. He invites you to the locker room, the children find dolls there and bring them to the group.

Educator. What beautiful dolls! What's your doll's name? (Addresses each child.)

The children answer. Do you like her?

The children answer.

What color is Olya's doll's hair?

The children answer.

The children answer.

Can Olya talk?

The children answer.

Let's listen to what she says?

Children. Mother.

Educator. What's your doll's name?

The child answers.

What color is her hair?

The child answers.

What does she say?

The child answers.

The doll opened its eyes. What color are her eyes?

The child answers.

And what about yours, Anya?

The child answers.

Tanya's doll has blue eyes, like cornflowers. And your doll, Nina, has blue eyes like cornflowers. What color is yours, Lena?

The child answers.

Sasha, what color is your doll’s mouth? Child. Red.

Educator. Alyosha, does your doll Katya have a red mouth?

The child answers.

And yours? The Nastya doll has a flowered dress.

The dolls are tired and want to sleep. Let's put the dolls to sleep, rock them and sing a song: “Ah-ah, ah-ah, sleep, doll, bye-bye.”

Children rock dolls. You can walk around quietly, rock the dolls, singing a song to them.

The dolls slept. We woke up. Let's give them tea now, but first we'll sit them down at the table.

Children seat dolls in the play corner at the table.

What kind of utensils do we need?

Children bring tea sets and a tea party is played out. The teacher joins the game and suggests game actions to those children who need it.

Doll Tanya drinks tea from a cup. Vanya will put sugar in the tea and stir it with a spoon.

The child performs.

Where's the sugar?

Child. In the sugar bowl.

Educator. Anyone who wants can add milk to their tea. Milk in the milk jug. Take it, Petya, milkmen, pour a little into the tea.

The child performs.

We drank. Wipe your mouth with a napkin. Here are the napkins, in the napkin holder. Now let's put away the dishes. Let's wash her.

Didactic game “Doll Katya is preparing lunch”

Tasks: expand ideas about the possibilities of using group room conditions; introduce methods of preparing simple dishes; learn to name the qualities of a product and the actions performed with it (cut, salt, mix); enrich and activate the vocabulary through the names of lunch dishes (soup, pasta, cutlets, compote, etc.); use generalizing words in speech (dishes, products); learn how to maintain order in a group room; reflect the rules of behavior in speech (if you have prepared food, you need to wash the dishes and put them in place).

Equipment: new attributes in the gaming corner (food, substitute items).

Educator. What do you need to prepare lunch?

Children. Dishes, food.

Educator. The pan has a bottom, high walls, two handles, a lid, and a handle on the lid; The teapot is large, it has one handle, spout, bottom, high walls - a lot of water will come in. Both the saucepan and the kettle are dishes. What else do you need to prepare dinner?

The children answer.

That's right, products. Who wants to make soup?

The children answer.

Take a saucepan and everything you need to cook the soup (potatoes, carrots). Pour water into the pan, wash the potatoes and carrots, cut them, put them in the pan, cover the pan with a lid and place on the stove. Who wants to cook pasta?

The children answer.

Who will fry the cutlets?

The children answer.

Who will cook the compote?

The children answer.

Where will we cook the compote?

The children answer.

Where will we pour it?

Children. In the kettle.

In this way, the teacher divides the children into small groups (2-3 people each) according to the actions they perform. Included in the game if necessary.

Didactic game “Grow, braid, to the waist”

Tasks: introduce hairdressing accessories (comb, hair dryer, curlers); learn to navigate the group space: know the location and purpose of various activity centers, independently find something to do, use substitute toys; enrich and develop vocabulary through words: cut, dry hair, comb your hair.

Equipment:“hair salon” corner, dolls, comb, scissors, water jug, hair dryer, negligees large for children and small for dolls.

The teacher draws the children's attention to the corner for playing hairdresser.

Educator. Why is this corner here?

The children answer.

That's right, this is a hairdresser, adults and children come here to get their hair cut. How many of you went to the hairdresser with your mother?

The children answer.

Today I am a hairdresser, and you will come to me to get your hair cut. Who comes in first?

The children answer.

And the rest, wait a little.

What do you need to do? (Addresses the child.) First we will put on a peignoir so as not to stain our clothes. Let's wash your daughter's hair, pour some water on her, soap her up (use a brick of soap), wash her off again with some water and dry her with a towel. Sit in front of the mirror, I will cut your hair. (Carry out the actions.) It turned out beautifully. Now I'll blow dry my hair and comb it. Who is next?

The game repeats itself. You can offer the role of a hairdresser to a child. The teacher monitors and, if necessary, corrects the sequence of actions.

Didactic game “The monkey is waiting for guests”

Tasks: generalize knowledge about table setting, about some food products; introduce new toy- a monkey, with a new product - pineapple, with its appearance, color, surface features, aroma, taste; train in naming and using examination actions (stroke, press, smell, taste); enrich your vocabulary with new words: monkey, pineapple, rough, fragrant, smell, sour; develop independent initiative colloquial speech: use simple sentences with homogeneous members in speech; learn to clearly pronounce the sound [h"].

Equipment: set of products: carrots, banana, orange, apple, pineapple; girl doll, boy doll, hare, monkey; utensils (plates, forks, cups).

Educator(includes cheerful music). Children, what kind of music is playing - happy or sad?

The children answer.

What are we going to do with this music?

The children answer.

The music is cheerful, joyful, and fun to dance to. Who turned on the funny music? What do you think, Irochka? (Asks several children.)

The children answer. The teacher shows the monkey. Who is this? Why is she so elegant, with a bow? The children answer.

Our monkey's name is Chita, today is her birthday - she invited her friends to visit. Let's meet the monkey. The monkey likes to say “chi-chi-chi”, this is how he says hello.

The monkey turns to the children in turn, each of them repeats the sound combinations “chi-chi-chi”. They finish saying the following: cho-cho - it’s hot, chi-chi - don’t scream, cho-cho - I’ll fly away.

But someone is knocking. The guests are probably already coming. Who is this?

He brings in a girl doll, a boy doll, and a bunny. The toys greet the monkey and the children, congratulate the monkey on his birthday and give him gifts - a basket of fruits and vegetables. The monkey thanks and invites everyone to the doll corner. Children with toys go to the play corner.

Children, who came to visit the monkey Chita?

The children answer.

The monkey wants to treat his friends. Let's seat the guests at the table. Svetochka, sit down the doll Olya.

The child places the doll at the table.

Who did Sveta sit at the table?

The children answer.

And Andryusha will seat Misha at the table. (Offers a boy doll.) Who did Andryusha invite to the table?

The children answer. Who else do we have left?

The children answer. Katya, put the bunny on the chair.

The child performs. Children, what did the guests bring to the monkey?

The children answer. Let's see what's in the basket?

He takes familiar objects out of the basket and puts everything on a plate. What is this? What colour? How can you eat this?

The children answer. The teacher takes out a pineapple. And what's that?

Everyone looks at the pineapple, determining the following features: color, shape, appearance, smell, hardness, surface character. All this time, the teacher activates the children’s vocabulary.

Let's set the table. What should be placed on the table to make it convenient for guests to eat?

Children choose plates, forks, napkins. As the activity progresses, the teacher asks the children what the fork is for? What will Olya do with the napkin? You can create a game situation: the bunny does not want to use a napkin. The teacher asks the children to explain what the napkin is for.

The table is set, the guests sit down at the table. Now they will choose their treat. What do you think the bunny will choose?

The children answer.

Why do you think he will choose his carrot?

When answering a question, the child uses complex sentences.

What will Olya doll choose for herself?

The children answer.

Yes. Olya loves apples. What does Misha like to eat?

The children answer.

What does Chita the monkey like?

The children answer.

Yes, Chita loves bananas! Go, Lenochka, give Chita a banana.

The child performs.

What does Lena treat Chita to?

The children answer. And Chita wants to treat everyone to pineapple.

Children sit down at the table and treat themselves to pineapple. The teacher asks the children about the taste of pineapple and its aroma.

Didactic game “Let's help Yura”

Tasks: teach to show empathy for other children, identify pronounced emotional states (cries), safe behavior(not to leave parents), distinguish and name the actions of adults aimed at caring for children; Expand words knowledge; introduce transport; develop dexterity.

Equipment: a boy doll, pictures depicting the actions of children who have lost their parents (among strangers, next to a dog, alone in the forest, alone on the road, etc.), toys, telephone, airplane or their images in the picture.

Educator. Children, do you hear someone crying? Let's see if someone is standing outside the door. (Opens the door, picks up a boy doll, who continues to cry.) What is your name? Why are you crying? Children, why do you think the boy is crying?

The children answer.

(Addresses the doll.) Don’t cry, we will help you. Children, let's take pity on the boy and calm him down. Natasha, calm the boy down. And you, Seryozha, what will you tell him?

The child answers.

Pat him on the head and say: “Don’t cry, we will help you find your mother.”

The doll “calms down” and “says” its name (Yura).

Yura doll. My mother and I went to the grocery store. Mom told me not to leave her anywhere. But I didn’t listen to her, left the store and went to look at the birds. Then I returned to the store, and my mother was not there. I ran to look for her and got completely lost. I saw children in kindergarten and came to you. Help me find my mom!

Educator. Children, how can we help Yura?

The children answer.

You need to call the police, call home, take the boy home if he knows the way and the address. Children, what could have happened to Yura if he had not come to us?

The children answer.

That's right, he could have been scared big dog, and strangers could also pick him up and take him to another city, he could get hit by a car or get lost in the forest. I’ll show you the photographs now, and you tell me what could have happened to Yura in your photograph.

The children answer.

Yura, do you understand what could happen to you? Let's call the phone now and call the rescue service, they will help us find your mother.

And then mom came.

Mom doll. My son, I was looking for you for so long, I was worried. You won't leave me anymore. And tell all the children that you can’t leave your mother anywhere, you can get lost.

Now let's all take a plane ride together! (Show the plane.) What is this? Where are the plane's wings? How does it sound? Where is the plane going?

The children answer. Then the children spread their arms to the sides, depicting an airplane, and follow the teacher, repeating A. Barto’s poem “Airplane.”

We'll build the plane ourselves

Let's fly over the forests.

Let's fly over the forests,

And then let's go back to mom!

Children-"airplanes" fly in a group past trees (cones), houses (chairs) and try not to knock them over. The teacher makes sure that the children run carefully, do not lower their heads too much, and do not bump into others.

Game "City Trip"

Tasks: learn to apply constructive skills in story games, play out the building created together with the teacher, unite in play with other children, establish relationships; cultivate positive emotional attitude to peers.

Equipment: chairs (large building blocks, hoops), passenger toys.

Educator. Children, do you want to go on a fun trip?

The children answer. Where will we go?

Children name their options; you can accept the child’s option by changing the planned theme of the trip.

What are we going to ride?

The children answer. Let's build a bus out of chairs.

Children build under the guidance of a teacher, he chooses a driver from among the players - he is given a steering wheel (wheel) - and, if necessary, recalls characteristic actions. The children and the teacher get on the bus, the driver imitates the movement of the steering wheel, and the children imitate the noise of the engine. The teacher tells and comments on what and who they see outside the window, everyone waves to the imaginary passengers of the other bus. Dolls and bears can travel with the children, and cargo can be transported for children from a neighboring kindergarten.

Didactic games on the social and communicative development of children of primary and secondary preschool age

The card index of didactic games was prepared by:

teacher at the Municipal Preparatory Educational Institution of Nizhnevartovsk

DS No. 38 "Domovenok"

Muzhipova Gulnaz Ilshatovna

Preschool age is the period when the foundation of a child’s preschool life is laid. The problem of the emotional development of older preschoolers is relevant because the emotional world plays an important role in the life of every person. This problem was dealt with by many teachers who argued that positive emotions create optimal conditions for active brain activity and are a stimulus for understanding the world. These emotions are involved in the emergence of any creative activity of the child, and of course, in the development of his thinking. Then, as negative emotions force one to avoid unwanted or harmful actions, they protect and protect the child. If you look at our daily life, you can see that our attitude towards people, events, and assessment of our own actions and actions depend on emotions.

From the practice of working with preschoolers, it is clear that year after year children come to kindergarten with a depressed emotional sphere. They cannot express their feelings, and if they do express them, it happens in a harsh form, which causes problems in communicating with peers and adults. The child withdraws into himself with his problems and fears.

Emotions help a child adapt to a particular situation. Thanks to emotional development, the child will be able to regulate his behavior, avoiding those actions that he could commit under the influence of random circumstances and fleeting desires. Therefore, it is necessary not only to study, but also to develop the emotional sphere of a preschooler, since emotions “tell” the adults around him about the state and inner world of the child.

Research shows that children of older preschool age are able to correctly perceive the state of another person, while they more accurately define joy, delight, admiration and find it difficult to define sadness, sadness, fear, surprise. Children pay attention to facial expressions without attaching importance to pantomime (posture, gestures). Often the child simply does not know how to show his emotions.

"Emotion Constructor"

This game will introduce the child to facial expressions of various emotions and feelings. Having awakened imagination and creativity, this construction set will help each child create his own image of a hero, play out various situations, expressing his feelings and emotions, and will also help him get acquainted with his problems that may arise both in the children's group and in the family.

This manual will be useful for children of primary and senior preschool age, teachers and parents. The allowance can be used for individual and collective activities of children.

Target: the ability to identify and distinguish between human emotions and feelings.

Tasks: promote the development of constructive skills; to form the social and emotional sphere of the child; develop imagination; develop fine motor skills; develop spatial and logical thinking; develop monologue and dialogic speech of children; cultivate a feeling of love for a loved one.

The game is played with a group, in pairs and individually.

They are used in any part of the day depending on the situation (for example, in routine moments - “morning greeting”, and are also included in educational activities - “surprise moment”).

The didactic manual consists of the following elements:

2 face ovals (you can use more);

4 pairs of painted eyes;

A set of schematically depicted lips;

3 pairs of eyebrows;

Hairstyles (boy, girl, mother, father, grandfather and grandmother).


Option 1. Invite children to collect this or that emotion, label it and discuss why the created character has such a mood. What happened to him, what happened? Or help the hero change sadness to joy and fear to surprise, simply by rearranging parts of the face, and then come up with a story.

Option 2. The game is played in pairs. Children jointly come up with a story, while composing one or another facial expression - an emotion. Then you can play out the situation in the form of a dialogue between the created images. For example: a dialogue between grandmother and grandson.

"Show it on yourself"

To play, you need to create a certain facial expression from the “emotion constructor”, and the children use mirrors to repeat this expression. Next, the children can talk about which emotion was closer and more pleasant to them, and which was the opposite and why. Invite them to remember life situations that caused them sadness, joy, surprise, fear, etc.

"Listen to the clapping"

Target . Development of attention, arbitrariness of behavior.

Children move freely around the room, but when the leader claps, they must stop and turn into a stork(raise one leg, arms to the sides),They should respond to two claps by turning into a frog (sit down, heels together, toes apart, hands between the toes). Three claps allow them to move freely again.

A comment: The game helps in developing voluntary attention, the ability to quickly switch from one type of action to another.

"Magic Transformations"

Target. Development of imagination, ability to transform.

Children are offered to “transform” into berries, fruits, a steamboat, a toy, etc.Adult (or one of the children)begins the game with the words: “We are entering...(pause - for the children to concentrate) garden… (pause - each child must decide what kind of fruit he will be).One two Three!" After this command, the children take the form of the intended fruit.

Comment: adult (or the leader is a child)must creatively approach the further continuation of the game. He needs to come up with some kind of story involving children. But first, of course, he must guess who has turned into whom.

"What do you hear"

Target . Development of the ability to concentrate, correlate sounds and actions.

The adult invites the child to listen and remember what is happening outside the door. Then the child must tell what he heard. After this, they also pay attention to the window, then back to the door. Subsequently, the child must tell exactly what happened behind the window and outside the door.

A comment : The adult himself must focus on the sounds in order to help the children in case of difficulty or correct them in case of mistakes.

You can make the task more difficult by asking the children to take turns telling the story.

"Hot Ball"

Target. Development of attention, reaction speed, motor dexterity.

Children stand in a circle, very close to each other. They pass the ball to each other quickly, trying not to drop it. The one who misses the ball is out of the game. The last two remaining children win.

Comments: other game options are based on changing the position of the children.

You can line up the children in a column, and pass the ball either over your head up, or, bending over, through your legs. You can also build children in a zigzag.


Target. Development of attention fine motor skills, imagination.

An adult arranges the counting sticks in the form of a certain figure. The child must form exactly the same figure. The difficulty of the task is constantly increasing: first they show simple figures, then more complex; first, the child makes the figures by looking at the sample, then the sample is removed, giving the child the opportunity to remember the figure.

Comments: Counting sticks can be replaced with matches with cut heads.

This game can be used most effectively when working with children who have difficulty concentrating and are characterized by disinhibition.

"Fly of butterfly"

Target. Development of attention and expressiveness of movements.

Children are asked to memorize several movements and repeat them accurately. To make memorization easier, you can first learn blocks of movements, giving them original names, like: “butterfly flight”, “cat step”, etc.

Comments: it is necessary to discuss movements with children using the question “How does our bear walk?”(For example)?" When all the children understand the principle of movements, then you can start playing directly.

The game can also carry a cognitive load if it is included in classes to study types of professions, animals, transport, etc.; those. propose, for example, to imitate only the movements of a car, airplane, steam locomotive, etc.

A change of movement should occur either at the command of an adult or at sound signal. The most attentive child wins.


Target. Development of attention, reaction speed, motor skills.

Children choose a leader, he stands in the center, and the rest of the children form a semicircle around the leader, who shows various poses and demonstrates different facial expressions. Children must repeat them.

Comments: the change of poses and facial studies should be quick. An adult must monitor the pace and correctness.

"Hat Dance"

Necessary equipment:hat, audio cassette with a recording of a piece of music.

Target. Development of attention, motor coordination.

Children sit in a circle, and at the first sounds of music they begin to pass the hat, putting it on the neighbor’s head. When the music stops, the participant with the hat on his head must show some movement, and all the other children must repeat it. Then the game continues.

Comments: in this game the hat is essentially a “red herring” because... Children happily try to dress up their neighbor, forgetting about the music. If children are embarrassed to perform the movements one at a time, you can invite the child on whom the music stopped to choose a partner and dance with him.

"Guess and Find"

Necessary equipment: toys.

Target. Development of attention, perception, memory.

An adult talks about a toy. The child asks questions if he has not yet understood what he is talking about we're talking about and then he must find a toy in the room.

Card index of communicative games for preschoolers

Target. Develop children's attention, observation and imagination.
Children greet each other on behalf of any fairy-tale character they have invented (fox, hare, wolf), put on costumes (optional) and tell who they look like. The teacher helps them portray the selected characters through expressive movements, facial expressions, and voice.

Game “Where we were, we won’t tell”

Target. Develop attention, memory, creative thinking children.
The driver, whom the children choose, leaves the door, and the remaining children, together with the teacher, agree on who or what they will portray. Then the driver comes in and says: “Tell me where you were, what you did?” Children answer: “We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did” (if they agreed to depict the action) or “Who we saw, we’ll show you” (if they are depicting an animal), etc. During the game, the teacher helps children find the most characteristics animals or objects and convey them expressively.

Game "Imaginary Journey"

Target. Develop children's imagination, fantasy, and memory; ability to communicate in proposed
Teacher. Now we will go on a journey. I will describe the place where we will find ourselves, and you must imagine, see it in your mind and do what your imagination tells you. So, take imaginary backpacks from the chairs, put them on, and go out into the middle of the room. In front of you is a clearing full of wildflowers and berries. Pick flowers for bouquets. Pick berries. But first, determine for yourself what kind of flower or berry it is, because I can ask you: “What is this?” Please note that all the berries grow in the grass, which means they cannot be seen right away - the grass must be carefully moved apart with your hands. Now we go further along the road to the forest. There is a stream flowing here with a board across it. Follow the plank. We entered a forest where there are a lot of mushrooms and berries - look around. Now we will rest and have a snack. Take out the breakfasts your mother gave you for the trip from your backpacks and have a snack. And I will guess what you are “eating.”

Game "Grandfather Silent"

Target. Develop expressiveness of gestures, facial expressions, voice.
Children sit in a creative semicircle. The game “Grandfather Silent” is played.
Teacher. Grandfather Molchok will come to visit us today. When he appears, it becomes quiet.
Grandfather is very kind, he loves children and knows many interesting games.
Hello, grandfather Molchok!
Where are you? We want to play
Lots of new things to learn.
Where are you, good old man?
Silence... Silence has arrived. Don't scare him away, look
Shhh, don't say anything.
The teacher asks the children to look for grandfather very quietly, on tiptoe, with a gesture calling for silence. Next, the teacher “finds” the grandfather (puts on a beard and hat) and acts on his behalf: he greets him and says that he was in a hurry to see the children because he loves to play. Invites children to play the game “Find out who speaks under a different name.” Using a counting rhyme, a driver is chosen. The teacher reads the text on behalf of the grandfather. The child that Silent Points to answers the question by changing his voice. The driver guesses which of the children speaks on a different behalf.
A cuckoo sits on a branch
And the answer is...
“Ku-ku,” answers the child, to whom Grandfather Molchok points.
But the kitten in the corner, he meows like that... (Meow! Meow!)
The puppy barks back
This is what we will hear next... (Woof! Woof!)
The cow won't keep quiet either,
And he will moo loudly after us... (Moo!)
And the cockerel, having met the dawn, will sing to us... (Ku-ka-re-ku!)
The locomotive, having picked up speed, also sings merrily... (Oooh!)
If it's a holiday, the kids scream merrily... (Hurray! Hurray!)

Game "Shadow"

Target. Teach children to coordinate their actions with other children.
Children are divided into pairs. One child in a pair is a person, he “walks through the forest”: picking mushrooms, berries, catching butterflies, etc. The other child is his shadow. Repeating the movements of a person, the shadow must act in the same rhythm and express the same state of health. The teacher explains to the children the meaning of the words “tempo” and “rhythm”:! “Pace is speed: fast, slow, very slow. Rhythm is the uniform repetition of certain sounds: one-two, knock-knock.” Then the conditions of the game change. One child in a pair is a mouse, a frog, a bunny, a bear, a fox, a cockerel, a hedgehog (as chosen by the teacher), the other child is his shadow. During the game, children change roles, and the teacher prompts and shows them! gait of animals.

Game "Recognize by the nose"

Target. Develop attention and observation.
The driver goes behind the curtain. The participants in the game take turns, slightly opening the curtain, showing him an arm, leg, hair, nose, etc. If the driver recognizes his friend immediately, he receives a forfeit. The game is repeated several times, the drivers change.

Game "Mirror"

Teacher. Imagine that you are preparing for a performance and putting on makeup in front of a mirror. What is makeup? This is face painting, the art of giving the face (with the help of special paints, gluing on a mustache, beard, etc.) the appearance required by the actor for a given role. Stand in pairs facing each other. One of you is an artist, and the other is a mirror. “Mirror” closely monitors the artist’s movements and repeats them in a mirror manner. Try to predict any gesture, any facial expression. What can an artist do? (Wear a wig, a mask; style your hair, apply tone to your face, draw your eyebrows, paint your eyelashes and lips; smile, laugh, cry, be sad, etc.) Movements should be smooth and unhurried. Don't laugh at this! When do you feel happy? What moods do you know?

Game "Broken Phone"

Target. Teach children to recognize emotional states (joy, sadness, anger, fear) by facial expressions.
All participants in the game, except the driver and one of the guys, close their eyes - “sleep”. The driver shows the child, who has not closed his eyes, some emotion. The child, having “awakened” another participant in the game, conveys the emotion he saw as he understood it, without words. The second participant passes on his version of what he saw to the third player, and so on until the last player.
After the game, the teacher talks with the children about what emotions they portrayed; By what signs did they recognize emotions?

Game "Your own director"

Target. Give children the opportunity to create their own skits about animals.
The teacher explains to the children: “The director is the leader, the organizer of a number or performance, or a circus performance of artists.” One child (optional) takes on the role of director. He recruits actors, comes up with a scene, uses props and costumes. The rest of the guys who are not involved in the skit come up with their own skits.

Game "Guess who I am"

Target. Develop attention, observation, memory.
The game is more fun when many children take part in it. Using a counting rhyme, a driver is chosen. He is blindfolded. Children join hands and stand in a circle around the leader. The driver claps his hands, and the children move in a circle. The driver claps again - and the circle freezes. Now the driver must point to a player and try to guess who he is. If he manages to do this on the first try, then the player he guessed becomes the driver. If the driver does not guess who is in front of him on the first try, he has the right to touch this player and try to guess a second time. If the guess is correct, the child who has been identified becomes the driver. If the driver could not guess correctly, he leads in the second circle.
Game option. You can introduce a rule according to which the driver can ask the player to say something, for example, to imitate an animal: bark or meow. If the driver does not recognize the player, he drives again.

Hot Potato Game

Target. Develop reaction speed and coordination of movements.
Traditionally, the game uses real potatoes, but a tennis ball or volleyball can be substituted.
Children sit in a circle, the driver is in the center. He throws a potato to one of the players and immediately closes his eyes. Children throw the “potato” to each other, wanting to get rid of it as quickly as possible (as if it were a real hot potato). Suddenly the presenter says: “Hot potatoes!” The player who has a “hot potato” in his hands is eliminated from the game. When there is only one child left in the circle, the game ends and that player is considered the winner.

Game “Which of us is the most observant?”

Target. Develop observation and memory.
All children love this game and play it willingly. They choose a driver who carefully examines the players: their clothes, shoes, who is sitting or standing where, and remembers the players’ poses. The driver leaves the room. The guys change places; change positions, change shoes; exchange blouses, handbags, ribbons, handkerchiefs, scarves. The driver enters and looks for changes. The more changes he finds, the better, the more observant he is.

Game "Imagine"

Target. Develop imitation abilities.
-Everyone needs the sun! Flowers, butterflies, ants, frogs. Who else needs the sun? (Children list.)
Now you’ll figure out who you’ll turn into, and to the music, portray who or what you wished for, and I’ll try to guess.
The recording is turned on, and the children imitate the movements of the intended character. These can be flowers, insects, animals, birds, trees, etc. The teacher guesses and clarifies.
- The sun disappeared behind a cloud, and it began to rain. Hurry under the umbrella!

Game "Tender Word"

Target. Form a friendly attitude towards each other in children.
The teacher gathers the children in a round dance with the words:
In a round dance, in a round dance
People have gathered here!
One, two, three - you start!
Following this, the teacher puts on the cap and gently turns to the child standing next to him.
For example:
- Sasha, good morning!
The teacher specifies what kind and affectionate words we can say when addressing our friends (Hello, how glad I am to see you; what a beautiful bow you have; Nice dress etc.). After this, the children again walk in a circle with the song. The teacher passes the cap to the next child, who should, in turn, affectionately address the child standing next to him, etc.

Game “Continue the phrase and show”

Target. Develop logic Creative skills; develop imitation skills.
-If it’s cold outside, what do you wear? (Fur coat, hat, mittens...)
-If you are given a small kitten, what will you do? (Let's pet him, caress him).
-If you are left alone in the forest, what will you do? (Shout loudly “Ay!”.)
-If mom is on vacation, how will you behave? (Walk on tiptoe, don't make noise...)
-If your friend cries, what should you do? (Comfort, stroke, look into the eyes...).
-If you saw matches? (The children’s answers, which the teacher summarizes with the conclusion: matches are not a toy for children!)

Game “Doctor Aibolit” (K. Chukovsky)

Target. Develop logic and creativity; cultivate a friendly attitude towards others; develop imitation skills, articulatory apparatus
Good Doctor Aibolit! And the bug and the spider,
He is sitting under a tree. And a bear!
Come to him for treatment, he will heal everyone, he will heal
Both the cow and the she-wolf, Good Doctor Aibolit!
The role of the doctor is assumed by the teacher. He is wearing a white robe, a cap, and a pipe in his pocket. Children choose dolls finger theater and approach Doctor Aibolit. Using the voice of the selected character, they ask you to treat a paw, nose, tummy...
As the game progresses, the teacher (Aibolit) asks questions, encouraging the children to become actively and emotionally involved in the game.
At the end, the children arrange a concert for Doctor Aibolit (game “Orchestra”)

Game "Wandering Circus"

Target. Develop imagination and ability to improvise; encourage children to participate in theatrical play, encourage creative initiative; expand children's knowledge about the circus, enrich their vocabulary; foster positive partnerships.
The teacher reads a poem to the rhythmic music (circus tune), the children walk in a circle and wave in greeting:
A traveling circus has arrived for the children's joy.
Singing and ringing, everything in it is as in the present:
The gymnast flies and the horse gallops, the fox jumps into the fire,
The dogs learn to count, and the ponies come out to give them rides.
The monkey hurries to the mirror, and the clown makes the audience laugh.
The teacher announces the numbers:
- The first number of our program “Rope Walkers”! The teacher places a tape on the floor. Under musical accompaniment children, raising their arms to the sides, walk along the tape, imagining that it is a rope stretched in the air. - The second issue of our program is “Famous Strongmen”. Boys lift imaginary weights and barbells. - The third number of our program is “Scientific Dogs” under the guidance of the famous trainer... (The teacher calls the girl’s name.) Children-dogs squat down, the trainer gives tasks: dance; solve problems using pictures; jumping through a hoop; sing. Intermission. (We distribute treats)
Game "Guess whose voice"
Target. Teach children to pronounce the proposed phrase intonationally and expressively.
Children stand in a line. The driver stands with his back to them. The teacher silently points to any child who
says the phrase: “Skok-skok-skok-skok, guess whose voice!” If the driver guessed correctly, he stands in the general
line. The one whose voice you guessed becomes the driver. The game is played several times. Children change
intonation and timbre of voice.

Playing with imaginary objects

Target. Develop imagination and fantasy; encourage children to participate in general theatrical
1. The teacher, together with the children, pronounces the words of the familiar poem “My cheerful ringing ball”, and everyone hits the imaginary ball on the floor.
2. The teacher throws an imaginary ball to each child, the child “catches” the ball and “throws” it back to the teacher.
3. Children stand in a circle and pass an imaginary object to each other. The teacher starts the game and comments.
-----Look, I have a big ball in my hands. Take it, Sasha (The teacher passes the “ball” to the child standing next to him).
-Oh, it’s become small for you. Give it to Nastya.
-Nastya, in your hands the small ball has turned into a hedgehog. Its thorns are prickly, be careful not to prick or drop the hedgehog. Give the hedgehog to Petya.
-----Petya, your hedgehog has turned into a big one balloon. Hold him tightly by the thread so that he doesn’t fly away.
You can further improvise depending on the number of children (the ball has turned into a hot pancake, the pancake has turned into a ball of thread, the thread has turned into a small kitten, you can carefully stroke it, the kitten has turned into a ruddy bun).
Playing with an imaginary object
Target. Develop skills in working with imaginary objects;
develop a humane attitude towards animals.
Children in a circle. The teacher folds his palms in front of him: Guys, look, in my hands
little kitty. He is completely weak and helpless. I will give it to each of you to hold, and you
stroke him, caress him, just be careful and say kind words to him.
The teacher hands over an imaginary kitten. Helps children find what they need with guiding questions
words and movements.

Game “Me too!”

Target. Improve attention and observation skills.
The teacher says what he is doing, and the children respond loudly at a signal: “Me too!”: In the morning I get up... (And me too!) I wash my face...
I brush my teeth... I put on clean clothes... I have breakfast... I go outside... I sit in a dirty puddle...”
Teacher. Who is this little pig of ours who likes to wallow in puddles? One can only feel sorry for his mother. Let's try again! I love watching the play. (And me too!) I don’t talk in the gym... I’m the neatest... I walk on the street... I offend all the guys...
Teacher. Who is so brave here - offends the guys? It's not good to offend guys! But I think that now no one will make a mistake. I love cheerful music... (Me too!) I dance with my friends... (Me too!) Now show how you can dance.
Music is playing. Children are dancing.

Game "Funny Monkeys"

Teacher. Imagine that you are all monkeys and sitting in a cage at the zoo. One of you we
We choose to play the role of a zoo visitor. He will stand in the center and do various movements And
gestures. The “monkeys” imitate the visitor, accurately repeating his gestures and movements. By using
counting rhymes choose a “visitor”:
Above the rays, above the water
A torrential rain poured down.
And then it hung
There is a rocker in the sky.
Makes the kids happy
Golden rainbow.
(M. Lopygina. Rainbow)
“Visitors” change several times during the game.

Game "Cooks"

Target. Develop attention, observation, speed of reaction, memory.
Children are divided into two teams (counted on first and second). The first team prepares the first dish, and the second team prepares the salad. Each child comes up with what product it will be: onions, carrots, beets, cabbage, parsley, pepper, salt, etc. - for the first course; potatoes, cucumber, onion, peas, egg, mayonnaise, etc. - for salad. Then all the children stand in a circle - it turns out to be a “pan” - and sing a song (improvisation):
We can quickly cook borscht or soup
And a delicious porridge made from several grains,
Chop lettuce and simple vinaigrette,
Making compote is a nice lunch.
The children stop, and the leader (teacher) takes turns calling what he wants to put in the pan. The child who recognizes himself enters the circle. When all the “components” of the dish are in the circle, the host offers to prepare another dish.

Game “We won’t tell you what we are doing, but we will show you”

Target. To promote the development of a sense of truth and belief in fiction; learn to act in concert on stage.
The room is divided in half by a cord. On one side there are 6 children selected using a counting rhyme - “grandfather and five grandchildren.” On the other side are the rest of the children and the teacher; they will ask riddles. Having agreed on what the riddle will be about, the children go to their “grandfather” and “grandchildren.” Children. Hello, gray-haired grandfather with a long, long beard!
Grandfather. Hello, grandchildren! Hello guys! Where have you been? What have you seen?
Children. We visited the forest and saw a fox there. We won’t tell you what we did, but we will show you!
Children show an invented riddle. If “grandfather” and “grandchildren” give the correct answer, the children return to their half and come up with a new riddle. If the answer is given incorrectly, the children name the correct answer and after the teacher’s words: “One, two, three - catch up!” they run behind the cord to their half of the room, and “grandfather” and “grandchildren” try to catch up with them before the guys cross the line. After two riddles, new “grandfathers” and “grandchildren” are chosen. In riddles, children show how they, for example, wash their hands, wash handkerchiefs, chew nuts, pick flowers, mushrooms or berries, play ball, sweep the floor with a broom, chop wood with an ax, etc. The teacher praises the children for correct actions with imaginary the items they are! shown in riddles.

Game "Birthday"

Target. Promote the development of a sense of truth and belief in fiction. Learn to act in concert on stage.
Using a counting rhyme, a child is selected and invited to the “birthday party.” Guests come one by one and bring imaginary gifts. With the help of expressive movements and conventional play actions, children must show what exactly they are giving. It is better if there are few guests, and the rest of the guys first play the role of spectators, assessing the authenticity of the show. Then the children can change roles. Gifts can be very diverse: a box of chocolates, chocolate, a scarf, a hat, a book, markers and even a live kitten.

Game "Guess what I'm doing?"

Target. Develop children's memory and imagination.
Children stand in a circle. Each child takes a certain pose and justifies it: - standing with his hand raised (putting a book on a shelf, taking candy out of a vase in a cabinet, hanging a jacket, decorating a Christmas tree, etc.); - kneeling, arms and body directed forward (looking for a spoon under the table, watching a caterpillar, feeding a kitten, polishing the floor, etc.); - squatting (looking at a broken cup, drawing with chalk, etc.); - leaned forward (tying shoelaces, picking up a scarf, picking a flower, etc.).

Game "Guess what I'm doing?" in move.

Children walk freely around the hall to the music. As soon as the music ends, the guys stop, take certain poses, then justify them (picking flowers, bending over for a mushroom, etc.).

Game “The same thing in different ways”

Children in a creative semicircle. One child comes up with his own version of behavior, and the children must guess what he is doing and where he is (the person is walking, sitting, running, raising his hand, listening, etc.). Same action in different conditions looks different. Children are divided into creative groups, and each receives a specific task.
Group I receives the task of sitting. Possible options:
- sit in front of the TV;
- sit in the circus;
- sit in the doctor's office;
- sit at the chessboard;
- sit with a fishing rod on the river bank, etc.
Group II receives the task to go. Possible options:
- to go on the road;
- walk on hot sand;
- walk along the deck of the ship;
- walk along a log or a narrow bridge;
- walk along a narrow mountain path, etc.
Group III receives the task to escape. Possible options:
- run away, being late for the theater;
- run away from an angry dog;
- run when caught in the rain;
- run, playing blind man's buff, etc.
Group IV is given the task of waving their arms. Possible options:
- drive away mosquitoes;
- give a signal to the ship to be noticed;
- dry wet hands, etc.
Group V receives the task of catching the animal. Possible options:
- catch a cat;
- catch a parrot;
-catching grasshoppers, etc.
The teacher and spectators note who completed the task correctly.

Game "Transformation of an object"

Target. Develop children's imagination and fantasy.
First, the teacher explains to the children: “In the theater, the spectator believes in what the actor believes in. Stage attitude is the ability, with the help of faith, imagination and fantasy, to change one’s attitude towards an object, place of action or partners, changing one’s behavior accordingly, justifying the conditional transformation.”
The teacher takes an object and places it on the table! or passes it in a circle from one child to another. Each child must act with the object in his own way, justifying its new purpose, so that the essence of the transformation is clear. Options for transforming various items:
pencil or stick: key, screwdriver, fork, spoon, thermometer, Toothbrush, brush for
drawing, pipe, comb, etc.;
small ball: apple, shell, snowball, potato, stone, hedgehog, bun, chicken, etc.;
Notebook: mirror, flashlight, soap, chocolate, shoe brush, game, etc.
You can turn a chair into a stump; in this case, children must justify the conventional name of the object.
For example, a large chair can be turned into a royal throne, a memorial, etc.

Game "Round the World"

Target. Develop imagination, the ability to justify your behavior.
Children in a creative semicircle. The teacher invites them to go on a trip around the world: “Guys, you are faced with the task: to figure out where your path will take place - through the desert, along a mountain path, through a swamp; through the forest, the jungle, across the ocean on a ship.” Children suggest a route trip around the world, using the scenery of a ship, a hut. So, the route for a trip around the world is drawn up, and the children begin to play. The game uses world music, sound effects - thunder, rain, storm noise, storm, costumes and masks.

Game "King"

Target. Be able to act with imaginary objects, using the memory of physical actions (a variant of the folk game).
The performer of the role of the King is chosen using a rhyme:
Our Masha got up early,
I counted all the dolls:
Two Matryoshka dolls on the windows,
Two Arinkas on a feather bed,
Two Tanyas on the pillow,
And Parsley in a cap
On an oak chest.
(E. Blaginina. Counting book)
All children help count; The teacher slowly and clearly pronounces the words of the counting rhyme so that the children can remember them better.
The king sits on the “throne” with a crown on his head. Children are divided into several groups. Each group presents their profession to the King, acting with imaginary objects (cooks, laundresses, seamstresses, etc.).
The first group approaches the King.
Workers. Hello King!
King. Hello!
Workers. Do you need workers?
King. What can you do?
Workers. And guess what!
The king must guess the professions of the workers. If he guessed correctly, then the children run away, and he catches up with the fleeing children. The first child caught becomes the King. During the game, the teacher complicates the King's character - sometimes he is greedy, sometimes he is evil. If the role of the King is played by a girl (Queen), then she can be kind, frivolous, grumpy, etc. The main thing in this game is action with imaginary objects.

Game "Riddles without words"

Target. Involve children in playing mini-scenes.
The teacher calls the children: I’ll sit next to you on the bench,
I'll sit with you.
I'll tell you riddles
I'll see who's smarter.
The teacher, together with the first subgroup of children, sit down and look at illustrations for riddles without words.
Children choose pictures that they can guess without saying a word. The second subgroup at this time is located in another part of the hall. Children of the first subgroup, without words, using facial expressions and gestures, depict, for example: the wind, the sea, a stream, a teapot (if it’s difficult, then: a cat, a barking dog, a mouse, etc.). Children of the second subgroup guess. Then the second subgroup makes a guess, and the first one guesses.
"Friendly couple"
Children are divided into pairs. One of them is blindfolded. Large toys are laid out on the floor between the chairs. The second child of the pair needs to guide the partner from one chair to another so that not a single toy is knocked over.
“Who called?”
We had a little fun
Everyone was settled in their places.
Guess the riddle
Find out who called you!
Children stand in a circle. In the middle of the circle the driver becomes eyes closed. Someone calls him by name, and the driver tries to find out who it was. Then the driver changes and the game continues.

Sketch "In the Garden".

The presenter (teacher) reads the story, and the children depict the actions described in it with gestures and movements (“silent movie”).
“The children went to the garden. there are apples growing on the trees. They are round, sweet and sour. They have small grains inside. Sometimes apples fall to the ground. Children pick them up, put them in a basket and carry them home. Children wash apples, cut them in half and treat them to mom and dad. Delicious apples!”

Game "Echo"

Children are divided into two teams. The presenter says:
We'll go into the forest and find mushrooms.
We will loudly call the guys: “Ay-ay-ay!”
No one responds, only an echo responds.
Another group repeats: “Ay-ay-ay!”
The exercise is repeated 3-4 times. “Ay” is pronounced loudly, quietly, quietly, in a whisper.

Sketch "Forest"

The teacher says: “Birch trees, fir trees, blades of grass, mushrooms, berries, and bushes grow in our forest. Choose your own plant that you like. At my command, we will “turn” into a forest. How does your plant react:
-to a quiet, gentle breeze;
-strong, cold wind;
-fine mushroom rain;
“Tender sunshine?”

Game "Boots"

Dressed up my feet in new boots,
You walk, legs, straight along the path.
You walk, stomp, don’t splash through puddles,
Don't go into the mud, don't tear your boots.
Children stand one after another, holding the waist of the child in front. At the teacher's command, children must walk along the path. The main task of the players is not to break the single chain, not to step into the autumn “puddles” cut out of paper.

Game "Wearing hats"

The teacher offers to “put on” autumn hats for the children (put sandbags on their heads).
Children move around the group on their toes, heels, and all fours and try not to drop their hats. Do not hold your breath and breathe through your nose.

Game "Thrush"

Children in pairs turn to each other and say:
“I am a blackbird, and you are a blackbird.
(Point first to themselves, then to their friend.)
I have a nose and you have a nose.
(Touch your own nose, then touch your friend’s nose.)
Mine are smooth, and yours are smooth.
(In a circular motion, they stroke first their own cheeks, then the cheeks of their comrade.)
I have sweet ones, and you have sweet ones.
(Touch the corners of your mouth with your index fingers, then point to your friend’s mouth.)
I am a friend and you are a friend.
(Place both hands on your chest, then on your friend’s chest.)
We are good!"
(They hug.)

Sketch “Save the Chick”.

The teacher says: “Imagine that you have a small helpless chick in your hands. Extend your arms with your palms facing up. Now warm it up, slowly, one finger at a time, fold your palms, hide the chick in them, breathe on it, warming it with your even, calm breath, put your palms to your chest, give the chick the warmth of your heart and breath. Now open your palms and you will see that the chick has joyfully taken off, smile at him and don’t be sad, he will fly to you again.”

Sketch "Geese".

The teacher reads the story, and the children depict the actions in it with gestures and movements (“silent movie”)
“The hostess came out into the yard and beckoned the geese home: “Tags-Tags-Tags!” White geese, gray geese, go home!” And the geese stretched out their long necks, spread their red paws, flapped their wings, opened their noses: “Ga-Ga-Ga!” We don't want to go home! We feel good here too!” The hostess saw that you couldn’t get anything good out of the geese: she took a twig and drove them home.”

Game "Mom's Beads"

Target. Develop attention, observation, speed of reaction, memory.
The leader starts the game, walks and repeats: “I’m putting a bead on a string,” taking the willing children by the hand, the rest come up and take the hand last child, forming a long chain - “beads”. The leader sings slowly:
How we sculpted beads
How we sculpted beads
Beads, beads.
How we played with beads
How they collected it on a thread
Beads, beads,
Beautiful beads.
How we curled the beads,
How we curled the beads,
Beads, beads,
Beautiful beads.
He stops and says: “We played, we played with beads. And the thread got tangled. They began to unravel it, and it tore. All the beads rolled out and scattered in all directions: bang! Tararah! (Children scatter around the group.) Oh, our beads have rolled far! We need to collect all the beads on a string again.

Sketch "North Pole"

The girl Zhenya had a magical seven-flowered flower. She wanted to go to the North Pole. Zhenya got her treasured seven-flowered flower, tore off one petal, threw it up and said:
Fly, fly petal,
Through West to East
Through the north, through the south,
Come back after making a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground -
Be it my way!
Order me to be at the North Pole! And Zhenya immediately, as she was in a summer dress, with bare legs, found herself alone at the North Pole, and there it was a hundred degrees cold!
Expressive movements: knees closed so that one knee covers the other, hands near the mouth, breathing on the fingers. Card index of folklore of peoples Southern Urals for kindergarten. Junior group

Vera Stroganova

Currently, socialization is given Special attention. It is no coincidence that the social and communicative development and education of preschool children is one of the main components of the State Standard for Preschool Education.

Our main task is for any child to feel happy, to be able to adapt and overcome difficulties, to have an idea of ​​the different sides of his “I”, to be able to understand feelings and experiences, to respond adequately to them and find constructive ways expressing one's attitude to reality.

To implement the tasks of social and communicative development for preschool children, it is necessary to create a special play space in which the child could not only enter into relationships with peers and close adults, but also actively absorb knowledge, norms, and rules of society, in other words, be formed as a social competent person.

To do this, I created play areas in the group room.

In order to form friendly relationships in the group, a corner of friendship.

It contains a guide "Mirilka doll" with the help of which children learn to get out of unpleasant situations and find ways to resolve conflicts. By playing together, children begin to build their relationships, learn to communicate, not always smoothly and peacefully, but this is the path of learning, there is no other way. Unpleasant situations happen in any team and it is important to teach your child how to get out of them correctly, not to be offended, but also not to be an aggressor.

The doll is a little world in the shape of a sun. When you click on it, it says the phrase “I love you!” A small card index of myrilks is attached to it. Children really like to repeat them.

Didactic game “Who to be friends with?”


On the left side of the flannelgraph is a girl. On the right side of the flannelgraph there are photos of children with different facial expressions: angry, cheerful, laughing, sad, crying. Children choose who the girl wants to be friends with in their opinion, and explain their choice.

In the corner is album "Happy Birthday!" On each page of the album I depicted an apple tree in different time year, or rather by month. In October there are droplets of rain on the branches, in December - lumps of snow, in May - bird nests, in June - flowers, etc. Photos of children are attached to tree branches (on droplets, on nests, on leaves) The child sees what time of year it is , in what month is his birthday, what changes in nature occur at this time.

Album "My Family".

Target: To consolidate children’s knowledge about themselves, about family members: first names, patronymics and last names; family relationships; to form a friendly attitude, a feeling of love and care towards your loved ones.

Didactic game “To whom and what to give”

Target: Developing the child’s ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships between family members, between the world of the family and the world of objects.

Progress: The adult invites the child to choose an item that relates to him as a gift to each family member. The teacher asks to explain the child’s choice. Options: Clothing, shoes, cosmetics, electrical appliances.

Didactic game “My Family”

Target: Teach children to characterize their family members.

Progress: The adult invites the child to choose a family member (father, mother, grandmother, etc.) and give him a description of what he is like? (caring, loving, brave, beautiful, etc.) The teacher asks to explain the child’s choice. The adjective is denoted by symbols (camel - hardy, Christmas tree - slender, lion - brave, etc.).

Emotions play an important role in the regulation of children's activities, in the formation value orientations and relationships. Positive emotional states are the basis for a friendly attitude towards people and a willingness to communicate. On the contrary, negative emotional states can cause anger, envy, and fear. We are faced with a twofold task: on the one hand, to teach the child to talk about his inner world and, on the other hand, to teach him to listen, hear and understand others.

For this purpose, the group created "Mood Corner"

Methodical manual “My mood”

Target: Developing the ability to determine your mood, analyze, talk about the reasons for changes in your mood.

Progress: When children come to kindergarten, they talk about their mood and attach their clothespin to the colored circle. Red circle – Bad mood, sadness, sadness. The yellow circle is a calm mood, without emotions. Green circle – good mood, cheerful, joyful.

We are planning to make a mood corner in the locker room so that children in the morning, upon arriving at kindergarten and leaving it, note their mood. Parents will have the opportunity to monitor the emotional state of the child.

By using manual "Flower of Seven Flowers" There is a discussion of various life situations. Children, choosing a petal, determine emotional condition heroes talk about their emotional experiences, usually with a positive focus. Children are asked questions: Who is he? What is he like? Why like this? Are you like this? What could this lead to? What's next? Discussing stories with children helps them learn to predict the consequences of their own behavior. By performing an action, the child learns to realize what emotion

it will cause, “What will happen next?”, to draw the necessary conclusions.

Game "Masquerade"

Target: Developing the ability to compose a portrait, changing facial expression depending on a person’s feelings and emotions.

Progress: Children make portraits of fairy-tale characters. They change the position of eyebrows, eyes, mouth on the face, convey various emotions of people: joy, sadness, anger, fear, fright, surprise, delight, etc. (Alternatively, you can make and compose a portrait of a grandfather, grandmother, mother, father, children )

Didactic game "Emotions"

Tasks: Teach children to convey a person’s emotional state through facial expressions. To develop the ability to feel and understand oneself and another person.

Progress: The teacher shows the children images of emotions - different facial expressions: joy, fear, surprise, sadness, and the children name, show them and correlate them with the necessary pictures: a cake, a broken vase of flowers, an angry dog, a UFO.

Educator: Guys, what can cause you joy (sadness?

Children: When I was praised, received a gift, met a friend, played interesting game and won. (When they argued, I quarreled with my friend and got into a fight.)

Didactic game “Good or bad deed”

Target: to develop adequate evaluative activity of preschoolers, aimed at analyzing their own behavior and the actions of people around them, the ability to evaluate positive and negative actions.

Progress: Children receive pictures with images of good and bad deeds, place them on a magnetic board with a cloud (bad deeds) or on a board with a sun (good deeds) and explain their choice).

"Rug of Anger" The child wipes his feet until he smiles and walks past him

"A glass for anger". The child pours all his anger and anger into a glass and closes it.

The group has a teaching aid in the form of a tree "Good deeds all year round." Each child receives a leaf on their branch with their photo for the good deeds they have done during the week (a droplet, a yellow leaf, a red leaf in autumn, a snowflake in winter, a flower in spring, a green leaf in summer) This could be: helping a friend, teacher ; following the rules of behavior during the day without comments or reminders. This technique encourages children to follow the rules of behavior. Be polite, hardworking, and sensitive to other people.

"A Corner of Solitude"

The corner is made in a house - a tent. Very convenient to transfer to different parts of the group.

Target: creating conditions for rest, privacy for children, relaxation and independent play during the day, necessary for the expression of children’s experiences stressful situations, for example, parting with parents in the morning, getting used to a new routine, etc.

This is a place where a child feels completely safe, here he can be alone with himself, calm down and relax, play with his favorite object or toy, look at an interesting book or just dream.

“Pillow – lamb”- you can just hug her, cuddle up to her.

To relieve aggression there is "Whipping pillow." When a child fights, we explain that hitting another is bad, it hurts and hurts him, but hitting a pillow is very possible. "A glass for anger." If a child shows aggression, the teacher invites him to go to a corner of solitude and leave all the bad words and thoughts, all his anger, anger in this glass. After which the child has the opportunity to speak out, and the glass is then tightly closed and hidden.

"Headphones"- to isolate yourself from sounds, to be alone with yourself.

In conclusion, I want to emphasize. Game is the leading type of activity, the most effective form socialization of the child. The game lays the foundations of a future personality.

Thank you for your attention! Good luck!

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