Annual plan for the library.

To attract the masses to read books in 2018, periodicals, library employees must properly organize their work. And for this you need a properly developed library work plan with intended goals, objectives, and deadlines.

Libraries work plan for 2018

  1. Library institutions conduct their activities in accordance with the approved work plan;
  2. Planning periods are divided into operational and strategic;
  3. The document requiring execution is given specific deadlines and performers;
  4. When drawing up a plan, a program of action is necessary;
  5. The goals, objectives, methods issued by the institution are approved by order;
  6. The main direction of librarianship in 2018 remains the attraction more visitors;
  7. It is expected to create necessary conditions to gain access to books for people with mobility restrictions.

The way libraries operate today

Libraries focus on broadening people's horizons. Attraction more the masses are needed for spiritual enhancement, moral level children, teenagers, young people, the whole society.

An important area is the education of patriotism through books. By holding all kinds of lectures, evenings, competitions, and trainings, young people will better learn the history of the country, national heritage, and heritage.

See also:

In Russia, a professional standard will be introduced for nannies in 2018

Changing Libraries in the Internet Age

Reading a book on your own makes you think about exciting topics today – morals, ethics, respect. By reading the works of popular world authors, the abilities of thinking, comparison, and cognition develop.

Therefore, libraries hold events in the regions dedicated to birthdays famous writers, poets, to provide an opportunity to learn about their work, to conduct discussions on the topics covered by the works.

Today it is important to assess the relevance of issues raised many years ago. Days dedicated to:

  • history of the native land;
  • Great Patriotic War;
  • creation of Slavic writing;
  • Constitution of Russia.

Libraries are government bodies, they implement the goals and objectives set by the government of the country. In order to more effectively carry out this work among the population, it is necessary to have an approved action document.

Document defining the tasks of libraries

For any planning you need to:

  1. Determine your goals and objectives for the year, quarter, month;
  2. Have a specific program of action;
  3. Coordinate your actions with partners, if any;
  4. Assign responsible executors for each planned item of the plan;
  5. Calculate costs, find the necessary funds;
  6. Set deadlines;
  7. Describe expected results.

See also:

Tuition fees at St. Petersburg State University in 2018: list of documents on how to enter St. Petersburg State University

After writing the plan, it must be approved by order of the given institution with the approval of management, and, if necessary, obtain the approval of all interested parties.

Thematic exhibition of books

It is advisable to plan on topics that will have operational implementation (monthly, quarterly, with a specific date), as well as strategic (annual, longer terms).

Library planning activities in 2018

In 2018, the planned document should have the following content:

I. Specification of indicators, both planned and achieved.
II. Actions to attract more people.
III. Ways to improve customer service.
IV. Organizational, methodological, analytical, reference work.
V. Development methods for several years ahead.
VI. Advertising, information activities, increasing the demand of the institution.
VII. Activities aimed at developing the library collection.

If necessary, any developed document can be changed and supplemented in accordance with the goals and objectives of local regions.

Main work of libraries for 2018

Conducting a lecture

For 2018, when drawing up a plan, special attention should be paid to the following aspects:

  1. The significance of library activities for the regions;
  2. Availability of information to all segments of the population;
  3. Creating conditions for visiting libraries for people with disabilities movement;
  4. Use of modern technical means;
  5. A variety of methods for educating the masses (lectures, theme evenings, forums, discussions, festivals).

Libraries play a huge role in the education of our children. And their correctly organized activities are very important. Every year a library work plan is drawn up.

With its help, the resources available to each library are clearly distributed.

Optimal library work plan in 2018

Without such a plan, not a single library in Russia begins to operate. When creating it, the following important points are taken into account:

  • certain tasks are determined for the year, quarter and month;
  • for each area it is necessary to develop a list of actions;
  • management of processes in the work of libraries, as well as interaction with partners;
  • responsible persons are elected to carry out certain activities;
  • calculation of the required number of workers and funds;
  • decide on dates for achieving certain goals;
  • analyze possible problems upon achieving the result.

List of defined processes

The library plan for the entire year is drawn up according to a document from the director of the institution, which contains the names of the persons responsible for its work.

The work plan is divided into short-term distribution (per day, per week, per month, per quarter), and long-term (per year, per three, per five years). The plan is drawn up depending on the topic. Library managers are assigned a specific topic. New plan is compiled based on the analysis of the current and previous ones.

How data is distributed in a document

The library plan itself contains information about the development of the library, both in a material sense, and lists a number of events planned for 2018. The annual plan is changed only if the characteristics of the library or the region in which it is located were not taken into account. The plan for 2018 is drawn up in accordance with the list:

  • events that will be held in 2018;
  • certain results to strive for;
  • ways to modernize customer reception;
  • methods of effective popularization of libraries;
  • paragraphs containing the methodology for organizing the activities of establishments;
  • section with information about planning in the future;
  • paragraph with a plan for advertising work;
  • possible further distribution and formation of the future library collection.

Activities that are a priority in the 2018 plan

The important sections of the library plan are:

  • formation of certain views of visitors, depending on library materials;
  • maximum availability of library materials in all regions;
  • taking into account the disabilities of some of the clients.

IN modern world The library field has enormous potential to expand through virtual techniques. Literary forums, book events and library events. The time when rural libraries working in a relaxed mode passed. In 2018, special attention will be paid to them.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of libraries in Russia. They form the correct life perception and cultural connections. It is important that libraries remain at the state level. Thus, it is possible to preserve and enhance the history of the peoples of the Russian Federation.

Thematic events of libraries

A special order in 2018 will determine the work of libraries on certain holidays:

  • May 1, May 9;
  • Constitution day;
  • March 8;
  • February 23.

The list of events and ongoing events taking place in the present, in the country and around the world is being adjusted. We should not neglect the education of nationalism among the people with the help of libraries. This happens in the process of organizing meetings with veterans of past and present wars. It is necessary to instill in the young part of the Russian population love for their homeland and respect for the history of their region.

2018 will be marked by special attention to the work of libraries. Russian culture should not fade away amid the influence of various world trends.

Worrying ecological disaster, libraries should be part of the education program for recovery natural balance. With the help of literature, a person correctly evaluates family values. He also receives a lot of information about the laws of his country.

With the help of the library, students quickly decide on future profession. For these and other reasons, the work of libraries is not only necessary, but also essential for making a positive contribution to the education of modern man.

The library work plan is the main document coordinating the activities of the institution. It should begin with an analysis of the previous year's performance. Positive and negative points are noted. Having analyzed the work, comparing it with the plan for last year, you can see what could not be accomplished, where there are gaps in the implementation of the plan, what needs to be corrected and supplemented. Based on the analysis, the main goal is determined, towards which all efforts of employees will be directed. Tasks are set, the solution of which will lead to achieving the goal.

To solve problems, action programs are drawn up in the following areas:

  • military-patriotic;
  • historical;
  • artistic and aesthetic;
  • local history;
  • environmental;
  • moral;
  • healthy lifestyle;
  • legal;
  • family;
  • professional guidance.

Each program also has its own goals and objectives. The duration of the program can be from 3 to 5 years.
In 2018, special attention should be paid to historical, patriotic, local history, and environmental areas.

The military-patriotic direction should form a feeling of patriotism. Special attention devoted to literature about the heroic past of our country. The idealization of the Western way of life by modern youth has led to a loss of patriotic feelings. Work in this area needs to be given special attention.

Every citizen of Russia is obliged to know the history of their country, the history of their region. “You need to know the past to understand the present and predict the future.” The words of V.G. Belinsky very accurately define the goals of the historical direction. The young generation is the future of the country. Correct formation their worldview will determine further development Russia. Now the problem has become urgent environmental pollution planets: gas emissions into the atmosphere, soil and ocean pollution, mountains of garbage. One of the functions of the library is to increase environmental literacy of the population.

The next stage is to determine the volume and types of work for each library employee. Which employee will carry out what items and activities. Of no small importance is the distribution of the material base, funds of the institution, for the implementation of its goals. For each item, it is necessary to determine methods, forms of holding events, and set dates. The annual plan includes quarterly, monthly, weekly, and daily plans. Under development long-term plans for 3-5 or more years.

In 2018, it is additionally necessary to add sections:

Section title Explanation
1 Development of new methods to improve the quality of customer service and attract new visitors In this section, you can plan the implementation of new literature exhibitions, literary lectures, teaching a master class, etc.
2 Organizational and methodological activities of the library Conducting seminars, workshops, methodological advice, consultations, professional skills competitions.
3 Carrying out publishing and advertising activities Printing of reminders, manuals, reading plans for readers, literature reviews, posters, booklets
4 Plan for the formation of a library fund In this section, work is planned to replenish the book fund with the most popular literature, new editions.
5 Development of material and technical base Library acquisition plan necessary equipment, technical means.
6 Personnel improvement plan Course retraining and periods of completion are planned.
When planning work, it is necessary to provide for activities that reflect current events in Russia and in other countries.

It is necessary to provide the most high level accessibility of the library collection for visitors, maximum comfort for people with disabilities, features of the functioning of a rural library.

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