Literature test 7 Dubrovsky. Questions on the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky" educational and methodological material on literature (grade 6) on the topic

Control test based on the novel by A.S. Pushkin

teacher of Russian language and literature

Baskakova Oksana Viktorovna

A 1.Choose the definition of “novel”.

1. Big epic genre, which portrays a comprehensive picture of the lives of many people over a significant period of time.

2. A work of epic prose, gravitating towards a sequential presentation of the plot, limited to a minimum of plot lines.

3. Small prose work mainly of a narrative nature, compositionally grouped around a separate episode, character.

A 2.Note for which century of Russian reality was the plot of the novel “Dubrovsky” typical?

1. Early XVIII century

2. Mid XVIII century

3. Early XIX century

4. Late XIX century

A 3.Choose what was the name of Troekurov’s family estate?


2. Arbatovo

3. Kistenevka

4. Kuskovo

A 4. Match the character descriptions with their names

1. “His wealth, noble family and connections Andrei Gavrilovich

gave him heavy weight in the provinces, Dubrovsky

where his estate was located.

The neighbors were happy to cater to his slightest whims;

provincial officials trembled at his

2. “Excesses of all kinds

exhausted his health and put their Kirila Petrovich on him

an indelible mark. Despite the fact that his appearance is Troekurov

was pleasant, wonderful, and the habit of always being

in society gave him a certain courtesy,

especially with women..."

3. “... of average height, clean-faced, shaves his beard, Prince Vereisky

He has brown eyes, brown hair, and a straight nose.

There are special signs: there were none.”

4. “... Vladimir Dubrovsky entered the hall, forcibly moving his legs

old man tall, pale and thin,

in a robe and cap."

A 5. What rank did Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky have?

1. Lieutenant


3. General-in-Chief


A 6. Name the episodes of the novel to which the presented illustrations correspond:

1. 2.

A 7. Why was Dubrovsky's estate taken away?

For illegal possession

2. For non-payment of taxes

3. By false denunciation

IN 1. Write the name of the teacher for whom Dubrovsky pretended to be.

AT 2.Write down which word is missing in Dubrovsky’s letter?

“I don’t intend to tolerate jokes from yours...

AT 3.Write down which concept corresponds to the following definition?

High morals, dedication and honesty; generosity, chivalry, sublimity, holiness.

C 1. Give a detailed answer to the question (at least 50 words):

“Why doesn’t A.S. Pushkin envision a happy ending to his novel?”

Specification of control measuring materials

in literature in 7th grade

The test consists of three parts A, B and C. 40 minutes are allotted for their completion.

Part A includes multiple-choice questions (A1-A7) that reveal bibliographic knowledge, knowledge of the text read, knowledge of historical material, and knowledge of literary theory.

Part B includes short answer questions (B1-B3) that require you to write a word or combination of words.

Part C1 requires writing a detailed answer to the question posed (at least 50 words).

Criteria for assessing answers to assignments

Each correct answer in part A is worth 1 point, in part B - 2 points, maximum amount 13 points.

Criteria for assessing the answer to task C1

Semantic integrity, speech coherence and consistency of presentation

The student’s work is characterized by semantic integrity, verbal coherence and consistency of presentation:

No logical errors, one spelling error, 1-2 punctuation errors;

There were 1-2 logical errors, 2-3 spelling errors, 3-4 punctuation errors

More than 3 logical errors, more than 4 spelling and punctuation errors

Depth and independence of understanding of the problem proposed in the question

The student discovers an understanding of the problem proposed in the question, puts forward the necessary theses, gives an argument - there are no factual errors;
- limited to general theses without support by arguments (arguments), 1-2 factual errors were made;

The student understands the problem, but explains its meaning superficially, in a simplified manner and makes 3-4 factual errors;

The student does not understand the question asked or gives an answer that does not correspond to the question

Following speech norms

1 speech error was made;

2-3 speech errors were made;

4 speech errors were made;

5 or more speech errors were made.

Maximum score

The maximum score for the entire work is 22 points.

Scores: “5” - 18 - 22 points; “4” - 16 - 21 points; “3” - 15 - 20 points.


A 4 - 1. Kirilla Petrovich Troekurov

2. Prince Vereisky

3. Vladimir Dubrovsky

4. Andrey Gavrilovich Dubrovsky

A 6 - 1. Scene in court

2. Fire in Kistenevka

3. At Troekurov’s kennel

B 1 - Deforge

B 2 - serfs

B 3 - nobility

Literature test Dubrovsky (A.S. Pushkin) with answers for 6th grade students. The test consists of two options, each option contains 5 tasks with a short answer and 1 general task with a detailed answer.

The ceremony was over. She felt the cold kiss of her disliked husband, she heard the cheerful congratulations of those present and still could not believe that her life was forever shackled, that Dubrovsky had not flown to free her. The prince addressed her with affectionate words, she did not understand them, they left the church, peasants from Pokrovsky were crowding on the porch. Her gaze quickly ran over them - and again showed the same insensitivity. The young people got into the carriage together and went to Arbatovo; Kirila Petrovich had already gone there to meet the young people there. Alone with his young wife, the prince was not at all embarrassed by her cold appearance. He did not bother her with sugary explanations and funny delights. His words were simple and did not require answers. In this way they drove about ten miles, the horses rushed quickly over the bumps of the country road, and the carriage hardly swayed on its English springs. Suddenly, cries of pursuit were heard, the carriage stopped, a crowd of armed people surrounded it, and a man in a half mask, opening the doors from the side where the young princess was sitting, said to her: “You are free, get out.” —
“What does this mean,” the prince shouted, “who are you?..” “This is Dubrovsky,” said the princess.
The prince, without losing his presence of mind, took a traveling pistol from his side pocket and shot at the masked robber. The princess screamed and covered her face with both hands in horror. Dubrovsky was wounded in the shoulder, blood appeared. The prince, without wasting a minute, took out another pistol, but he was not given time to shoot, the doors opened, and several strong hands They pulled him out of the carriage and snatched his pistol. Knives flashed above him.
- Don't touch him! - Dubrovsky shouted, and his gloomy accomplices retreated.

“What are you saying,” Dubrovsky shouted in despair, “no, you are not his wife, you were forced, you could never agree...
“I agreed, I swore an oath,” she objected firmly, “my prince is my husband, order him to be released and leave me with him.” I didn't cheat. I was waiting for you before last minute… But now, I tell you, it’s too late now. Let us in.
But Dubrovsky no longer heard her, the pain of the wound and the strong unrest of his soul deprived him of his strength.

1 option

Short answer questions

1. Name the type of literature to which the work belongs.

2. Please provide your name and maiden name heroines.

...she heard funny congratulations to those present...

...couldn’t believe that her life was forever shackled...

5. What is a character's extended statement called? literary work?
“I agreed, I swore an oath,” she objected firmly, “my prince is my husband, order him to be released and leave me with him.” I didn't cheat. I waited for you until the last minute... But now, I tell you, it’s too late. Let us in.

Long answer task


Option 2

Short answer questions

1. At the beginning of what century do the events take place?

2. What stage of action development is presented in this fragment?

3. Name visual medium:
The prince turned to her with affectionate words...

4. What is the name of a visual device based on hidden comparison?
...couldn’t believe that... Dubrovsky didn’t come to free her.

5. What is the exchange of remarks between characters in a literary work called?
“You are free,” Dubrovsky continued, turning to the pale princess.
“No,” she answered. - It’s too late - I’m married, I’m the wife of Prince Vereisky.

Long answer task

6. How is Prince Vereisky depicted in this scene?

Answers to the literature test Dubrovsky (A.S. Pushkin)
1 option
1. epic
2. Maria Troekurova
3. epithet
4. metaphor
5. monologue
Option 2
1. XIX century
2. denouement
3. epithet
4. metaphor
5. dialogue

Quiz questions (for knowledge of the text) based on the novel “Dubrovsky” by A. S. Pushkin.

1) Pokrovskoye, Kistenevka, Arbatovo - Shabashkin, Troekurov, Vereisky, Dubrovsky, Spitsyn. Distribute estates to their owners.

2) “His constant activities consisted of traveling around his extensive domains, in long feasts and in pranks, which were invented daily and the victim of which was usually some new acquaintance...” Who is this fragment talking about?

3) What was the name of Vladimir Dubrovsky’s father?

4) Lieutenant. What kind of rank is this? Who was the lieutenant at Dubrovsky?

5) What rank did Troekurov have?

6) What did Dubrovsky’s father answer to Troekurov’s proposal to marry Masha and Vladimir?

7) Who is Timoshka?

8) What was the name of the huntsman who offended Dubrovsky?

9) “...I don’t intend to tolerate jokes from your servants, and I won’t tolerate them from you either, because I’m not a joke, but...” Insert the missing word into Dubrovsky's letter.

10) How did Dubrovsky deal with the Pokrovsky thieves?

11) Find out the heroes by descriptions:

A) " small man in a leather cap and frieze overcoat... A minute later (he) was already standing in front of Kiril Petrovich, bowing after bow and reverently awaiting his orders”;

b) “At that moment, a tall old man, pale and thin, in a robe and cap, entered the hall, moving his legs with force”;

c) “The painter depicted her leaning on the railing, in a white morning dress with a scarlet rose in her hair”;

d) “a fat man of about fifty, with a round and pockmarked face, adorned with a triple chin...”;

e) “a man of about 35, dark, black-haired, with a mustache and beard, a real portrait of Kulnev.”

12) Who is Yegorovna, what’s her name? full name and last name?

13) Who, to whom and under what circumstances says: “Don’t give us away, and we will stand for you.”

14) “Troekurov’s arrival and the reception he received were already known to the entire neighborhood, and the politicians there foreshadowed important consequences for it.” What event are we talking about and were the “politicians there” right?

15) “...I would rather agree, it seems, to bark at the ruler than to look askance at... . As soon as you see him, fear and trembling make you prostrate yourself, and your back itself bends and bends.” Who is talking about whom?

Insert the missing name.

16) Masha Troekurova’s main occupation.

17) What should the Frenchman teach Sasha?

18) “Such were the noble amusements of the Russian master!” What is this sentence talking about?

19) What was Spitsyn’s name?

20) “We know you; where do you go spend money, you live like a pig at home, you don’t accept anyone, you rip off your men, you save money, and that’s all.” Who says these words and to whom?

21) How old are Vladimir Dubrovsky and Masha at the time when the main events of the novel occur?

22) “...the red box was definitely empty, the money that was once stored in it had been transferred...”

Where did the money go? Whose box was this?

23) How much time did Dubrovsky, under the name Deforge, spend with Troekurov?

24) How old was Vereisky?

25) What song did Troekurov like to whistle?

26) “...a ragged boy, red-haired and with a sidelong side, flashed from behind the gazebo...” What was the boy's name?

27) “Glorious news,” Kirila Petrovich told him, “I caught Dubrovsky.”

What episode are we talking about?

Creative task(detailed answer in the form of a miniature essay)

Quiz questions key:

1) Pokrovskoe - Troekurov; Kistenevka - Dubrovsky; Arbatovo-Vereisky.

2) About Kiril Petrovich Troekurov.

3) Andrey Gavrilovich.

4) A retired lieutenant (senior lieutenant) of the guard was A.G. Dubrovsky.

5) Troekurov had the rank of retired general-in-chief.

6) “No, Kirila Petrovich: my Volodka is not Maria Kirilovna’s fiancé. It is better for a poor nobleman, such as he is, to marry a poor noblewoman and be the head of the house, than to become the clerk of a spoiled woman.”

7) The staff doctor, under whose supervision the kennel was located.

8) Houndmaster Paramoshka.

9) old nobleman...

10) “Dubrovsky... decided... to teach his captives a lesson with twigs, which they had stocked up in his own grove, and to give the horses to work, assigning them to the master’s cattle.”

11) a) assessor Shabashkin; b) Andrey Gavrilovich Dubrovsky; c) mother of Vladimir Dubrovsky; d) Spitsyn; e) Dubrovsky, disguised as a general, came to Anna Savishna Globova.

12) Orina Egorovna Buzyreva, Dubrovsky’s nanny.

13) These words are spoken by the coachman Anton to Vladimir Dubrovsky on the way to Kistenevka.

14) The event in question is Troekurov’s arrival in Kistenevka and his expulsion by Vladimir Dubrovsky. The consequences of this event were the arrival of clerks in Kistenevka and a fire.

15) “...on Kiril Petrovich...” The sexton says this about Troyekurov.

16) Reading novels.

17) Grammar and geography.

18) About the “joke” with the bear.

19) Anton Pafnutievich.

20) Troekurov to Spitsyna.

21) Dubrovsky is 22 years old (23rd), Masha is 17 years old.

22) “ a leather bag, which he carried on his chest under his shirt.” It's about about the box of Anton Pafnutievich Spitsyn.

23) Three weeks.

24) About fifty.

25) “The thunder of victory is heard.”

26) Mitya.

27) Episode related to Mitya.

Creative task (detailed answer in the form of a miniature essay)

    Distribute the concepts below in accordance with their significance in the novel “Dubrovsky”, name the three most significant, in your opinion:

Honor - dignity - revenge - hatred - love - nobility - adventure - suffering - money - beauty - art - gluttony - death.

Possible variant answer:

« I believe that the main word in the novel is love. Vladimir Dubrovsky loved his father, his death greatly upset his son. Then he fell in love with Masha and lost her too.

Second place, it seems to me, is occupied by the word “revenge”. After the death of his father, Vladimir wants to take revenge on Troekurov, but his love for Masha overcomes his hatred.

Third important word I consider "nobility". Dubrovsky refuses revenge because of his love for Masha; because of her, he even spared Prince Vereisky. He gives his word to his beloved and does not break it.”

    What role do the will and fate of the hero play in Dubrovsky? What do you think has higher value in the life of the main character and other characters?

Possible answer:

“Will is a person’s ability to decide what step in life to take; fate is the need to act as circumstances force. At the beginning of the novel, Vladimir Dubrovsky is a carefree officer; a brilliant future awaits him, about which he does not yet care much. However, already the first life test(nanny's letter) forces him to make a decision in accordance with a sense of duty. Vladimir's decision to become a robber is an attempt to change the fate that brought him poverty and humiliation. The feeling of love for Masha forces him to submit to her will, her sense of duty to her unloved husband creates circumstances that turn out to be stronger than Dubrovsky, despite his attempts to fight fate.”

    Why doesn’t Pushkin envision a happy ending to his novel (judging by the drafts and plans)?

Possible answer:

“It seems to me because Dubrovsky committed a sin. Although in the name of justice, it is still a sin. Vladimir had to pay for his “just sins” before unjust rich people. “We live in an unfair world” - it seems to me that Pushkin relied on this idea when he tried to finish the novel. In such a world, a happy ending is impossible.”

Test based on the novel by A.S. Pushkin “Dubrovsky”


A) highly educated nobleman

B) an uneducated and rude person

C) didn’t want to show off his education.

2. Yards of Troekurova

A) loved the owner sincerely

B) enjoyed the patronage of the owner and behaved impudently

B) rebelled, wanting to get rid of the owner

3. Old Dubrovsky by rank and title

A) was taller than Troekurov

B) equal to him

B) below it

4. Vladimir Dubrovsky

A) lived with his father

B) lived in St. Petersburg

B) lived abroad

5. Vladimir

A) loved Troekurov as his own father

B) hated him, considering him guilty of his father’s death

B) was not interested in Troekurov at all

6. Kistenevka was burned

A) by chance

B) on the initiative of the peasants

B) on the initiative of Dubrovsky

7. Deforge is

A) a real Frenchman

B) Dubrovsky

B) Dubrovsky's servant in disguise

8. Sasha is

A) Dubrovsky’s serf

B) son of Troekurov

B) Troekurov's servant

9. Vladimir Dubrovsky

A) the same age as Masha

B) much older than her

C) 5 years older than her

10. Anton Pafnutich ended up in the same room with Deforge

A) Deforge dragged him to him by force

B) Anton Pafnutievich himself asked to stay with him for the night

B) Troekurov told him to keep an eye on the teacher

11. Dubrovsky

A) remained a robber

C) left the gang and went abroad

12. What event are we talking about?

“He walked without knowing the road; branches constantly touched and scratched him, his legs constantly got stuck in the swamp, he did not notice anything.”

A) Troekurov after the ball

B) When Spitsyn was robbed

B) When Deforge was refused

D) Vladimir Dubrovsky after his father’s funeral

13. What did Troekurov do when Shabashkin came to him with a bow and congratulations on the acquisition of Dubrovsky’s estate?

A) drove him away

B) treated me to a drink

C) treated me to dinner in connection with the acquisition of the estate

14. “Dubrovsky was extremely angry...” What is Dubrovsky angry about?

A) Troekurov’s men hunted in his domain

B) Troekurov’s men stole cattle

C) Troekurov’s men stole timber

15. “Suddenly he raised his head, his eyes sparkled, he stamped his foot, pushed the secretary with such force that he fell.” Name the episode.

A) Dubrovsky saw Troekurov in the theater

B) Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky before his death

B) Dubrovsky in court after the verdict was announced

16. For what reason was a dinner party given at Troekurov’s estate, after which Dubrovsky robbed Anton Pafnutich?

A) birthday

B) daughter's engagement

IN) church holiday

17. What was the boy, Dubrovsky’s messenger, doing in Troekurov’s garden, in his own words?

A) “herding goats”

B) “stole raspberries”

B) “picked apples”

18. Find out the hero of the novel by description:

“ old man, tall, pale and thin, in a robe and cap, entered the hall, moving his legs with force.”

A) Deforge

B) Spitsyn

B) Troekurov

D) Prince Vereisky

D) Andrey Dubrovsky

E) assessor Shabashkin

19. Find out the hero of the novel by description:

“He lost his mother from an early age and, almost without knowing his father, was brought to St. Petersburg in the eighth year of his age.”

A) Deforge

B) Spitsyn

B) Troekurov

D) Prince Vereisky

D) Andrey Dubrovsky

E) assessor Shabashkin

G) Vladimir Dubrovsky

20. Find out the hero of the novel by description:

“Being wasteful and ambitious, he allowed himself luxurious whims, played cards and went into debt, not caring about the future...”

A) Deforge

B) Spitsyn

B) Troekurov

D) Prince Vereisky

D) Andrey Dubrovsky

E) assessor Shabashkin

G) Vladimir Dubrovsky

21. Find out the hero of the novel by description:

". ..exhibited the vices of an uneducated person,” “accustomed to giving free rein to all the impulses of an ardent disposition and all the ideas of a rather limited mind.”

A) Deforge

B) Spitsyn

B) Troekurov

D) Prince Vereisky

D) Andrey Dubrovsky

E) assessor Shabashkin

G) Vladimir Dubrovsky

22. Find out the hero of the novel by description:

A small man in a leather cap and frieze overcoat stepped out of the cart.

A) Deforge

B) Spitsyn

B) Troekurov

D) Prince Vereisky

D) Andrey Dubrovsky

E) assessor Shabashkin

G) Vladimir Dubrovsky

23. Find out the hero of the novel by description:

He “was about fifty years old, but he seemed much older. Excesses of all kinds exhausted his health and left their indelible mark on him.”

A) Deforge

B) Spitsyn

B) Troekurov

D) Prince Vereisky

D) Andrey Dubrovsky

E) assessor Shabashkin

G) Vladimir Dubrovsky

24. Last name of Anton Pafnutich

A) Deforge

B) Spitsyn

B) Troekurov

D) Vereisky

D) Dubrovsky

E) Shabashkin


24 - 21 – “5”

20 - 17 – “4”

16 - 12 – “3”

11 – 6 – “2”

Test on the content of the story by A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky"

Task No. 1

Answer the questions

1 question:

Which character in the story is characterized by these lines: “Spoiled by everything that surrounded him, he was accustomed to giving full rein to all the impulses of his character and all the ideas of a rather limited mind...”

A) Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky?

B) Vladimir Andreevich Dubrovsky?

IN) Kirill Petrovich Troekurov?

Question 2:

Why did Troekurov and Father Dubrovsky quarrel?

A) From beyond the boundaries of the estate;

B) Because of the daring antics of the serf Troekurov against Dubrovsky the father;

IN) Because of hunting dogs.

Question 3:

What was the name of Vladimir Dubrovsky’s nanny who wrote him a letter about his father’s illness?

A) Arina Rodionovna Yakovleva?

B) Arina Egorovna Buzyreva?

IN) Praskovya Matveeva Ptushkina?

Question 4:

How did the serfs of Kistenevka react to the news that they now belong to Troekurov??

A) Reconciled;

B) Were happy;

B) They started a riot.

Question 5:

What caused the fire in Kistenevka?

A) Careless handling of a candle?

B) Troekurov's revenge?

IN) V. Dubrovsky's reluctance to give his father's house into the wrong hands?

Question 6:

Who really was Teacher Desforges?

A) A French teacher?

B) A rogue?

Q) V. Dubrovsky?

Question 7:

How did Dubrovsky behave during the joke with the bear?

A) Got scared and started asking for help?

B) Did you get confused and shoot the bear?

Q) Ural fainted?

Question 8:

“This is strange, I heard that... attacks not just anyone, but well-known rich people, but he immediately shares with them, and does not rob completely, and no one accuses him of murder...” Who are we talking about?

A) About Arkhip the blacksmith?

B) About the robber Kudeyar?

Q) About V. Dubrovsky?

Question 9:

How did Marya Kirilovna Troekurova’s relationship with Deforge-Dubrovsky develop?

A) They fell in love with each other?

B) Did they hate each other?

IN) Did they not care about each other?

Question 10:

Why did Marya Kirilovna, not loving Prince Vereisky, nevertheless, after marrying him, reject Dubrovsky’s offer to be free?

A) Scared of daddy?

B) Remained faithful to your oath before God?

IN) Out of spite for Dubrovsky because he was late?

Question 11:

What later happened to Dubrovsky?

A) Was he killed?

B) Fled abroad?

IN) Jailed?

Question 12:

Based on the final lines of the story, what do you think is Pushkin’s attitude towards Dubrovsky’s actions?

B) Does he believe that all illegal actions, despite the prevailing circumstances, are unacceptable?

Task No. 2

Compose brief retelling one of the episodes (to choose from):

1. Quarrel A.G. Dubrovsky with K.P. Troekurov at Troekurov’s kennel

2.Fire in Kistenevka

3. The incident with Dubrovsky-Deforge in the bear room

4. V. Dubrovsky’s release of Marya Kirilovna after her wedding to Prince Vereisky

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