Lesson summary on the topic: the secret becomes clear. Summary of an extracurricular reading lesson in Dragoon elementary school

Lesson objectives:

  1. Get acquainted with the work of V. Dragunsky
  2. Learn to identify a topic
  3. Teach expressive reading by role
  4. Develop thinking, memory, ability to convey the content of a work
  5. Cultivate kindness and empathy
  6. Develop imagination through the ability to justify your point of view

Equipment: portrait of V. Dragunsky, dictionary of synonyms, speech about the collection “Deniska’s Stories”, exhibition of books by V. Dragunsky, reading book “In One Happy Childhood” (R.N. Buneev, E.V. Buneeva)

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Setting goals.

"The secret becomes clear"

Read the title of the lesson

When do they say this to children? (When Small child did something bad and didn’t tell adults about it)

Who wrote the story with that title? (V. Dragunsky)

About whom and for whom did V. Dragunsky write these stories? (books from the exhibition are considered)

A story about the collection “Deniska’s Stories” (narrated by a prepared student)

Since 1959, Dragunsky has been writing funny stories about Denis Korablev under the general title “Deniska’s stories”, based on which the films “ Amazing Adventures Denis Korablev" (1979) "Where is it seen, where is it heard", "Captain", "Fire in the outbuilding" and "Spyglass" (1973). Children's “Deniska's stories” are most famous and popular among Soviet readers. In the 1960s, books from the “Deniska’s Stories” series were published in large numbers. In them he portrayed his son, showing him as naive, simple-minded, romantic, at the same time he respects his son, admires his kind, generous soul, and selfless actions.

III. Working with V. Dragunsky’s story “The Secret Becomes Revealed”

1. Before reading.

Name your favorite work by V. Dragunsky

Tell me, who is the main character?

What genre does this work belong to?

Read the title of the work. What synonym can replace the word explicit?

Working with illustrations

How do you see the character in the illustration, what happened?

2. Reading the story to yourself.

Do you recognize yourself and your friends in Denisk?

What is the comedy, the humor of the situation?

How did Deniska “improve” the taste of porridge? What made you laugh?

3. Drawing up a quotation plan.

“I can’t see semolina porridge”

“You must eat it all!”

“And I was left alone with the porridge”

“You pour all sorts of nasty stuff out the window!”

“Did you remember this for the rest of your life?”

4. Reading the story aloud in parts of the quotation plan.

What do we learn about Denis?

What trick did he come up with to eat the egg?

Why did the mother force her son to eat porridge?

What did Deniska feel when he “improved” the taste of porridge?

What did Deniska feel when he threw the porridge onto the street? What expression does the author use?

What did mom feel when she saw the empty plate?

How did Deniska feel when he saw the policeman and the victim?

Why did you find it funny when you read the victim’s story?

Did Deniska know his mother well?

Why was Deniska afraid to look into his mother’s eyes?

Do you condemn Deniska?

Questions for the whole story.

What can you tell about Denis from the story?

What is Deniska’s relationship with her mother?

Why is V. Dragunsky's story interesting? (the work contains humor)

IV. Consolidation of what has been learned. Working with a dictionary of synonyms.

In the text there was an expression, “shredded an egg,” how do you understand this expression? Find synonyms for words

Shredded (egg), thumped, went well, burst (circle), barked (dog), splash.

Why do children say this? (young children do not know how to express their thoughts)

V. Lesson summary.

For what purpose did V. Dragunsky write this work?

VI. Homework.

Expressive reading.

Divide the text into parts and title them.

Choose proverbs corresponding to the parts.


  1. Abramov N. Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. 8th edition - M. 2007
  2. Buneeva E.V. Reading lessons based on the book “In One Happy Childhood”, guidelines. – M.: 2000.
  3. Yatsenko I.F. Lesson developments on extracurricular reading. - M.: VAKO, 2006.
RCM technology in a literary reading lesson
Lesson topic: V. Yu. Dragunsky. "The secret becomes clear"

Lesson objectives:

  • create an emotional atmosphere for the realization of students’ creative and intellectual abilities, introduce children to the story “The Secret Becomes Revealed”;

  • create conditions for the development of speech, thinking, the ability to analyze the actions of characters, predict text, improve fluency skills expressive reading;

  • cultivate honesty and truthfulness.
Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, presentation, textbooks, cards on the topic “Types of rhymes.”

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

II. Checking homework

  • Expressive reading of poetry by Irina Tokmakova.

  • Work on individual cards(3 persons)
Card No. 1.

Read the poem by F.I Tyutchev, find the rhyme, determine its type (cross, encircling, parallel)

Spring waters

The snow is still white in the fields,

And in the spring the waters are noisy -
They run and wake up the sleepy shore,
They run and shine and shout...

They say all over:

"Spring is coming, spring is coming,
We are messengers of young spring,
She sent us ahead!

Spring is coming, spring is coming,

And quiet, warm May days
Ruddy, bright round dance
The crowd cheerfully follows her!

Card No. 2.

Read the poem by F.I Tyutchev, find the rhyme, determine its type

The clouds are melting in the sky

The clouds are melting in the sky,

And, radiant in the heat,
The river rolls in sparks,
Like a steel mirror:

The heat is getting stronger hour by hour,

The shadow went to the silent oak trees,
And from the whitening fields
It smells like honey.

Wonderful day! Centuries will pass -

They will also be in the eternal order,
The river flows and sparkles.
And the fields to breathe in the heat.
Card No. 2.

Read the poem by E. Duke, find the rhyme, determine its type.


I was packing my backpack
Did something wrong:
He is a weightlifter-strongman
It turned out to be on the shoulder!
Maybe you shouldn't take an umbrella on a hike?
Well, what if it rains?

Maybe an extra pillow?

Frying pan? Cot?
Maybe take out the iron?
Will the dress suddenly become wrinkled?
...Maybe I should take dad on a hike?
Let him carry my backpack!

  1. Literary warm-up. (2–13 presentation slides). The teacher says the surname of the writer or poet, and the children say his first and patronymic

  • Chukovsky (Korney Ivanovich)

  • Marshak (Samuil Yakovlevich)

  • Mikhalkov (Sergey Vladimirovich)

  • Barto (Agniya Lvovna)

  • Nosov (Nikolai Nikolaevich)

  • Tyutchev (Fedor Ivanovich)

  • Blaginina (Elena Alexandrovna)

  • Berestov (Valentin Dmitrievich)

  • Tokmakova (Irina Petrovna)

  • Uspensky (Eduard Nikolaevich)

  • Zakhoder (Boris Vladimirovich)

  • Dragunsky (Viktor Yuzefovich)

  1. Lesson topic message

  • Message about the author
Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky was born in 1913 in New York, where his parents moved. However, in 1914 the family returned and began to live in Gomel.

After graduating from school, Dragunsky worked as a turner at a factory, then began to study acting and worked in the theater.

In 1940, his first humorous stories were published. During the Great Patriotic War Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky was in the militia, then performed concerts at the front. After the war, Dragunsky worked as a clown in a circus, then returned to the theater and continued writing books, including for children. (book exhibition)

The main character of all the stories is a boy named Deniska. By the way, Dragunsky’s son is also called Deniska. According to those close to him, the real Deniska is similar to the literary one. All stories are different: you laugh at one until you cry, you think about another, sometimes you feel sad and upset.

  • Call stage .
-Today we will get acquainted with the story of V.Yu. Dragunsky "The secret becomes apparent"

(slide 14)

What do you think a story with that title could be about?

Why do you think so?

IV. Learning new material.Conception stage.

  1. Primary reading is reading with stops.
1 stop after words: “What does this mean, mom: “The secret becomes clear”?”

How would you answer this question?

2nd stop after the words: “ And mom went into the kitchen. And I was left alone with the porridge"

Why do you think so?

3stop after the words: “ At that same moment the door opened and a policeman entered the room.”

How will the story end?


2. Checking your understanding of the content .

Did you like the story?

  • What did Denis once hear from his mother?

  • How did mom explain the words “everything secret becomes clear”?
- Why didn’t Deniska want to eat porridge?

  • How did his mother persuade him? What did she offer him?

  • Was the boy happy when he heard his mother's proposal?

  • Why was he so happy?

  • Have any of you been to the Kremlin?

  • (slide show 15-24)

  • What did he do to make the porridge taste better? Read it.

  • What did Deniska do with the porridge?

  • How did mom react when she saw his empty plate?
- What did she tell him? Read it.
- What happened then?

What did Deniska say to his mother? Read it.

Why did the boy understand that he would not go to the Kremlin?

  • Read what the uncle looked like?

  • Was mom angry with Denis?

  • Why did she look at him for so long?

  • What feelings did she have?

  • Did he understand his mother's words? Why do you think so?
3. Practicing reading techniques.

What words caused you difficulty reading? Let's

Let's read them first syllable by syllable, then in whole words.

Slide show No. 25-26.

sta-no-vit-sya – becomes

ras-krom-sal - shredded

pop-ra-vit-sya - get better

shrinks - shrinks

you-tal-ki-va-et – pushes out

over-ra-do-va-las - delighted

mi-li-tsi-o-ner – policeman

pre-dos-tav-la-et - provides

in-tel-li-gent-ny – intelligent

mu-so-ro-pro-vo-house - garbage chute

post-ra-dav-shiy – victim

fo-to-gra-fi-ro-va-tsia - to take pictures

V. Physical education minute

VI . Consolidating new material

1. Repeated reading.

Children read the story in a chain.

2. -Determine in what order the illustrations for the story should be arranged.

Show slide number 27.

2. Drawing up a story plan.

How many parts can the story be divided into?

Let's read each part and give it a title.
The teacher writes the name of each part on the board, children

write down in your notebook:

  1. Denis thinks about his mother's words.

  2. Breakfast.

  3. Mom's proposal.

  4. Torment with porridge and getting rid of it.

  5. Indignant policeman.

  6. The injured man.

  7. Angry mom.

  8. A lesson for life.
VII. Lesson summary

What is the name of the story we met in today's lesson?

  • Who wrote this story?

  • Did you like the story? Why?
What lesson did you learn from the story?

Reflection (slide No. 28). Complete one of the sentences:

  • It was interesting…

  • I completed tasks...

  • I realized that...

  • I felt that...

  • It was difficult…

  • I was surprised...

  • I concluded that...

  • I wanted…
Homework: prepare a retelling of the text according to plan.
Presentation on http://ifolder.ru/15782202

V. Dragunsky “The secret becomes apparent”

(initial acquaintance with the work)

Lesson objectives:

Introduce children to the work “The Secret Becomes Revealed”

Improve expressive reading skills, techniques for understanding text, enrich active vocabulary

Develop fluent expressive reading skills - formation moral qualities students as an example work of art V. Dragunsky;

Cultivate Honesty

Equipment: presentation for the lesson, book exhibition, emoticons, computer, projector, screen.

1.Org. Moment (slide)

So the bell rang

Let's start our lesson

A desk is not a bed

And you can't lie on it

You sit at your desk slimly

And behave with dignity.

2. Checking homework

What was the homework assignment?

(learn the passage “Getting Acquainted” by heart)

3. Warm up.

Look at the screen: in front of you is a quatrain (slide)

Vanya decided to eat a plum,

And what he did - he hid it.

My father found out about this.

Vanya’s action became obvious.

Read for yourself…..

Read the quatrain questioningly

Read the quatrain compassionately

Will read it quickly

Guys, think about why we read the same quatrain different ways and intonations?

Absolutely right, such exercises develop reading speed, reading should be expressive, sometimes you need to read compassionately, other times irritably or questioningly? It all depends on how you feel about it, how you perceive it.

Did you recognize the hero?

How do you understand the words “became obvious”? (everyone found out)

Read the statement recorded on the slide:

The secret becomes clear (slide)

How do you understand the meaning of these words?

IV. Setting the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Look very carefully at the screen and try to find non-repeating letters (slide),

Name these letters (slide)

What surname did you get?

(Dragunsky) appears (slide) with his photograph and biography.

Absolutely right, today we will talk specifically about the writer Viktor Dragunsky.

Message from Kristina Grishaeva and Vlad Stepnykh

The teacher reads the biography

Victor Dragunsky was born on November 17, 1913 in America, in New York, where his parents received their education. After the birth of their son, they returned to Russia. Having lost his father early, at the age of 16 he began independent life: worked as a film and theater actor, was a circus clown. Wrote several stories, a lot humorous stories, but his main book is Deniska’s Stories. These are funny and cheerful stories about city boys: Denis and his friends. An example of the main character of these stories was Dragunsky’s son, Denisk, and in the image of his father it is easy to recognize the writer himself.

Let's take a closer look at the exhibition of his books. This is only a small part of his works.

Anna Yakusheva will introduce us to the exhibition

So who did Viktor Dragunsky write about and for whom?

(about children and for children)

Anyone interested in his work is welcome to the school library. Nina Pavlovna will always be happy to help you choose the works that interest you.

3. Bottom line. -So, tell me, what kind of person was Viktor Dragunsky?

(he was a cheerful person and loved children very much)

Before we start reading the work, let's analyze unknown words that you will meet.

5 . Vocabulary work:

(look at the screen)

The first word is “Chamber of Facets” - Who knows what the Chamber of Facets is - let’s read: (slide)

An architectural monument in the Moscow Kremlin, one of the oldest civil buildings in Moscow. Over the centuries, many major events in the life of the Russian state were celebrated in the Faceted Chamber; it was the ceremonial throne room. Foreign ambassadors were received there and the heirs to the Russian throne were solemnly announced.

Next expression…..

What kind of person do you think is called intelligent? Let us read the meaning of this expression as given in explanatory dictionary. (Slide) to myself

This is a person with great internal culture, that is, a person with education and special knowledge in various fields of science, technology and culture.

The next word is slander - what does it mean? (Slide)

Let's read the meaning of this word from the explanatory dictionary.

Defamatory information or dissemination of knowingly false information that discredits the honor and dignity of another person or undermines his reputation.

Find synonyms for this word.

What words do we call synonyms?

Lies, lies, invention, slander.

AND the last word caustic - what does it mean? (Slide)

Evil-mocking, eager to annoy

Let's select synonyms:

angry, offensive, harsh, poisonous, caustic.

6. Physical exercise (slide)

7. Getting to know the text.

Opened textbooks on page 161

Take bookmarks and follow my reading.

Reading the story aloud by the teacher, all the children follow, until the words: “And I was left alone with the porridge.”

Reading to the words: “And at that time mom came in.”

Listening to an audio recording

(from the words: “And some guy came in to us”

Do you think mom guessed that Deniska poured the porridge?

Did you like the work?

What did you like?

What genre is this work? (genre - humorous story) (slide

8. Test. (slide) Now let's check whether you listened to the story carefully. Read and choose the correct answer.

1. What is the name of the main character?


To the Mausoleum

To the Chamber of Facets



Threw it out the window

Gave it to the dog.

To the store for shopping

To the theater for a performance

Take pictures.

I was happy

I started crying

I was terribly angry.

I'll still go to the Kremlin!

Mutual check (exchange notebooks and check together)

Well done! Remembered the content of the text well.

What work did we read in class?

What lesson did you learn from this piece?

10. Home. exercise.

P. 84 (workbook)

11. Reflection.

Continue the phrases: (Slide)

In this lesson I would praise myself for……..

It was difficult for me…………

After the lesson I wanted……..

Now evaluate your work today in class. You have smiley faces on your desks. If you think you did a great job, take a green emoticon. If you think you did a good job for your grade, take a yellow smiley face, and if you think you could have worked better, but it didn’t work out today, take a red smiley face (slide)

Thank you for today's lesson. Ratings.

1. What is the name of the main character?


2. Where did mom want to take Deniska?

To the Mausoleum

To the Chamber of Facets

3. What porridge was offered for breakfast?



4. What did Deniska do with the porridge?

Threw it out the window

Gave it to the dog.

5. Where did the citizen go when the porridge fell on his hat?

To the store for shopping

To the theater for a performance

Take pictures.

6. How did mom react to Deniska’s action?

I was happy

I started crying

I was terribly angry.

7. What conclusion did Deniska draw for himself from this incident?

I'll still go to the Kremlin!

The secret always becomes clear.

I'll spend the whole evening in the corner.

Marina Menshchikova
Summary of GCD in the preparatory school group “Acquaintance with the story of V. Dragunsky “The Secret Becomes Revealed”

Abstract directly educational activities in the preparatory school group “Acquaintance with the story of V. Dragunsky “The Secret Becomes Revealed.”

Subject:“Acquaintance with the story by V. Dragunsky “The Secret Becomes Revealed.”

Target: introduce children to ideological meaning story by V. Dragunsky “The Secret Becomes Revealed.”


Formation of the ability to listen carefully to a story, determine its genre and parts.

Improving the ability to understand the moral and idea of ​​a work, to see the connection between the title of the text and its content.

Developing the ability to analyze the actions of heroes and expand children’s vocabulary.

An exercise in composition skills short stories and fairy tales based on proverbs, comprehend the figurative content and generalized meaning of proverbs and sayings.

Upbringing positive traits character: morality and honesty.

Getting ready to work.

Good morning, Guys. Turn to each other, look into each other's eyes, smile at each other, wish each other a good working mood. Now look at me. I also wish you to work together and learn something new and interesting.

Reading and analysis of the poem.

– Listen to a short poem.

Petya broke the vase,

And what he did - he hid it.

Dad found out all this

Petya’s action became obvious.

- What did Petya do?

– Why did Petya want to hide this from his parents?

– Did the boy do the right thing?

– Who found out about the Boy’s action?

- Guys, probably with each of you at some point, an incident occurred when you wanted to hide something from your parents, but they later found out about it anyway. Remember and tell us about such a case.

– A similar story also happened to the hero of Viktor Dragunsky’s work.

Acquaintance with the biography of V. Yu. Dragunsky.

Victor Dragunsky was born on November 17, 1913 in America, where his parents received their education. After the birth of their son, they returned to Russia. Having lost his father early, he began an independent life at the age of 16: he worked as a film and theater actor, and was a circus clown. He wrote several novellas and many humorous stories. When Victor Dragunsky's son Denis was born, all sorts of things began to happen to him. funny stories. Dragunsky began to write down these stories, and “Deniska’s Stories” came out.

These are funny and cheerful stories about city boys: Denis and his friends. An example of the main character of these stories was Dragunsky’s son, Denisk, and in the image of his father it is easy to recognize the writer himself. Viktor Dragunsky especially loved performing in front of children. There was no greater pleasure for him than watching little spectators.

(Showing a portrait of the writer).

Reading the story by the teacher, working on the language and content of the work.

– Listen to the work of V. Dragunsky and get ready to answer my questions after reading.

– Did you like this work?

– What did you like?

– What is this story, fairy tale or poem?

– Why do you think this is a story?

- Guys, what is a secret?

(This is something that is hidden from others, something unsolved, unclear, a hidden reason or action).

– What does the word explicit mean?

– How do you understand the expression “the secret becomes apparent”?

– How did Denis become convinced of the truth of this proverb?

– What can you say about Deniska’s action?

– Accidental deception or intentional, it still becomes known.

– Why do you think mom didn’t punish Deniska?

– How can I briefly say what this story is about?

– What would you call him?

Writer Viktor Dragunsky called this story “The Secret Becomes Revealed.”

Did you notice that the story says the same thing as the title itself?

– What does the expression “The secret becomes apparent” mean? In what cases can this be said?

Dynamic pause.

Children perform dance exercises to the song by M. Tanich and V. Shainsky “In secret to the whole world.”

Drawing up a story plan.

– How many parts does each story consist of?

– What parts are these?

– Every work must have three parts – a beginning, a middle and an end.

– Remember how the story “The Secret Becomes Revealed” begins, select the desired picture. (Three illustrations for the story are offered.) What title can you come up with for this part?

– What is said in the second part? What title can you come up with for this part? Which illustration matches it?

– How did the story about the boy and his secret end? What title can you give to the third part of the story?

– How do you think the story could have ended if the boy’s secret had not been revealed?

– What similar story by Nikolai Nosov have you and I read? (Lollipop)

– There is a similar proverb “You can’t hide an awl in a sack”

– How do you understand this proverb?

Repeat both proverbs that we met today. With these proverbs, come up with your own story or fairy tale, your own little story.

The teacher listens to the children's stories.

Game "Bundle".

– Today I have prepared a surprise for you, a little secret. To find out what is in this package, you must open it.

The teacher takes out a package made of several layers of paper. There is a surprise inside this package - small pictures. To the music, children pass the package to each other in a circle. When the music stops, the bundle stops. The player who has it in his hands turns it around. As soon as the music starts, the child passes the surprise package further around the circle.

- This little present you for your diligence, initiative, activity.


- What did we do today?

– How was your mood?

- Why?

-What did you like best?

Publications on the topic:

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Summary of educational activities for teaching literacy “Introduction to the sound [M] and the letter “M” (preparatory group for school) MKDOU Chukhlomsky kindergarten"Rodnichok" CONSPECT OF NOOD on Teaching Literacy Date of conduct Teacher (full name): Age group children: preparatory.

Subject: New Year symbol 2017 Objectives: continue to teach children to draw cotton swabs, develop a sense of rhythm and color, continue.

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Abstract open lesson By literary reading in 2nd grade

Educational and educational complex "School of Russia"

Topic: “Initial acquaintance with the work of V.Yu. Dragunsky

"The secret becomes clear"

Lesson objectives:

Introduce children to the work of V.Yu. Dragunsky "The secret becomes apparent"

Improve expressive reading skills, techniques for understanding text, enrich active vocabulary

Develop fluent expressive reading skills

Formation of moral qualities of students using the example of a work of art by V. Dragunsky.

Equipment: presentation for a lesson, book exhibition, computer, projector, screen, test on sheets.

I.Org. Moment(slide)

So the bell rang

Let's start our lesson

A desk is not a bed

And you can't lie on it

You sit at your desk slimly

And behave with dignity.

II. Warm up.

We start our reading lesson with a warm-up.

Look at the screen: in front of you is a quatrain (slide)

Vanya decided to eat a plum,

And what he did - he hid it.

My father found out about this.

Vanya’s action became obvious.

Read the quatrain in a buzzing manner

read the quatrain questioningly

Read the quatrain compassionately

Will read it quickly

III. Bottom line.

- Guys, think about why we read the same quatrain in different ways and intonations?

Such exercises develop reading speed, reading should be expressive, and sometimes you need to read compassionately, other times irritably or questioningly. It all depends on how you feel about it, how you perceive it.

Did you recognize the hero?

How do you understand the words “became obvious”? (everyone found out)

Read the statement written on the board :

The secret becomes clear (slide)

How do you understand the meaning of these words?

IV. Setting the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Look very carefully at the board and try to find letters that are not repeated (slide), name these letters (slide)

What surname did you get?

(Dragunsky) appears (slide) with his photograph and biography.

Absolutely right, today we will talk specifically about the writer Viktor Dragunsky.

Biography read by teacher (slide)

Victor Dragunsky was born on November 17, 1913 in America, where his parents received their education. After the birth of their son, they returned to Russia. Having lost his father early, he began an independent life at the age of 16: he worked as a film and theater actor, and was a circus clown. He wrote several novellas, many humorous stories, but his main book is Deniska’s Stories. These are funny and cheerful stories about city boys: Denis and his friends. An example of the main character of these stories was Dragunsky’s son, Denisk, and in the image of his father it is easy to recognize the writer himself .

- Look look closely at the exhibition of his books. This is only a small part of his works.

Who do you think Viktor Dragunsky wrote about and for whom?

(about children and for children)

Anyone interested in his genre is welcome to school library to Olga Gennadievna.

V. Bottom line.

- So what kind of person was Viktor Dragunsky?

(he was a cheerful person and loved children very much)

- What is it called? main book? (Slide)

(Deniska's stories)

Absolutely right, that’s why he dedicated many of his works to children.

And today in class we will get acquainted with one of his works

Vl. Read the title of the work (slide)

(1 student reads)

V. Dragunsky “The secret becomes apparent”

Before we start reading the work, let's look at the words that you will encounter.

VIll. Vocabulary work: (look at the screen)

First word - " Faceted Chamber" - This (slide)

An architectural monument in the Moscow Kremlin, one of the oldest civil buildings in Moscow. Over the centuries, many major events in the life of the Russian state were celebrated in the Faceted Chamber; it was the ceremonial throne room. Foreign ambassadors were received there and the heirs to the Russian throne were solemnly announced.

What kind of person do you think is called intelligent? Listen to the meaning of this expression as it is given in the explanatory dictionary . (Slide)

This is a person with great internal culture, that is, a person with education and special knowledge in various fields of science, technology and culture.

Next word slander– what does it mean? ( Slide)

Defamatory information or dissemination of knowingly false information that discredits the honor and dignity of another person or undermines his reputation.

Find synonyms for this word.

What words do we call synonyms?

Lies, lies, invention, slander.

And the last word sarcastic th – what does this mean? (Slide)

Evil-mocking, eager to annoy

Let's select synonyms:

angry, offensive, harsh, poisonous, caustic.

VIl. Fizminutka (slide)

Are you probably tired?

Well, then everyone stood up together.

(Repeat after me)

And now everyone sat down together.

We close our eyes tightly,

We count to 5 together.

Open, blink

And we continue to work.

XlX. Getting to know the text.

Opened textbooks on page 161

We took the pointers and followed my reading.

Reading the story aloud by the teacher, all the children follow, until the words: “And I was left alone with the porridge.”

Reading to the words: “And at that time mom came in.”

Do you think mom guessed that Deniska poured the porridge?

Did you like the work?

What did you like?

What genre is this work? (genre: humorous story) slide

XX. Test. (slide) A Now let's check if you listened to the story carefully. Work in pairs. Alyosha and Petya. Yura and Sasha. Read and choose the correct answer, then check.

1. What is the name of the main character?


2. Where did mom want to take Deniska?

To the Mausoleum

To the Chamber of Facets

3. What porridge was offered for breakfast?



4. What did Deniska do with the porridge?

Threw it out the window

Gave it to the dog.

5. Where did the citizen go when the porridge fell on his hat?

To the store for shopping

To the theater for a performance

Take pictures.

6. How did mom react to Deniska’s action?

I was happy

I started crying

I was terribly angry.

7. What conclusion did Deniska draw for himself from this incident?

I'll still go to the Kremlin!

The secret always becomes clear.

I'll spend the whole evening in the corner.

Well done! Remembered the content of the text well.

XXI. Work in pairs.

On page 167, find question No. 3 and discuss it with your seatmate. I'll give you 1 minute.

Which pair is ready?

Well done! We completed the task.

XXll. Bottom line.

What work did we read in class?

What lesson did you learn from this piece?

XXlll. House. exercise.

XXIV. Reflection.

Continue the phrases: (Slide)

- In this lesson, I would praise myself for...

- It was difficult for me...

- After the lesson I wanted...

Now evaluate your work today in class. If you think you did a great job, take a green emoticon. If you think you did a good job for your grade, take a yellow smiley face, and if you think you could have worked better, but it didn’t work out today, take a red smiley face (slide)

- Thank you for today's lesson. Ratings.

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