Beautifully arrange fruit on the table. Slicing fruit for the holiday table: beautiful design with photos

Sliced ​​fruit for a children's party is one of the main components of the menu, and can always decorate the table and cause excitement among children and their parents. It looks appetizing, aesthetically pleasing, and most importantly, it brings health benefits.


Sliced ​​fruit for a children's party: what fruit to use.

Such gifts of nature contain many useful vitamins and fiber, which are very necessary for a growing child’s body. Fruits for children have a beneficial effect, they are tasty, and when well presented they make an impression. If they are cut into pieces, then by placing them on a dish you can depict fruit drawings. Children eat beautifully decorated canapés and salads made from these products with great pleasure.

You can use seasonal fruits and berries that grow in your native climate zone, as well as exotic ones, the choice of which is very large in stores.

Fruit slices will be a great decoration both for a children's party and on weekdays.

When serving, it is advisable to consider:

It is advisable for children not to smear their hands in juice and pulp, because their clothes and everything around them can get dirty. The best option would be to decorate the table with assorted dishes, which includes skewers or special sticks. For this purpose, they also use baskets and waffle cups, which are filled with both whole fruits and cubes.

Don't make too many delicious decorations. Children will eagerly look at the beautiful decorations and will still start gobbling up the treats, even if they are not beautifully decorated.

Fruit slices for a children's party - photo

Children's parties are special occasions. Adults try to organize such days as brightly and cheerfully as possible. When planning and thinking through everything down to the smallest detail, you should pay special attention to decorating the festive table, presenting dishes in a fabulous interpretation.

Some children are very reluctant to eat fruit, and therefore it is necessary to come up with and present treats for them so that everyone wants to try.

The cuts are presented mainly on plates, on which juicy edible fruits are laid out in the form of various figures of animals, birds, flowers, etc.

As an alternative, fruit slices for a children's party can look like a palm tree, which is especially popular among children. In addition to its amazing appearance, this is a very tasty dessert. It consists of a pineapple trunk, to which various seasonal fruits (tangerines, kiwis, grapes of different colors, strawberries, pieces of apples and pears) are attached with skewers. The fruits must be fresh and ripe.

Fruits for a children's party can be presented in the form of a very simple assortment made from peeled orange and tangerine, pieces of pear, apple, kiwi slices, and grapes and strawberries. Lay carefully in layers and choose a color combination.

Or cut an apple, pear and orange of the same size into large circles and swap their parts with each other.

To please their children, many mothers master such a difficult art of decoration as carving. By processing fruits using different tools, amazing patterns and even paintings are obtained.

Fruit slices for children's birthday

Ideas for original fruit presentation for children.

There are so many different ways to place the cut. It is worth paying attention to the following:

  • A set of fruits and berries on sticks looks beautiful and unique if they are carefully placed on a dish like a rainbow. For aesthetic pleasure, you need to make sure that the colors in each set match;
  • Fruits for a children's party can be presented in the form of a picturesque slide. To form the basis of such a structure, you need to take a block of hard foam and create a hill out of it. Then insert skewers into it without losing the visibility of the slide;

  • Children love everything unusual, and the option of presenting jelly treats can be of great interest to them. It takes time to prepare them, but it's worth it. It is necessary to cover the fruit pieces located in the molds with multi-colored jelly. Then wait until it hardens and cut out various figures from the jelly mass. Stick onto special sticks and place on a plate. Fresh products can be replaced with canned ones;

  • decorating fruit snacks for a children's feast forces the organizers to use their imagination and recall childhood cartoon and fairy-tale characters. You need to try to make your own favorite character out of fruit pieces and berries. In practice, this is very easy, you just need to put a picture in front of you and reproduce it;

And further:

  • fruits for children can be laid out in the likeness of funny faces with a charming smile;
  • There may be artistic variations of arranging edible fruit gifts in the form of landscapes with elements of nature. Such a spectacular creation will help kids quickly empty their plates;

  • With some practice, you can make flower arrangements from berries and pieces of fruit. In this case, you need to use long, sharp sticks. The dense and hard skin of the fruit can serve as vases for such creations. This dish is eaten along with its contents;

  • The white coating on parts of plums, apricots, grapes, which can be done with sugar or coconut flakes, looks very beautiful;
  • using a sharp knife and the use of oblong-shaped fruits, you can depict the appearance of scales;
  • canapés in the form of small sandwiches using kebab sticks are very common;
  • cute hedgehogs will come from pears. On the smaller side you need to peel the skin - this will be the muzzle, and stick toothpicks into the larger part and string grapes on them;

  • To depict a Rubik's cube, you need to cut identical even squares from different fruits (watermelon, pineapple, kiwi) and connect them using long skewers.

Having a huge selection of fruits on sale allows you to realize any idea for a children's celebration. With imagination and effort, this is very easy to do. What other sweets to prepare for the kids?

An original fruit slice for a children's party will have an unforgettable impression on your kids, so it is worth spending as much time as possible on its implementation and, of course, doing it with kind thoughts and love.

    To prepare this dish you will need fruits. If you are preparing a dish for Easter, you will have to limit yourself to imported bananas, citrus fruits, and kiwi. Otherwise, take any seasonal fruits and berries. The bigger, the better. Wash the fruits in advance and dry with paper towels.

    It is very important to cut the tangerine correctly. Take a serving dish and place it in the center. Then use your fingers to feel the spaces between the lobes. This is where you need to cut the tangerine right in the peel. There should be eight slices in total. Be careful not to touch the flesh with the knife. The cuts should not go all the way, but only reach the middle of the fruit.

    Use your hands to open the tangerine a little so that it opens like a flower. Arrange the slices so that they look like petals. Let us remind you that the tangerine should be in the center of the dish.

    Now it's banana's turn. Peel it. Take a small, long and sharp knife. Make zigzag cuts on the banana so that you can divide the fruit into several parts. They should also resemble flowers in shape. An unripe banana is suitable for such purposes, since a ripe one may simply fall apart. Place the resulting bells around the tangerine on a platter.

    Using a knife, make grooves on the orange. Be careful not to cut through to the flesh. Then cut the citrus crosswise into circles about half a centimeter thick or thinner. Then cut each circle again to create semicircles.

    Place the orange slices nicely and evenly on a plate with the tangerine and bananas.

    Peel the kiwi. Then use cookie cutters to shape it into the desired shape. To do this, cut the fruit into circles, and then squeeze out the desired shapes using molds. If you do not have suitable forms, this can be done with a knife, but then the task will be very long and painstaking. You can simply cut the kiwi into slices or slices and place it on a dish. Kiwi symbolizes the leaves of flowers.

A beautifully set table immediately lifts your mood. And fruits play an important role in it. But in general, serving them is not very convenient and not at all economical.

Therefore, fruit slices always occupy a worthy place on the holiday table. You can see the design with a photo of a beautiful fruit layout in this article on our website.

Basics of creating fruit slices for the table

First, let’s clarify which fruits are usually included in the list for making this dessert dish. This:

  • apples
  • oranges
  • pears
  • tangerines
  • bananas
  • grape
  • a pineapple
  • lemon
  • berries

It’s great if you have a special device that knows how to cut fruit beautifully, quickly and accurately cuts everything into perfectly even slices. But if you don’t have a slicer in your household, you will have to arm yourself with an ordinary, but very sharp knife.

But even the easiest cutting of fruit with a simple knife can look great if the finished slices are then effectively arranged.

This is the main topic of our article today, in which you can see photos of options for decorating a fruit plate with a description.

Methods for cutting fruit for the holiday table

Oranges are cut into circles or semi-circles; you can cut the circle halfway and place it on a plate like a lemon wedge for fish. Alternatively, in segments. Or maybe you would like to make an orange rose in the center of the fruit plate?

Kiwis are cut into thin slices without peeling. Simple decorations can be kiwi flowers, cut out in a zigzag with the tip of a knife; the skin does not need to be peeled, you can bend it back like petals.

We do the same with tangerine skins, and now they look completely different.

Another simple technique on how to cut fruit beautifully is used in the step-by-step creation of a swan from an apple. If you wish, you can place it on the dish if you have extra time.

And look how cute and simple the dolphin figurines are made from banana pieces.

The pineapple is cut into cubes, which are placed in a row and moved from the center in different directions.

You can lay out ready-made pieces and slices in a circle, semicircle, segments, separating them with other fruits or leaving them as is.

Don’t forget about the game of contrasts; you shouldn’t put a green apple next to a kiwi, just like tangerines and oranges. Bright strawberries, cherries, raspberries and blackberries will complement the color scheme favorably.

The decoration of fruit slices for the buffet table can be done in the form of “kebabs”, placing the pieces on skewers in the form of an assortment of different types. This is very convenient than just taking slices from a common dish with your hands or picking them up yourself with skewers.

And on a wedding table or Valentine's Day, a beautiful cut of fruit can be placed in the shape of a heart if desired.

For children it is possible, the kids will like the idea.

When placing any fruit on the table, you can sprinkle it with powdered sugar through a strainer. Looks very romantic.

And a small bonus. Very often, a fruit platter is combined with a cheese plate, which all the French go crazy for. What cheese goes with fruit slices? These are edam, gouda, mozzarella, camembert, brie, maasdam, emmental, parmesan, gruyere, pecorino, dor blue. There are no strict rules, but still...

Soft and blue cheeses go best with grapes, orange loves soft cheeses with a moldy rind, crisp apples like tender brie, pears can be accompanied by both soft cheese and aged hard cheese, kiwis, cherries and pineapples like to see hard cheeses next to them. varieties.

The art of cutting fruit is accessible to absolutely everyone, and if your own imagination sometimes lets you down, you can use ready-made solutions from the Internet. Bon appetit!

What can be made from fruits

Master class on preparing fruit dessert “How to serve fruit beautifully for a holiday”

Perepelkina Alina Sergeevna, art teacher, additional education teacher at Lyceum No. 126 of St. Petersburg.

The master class is designed: for children of middle and high school age, teachers, educators, parents and everyone who is interested in decorating our everyday lives.

Target: creating a festive fruit dessert.

- develop creative imagination, fantasy;
- develop interest in artistic creativity;
- learn to create creative crafts from fruits;
- develop aesthetic feelings;
- improve skills and abilities;
- cultivate independence, perseverance and accuracy in work;
- evoke conscious empathy for the current emotional state of your friend and family.

Appointment of the master class– festive table decoration, creative serving of fruit.

Each of us has eaten some kind of fruit at least once in our lives, but what do we know about the benefits of fruits? Fruits are a huge storehouse of all kinds of vitamins and minerals. Eating them every day, a person always looks cheerful and happy, because the benefits of fruits do not take long to arrive. In addition, a basket of fruits will be cheaper and healthier than any multivitamin complex sold in pharmacies.
The fruits of each fruit tree contain a lot of iron, potassium, magnesium, fiber, vitamins A, B and C, PP and creatine. Imagine that at work you will be less tired, you will not have to invigorate yourself with coffee in the morning, you will sleep soundly - this is all the effect of eating fruit. After all, they contain the energy of the sun, the warmth of which we rejoice so much every summer.
But housewives are always faced with the question of how best to serve fruit on the table. (photo Here are some examples of serving fruit desserts.

The master class consists of three parts:

1)Uninhabited island.
2) Grape Hedgehog.
3) A basket of apples.

1)Uninhabited island. Master Class

Necessary materials:
- Banana;
- 2 tangerines;
- 2 kiwis;
- Knives;
- Flat dish;
- Cutting board.


Peel all fruits.

Cut the banana into slices, approximately 0.5 cm thick.

Place the banana on a plate as shown in the photo - this will form the trunk of future palm trees.

Divide the tangerines into slices.

Form a sand island from tangerine slices.

Cut the kiwi into slices.

Place the kiwi at the top of the plate to resemble palm leaves. You can add small pieces of kiwi to the tangerines. Here is the first dessert ready to be served.

2) Grape Hedgehog. Master Class

The hedgehog is an animal that is probably familiar to each of us since childhood, along with the cunning fox, the cowardly hare, the gray wolf and the bear - Michal Potapych. The cartoon “Hedgehog in the Fog” alone is worth it. Defenseless at first glance, the animal is immune to many poisons: it easily eats snakes, frogs and insects. Hedgehogs have found their way into the fairy tales of many peoples around the world. All children know and love them. And they almost always appear as positive characters - smart, resourceful and charming. That's why I wanted to offer you a master class on making a Hedgehog from a pear. This culinary dessert will decorate any holiday and give a lot of positive emotions.
Necessary materials:
- Grape;
- Pear;
- Toothpicks;
- Knife;
- Plate.

Take a pear and tear off the tail (don’t throw it away; we’ll need it later). To make the figure stable, you need to trim the pear from below.

Then you need to design the Hedgehog’s face. To do this, you need to cut off the excess skin from half the pear. Take toothpicks and string grapes, as shown in the photo.

Now we stick the toothpicks into the skin of the pear with short edges. We start from the end of the muzzle, moving in a checkerboard pattern to the tail of the pear. Without grapes, only the face will remain.

Take a grape of a different color (you can take an olive so that the nose is black) and cut off half. We break the toothpick in half so that the nose is better attached to the pear. We take the tail from the pear and cut it in half - these are the future eyes of the Hedgehog. (You can also make eyes from grape seeds, allspice and dry cloves.)

Next, we attach the eyes and nose to the Hedgehog’s face. Our grape hedgehog is ready.

To make the Hedgehog on the plate look like a complete composition, you can put on the ends of toothpicks: tangerine slices, slices of banana and grapes and decorate the plate with flowers, if this is the March 8th holiday. This easy-to-prepare culinary masterpiece is sure to lift the spirits of your entire family.

3) A basket of apples. Master Class

For the holiday table, you can also prepare baskets of apples, filling them with a variety of fruits, or curds, or ice cream. You can serve drinks in baskets of large apples. Guests will be pleasantly surprised by such an idea.
Necessary materials:
- Medium size apple;
- Banana;
- Kiwi;
- Pomegranate;
- Grapes;
- Toothpicks;
- Cutting board;
- Knives;
- Plate.
-If necessary: ​​lemon, teaspoon.

Using a knife, cut off a small portion at the base of the apple. Cut off ¼ of the top part along with the peduncle and set it aside - it will be useful in your work.

Use a knife to mark the thickness of the wall of the future basket. Keep the knife parallel to the sides of the apple to avoid cutting through the skin.

Using the same knife, carefully trim the apple pulp and remove it using a teaspoon.

Next, we continue to cut out the pulp with a knife or spoon, and form the inside of the future basket.

This is what we should get. Take the top cut part of the apple.

Use a knife to make through cuts, holding the knife vertical to the work surface.

You should get a flower-shaped blank. You can first apply a design for carving with a food marker or the tip of any knife.

Use a knife to cut decorative blind grooves on each petal, which will add delicacy to the finished product.

Cut all fruits into small pieces.

Place the chopped fruits in a basket.

Take toothpicks to pierce the “flower”, slices of tangerines and place them in our fruit basket.

Gut the pomegranate and decorate the plate with it.

I believe that any dish should be beautifully decorated, since first we see, and only then we taste. You know the proverb: “You are greeted by your clothes, but you are seen off by your mind,” so in our case, clothes are decoration, and mind is the taste of the dish. When we go to a holiday and look at the table, our attention immediately falls on the beautifully decorated dishes, and we will try the most beautiful ones first, and then, if there is room, we will try all the rest. I am sure that all your culinary recipes turn out delicious, and if you also learn how to decorate them beautifully, then your culinary recipes will not be worth the price. Today we will look at many options for decorating the holiday table with fruit. You can make any holiday table (March 8, Birthday, Christmas, Easter, wedding, anniversary, New Year, Valentine's Day, Romantic evening, children's party, etc.) truly beautiful and elegant by decorating it beautifully with fruits and fruit slices .

Look at the photo, what beautiful fruit ones can be made from canned pineapple rings and banana slices and pricked with a skewer. This will decorate any holiday.

This fruit slice of orange, pear, grapes, strawberries, apple slices, peeled tangerines, kiwi looks quite beautiful and is a very convenient snack on the holiday table. The cutting will be a great decoration for both children's and other holidays.

This decoration is quite simple to prepare, but looks very beautiful and original. We need pears, apples, and oranges of approximately the same size and different colors. We cut the fruits into wide circles and swap places in the fruits. I really like it, it turns out quickly and very beautifully. So, the decoration can be prepared even on a weekday, not to mention for the holiday table, since it does not take much time.

Such a beautiful fruit basket can be made from an oblong or round watermelon. But here you must master at least the basics of such a craft as “Carving” - this is the name for figured carving of vegetables and fruits. Of course, there is nothing complicated here, we cut out the special ones. Using molds, stars from the peel and pulp, thereby forming a basket, select the remaining pulp, and fill with watermelon stars, pear and apple straws, and berries. This is how beautiful you can make decorating a holiday table with vegetables and fruits.

Isn't it fun to decorate a holiday table with a fruit hedgehog! Here we will need skewers, pears, pineapple, raspberries, strawberries, apples, grapes (of different colors). Well, there’s nothing complicated here, cut an apple and pineapple into medium cubes, peel a tangerine, string pieces and slices onto skewers and stick them into the pineapple. You can use a whole pineapple as a base or carefully cut out the pulp of the fruit. Having decorated the festive table in this way, your guests will get a lot of pleasure from this beauty.

You can decorate a children's party with such a beautiful hedgehog, which will bring a lot of pleasure to the children. To prepare you will need pears, toothpicks, berries, and a knife.

Strawberries have always been a seductive berry that attracts people with its beauty and taste. I propose to make these chocolate-covered strawberries, which are very suitable for a romantic evening, a children's party, a birthday, Valentine's Day, and will also serve as an excellent decoration for any other holiday table. The recipe is very simple - melt the chocolate and dip each strawberry in the heated chocolate, let it drip a little and put it on paper (parchment paper) and let it harden. This is an easy decoration that can be prepared for any holiday table.

A quiet romantic evening, a loved one nearby, quiet romantic music, a bottle of semi-sweet champagne and a beautiful snack in the form of baskets of orange and grapefruit with candied fruit. How are you feeling? I'm sure it's excellent! Decorating a holiday table in this style will put you in a good mood for the entire working week.

Here are some more options for cutting fruit. Look, this option for cutting apples, pears into scales or leaves looks very attractive, but you think it’s difficult, you’re wrong! In fact, this is done very simply with the help of a knife and fruit (preferably oblong, but round ones are also possible), cut out an oblong piece of apple and make lower cuts on both sides with the same thickness (you get boats) and so on. I advise you to take an apple, a knife and ruin a couple of apples until you learn how. Example in pictures. In a word, a beautiful decoration for the holiday table is in your hands.

Beautiful fruit baskets with fruits and berries will serve as a wonderful decoration for the holiday table, which will always lift your spirits. To prepare them we will need fruits, berries, skewers, toothpicks, lettuce! As you can see, the photo shows trees made of fruits and berries, of course, such a pleasure is labor-intensive and is mainly used for decoration at resorts in hotels with buffets, where there are a lot of people. And such cute and tasty baskets are perfect for the holiday table.

Such cute and tasty kebabs from pieces of fruit and berries can be prepared very quickly. We cut pieces of kiwi, apples, banana, orange, grapefruit, pineapple, as well as black currants, grapes, raspberries, strawberries - great for fruit decoration of the holiday table.

Fruits and berries in sugar are delicious and beautiful decorations for the holiday table. Do you remember the song performed by Vladimir Asmolov “Cranberries in Sugar”, I remembered it, just in time... Look at the photo how great they look.

A cool and beautiful decoration for a children's holiday table in the form of a palm tree made from bananas and palm branches from peeled kiwi, and sand from peeled tangerine slices. Your children will be in seventh heaven from such beauty.

Well, in conclusion, I would like to recommend decorating the festive table with fruits, which are also not difficult to prepare and go very harmoniously with any dishes. I hope you find a lot for yourself useful information, which will come in handy more than once and will help out in difficult times. In the next article we will discuss “Decorating the festive table with vegetables.”

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