Questions for a quiz on Russian literature. Literary quiz "through the pages of your favorite books"

1. Which woman made a lot of money from crimes?

Agatha Christie

2. The ancient Greek sage named the most wonderful of miracles. What kind of miracle is this?


3. At the end of the 18th century, a book was published called “If you don’t like it, don’t listen, and don’t interfere with lying.” What is it called now?

"The Adventures of Baron Munchausen"

4. Which writer in his youth acted under the pseudonym “A Doctor Without Patients”?

A.P. Chekhov

5. There used to be a proverb “No stake, no yard.” We know what the yard is for, but what is the stake for?

A stake is a piece of land; a stake was used to measure the land 6. Voltaire’s riddle: what is the longest and shortest thing in the world that is neglected and treasured, that devours everything insignificant and resurrects everything good? Time 7. Whose song is this? If I'm scratching my head, it's okay. There is sawdust in my head, yes, yes, yes.

Winnie the Pooh

8. What is the name of the girl who finds herself in Through the Looking Glass?


9. What are the names of the three little pigs? Nif-nif, Nuf-nuf and Naf-naf,
10 How Ellie got into

magical land


She was carried away by a hurricane 11 What is the name of literature about the future? Fantastic

12 Great Russian fabulist. Krylov

15 A fairy tale in which a “terrible crime” occurs - an attempted murder.

Fly Tsokotukha

16 What kind of hero was Chukovsky

scary villain

and then re-educated?


17 In what country did G.Kh. live? Andersen?

In Denmark

18 Where do we meet Doctor Prospero?

In the fairy tale "Three Fat Men"

32 Who has a button on his stomach?

Carlson's 33 What is it called mythical creature

- half horse, half man? Centaur 34 At the great

American writer Mark Twain describes the incident. One person never laughed or smiled. No matter what they told him, he listened with an indifferent look. Why? He was deaf 35 Edgar Poe wrote a story about a stolen letter. The house where it was supposed to be located was known to the police. But, despite the fact that they were looking for him in the secret and most

incredible places

, it was still not possible to find him. Eventually he was found. Where was he found?

In the most visible place

36 What did Albert Einstein say when he was offered the opportunity to become the first president of Israel?

I have no head for human problems 37 The most famous of the Russian chroniclers, a monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery, who lived in the second half of the 11th century - at the beginning of the 12th centuries? Nestor

38 Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote a book that was of great importance in the struggle to free blacks from slavery. What is this book? Uncle Tom's Cabin

39 Mythical abode of the gods?

Mountain tops

40 Of

Ancient China

the name "Yellow Newspaper" came about. Why was it called that?

The newspaper was printed on yellow silk 41 What birthday present did the owl give to Eeyore? Tail

42 What did the fox lure out from the crow in Krylov’s famous fable? Cheese 43 Who did brother Ivanushka become when he disobeyed his sister Alyonushka?

Little goat

44 From what flower did Thumbelina come from?

From a tulip

45 What device was invented by engineer Garin?


46 What was the name of Malvina's poodle?


47 Which

noble title

visited the musketeer Athos?


48 Which of
literary heroes

1. In which state did the heroes of many Russian folk tales live? (in the distant kingdom, in the thirtieth state)
2. What was the bun: gingerbread or pie? (gingerbread)
3. What is the real name Frog princesses? (Vasilisa the Wise)
4. Name the long-lived fairy-tale king. (Koschei)
5. Name the formidable weapon of the Nightingale the Robber. (whistling)
6. The Poles call her Edzina, the Czechs - Ezinka, the Slovaks - Hedgehog Baba, but what do we call her? (Baba Yaga)
7. Name the birthplace of Kolobok (oven)
8. Name the only heroine fairy tale "Turnip", whose name we know? (Bug)
9. Name fairy tale character, bending over backwards? (Princess Frog)
10. What is the name of the part of a woman’s dress in which lakes, swans and other elements are placed? environment(sleeve of the Frog Princess's dress)
11. What fairytale headdress can’t be drawn? (invisibility hat)
12. Name " workplace"scientist's cat? (oak)
13. Which fairy tale tells about the dire consequences of poor fire safety equipment? ("Cat house")
14. Which fairy tale talks about some of the difficulties associated with delivering fresh baked goods to your home? ("Little Red Riding Hood")
15. Who did Winnie the Pooh give an empty pot for his birthday? (to Eeyore)
16. There are 38 parrots, 6 monkeys and 1 baby elephant. Who is this? (boa)
17. Who was it? fairy tale Cinderella good witch? (godfather)
18. How many letters were “lost” in the original name of Captain Vrungel’s yacht? (2)
19. Name a Russian folk tale in which there were 3 attempted murders and one murder? (“Kolobok”)
20. Which fairy-tale characters lived “30 years and 3 years”? (old man with old woman)

Guess the same words - the names of animals that can be found in Krylov's fables - hidden in several proverbs. The fewer proverbs, the better. If you guess the first proverb - 3 points, the second - 2, the third - 1.

HE would pretend to be a goat, but the tail is not like that.
. No matter how you feed HIM, HE keeps looking into the forest.
. HIS feet feed. (wolf)

HER paws are soft and her claws are sharp.
. SHE smells whose meat she ate.
. Kind word and she is pleased. (cat)

And SHE remembers who feeds her.
. Don't be afraid of HER nonsense, but be afraid of HER silent one.
. SHE is in the manger: she doesn’t eat herself and doesn’t give it to others. (dog)

SHE will guide seven wolves.
. HER tail is not for beauty.
. SHE even counts chickens in her sleep. (fox)

A big donkey won't make a HE.

Making HIM out of a molehill.
. Ay, Moska, you know she is strong, that she barks at HIM. (elephant)

And the wolf eats just a few of them.
. Don't pretend to be HER: the wolf will eat you.
. They beat the wolf not because he is gray, but because he ate HER. (sheep)

Don't throw your pearls in front of THEM.
. SHE will always find dirt.
. Place HER at the table, with her feet on the table. (pig)

HE sings for a month, but the crow caws all year round.
. The swallow begins the day, and HE ends it.
. HE doesn't need a golden cage, a green branch is better. (nightingale)

Don't teach HER to swim.
. That's why SHE is in the sea, so that the crucian carp doesn't doze off.
. I wish I knew when SHE changes her teeth. (pike)

Tell me whether you believe it or not that...

1. Ilya Muromets was a bomber. (Yes, “Ilya Muromets” is a bomber aircraft designed by Sikorsky)
2. The Champs Elysees in Paris are named after Prince Elisha, the hero of the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin. (No)
3. For school essays A.P. Chekhov received only “A” grades. (No, he never received higher than a “C” for school essays)
4. One day M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin received a “D” for an essay he wrote instead of his daughter. (Yes, and also with a note: “You don’t know Russian!”)
5. After the tragic duel of A.S. Pushkin, V.A. Zhukovsky exclaimed: “Ay-ay-ay, they killed a black man, they killed a black man...” (No)
6. Lake Pleshcheyevo in the Yaroslavl region is named after the Russian poet A.N. Pleshcheev. (No)
7. He is a poet, she is poetics. (No, she is a poetess. And poetics is the study of poetic creativity)
8. In the fable “Quartet,” the author ridicules animals that play poorly musical instruments. (No)

In the name famous works all words were replaced with their opposite meaning. Try to restore the true names encrypted in this way.

1. “Dog Barefoot” (“Puss in Boots”)
2. “Girl-kalancha” (“Boy with a Thumb”)
3. “Blue Handkerchief” (“Little Red Riding Hood”)
4. “Iron Lock” (“Golden Key”)
5. “Znayka underground” (“Dunno on the Moon”)
6. “The Sand Maid” (The Snow Queen)
7. “The Tale of the Iron Hen” (“The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”)
8. “Giant Mouth” (“Dwarf Nose”)


Whoever completes the puzzle picture the fastest will name the work and the author. (You can take any illustration and cut it into pieces to get a puzzle, or you can take ready-made ones (I took the “Quartet” puzzles based on Krylov’s demon)

Summing up, awarding the winners.

Full text of the material Literary quiz“Through the pages of your favorite books” see the downloadable file.
The page contains a fragment. for the game, cards indicating the team number, five sets with answer numbers (1,2,3,4,5), stars.

Progress of the game

Presenter: Today we gathered for a quiz game “ Literary ring" All questions that will be asked are related to folk art, literary works and literary fairy tales.

Rules of the game (slide 2)

  • 5 teams take part in the game. Questions will be asked to each team in turn. All teams can answer all questions.
  • For each correct answer to their question, the team receives 1 point.
  • For the correct answer to another team's question you can get a star.
  • You are given 5 seconds to think about each question.
  • After each round, and there are three of them, one team of players with the fewest points will be eliminated.
  • If several teams have the same number of points, stars will be taken into account.
  • The super game will feature two teams that have reached the final.

The points will be counted... (the presenter introduces the jury)

1st round

Presenter: The Firebird is the embodiment of the radiant Sun God! The image of this bird was created by imagination ancient man and was preserved in Russian fairy tales as the ideal of heavenly beauty and happiness. The prototype of this beautiful bird was the nature surrounding man. You have to solve poetic images birds that lived and still live in our forests. I think we know many of them very well. You have to guess them in the mythological descriptions given by our ancestors.

Task 1: (slide 3) Here are images of birds: eagle, owl, rooster, cuckoo, crow.

1. It was considered a bird among the Slavs; it was dedicated to the goddess of spring and predicted the beginning of thunderstorms and rains.


2. This bird lived up to three hundred years and was the only one that could bring living and dead water.

3. In peasant life, it was revered as a symbol of heavenly fire and at the same time a talisman against it. Her image can still be found on the roofs of houses.

4. Mysterious bird, lover of nightlife. The popular wave called her the guardian of treasures and the wisest of earthly birds.

5. Since ancient times, this bird has become a symbol of pride, power and freedom. Myths say that the main god of the Slavs, Perun, appeared on earth in the guise of this bird.

Presenter: The world of animals in Slavic legends is no less rich and diverse. Indrik, the beast, was considered the head and ruler of the animal kingdom. He had many subjects. They had wonderful properties. But there were also those who really lived and are now living in our Russian forests. It is to these animals that we will devote our questions.

Task 2. (Slide 4) Here are images of animals and beasts.

1. By folk beliefs, he is the personification of darkness. The main Slavic god Perun could turn into it when he wanted to appear on earth. This beast could speak in a human voice, was endowed with wisdom and acted in many Russian fairy tales.

2. According to legend, this is a man turned by an evil sorcerer into a wild beast. He himself never attacks a person, he can walk on his hind legs. In his guise one of the main Slavic gods- Veles.


3. This animal acts as a companion to sorcerers or witches, but it is very loved by the Russian people. According to Slavic beliefs, this is a very intelligent animal. There are many signs and proverbs associated with it.

To oshka)

4. In ancient times, when the forces of nature were deified, the dark force rode on this black animal, and the gods of color and darkness rode on the same white animal. Poetic folk word calls it “the wings of man.”

5. About this true friend our people have put together a lot catchphrases, signs, proverbs, riddles. He is of the same breed as the wolf, but for a long time he has been his fierce enemy.

(Dog, dog).

This concludes the first round.

Team No.… leaves the game.

2 round

(Slide 5) Leading: I have no doubt that before you learned to read, you listened to fairy tales.

“What a delight these fairy tales are! Each is a poem...
The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it...”, wrote A.S. Pushkin about folk tales.
Originating in ancient times, the fairy tale is still passed on from mouth to mouth,
is reinvented and re-emerged.

Who many read fairy tales,
Finds answers easily.
Yes, you already knew them for a long time.
Well, let's check it out!

Task 1: (slide 6) Here are 4 images of characters from folk tales.

1. Who ordered: “Mothers, nannies, get ready, get ready! By morning, bake me soft white bread, the kind I ate at my dear father’s?”

("Princess Frog")

2. Which fairy tale talks about four daring escapes and one villainous murder?


3.Which fairy tale ends with the words: “The evil witch was tied to a horse’s tail and released into an open field”?

(“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”)

Task 2: (slide 7) Presenter: You see four drawings depicting fairy-tale characters.

1. Are all these drawings illustrations of Russian folk tales?

(“Crocodile Gena and his friends”)

Presenter: Crocodile Gena and his friend Cheburashka - these fairy-tale characters were invented by our contemporary Eduard Uspensky.

At the core famous fairy tales about Tsar Saltan, about dead princess, there are folk tales about the fisherman and the fish fairy tales. How well do you know the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin?

Let's check it now! Listen carefully as the question is read only once.

Task 3: (slide 8) Here are illustrations for fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin. Name the fairy tale and its hero.

1. Three attackers, while in the service of a high-ranking official, committed a forgery of a document, which had sad, very dramatic consequences: the family was destroyed. Mother and son are severely punished. But in the end, truth triumphed, evil was defeated.

(A weaver with a cook, with her matchmaker Babarikha. “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”)

2. Under pressure royalty this woman committed a terrible crime. Under the guise of a wretched beggar, she infiltrated a kind, unsuspecting girl and treated her to a very common delicious fruit. As a result, she fell dead.

(Chernavka poisoned the young princess. “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”)

3. This fabulously beautiful, but very cunning person committed a serious crime. On the battlefield, she killed two young brothers, and then got to her father.

(Queen of Shemakha. “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”)

Task 4:

Host: And now you have the next group of questions about the fairy tales of A. S. Pushkin. ( Slide 9)

  1. What precious metal is the chain hanging on the oak tree near Lukomorye made of?
  2. 1. Silver.
    2. Iron.
    3. Platinum.
    4. Gold.

    (Near Lukomorye there is a green oak;
    Golden chain on that oak tree...)

  3. What was the old woman's last wish in “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”?
  4. 1. Be a pillar noblewoman.
    2. To be the mistress of the sea.
    3. Be a free queen.
    4. New trough.

  5. Which of the following is not included in the moral of Pushkin's fairy tale about the Golden Cockerel?
    1. Lie.
  6. 2. Lesson.
    3. Hint.
    4. Vow.

(The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it!
Good fellows lesson.)

  1. What words did the old woman scold her old man in “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”
    1. You are my dear.
    2. Your head is empty.
    3. You are a fool, simpleton.
    4. Oh, you disgusting old man.

Addition: You fool, you simpleton!
You didn’t know how to take ransom from a fish!

Task 5:

(Slide 13) Here are illustrations of literary fairy tales.

1.Which fairy tale talks about the artistic level of vocal and instrumental ensembles?

(Br. Grimm “The Town Musicians of Bremen”)

This ends the second round.

Team No. is eliminated from the game...

3 round

In our speech, we use not only proverbs and sayings, but also popular expressions that are very similar to them: short quotes, figurative expressions, and sayings of historical figures included in our speech from literary sources.

Winged expressions are, as it were, halfway to proverbs: like proverbs, they are widely used in speech, but, in contrast to proverbs, they usually belong to a well-known author.

Exercise 1:

(slide 14) Here are portraits of A.S. Pushkin, N.V. Gogol, A.P. Chekhova, D.I. Fonvizina. It is necessary to determine which of them belongs to the catchphrase I read.

  1. “Brevity is the sister of talent” (A. P. Chekhov)
  2. “Be patient, Cossack - you will become an ataman!” (N.V. Gogol T. Bulba - Andria)
  3. “I don’t want to study, but I want to get married.” D.I. Fonvizin

Task 2:

  1. Author of the story “The Night Before Christmas”. ( N.V.Gogol )
  2. Author of the stories “Thick and Thin”, “Death of an Official”. ( A.P.Chekhov )
  3. Author of the story “Children of the Dungeon” ( V.G. Korolenko )
  4. Author of the story “Mu-Mu”. ( I.S. Turgenev )

Task 2: (slide 16) Here are the heroes of literary works. Based on the description below, determine who this hero is, from which work, who is the author of the work.

  1. “The front is a perfect German: a narrow muzzle, constantly spinning and sniffing everything that comes across, ending in a round snout, the legs are very thin. But behind him he was a real provincial attorney in uniform, since his tail hung like a uniform coattail...” (Devil. “The Night Before Christmas”, Gogol)
  2. “Barefoot, in nightgowns. On the head there is a cap.
  3. Very fat and lazy. They like to live at other people’s expense.” (“The story of how one man fed two generals”, Saltykov-Shchedrin.)

“They are wearing red morocco boots, with silver horseshoes, trousers as wide as the black sea, with a thousand folds, tied with a golden lace. Their faces are slightly tanned with black mustaches. On the head there are mutton caps with a golden top.”

1. “(Ostap and Andriy. “Taras Bulba”, Gogol) Task 3: (slide 17) Find the “extra”: Horse surname

”, “Over salted”, “Mu-Mu”, “Thick and thin”.

(“Mu-Mu” was written by I.S. Turgenev, and other stories by A.P. Chekhov) (Slide 18) 1. “The Night Before Christmas”, “The Inspector General”, “

Leading: Captain's daughter

", "Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka". (“The Captain’s Daughter” by A.S. Pushkin, and other works by N.V. Gogol) This was the last question of the third round. Before you tally up the points and determine the two teams that made it to the finals, look here

(points to the boxes).

There are three wonderful boxes in front of you. And the team with the most stars will be able to open them.

For each box you open, you give away a star, so you can skip opening the boxes and save stars for the finale. Let's ask the jury to announce the results of the third round...


(they are awarded prizes).

PROVERB (slide 20)

From the word “PROBERV” you need to make as many words as possible. Each letter can be used as many times as it appears in the word. The one who says the last word will win. You have 2 minutes to complete the task. Time has passed...

The finalists call out the invented words in order, but those words that have already been spoken by the opponent do not count.

They win... Gifts are given (first to the losing couple, then to the winners).

Comic questions for a literary quiz

1. Which of the heroes of Russian folk tales was a bakery product?
2. Name the heroine of a Russian folk tale who was a vegetable

3. What kind of Russians are they? folk tales talk about the problem of separate living space?

4. What type of energy did Baba Yaga use when flying in the mortar?

5. Which one fairy tale hero sowed money, thinking that a money tree would grow and all that was left was to harvest the harvest?

6. Which poultry was engaged in making products from precious metals for its owners?

7. ◘ Is a dentist a literary critic specializing in the works of Dante, or a dentist?

8. ◘ Is the make-up artist a researcher of the works of the Brothers Grimm or a theater worker?

9. ◘ Is a critic a resident of the Greek island of Crete or a person who interprets and evaluates works of literature from a modern point of view?

10. ◘ He is a critic, she is... Who?

11. ◘ How old was A.S. Pushkin, when was he born?

12. ◘ Both Mazai and Pikhto - who are they?

13. ◘ In “War and Peace” L.N. Tolstoy has a phrase: “Pierre Bezukhov opened the letter.” Where did Pierre get the computer and printer at that time?

14. ◘ Which Turgenev hero did not have a sound card?

15. ◘ The name of which title character of the novel by L.N. Is Tolstoy read the same way both from left to right and from right to left?

: Two words of the Russian language with straight opposite meanings come from one word - “tubercle”. Moreover, one of these words means something beautiful, and the other, on the contrary, means something terrible. You have to name both of these words.
Hint: this beauty is mentioned in one poem by B. Pasternak.

Answer: From the Latin “tubercle” comes two words: “tuberculosis” and “tuberose” - a rose covered with tubercles.

A comment: In B. Pasternak's poem "Feasts" there are the following lines:
"I drink the bitterness of tuberoses, the bitterness of autumn skies
And in them there is a burning stream of your betrayals."

Question 20: A.S. Pushkin in “Little Tragedies” clearly hinted about which processor manufacturing company he preferred. Which one?

Question 21: There is on the Volga between Nizhny Novgorod and Cheboksary the small town of Kozmodemyansk. At first this century this city ended up in a famous literary work, but under a different name. The path of the heroes of the work ran through this city, and the events that took place in this city are connected with very popular game. What kind of work is this and what was the name of the city in it?

Question 22: Small box, baked goods, pet, part of a face. Complete this reading list.

Question 24: Which Russian writer has a last name, first name and patronymic consisting of the same number of letters?

Griboyedov Alexander Sergeevich,
Chakovsky Alexander Borisovich (1913-1994),
Begichev Dmitry Nikitich (1786-1855),
Biryukov Nikolai Zotovich (1912-66),
Stanyukovich Konstantin Mikhailovich (1843-1903).

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