The meaning of the name Juliana, the character and fate of a woman with that name. What does the name Juliana mean: origin and history

What does the name Juliana mean?
This name most accurately translates as curly.

Origin of the name Juliana:
This name came to us directly from Ancient Greece.

Character conveyed by the name Julian:
The main features of Juliana’s strong character could well be called responsibility, incredible emotionality and a well-developed sense of duty. Juliana is also distinguished by her rather stubborn and extremely capricious character. She herself is an incredibly strong and completely independent person. And it can be almost completely impossible to convince Juliana of anything, precisely because she is not inclined to delve into any of her interlocutor’s arguments and, in fact, cannot stand the slightest pressure at all. Juliana is extremely subjective and is used to trusting only her own opinion. In addition, Juliana is not ambitious and often has even slightly low self-esteem. However, at the same time, she does not tolerate the slightest criticism addressed to her.

The lack of a certain sense of purpose often affects the growth of her career. And despite this, Juliana herself is unlikely to simply limit herself to the role of a housewife, since she does not tolerate monotony or sameness at all. Juliana is always a sociable and extremely enthusiastic person; she always has quite a lot of friends. She simply loves traveling and meeting new people. She also loves music and possibly theater, and with great pleasure goes to a variety of exhibitions and premieres. And often, she herself can show the most excellent acting abilities.

Juliana is always extremely trusting and vulnerable, and incredibly sensitive to the slightest insults and does not completely forgive betrayal. Moreover, she is very sensitive and extremely impulsive, often inclined to commit completely rash acts, under a certain influence of impulse. Juliana, as a rule, is absolutely not envious and is often distinguished by incredible generosity. On the contrary, she is an extraordinary spender; she often loves to go to a variety of stores and, as they say, “sweep” everything off the shelves. She loves the brightest and most extravagant clothes, and the same jewelry. Yuliana also has a wonderful sense of humor and a rather sharp tongue, which, by the way, many people around her are afraid of.

And despite her amorousness, Juliana always takes the right choice of husband for herself very seriously. Juliana, as a rule, likes men who are the most decisive, have the strongest character and, of course, the ability to materially and financially provide for their future family. At the same time, Juliana cannot be called too mercantile. She really sincerely believes and even believes that the most important thing in any family is mutual love, trust and complete understanding.

Initially, this female name was used for men, and it came from the generic name of the tribe. But over time, the meaning of the name Juliana began to be used for girls, and it was translated from ancient Greek as “curly” or “fluffy.”

We still need to find such an emotional and restless little girl as young Juliana. When choosing the meaning of the name Juliana for a girl, parents must be prepared that she simply will not give them peace, the little minx is not heard only if she is sleeping - she has an extremely active and restless nature.

The meaning of the name Juliana for a child implies unimaginable artistry and a tendency to sudden mood swings. She is never gray and neutral, Juliana is either having fun and laughing contagiously, or crying loudly and uncontrollably, or violently angry and angry. The baby is very stubborn, and it is important for her that everyone listens to her and fulfills all her requests.

Along with such strong energy, the interpretation of the name implies the ability to easily forgive offenders, not to get angry when duty-bound, and to quickly move away. She is absolutely deprived of any sense of vindictiveness; she simply does not give due importance to those who “annoyed” her in life.

During her school years, the girl is sociable, but not excessive. She cannot be called a gossip, but she will discuss teachers with classmates with particular enthusiasm. The transitional age for her, thanks to her ability not to bother her head with unnecessary trifles, goes very smoothly, without frustration for her parents.


Love for Yulianochka is, first of all, not a violent passion; even despite the emotional fervor, she attaches great importance to the independence of the chosen one. If a man has not succeeded in life, this means that the girl does not see the proper potential in him, then there is no point in trying to court her, she will be put down “one or two”.

The girl tends to idealize, and therefore the search for a soul mate is often too drawn out for her. Having been burned several times, she is in no hurry to start a serious relationship, and gets married much later than her peers.


The main importance in Juliana’s family life is played by her intolerance of confined spaces and love of freedom. This means that the spouse may not even expect to be able to keep this person within four walls. No, she doesn’t need wild parties and celebrations, she just wants to act, and her activity often leads to quarrels. The girl devotes herself completely to her favorite work, while forgetting about her soul mate.

The children that appear will also not be able to make her a homebody and an ideal housewife. She will drag the kids with her everywhere, and most likely will find a nanny very early in order to quickly go to work and not feel lonely in the confined space of the family hearth.

Business and career

For Yuliana, it is of great importance that she enjoys her work. She won’t last long in a sedentary and tedious job that she clearly doesn’t like. A freedom-loving nature is drawn to active action, which means that professions related to creativity, as well as work that requires high dedication and the ability to take decisive action, are most suitable for a woman.

Yuliana is enterprising, and in the absence of a normal job, she can easily start her own business. She will devote herself to her favorite activity without reserve, not attaching importance to her husband’s upset about this. She treats her career like a conscientious mother treats her child, and believes that to achieve a goal it is necessary to give in every effort.

Origin of the name Juliana

The origin of the name Juliana comes from an ancient family of Rome, which used this word as a family name. In the country where this name originated, its etymology was similar to the word “fluffy” or “wavy”.

An interesting story happened with the girl named so, whose name was later canonized - Juliania Olshanskaya. She died at the age of sixteen, but during this time she committed many good, truly Christian deeds, and showed Orthodox virtues appropriate to her age.

Then she was not canonized, but several centuries later they dug a grave at the burial site of Juliana and came across her coffin. Having opened it, people discovered that the body, which had lain in the ground for so long, remained incorrupt and shone with freshness. There were no signs of decomposition on it.

The holy relics of this girl are still revered, and the secret of the name of this saint is that great miracles happen next to her remains: healing of the suffering, deliverance from illnesses and other phenomena not substantiated by science.

Characteristics of the name Julian

The main characteristic of the name Julian is irrepressible activity, a thirst for activity, combined with an absolutely non-aggressive, gentle disposition, and the ability to communicate easily with almost every person. She will always support you in trouble, lend a helping hand, give you the edge of your vest to wipe away your tears.

But with such a character, in addition to all the pros and cons, there are also disadvantages. Men should be careful when communicating with her, although her easy-going attitude and inability to take offense sometimes create the appearance of defenselessness. She is emotional, and can get so angry if someone tries to overcome her stubbornness that no stone will be left unturned.

The girl attaches great importance to friendship and mutual assistance, but at the same time she values ​​personal space very much, and will only give permission to the closest person to enter there. You need to let her decide for herself, and then she will accept the only correct course of action - intuition will help her with this.

The mystery of the name

  • Stone – Amethyst, Rock crystal.
  • Name days - July 19, January 3.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Capricorn, Aquarius.

Famous people

  • Yuliana Karaulova is the lead singer of the group 5sta Family.
  • Yuliana Shakhova is a journalist, singer, TV presenter, composer.

Different languages

The translation of the name Julian comes from the ancient Greek word Julius, which means “wavy.” This ancient origin has left its mark on the spread of the name, although it is more often found in the male version. There is information about how the name is translated in different languages, and there it will be pronounced quite in tune with the Russian word: Juliana, Julienne, Juliana, Juliana, Yuliani, Yulyana, Juliaana.

In Chinese, the name will sound a little different than in Russian: Yulianna, and with the help of hieroglyphs it can be written as 尤里娅安娜. In Japanese, using the katakana alphabet, the word is written as ユリアナ, and in syllables using Japanese characters - 自篏, which sounds like Yuriana. If you directly translate the meaning - “curly”, you will get the entry 波状花, which will be read as Hajoki.

Name forms

  • Full name: Juliana.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Yulianka, Yulia, Yulianushka, Liana, Yulianchik, Ana.
  • Declension of the name – Juliana, Juliane.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Juliana.

Juliana This is a person with idealistic inclinations, a bearer of such qualities as affection, amorousness, the desire to see a “standard” in everything that catches the eye. But this is also increased demands on others, which quite often has no real basis. Such a person sincerely believes that if the “absolute” exists, then everyone simply must strive to achieve it.

It is impossible to convince him otherwise; he “stops” only when the “fuel” – his own resources – runs out.

We still need to find such an emotional and restless little girl as young Juliana. When choosing the meaning of the name Juliana for a girl, parents must be prepared that she simply will not give them peace, the little minx is not heard only if she is sleeping - she has an extremely active and restless nature.

The meaning of the name Juliana for a child implies unimaginable artistry and a tendency to sudden mood swings. She is never gray and neutral, Juliana is either having fun and laughing contagiously, or crying loudly and uncontrollably, or violently angry and angry. The baby is very stubborn, and it is important for her that everyone listens to her and fulfills all her requests.

Along with such strong energy, the interpretation of the name implies the ability to easily forgive offenders, not to get angry when duty-bound, and to quickly move away. She is absolutely deprived of any sense of vindictiveness; she simply does not give due importance to those who “annoyed” her in life.

During her school years, the girl is sociable, but not excessive. She cannot be called a gossip, but she will discuss teachers with classmates with particular enthusiasm. The transitional age for her, thanks to her ability not to bother her head with unnecessary trifles, goes very smoothly, without frustration for her parents.

Origin of the name Juliana

The origin of the name Juliana comes from an ancient family of Rome, which used this word as a family name. In the country where this name originated, its etymology was similar to the word “fluffy” or “wavy”.

An interesting story happened with the girl named so, whose name was later canonized - Juliania Olshanskaya. She died at the age of sixteen, but during this time she committed many good, truly Christian deeds, and showed Orthodox virtues appropriate to her age.

Then she was not canonized, but several centuries later they dug a grave at the burial site of Juliana and came across her coffin. Having opened it, people discovered that the body, which had lain in the ground for so long, remained incorrupt and shone with freshness. There were no signs of decomposition on it.

The holy relics of this girl are still revered, and the secret of the name of this saint is that great miracles happen next to her remains: healing of the suffering, deliverance from illnesses and other phenomena not substantiated by science.

The main characteristic of the name Julian is irrepressible activity, a thirst for activity, combined with an absolutely non-aggressive, gentle disposition, and the ability to communicate easily with almost every person. She will always support you in trouble, lend a helping hand, give you the edge of your vest to wipe away your tears.

But with such a character, in addition to all the pros and cons, there are also disadvantages. Men should be careful when communicating with her, although her easy-going attitude and inability to take offense sometimes create the appearance of defenselessness. She is emotional, and can get so angry if someone tries to overcome her stubbornness that no stone will be left unturned.

The girl attaches great importance to friendship and mutual assistance, but at the same time she values ​​personal space very much, and will only give permission to the closest person to enter there. You need to let her decide for herself, and then she will accept the only correct course of action - intuition will help her with this.

Julia cannot be ignored or ignored. Her character is lively, bright, she is restless and restless. As a child, this girl has many interests, hobbies and hobbies; she is always busy with something, never sits idle.

She is incredibly stubborn, and if she sets her mind to something, she cannot be stopped or convinced. Not lazy, not cowardly, but sometimes conflicted - she boldly argues and defends her interests if necessary. A great inventor and entertainer, she is always in the center of the company, it is very fun and interesting to be with her.

This living child constantly comes up with some ideas, interesting ideas, she comes up with a new game every day. That’s why she has a lot of friends; boys are willing to be friends with her.

Over the years, the character of this child becomes stronger, but at the same time, the lively girl turns into a beautiful girl. Yulia is always well-groomed, stylish, follows fashion and manages to look like a millionaire, even if she has no money.

She is much more demanding of herself than of those around her; she tries to be perfect and do everything flawlessly. She does not tolerate boredom and monotony - this is real hell for her. He looks for interesting work that he likes and does it perfectly, trying to do everything correctly, without mistakes, conscientiously.

She is economical, skillful, and talented. From childhood, she develops a penchant for something specific, and in her early years she chooses for herself what she will do in the future, setting priorities.

It is important for you to stand out from the general background. However, you should not use flashy colors or flashy accessories for this. This should not be understood in the sense that bright, cheerful colors are not for you. It’s just that the general style of clothing should be correct, good taste, and respectable.

Clothing should be of high quality and fit you well. An appearance that meets these criteria inspires favor and trust. These principles should be followed not only in the process of assembling your wardrobe, but also when choosing the design and furnishings for your home or office.

Compatibility of the name Juliana, manifestation in love

Juliana, it cannot be said that you are completely incapable of manifestations of love and tenderness, but business comes first for you, and you will choose a partner based mainly on how well he can correspond to your life interests.

Manifestations of strength of character, determination and ambition mean immeasurably more to you than sensuality and external attractiveness. In a marriage, should one happen, you will first of all value in your partner the ability to empathize with your ideas and the ability to provide support.


Love for Yulianochka is, first of all, not a violent passion; even despite the emotional fervor, she attaches great importance to the independence of the chosen one. If a man has not succeeded in life, this means that the girl does not see the proper potential in him, then there is no point in trying to court her, she will be put down “one or two”.

The girl tends to idealize, and therefore the search for a soul mate is often too drawn out for her. Having been burned several times, she is in no hurry to start a serious relationship, and gets married much later than her peers.

Family comes first for her, family connections are of great importance, so Juliana never forgets her parents. As an adult, she calls and visits them regularly, helps, looks after and cares.

She dreams of her own family and children from an early age; as a young girl she perfectly imagines herself in the role of a mother and wife. She has an innate talent to properly and skillfully manage a household.

Juliana's fate in love is, as a rule, happy from the very beginning. In her youth, she has many fans, she enjoys their attention, but chooses a permanent relationship. This means that Yulia can meet her future husband while still at school and live with him until the end of her days.

It is unlikely that she will have many relationships in her youth, because she chooses only the best and prefers to be alone for some time, but wait for “the one” to whom she will give her heart without a doubt. The families of these women very rarely break up; divorces almost never happen. First of all, because Juliana has a good, simple character and is easy to be with, but also because she is a wise woman and knows how to keep a marriage happy.

In men, Juliana looks for good character, a strong financial position, and external characteristics - she is demanding of her chosen one. She will choose only the best and keep him next to her forever.

It is important for her that the man is smart and kind, works in a good job and strives for his own development, loves children and is a family man, so that it is not monotonous and boring with him.

  1. Ideal compatibility: Demyan, Anton, Valery, Yaroslav, German, Yuri, Julius, Gleb, Boris. An ideal life can develop with these men, when the couple becomes one indivisible whole.
  2. Not bad compatibility: Rostislav, Jan, Miroslav, Vitaly, Alexey, Victor, Bogdan. There is every chance. This means that if you want, you can build excellent relationships.
  3. Low compatibility: Nikolai, Fedor, Innokenty, Konstantin, Rinat. There is a low probability that the couple will get together and be together.

The main importance in Juliana’s family life is played by her intolerance of confined spaces and love of freedom. This means that the spouse may not even expect to be able to keep this person within four walls.

No, she doesn’t need wild parties and celebrations, she just wants to act, and her activity often leads to quarrels. The girl devotes herself completely to her favorite work, while forgetting about her soul mate.

The children that appear will also not be able to make her a homebody and an ideal housewife. She will drag the kids with her everywhere, and most likely will find a nanny very early in order to quickly go to work and not feel lonely in the confined space of the family hearth.

Business and career

For Yuliana, it is of great importance that she enjoys her work. She won’t last long in a sedentary and tedious job that she clearly doesn’t like.

A freedom-loving nature is drawn to active action, which means that professions related to creativity, as well as work that requires high dedication and the ability to take decisive action, are most suitable for a woman.

Yuliana is enterprising, and in the absence of a normal job, she can easily start her own business. She will devote herself to her favorite activity without reserve, not attaching importance to her husband’s upset about this. She treats her career like a conscientious mother treats her child, and believes that to achieve a goal it is necessary to give in every effort.


You strive to “embrace the immensity.” Your soul longs for everything that a person can possess. And - in the maximum possible quantities. Therefore, the problem of choice, as such, one might say, does not exist for you. You simply cannot refuse any offer that life makes you.

When making a decision, the wishes of others are taken into account only as secondary factors: you are sure that if you feel good, then everyone else has nothing to complain about. This means that you can and should force them to “go in a water sled” with you, in the direction you choose.

And here the opportunity opens up to see everything from a different angle. You need outside assistance, and above all, as a “restraining principle.” Otherwise you may want to “turn over the earth.”

The mystery of the name

  • Stone – Amethyst, Rock crystal.
  • Name days - July 19, January 3.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Capricorn, Aquarius.

Name forms

  • Full name: Juliana.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Yulianka, Yulia, Yulianushka, Liana, Yulianchik, Ana.
  • Declension of the name – Juliana, Juliane.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Juliana.

The meaning of the name Juliana is “curly.”

Origin of the name

The origin of the name Julian is Latin. It is the feminine version of the male name Julianus.

Characteristics of the name


Juliana is characterized by such qualities as kindness, selflessness, and rejection of injustice. Over time, her character changes greatly. Much depends on what life goal Juliana sets for herself. If she wants wealth and fame, she will achieve this by any means. Often deliberately raises the bar for life goals.

Juliana is characterized by responsibility, an excellently developed sense of duty, and incredible emotionality. Juliana is also distinguished by her extremely capricious and rather stubborn character. This is a completely independent and incredibly strong personality. She trusts only her own opinion and is not inclined to listen to the arguments of her interlocutor and delve into their essence. She cannot tolerate even the slightest pressure and criticism, so it is impossible to convince her.

Juliana needs to constantly monitor her health and walk more in the fresh air.

She's not ambitious. Lack of determination often affects her career. Juliana cannot stand monotony and monotony, so she is unlikely to limit herself to the role of a housewife. By nature, Juliana is an extremely enthusiastic and sociable person. Has many friends. Yuliana is very talented and energetic. Has musical and artistic abilities. She also loves theater and music, and enjoys attending various premieres and exhibitions.


She can become an excellent teacher or doctor, and “bright” and constructive, creative professions are also suitable for her. She loves to make new acquaintances and travel.

Personal life

She chooses a strong, reliable man as her life partner, capable of making strategically important decisions and being responsible for the whole family. In addition, the chosen one must have high moral qualities and be a good lover. Family is very important to the owner of this name.

Juliana believes that the basis of a family is trust, mutual love and complete understanding, and she tries in every possible way to create just such a relationship with her chosen one.

Name compatibility

The name Julian is well compatible with male names: Valery, Anton, German, Vitaly, Julius.

Not suitable for marriage: Rinat, Konstantin.

Name day

Juliana celebrates her name day according to the Orthodox calendar:

  • January: 3.15;
  • March: 17;
  • April: 2;
  • May: 16.31;
  • June: 15;
  • July: 5,19,29;
  • August: 30;
  • November: 14;
  • December: 17.

Patron saints of the name: Juliania Olshanskaya, Juliania Vyazemskaya, Juliania the martyr.

Famous people

Famous people with the name Juliana: Juliana of Norwich (medieval writer in England), Juliana Klein (German composer), Juliana Tolstova (Russian sociologist), Juliana Banze (German singer), Juliana Fedak (Ukrainian tennis player), Juliana Yakhnina (Russian translator), Juliana Pasha (Albanian singer).

Among female names, there are especially sonorous, unusual and beautiful ones, and among them is the name Juliana. Many people think that this is the same name as Yulia - this is not entirely true, but the names are related, they have the same origin.

The Latin meaning of the name Juliana is “she who descended from Jupiter,” in other words, an unearthly, alien woman. Another meaning is “fluffy”, “curly”. This name is Slavic, ancient, church, it is given to girls at baptism.

The name is correctly spelled Juliana, but there is also the name Julianna, with two “n”. Other forms - Julianna, Julia, Juliet, Julie, Ulyana, Iliana. They say diminutively and affectionately: Yulia, Yulechka, Yulenka, Yulyasha, Yuliasha, Yulyusya and even just Yu.


Julia cannot be ignored or ignored. Her character is lively, bright, she is restless and restless. As a child, this girl has many interests, hobbies and hobbies; she is always busy with something, never sits idle.

She is incredibly stubborn, and if she sets her mind to something, she cannot be stopped or convinced. Not lazy, not cowardly, but sometimes conflicted - she boldly argues and defends her interests if necessary. A great inventor and entertainer, she is always in the center of the company, it is very fun and interesting to be with her.

This living child constantly comes up with some ideas, interesting ideas, she comes up with a new game every day. That’s why she has a lot of friends; boys are willing to be friends with her.

Over the years, the character of this child becomes stronger, but at the same time, the lively girl turns into a beautiful girl. Yulia is always well-groomed, stylish, follows fashion and manages to look like a millionaire, even if she has no money.

She is much more demanding of herself than of those around her; she tries to be perfect and do everything flawlessly. She does not tolerate boredom and monotony - this is real hell for her. He looks for interesting work that he likes and does it perfectly, trying to do everything correctly, without mistakes, conscientiously.

She is economical, skillful, and talented. From childhood, she develops a penchant for something specific, and in her early years she chooses for herself what she will do in the future, setting priorities.

Love affairs

Family comes first for her, family connections are of great importance, so Juliana never forgets her parents. As an adult, she calls and visits them regularly, helps, looks after and cares.

She dreams of her own family and children from an early age; as a young girl she perfectly imagines herself in the role of a mother and wife. She has an innate talent to properly and skillfully manage a household.

Juliana's fate in love is, as a rule, happy from the very beginning. In her youth, she has many fans, she enjoys their attention, but chooses a permanent relationship. This means that Yulia can meet her future husband while still at school and live with him until the end of her days.

It is unlikely that she will have many relationships in her youth, because she chooses only the best and prefers to be alone for some time, but wait for “the one” to whom she will give her heart without a doubt. The families of these women very rarely break up; divorces almost never happen. First of all, because Juliana has a good, simple character and is easy to be with, but also because she knows how to keep a marriage happy.

In men, Juliana looks for good character, a strong financial position, and external characteristics - she is demanding of her chosen one. She will choose only the best and keep him next to her forever., . There is a low probability that the couple will get together and be together.

Juliana is not only a beautiful, sonorous name to name a girl, it is also a happy one. This name will certainly bring her happiness, a bright and interesting destiny and a long, rich life! Author: Vasilina Serova

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