Adventures we don't choose. “Adventures We Don’t Choose” () - download the book for free without registration

Wow, Alexander, you gave the readers a difficult test. Your thoughts and getting to know them reminded me of touching the pages of ULYSSES D. Joyce - however, it’s even more complicated there...
It is possible to unleash such a stream of thoughts on readers. But you also need to know when to stop! Not a single paragraph for the reader to take a break and relax his brain. Probably more than one or two readers flipped through these lines of yours and ran to read what is not so fragile for the eyes...
Well written! But! (read from the beginning)...

During the first defense of Sevastopol, detachments of plastuns operated in the Russian army. They acted effectively. At that time, the defense of the peninsula was led by admirals, for whom the concepts of official duty and officer’s honor were higher than concern for their own safety. Everlasting memory to these people.

Secondly, the leadership of the SOR, concerned about preserving themselves as highly qualified personnel, on whose training a lot of public funds were spent, neglected the organization of intelligence in the German rear.
I won’t write about how tens of thousands of defenders of Sevastopol died, left on a patch of land near Cape Chersonesos without ammunition, food, water or leadership - I can’t. I was struck by the place in the memories of German officers about that time. They
they wrote that in those hot days of late June 1942, they were also running out of resources to continue the offensive, and if ours had held out for another 3 days, everything could have ended differently.
Our soldiers would not have to again pour their blood on the positions additionally fortified by the Germans on Sapun Mountain.
If only our workers' and peasants' leadership had not chickened out, with a weak concept of officer honor.

Hello again Victor. Repentance is a purely personal process. Each person decides for himself, with inner silence, how and when to review his past life. And from what negative traits character needs to be gotten rid of or try to extinguish their influence on current life. And repentance is just a moment of awareness and decision do not repeat the mistakes and sins of the past. In other words, a moment of purification and raising oneself to a higher orbit. Repentance is a small step towards one's own holiness. Planet Earth or Gaia has a mind and soul of its own. And she, as a highly organized divine structure, does not need to repent. For she just lives according to the Divine Canons and serves those who trample on her surface. And no matter how hard you try, it is impossible to kill Christ. This is just a level in the subtle world, roughly speaking, a plasma network responsible for the direct connection of an individual Soul with the Creator. And it is simply impossible to kill us, Russians, the carriers of this network, its guardians. It doesn’t matter what views our people have: communist, atheistic, Vedic, Christian or Buddhist. In the depths of our Souls, we know everything about true connection and adhere to it no matter what.

How boring it would be to live in the world without adventure! After all, they give so many emotions and unforgettable impressions. Anyone who is attracted by the untrodden roads can travel to exotic countries and discover unknown worlds. Meet with amazing people and experience exciting events in corners of the planet remote from civilization. Rafting on stormy rivers, skydive, climb mountains, explore forests and jungles, spend the night under open air and watch the stars. Or maybe even get into risky situations and boldly face danger. Or follow the wind of travel along well-trodden, but no less exciting routes. Isn’t this what all the romantics on planet Earth dream about?

But before you embark on a grand adventure, it’s worth finding out what it’s like to wander through foreign cities, solve mysteries, be a treasure hunter, sea ​​wolf or noble hero dreaming of exploits and glory. Who can teach this better than the characters of adventure films?! Such projects are enjoyed not only by thrill seekers who dream of distant journeys, but also by those who, even as children, did not want to be Indiana Jones, Captain Jack Sparrow or Frodo Baggins. The most interesting movies adventures make us adventurers and dreamers, so watching them never gets boring.

Towards adventures and secrets

Adventure films are impossible without bright characters. Each viewer probably has his own favorite hero, with whom he would be ready to go even to the ends of the world. Here are four of our favorites - characters, each of whom will make any adventure even more interesting.

1 place. Indiana Jones

Four films and a television series have already been made about the charming archeology professor, tireless adventurer and treasure hunter. Indiana Jones - collective image the main characters of pre-war American adventure film series. The only weakness of this brave hero, who does not part with his hat and whip, is a pathological fear of snakes. The image of Indy on the big screen was embodied by the magnificent Harrison Ford.

2nd place. Lawrence of Arabia

Thomas Edward Lawrence, known throughout the world as Lawrence of Arabia, is a real person, diplomat, traveler, British officer and military hero. Several actors have already embodied the image of this legendary personality on the screen. But the standard interpretation is Peter O'Toole's classic 1962 film biography. The film was awarded seven Oscars, including a statuette for best movie.

3rd place. Jack T Colton (Romancing the Stone, Jewel of the Nile)

The role of the charming handsome Jack T. Colton was played by the brilliant Michael Douglas. This hero is smart, charming, good-looking, moderately pragmatic and cynical. One day, the adventurer and hunter met the pretty and very romantic writer Joan Wilder (played by the wonderful Kathleen Turner). Naturally, they fall in love with each other, but their romance is interfered with not only by a stone worth millions of dollars, but also by dangerous bandits.

4th place. Ben Gates (National Treasure)

The greatest personalities who stood at the origins of the American state were not only wise and honest men, but also real adventurers. They hid a certain treasure, the path to which was encrypted very cunningly. Nowadays, a descendant of the keepers of the secret of the treasure, Ben Franklin Gates, played by Nicolas Cage, wants to solve the mystery of the founding fathers and find the treasure. In the second part of the blockbuster, Ben again embarks on adventures, this time related to the search for the golden city.

Strength of spirit, will to live

Adventure films tell not only about heroes who are passionate about exploits and travel around the world for pleasure, money and fame, seekers of new experiences and dashing adventurers. Sometimes the character’s life depends on the outcome of the adventure, and the main thing is not the romance of distant travels, but the elementary desire to live. We included four films in the list of the best films about the power of the human spirit.

1 place. "Butterfly"

Not the most honest Frenchman in the world, Henri Charrière, a criminal who specialized in cracking safes, was put behind bars on a false charge of murder. He will have to serve a life sentence at hard labor for especially dangerous criminal elements. Because of the butterfly tattooed on his chest, the man receives the nickname Moth and repeatedly tries to escape. Even finding himself in a terrible prison on Devil's Island, surrounded on all sides by the ocean, Henri does not give up his dream of freedom.

2nd place. "Outcast"

Next collaboration Robert Zemeckis and Tom Hanks. Practical, pedantic and always busy, Chuck Noland, played by Hanks, works for the FedEx delivery service. His whole life is scheduled minute by minute and planned out for years in advance. But Fate intervenes in the fate of the boring official. The plane Chuck was traveling in crashes, and Noland finds himself stranded on a desert island. A man has to fight for his life without the slightest hope of salvation.

3rd place. "The Last Samurai"

Produced this film and played in it main role Tom Cruise really hoped for at least an Oscar nomination, having taken on such unusual material. Alas, the actor was left without awards, but he added a quality project to his filmography. A respected American captain, played by Cruise, trains the first Japanese army in modern tactics and the art of warfare. Once captured, he reconsiders his values ​​and priorities and changes his idea of ​​samurai.

4th place. "The Incredible Life of Walter Mitty"

Ben Stiller's fifth directorial feature big screen based on a short story by the cult American humorist James Thurber and the first film adaptation of this story. Funny, paradoxical and satirical story Ben turned it into a sentimental and kind movie. Modest and homely main character lives in fictional world, imagining himself as a courageous adventurer. But one day he has to believe in himself and decide to take a risky action.

All children love adventure

It is children who dream of traveling the most and look for the unusual even in the most familiar things and places. They find adventure as soon as they step out of the door and are not afraid to go on adventures. Here are the most interesting works filmmakers about children, true friendship, fearlessness, a thirst for the extraordinary and a desperate longing for adventure.

1 place. "Stay with me"

One of the best children's films in world cinema and one of the few truly outstanding Stephen King adaptations. Director Rob Reiner and young actors managed to convey the true spirit of the prose of the “king of horrors”. After all, his main works are not about fear, nightmares and monsters, but about the elusive period between childhood and adolescence, about the willingness to take risks for the sake of friends, about the first contact with death and the inevitability of losses, about the power of memory and growing up.

2nd place. "The Goonies"

A brilliant creation by director Richard Donner, who has a lot of powerful projects to his credit – from “The Omen” and “Superman” to “Lethal Weapon” and “Maverick”. The script for The Goonies was written by Home Alone director Chris Columbus, based on an idea by Steven Spielberg. And when such experts in children's and adventure films come together in one film, the result is only great films. Therefore, it is not surprising that “The Goonies” has become a cult and quotable film to this day.

3rd place. "Elusive Avengers"

Russia during Civil War. A village boy and his sister, left orphans, decided to take revenge for the murder of their father. The brother and sister are joined by a young high school student and a gypsy boy. Four friends experience various adventures and fight young enemies Soviet power. Filmed in 1967, The Elusive Avengers and their sequels, despite their ideological component, look fresh and interesting in the 21st century.

4th place. "Makar the Pathfinder"

Another adventure film set during the Civil War. The film was shot in the format of a mini-series consisting of several episodes. The village boy Makar, who is considered a barchuk for his rosy cheeks and sizeable dimensions for a 12-year-old child, is devoted to the cause of the Red Army. Together with his comrades and faithful dog With his friend he fights with the whites, gets into dangerous troubles and worries incredible adventures.

Adventures on the verge of fantasy

Science fiction and fantasy are two key genres in adventure cinema. Particularly cool adventures befall the heroes of science fiction and fantasy films. In such films, everything unusual and strange is limited only by the imagination of the authors. Here are the most popular films in which nothing is impossible, and fantasy is indistinguishable from reality.

1 place. "Lord of the Rings"

The greatest literary and cinematic saga, the standard of the fantasy genre, which writers and filmmakers will look up to for a long time to come. So far, six films have been made about Middle-earth. It is the first trilogy – “The Lord of the Rings” – that confidently occupies a leading place among fantasy and fairy-tale film projects. Director Peter Jackson made a slight mistake with The Hobbit, but he will always have a chance to redeem himself if John Tolkien's son gives the go-ahead for the film adaptation of The Silmarillion.

2nd place. "King Kong"

Like The Hobbit trilogy, this is another work by Peter Jackson that performed less than expected at the box office and earned mixed reviews from viewers. Several films have been made about a huge monkey who fell in love with a fragile blonde. And Jackson's creation is certainly one of the best. The director has long dreamed of offering the public his vision famous story. And although the audience accepted the unexpected gift calmly, the director himself and the critics were generally pleased with the result

3rd place. "Avatar"

After the release of this somewhat revolutionary film, all blockbusters began to be released in 3D. Technically impeccable, but dramatically poorly developed, “Avatar” remains a phenomenon in world cinema, blowing up the box office with grosses of 2 billion 782 million dollars. I would like to hope that the second “Avatar” will be more original in both plot and scenario than its predecessor. Well, in terms of technology, you don’t have to worry about James Cameron’s creation.

4th place. "Mummy"

One might wonder why “The Mummy” is in the top 4, but not, for example, “ Star Wars" But still the universe Star Wars"is more sci-fi, while The Mummy is a classic adventure story. The film series "The Mummy" consists of several parts. And in every mandatory attributes are noble and desperate brave heroes, beautiful ladies, charming and funny supporting characters and the obligatory insidious villains.

Sea romance

A special place among adventure films occupy projects on marine theme. Where, if not in the ocean, do the most exciting events take place - from raging storms and skirmishes with pirates to battles with enemy fleets and fights with underwater monsters?! Here is our top best films about sea adventures.

1 place. "Pirates of the Caribbean"

Shortly before the start of the first "Pirates" at the box office, many analysts predicted failure for the Disney studio. Like, who in their right mind and in the 21st century could be interested in sea adventures, water battles and pirates. It turned out that everyone was interested in it! The risky project, based on an attraction at Disneyland, was enthusiastically received by critics and spectators, who clearly demanded that the banquet be continued. And one of the most popular modern franchises continues to delight the public.
-You are either mad or a genius.
– These are two extremes of the same essence.

2nd place. "Kon-Tiki"

In 2012, this Norwegian film was one of the five contenders for the Oscar for best foreign film. The plot centers on the exploits of the legendary traveler Thor Heyerdahl. In 1947, he set out on an epoch-making expedition, planning to cross Pacific Ocean on a small and rather shaky raft Kon-Tiki. What awaited him in such a reckless, but no less amazing adventure? The film "Kon-Tiki" tells the story of this incredible journey.

3rd place. "Life of Pi"

Another adventure work on a marine theme, released in 2012. The film brought director Ang Lee his second director's Oscar (he received the first statuette for best foreign film, the second for directing Brokeback Mountain, and the third for directing Life of Pi). The film adaptation of Yann Martel's novel tells the story of a boy sailing on a ship that crashes. The boy has to survive in a very unusual company.

4th place. "Master of the Seas: At the End of the Earth"

A film by the famous director Peter Weir, author of the cult classics Dead Poets Society, The Truman Show and Picnic at Hanging Rock. In the years Napoleonic wars The sailing ship Surprise, owned by the British Crown, sails the Atlantic. Suddenly the ship is attacked by a ship that appears out of nowhere. The Surprise team manages to fight off an unknown enemy and escape. However, the captain decides to go in pursuit of the daring enemy.

From computer to big screen

Both adults and children enjoy playing computer games. It is not surprising that behind the film adaptations computer games Viewers all over the world are watching.

Among the films based on games, there are several truly adventurous and exciting ones, and the events taking place in the films are not only interesting, but often quite scary. To the top best paintings based on video games include:

  • 1 place. "Silent Hill".
  • 2nd place. "Resident Evil".
  • 3rd place. "Lara Croft".
  • 4th place. "Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time."

What happened next?

Films What are the heroes and creators of cult adventure films doing today?
  • Harrison Ford, at 70 plus, lands a plane with a failing engine, is preparing to star in the fifth Indiana movie, and generally feels great.
  • Steven Spielberg is preparing to film his friend Harrison in the fifth Indiana film, and has a bunch more planned interesting projects and also feels great.
The film's star, Peter O'Toole, left us quite recently - in 2013. He left behind wonderful films and outstanding acting works.
Michael Douglas beat cancer and is now simply obliged to live happily ever after, like his father, the legendary Kirk Douglas, who will turn 100 years old on December 9, 2016.
Nicolas Cage continues to descend his career into the underworld and below, starring in the most terrible films, paying off debts and hoping that the third “National Treasure” will still happen.
Dustin Hoffman will certainly be watching with interest the upcoming second big-screen adaptation of The Moth, starring Rami Malek (Mr. Robot) and Charlie Hunnam("Sons of Anarchy").
“No one has ever heard of Tom Hanks going wild at night. No one has ever heard of Tom Hanks stealing. Nobody read about Tom Hanks in court chronicles. That’s what I like about Tom – he never gets caught,” Jack Nicholson once said about his colleague. And Hanks is now doing what he always does: not getting caught.
Tom Cruise continues to learn the wisdom of Scientology, star in good films and try to win an Oscar.
Ben Stiller has a lot of work to do, as always. We can only wish him one thing - to make another picture of the level of “Soldier of Trouble.”
The children and teenagers who played so brightly in this cult project have grown up long ago; they all continue to act in films and TV series. All except River Phoenix, who died of a drug overdose a few months after his 23rd birthday.
  • Sean Astin will probably forever remain the star of The Goonies and Sam from The Lord of the Rings.
  • Josh Brolin builds brilliant career, playing for the Coen brothers, Woody Allen, Oliver Stone, Paul Thomas Anderson and in Marvel comics.
Sir Ian McKellen turned down $1.5 million offered to him on the condition that he dress as Gandalf to officiate the wedding of Facebook's first president and his lover. “Gandalf doesn’t do weddings,” said Sir Ian and returned to his favorite things: traveling, acting in the theater, acting in films and on TV.
Peter Jackson, responsible not only for new version the story of the giant ape, but also for The Lord of the Rings, and is currently working on the Tintin sequel. But fans believe that one day he will take on another sequel, a project called The Silmarillion.
James Cameron continues to tinker with the second and subsequent Avatars, testing the patience of both Pandora fans and skeptics who believe that the sequel to the highest-grossing film in cinema history will not be a comparable financial success.
Brendan Fraser...Who is Brendan Fraser?
Johnny Depp has been divorcing Amber Heard for a long time, is still experiencing one box office and creative failure after another, but still hopes to one day revive his career.
Joakim Rønning and Espen Sandberg are the Norwegian directors behind Kon-Tiki who could revive Johnny Depp's career as they are responsible for the fifth installment of Pirates. Caribbean Sea».
Ang Lee is aiming for a third director's Oscar with his new job"Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk at a Football Game."
Remember when we mentioned a certain Brendan Fraser? So, in the upcoming project “The Mummy” it will not be him at all, but Russell Crowe from “Master of the Seas”, as well as Tom Cruise, who is trying to win an Oscar. One thing can be said right away: with “The Mummy” Tom will not win a statuette.
"Silent Hill" Sean Bean continues to die on screen, do strange things in life and still feel better than Harrison Ford and Steven Spielberg combined.
"Resident Evil" Milla Jovovich is working on the sixth Resident Evil, which is being directed again by her husband Paul W. S. Anderson. It seems that no one except Paul wants to film Milla anymore. But the resilient family contract is ready to present the 25th “Resident Evil” to the audience, if necessary.
"Lara Croft" UN Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie Pitt continues to engage in social and humanitarian activities, travel around the world for charitable purposes, raise a crowd of children, gently scold her husband for disappearing on set again, and sometimes she herself agrees to a couple of movie roles.
"Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time"
  • Jake Gyllenhaal realized that he doesn’t make an action hero, reconsidered his priorities, now shines in very good dramas and will probably win the Oscar faster than Tom Cruise.
  • Sir Ben Kingsley continues to work closely with various divisions of the Disney studio in and behind the scenes (for example, on the voice of Bagheera in The Jungle Book), and also actively appears in film and television projects of other companies.

Adventure films are filmed all over the world. During the screening of such films, we all become a little children and long to find ourselves next to the movie characters - to help in finding treasure, saving a friend or fighting universal evil. Usually the heroes of such films emerge victorious from any battle. And this is exactly what we expect from a real adventure - excitement, risk, danger and an obligatory happy ending.

Very often we think through our lives to the last detail, enjoying comfort, but leaving no room for adventure and surprises. This leads to the fact that a person becomes bored, and the usual daily activities cease to please him. He feels trapped. He wants something new, unusual - this is what we call adventure. Adventure is usually associated with traveling to exotic places and meeting people unusual people

  • , but believe me, each of you can arrange a little adventure for yourself. This does not require special preparation, a long trip or large financial investments, and in the process you will get a lot of pleasure and positive emotions that will diversify your usual routine.

To fun in full sail! Water sports - great way get into an adventure. Most cities have parks where you can rent boats and catamarans, and if you live outside the city, you probably know a place where you can paddle. When steering a boat, you feel free and peaceful, you choose the direction of movement, listen to the splash of water under the oars, enjoy fresh air

  • . Well, if you have the opportunity to rent a kayak this weekend and raft down a mountain river, then the adventure will definitely be unforgettable!

Remember your childhood Get your heart racing and feel the adrenaline rush! It seems like children's entertainment

  • It will make you feel like a child again. It is very touching to watch how seemingly stern and serious adults are transformed, rushing at great speed upside down on a roller coaster or spinning on a “surprise”. They laugh and scream like crazy, and their faces glow with joy. Try to visit an amusement park at least once or twice during the summer, and it will give you a lot of new and positive emotions. This will be a wonderful adventure for you.

Load up the kids and tents in the car for a weekend of outdoor adventure. Sleeping under the stars, eating by the fire, the pleasant morning coolness - all this awakens in us primitive, long-forgotten instincts and allows us to feel like a part of Mother Nature. A trip to nature is a great way to change the scenery and relax away from the dusty concrete jungle. Find a place, pitch a tent, light a fire, make a barbecue and bake some potatoes. Outdoor games will give you a lot of pleasure throughout the day, and in the evening there is nothing more beautiful than songs with a guitar by the fire. This is a wonderful adventure that will allow you to forget about the bustle of the city, even if only for a couple of days.

  • Add speed!

Take your bike out of the garage, and if possible, rent a mountain bike and go out of town or to the park. Flying at speed along forest paths, with the wind blowing in your face and all your muscles aching pleasantly from the strain, is a real challenge to your abilities. This kind of pastime is fundamentally different from the sedentary work process that most people are used to, and this will allow you to get a lot of emotions and discover new facets of yourself that you didn’t even suspect existed. Why not an adventure?

  • Rise above everyday life

IN major cities Usually there are flying clubs that, for a certain amount of money, provide the opportunity to jump with a parachute or ride an airplane. The first requires special preparation, but emotions will boil over during and after the jump. Many people say that a parachute jump made them rethink a lot in life and begin to change it in better side. Flying on an airplane or hot-air balloon easier and safer, and allows you to experience a new atmosphere. You see the world from a completely unusual point of view and enjoy its beauty, feeling like a free and free bird. These are adventures you will never forget.

  • Go ice skating

Get some roller skates and find a time and place to enjoy them. It doesn’t matter if you are a respectable and accomplished man or a business woman, now not only young people, but also older people are roller skating. Even if you don’t know how, you will gradually learn, and it will become a new experience for you. If it’s winter, then go to the skating rink; many city skating rinks now offer skates for rent. Speed, fresh air, unusual but pleasant sensations - this is a great adventure!

  • Get out into the fresh air

For those who do not have the opportunity to ride a bicycle and do not want to spend the night in a tent, there is the simplest adventure - a forest walk! Map out your route and just walk along the forest paths. Breathe fresh air, admire the trees, enjoy the birds singing. Collect a herbarium or arrange a forest photo shoot. If you come with friends or children, then organize a frisbee or volleyball championship. In any case, time spent in the forest will give you new sensations and add a bit of variety to your workday. Well, if there is no forest nearby, then go to the park.

  • Climb higher

If you live in a mountainous or hilly area, climbing is a great adventure for you. Although not along sheer rocks, this requires equipment and preparation, but a simple climb up a narrow path, through various obstacles to the top of a mountain or hill, will require full physical dedication from you. The reward for your hard work will be the feeling that you were able to do it! As a nice bonus - the view from the top. This is also an adventure of its own.

  • Color your friends

Don't worry, this is not the ravings of a madman. I mean paintball. This is one of the few team entertainments that will allow you to throw out all your aggression and stress, turning them into a playful shooting of especially arrogant friends. Just kidding, of course. This is a great way to test your senses and abilities - attention, concentration, accuracy, tactical calculation. Some people use their agility and speed, some use cunning, and others just like to feel like a “real man.” New anyway thrill in this adventure you are guaranteed.

I hope that these nine adventures will guide you and help you discover something new. All you need is a little free time and desire, and believe me, you will not be disappointed!

image (from)

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Imperial Infantry Captain Togram was using the chamber pot when the Indomitable came out of hyperdrive. As always with this maneuver, the officer experienced a severe attack of nausea. He grabbed the pot and vomited into it.

When he felt better, he put the pot on the floor and wiped his watery eyes with his furry wrist. “Gods curse you!” - he exploded. “Why, why doesn’t the team warn us about their tricks?” The voices of his subordinates could be heard echoing him, albeit in a harsher form.

A cabin boy immediately appeared at the door. “We are back in normal space,” he shouted and ran to convey this news further through the cabins. Curses followed him and rude jokes: “Shut up, dumbass!”, “Thank you!”, “Tell the helmsmen - it’s time for them to rework!”

Togram sighed and sadly rubbed his muzzle. As an officer, he was supposed to set an example for his subordinates. He was young enough to take it seriously, but he had served enough to not expect anything more than a couple of stripes on his shoulder straps. High ranks are obtained not by service, but by old family or big money.

Sighing again, he put the pot into the niche. The metal lid that covered it did little to reduce the smell. During its sixteen days in space, the Indomitable smelled thoroughly of urine, sweat, and sour food. In fairness, it should be noted that in this she was no better and no worse than other ships of the Roksolan fleet. All interstellar travel is like this. The stench and overcrowding were the price that the soldiers of the empire paid for expanding its borders.

Togram took the lamp and shook it to wake up the fireflies. Out of horror, they flashed with a silver light. The captain knew that some races used torches or candles to illuminate their ships, but fireflies used less air, although they could not shine continuously.

Before the lamp went out, Togram, like a good soldier, checked the weapon. He always kept his pistols loaded; when the landing begins, he will tuck two into his belt, two into the cuffs of his boots. The sword gave Togram more trouble: the increased humidity inside the ship had a bad effect on the cleanliness of the blade. That's right, he immediately found a speck of rust, which he immediately cleaned off.

Polishing the sparkling blade, Togram thought about what it would look like new system. All that remained was to pray that it would contain a planet suitable for habitation. When they get to the nearest planet controlled by Roksolan, there will simply be nothing to breathe in the Indomitable. Such danger accompanied all interstellar travel. The danger was not the most formidable - systems of small yellow suns usually contained one or two inhabited planets - but it was still constantly present.

Togram regretted allowing himself to think about it; Once it comes to mind, this thought will sit there as a thorn. He got up from his couch and went to see how the helmsmen were doing.

As usual, Ransisk and his assistant Olgren complained about the poor quality of the glass through which they had to aim their telescopes. “You shouldn’t whine,” Togram advised them as he entered. “At least it’s light here.” After the dim light of lamps with fireflies sunlight in the wheelhouse it seemed so bright that it blinded the eyes.

Olgren flattened his ears in irritation. Ransisk was older and calmer. He put his hand on the assistant's shoulder:

If you jump up like that at every one of Togram's jokes, you won't have time to do anything - he was a troublemaker from the moment he hatched from the egg. Right, Togram?

As you say. - Togram liked the gray-faced senior helmsman. Unlike most of his colleagues, Ransisk did not act as if important work puts him in a special position.

Suddenly Olgren froze, only the tip of him short tail twitched excitedly.

What a world! - he exclaimed.

Let’s see,” Ransisk said. Olgren handed him the telescope. The helmsmen carefully studied one after another bright stars, looking out for those that have a disk - they will certainly turn out to be planets.

Look here,” Togram pointed to a reddish star that seemed brighter than the others.

Olgren muttered something unpleasant about non-professionals minding their own business, but Ransisk cut him off:

The captain has seen in his time more worlds than you, new guy. Do as he says.

With his ears drooping offendedly, Olgren obeyed. And then I forgot about the insult.

Planet with green stripes! - he exclaimed.

Ransisk was just aiming the telescope at another sector of the sky, but this exclamation made him turn around. He carefully adjusted his focus. Olgren shifted from foot to foot, impatiently ruffling his fur in anticipation of the verdict.

Hm, maybe,” the senior helmsman finally said, and Olgren beamed, but then turned sour again when Ransisk continued: “I don’t see anything like open water.” If we don't find anything better, we'll try this one. But first we need to look again.

Your luof will be pleased,” said Togram. Ransisk smiled. The Roxolans always carried small animals with them. If the Luof, placed in the airlock chamber of the flyer, remained alive, the atmosphere of the planet was suitable for its owners.

Several planets seemed too dim to the helmsmen. But Ransisk tensed, pressing his gaze to the telescope.

Here she is! - he said almost calmly. - That's what we need. Look, Olgren.

Oh hell yes!

Run with a report to military commander Sivon and ask if his instruments have detected any other disturbances in movement on the hyperdrive.

Olgren hurriedly left the control room. Ransisk handed the pipe to Togram:

See for yourself.

The Imperial infantry captain peered into the eyepiece. After blackness outer space The world in the telescope seemed painfully similar to Roksolan: dark blue oceans covered with flakes of white clouds. A suitably sized moon hung nearby. Both planets were about half illuminated.

Did you find land there? - asked Togram.

Look at the upper hemisphere, just below the ice cap,” Ransisk advised. - These brown and green spots don't look like water. If there is a suitable planet here, it is the one you see in front of you.

Until Olgren returned, they took turns looking at the planet, trying to get some idea about it.

So how? - Togram asked, although the assistant’s cheerfully pricked ears already indicated that the answer was positive.

All disturbances from the hyperdrive are only from our fleet, no others within the entire system! - Olgren burst into a smile.

Ransisk and Togram, without saying a word, slapped him on the back, as if he was the reason for the good news.

The captain's smile was even wider than Olgren's. This means that the planet will become an easy prey, which suited him - a career military man - most of all. If the local population is not familiar with hyperdrive, it means that there is no intelligent life in the system, and if there is, it doesn’t matter, the natives have probably not yet invented gunpowder, aircraft, or, especially, space weapons.

Togram happily rubbed his hands.

Buck Herzog was tired, which, however, is not surprising after four months in space (and another one and a half to go). The Earth behind the Ares III seemed like a bright star, and the Moon was generally difficult to see. Mars grew ahead.

It’s your turn to swing, Buck,” Art Snyder called him. Of the five crew members, he was the most disciplined.

I'm coming, Pancho. - The Herzog sighed, perched himself on an exercise bike and began pedaling - first half-heartedly, then with all his might. Exercise helped preserve calcium in the bones, which is especially important in zero gravity conditions. Besides, they helped pass the time.

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