Dying children are so funny! Radio Mayak closed the show and fired the hosts after making rude jokes on air about disabled people Radio hosts cystic fibrosis.

Veselkin and Kolosova about their dismissal

Alexey Veselkin about his dismissal spoke in an interview with the Izvestia newspaper. The presenter said that radio has always been secondary to him since he is an actor. Now Veselkin works at the Russian Academic Youth Theater. Veselkin plans to release a play. According to him, he did not become any worse after the broadcast about cystic fibrosis. “I didn’t betray anyone. I worked in the morning show format as I should have,” said the former presenter.

Victoria Kolosova- This is the only person whom Veselkin feels sorry for in this situation. “When she wakes up tomorrow, it will be very difficult for her,” says Veselkin, noting that his colleague needs support. He says that Kolosova has no immunity from this. According to the ex-presenter, there is no one to blame for the situation. “I wasn’t trying to offend anyone,” the actor said.

Radio Mayak fired presenters who laughed at sick children

Dismissal of Mayak presenters Victoria Kolosova has not yet commented. There are no messages on her Facebook page about her removal from the air. Previously, the presenter apologized to everyone who might have been offended by her words spoken during a discussion of the fatal disease cystic fibrosis.

Kolosov on the air of “Mayak” on the morning of October 22, she stated that all apologies were “sincere” because the presenters did not want to offend or offend anyone. “It really hurts and upsets me that we, quite old, educated people, allowed ourselves to do this,” the presenter said in her latest morning show on Mayak. Now the radio management is deciding what disciplinary measures to take against the presenter.

Stillavin on the dismissal of Kolosova and Veselkin

Sergey Stillavin, presenter“Programs P,” which published the “Sores” section, commented on the dismissal of Veselkin and Kolosova in his “Live Journal.” The morning show writer said the hosts' behavior was "unacceptable." Stillavin does not understand why “parents and people more than adults” behaved this way. The presenter is confident that the very topic of cystic fibrosis, raised on air, should turn into concrete help.

Dismissal of Veselkin and Kolosova happened without Stillavin. The author of Program P, just like on October 4, when the scandalous issue of Sores was released, is on a business trip. The management of Mayak has already stated that it does not blame the author of the morning program for the behavior of his colleagues. However, the director of Mayak’s programs, Anatoly Kuzichev, previously announced that the format of the morning show would be changed, and “Bolyachki” would be closed. Instead of a program about diseases, another one will appear, but what name it will have and who will host it is still unknown.

Mayak presenters fired

Dismissal of Mayak radio presenters led to the decision to transfer the salaries of all radio station employees to accounts for children with cystic fibrosis. However, not all plant employees agree with the management’s decision to transfer salaries to the sick. “What are we to blame for? Why is everyone paying for the fact that someone doesn’t know how to broadcast?” - one of the employees is indignant. Her colleague remarks that it is “unfair” to punish everyone. So far, the management of the radio company has not commented on these statements.

After the Mayak presenters were fired, the radio station decided to conduct an internal investigation and find out why Alexey Veselkin and Victoria Kolosova became so disgraced. The investigation showed that the reason for the scandal was the absence of the main presenters of Program P, Sergei Stillavin and Rustam Vakhidov. The latter has a medical education, and his knowledge in the field of diseases is quite broad. Izvestia’s source says that it was Vakhidov’s absence that led to the horrific situation.

What Kolosova and Veselkin said about cystic fibrosis

Morning show on "Mayak" published October 4, 2012. Veselkin, Kolosova, DJ “Invalid” and a visiting doctor discussed the fatal disease cystic fibrosis. During the discussion, several offensive remarks were made. So, when the doctor began to say that vitamin A is not absorbed by patients, DJ “Invalid” said that “the patient did not absorb it.”

When the doctor started talking about the symptoms of cystic fibrosis, in particular, he noticed that patients have salt on their skin, Victoria Kolosova asked “Do they smell.” In addition, the presenters often laughed while discussing the topic and allowed themselves to make impartial statements such as “lint in the ass.” The video that appeared after the broadcast shows that Victoria Kolosova puts either rings or dryers in her mouth, and sits like this during the discussion.

The radio station "Mayak" was forced to close the "Sores" section, in which serious illnesses were discussed in a popular form, and fire its presenters - Victoria Kolosova and Alexei Veselkin - due to a scandal involving insults to patients with cystic fibrosis. The release of the program, during which the presenters openly laughed at a serious hereditary disease, caused a flurry of criticism against the radio station. Roskomnadzor, which found violations of the media law in the behavior of the presenters, took the opportunity to speed up the adoption of a code of professional ethics for journalists.

The scandalous episode of the program “Sores,” which is part of a large morning show on Mayak, “Program P,” aired on October 4, but attracted widespread public attention only a couple of weeks later. “Program P” started at Mayak in February of this year, replacing the popular morning show “Sergei Stillavin and his friends.” The new morning show borrowed from the previous one both the composition of the presenters - Sergei Stillavin himself, Alexey Veselkin, Victoria Kolosova, Rustam Vakhidov and sound engineer Vladislav Viktorov (Vitus), as well as some sections, including “Sores”.

Alexey Veselkin during the broadcast of “Bolyachek” about cystic fibrosis. YouTube video screenshot

The popularity of the radio section “Sores,” which discusses serious illnesses and ways to combat them, can be judged by the fact that entire audiobooks have been compiled from its episodes. As the description of one of the books says, in this section the presenters and a certain Dr. David “with their unique humor talk about, in general, serious diseases and methods of treating them.” The idea, apparently, is explained by the format of morning radio shows, in which the presenters try not to burden the still sleepy listener with too serious presentation of the material.

However, in the episode about cystic fibrosis, which provoked a scandal around the program, the presenters (Stillavin and Vakhidov were not present on this broadcast) clearly went too far with “frivolity.” Cystic fibrosis is an incurable hereditary disease that causes excessive mucus accumulation in the lungs and gastrointestinal tract. With late diagnosis of the disease or lack of treatment, death, and extremely painful, occurs in more than half of the cases - due to the abundance of mucus, patients simply cannot breathe and digest food normally. But if in the West medicine has been successfully coping with the symptoms of the disease for quite a long time and people with cystic fibrosis live there on average for about 50 years, then in Russia only 12 percent of children with cystic fibrosis live to 15 years without the necessary treatment (in the West this figure reaches more than 40 percent). Due to the cost of treatment, cystic fibrosis foundations and their families are constantly fighting to attract government attention and receive financial support.

It is not surprising, therefore, that public organizations and parents of sick children were extremely indignant on the air, in which the presenters made faces, putting dryers in their mouths and pretending to have fangs, and made jokes about how “it’s good to drink tequila” with sick children (due to metabolic disorders salt appears on the skin of patients with cystic fibrosis), or they laughed like kindergarteners at the word “meconium” (feces of a newborn). The scandal began to gain momentum on social networks: bloggers accused the presenters of being “beyond the bounds of human compassion” and invited them to communicate with parents who had seen their children die. The “Bolyachek” team also remembered how at one time he condemned punk prayer of the girls from Pussy Riot, who were criticized by the presenters for disrespecting the feelings of other people.

Then the media picked up the topic - two weeks after the broadcast, on October 18, the LifeNews portal posted a video fragment of the program (its full version by that time was already deleted from all official resources) and stated that public organizations, in particular the fund “Help for Patients with Cystic Fibrosis,” sent a complaint to Roskomnadzor against the presenters of “Bolyachek” and demanded an apology from the radio station. The story was picked up by other publications, which did not fail to contribute to the lynching of Mayak - by Friday, October 19, the Internet was seething with indignant reviews. Slon spoke somewhat more restrainedly, noting that people in Russia traditionally do not want to know anything about other people’s problems and “a significant part of the audience will not listen to journalists raising unpleasant issues, unless they are provided with the crutches of psychological protection - for example, in the form of laughter and cynicism.” . Journalist Ilya Kolmanovsky, in a column in "Big City", summed up all the remarks, suggesting that critics of "Mayak", instead of putting links to videos from LifeNews, distribute the details of payment organizations that help patients with cystic fibrosis.

The scandal raised by bloggers and the media finally forced the management of Mayak to react. The first to apologize on behalf of the radio station was its program director Anatoly Kuzichev. In an interview with Echo of Moscow, he admitted the behavior and tone of the presenters was erroneous, but noted that Mayak thereby helped draw attention to the disease. The blogosphere reacted to such a cynical apology with a new stream of angry comments - Kuzichev, in a comment to Lente.ru, stated that the media had distorted his words. “I am accused of cynicism, which is not inherent to me, especially on such occasions,” explained the Mayak program director. “What I meant: paradoxically - and this was the key phrase in my statement - this is inappropriate, unacceptable for us , catastrophic from the point of view of taste, tact, and common sense, the performance of our presenters in the morning show forced us to seriously address the problem [of cystic fibrosis], and the country to hear the word that most of the people did not know before."

Anatoly Kuzichev. Photo from the official website of "Vesti FM"

On Sunday evening, Kuzichev on Mayak already announced the closure of the “Sores” section and the reformatting of the entire morning broadcast. The next morning, the presenters also apologized - they explained their belated reaction by the fact that Victoria Kolosova, ironically, was “sick” and the journalists could not gather in the same composition in which they conducted their scandalous broadcast. The apologies of Kolosova and Veselkin again backfired on Mayak, since all the media literally quoted them in the form in which they appeared on the radio station’s website: “The tone is inappropriate, the form is inappropriate. We very much apologize to all those who were brought suffering by that program.” As it turned out, it was not the presenters themselves who should be blamed for the illiteracy and dryness of the commentary, but the editors of the Mayak website: Kolosova and Veselkin expressed themselves correctly and in detail on the air, explaining their action by the loss of a sense of reality in attempts to please the listener and entertain him.

Nevertheless, inappropriate jokes and the public’s furious reaction to them cost Kolosova and Veselkin a place on “Mayak” - on the afternoon of October 22, the management of the radio station announced the termination of cooperation with the presenters. In addition, in an attempt to smooth out the conflict, the management of Mayak decided to donate an amount equal to the monthly salary of all participants in the scandalous broadcast and the daily salary of all other employees of the radio station to the fund for helping patients with cystic fibrosis. On Monday afternoon, Mayak also held a special “Hotline”, during which the situation with the dismissal of presenters was discussed, and Anatoly Kuzichev said that the radio station plans to conduct several more serious and large broadcasts dedicated to the problems of patients with cystic fibrosis. As for Sergei Stillavin, according to Kuzichev, the radio station hopes to retain him as a presenter, but he, as the author of the entire morning show, must bear “at least formal responsibility” for what happened.

The reaction of society to tough measures against journalists who made jokes at the wrong time turned out to be, as always, polar: some repeat Vladimir Putin’s new expression, which has already become an idiom, and propose to “slap a two-piece” on those who are guilty, others call the closure of the program and the dismissal of the presenters because of the sick people who feed "pharmaceutical companies with their slogans" is unfair.

Roskomnadzor also responded to the scandal, finding in the statements of Mayak presenters violations of the media law, which obliges journalists to respect the rights, honor and dignity of citizens when carrying out their professional activities. The department sent a corresponding warning to the leadership of Mayak and noted that the incident “confirms the need for the speedy emergence of a valid and respected “code of professional ethics” in the Russian journalistic community.”

Pavel Gusev, head of the Public Chamber’s media committee and editor-in-chief of Moskovsky Komsomolets, came up with the same idea last week. He proposed self-regulation of the industry as an alternative to constantly tightening legislation, noting that “we will soon have laws for every sneeze - what is possible and what is not.” Considering the frequency of such scandals in the media - this year both the liberal and federal channels Rossiya-1 were noted for making offensive remarks against people with disabilities - the adoption of such a charter could really benefit the journalistic community. One can only hope that it will truly be used as a means for self-control of the press in matters of ethics, and not as another repressive instrument on the part of the state.

Veselkin and Kolosova about their dismissal

Alexey Veselkin about his dismissal spoke in an interview with the Izvestia newspaper. The presenter said that radio has always been secondary to him since he is an actor. Now Veselkin works at the Russian Academic Youth Theater. Veselkin plans to release a play. According to him, he did not become any worse after the broadcast about cystic fibrosis. “I didn’t betray anyone. I worked in the morning show format as I should have,” said the former presenter.

Victoria Kolosova- This is the only person whom Veselkin feels sorry for in this situation. “When she wakes up tomorrow, it will be very difficult for her,” says Veselkin, noting that his colleague needs support. He says that Kolosova has no immunity from this. According to the ex-presenter, there is no one to blame for the situation. “I wasn’t trying to offend anyone,” the actor said.

Radio Mayak fired presenters who laughed at sick children

Dismissal of Mayak presenters I haven't commented yet. There are no messages on her Facebook page about her removal from the air. Previously, the presenter apologized to everyone who might have been offended by her words spoken during a discussion of the fatal disease cystic fibrosis.

Kolosov on the air of “Mayak” on the morning of October 22, she stated that all apologies were “sincere” because the presenters did not want to offend or offend anyone. “It really hurts and upsets me that we, quite old, educated people, allowed ourselves to do this,” the presenter said in her latest morning show on Mayak. Now the radio management is deciding what disciplinary measures to take against the presenter.

Stillavin on the dismissal of Kolosova and Veselkin

Sergey Stillavin, presenter“Programs P,” which published the “Sores” section, commented on the dismissal of Veselkin and Kolosova in his “Live Journal.” The morning show writer said the hosts' behavior was "unacceptable." Stillavin does not understand why “parents and people more than adults” behaved this way. The presenter is confident that the very topic of cystic fibrosis, raised on air, should turn into concrete help.

Dismissal of Veselkin and Kolosova happened without Stillavin. The author of Program P, just like on October 4, when the scandalous issue of Sores was released, is on a business trip. The management of Mayak has already stated that it does not blame the author of the morning program for the behavior of his colleagues. However, the director of Mayak’s programs, Anatoly Kuzichev, previously announced that the format of the morning show would be closed, and “Bolyachki” would be closed. Instead of a program about diseases, another one will appear, but what name it will have and who will host it is still unknown.

Mayak presenters fired

Dismissal of Mayak radio presenters led to the decision to transfer the salaries of all radio station employees to accounts for children with cystic fibrosis. However, not all plant employees agree with the management’s decision to transfer salaries to the sick. “What are we to blame for? Why is everyone paying for the fact that someone doesn’t know how to broadcast?” - one of the employees is indignant. Her colleague remarks that it is “unfair” to punish everyone. So far, the management of the radio company has not commented on these statements.

After the Mayak presenters were fired, the radio station decided to conduct an internal investigation and find out why Alexey Veselkin and Victoria Kolosova became so disgraced. The investigation showed that the reason for the scandal was the absence of the main presenters of Program P, Sergei Stillavin and Rustam Vakhidov. The latter has a medical education, and his knowledge in the field of diseases is quite broad. Izvestia’s source says that it was Vakhidov’s absence that led to the horrific situation.

What Kolosova and Veselkin said about cystic fibrosis

Morning show on "Mayak" October 4, 2012. Veselkin, Kolosova, DJ “Invalid” and a visiting doctor discussed the fatal disease cystic fibrosis. During the discussion, several offensive remarks were made. So, when the doctor began to say that vitamin A is not absorbed by patients, DJ “Invalid” said that “the patient did not absorb it.”

When the doctor started talking about the symptoms of cystic fibrosis, in particular, he noticed that patients have salt on their skin, Victoria Kolosova asked “Do they smell.” In addition, the presenters often laughed while discussing the topic and allowed themselves to make impartial statements such as “lint in the ass.” The video that appeared after the broadcast shows that Victoria Kolosova puts either rings or dryers in her mouth, and sits like this during the discussion.


Residents of dozens of regions of the country, public figures and a number of charitable organizations are preparing a class action in court, demanding that the presenters of the Mayak radio station be held accountable for making fun of terminally ill children live on air. The station's management has already made a public apology and announced the closure of the program, but many believe that this is not enough. Moreover, this case is

As part of the morning show "Program P" on "Mayak" on October 4, the program "Sores" was broadcast, the topic of which was cystic fibrosis - a congenital disease characterized by damage to the exocrine glands, severe dysfunction of the respiratory system and gastrointestinal tract. Patients with cystic fibrosis, without proper treatment, most often die in childhood or adolescence. In Russia, the life expectancy of such patients does not exceed 29 years, in Europe and the USA it is longer. However, these facts did not seem serious to the hosts of Sergei Stillavin’s program, and they had a lot of fun discussing the specific symptoms of cystic fibrosis.

In the studio, in addition to the presenters Victoria Kolosova, Alexey Veselkin and the nameless DJ behind the console, who was called “disabled,” there was an invited guest - Dr. David, who for a long time tried to remain serious and provide journalists with facts. They, however, did not heed and ridiculed literally every word, ultimately making the doctor less serious. Below are excerpts from the transcript of the broadcast.

Doctor: Previously, this disease was considered only from the point of view of problems of the digestive system. Then it was assumed that disorders of the bronchopulmonary system occur as a result of non-absorbed vitamin “A”...

"Disabled person": The patient didn’t suck!.. That’s why you’re suffocating! You need to suck it in!(At this moment Kolosova makes tusks from the bagels)

Doctor: In everyday life they are called “salty children”... The exchange of chlorine is disrupted, and salt appears on the skin...

Kolosova: Do they smell? I. It’s good to drink tequila with them!.. Well, maestro! Bitch!

Veselkin: Do monkeys get sick?.. We just think that they are looking for fleas, but they are looking for salt crystals! They don’t know what they can buy in the store!.. Imagine: “Volodya, come here, Uncle Vasya and I should drink tequila, let me kiss you!”

Doctor: Cystic fibrosis is not contagious, they are fully socialized.

"Disabled person": Well, just a little salty!

After the release of the scandalous program, residents of ten regions of the country demanded a public apology from the management of the radio station, the presenters and the guest of the program, writes Komsomolskaya Pravda. The interregional public organization "Help for Patients with Cystic Fibrosis" has already sent a letter to Roskomnadzor, the Union of Journalists of Russia and is currently preparing a statement of claim to the court. They are also supported by the Russian Center for Cystic Fibrosis on the basis of the N.F. Children's Hospital. Filatova. Social activists also demand that Mayak refute distorted facts and invite leading experts on this disease and representatives of public organizations providing assistance to patients to broadcast.

The State Duma also became interested in the program. The deputies sent a request to the head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation with a request to evaluate the morning show “Program P”.

“The video recording of the broadcast clearly shows how the presenters grimace and make sarcastic comments when discussing a fatal disease. Obviously, such behavior of journalists is offensive to people suffering from various chronic diseases and violates the ethical standards of journalism,” United Russia member Pavel Fedyaev told Life News.

Children with Down syndrome were insulted on TV

In parallel with this story, another similar scandal broke out. Actress and TV presenter Maria Aronova, on the Rossiya TV channel on October 16, spoke about children with Down syndrome and, in particular, noted that such patients are dangerous to society and their parents. The actress’s words caused outrage among a significant number of people, and colleague Evelina Bledans, the mother of a boy with Down syndrome, even began preparing a lawsuit.

“We are ready to answer Maria Valerievna’s public question: “When you get up at night and walk along a dark corridor, are you not afraid that your 11-year-old child will cut you and hit you on the head with a heavy iron?” The only thing we are afraid for is, Ms. Aronova, this is for the parents who, after your words, decided to have an abortion or abandoned their children. You are loved and listened to, although for many, this already sounds in the past tense,” Bledans wrote in her.

Aronova responded promptly and made a public apology. In an interview with the Russian News Service, she noted that she did not blame all children with Down syndrome for aggressiveness, but had in mind one specific case known to her. “If Evelina and the women who raise such children heard something different, it’s only our fault... I’m incredibly offended that somehow we offended Evelina and, in general, these amazing women and men who make members of society out of “sunny people.”

“It’s a shame that we, quite old, educated people, allowed ourselves to do this”

Mayak waited more than two weeks for an official reaction, perhaps hoping that the matter could be hushed up without unnecessary noise. Only on October 21, program director Anatoly Kuzichev “brought the most sincere apologies to the radio station’s listeners for the inappropriate behavior and offensive statements of the presenters,” notes the Mayak website. The presenters' comments made during a story about cystic fibrosis are completely unacceptable and categorically contradict the station's editorial policy, the director believes. “The program (Sores) in which inappropriate statements were made has been closed,” he said.

Today the presenters themselves apologized. During the morning broadcast of “Program P,” DJs Kolosova and Veselkin said: “Well, let’s just say, comrades, our tone was inappropriate. The tone was inappropriate, the form was inappropriate. We very much apologize to all those who suffered with that program... Our apologies are sincere, and we really didn’t want to offend or offend anyone. And it really hurts and offends me that we, quite old, educated people, allowed ourselves to do this.”

Not everyone is ready to believe in the sincerity of Mayak’s apology. There has not yet been a reaction to today's confessions by the DJs, but some have taken the station director's comment with hostility.

“We can say that the guys found an alternative way out and got away with little loss of life. And now they even say that in this original way they attracted public attention to the problem of children with CF. This, gentlemen, is not true. If we had not reacted, you would have continued “I would like to behave in the same spirit,” the director of the project to help patients with cystic fibrosis writes in his blog. “I want specialists, and, if necessary, us, to be invited on the air, just not on these Malakhov scandal shows, but on a normal serious broadcast.” ".

"Mayak" has long ago turned from a serious radio station into a farce that is impossible to listen to - it is too wild a mixture of vulgarity, stupidity, outright obscenity, and bad taste. And the main jester still played:

Residents of dozens of regions of the country, public figures and a number of charitable organizations are preparing a class action in court, demanding that the presenters of the Mayak radio station be held accountable for making fun of terminally ill children live on air. The station's management has already made a public apology and announced the closure of the program, but many believe that this is not enough. Moreover, this case is not isolated .

As part of the morning show "Program P" on "Mayak" on October 4, the program "Sores" was broadcast, the topic of which was cystic fibrosis - a congenital disease characterized by damage to the exocrine glands, severe dysfunction of the respiratory system and gastrointestinal tract. Patients with cystic fibrosis, without proper treatment, most often die in childhood or adolescence. In Russia, the life expectancy of such patients does not exceed 29 years, in Europe and the USA it is longer. However, these facts did not seem serious to the hosts of Sergei Stillavin’s program, and they had a lot of fun discussing the specific symptoms of cystic fibrosis.

In the studio, in addition to the presenters Victoria Kolosova, Alexey Veselkin and the nameless DJ behind the console, who was called “disabled,” there was an invited guest - Dr. David, who for a long time tried to remain serious and provide journalists with facts. They, however, did not heed and ridiculed literally every word, ultimately making the doctor less serious. Below are excerpts from the transcript of the broadcast.

Doctor: Previously, this disease was considered only from the point of view of problems of the digestive system. Then it was assumed that disorders of the bronchopulmonary system occur as a result of non-absorbed vitamin “A”...

"Disabled person": The patient didn’t suck!.. That’s why you’re suffocating! You need to suck it in!(At this moment Kolosova makes tusks from the bagels)

Doctor: In everyday life they are called “salty children”... The exchange of chlorine is disrupted, and salt appears on the skin...

Kolosova: Do they smell? I. It’s good to drink tequila with them!.. Well, maestro! Bitch!

Veselkin: Do monkeys get sick?.. We just think that they are looking for fleas, but they are looking for salt crystals! They don’t know what they can buy in the store!.. Imagine: “Volodya, come here, Uncle Vasya and I should drink tequila, let me kiss you!”

Doctor: Cystic fibrosis is not contagious, they are fully socialized.

"Disabled person": Well, just a little salty!

After the release of the scandalous program, residents of ten regions of the country demanded a public apology from the management of the radio station, the presenters and the guest of the program, writes "TVNZ". The interregional public organization "Help for Patients with Cystic Fibrosis" has already sent a letter to Roskomnadzor, the Union of Journalists of Russia and is currently preparing a statement of claim to the court. They are also supported by the Russian Center for Cystic Fibrosis on the basis of the N.F. Children's Hospital. Filatova. Social activists also demand that Mayak refute distorted facts and invite leading experts on this disease and representatives of public organizations providing assistance to patients to broadcast.

The State Duma also became interested in the program. The deputies sent a request to the head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation with a request to evaluate the morning show “Program P”.

“The video recording of the broadcast clearly shows how the presenters, when discussing a fatal disease, grimace and make sarcastic comments. Obviously, such behavior of journalists is offensive to people suffering from various chronic diseases and violates the ethical standards of journalism,” he said Life News United Russia member Pavel Fedyaev.

Children with Down syndrome were insulted on TV

In parallel with this story, another similar scandal broke out. Actress and TV presenter Maria Aronova, on the Rossiya TV channel on October 16, spoke about children with Down syndrome and, in particular, noted that such patients are dangerous to society and their parents. The actress’s words caused outrage among a significant number of people, and colleague Evelina Bledans, the mother of a boy with Down syndrome, even began preparing a lawsuit.

“We are ready to answer Maria Valerievna’s public question: “When you get up at night and walk along a dark corridor, are you not afraid that your 11-year-old child will cut you and hit you on the head with a heavy iron?” The only thing we are afraid for is, Ms. Aronova, this is for the parents who, after your words, decided to have an abortion or abandoned their children, they love you very much and listen to you. Although for many, this already sounds in the past tense,” Bledans wrote in hers. blog .

Aronova responded promptly and made a public apology. In an interview "Russian News Service" she noted that she did not blame all children with Down syndrome for aggressiveness, but was referring to one specific case known to her. “If Evelina and the women who raise such children heard something different, it’s only our fault... I’m incredibly offended that somehow we offended Evelina and, in general, these amazing women and men who make members of society out of “sunny people.”

“It’s a shame that we, quite old, educated people, allowed ourselves to do this”

Mayak waited more than two weeks for an official reaction, perhaps hoping that the matter could be hushed up without unnecessary noise. Only on October 21, program director Anatoly Kuzichev “brought the most sincere apologies to the radio station’s listeners for the inappropriate behavior and offensive statements of the presenters,” the website notes "Mayak". The presenters' comments made during a story about cystic fibrosis are completely unacceptable and categorically contradict the station's editorial policy, the director believes. “The program (Sores) in which inappropriate statements were made has been closed,” he said.

Today the presenters themselves apologized. During the morning broadcast "Programs P" DJs Kolosova and Veselkin said: “Well, let’s just say, comrades, our tone was inappropriate. The tone was inappropriate, the form was inappropriate. We very much apologize to all those who suffered with that program... Our apologies are sincere, and we really did not want to offend anyone , not to offend. And it really hurts and offends me that we, quite old, educated people, allowed ourselves to do this.”

Not everyone is ready to believe in the sincerity of Mayak’s apology. There has not yet been a reaction to today's confessions by the DJs, but some have taken the station director's comment with hostility.

“We can say that the guys found an alternative way out and got away with little loss of life. And now they even say that in this original way they attracted public attention to the problem of children with CF. This, gentlemen, is not true. If we had not reacted, you would have continued would behave in the same spirit, he writes in his blog director of the project to help patients with cystic fibrosis. “I want specialists to be invited on the air, and, if necessary, us, just not on these Malakhov scandal shows, but on a normal, serious broadcast.”

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