PC games about space science fiction. Open world space games

This page of the portal "site" contains an extensive list of simulators about space. Each simulator from this catalog is carefully selected by us, and we are sure that all the games collected here are worth your attention! After reviewing the games in this category, you will definitely find the right game for yourself. Our list of space simulation games combines the best and most memorable space simulation games of all time. Games are conveniently divided by date from 2017 - 2016, and earlier years. It is also worth paying attention to our TOP 10 simulation games, for which we have selected only the best games of the genre.


The amount of information on games may confuse you, but we have worked through it as much as possible, and you can easily select the game you need by watching videos and screenshots, or by reading the information in detail on the corresponding game page. The OnyxGame website has collected a large number of different game genres and sorted them into games on PC and other platforms. Now you will definitely find only the best computer games for yourself!

Have you dreamed of creating your own civilization? Did you dream of bringing her to dominance? Many players have led empires to victory while on Earth. Developers from Paradox invited players to create their own alien race and lead it to world domination in space. What does Stellaris offer? And she proposes to settle in galaxies, building observation posts on the stars and extracting resources on the planets. You can also negotiate with other civilizations, since the range of possible actions is huge. Planets can, and even need to, be populated, but we should not forget to provide all the benefits to the growing civilization, and, subsequently, lead it to hegemony throughout the galaxy.

Star Wars: Empire at War (2006)

In addition to its reputation as a revolutionary in cinema, Star Wars is famous for its impressive number of good games. One of them is Star Wars: Empire At War. We have the entire galaxy far, far away at our disposal. Strategy is divided into two parts: global and tactical. In the global part, the player captures new planets, builds outposts, scouts the situation, steals money from the enemy and creates an army. The tactical part involves two battles: a battle in space and a battle on the surface of the planet. Both battles have the same essence: destroy the enemy base. No one is providing reinforcements, and it is impossible to make up for losses. The player has a specific squad with which he must knock out opponents from the planet. A wide range of possibilities and all the planets of a galaxy far, far away can keep the player engaged for a long time

Homeworld (1999)

One of the first RTS made in 3D space. The game offered a full 3D space with camera rotation and the ability to view your units from all angles and angles. The troops in Homeworld are numerous and each has its own purpose. Thus, fighters can be used for reconnaissance, and bombers can be used to remove large ships such as destroyers. At one time, the game was a breakthrough for the RTS genre, and developers still use its developments to this day. And not only in strategies related to space.

Space Rangers (2002)

The game is a phenomenon. “Space Rangers” is a symbiosis of such game genres as text quest, turn-based strategy and RPG. The game world is huge and populated by races that give the player tasks. And in this world the player can be anyone, from a merchant to a pirate robbing ships. Movement in space occurs in a step-by-step mode. You can upgrade your pilot as you please, developing the necessary parameters. The entire universe depends on the player's actions, which is the attraction factor of the game.

Elite Dangerous (2015)

Long before the appearance of “Space Rangers” on computer systems at the end of the twentieth century, there was the game Elite Dangerous, which implied complete freedom of action in deep space. After some time, a remake of this game was released. The remake retains all the charm of the very first Elite Dangerous, but also introduces new features that were not present in the original. For example, the ability to stop at stations to repair your ship. Plus there is a huge number of galaxies, plus there is multiplayer. All this can lure the player into this world of endless space and endless journeys from one galaxy to another.

Battlefleet Gothic: Armada (2016)

Warhammer 40,000 is widely known among board game enthusiasts. And thanks to the Dawn of War series and other good representatives of the setting in the computer field, Warhammer gained enormous popularity. But all of those games were about battles on the surface, and Battlefleet takes the action into space. In this strategy, the player has several fleets that he can control. The goal of the game is to destroy all enemies in orbit of the planet. The spaceships of each race are unique, and each race requires a different approach. Plus, each race is balanced, and to win on the map you need to know the weak points of each race.

EVE Online (2003)

One of the most famous MMORPGs, which is also related to space themes. At one time, EVE provided (and still provides) a huge world to explore. And in this world, the player can try on any role, from a merchant to a raider. Also in the game there is the opportunity to take part in a major battle between clans. In the world of EVE, any player's actions affect not only the player himself, but also the world itself in which the action takes place. Any raid can disrupt the faction's economy, or thanks to victory in a clash of clans, the territory can change.

Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth (2014)

The well-known and beloved Civilization series of games decided to move its action to another galaxy. The Earth was on the verge of destruction, and many left the geoid in search of a better life on another planet. And having found the planet, the colonists began to settle there. But the aliens do not like such a neighborhood, and the people themselves do not like the presence of other colonists on the planet. To win, the player must negotiate with the rest of the colonists, fight off the aliens, and choose a development line that matches the player's style and come to victory using one of the many paths provided by Civilization.

Kerbal Space Program (2015)

Have you ever dreamed of designing your own rocket and using it to conquer deep space? Kerbal Space Program can provide you with this opportunity! In this game you can assemble your own rocket from available materials and send it to one of many planets. But we shouldn’t forget about research, as it opens up access to new parts for the rocket, allowing the rocket to travel long distances and keeping the rocket’s structure from breaking. Build your rocket and set off to conquer the frontiers of deep space!

Endless Space (2012)

It’s not just Paradox that is in the field of global space strategies. There you can also find the French from Amplitude Studios along with their brainchild Endless Space. In Endless Space we also have several races and a great variety of ways through which you can gain galactic domination. Races can be developed in four areas: infrastructure, army, science and economy. Each action will affect your empire and increase the popularity of a certain faction. It is also necessary to populate new worlds, but first you need to check the planet for suitability for life. We should not forget to maintain contacts with other civilizations, but we should not forget to show ourselves to them. After all, this can lead civilization to victory.

With the exception of starting a career as an astronaut or hitchhiking into deep space on an unmanned probe, computer games are the best and so far the only way available to humanity to leave Earth and go on a journey towards the unknown. Peaceful trade or pirate fishing in the vastness of the Milky Way, or escaping from a terrible alien monster in an abandoned orbital station - all this is on our list of the best games for PC, one way or another dedicated to space. From survival horror to grand strategy games to realistic simulators that allow you to live another life in orbit among a myriad of stars, there is something for everyone here.

One of the best single-player real-time strategy games ever released, it recently received a re-release from Gearbox studio, made with love for the original. The sight of thousands of player-controlled ships stretched out in a battle formation against the backdrop of colorful space landscapes is mesmerizing. The game's intense battles require a tactical approach, especially given the variety of ships in the game, from miniature fighters to colossal battleships. The Remastered Collection still holds its own and looks great on modern PCs, and is also bundled with the original Homeworld and its sequel.

In this large-scale and exciting simulator, an entire galaxy plays the role of an open and accessible world for exploration. Starting the game with a simple ship and a handful of credits, you become the master of your own destiny. Become a fearsome pirate? A famous merchant? Or an outstanding discoverer? The beauty of Elite Dangerous is that it gives the player complete freedom of action. Intense space battles or serene exploration of the nooks and crannies of space - here everyone can find something to their liking. On top of that, the ships in the game are simply fabulous: controlling the nimble fighters and massive cargo ships in Elite is definitely worth blowing off the dust from the old joystick.

Providing the opportunity to live a fulfilling life in space, EVE Online is an unparalleled MMORPG where the development of the world lies entirely in the hands of the players. This is a galaxy teeming with life, in which thousands of capsule players fight, trade, mine resources and explore the unknown side by side. Once you leave the confines of the relative safety of the police-patrolled launch system, you will find yourself in the middle of an uncompromising Wild West in a vacuum of space. Whether you prefer to fight in large-scale space battles, each of which consists of thousands of ships costing thousands of real dollars, or explore the vast expanses of New Eden alone, EVE will provide you with many unforgettable experiences.

Despite its minimalistic, retrofuturistic interface, Duskers is one of the most frightening modern sci-fi horror games on PC. In it, the player will need to take on the role of the pilot of a small “vehicle fleet” of drones, with their help searching abandoned ships in search of fuel, spare parts and threads to understand why the unknown galaxy in which the main character finds himself is completely devoid of life. However, almost completely: the ships being explored are infested with creepy and aggressive creatures, which makes moving through their dark, narrow corridors an unexpectedly tense experience.

Point-and-click adventure game from LucasArts, for some reason never received due recognition. A mission to deflect the flight path of an asteroid threatening to collide with the Earth turns into a disaster for the participants: due to mysterious circumstances, they find themselves in a distant and lifeless world. Some of the game's mysteries are difficult to understand, even by LucasArts standards, but the colorful and bizarre planet that serves as the setting is one of the most compelling extraterrestrial worlds of all time. Special mention is due to the voice acting with The X-Files and Terminator star Robert Patrick in the title role.

A space god simulator that allows you to control exact 3D copies of real galaxies and star systems and observe the catastrophic results of your intervention. You can start your interstellar experiments by increasing the mass of Jupiter to such a value that all other objects in the solar system will begin to revolve around it, or by completely removing the Sun, which will lead to the scattering of the Earth and other planets in different directions.

Drifting alone around Jupiter in an old spaceship, your only hope of returning home is connecting with an artificial intelligence suffering from severe emotional disturbances. You will have to communicate with Kaizen exclusively through the keyboard, and if you choose the right words and arguments, then in the end he will agree to cooperate. Only to suddenly change his mind the next moment and close the external airlock, leaving the player suffocating from lack of oxygen outside the ship. Overall, it's a thoughtful adventure game with a subtle '70s sci-fi style.

If you've ever imagined yourself in the role of Captain Kirk, commanding his own ship, coming into contact with various types of alien aliens and making difficult decisions that will affect the survival of the crew, then Mass Effect 2 gives you the opportunity to experience all this and more. Combining elements of Star Wars-inspired space opera with a story that rivals the best Star Trek episodes, Mass Effect 2 is one of the best sci-fi games on PC. It has a rather linear story and does not have the freedom of choice that Elite is famous for, but instead the on-rails plot takes the player on an unforgettable journey through the galaxy, including visiting phantasmagoric planets and communicating with their peculiar inhabitants. In principle, the entire Mass Effect series is worthy of mention on this list, but our choice fell on the second part.

In this spine-chilling survival horror, Amanda, daughter of Ellen Ripley from the Original Cinematic Universe, hides in a falling apart space station from a relentlessly pursuing xenomorph. As a large-scale homage to Ridley Scott's 1979 film, the game set the benchmark for slowly building tension. The Sevastopol station itself is designed in the style of low-budget science fiction and is replete with bulky retrofuturistic technological devices and terrifying flashing lights. The developers managed to present the world with one of the most bona fide live-action film adaptations of all time, but at the same time, Alien: Isolation remains an outstanding representative of horror even if you take away its rich cultural baggage aimed at fans.

This is not to say that No Man’s Sky lived up to all the expectations placed on it, but nevertheless, you can still spend many exciting hours in its procedurally generated galaxy. Its sci-fi setting is one of the most aesthetically distinctive, and the ability to jump from outer space to a planet's atmosphere without loading screens is a pretty impressive technical achievement. Of course, the planets here are still empty and lifeless, but the ability to build bases, introduced in the recent Foundation update, brings some variety to the activities on their surface.

A rare chance to step into the shoes of a George Lucas space opera villain. Given the unique storyline and variety of missions performed as an Imperial Stormtrooper - including combat between fighters, escorting VIPs and attacks on capital ships - this is one of the best LucasArts games dedicated to the Star Wars universe. Basically, the same could be said about Star Wars: X-Wing, if only playing as the Rebel Alliance forces wasn't so boring. A separate advantage of this line of space simulators is the fact that they have all received re-releases from GOG.com and are compatible with modern computers.

In FTL, the player takes on the role of the captain of a Star Trek-style spaceship, which will have to be controlled through gameplay that combines elements of turn-based and real-time strategy. A solid roguelike action game takes place in a painfully familiar, but no less fascinating sci-fi setting. Full of low-key humor, additional quests, unexpected encounters and plot twists make every attempt to achieve the final goal exciting and unique. And the ability to give your own names to the crew members and the ship makes you really worry about their fate when they find themselves in yet another dangerous situation in the depths of hostile space.

Fans of the series are unlikely to ever stop arguing about which part of Wing Commander is the best, but our choice fell on Privateer due to its darker atmosphere. This is a sandbox rich in possibilities, allowing you to become a mercenary, a pirate, a merchant - or something in between these three options. Most of the gameplay consists of hopping between systems in search of wanted criminals to capture and cargo ships to loot, but it's worth it - the space combat here excites the imagination. The plot is built linearly, but this does not take away the player’s freedom of action and choice.

Defy gravity and the laws of physics as you try to build your own spaceship and explore space! It's a deep, complex and entertaining sandbox, full of both fun and science-based possibilities. The first successful liftoff from the surface of the planet Kerbin and landing on its moon Moon using a ship designed by oneself is one of the most magical sensations that can be obtained while spending time in a computer game.

At the time of this list, ambitious space simulator Star Citizen has raised an incredible $183 million through crowdfunding. This money will be used to develop a grand game set in a vast, interconnected universe. And Luke Skywalker personally took part in the voice acting of one of the game modes - Squadron 42 (more precisely, Mark Hamill, who played him). Star Citizen is still far from its official release, but some of its playable elements are already available to participants in the crowdfunding campaign.

Take On Mars from Bohemia, the developer studio behind the well-known Arma, is an ideal choice for those who prefer a more scientific approach to simulators - the process of space exploration here is based on real astrophysics. In it you can build a Mars rover a la Curiosity and use it to study the surface of the red planet or build your own lunar base. In general, this is a game for people who prefer science without a dash of science fiction.

Combining real-time strategy and 4X elements, Sins is all about galactic conquest. Choose a faction, accumulate enough forces and resources and become the all-powerful ruler of space. Slowly managing large-scale battles in real time is exciting, but the game's capabilities are not limited to this: you can also expand your influence through diplomacy.

To get the most out of this game, you will need 3 to 6 friends. Each player takes control of one of the ships, responsible for different functions - production, research, resource extraction, and so on. To defeat your enemies, you will need to act together, under the strict guidance of a pre-appointed captain. Essentially, this game gives you the opportunity to take the Kobayashi Maru test from Star Trek right in your own room - and it's simply priceless.

Basically Minecraft in space or something. The gameplay consists of extracting building materials from asteroids and making space bases and ships from them. Asteroid exploration is carried out using jetpacks or gravity generators pre-built on them. This is one of the best cooperative construction simulators, which, moreover, constantly receives updates from the developers.

Thanks to the rich tools of the ship design editor, capturing space has never been so creative. And due to the deep and multifaceted artificial intelligence of opponents, each gaming session can drag on for many weeks. To achieve your goal, you will have to form alliances, participate in grandiose space battles and maintain a balance between economic, technological and cultural development. In this, the game is reminiscent of the Civilization series, while having a much greater scope.

Gameplay in this turn-based strategy game from prolific indie studio Blendo (particularly known for Thirty Flights of Loving) moves in 30-second bursts. Give all the necessary orders in pause mode, and then watch the battle unfold until one of the parties involved is completely destroyed. With a relaxing, classical soundtrack that includes songs like Chopin's "Raindrops" prelude, and an original visual style, this is one of the more unconventional games on this list. In-game advisers in the form of schizoid space dogs serve as a humorous outlet for the military action.

A survival simulator in the spirit of Terraria in a sci-fi setting. In this wonderful sandbox you have to fly between randomly generated planets in a spaceship, hunt alien creatures for food, build colonies and underground bases, trying not to die in the process (which is not always possible). The list of playable races includes sentient robots, entities composed of solar energy, ape-like creatures and wingless anthropomorphic birds.

SpaceEngine will allow you to experience all the delights of an existential crisis and feel small and insignificant, as the events of the game unfold on the scale of the entire universe - or, in any case, the part of it known to us. Taking off from Earth and accelerating the engines to full speed, you quickly realize that you are just a speck of dust rushing through an endless void. The variety and elaboration of technologies in the game, allowing you to travel between galaxies and land on planets, is amazing. But, unfortunately, aside from exploring the vast open world, this game doesn’t have much else to offer.

A modern take on the arcade classic Lunar Lander in the form of a unique low-gravity flight simulator. It's not as comprehensive as some of the sims presented here, but the process of fighting the laws of physics presented in it to try to deliver cargo or land on a planet is implemented at an unprecedented level. On top of that, it's one of the best space games for VR headsets, so it's definitely worth a look for anyone with an Oculus Rift or HTC Vive.

While most space simulators use regular airplane physics, FreeSpace takes a more realistic approach, resulting in responsive, weightless controls. The game's combat is similar to World War II fighter dogfights in zero gravity, making it one of the best space combat simulators for PC. We are sure that your first battle within the picturesque nebula will be an unforgettable experience for you.

Do you like science-fiction games that take place in cold space? Then our list of the best space games on PC is for you! For you, we have selected the most epic space games with spaceships and more!

TOP 10 best space games on PC

10th place: Mass Effect

A game that captivated millions of people not only with its graphics, but also with its unsurpassed plot. Here you will find interplanetary intrigues and space battles. It does everything that one of the best space games on PC needs.

9th place: Star Federation

An exciting game that will allow us to put on the uniform of one of the Star Federation soldiers, fly through millions of light years and, of course, shoot many enemies of the federation. Real space ones that will take us through cold and lifeless space, and then possibly kill us...

8th place: Dead Space

A game that rightfully deserves not only a place in our top of the best space games, but also a place at the top in our top. The story about an incident on a spaceship led our hero into a very difficult situation. After all, as it turned out, the ship is inhabited by terrible creatures who dream of tearing you apart. So now you are alone, in cold space. Good luck…

7th place: Eve Online

The huge cosmic world in the MMO universe opens up to us the wonderful world of space, with the ability to interact with other players to the fullest. The world of this game is many times greater than anything you have seen before, because the cosmic world is a priori very large. Such a game universe deserves seventh place in the top of the best space games.

6th place: Star Craft

The game was one of the progenitors of e-sports in the world, and also earned an honorable place on the PC. Here you have access to not only a huge and well-developed universe, but also a fascinating plot, which has rightfully earned its place in history, and in our list of the best games about spaceships.

The best space games on PC

5th place: Lost Planet

Before you is a wild world in which flora and fauna have declared war on all other forms of life. And you will fully learn what the planet is capable of in the fight against extraterrestrial beings. You will have to destroy alien creatures to your heart's content, and also experience all the hardships of life on your own skin... One way or another, this game opens fifth place in our list of the best space games on PC.

4th place: Home World

A strategy in which everything is implemented so simply and sincerely. In the game you will find just a lot of emotions and even more questions. After all, here you have to deal not with any nonsense, but with the search for your true homeland! As well as the alien life forms with which you are connected, the game will not leave anyone indifferent, even despite its age. A worthy fourth place among the best space games.

3rd place: Kill Zone

A bloody shooter in which you will enjoy battles between humans and mutants. The battle has been going on for many years, and the end is not yet in sight. What will happen at the end of this war and who will survive depends on you, dear players! So gather all the strength in your hands and show these scoundrels! Third place in our list of the best space games on PC.

2nd place: Doom

A game that made us think about only one thing - survival. The fascinating events that take place in space very frighteningly present us with the story of our heroes, but what will come out in the end will surprise you very much!
It is also worth noting that this game is one of the And here we have a top game in outer space! Here you have shootouts, spaceships, and aliens! This game is the epitome of all the games above, built into a single online game! And most importantly, this game is absolutely free! So if you were looking for a space game on PC, then you would be a complete fool if you didn’t play this masterpiece... I’ll even leave the link below! The best space game on PC!

And here's a bonus for you - a small but interesting video.

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There are not as many space lovers as there are fans of shooting games, action games and other similar games, but they still exist. If you like to explore space, then you have come to the right place, because now we will highlight the best space strategy games for PC. Didn’t know about the existence of a certain game before? Now you’ll find out, and you can also try playing it yourself and decide for yourself whether it deserved its place in the top ten best space strategies on PC.

10. X-rebirth

Open world space strategy. All actions of which take place in the “X” universe.

In order to achieve success, trade with other races. The economic system in the game is as close as possible to the real one. To benefit, travel around cities and look for ships, drones, spare parts and other goods for profitable resale.

Battles in X-rebirth have no limit. There can be both small skirmishes between two ships and entire battles between flotillas. Create your personal Empire, arrange your space territory, build stations and improve them to increase productivity.

Any action performed by the player can have an impact on the further development of the game's plot. Find yourself new comrades among the aliens who can help in the war against stronger opponents.

9. Endless Space - Emperor Edition

The space strategy in mixed time managed to take ninth place in the ranking.

The plot is based on the confrontation between eight civilizations. Every civilization strives to rise above the rest. You will have to lead one of the nations to victory.

In order to win, it is absolutely not necessary to engage in hostilities. You can take a place among the best by creating alliances with influential nations and trade. The faction has the ability to search for expensive artifacts to take a leading position in this area. You can also humiliate the enemy with the help of new technologies.

How you lead your faction to victory is up to you. Build up your military, trade, diplomatic or scientific sphere and take your place next to the leaders.

8. Sid Meier's Starships

The player will have to become the leader of a powerful star fleet. Complete various missions, explore space, and save civilian ships from attacks by pirates and other hostile factions.

Make sure the galaxy lives by your rules, and not you by its rules. Achieve power and greatness in outer space. Will you be able to take control of the Universe?

7. Ethereum

This game took seventh place due to the fact that it has not yet gained popularity among players, as it was released quite recently.

The game's plot takes place in the distant future, where three hostile factions are at war. Each faction is trying to gain control of resources. The player needs to decide whose side he will take and go into battle.

Each empire has its own strengths and weaknesses. Each side has its own unique technologies, and therefore, before choosing which side to take, you will first need to study each technology and only then decide which battle tactics are closer to you.

Each mission becomes more difficult, but this does not make it less attractive, but becomes more exciting.

Take control of space into your own hands.

6. StarDrive 2

It is a continuation of an exciting space game, but it did not become worse than its predecessor, and managed to take sixth place in the top.

The player will have to act as the leader of one of the provided races. You have to explore the unknown expanses of space in order to found your own Empire and make it a leader.

Explore other planets, enter into agreements with representatives of other races, but if you can’t build relationships diplomatically, you can always resort to weapons.

5. Sins of a solar empire

Global space strategy, to which we decided to give fifth place, no less.

The game tells the story of the decline of the Solar Empire. The player will have to take control and power over the Galaxy into his own hands. There are three races to choose from - earthlings, Vasari and space gypsies. Each race has certain advantages over the other. After reviewing the advantages, decide which game tactics will be more interesting for you.

All races fight and try to take a place in power, but who is strong enough to actually do it? What will win: leniency or weapons?

4. X3 Reunion

Remember in 10th place we talked about the game X-rebirth? The game that took 4th position, X3 Reunion, is its predecessor.

An unknown civilization attacked people and destroyed millions of lives. You need to find the enemy and avenge the death of your compatriots.

Game plot X3 Reunion linear, and because no matter what the player does, he will not be able to influence the course of events. It is not at all necessary to complete all the quests that follow the storyline. The player can complete tasks that he likes himself, and only then return to story quests.


The second part of the Homeworld game managed to break into the top three and take third position.

The game takes place centuries in the future. The Hiigarians are threatened by a new enemy, about which only the name is known - the Vaygr. The player will have to help the Hiigarans stop the impending threat. Don't let the Vaygr take over the galaxy, no matter the cost.

2. Astro Lords

A game that managed to take second place among the best space games on PC.

The events of the game will take the player to the mythical Oort Cloud. The Militant Lords began to explore new asteroids; at the same time, they raided and plundered their neighbors, and also concluded diplomatic treaties.

The militant Lords are fighting not only among themselves, they will have to repel hostile aliens who have decided to invade foreign territory.

The game was released not so long ago, in 2014, but has already managed to win the attention of a large number of gamers.

1. Eve Online

A space strategy that has no equal, took first place in our top of the best space strategies for PC - Eve online.

You don't have to fight if you don't want to. You can explore outer space, become a merchant, but remember that hostile ships can still attack at any moment, so if you don’t want to get caught, become dexterous, invisible and invulnerable.

You can simply fly through outer space and complete the assigned missions, or you can arm yourself with the best weapons and join one of the fleets for a large-scale battle.

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