A fairy tale is a true story, but there is a hint in it. A lesson to good fellows

Class: 1 "B"

Teacher: Solovyova A.A.

Date of: 0 2.11.2015

Goals and objectives:

    Summarize children's knowledge of fairy tales.

    Instill an interest in reading.

    Develop speech, thinking, imagination, interest, attention.

    Cultivate friendship, camaraderie, and curiosity during the game.

    Nurture love and careful attitude to fairy tales.


Fairy-tale characters, an exhibition of books with fairy tales, a dictionary, a poster “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows”, a poster “Quiz”, words with the names of animals, a flower - a seven-colored flower, cards with questions (by color), tokens, medals “The best expert on fairy tales!”

Progress of the lesson:

Children's skit "A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows."

2 children participate: grandmother and grandson.

Grandson. Grandma, tell me a story.

Grandmother. What kind of fairy tale do you want, grandson?

Grandson. Grandmother, are fairy tales really different?

Grandmother. There are fairy tales. They can do anything. Turn a swan into a maiden

build a silver palace, turn a frog into a princess, a young man into a mosquito

Grandson. And there are also tales about animals.

Grandmother. That's right, but there are no magical transformations in them.

Grandson. But these tales are very funny. In them the bear is good-natured, the hare is cowardly, and the fox is cunning. The wolf is evil.

Grandmother. And there are also fairy tales about men, soldiers, orphans. These are all everyday tales.

Grandson. Grandma, why does Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin say: “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.”

Grandmother. In a fairy tale, a lie turns out to be the most beautiful truth. The fairy tale teaches us goodness and justice. Teaches you to resist evil and despise cunning people. Teaches you to understand someone else's misfortune.

Grandson. Grandma, reading fairy tales, I also realized that they help me be kinder.

Grandmother. Attention, guys, we are starting an exciting journey in the world of fairy tales.


Dear Guys! Today we have an unusual activity. We will hold a game - a quiz. What is a quiz? Are you familiar with this word?

Now I will read to you how the word “quiz” is deciphered in the dictionary.

I know that you all love fairy tales very much, and now I suggest you go to wonderful world magic, into the world of fairy tales.

And a seven-flowered flower will help us travel. Each color will correspond to a specific task. For each correct answer you will receive a token. You must answer only by raising your hand, without shouting, or the answer will not be counted. At the end of the quiz, whoever collects the most tokens is the best expert on fairy tales.

So, we hit the road, but to get into the fairy tale we must find a means of transportation. Let's remember what the heroes of fairy tales rode?

D: carpet - airplane, stupa, ship, horse - little hunchback.

Imagine that you boarded one of the named vehicles and everyone went to the land of fairy tales.

Choose the color of the petal. We will leave only the white petal for last.

For each petal, the children say the words: “Fly, fly the petal through the west to the east, through the north, through the south, come back after making a circle.”

red petal

It's called a rhymer.

Well, guys, let's play?

I'll start, and you finish,

Just answer in rhyme!

He trembled before the wolf,

Ran away from the bear

And the fox's teeth

Still got caught... (bun)

I met you in the forest

Very cunning...(fox)

In a fairy tale, the horse is not easy

Miracle - golden mane,

Amazing horse

By nickname...(Little Hunchback)

About a cozy house

We'll start a conversation.

There's a rich person there

Lived she drank tea,

The entire house burned down.

Well, think a little...

That's right, it's aunt... (cat)

The enemy of people and the enemy of animals

Evil robber...(Barmaley)

In the rivers of Africa for a long time

An evil log floats.

Whoever swims towards me,

Will swallow everyone... (crocodile)

He is kinder than everyone else in the world,

He heals sick animals.

Famous for kindness

This is the doctor... (Aibolit)

For him, a walk is a holiday,

And he has a special sense of smell for honey.

This is a plush prankster

Little Bear...(Winnie the Pooh)

He knows a lot about goat meat,

Terrible, terrible gray...(wolf)

Yellow petal.

It’s called “Based on the fairy tale “The Golden Key”.

His friends Pierrot and Arlecchino,

It's simply called...(Pinocchio)

Little man in a long white shirt with long sleeves. His face was dusted with white powder, like tooth powder. (Pierrot)

A creature that looks a bit like a cockroach, but with a head like a grasshopper. It sat on the wall under the hearth and quietly crackled: “Cri-Cri.” (Cricket from Papa Carlo's closet)

The man was so scary in appearance that one could be frozen with horror. His thick, unkempt beard dragged along the floor. (Karabas Barabas)

Another man jumped out from behind a cardboard tree, all checkered like a chessboard. The funniest thing in this fairy tale. (Harlequin)

A pretty curly girl with a pretty nose. (Malvina)

On their heads they wore bags with holes cut for their eyes. One, wearing glasses, was limping with his leg, the other was holding a pistol. (cat Basilio and fox Alice)

Phys. just a minute


Let `s have some rest. Get up from your seats. I will read riddles to you, and you will guess them, but not say them out loud, but show the answer with gestures and facial expressions.

Instead of a nose - a snout,

Instead of a tail there is a hook. (pig)

He slept in a fur coat all winter,

He sucked a brown paw. (bear)

He has 4 legs

Paws - paws - scratches,

A pair of sensitive ears.

He is a thunderstorm for mice. (cat)

Where is the bolt of green mud,

A ballerina appeared.

She's on one leg

She stood until dark. (heron)

A flower flies over a flower

And it flutters and flutters. (butterfly)

Gray in summer, white in winter. (hare)

Lies - silent,

If you come, he growls. (dog)

Grayish, toothy,

Prowls through the fields,

Looking for calves and lambs. (wolf)

Not the clock, but in the morning the time tells. (rooster)

Choose the next petal.

green petal

The device on which Baba Yaga flew.

What was the name of the heroine of Andersen's fairy tale? The Snow Queen»?

The name of the boy who was carried away by the geese is swans.

The heroine of which fairy tale lost her shoe at the ball?

This girl was very small, the size of a walnut.

The second name for tablecloths in fairy tales.

The dwelling of Baba-Yaga.

Who wrote "The Tale of dead princess and 7 heroes”, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”.

Choose the next petal.

Orange petal.

It's called "Oral Folk Art".

You need to guess what fairy tale we are talking about.

Someone grabbed hold of someone tenaciously,

Oh, there’s no way to pull it out, Oh, it’s stuck tightly.

But more helpers will soon come running,

Friendly common work will defeat the stubborn one! ("Turnip")

He pounded and pounded the plate with his nose,

He didn’t swallow anything and was left with his nose. ("The Fox and the Crane")

But the road is long, and the basket is not easy,

I would like to sit on a tree stump and eat a pie. ("Masha and the Bear")

Oh, Petya - simplicity,

I messed up a little

I didn't listen to the cat

Looked out the window. (“Cockerel is a golden comb”)

There is no river, no pond,

Where can I get some water?

Very tasty water

In a hoof hole. (“Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”)

The beautiful maiden is sad

She doesn't like spring.

It's hard for her in the sun,

The poor thing is shedding tears. ("Snow Maiden")

Are you warm, girl?

Are you warm, red one? ("Morozko")

By- pike command,

According to my wish.

Well, bake, go to the king. (“Emelya”)

Phys. just a minute


Let's play. Can you scream?

Repeat after me.

Two slams, two slams

Hedgehogs, hedgehogs.

Forged, forged

Scissors, scissors.

Running in place, running in place

Bunnies, bunnies.

Come on, together, come on, together,

Girls! Boys!

Choose the next petal.

Blue petal.

It's called "Animals in Russian Fairy Tales"

There are many folk tales about animals. And so some of the animals hid inside the words. You need to find them.



Blue petal.

It is named after the fairy tales of Charles Perrault.

What color was the cap of the girl from the fairy tale? (red)

What shoes did the cat from the fairy tale wear? (boots)

What time was Cinderella supposed to return from the ball? (12 nights)

Who saved grandma and Little Red Riding Hood? (woodcutters)

How many daughters did the stepmother have in the fairy tale “Cinderella”? (2)

What was the nickname of the smallest hero in one of the fairy tales, who was the size of part of a hand? (boy - with - finger)

Who made an attempt on the life of the grandmother from the fairy tale? (wolf)

What material is Cinderella's shoe made of? (made of crystal)

What did Little Red Riding Hood need to do to get to her grandmother’s house? (pull the string)

We have the last petal left, white.

It's called "Portrait Painters".

Guess the riddle.

He is familiar to all small children,

Everyone loves him

But there are no such people in the whole world

You won't find any.

He is neither a lion, nor an elephant, nor a bird,

Neither a tiger cub nor a tit,

Not a kitten, not a puppy, not a wolf cub, not a groundhog.

But filmed for film

And everyone has known for a long time

This cute little face

And it’s called...(Cheburashka)

Guys, you have leaves on your tables. The element is shown there fairy tale hero- Cheburashki. Now you will be artists. You need to finish drawing it. At the end we will make an exhibition of your drawings.

We took you on a journey through the world of fairy tales and visited 7 fairytale stations. Let's summarize the results of the quiz.

Count how many tokens you have.

Presentation of medals “The best expert on fairy tales!”


It is necessary to determine whether a particular fairy-tale object belongs to a fairy tale. Name her.

Sleigh - "The Snow Queen"

Pea - "The Princess and the Pea"

Shell walnut- “Thumbelina”

Duck egg - " ugly duck»

Needle – “The Frog Princess”

Jug – “The Fox and the Crane”

Ring – “ The Scarlet Flower»

Egg - “Chicken - Ryaba”

Horse – “Humpbacked Horse”

Fish – “The Tale of the Golden Fish”, “At the Order of the Pike”

Duck – “Grey Neck”

Apple – “Geese - Swans”, “The Tale of the Dead Princess and 7 Knights”

Ax – “Porridge from an axe”

Bunny – “Kolobok”, “The Fox and the Hare”

Princess Frog. She is a beauty

PRINCESS FROG. Resurrection of the Spirit.

Why frog?

The frog is another of the images of the most ancient Egyptian deities, the Goddess Hiqit, in her frog aspect, rests on the Lotus, thereby indicating her connection with water. The "frog or toad goddess" was one of the main Cosmic Deities associated with the creation of the world due to her amphibious nature and, mainly, due to her apparent resurrection after long centuries a solitary life, immured in old walls, in rocks. She not only took part in the organization of the world, but was also associated with the dogma of the resurrection.

A frog or toad, enclosed in or without a Lotus flower, was the form chosen for the temple lamps, on which were carved the words: “Εγώ είμι άναστάσις” - “I am the Resurrection.” These frog goddesses are found on all mummies. And the first Egyptian Christians accepted him into their churches. (From TD)

Ivan the prince threw an arrow - a thought - and received what he wanted, the resurrection of the Spirit. The subsequent fall into matter obscured the knowledge of the spirit, so much so that Ivan even burned the frog’s skin. To return resurrection in the spirit - a state of uninterrupted happiness - you need to experience misfortune: the path to where the Spark flew away is not easy. The path of self-knowledge is hard and difficult and, of course, the constant battle with your personal dragon of selfhood. There is no way without this. But to the one who conquers himself, everything is forgiven. And the reward is great: the fiery palace, the seat of the King and Queen, the achievement of immortality.

Miracle - marvelous, miracle - wonderful, these Russian fairy tales!

Carpet plane. N.K. Roerich

Magical, full of amazing phenomena: self-assembled tablecloths, invisible hats, boots - walkers, two from the casket - identical in appearance, fulfilling any desire, even the most absurd! And everything happens according to my desire, according to my desire!

Marvelous crystal palaces and bridges that grow overnight, and all other wonders,

- « all this represents an attempt to convey in earthly language the wonderful reality of the Subtle World in forms that are adapted to earthly understanding. In the Subtle World you can freely pass through any obstacle, wall, stone, closed door, mountain, through any object, if you know about it. If a person does not know about this, he will use the same methods that he used on Earth.

There you can imagine yourself in any way you like and, therefore, take any form, put on any form: human, animal, plant, bird or any object. You can become whatever a person wants to become, or whatever a person wants to imagine. But not everyone knows about this, and they continue to behave and present themselves in an earthly way.

There, everyone has a magic wand in their hand: with its help, you can, like a magician or wizard, do whatever the will wants. But they don’t know about this and continue to remain in the tight restrictions that they were subject to on Earth. Denial does not allow consciousness to free itself. It is there that those born to fly continue to crawl, and the wonderful expanses of the Subtle World remain sealed for those who crawl.

They do not know and do not believe, just as they did not believe on Earth, that the spirit has wings and on the wings of thought can move with lightning speed and make long flights...

There everyone creates their own world, but what does the wretched imagination create, which on Earth did not know what the creativity of the spirit is?

Beauty affirms the wonder of the Subtle World. The key of beauty opens up to consciousness the magical side of the most wonderful fairy-tale possibilities that become for a person the world in which he lives. The most daring, most impossible dream on Earth will come true there, if the key of beauty is not lost.” . (Faces of Agni Yoga.1955. 255)

It is the possibility of unlimited light creativity that reveals the magical wonder of the Subtle World, if a developed imagination allows it.

A person without imagination cannot create. An unclean imagination will draw the spirit into the lower realms - with all the horrors created by human vices. Unpurified spirits also create, but this creativity is dark, hopeless and saturated with the lusts of unsatisfied passions.

Truly, what goes around comes around, for the Subtle World is based on consciousness.

“Lie” among the Slavs was the name given to incomplete, superficial Truth.

For example, you can say: “There’s a whole puddle of gasoline,” or you can say that this is a puddle dirty water, covered with a film of gasoline on top.

In the second statement - True, in the first, what is said is not entirely True, i.e. Lie. “Lie” and “bed”, “bed” have the same root origin. Those. something that lies on the surface, or on the surface of which one can lie, or - a superficial judgment about an object.

And yet, why is the word “lie” applied to the Tales, in the sense of superficial truth, incomplete truth?

The fact is that a Fairy Tale is really a Lie, but only for the Explicit, Manifested World, in which our consciousness now resides. For other Worlds: Navi, Slavi, Rule, the same fairy tale characters, their interaction, are the true Truth.

Thus, we can say that a Fairy Tale is still a True Story, but for a certain World, for a certain Reality. If a Fairy Tale evokes some Images in your imagination, it means that these Images came from somewhere before your imagination gave them to you. There is no fantasy divorced from reality. Every fantasy is as real as ours manifest life. Our subconscious, reacting to signals of the second signaling system(in words), “pulling out” Images from the collective field - one of the billions of realities among which we live. In the imagination there is not just one thing, around which so many are twisted. fairy tales: “Go There, we don’t know Where, Bring That, we don’t know What.” Can your imagination imagine anything like this? - For the time being, no. Although, our Many-Wise Ancestors had a completely adequate answer to this question.

“Lesson” among the Slavs means something that stands at Rock, i.e. some fatality of Being, Fate, Mission, which any person embodied on Earth has. A lesson is something that must be learned before your evolutionary Path continues further and higher. Thus, a Fairy Tale is a Lie, but it always contains a Hint of the Lesson that each of the people will have to learn during their Life.

He asked Ras Deva: “Bake me a Kolobok.”

The Virgin swept the barns of Svarog, scraped the bottom of the barrel and baked Kolobok.

Kolobok rolled along the Path.

It rolls and rolls, and the Swan meets him: “Kolobok-Kolobok, I’ll eat you!” And he plucked a piece from Kolobok with his beak.

Then the Bear meets him: “Kolobok-Kolobok, I’ll eat you!” He grabbed Kolobok across the stomach, crushed his sides, and forcibly took Kolobok’s legs away from the Bear.

Kolobok is rolling, rolling along the Svarog Path, and then the Wolf meets him: - Kolobok-Kolobok, I will eat you! He grabbed Kolobok with his teeth and barely rolled away from the Wolf. But his Path is not over yet.

He rolls on: a very small piece of Kolobok remains. And then the Fox comes out to meet Kolobok: “Kolobok-Kolobok, I’ll eat you!” “Don’t eat me, Foxy,” was all Kolobok managed to say, and the Fox said “am” and ate him whole.

A fairy tale, familiar to everyone since childhood, takes on a completely different meaning and a much deeper essence when we discover the Wisdom of the Ancestors.

Among the Slavs, Kolobok was never a pie, a bun, or “almost a cheesecake,” as they sing in modern fairy tales and cartoons, the most varied baked goods, which they pass off to us as Kolobok. People's thought is much more figurative and sacred than they try to imagine. Kolobok is a metaphor, like almost all images of heroes of Russian fairy tales. It is not for nothing that the Russian people were famous everywhere for their imaginative thinking.

The Tale of Kolobok is an astronomical observation of the Ancestors over the movement of the Moon across the sky: from the full moon (in the Hall of the Race) to the new moon (the Hall of the Fox). Kolobok’s “Kneading” - the full moon, in this tale, takes place in the Hall of Virgo and Ras (roughly corresponds to the modern constellations Virgo and Leo). Further, starting from the Hall of the Boar, the Month begins to decline, i.e. each of the encountered Halls (Swan, Raven, Bear, Wolf) “eats” part of the Month. By the Fox's Hall there is nothing left of Kolobok - Midgard-Earth (in modern terms - planet Earth) completely covers the Moon from the Sun.

We find confirmation of precisely this interpretation of Kolobok in Russian folk riddles(from the collection of V. Dahl): Blue scarf, red bun: rolls around on the scarf, grins at people. - This is about Heaven and Yarilo-Sun. I wonder how modern fairy-tale remakes would portray the red Kolobok? Did you mix blush into the dough?

There are a couple more riddles for the kids: A white-headed cow is looking into the gateway. (Month) He was young - he looked like a fine fellow, in his old age he became tired - he began to fade, a new one was born - he became cheerful again. (Month) The spinner, the golden bobbin, is spinning, no one can get it: neither the king, nor the queen, nor the red maiden. (Sun) Who is the richest in the world? (Earth)

It should be borne in mind that Slavic constellations do not correspond exactly to modern constellations. In the Slavic Circle there are 16 Halls (constellations), and they had different configurations than the modern 12 Signs of the Zodiac. The palace of Ras (the cat family) can roughly be correlated with zodiac sign Leo.

Hello, dear parents, mothers and fathers. Did you know that fairy tales are not just children's entertainment? The role and influence of the fairy tales you read to your child is truly enormous. So huge that it can affect the baby’s future. After all, his development and, as a consequence, his fate largely depend on whether you read fairy tales to your child and WHAT fairy tales you read to him.

And it's not a joke.

I managed to truly understand the nature and meaning of fairy tales during the course, which is led by Yuri Burlan. shows how the psychic unconscious in various degrees development and fulfillment controls a person and his destiny.

So, mental person develops only until puberty. That is, the development of a child depends on us, parents, since it is we who create comfortable or unfavorable conditions for this process. And fairy tales have something to do with this.

The essence of fairy tales

Folk tales have been passed down from generation to generation for thousands of years. Fairy tales were an important part of the culture. With the help of a fairy tale small man I learned with pleasure what is good and what is bad, that good always triumphs over evil, and therefore it is better to be good. The kid understood what actions were performed by brave heroes, and what actions were performed by ugly losers-villains, and which of them should be emulated.

Fairy tale in modern world- this is still a natural way of teaching children culture and life in society, but not only that. Listening to a fairy tale, a child learns to love and compassion, receive positive emotions, he learns to live. In addition, fairy tales develop imagination.

A fairy tale is an opportunity for a child to spend time with mom or dad, and this is very important for the baby, because in this way he feels emotional closeness with the parent, receives the necessary attention and a sense of security.

But there is one BUT, a very significant BUT, for the sake of which this article was written.

The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - a lesson for good fellows.

What's the hint? Which lesson?

When choosing a fairy tale for a child, you need to think - what does this fairy tale actually teach? What is her moral? Is it relevant today? Will it be useful to my child, or, on the contrary, will it harm?

There are fairy tales, the deep meaning of which boils down to the fact that eating (eating, swallowing, frying, etc., etc.) of one’s own kind, that is, bipeds and speaking human language, is very bad (the heroes of fairy tales are projections of people). In fairy tales, only villains cannibalize, and in the end they are always defeated by the good hero.

Once upon a time, thousands of years ago, such tales played an important role. They were part of a culture that limited cannibalism (the fact that this creepy phenomenon was common among ancient people is not just fairy tales. Ritual cannibalism was attested in wild African tribes at a time when culture was already flourishing on all continents except Africa itself).

Now is a different time and culture performs other, more relevant functions for modern humanity. And we still read fairy tales about cannibalism to children. For most children, these fairy tales are simply useless, but for some children, especially sensitive ones, scary fairy tales are strictly read it is forbidden.

Children with visual vector

A set of mental properties of a person in System-vector psychology called a vector. Vectors are set from birth and develop until puberty.

The peculiarity of a child with a visual vector is increased emotionality. A visual child is very sensitive, he creates emotional connections not only with parents, but also with pets and even toys. Such a baby easily goes from laughter to tears. When he watches a cartoon with a dramatic plot, in moments of danger he can hide his face from fear, and in the most touching moments he can cry. He is very emotional. A visual child loves to draw, especially on the walls of his room, adding his favorite bright colors to his life.

A state of fear is destructive for such a child - this is the most unfavorable state for the development of the visual vector.

A visual child should not be frightened by Baba Yaga, the babaika, black hand, you can’t take him to a funeral, much less force him to kiss a deceased relative goodbye.

Tales of cannibalism evoke special fear in a visual child. After all, the child lives the fairy tale, lives the role of each positive character, associating himself with him. And the moment when they want to eat him evokes primal fear in the baby - a strong unconscious state, extremely destructive. If this condition takes hold in him, it can change his destiny.

I'm talking about deep unconscious processes. The child does not realize that fairy tales are about cannibalism, that the heroes of fairy tales are projections of people, he is simply very scared. After such tales, he begins to be afraid of the dark - after all, in the dark his main sensor does not work. Other fears may also appear.

Fears and phobias for many years are the least that can happen. But what is much worse is that the mental properties of a child who grows up in a state of fear will remain underdeveloped. This means that he will have little chance of becoming successful person, little chance of fulfillment, little chance of happiness. Tales of cannibalism are especially dangerous and fraught with consequences for visual boys.

A visual child receives maximum development in a state of love, through compassion. Touching fairy tales, stories and tales that evoke compassion are simply necessary for such a child. Cartoons and children's films are no less useful to him.

The state of love displaces fears. In a state of love, a visual child can be bolder than all other children. In a state of love and compassion, a visual child grows into a beautiful, holistic personality.

All phobias come from childhood

I am just one of those visual children who carry their fears and phobias with them. adult life. Only now, after training in Systemic Vector Psychology, I began to realize, remember, analyze where they came from and why. Only now am I beginning to understand how to get rid of them.

In this article, I emphasized how fairy tales influence children with a visual vector, because it is very important to know this for raising visual children.

But nevertheless, every child needs to be raised, taking into account his mental properties, his vectors. Tales of cannibalism are just an example of how you can unknowingly harm a child. Each parent should determine the vector set of their child so as not to interfere with his development by raising him “from his own bell tower.”

A subtle understanding of the inclinations and mental characteristics of your child, correct interaction with him and proper upbringing is the key to the fact that the child will grow up to be a developed, in demand, and therefore a fulfilled member of society. This is our responsibility to humanity, our most important duty to life, and to our child, of course. The best thing that each of us can leave behind is a Good Person.

Edition 03/13/2012

Due to the fact that the article received comments that perhaps scary fairy tales are useful for children, because it hardens them for adulthood, I decided to add to this article.

A state of fear can be fraught with consequences only for children with a visual vector. These children are few in number - approximately 5%. Scary fairy tales cannot harm other children. My eldest child (13 years old) was never afraid of anything, he could watch an action movie or even a horror movie with his dad at night and not even blink an eye. He doesn't have my visual vector. But just in case, I don’t allow him to watch horror films, and I also forbid shooting games where you have to kill. He cannot have fears or phobias, but we don’t need cruelty either. Parents must feel the child and filter the information coming to him.

About parental intuition. I was not familiar with SVP when I wrote an article about. I couldn’t explain why I choose the brightest and kindest things in her - it was my parent’s intuition that worked. She just looks like me - she also has a visual vector. My friend Yulia also always changes the plots of the fairy tales she tells her son - according to parental intuition. In these stories, no one eats anyone or dies.

Listen to your intuition, dear parents, and to your child, of course.

A child with a visual vector cannot be “hardened” for adulthood scary tales. Such a child may react to them differently. If he simply refuses such a fairy tale, that’s good. But if, on the contrary, he is afraid and focuses his attention on the scary episodes, asks to read the fairy tale again - this is worse.

If a visual child is fixed in a state of fear, he grows into an adult with fears, whose horrors modern life will be much more frightening than other people. If such a child learns to be compassionate, then in adult life he is capable of love for the whole world - for people, for animals, for all of nature.

For example, a person with a visual vector who grew up in a state of love can become a doctor - he has compassion for people and a desire to help, but no fear. And a person who grew up with fears will be terrified of blood and entrails - like me :)

- A Why fairy tale is there a “lie” rather than “deception” or “untruth”? The meaning of these words seems to be the same. Or not?
- Let's figure it out. There is such a thing important word « KAZ"(Kaz). It means life(foundations, customs) bequeathed to us by our Ancestors: “ TO ak A sy (Gods) Z apovedali (abbreviation).” What did they command? How to live in harmony with your conscience, which you have news God's.
When will we words we begin to verb (talk) about past life, what will happen?
- SKAZ ?
- Yes, that is, showing the image of the past through the word. WITH fishing Kaz. And the words “ story», « one-on-one“Do you think the images are the same or not?

Must be different. The spelling is different.
- This is true.
If the letter in a word changes, the image (meaning) of the word changes.
This is the basic rule.

In Slavic " races» - clean, white, light. That's why story- “pure tale”, that is, said pure truth(reliable information). What's happened " once- we know. Hence, story- “said once ( once a tale ano)". One-time information, not always reliable.

Word " fairy tale"is also one of the forms of skaz. She's not true story", Not " epic”, which tell about what once really happened. Fairy tale same - this is a story, in which there is necessarily a certain “ hint" for reliability. Give examples from folk tales.

Grandfather, what is a “lie” then?
- « LIE" reads in Old Russian like this: bed. You will find out why this is so in the next lessons. Bed- it's flat surface, on which they were lying. Hence the image: lies are superficial, incomplete, distorted information about something. It has some (hint) of truth, but not the whole truth. That's what you and I were talking about.

« Not true » - Not ours (someone else's) Truth .
« Krivda" - the truth is not from our world ( crooked s before horns).
« Is it true » - primordial wisdom given by the Gods – Truths and Orders of the World Right And.

1. Remember the words with the root “ kaz"and try to understand the meaning of the image.
2. How does reality differ from a fairy tale?
3. What is truth, untruth, falsehood and lies?
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