Archive of the category ‘Slavic painting’. Slavic gods (28 photos) Slavic paintings

Slavic artist Alexey Fantalov Alexey Nikolaevich Fantalov was born in Leningrad in 1966. Since 1981, he studied at the Leningrad Art School named after V.A. Serov, in the painting and pedagogical department, which he successfully graduated in 1985. After that I worked in the eighth art school city ​​of St. Petersburg, where he taught painting, composition and drawing. From 1993 to 1998 he studied at […]

Slavic artist Yulia Nikitina Yulia Vladimirovna Nikitina was born in the city of Tyumen in 1985. There she studied at the art school at the faculty artistic graphics. In addition, she studied at the Master's program at St. Petersburg University named after Herzen, specializing in printed and unique graphics. The talented artist Yulia Nikitina never forgets her northern roots. In her works one can hear distant [...]

Panasenko Sergey Petrovich (Mikhalkin) was born on February 27, 1970, on the shores of the Caspian Sea, in the city of Astrakhin. In early childhood, he spent two years in the Sakhalin region, on the Kuril Islands (Shikotan Island). Today he lives in Moscow, where he moved in 1989. Astrakhan Art School named after P.A. Vlasov Sergey Petrovich Panasenko graduated in 1989. […]

The talented Russian Slavic painter Semochkin Vladimir Valerievich was born on October 10, 1980 in the Tambov region, in the village of Rzhaksa. He received his specialized education as a painter in 1999, having graduated from the Perm Professional Art School No. 65. Then (from 1999 to 2001), he continued to study at the painting department of the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. In addition, from the very […]

Slavic artist Valery (Radomir) Semochkin Semochkin Valery Valentinovich was born in the Tambov region, in the village of Bogdanovo, Rzhakinsky district, on February 10, 1951. He lived briefly in the Khabarovsk Territory, and upon returning to “ mainland", already with his children, he settled down to live in the area of ​​​​the village of Rzhaksa. In 1983 he graduated from the Kharkov Art and Industry Institute. The received specialty is “monumental and decorative art.” After […]

Our contemporary, Slavic artist Maxim Kuleshov (Ladoga) was born in 1980 in Moscow. In 1997, he decided to choose a legal career for himself and entered the Moscow State Academy of Law, however, after a year and a half, he was disappointed in his chosen specialty and transferred to the Russian Humanities State University, at the Faculty of Philosophy, which he successfully graduated in 2004. After […]

The remarkable Russian Slavic artist Igor Ozhiganov was born in the city of Yoshkar-Ola (Mari-El Republic) in 1975. Igor Ozhiganov began drawing pictures about the history of Ancient Rus' from a very young age, when he was first presented with a set of postcards with reproductions of the master of Slavic painting Konstantin Vasiliev. After graduation high school, Igor Ozhiganov completed his higher technical education in the city of Tolyatti, in the Volga region […]

Alexander Borisovich Uglanov was born in 1960, in the city of Tver. He received his specialized education at the Venetsianov Art School. While studying, Alexander Uglanov met one of his like-minded people and associates, Vsevolod Ivanov. This acquaintance had a huge impact on everything further creativity a young, gifted artist. Years passed, the creative friendship of the two artists grew stronger, their paintings became […]

Sergei Sergeevich Solomko was born on August 10, 1867 in the city of St. Petersburg, into a military family of a general. He studied at the Moscow School of Painting, as well as at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. Virtuoso mastery watercolor drawing quickly attracted the attention of masters of painting and ordinary people. Sergei Sergeevich Solomko in his paintings depicted allegorical and historical subjects, showed scenes from […]

Olga Nagornaya was born in the city of Orenburg in 1970. She graduated from art school in her hometown, in 1989. In the same year, after graduating from college, he got a job as a graphic designer in the art and production workshop of the Art Fund of the RSFSR, also located in the city of Orenburg. A year later, during the end of the “Gorbachev Thaw,” he got a job, part-time, at the Orenburg Regional Hippodrome, as a maintenance […]

The future artist Konstantin Egorovich Makovsky was born on June 20 (new style) 1839, in Moscow. His father is one of the founders of the Natural Class, so it is clear that from the very beginning early childhood Konstantin Makovsky was in the atmosphere artistic creativity. His father's house was constantly visited by outstanding painters and teachers of the Life Class. Moreover, all the children of Yegor Ivanovich Makovsky […]

Ivan Yakovlevich Bilibin was born in the village of Tarkhovka, near St. Petersburg, on August 16 (new style) 1876. Ivan Bilibin is a descendant of a famous old Russian merchant family. Art education He began to earn money abroad, but achieved true success at the school-workshop of the Greatest Russian master of painting, Ilya Efimovich Repin. Ivan Yakovlevich Bilibin lived in St. Petersburg, where he joined the World of Art association. Talented artist […]

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov was born in the village of Lopyal (today's Vyatka (Kirov) region)) on May 15 (new style) 1848. Brother of the future artist Apollinary Mikhailovich Vasnetsov (1856 - 1933). The Vasnetsov brothers are descendants of a village priest. Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov studied at the Vyatka Theological Seminary in his youth, and then transferred to study at a drawing school, where he […]

Viktor Anatolyevich Korolkov was born in the village of Chernaya Rechka, Khabarovsk Territory, on October 17, 1958, in the family of a military man. He lived and studied in the city of Penza, where he graduated from the K.A. Savitsky Art School in 1981. In 1996, Viktor Korolkov became a member of the Russian Union of Artists. As a student, the young artist often visited major art exhibitions and […]

Olshansky Boris Mikhailovich was born in the city of Tambov on February 25, 1956. His parents are descendants of a wealthy peasant family. Father - Mikhail Fedulovich Olshansky and Mother - Varvara Sergeevna. The ancestors of the Olshansky family spent their entire lives on Tambov land. Boris developed a love for work and Russian customs at a very young age. The future artist was interested in the roots of his Family [...]

Andrey Klimenko was born on June 12, 1956 in the Lugansk region, in the village of Shchetovo. He received his profession as an artist at the Lugansk Art School and at the Moscow Surikov Institute. He was awarded a painting diploma in 1988. Then Andrei Klimenko took part in many exhibitions (including personal ones). Many of his works are dedicated to the Great Newcomer of the Russian people. However, the artist’s multifaceted talent […]

Vsevolod Borisovich Ivanov was born in North Karelia, in the city of Belomorsk on August 14, 1950. He started drawing from a very young age. At first, the pictures were drawn with simple and colored pencils, and later, watercolors and gouache appeared in his work. The aspiring artist graduated from the Tver Art School in 1978 with a degree in graphic design. Until 1978, Vsevolod Borisovich […]

Konstantin Alekseevich Vasiliev was born in 1942, during the Great Patriotic War, during the fascist occupation. The birthplace of Konstantin Vasiliev is the city of Maykop, which is located in Adygea. In 1949, the family of the future artist moved to the village of Vasilyevo near Kazan. Kostya Vasiliev’s love for painting awoke very early. His special talent was immediately noticed: his parents […]

Slavic Vedic painting has delighted us with its beauty for hundreds of years. Yes, exactly several hundred years. Since in the 19th century, some painters turned their attention to Vedic culture. For example, Vasnetsov. Today Slavic painting is developing in different directions. some artists paint the faces of gods. A. Korolkov distinguished himself in this field, in Slavic fantasy, another […]

Grow, braid, to the waist, don’t lose a hair.
Grow, braid, to your toes - all the little hairs in a row.
Our grandmothers knew this saying when they themselves were girls.

From it we can conclude that the most ancient hairstyle in Rus' is a braid, but this is not so. At first they wore their hair loose. And so that they do not fall into the eyes, hold the strands with a hoop or tie them with a ribbon. The hoop was made of wood, bast or birch bark. And they covered it with fabric, trimmed it with beads, dyed feather grass, bird feathers, fresh or artificial flowers.

Well, braids appeared much later. Russian girls only braided one braid. And this differed from mothers, who were entitled to two. Girls in Belarus and Eastern Ukraine braided one braid only on holidays. And on weekdays they wove two at a time and placed them on the head like a crown. In western Ukraine, one spit was completely unknown. Two, four or more braids decorated the hairstyles of local girls. They were called “small braids” or “dribushki”.

Before marriage, girls wore one braid. At the bachelorette party, the girlfriends, howling and crying, probably due to envy, intertwined one braid into two. It was two braids that married women in Rus' wore. One braid fed her life, and the other fed her future offspring. It was believed that a woman’s hair contained power that could energetically support her family. They were placed as a crown on the head or tied with a ribbon to make it easier to put on the headdress. From the moment a woman got married, no one except her husband, naturally, saw her braids anymore. In Rus', women always covered their heads with a warrior; tearing off a headdress was considered a terrible insult (to lose your hair means to disgrace yourself). The worst insult was having my hair cut off. Once, one gentleman, in a rage, cut off his maid’s thin braid, and then calmed down his indignant peasants, and even paid a fine. If a girl cut her braid on her own, then most likely she was mourning her deceased groom, and cutting her hair was for her an expression of deep grief and reluctance to get married. Pulling the braid meant insulting the girl.

By the way, those who dared to tear off a woman’s headdress were also punished with serious fines. Only the fines, it seems, did not go at all to improve the moral state of the victim, but to the state treasury.

But the braid could also be cut off forcibly - say, if a girl lost her virginity before marriage. This was already at the time of the adoption of Christianity, because in pagan times the presence of a premarital child was not an obstacle to a wedding, and even vice versa: the girl’s fertility was confirmed as a living accomplished fact. Then morals became stricter, and the one who took liberties before the wedding could part with her hair as punishment - it could also be cut off by a jealous rival.

In addition, in some places there was a curious custom when a girl’s braid was cut off before marriage, and she gave it to her husband, as if saying that she was giving him her whole life, and then grew a new one under the scarf. In the event of an attack by enemies - the Pechenegs or Polovtsians, for example - the husband could take his wife’s maiden braid with him into battle, as a talisman against misfortune and the evil eye. And if enemies broke into Slavic settlements, then, in addition to logically explainable robbery, violence and murder, they could cut off women’s hair.

During pregnancy, hair was not cut, since the woman took energy not only for herself, but also for the child. To cut your hair during pregnancy was to deprive your unborn child of support. Hair has traditionally been considered the seat of life force, so young children are not usually cut until a certain age (usually 3-5 years). Among the Slavs, the first haircut was a special ritual, which was called tonsure. In princely families, the boy was also mounted on a horse for the first time on the day of tonsure. And it is not recommended to even comb the hair of a newborn child under one year old, not just cut his hair.

Children at a young age had their hair combed by their parents, then they did it themselves. They could only trust someone they knew and loved to comb their hair. A girl could only allow her chosen one or her husband to comb her hair.

Children under 12 years old were not even cut off the ends of their hair, so as not to cut off the mind that comprehends life, the laws of the Family and the Universe, so as not to deprive them of the vitality bestowed by Nature and the protective power.

Trimming the ends of the hair to a length of no more than one nail in young people over 16 years of age was done in order for the hair to grow faster, and this act could only be performed on new moon days.

It is interesting that old maids were strictly forbidden to twist one braid into two, and they were also forbidden to wear a kokoshnik.

Little girls were braided with so-called three-pointed braids, which were a symbol of the unification of Yavi, Navi and Prav (present, past and future). The braid was located strictly in the direction of the spine, since, according to our ancestors, it served to fill a person with vital forces through the spine. A long braid preserved feminine strength for the future husband. Braiding protected women from the evil eye, negativity and evil.

The braid was not just a hairstyle. She could tell a lot about her owner. So, if a girl wore one braid, then she was “actively searching.” Got a ribbon in your braid? The girl is of marriageable age, and all potential candidates must urgently send matchmakers. If two ribbons appeared in the braid, and they were woven not from the beginning of the braid, but from its middle, then that’s it, “dry your oars,” or, as they say, those who didn’t have time are late: the girl has a groom. And not just the one who makes eyes at each other and plays at each other, but the official one, because the ribbons also meant the blessing received from the parents for marriage.

Combing hair was like a sacred ritual, because during the procedure one could touch a person’s vital energy. Apparently, in order to restore the vitality lost during the day, it was necessary to run a comb through the hair at least 40 times. Only their parents could comb their hair for babies, and then the person himself would do this daily procedure. It is interesting that the girl could only allow her chosen one or her husband to undo her braid and comb her hair.

The fact that cutting hair radically changes life seems to have been well known in the old days. Hence the sign that has survived to this day that it is extremely undesirable for pregnant women to cut their hair. Voluntarily, and sometimes with reverent awe, only women in the strongest state allowed their braids to be cut off. mental shock, for example, during monastic tonsure. In Ancient Rus' there was no habit of cutting hair at all, and this custom has been preserved in modern monasteries.

A braid as thick as an arm was considered the standard of female beauty in Rus'. Healthy and shiny hair could say better than the words of flattering matchmakers about a future wife. Unfortunately, not all beauties could boast of being plump. long braids. Naturally, expansion has never been heard of in Rus'. So the young ladies resorted to deception - they wove hair from ponytails into their braids. What can we do, everyone wants to get married!

Long hair is a sign good health, beauty and feminine inner strength, which means that men subconsciously like her. According to statistics, men, when evaluating women, place women's hair in third place after their figure and eyes.

An experiment was conducted: 5-year-old children, when drawing their mother, in 95% of cases they drew her with long hair, despite the fact that their mothers had short haircuts. This suggests that the image of a mother - gentle, kind and affectionate - is subconsciously associated in young children with long hair. The same statistics claim that 80% of men associate short hair with masculinity and aggression.

Long hair gives a woman strength, but what is important is that it should not be worn loose. Letting down long hair was indecent, it was like being naked. “Masha let go of her braids, and all the sailors followed her.”

Letting your hair down in the presence of a man meant an invitation to intimacy. Therefore, before, a woman was not allowed to let her hair down in front of strangers. Women who wore their hair down were depraved, they were called “LOSSES”.

It was also not customary to let down one’s hair because it was considered unsafe to waste energy and strength by letting one’s hair down. Therefore, the hair was taken and braided. After all, a woman letting her hair down could attract other people's glances and could arouse the envy of her ill-wishers. Women puked themselves in this sense, because they knew that they had the energetic protection of their family and their home in their hands.

Women's hair has a very powerful sexual appeal, which is probably why married women could only show their hair to their husbands, and the rest of the time they wore a headscarf. Therefore, a woman in the temple should wear a headscarf so as not to embarrass men and not distract them from prayer.

The scarf also symbolizes the power of the husband and female submission and humility. Only unmarried women could previously not cover their heads with a headscarf in temples.

It is very important to know about the power of women’s hair and use this knowledge for your own benefit, and most importantly remember that hair is our dignity and our pride.

The ancient Slavic pantheon is very complex in its structure and numerous in composition. Most gods were identified with various forces of nature, although there were exceptions, the most a shining example of which Rod is the creator god. Due to the similarity of functions and properties of some gods, it is difficult to determine for sure which names are just variations of the names of the same god, and which belong to different gods.

The entire pantheon can be divided into two large circles: the elder gods who ruled all three worlds in the primordial stage, and the second circle - the young gods who took the reins of power in the new stage. At the same time, some elder gods are present in the new stage, while others disappear (more precisely, there are no descriptions of their activities or interference in anything, but the memory that they existed remains).

In the Slavic pantheon there was no clear hierarchy of power, which was replaced by a clan hierarchy, where sons were subordinate to their father, but brothers were equal to each other. The Slavs did not have clearly defined evil gods and good gods. Some deities gave life, others took it, but all were revered equally, since the Slavs believed that the existence of one without the other was impossible. At the same time, gods who were good in their functions could punish and cause harm, while evil ones, on the contrary, could help and save people. Thus, the gods of the ancient Slavs were very similar to people not only in appearance, but also in character, since they simultaneously carried within themselves both good and evil.

Outwardly, the gods looked like people, and most of them could turn into animals, in the form of which they usually appeared to people. The gods were distinguished from ordinary beings by their superpowers, which allowed the deities to change the world. Each of the gods had power over one of the parts of this world. The effects on other parts not subject to the deities were limited and temporary.

The most ancient supreme male deity among the Slavs was Rod. Already in Christian teachings against paganism in the 12th-13th centuries. they write about Rod as a god who was worshiped by all peoples.

Rod was the god of the sky, thunderstorms, and fertility. They said about him that he rides on a cloud, throws rain on the ground, and from this children are born. He was the ruler of the earth and all living things, and was a pagan creator god.

In Slavic languages, the root “rod” means kinship, birth, water (spring), profit (harvest), concepts such as people and homeland, in addition, it means the color red and lightning, especially ball lightning, called “rhodia”. This variety of cognate words undoubtedly proves the greatness of the pagan god.

Rod is a creator god, together with his sons Belbog and Chernobog he created this world. Alone, Rod created Prav, Yav and Nav in the sea of ​​chaos, and together with his sons he created the earth.

The sun then came out from His face. The bright moon is from His chest. The frequent stars are from His eyes. The clear dawns are from His eyebrows. Dark nights - yes from His thoughts. Violent winds - from the breath...

"The Book of Kolyada"

The Slavs had no idea about Rod’s appearance, since he never appeared directly in front of people.

Temples in honor of the deity were built on hills or simply large open areas of land. His idol was phallic in shape or simply shaped like a pillar painted red. Sometimes the role of an idol was played by an ordinary tree growing on a hill, especially if it was quite ancient. In general, the Slavs believed that Rod is in everything and therefore can be worshiped anywhere. There were no sacrifices in honor of Rod. Instead, holidays and feasts are organized, which are held directly near the idol.

Rod's companions were Rozhanitsy - female deities of fertility in Slavic mythology, patroness of the clan, family, home.


Son of Rod, god of light, goodness and justice. In Slavic mythology, he is the creator of the world along with Rod and Chernobog. Outwardly, Belbog appeared as a gray-haired old man dressed like a sorcerer.

Belobog in the mythology of our ancestors never acted as an independent individual character. Just as any object in the world of reality has a shadow, so Belobog has its integral antipode - Chernobog. A similar analogy can be found in ancient Chinese philosophy (yin and yang), in the Ynglism of the Icelanders (Yuj rune) and in many other cultural and religious systems. Belobog, thus, becomes the embodiment of bright human ideals: goodness, honor and justice.

A sanctuary in honor of Belbog was built on the hills, with the idol facing east, towards the sunrise. However, Belbog was revered not only in the sanctuary of the deity, but also at feasts, always making a toast in his honor.


One of the greatest gods of the ancient world, son of Rod, brother of Svarog. His main act was that Veles set the world created by Rod and Svarog into motion. Veles - “cattle god” - owner wildlife, master of Navi, powerful wizard and werewolf, interpreter of laws, teacher of the arts, patron of travelers and merchants, god of luck. True, some sources point to him as the god of death...

At the moment, among various pagan and Rodnoverie movements, a fairly popular text is Veles’s book, which became known to the general public in the 1950s of the last century thanks to the researcher and writer Yuri Mirolyubov. The Veles book is actually 35 birch tablets, dotted with symbols, which linguists (in particular, A. Kur and S. Lesnoy) call Slavic pre-Cyrillic writing. It is curious that the original text really does not resemble either the Cyrillic or Glagolitic alphabet, but the features of the Slavic runitsa are presented in it indirectly.

Despite the wide spread and mass veneration of this god, Veles was always separated from the other gods; his idols were never placed in common temples ( sacred places, in which images of the main gods of this territory were installed).

Two animals are associated with the image of Veles: a bull and a bear; in the temples dedicated to the deity, the wise men often kept a bear, which played a key role in the rituals.


God of the Sun, giver of heat and light, god of fertility and life-giving force. The symbol of Dazhdbog was originally considered to be the solar disk. Its color is gold, speaking of the nobility of this god and his unshakable strength. In general, our ancestors had three main solar deities - Khors, Yarila and Dazhdbog. But Khors was the winter sun, Yarilo was the spring sun, and Dazhdbog was the summer sun. Of course, it was Dazhdbog who deserved special respect, since a lot depended on the summer position of the sun in the firmament for the ancient Slavs, a people of farmers. At the same time, Dazhdbog was never distinguished by a tough disposition, and if a drought suddenly attacked, then our ancestors never blamed this god.

The temples of Dazhdbog were located on the hills. The idol was made of wood and placed facing east or southeast. Feathers from ducks, swans and geese, as well as honey, nuts and apples were brought as gifts to the deity.


Devana is the goddess of hunting, wife of the forest god Svyatobor and daughter of Perun. The Slavs represented the goddess in the form of a beautiful girl dressed in an elegant marten fur coat trimmed with squirrel. The beauty wore a bear skin over her fur coat, and the head of the animal served as her hat. Perun's daughter carried with her an excellent bow and arrows, a sharp knife and a spear, the kind used to kill a bear.

The beautiful goddess not only hunted forest animals: she herself taught them how to avoid dangers and endure harsh winters.

Dewana was first of all revered by hunters and trappers; they prayed to the goddess to grant good luck in the hunt, and in gratitude they brought part of their prey to her sanctuary. It was believed that it was she who helped find in dense forest secret paths of animals, avoid clashes with wolves and bears, and if the meeting does take place, the person will emerge victorious.

Share and Nedolya

Share is a good goddess, Mokosh’s assistant, weaving a happy destiny.

He appears in the guise of a sweet young man or a red-haired maiden with golden curls and a cheerful smile. He cannot stand still, he walks around the world - there are no barriers: swamp, river, forest, mountains - Fate will instantly overcome.

Doesn't like lazy people, careless people, drunks and all sorts of things bad people. Although at first he makes friends with everyone - then he will sort out the bad ones, evil man will leave.

NEDOLYA (Need, Need) - the goddess, Mokosh’s assistant, weaves an unhappy fate.

Dolya and Nedolya are not just personifications of abstract concepts that do not have objective existence, but on the contrary, they are living persons identical to the maidens of fate.

They act according to their own calculations, regardless of the will and intentions of a person: a happy person does not work at all and lives in contentment, because the Share works for him. On the contrary, Nedolya’s activities are constantly aimed at harming people. While she is awake, misfortune follows misfortune, and only then does it become easier for the unfortunate man when Nedolya falls asleep: “If Likho is sleeping, don’t wake him.”


Dogoda (Weather) - the god of beautiful weather and a gentle, pleasant breeze. Young, ruddy, fair-haired, wearing a cornflower blue wreath with blue butterfly wings gilded at the edges, in silver-shiny bluish clothes, holding a thorn in his hand and smiling at the flowers.


Kolyada is the baby sun, in Slavic mythology the embodiment of the New Year's cycle, as well as a holiday character similar to Avsen.

“Once upon a time, Kolyada was not perceived as a mummer. Kolyada was a deity, and one of the most influential. They called carols and called. The days before the New Year were dedicated to Kolyada, and games were organized in her honor, which were subsequently held at Christmas time. The last patriarchal ban on the worship of Kolyada was issued on December 24, 1684. It is believed that Kolyada was recognized by the Slavs as the deity of fun, which is why he was called upon and called upon by merry bands of youth during New Year’s festivities” (A. Strizhev. “People's Calendar”).


The son of the Almighty and the goddess Maya, he was the brother of the very first creator of the world, Rod, although he was much younger than him. He returned fire to people, fought on the shores of the Arctic Ocean with Chernobog and defeated him.


Kupala (Kupaila) is the fruitful deity of summer, the summer hypostasis of the Sun god.

“Kupalo, as I remember, was the god of abundance, like the Hellenic Ceres, to whom the madman offered thanks for the abundance to the Shah at that time, when the harvest was about to arrive.”

His holiday is dedicated to the summer solstice, the longest day of the year. The night before this day was also sacred - the Night before Kupalo. Feasting, merrymaking and mass swimming in ponds continued all that night.

They sacrificed to him before collecting bread, on June 23, St. Agrippina, who was popularly nicknamed the Bathing Suit. Young people decorated themselves with wreaths, lit a fire, danced around it and sang Kupala. The games continued all night. In some places, on June 23, they heated bathhouses, laid grass for a bathhouse (buttercup) in them, and then swam in the river.

On the very Nativity of John the Baptist, weaving wreaths, they hung them on the roofs of houses and on barns to remove evil spirits from the home.


LADA (Freya, Preya, Siv or Zif) - the goddess of youth and spring, beauty and fertility, an all-generous mother, patroness of love and marriages.

IN folk songs“Lado” still means a dearly beloved friend, lover, groom, husband.

Freya's outfit shines with the dazzling brilliance of the sun's rays, her beauty is charming, and the drops of morning dew are called her tears; on the other hand, she acts as a warlike heroine, rushing through the heavens in storms and thunderstorms and driving away rain clouds. In addition, she is a goddess, in whose retinue the shadows of the deceased march into the afterlife. The cloud fabric is precisely the veil on which the soul, after the death of a person, ascends to the kingdom of the blessed.

According to popular poems, angels, appearing for a righteous soul, take it on a shroud and carry it to heaven. The cult of Freya-Siwa explains the superstitious respect that Russian commoners have for Friday, as a day dedicated to this goddess. Anyone who starts a business on Friday will, as the proverb goes, back off.

Among the ancient Slavs, the birch tree, which personified the goddess Lada, was considered a sacred tree.


Ice - the Slavs prayed to this deity for success in battles; he was revered as the ruler of military actions and bloodshed. This ferocious deity was depicted as a terrible warrior, armed with Slavic armor, or all-weapon. A sword at the hip, a spear and a shield in the hand.

He had his own temples. When preparing to go on a campaign against enemies, the Slavs prayed to him, asking for help and promising abundant sacrifices if they were successful in military operations.


Lel is the god of love passion in the mythology of the ancient Slavs, the son of the goddess of beauty and love Lada. The word “cherish” still reminds us of Lela, this cheerful, frivolous god of passion, that is, undead, love. He is the son of the goddess of beauty and love Lada, and beauty naturally gives birth to passion. This feeling flared up especially brightly in the spring and on Kupala night. Lel was depicted as a golden-haired, winged baby, like his mother: after all, love is free and elusive. Lel threw sparks from his hands: after all, passion is fiery, hot love! In Slavic mythology, Lel is the same god as the Greek Eros or Roman Cupid. Only the ancient gods hit the hearts of people with arrows, and Lel kindled them with his fierce flame.

The stork (heron) was considered his sacred bird. Another name for this bird in some Slavic languages ​​is leleka. In connection with Lelem, both cranes and larks were revered - symbols of spring.


One of the main goddesses Eastern Slavs, wife of the thunderer Perun.

Her name is made up of two parts: “ma” - mother and “kosh” - purse, basket, shed. Makosh is the mother of filled koshes, the mother of a good harvest.

This is not a goddess of fertility, but a goddess of the results of the economic year, a goddess of the harvest, and a giver of blessings. The harvest is determined by lot, fate, every year, so she was also revered as the goddess of fate. Required attribute when she is depicted there is a cornucopia.

This goddess connected the abstract concept of fate with the concrete concept of abundance, patronized household, sheared sheep, spun, punished the careless. The specific concept of “spinner” was associated with the metaphorical one: “spinning of fate.”

Makosh patronized marriage and family happiness. She was represented as a woman with a large head and long arms, spinning at night in a hut: superstitions forbid leaving the tow, “otherwise Makosha will spin it.”


Morena (Marana, Morana, Mara, Maruha, Marmara) - the goddess of death, winter and night.

Mara is the goddess of death, daughter of Lada. Outwardly, Mara looks tall beautiful girl with black hair in red clothes. Mara cannot be called either an evil or a good goddess. On the one hand, it gives death, but at the same time it also gives life.

One of Mara’s favorite pastimes is needlework: she loves to spin and weave. At the same time, like the Greek Moira, he uses the threads of fate of living beings for needlework, leading them to turning points in life, and, ultimately, cutting off the thread of existence.

Mara sends her messengers all over the world, who appear to people in the guise of a woman with long black hair or in the guise of doubles of people who are destined for warning, and foretell imminent death.

No permanent places of worship were erected in the part of Mara; honors could be paid to her anywhere. To do this, an image of the goddess, carved from wood or made from straw, was installed on the ground, and the area was surrounded by stones. Directly in front of the idol, a larger stone or wooden plank was installed, which served as an altar. After the ceremony, all this was dismantled, and the image of Mary was burned or thrown into the river.

Mara was revered on February 15, and flowers, straw and various fruits were brought as gifts to the goddess of death. Sometimes, during years of severe epidemics, animals were sacrificed, bleeding them directly at the altar.

Welcoming spring solemn holiday, the Slavs performed a ritual of expelling Death or Winter and threw an effigy of Morana into the water. As a representative of winter, Morana is defeated by the spring Perun, who strikes her with his blacksmith's hammer and casts her into an underground dungeon for the entire summer.

In accordance with the identification of Death with thunder spirits, ancient belief forced these latter to fulfill its sad duty. But since the thunderer and his companions were also the organizers of the heavenly kingdom, the concept of Death became twofold, and fantasy portrayed it either as an evil creature, dragging souls into the underworld, or as a messenger of the supreme deity, accompanying the souls of deceased heroes to his heavenly palace.

Diseases were considered by our ancestors as companions and assistants of Death.


The Thunder God, a victorious, punishing deity, whose appearance excites fear and awe. Perun, in Slavic mythology, the most famous of the Svarozhich brothers. He is the god of storm clouds, thunder and lightning.

He is presented as stately, tall, with black hair and a long golden beard. Seated on a flaming chariot, he rides across the sky, armed with a bow and arrow, and slays the wicked.

According to Nestor, the wooden idol of Perun, placed in Kyiv, had a golden mustache on its silver head. Over time, Perun became the patron of the prince and his squad.

Temples in honor of Perun were always built on hills, and the most high place in District. Idols were made mainly of oak - this mighty tree was a symbol of Perun. Sometimes there were places of worship of Perun, arranged around an oak tree growing on a hill; it was believed that this was how Perun himself designated the best place. In such places no additional idols were placed, and the oak tree, located on a hill, was revered as an idol.


Radegast (Redigost, Radigast) is a lightning god, a killer and eater of clouds, and at the same time a luminous guest who appears with the return of spring. Earthly fire was recognized as the son of Heaven, brought down as a gift to mortals, by fast-flying lightning, and therefore the idea of ​​an honored divine guest, a stranger from heaven to earth, was also connected with it.

Russian villagers honored him with the guest's name. At the same time, he received the character of a guardian god for every foreigner (guest) who came to someone else’s house and surrendered under the protection of local penates (i.e., hearth), the patron god of merchants who came from distant countries and trade in general.

The Slavic Radigost was depicted with the head of a buffalo on his chest.


Svarog is the creator god of earth and heaven. Svarog is the source of fire and its ruler. He creates not with words, not with magic, unlike Veles, but with his hands, he creates the material world. He gave people the Sun-Ra and fire. Svarog threw a plow and a yoke from the sky to the ground in order to cultivate the land; a battle ax to protect this land from enemies, and a bowl for preparing a sacred drink in it.

Like Rod, Svarog is a creator god, he continued the formation of this world, changing its original state, improving and expanding. However, Svarog’s favorite pastime is blacksmithing.

Temples in honor of Svarog were built on hills overgrown with trees or shrubs. The center of the hill was cleared to the ground and a fire was lit in this place; no additional idols were installed in the temple.


Svyatobor is the god of the forest. Outwardly, he looks like an aged hero, representing an old man of strong build, with a thick beard and dressed in animal skins

Svyatobor fiercely guards forests and mercilessly punishes those who harm them; in some cases, the punishment can even be death or eternal imprisonment in the forest in the guise of an animal or tree.

Svyatobor is married to the goddess of hunting Devan.

Temples were not built in honor of Svyatobor; their role was played by groves, forests and forests, which were recognized as sacred and in which neither deforestation nor hunting was carried out.


One of the Svarozhichs was the god of fire - Semargl, who is sometimes mistakenly considered only a heavenly dog, the guardian of seeds for sowing. This (storing seeds) was constantly carried out by a much smaller deity - Pereplut.

The ancient books of the Slavs tell how Semargl was born. Svarog hit the Alatyr stone with a magic hammer, struck divine sparks from it, which flared up, and the fiery god Semargl became visible in their flames. He sat on a golden-maned horse of silver color. Thick smoke became his banner. Where Semargl passed, a scorched trail remained. Such was his strength, but more often than not he looked quiet and peaceful.

Semargl, God of fire and the Moon, fire sacrifices, home and hearth, stores seeds and crops. Can turn into a sacred winged dog.

The name of the God of Fire is not known for certain; most likely, his name is so sacred. Of course, this God does not live somewhere in seventh heaven, but directly among people! They try to pronounce his name out loud less often, replacing it with allegories. The Slavs associate the emergence of people with Fire. According to some legends, the Gods created a Man and a Woman from two sticks, between which a Fire flared up - the very first flame of love. Semargl does not allow evil into the world. At night he stands guard with a fiery sword and only one day a year does Semargl leave his post, responding to the call of the Bathing Lady, who calls him to love games on the day of the Autumn Equinox. And on the day of the Summer Solstice, 9 months later, children are born to Semargl and Kupalo - Kostroma and Kupalo.


In East Slavic mythology, the god of the wind. He can summon and tame a storm and can turn into his assistant, the mythical bird Stratim. In general, the wind was usually represented in the form of a gray-haired old man living at the edge of the world, in a dense forest or on an island in the middle of the ocean.

Stribog's temples were built on the banks of rivers or seas; they are especially often found at river mouths. The temples in his honor were not fenced off from the surrounding area in any way and were designated only by an idol made of wood, which was installed facing north. A large stone was also placed in front of the idol, which served as an altar.


In ancient Slavic mythology, this is the unity of the three main essences-hypostases of the gods: Svarog (creation), Perun (law of Rule) and Svyatovit (light)

According to different mythological traditions, Triglav included different gods. In Novgorod of the 9th century, the Great Triglav consisted of Svarog, Perun and Sventovit, and earlier (before the resettlement to the Novgorod lands Western Slavs) - from Svarog, Perun and Veles. In Kyiv, apparently, from Perun, Dazhbog and Stribog.

The Lesser Triglavs were composed of gods lower on the hierarchical ladder.


Horse (Korsha, Kore, Korsh) is the ancient Russian deity of the sun and solar disk. It is best known among the southeastern Slavs, where the sun simply reigns over the rest of the world. Horse, in Slavic mythology, the god of the Sun, guardian of the luminary, son of Rod, brother of Veles. Not all gods were common among the Slavs and Rus. For example, before the Russians came to the banks of the Dnieper, Horses were not known here. Only Prince Vladimir installed his image next to Perun. But it was known among other Aryan peoples: among the Iranians, Persians, Zoroastrians, where they worshiped the god of the rising sun - Khorset. This word also had a broader meaning - “radiance”, “brilliance”, as well as “glory”, “greatness”, sometimes “royal dignity” and even “khvarna” - special marking by the gods, chosenness.

Temples in honor of Khors were built on small hills in the middle of meadows or small groves. The idol was made of wood and installed on the eastern slope of the hill. And as an offering, a special pie “horoshul” or “kurnik” was used, which crumbled around the idol. But in to a greater extent Dances (round dances) and songs were used to honor Horse.


God of cold, destruction, death, evil; the god of madness and the embodiment of everything bad and black. It is believed that Chernobog is the prototype of the immortal Kashchei from fairy tales. Kashchei is a cult character in Slavic mythology, whose folklore image is extremely far from the original one. Kashchei Chernobogvich was youngest son Chernobog, the great Serpent of Darkness. His older brothers - Goryn and Viy - feared and respected Kashchei for his great wisdom and equally great hatred of his father's enemies - the Irian gods. Kashchei owned the deepest and darkest kingdom of Navi - the Koshcheev kingdom,

Chernobog is the ruler of Navi, the god of time, the son of Rod. In Slavic mythology, he is the creator of the world along with Rod and Belbog. Outwardly, he appeared in two forms: in the first, he looked like a hunched, thin old man with a long beard, a silver mustache and a crooked stick in his hands; in the second he was depicted as a middle-aged man of thin build, dressed in black clothes, but, again, with a silver mustache.

Chernobog is armed with a sword, which he wields masterfully. Although he is able to instantly appear anywhere in Navi, he prefers to move around on a fiery stallion.

After the creation of the world, Chernobog received Nav, the world of the dead, under his protection, in which he is both a ruler and a prisoner, since, despite all his strength, he is not able to leave its borders. The deity does not release from Navi the souls of people who ended up there for their sins, but the sphere of its influence is not limited to Navi alone. Chernobog managed to bypass the restrictions imposed on him and created Koshchei, who is the incarnation of the ruler of Navi in ​​Reality, while the power of God in another world is significantly less than the real one, but still allowed him to spread his influence to Reality, and only in Rule does Chernobog never appear.

Temples in honor of Chernobog were made of dark stones, the wooden idol was completely covered with iron, except for the head, on which only the mustache was trimmed with metal.


Yarilo - god of spring and sunlight. Outwardly, Yarilo looks like a young man with red hair, dressed in white clothes with a flower wreath on his head. This god moves around the world riding a white horse.

Temples in honor of Yarila were built on the top of hills covered with trees. The tops of the hills were cleared of vegetation and an idol was erected in this place, in front of which a large white stone was placed, which could sometimes be located at the foot of the hill. Unlike most other gods, there were no sacrifices in honor of the god of spring. Usually the deity was worshiped with songs and dances at the temple. At the same time, one of the participants in the action was certainly dressed up as Yarila, after which he became the center of the entire celebration. Sometimes special figurines in the image of people were made, they were brought to the temple, and then smashed against a white stone installed there; it is believed that this brings the blessing of Yarila, from which the harvest will be larger and sexual energy will be higher.

A little about the world order of the Slavs

The center of the world for the ancient Slavs was the World Tree (World Tree, Tree of the World). It is the central axis of the entire universe, including the Earth, and connects the World of People with the World of the Gods and the Underworld. Accordingly, the crown of the tree reaches the World of the Gods in heaven - Iriy or Svarga, the roots of the tree go underground and connect the World of the Gods and the World of people with the underground World or the world of the Dead, ruled by Chernobog, Madder and other “dark” Gods. Somewhere in the heights, behind the clouds (heavenly abysses; above the seventh heaven), the crown of a spreading tree forms an island, and here is Iriy (Slavic paradise), where not only the Gods and ancestors of people live, but also the ancestors of all birds and animals. Thus, the Tree of the World was fundamental in the worldview of the Slavs, its main component. At the same time, it is also a staircase, a road along which you can get to any of the worlds. In Slavic folklore, the Tree of the World is called differently. It can be oak, sycamore, willow, linden, viburnum, cherry, apple or pine.

In the ideas of the ancient Slavs, the World Tree is located on the Buyan island on the Alatyr-stone, which is also the center of the universe (the center of the Earth). Judging by some legends, light Gods live on its branches, and dark Gods live in its roots. The image of this tree has come down to us, both in the form of various fairy tales, legends, epics, conspiracies, songs, riddles, and in the form of ritual embroidery on clothes, patterns, ceramic decorations, painting of dishes, chests, etc. Here is an example of how the Tree of the World is described in one of the Slavic folk tales, which existed in Rus' and tells about the extraction of a horse by a hero-hero: “... there is a copper pillar, and a horse is tied to it, there are pure stars on the sides, the moon is shining on the tail, the red sun is in the forehead...”. This horse is a mythological symbol of the entire universe.

Of course, one post cannot cover all the gods that our ancestors worshiped. Different branches of the Slavs called the same gods differently, and they also had their own “local” deities.

In modern Russia, and throughout the White World, only a few artists devoted themselves to studying and recreating the image of our ancient Hyperborean Rus'. Among them is Alexander Uglanov, already an accomplished master easel painting. His fabulous paintings could be seen in the original at the best collective exhibitions on Slavic themes, organized by Yuri Mikhailovich Medvedev at the Museum of Moscow (2009) and at the School of Arts. Balakireva (2010). And now the time has come to comprehend Uglanov’s work as an individual, original and unique world.

Alexander Borisovich Uglanov was born in 1960 in the city of Tver. In 1979, he graduated from the Venetsianov Art School (formerly the Kalinin Art School), where he studied in the design department with teacher Vladimir Ivanovich Burov. Experienced master taught his followers strict canons academic art, required them to carefully study nature and high-quality drawing as the basis of easel painting, and at the same time, contributed to the development of the student’s individual talent.

At the school, Alexander Uglanov met Vsevolod Ivanov, another student of the Kalinin Art School. Young artists from Tver long years formed a creative friendship. They lived the same dreams, images and even painted pictures in the same style. The tone was set by the eldest Vsevolod Ivanov (born 1950), who dreamed of fantastic myths about the lost civilizations of Atlantis and Hyperborea. In the works of Alexander Uglanov we find similar themes. These are “Guests from Hyperborea” (2002), “Atlantis” (2004), “The Mysterious Cold Ocean” (2007) and others.

The young artist tried different styles and shapes. He has portraits of the classical genre, romantic visions, exotic subjects, and complex surreal compositions. Among them, the painting “A Dandy’s Dream” (1998), painted in best traditions European romanticism XX century.

Already at the first personal exhibitions in his native Tver (1998) and Moscow (2001), Uglanov’s talent was appreciated by the audience. They noted his skill as a painter, deep love for native nature, to the origins of Rus', his non-commercial sincerity and kind irony. Orders for paintings and invitations to other cities and countries followed.

Special mention should be made of the Hellenic period of Uglanov’s work. The fact is that from October 2003 to May 2004, the artist lived and worked in Greece, collaborating with galleries in Athens, Thessaloniki and Veria. Here he created such canvases as “The Rape of Helen”, “Goddess of Wisdom”, “Dionysius”, etc. On Balkan soil, the master saw his native roots and worthily complemented the collection of Russian Hellenistics.

Gradually, the artist from Tver finds his subject and forms his own style. He focuses on Hyperborean and Vedic Rus', which is closer to us in time and space. A series appears folklore images: Prince Sloven, Vedunya, Bannik. On the canvases “The Fogs of Gardariki”, “Forest Sanctuary”, “Test” we are presented with the strict nature of Northern Eurasia, with its dense thickets, shaggy rocks and clear rivers.

The wooden architecture of our ancestors naturally fits into this harsh nature: ancient temples and fortifications. In the reproduction of the original Russian world one can feel the influence of the pre-revolutionary architect V.V. Suslov, with his fantasies in the spirit of fairy-tale towers.

The study of his native origins led Alexander Uglanov to comprehend the secrets of Sacred Knowledge, which makes his art several levels higher than souvenir crafts “a la Russe”. “The Magus” by Uglanov reminds us of Leshy or Veles, stern and wise in the northern way. The painting “Virgin Daria” depicts the summer holiday of Kupala, the most popular of the folk Christmastides. Winter-Winter is personified in the image of Morena, rarely depicted with such piercing, chilling coldness.

One of the artist’s best paintings is called “Veda”. The whole philosophy of Shaktism, the matriarchal cult of the pre-Christian era, is presented here. The Great Mother emerges from the trunk of the World Tree, personifying female deities and priestesses-beregusses, guardians of the Aryan tradition. The goddess is surrounded by the sacred animals of Hyperborea: a bear, a deer and a swan. In the center are the symbols of Triglav and the Odal rune. Before us is a work by an already mature thinker and master, worthy of representing the Russian Renaissance of the early 21st century.

The new school of Slavic-Aryan art, for which we have worked for several decades, is being born and maturing before our eyes. Hyperborean Rus' is acquiring more and more visible features, transforming from the Ancestral Homeland into the environment of our modern habitat, into our Native Home.

In his works the artist Vsevolod Borisovich Ivanov shows us Ancient (Vedic) Rus' the way she really was. Here's what the artist himself says about his works:

"From a young age I knew thatHistory distorted medieval Rus'. Recent history has been falsified. However, over the past decade it has become possible to publish literature about genuine ancient and ancient chronicles Rus'. And I... as a schoolboy had to master this magnificence. I will continue the “Vedic Rus'” cycle until the end of my allotted life. ...The art of a Russian artist should also have educational functions. We need to actively resist the “globalization” of art!"

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"Arctida is calling"

The setting sun of summer. On the shore of the White Sea there is a village of Pomors - fearless sailors. A ship stood frozen at the pier, a dark silhouette. The evening dawn is reflected in reflections on the calm surface of the water. A man and a woman are quietly talking next to the ship.
With the first rays of the new day, a flotilla of small ships will set off on a long and risky voyage across the frozen sea. Clouds in the shape of swans move slowly towards the north, indicating the direction of the path.

"In the Age of Indra"

The clock of history shows the middle of the 8th millennium BC. A string of mammoths (the Russians called them indriks) descends from an elevated bank onto the snowy surface of the river. A detachment of warriors scouts the area of ​​the Rakhna River (Ra, Volga).

After the death of Daariya-Arktida, the surviving “Grandchildren of Dazhdbog” settled in Siberia, where they created many cities, the main of which was Asgard. However, after the war with the Atlanteans, the climate in Siberia became sharply colder and the Russians (who tamed mammoths) had to move to warmer climes.

"In the city of the RUSSIAN ROD"

Many millennia have passed since the Aryans settled in Siberia. Having survived powerful cataclysms and wars, the powerful ethnic group created centers of culture in many corners of Eurasia.

The painting shows a part of the city adjacent to the defensive wall. Mighty tamed Indrik beasts (mammoths) further emphasize the strength of the city's inhabitants.

God Indra was a companion of the god Perun. He patronized warriors. The symbolism of the Family is visible in the sky. The climate in Siberia in those distant millennia was not harsh.

"The captured destroyer of the Russians. A successful hunt"

A crowd of people is moving along the streets of the legendary city of Slovensk. The people are jubilant: the hunters managed to capture the Serpent Gorynych. For a long time the monster mocked and caused all sorts of misfortunes to the Russians. Finally the snake got tired and, like a tired robber, fell asleep in the cave.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, the Slovenians managed to “harvest” the terrible beast. They chained the snake in stocks and iron and took it in a cage to the prince's courtyard. Now Gorynych will turn from a fierce enemy into a funny laughingstock on holidays.

"Fall of the Skystone"

The hunters slowly moved along the lake shore. Suddenly their attention was attracted by an unprecedented sight. They saw a flying hot ball that crashed into the surface of the lake covered with thin ice. And then the roar from the fall of the heavenly stone hit the Russians’ ears. A wave of water mixed with small fragments of ice shot up. The red-hot heavenly messenger still glows under the ice, but the spirit of the month Studich will soon cool the ardent rage of the heavens.


Frosty Szechen (February) reigns in nature. Because of the severe frosts, it is often called “Fierce”. True, the day depicted in the picture turned out to be sunny and beautiful. Traces of the recent thaw are noticeable - icicles. In the lowland, behind frost-covered trees and bushes, a river flows. Wooden staircase on a hill it turns into a bridge. There is a girl standing on it in a smart winter attire. A few more moments - and the beauty will move on. Behind her remains a crowded city with churches and towers.

"Exile or Trespasser"

Bigfoot ran out of his cave to scare the overly annoying woodcutter. The peasant dared to cut down the forest near the cave, thereby violating the vital interests of its inhabitants. The giant grabbed several spruce branches to whip the impudent daredevil. But the peasant drives his horse so hard that the giant will not give a “steep” chase. It is enough that the daredevil is scared. Next time he will collect firewood elsewhere.

"Flight. Yogini-Mother"

It just so happened, but the most ancient images of Russian Vedic deities are the most distorted. Goddess Yoga is one of them. The author presented the "evil Baba Yaga, the bone leg" in her true guise - a young blonde woman. She flies on a structure that will later be called a stupa. The jet of jet flame speaks of the technical capabilities of this aircraft - a legacy of the technology of the antediluvian world. In the hands of the Yogini is a balancer in the form of two fan whisks.

"Aryan-Russians are gone, the wolves have come"

Siberian Rus' existed many thousands of years ago. Many cities adorned themselves among forests and steppes. This is how centuries and millennia passed. But one day there was a sudden cold snap.

The moment is shown when the inhabitants of this city, like most other neighboring towns and villages, left their homes. Life in such a climate has become simply unbearable. All the energy and time went into just surviving. Severe winter frosts and short summers finally decided the issue of relocation to warmer climes.


In Slavic mythology, a werewolf is a person with the supernatural ability to transform into a wolf. Werewolves are helped by the miraculous tirlich herb. And also, to turn into a wolf, you need to throw yourself from left to right over twelve knives stuck into an aspen stump. When you want to become human again, throw yourself over them from right to left. But the trouble is if someone takes away even one knife: the wolfhound will never be able to turn into a human again!

"Day of the Sea Goddess"

In the distant past, the southern coast of the Baltic Sea belonged to Slavic tribes. They were sometimes called "Rugs" or "Ruyans". On the island of Ruyan (Rügen) there were many settlements and sanctuaries. The city of Arkona was sacred in the Slavic world.

Among large buildings On the square stood the Temple of God Sventovid. But the Ruyans were also a sea people. The goddess Ran personified the power and mystery of the sea. The picture shows a cape jutting into the sea, on which stands a stone idol depicting a goddess. The priests carry the sacred boat.

"Prosich (November)"

Two zodiac signs dominate in November - Scorpio and Sagittarius. They replace each other in the last third of the month. The time of year is depicted when all signs of summer have disappeared, but winter has not yet arrived.

The figure of Kitavras, (Polkan) personifying the image of a Sagittarius, froze in the middle of the forest near a hollow tree, the growths on the bark of which clearly resemble the appearance of a scorpion. On the right side of the picture there is a tree in which the Prosich Spirit has moved. The tree trunk depicts two Vedic signs - the symbols of Scorpio and Sagittarius.

"Abandoned portage"

A large Varangian boat stands alone among the trees. There is a hole in the bow. Half-rotten roller logs lie nearby. Nature is gradually taking over the ship. How could this boat end up here? Apparently, the Varangians once marched along this drag to unknown lands. Perhaps there was a quarrel with local residents. A fight ensued. The Varangians fled. The attacking side managed to damage the boat, making it unfit for sailing. Repairing the ship in such a turbulent area would take a long time.

"Offering to the Spirits of the River"

On the bank of the river stands the Temple of Veles. A sorcerer slowly descends the steps down to the river. He holds in his hands a ritual vessel for offerings to the spirits of the river.
Our distant Ancestors knew how to get along with Nature. They felt like they were part of it, not masters. And Nature gave them everything they needed. People of those times were connected with Nature in many ways the finest threads. Through secret rituals they interacted with the spirits of rivers, lakes, and forests.

"The Sacred Lake of the Siversky Mountains"

The painting depicts a lake among the mountains. The Siversky Mountains in ancient Rus' were sometimes called the Urals. Along the shores of the lake there are temples and memorial pillars. The fortress city is visible in the distance. A huge sign is carved out on a distant rocky outcrop.

Winter is coming. The lake is covered with a crust of ice. The boats of the Rus, praising their Gods, are still visible on the lake near the rock sanctuary. On the left side of the picture, there is a cave temple, the front side of which is carved from stone. He has the appearance of a fairytale griffin.

"The Arrival of the Rus-Magi"

On the banks of a large Siberian river stands an ancient temple. It was built many thousands of years ago, back in the days of the Daarians (Hyperboreans). This temple has survived global flood, many parts of the temple collapsed, the decorations fell off, although in some places clay sculptures and Vedic signs were preserved.

The Aryan-Rus have been living in these places for a long time. Their northern homeland was swallowed up by the waters of the Icy (Arctic) Ocean. The painting depicts another visit to the temple by the Magi.

"Sanctuary of Chislobog"

Processions of the local Russian clan are moving towards the Chislobog Temple. The palisade fence is decorated with pillars with images of the zodiac signs. At the top of the tower, the priest of the deity holds right hand sacred disk with writings. Left hand tightly grips the hilt of the sword. A gilded calendar disc is mounted on top of the tower structure.

Chislobog among the ancient Rus was in charge of the passage of time, which was divided into many different segments: both huge eras and epochs, and months and days.

"Beloyar (March)"

Beloyar is the ancient name of the month of March - in honor of the great ruler of the Most Ancient Rus', Bus Beloyar. The month of Beloyar marked the beginning of the year, the time of nature's awakening from the tenacious embrace of winter. Later, when the image of Bus Beloyar was erased from people's memory, this month sounded in the mouths of the Russians as “berezen” or “berezozol”.
The painting reflects a time close to the change of the Heavenly Palaces. Thaws appeared on the river. On the right stands a temple dedicated to Bus Beloyar.

"Long-awaited meeting"

The evening mood reigns in nature. The setting sun warms the autumn foliage of the trees with its rays and gently falls on the warm logs of the tower. In the lower part of the picture we see a warrior returning from patrol or campaign, having a conversation with his betrothed. In the lower right corner there is a statue of God illuminated by the rays of the sun. Where and when could this happen? Perhaps this is ancient Artania or Ruskolan. Or maybe this is the Valdai region from the times of the same ancient, epic city of Slovensk.

"Plumen (April)"

This month is under the patronage of Lada, the divine shepherd and Lada’s chosen one - Lelya. In April, two signs dominate. In the second half of the month, Taurus replaces Aries.

The painting depicts late April, when the trees are covered with early greenery. Two zodiac signs are depicted in the sky: Z - Aries, U - Taurus. The sign on the roof of the gate means the symbol of the entrance to the Rule - the personification of development and the future. In the pattern of trees and foliage you can read the faces of Aries and Taurus.

"Star Gates"

It's night time. The full moon has risen over the surrounding forests, and its light is reflected on the water surface of the river. A young Russian walks along the shore. His companion is a tame bear. The nearest village is only a short walk away.

But suddenly the night sky lit up, and a truly wonderful sight appeared before the eyes of eyewitnesses. The cosmic gates opened and creatures from the distant Universe appeared on Earth. They resemble magical birds and emit a bright golden light.

"Prince Rus arrived in the spring"

The legendary, but no less historical image of Prince Rus is known from many Russian legends and chronicles. The brother of the equally legendary Sloven, he founded the oldest Russian city not far from the place where the regional center of Staraya Russa now stands.

It is also known from legends that the prince had at his disposal a “heavenly chariot” on which Rus made flights. It is likely that the outlandish airplane was created during the high technology Hyperborean antediluvian. After a series of millennia, it went to Prince Pycy.

"The Appearance of a Tailed Star"

A tailed star (comet) appeared in the evening sky. The appearance of a tailed star is an unusual event for residents ancient city Slovenska. They walk in a solemn manner and watch the sky. The sun is fading, but its circle is no longer visible. It is obscured by the temple depicted in the lower right part of the picture. However, the rays of the sunset, like arrows, pierce the evening haze. What does the tailed wonder portend? The townspeople talk about this with each other, and the wise men will give an exact answer.

"Temple of Sventovid in Arkona" the beginning of the second millennium, many lands of Baltic Rus' were conquered by the Germans. So Lipetsk, Drozdyany, Berloga, Pereslavl, Branny Bor, etc. became the cities of Leipzig, Dresden, Berlin, Breslau (Wroclaw), Brandenburg.

The last piece of Slavic land remained - the city of Arkona. On Arkona Square there was a large wooden temple dedicated to Sventovit. The painting depicts one of the many festive rituals in honor of the Great God.

"In the city of Prince Lizard"

The setting sun illuminates the mysterious Russian city with orange-golden light. The idol of Rod, covered with thin gold plates, sparkles in the rays of the setting sun. In the center (center) of Rod’s idol there is a three-petal self-hedron (crystal) made of rock crystal.

Enormous vitality is contained in this stone. He has the ability to change color shades in response to changes in weather and the thoughts of people near him.

"Sanctuary of the God of Justice"

The sanctuary of the God of Justice is depicted. The priest of the temple conducts an invisible conversation with the idol of the deity of the Western Slavs. The leaders and elders stand a little further away. In the distance, the rest of the strong tribe watches the ceremony. Apparently some important issue is being resolved, since they turned to the main priest of the sanctuary for advice. Perhaps it is a matter of war and peace. Or a dispute between relatives, which must, as always, be resolved peacefully.

"Perun's Arrival to Earth"

“Four thousand years ago, the cosmic chariot of God Perun swiftly swept across the heavenly dome of the Earth.” So say the ancient legends. The Russians joyfully welcome the arrival of their deity. Tribal unions sacredly honor and fulfill all the covenants of Perun, which contain the power and wisdom of the Great Cosmos.

Perhaps the clearing with the sanctuary of God is located in the Slovenian land, near Lake Ilmen... The Great Perun will soon leave the Earth for the next four thousand years.

"Troubling Times"

In the 9th and 10th centuries, Persian and Arab travelers and scientists were aware of three Russian civilizations - Kiev, Novgorod and Artania.
The capital of Artania was located on the site of the present city of Tomsk, on the banks of the Temnaya (Tomi) River.

The Russians vigilantly guarded the borders of their lands. There were many ways to bring uninvited “guests” into ruined and impenetrable forests and swamps.
The painting shows a signal post. Two warriors peer vigilantly towards the distant pass, where the enemies have appeared.

"Traces of the Past"

Once upon a time, in this place near the coast of the Varangian Sea there was a sacred grove of the Slavs. An idol of one of the Vedic Gods was erected right on the shore, serving as a beacon for passing ships.

Time passed. In the 11th-12th centuries, enemies captured this region. The grove was cut down, the idol was overthrown. Gradually it became covered with a layer of earth and overgrown with moss, hiding under a green blanket from prying eyes. High in the skies shine runes - the hidden sign of the abandoned God.


This god of the Slavs was the opposite of the White God - Belbog. Chernobog was revered as an evil deity. Just as night opposes day, as cold opposes heat, so evil has good as its enemy. This is how balance is maintained in our world. But the absolute triumph of Chernobog on Earth is impossible, as is the complete dominance of Belbog.

"Belbog and Chernobog"

Two horsemen ride, each along their own path. then two gods - Belbog and Chernobog. The first God was portrayed as a wise, gray-bearded old man, the second as the personification of evil. However, the Russians revered them equally.

They are inseparable from each other, like day from night, light from darkness, etc. These gods always watch over man and record his deeds in special books. The good ones are “registered” by Belbog, the evil ones by Chernobog. However, a person has a free choice which path to take.

"Kashchei's Outpost"

"In the palace of Kashchei"

The immortal servant of Navi carefully looks at the golden needle visible through the shell of a duck egg. In the chest among the jewelry is a golden duck. The needle contains immortal life Kashcheya.

On the wall of a powerful log house hangs a map of the antediluvian world. The island of Poseidon, where Kashchei was one of the main servants of Chernobog, is clearly visible. Now the servant of Navi lives somewhere in the depths of the Siberian taiga.

"The Master of the Lake. The Mystery of Lake Brosno"

In the west of the Tver region there is a deep lake Brosno. An ancient legend tells about a Varangian leader who, while crossing the surface of Brosno in a boat, was killed by a huge monster.

In the 30s of the twentieth century, surrounding residents managed to catch the Brosno monster. The unprecedented skin was displayed for a long time in the courtyard of one of the houses, but it never attracted the interest of scientific circles. Judging by the known data, it was a huge reptile, similar to a plesiosaur or pliosaur.

"Day of Honoring Heaven"

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In the city of Slovensk

It's getting dark. On a walk

Vision of the Pomors goddess Hyperborea

Priest of the Falcon God

Exodus of the Hyperboreans

Temple by the lake

The night before Kupala holiday

Rainbow over Arkona

The Hyperborean fleet will carry out the order

Temple of the god Znich. Winter

Temple of Radogoshcha. Summer

Temple of Sventovid. Spring

Khorsa Temple. Autumn

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