Scenarios play an accordion at a village festival. Grand opening of the accordion competition “Play the accordion!” Texts for announcing numbers


Our grandparents

Glorious Vyatka master!

Didn't know how to live without doing anything

Not a minute, not half a day!

Lace was woven in Kukarka,

The bodies were woven in Gontbe,

Even a bathhouse on a cart

They could have made it too!

Well, if it touches the dance,

Then everyone, beware

Seen dancing, as if in a fairy tale,

The whole character is fiery!

Who composed ditties for us,

Who actually composed them?

Now go and find out

Where was he and how did he live?

So live, ditty, whatever,

With a guitar and a string,

We need, friends, however,

Sing more than one ditty!

Come out into the circle more boldly,

So that there is a huge circle,

Come out in Russian dance,

Leading your friends!

Songs don't seem to get old,

We recognize songs everywhere!

So let's all the people

Let's sing about "Korobushka"!

This is how we always do things

It's been like this since ancient times,

We invite all people

Let's have a fun round dance!

Ah, accordion, a miracle shake!

Thumbs up and thumbs down.

Where there is an accordion, there is dancing,

What is life without dancing?

The spectator will approach the stage,

Come out, artists!

We are starting a competition

The best harmonists!

(There is a harmonica competition going on.)

I believe in Rus' and that Rus' will get stronger,

Is it possible to abort the flight?

If songs are sung to the accordion,

So the bird will flap its wings!

Storms and blizzards will not break us,

No matter how scared or stranded!

This is why we started singing here today,

So that you can sing with us!

Our songs are amazing

Cheerful and beautiful

Our dances are fire,

Just touch it, just touch it!

Here the accordions began to play,

The accordion players came out

We won't sing quietly

It will be heard everywhere!

The guest is happy - that means everything is in order,

I couldn't wish for greater happiness!

And now folk riddles

We invite you to guess.


Although not a cunning tool,

But it will cheer you up at the moment,

A little familiar to you,

Our Vyatka (accordion)

There are four in each line,

You won't find more fun in the world,

Put your ears on top of your heads

Here's a riddle about (ditties)

There's a belt hanging on my shoulder,

And under my arm is an instrument,

Our village artist,

This guy (harmonica player)

The presenter thanks everyone who took part in the competition of harmonica players and ditty players, rewarding them with souvenirs and prizes.

(Text at the end of the block).

Who invented it in Rus'

These round dances?

At least go around half the world,

There is nothing more beautiful in the world!

Who wove this pattern? –

That is the soul of the people,

Who decorated the canvas? –

Russian nature.

This is my lace

Sunny Russia,

Wonderful songs have been woven

In threads of gold!

The host and the ensemble “Zavalinka” lead all guests into the auditorium to a concert-meeting.


(The melody of the song “Zavalinka” sounds. The presenter exits).


Traveled a lot around the world,

But today I will say, without hiding,

There is no sweeter land in the world,

What is my dear side!

Forest and field, path near the house,

Our songs have a magical motive!

I am proud of my fellow countrymen.

That they live next door to me

For people who are beautiful in deeds,

Sing, accordion, sing, accordion!

Texts for announcing numbers.

The harmonica player takes the harmonica,

He leads the music quietly,

Slowly, little by little,

People are gathering.

Although the melodies are not tricky,

And they captivate everyone at once,

And to a local artist

It's not a sin to envy!

He doesn't need anything:

Neither praise nor blame,

He doesn't need awards

He plays from the heart!

So that the joy does not subside,

So that the ditties give laughter,

We invite a harmonica player,

We haven't forgotten about this!

The sun caressed our songs,

And the magic hand of rain

I tied the lines with a thread,

I multiplied words bit by bit!

Flying by, fast wind

The accordion woke up its frets,

We wove the patterns of our songs -

Springs as bright as the sky!

A song floats in a round dance,

Round and round and round and round,

It is no coincidence that people say,

How cheerfully they sing in Vyatka!

You play, play, accordion -

Golden planks!

Harmonist, take it quickly

Sounding little Talyanochka!

Today they will convince you that

That our accordion is alive,

Not metropolitan artists,

Among the people are harmonica players,

The guys are dashing,

According to registration - Vyatka!

We declare to you, girlfriends,

Although you are clever in choruses,

But the first ditties,

Made by men!

Our talent is rightfully appreciated,

Make sure now

We'll sing on this stage

Well, no worse than you!

Oh, ditty, oh, ditty - talk!

Oh, accordion, oh, accordion - overkill!

Without an accordion, our Rus' -

Take away the sadness quickly

In three drags!

And we have a lot of songs;

About winter and frost,

About spring, and about summer,

Listen to this one!

The evening will cast stars from its basket,

He will come out of the plank gates,

The accordion will play cheerfully,

He will immediately invite everyone to the meeting!

And in the land that they call Vyatka

Our people are not a year, but many years,

There are no songs without an accordion,

And there is no dancing without an accordion!

0 love suffers on a moonlit night,

Instantly engulfed in a dance of fire,

Accept the ringing warbler

Vyatka Talyanochka, accordion!

Ah, accordion, accordion, accordion,

Cheerful basses,

And ditties without an accordion

It can’t be in Rus'!

Where, in what places was you born?

From what lands did you come?

Did you make it up, did you dream it,

And what was it like then...

Who is first in the day or in the evening

He sang it to the beat of the drums,

Whether at an evening meeting,

Among friends or among girlfriends!

And the joke ditty lives on,

Calls to dance in a circle,

Listen for a minute,

How the Vyatka people sing them!

He saved us more than once

Fast Russian dance

It’s not in vain that people say:

The dance is still in fashion today!

Because at this hour he

It will sound for you now!

We sang to you as best we could,

They danced as best they could,

The guests dance themselves,

If you're not tired!

Invitation to dinner:

It’s not for nothing that Rus' is called hospitable Russia,

And everyone has known this for a long time!

That's how it's always been with us.

So also from great-grandfathers and grandfathers

It happened until our glorious days,

We invite you to a dinner party

The closest, sincere friends!

The house will be a wonderful full cup

For anyone who comes to us!

Our sensitivity and attention

Long-awaited, dear guests!




Event scenario

"The beauty of Russian folklore"

Compiled by: Shulgina L. A.

teacher additional education

Kogalym, 2017.

(sl #1 )

Every nation has its own, especially favorite musical instrument. In Russia, the button accordion is rightfully considered one of such instruments. And although its biography is much shorter than that of most other instruments, its pages are filled with interesting events and facts from the life of the Russian people from the last century to the present day. Apparently deep meaning And folk wisdom lies in the fact that this musical instrument proudly bears the name of the legendary singer-storyteller Kievan Rus- Bayana.

You, of course, understood that the subject of our meeting today will be the Russian folk instrument - the button accordion.

Tell me, do you know which musical instrument is the ancestor of the button accordion? That's right, accordion (sl #2 ).

The appearance of harmonics in Russia dates back to the early 40s of the 19th century. Privileged sections of the population, as indicated in literary sources, bought hand-held harmonicas abroad, and through serf servants, harmonicas appeared and became popular in the villages.

( sl #3 )

Representative of one of the firstsingle row harmonics isTula eight-key harmonica with accompaniment for the left hand.Feature This harmonic was that when the same key was pressed, sounds of different tones arose (when the bellows was unclenched, one sound, when the bellows was compressed, another sound). Later, such harmonics were called “harmonics of the Russian system.”

( sl #4 )

In the first half of the 70s XIX century in Bologoye, Russian craftsmen were first designeddouble row harmonics. The keyboard of the first row of the melody had a scale similar to that of the Tula single-row harmonic; in the second row the scale was repeated a fourth lower. The accompaniment of the “Bologois” harmonica was limitedthree major chords. But harmonica musicians needed an instrument with a full chromatic scale.

( sl #5 )

The creator of the first Russian chromatic harmonica was the Russian musician-nugget Tula worker Nikolai Ivanovich Beloborodov, who was a passionate harmonica player and throughout his life strived to create a new harmonica with a chromatic structure. Finally, in 1870, he succeeded. In the Beloborodov harmonica, rightthe keyboard consisted of two rows. Twelve keys of the first row , located closer to the grid, looked like black piano keys. Work sitesthirteen white keys of the second row had a square shape. The keyboard for the left hand (bass) consisted of placed in one rowten big keys the same shape as the keys of modern harmonicas and button accordions.

( sl #6 )

With the participation of Beloborodov, Tula craftsmen produced 20 chromatic harmonics. The world's first orchestra of chromatic harmonics was created under the direction of N.I. Beloborodov.

Speech by student of the “Istoki” association D. Krylova.

As you know, time does not stand still, and according to Beloborodov’s sketches and under his direct supervision, master L.A. Chulkov madethe first instrument with full chromatic tuning . This invention was a major step towards the emergence of a new musical instrument- button accordion.

( sl #7 )

But famous performer, harmonica designer Yakov Fedorovich Orlansky (pseudonym Orlansky-Titarenko) (1877-1941), wanted to play not the harmonica, but something better than it, and his search led him to the talented Russian master designer Pyotr Sterligov. The virtuoso ordered the instrument of his dreams from this master. Sterligov fulfilled the order. This was in 1907. Since then, the button accordion has existed in Rus'.

Waltz “Dreams” by A. Andreev performed by a duet of accordion players

At the beginning of the 20th century, especially after the revolution, the button accordion began to be mass-produced in special factories and became widespread. Harmonicas gradually became a thing of the past, and the button accordion could be seen everywhere: at weddings, dances and concert venues, in clubs and other folk festivals. Relatively lightweight and easy to carry, it was like a small orchestra that combined the capabilities of different instruments.

Performance by an accordion ensemble

Russians folk songs: “Kitty”, “Poppy-poppies”, “There beyond the river”

The gradual improvement of the button accordion in Russia led to the creation of its main varieties: with ready-made accompaniment (fixed chords - major and minor triads and seventh chords) and with ready-chosen accompaniment (combining fixed and elective chords). The capabilities of the modern button accordion are such that you can play music on it different directions: from classics to modern pop and rock compositions. To confirm my words, I want to offer you several video recordings.

But first, Shendra O. will perform

variety miniature “Foxtrot in fifth”

Video recording gr. "Esposito", "Emerald"

The Russian folk instrument, the button accordion, is primarily associated with folk music, which is the source of all trends existing in our time.

Where are you from, Russian?

Was the music born?

Either in an open field,

Or in a hazy forest?

Are you happy? In pain?

Or in a bird whistle?

Tell me where from

Do you have sadness and daring?

Russian folk music is very closely connected with Russian folklore, which arose during the absence of writing. Folklore is a type of oral folk art. Fairy tales and legends were passed down from generation to generation. Labor brought to life the first songs - they made work easier, subordinating it to a certain rhythm. Folk songs are rich in their diversity of genres.

( sl #8 )

By rearranging the syllables in the horizontal rows of this table, we get the names of the maingenres of Russian folk songs.

Now the students of our association will perform Russian folk songs, and you listen carefully and determine what genre they belong to.

Speech by 2nd year students

Palievets N. “It’s like crossing a bridge, a bridge”

Kudakov N. “In the garden, in the vegetable garden”


“The stitches of the path are overgrown”

“There was a birch tree in the field” duet

They say that every nation has its own guardian guiding star. Every person must have his own song or songs, the words and tunes of which penetrate into the heart in mysterious ways, warm it, and illuminate it with a quiet light of goodness and hope. These songs become loved and cherished for the rest of your life. It’s unlikely that anyone would argue that in the lives of our ancestors, song was much more important. important place than today. Not a voice from the TV screen, but a living mother's voice rocked the baby in the cradle. And in the long autumn and winter evenings The girls gathered in a spacious hut for a get-together, where it was impossible to do without a song.

Performance by the soloist of the ensemble "Rosinka"

“My Fire” is performed by D. Gainanov.

It was already said earlier that folklore is a type of oral folk art, tell me, what genres of folklore do you know?

( epics, tales, jokes, games, fortune telling, lamentations, legends, songs, rituals, heroic epic works, myths, proverbs, sayings, lullabies, fairy tales )

We have all been familiar with Russian folk tales since childhood, and we will now check how well you know them.

prepared for you funny questions, try to answer them:

    Which of the heroes of the Russian folk tale was a bakery product? (gingerbread man)

    Name the heroine of a Russian folk tale who was an agricultural product (turnip).

    In which Russian folk tale are housing problems solved or, to put it modern language, problems of housing and communal services? (teremok)

    What type of energy did Baba Yaga use when flying on the stupa? (devilry)

    To what family of poultry does the heroine of the Russian folk tale, who carried items made of precious metal for her owners, belong? (chicken Ryaba)

    In which Russian folk tale does a thrown hat cause the whole hut to rock? (“Ivan is a peasant son”)

    Where is Ilya Muromets from? Whose son is he? (From the village of Karacharova, peasant son).

    What kind of horse is this: “... one hair is silver, the other is gold, it runs - the earth trembles, smoke pours out of its ears, flames burst from its nostrils?” (Sivka-Burka)

    Who sat on 3 oak trees, on 9 branches? (Nightingale the Robber)

10) Who began to visit the garden and steal golden apples? (Firebird in the fairy tale “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”).

11) Which of the Russian collectors folk tales You know?

(A. N. Asafiev, V. Dal).

Vladimir Ivanovich Dal is a profound expert and connoisseur of the Russian language, in addition to fairy tales, having collected and published two whole volumes of Russian proverbs and sayings.

And now I propose to check how you know proverbs: your task is to complete the proverb:

Measure seven times (cut once).

Learning is light and ignorance is darkness).

Live and learn).

Repetition is the mother (of learning).

What is written with a pen cannot be cut down (with an ax).

Patience and work will grind everything down.

A rolling stone gathers no moss).

Well done, now it’s a different game. I will read you a proverb, which at the same time will be a riddle: you need to guess what character trait of a person it is talking about.

A tongue without bones - it babbles whatever it wants. (Chatter)

I ate and got tired, slept and got tired. (Laziness)

He offered his hand and put his foot up. (Duplicity)

My grief is an arrow in me, someone else’s grief is an arrow in a stump. (Selfishness)

Another well-known and beloved genre of folk art is ditties. Try to sit still while listening to the dashing plucking of the accordion and the multi-colored scattering of mischievous ditties!

Hail Russian accordion,

Have fun and sing!

In Rus' all people know

What a good little ditty!

A variety of ditties are choruses, whichwill sound now performed by the student association Klevan Yulia “Siberian choruses”

Like a free bird, the song does not recognize any state borders and flies freely from one country to another. Throughout to the globe Our "Kalinka" and our "Katyusha" are walking.

M. Blanter “Katyusha” performed by Klevan Julia

And guest singers have taken root on Russian soil: Georgian “Suliko”, Italian “Santa Lucia”, Tatar

Palievets N. Bel. folk song “Savka and Grishka”

Polish folk song “The Cheerful Shoemaker”

Kudakov N. Ukrainian folk song “Bandura”

Shendra O. Ukrainian folk song “Oh, breaking the hoop”

Unfortunately, in our fast-paced age latest technologies, it is not often possible to hear the sound of accordion and button accordion not only on the stage, but also in everyday life. Numerous TV shows and music shows, based on light music genre, occupy quite a lot of airtime, which cannot be said about folk music. However, thanks to the development of the Internet, which now exists even in the far corners of the country, many have learned that the accordion is still alive! A large number of amateur films of accordion and button accordion performers have appeared on various Internet resources. And yet, listeners in most cases give their preferences to popular genres pop music, so we need to actively promote folk music and a Russian folk instrument - the button accordion. The students of our association try to solve this problem, to the best of their abilities, by taking part in concert and performing activities.

We hope that interest in folk art will grow: guys who want to take up music will increasingly look in the direction of the accordion and button accordion, and listeners will no longer treat these instruments condescendingly.

"Russian Dancer" performed by a duet of accordion players

A reader comes on stage and reads a poem:

Cossack region! Into the darkness of centuries

I see that your descendant is distant.

I see the glory of the Cossacks,

I hear the Cossack crying sadly...

Holy memory of that glory

From the younger generation

It's been covered in a veil for a long time now

The fog of cold oblivion...

May they be glorious in our days,

Who returns memory to the region.

I'm in front of them to the ground

I bow my head in bow.

The second reader reads another poem:

Very often behind events

And behind the bustle of days

We don’t remember our antiquity,

We forget about her.

Although more common

We're flying to the moon,

Let us remember the Cossack customs,

Let's remember our old days!

The presenter comes out in a Cossack costume.

Presenter. Good day, honest people! The working day is behind us: the hay has been cut and the stacks have been swept away. And they went into the forest to pick berries and mushrooms, and managed to catch fish. Finished the job - go for a walk! And when the sun goes down, beautiful girls and good fellows come to the outskirts of the outskirts to lead round dances, sing ditties and sing songs, show themselves and look at others, click seeds and kind words will have a word.

HOSTESS: Please, dear guests, please!

OWNER. Have fun and joy!

HOSTESS. We have been waiting for you for a long time - we are waiting, we will not start the holiday without you!

OWNER. We have a place and a word for everyone!

HOSTESS. We have prepared some fun things for you for every taste, for some a fairy tale, for others the truth, for others a song.

The stage is gradually filled with all the participants in the gathering; in pairs or threes they approach the hosts, bow and take their places on the benches.

A Cossack song sounds

“Like the Cossacks walk beyond the Don.”

How the Cossacks walked beyond the Don,

How the Cossacks walked beyond the Don.

The young girl stood and thought,

The girl is young.

One Cossack does not drink and does not party.

The young girl stood and thought,

The young girl stood and thought,

The girl is young.

He chooses a bride for himself.

He chooses a bride for himself.

The young girl stood and thought,

The young girl stood and thought,

The girl is young.

You, Cossack girl, become my wife.

The young girl stood and thought,

The young girl stood and thought,

The girl is young.

Eh, vine garden, green grove,

So who is to blame: the wife or the mother-in-law?

The mother-in-law is to blame.

(The first verse is repeated.)

Three villages, two villages.

The girl is cheerful.

The girl is cheerful.

2nd HOST.

Dunya left the thief

To the green garden.

Dunya picked a burlap tree,

Yes, right down to the spine.

Dunya sewed a sundress

Both smart and non-woven.

I put it in the corner

In a birch bark box.

Where did the cockroach come from?

Dunin ate his sundress.

As the poem progresses, Dunya improvises and looks into the box,

takes out a big fake cockroach, gets scared, throws it,

1st HOST. (Calms Dunya.)

Disperse, honest people,

No dust, path!

Good fellows are coming

Walk a little.

The song “How the Don Cossacks faithfully serve the Don...” is performed.

Like the Don Cossacks they serve faithfully,

They travel along the borders,

They don't worry about anything.

There is wine, we drink,

No wine - drink water

We won't change it for anything

Cossack fashion.

The girl is sitting in the mansion,

Hands clasped,

A Cossack stands in front of her,

Taking off my cap.

The Cossack twirled his mustache,

He pulled the horse back.

Yamu girl says,

Doesn't tell me to go to the tavern:

“You’re going to the cramped place,

You'll drink all your money there.

Father and mother will meet

What are you going to answer?”

We'll get drunk

And we will answer boldly:

“We have wine, we drink yayo,

No wine, we drink water.

We won't change it for anything

Cossack fashion."

2nd HOST. The good fellows sang a dashing Cossack song. According to the tradition of that ancient time, beautiful maidens come out with a response song.

The girls sing the song “In the garden by the valley...”.

In the garden by the valley I picked a rose,

She tore it up and threw it under those gates.

I tore it up and threw it under those gates,

Don't laugh, Cossack, that I'm an orphan.

If you had come to make a match, I wouldn’t have gone.

You will come to me to make a match, but I will not go.

I'll travel around Russia, I'll find something more beautiful.

Traveled around Russia and all the cities,

But I couldn’t find anyone more beautiful than you, orphan.

The Cossack returned to those gates,

The girl comes out crying.

And the girl came out crying,

You can see from her face that she’s been wooed.

In the garden by the valley I picked a rose...

1st HOST. At Cossack gatherings they not only sang songs, but also danced in circles. Good fellows looked closely at the girls and chose brides for themselves.

GIRLS. Aw! Aw! Let's shout!

Let's roar through the forest,

Let's go to the birch tree,

Let's start our own round dance!

A round dance is performed to the song “We were in the round dance.”

2nd HOST. There are talents on the Don,

I speak with confidence!

Since people are still singing -

Know that all is not lost.

The Cossack song “At the Meadow...” is performed.

Oh, by the meadow, by the meadow,

With a wide field,

With a familiar herd

The horse was walking freely.

Walk, walk, my horse,

Until I catch it

As soon as I catch you, I’ll bore you

Silk bridle.

How the Cossack caught the horse,

He tied me with a bridle,

Hit him in the sides with his spurs,

The horse flies like an arrow.

You fly, fly, my horse,

Fly, don't stumble,

Near Milka's yard

Get up, stop.

The horse stopped

Hit with his hooves,

For my darling to come out

With black eyebrows.

But my darling didn’t come out,

Her mother came out.

“Hello, hello, dear son-in-law,

Come to the house."

But I won’t go to the house,

I'll go to the bright room,

I'll wake you up in a deep sleep

Sleeping girl.

But the girl did not sleep,

She was waiting for the guy.

She hugged me with her right hand,

Kissed me deeply.

And in the morning everything settled down,

The whole village knew

Like a Cossack and a Cossack

Kissed me deeply.

1st HOST. Oh, the Cossack soul is wide!

And wherever you are in the wilderness,

They just took spoons in their hands

And play from the heart!

An ensemble of spoon players performs to the melody of the song “Varenka”

or "Wattle".

GIRLTara-ra, tara-ra,

The guys are coming from the yard,

Sing songs and dance,

Amuse everyone around!

The song “The Cossack was happy with everything, everything…” is performed.

The Cossack was happy with everything, everything,

I didn't know any need.

And now I have experienced

Been to Sevastopol.

In an open field there is fear and grief

Every day and every hour.

The day we get wet and shiver,

We don't sleep the whole night.

He himself is cold, the horse is hungry,

There is nowhere to lay your head.

The Black Sea is noisy,

The ships are on fire,

And we are extinguishing, strangling the Turks,

Glory to the Don Cossacks.

Great Russian glory,

We are always proud of her.

My faithful horse is under me,

Pike-glory of the Cossack.

Checker is a faithful friend

And a rifle on the enemy.

2nd HOST: People have always loved to dance on the Don. The soul of the Cossacks is revealed in the dashing dance.

Go around the whole planet,

There is no better Cossack dance.

Balalaika and accordion

They light a fire in us!

A dance is performed to the song “Unharness your horses, boys...”.

2nd HOST. Come on, let’s sit down next to each other.

Let's talk okay!

Nursery rhymes are heard.

Fedul, why are you pouting your lips?

The caftan was burned.

Can you sew it up?

Yes, there is no needle.

How big is the hole?

One gate remains.

Foma, why can’t you come out of the forest?

Caught the bear.

So lead me here.

Yes, he’s not coming.

So go yourself.

He won't let me in!

Ivan, is it warm in your hut?

Warm! You can warm up in a fur coat on the stove.

Patrikey. Hey Mackay, what did you do today?

Makey. I was looking for mittens.

Patrikey. Found it?

Makey. Found it!

Patrikey.Where were they?

Makey. Yes, under my belt. Where are you going?

Patrikey. Seven miles away!

Makey. Sip some jelly?

Patrikey. No, look for a mosquito!

Makey. Which mosquito is this?

Patrikey. Yes, the one who wants to bite me on the nose!

Makey. Yes, he’s with you!

Patrikey.Where is this on me?

Makey. Yes, on your nose! (Slaps him on the nose.)

Matyukha.Tyukha, do you want to eat?

Tyukha.No. I had a snack.

Matyukha. What did you have for a snack?

Tyukha. Yes, I ate a crust of bread.

Matyukha. And you should have soaked it in a pot of sour cream.

Tyukha. Yes, she didn’t fit into the pot.

Grandma comes out.

Son, go to the river for some water.

My belly hurts.

Son, go eat some porridge.

Well. Since mother says, we must go.

1st HOST. Eh, the warehouse nursery rhymes are good,

Well, our songs are fine!

The song “I believed, I believe...” is performed.

The house stands above the river,

The pier is right next to the river.

A guy kisses a girl

He asks for his right hand.

Chorus: I believed, I believed, I believe,

I believed, I believed,

But I'll never believe it

That you will stop loving me.

White rose - goodbye,

Scarlet rose of love,

Yellow rose of separation,

I'm dying of sadness.

I pick a white rose,

I give you a scarlet rose,

Yellow rose of separation

I'm trampling underfoot.

If you love, you don’t love, don’t,

You're still young.

The time will come - you will love,

But it will be too late then.

Young years have passed,

Wrinkles covered my face,

Hair turned gray -

Now no one is needed.

A guide with a bear enters.

Guide. Make way, honest people!

The little bear is coming with me!

The bear bows.

Guide. He knows a lot of fun,

There will be a joke, there will be laughter!

2nd presenter. Bear, can you sing?

The bear nods his head affirmatively. The guide gives the bear an accordion and asks him to sing louder. Bear

takes the accordion and begins to play. Sings silently, widely

opening his mouth.

Guide. It hurts you to sing quietly. (To the audience.) Can you hear? (No!) Ask the little bear to sing louder!

All participants in the gathering ask the bear to sing louder. Bear

starts to roar loudly. The guide steps back, covering his ears with his hands. The bear continues to play, approaching the frightened guide, who waves him off with his hands. The guide takes the accordion. The bear bows.

Guide. Now show us, Mishenka, how the red girls blush, look in the mirror, preen themselves!

The bear sits on the floor, looks around, preens.

Guide. And how, Misha, do little children like to steal peas?

The bear crawls to the side and plops down.

Guide. How did grandma get ready to bake pancakes and only burn her hands?

The bear does, roars.

Guide. How do women slowly wander to their master's work?

The bear can barely move.

Guide. How do they run home from work?

The bear runs fast.

Guide. Show everyone how Dunyasha walks into a circle and dances dashingly!

The bear puts the scarf on his head and takes hold of its ends.

Dancing to the music. When the music ends, he sits on the floor.

Guide. Mishutka is already tired! (The bear stands up.) And he bowed to the people!

(The bear bows. The guide leads the bear away.)

1st Presenter. How many times have I sworn

Sing songs to the accordion.

As the accordion plays,

I can't sit still!

Girl. Let's stand, girls, side by side,

Let's sing ditties.

Boy. Yes, and we, perhaps, will get up,

Let's not leave our friends behind.

2nd Presenter. What are gatherings without ditties and seeds?!

The seeds are carried around the hall on a tray and treated to the audience.

Ditties sound.

That's it. We know a lot of ditties,

Both good and bad.

It's good for him to listen

Who doesn't know any.

Oh, you are Mother Russia,

How good it is!

Even though we live poorly,

But we dance and sing.

We'll sing ditties for you,

Wonderful though

That the old ladies will go dancing,

The old people will dance!

A group of boys in scarves sing ditties:

Oh, bad, bad!

There is a swan in the garden,

White cherry,

What has love done?

My darling walks around the village,

Walks, smiles,

It turned out that he inserted teeth,

The mouth doesn't close.

My darling is beautiful

She lived across the river

I wanted to see you

Swim across in a sieve.

There used to be Russian braids

At my darling's,

And now in a new fashion

Cropped head.

Oh, bad, bad,

There is a swan in the garden,

White cherry,

What has love done?

Boy. White girls,

Where did you get whitewashed?

Girl. We milked the cows yesterday,

They washed their face with milk.

Boy. Listen, girls,

We will sing a non-coherent song.

A pig grazes on an oak tree,

A bear is steaming in a sauna.

Boy. There is a cart on the mountain,

Tears are dripping from the arc.

There is a cow under the mountain,

Puts on boots!

Girl. Where are you going, Vanyusha?

After all, a cart without wheels!

And Vanyusha answers...

Boy. Harvesting oats.

That's it. Oh, that's enough, we've sung,

Give me a new change!

Oh, thanks to the accordion player

Here's to a fun game!

Girl. I'm already stamping my foot,

Let me stamp the other one.

Come to me, Vanyusha,

Come dance with me!

Boy. I put my foot on my toes,

And then on the heel.

I’ll start dancing Russian

And then squat!

A dance is performed to the melody of the song “Golden Bee”.

1st Presenter. Good people! Shouldn't we remember the songs of the old-timers?!

The song “Like beyond the Don, beyond the river...” sounds.

Like beyond the Don, beyond the river,

Under the green oak

The Cossack woman was breaking up

With a guy with black fur.

The Cossack woman was breaking up

In a field near Rostov,

Hugged in the wind

A dashing Cossack.

The Cossack spoke to the Cossack woman,

Taking off on a horse:

"Don't cry, don't cry for me,

My dear!"

He said and galloped

Along the steppe road.

Goodbye, dear Don,

The Quiet Don is wide.

2nd Presenter. The night has come, brought darkness.

The cockerel fell silent and the cricket began to chirp.

Mama came out and closed the shutters.

All the guys are sleeping and sleeping,

The whole world is told to sleep.

1st Presenter. We are proud of antiquity,

She became like family to us.

Always making someone happy

Our great-grandfathers' work.

2nd Presenter. Tie, Tie-edges are dear,

Cossacks have lived here from time immemorial,

They glorify their native expanses,

Razdolny songs are sung.

A song about the Outset is sung.

A river runs quietly between the green hills.

There is a village near its shores,

And she shares the same name with the river,

This name has entered my soul forever.

Drowning in the gardens that bloom in spring,

My little village, you are the most beautiful of all.

And in the spring the nightingales don’t let you sleep at night,

Nightingales sing about love to you and me.

Maybe there are golden lands on earth,

Only you are dearer to my heart, my connection.

Here the nightingales sing over the spring river,

Here is my homeland - a land dear to my heart.

At the end of the song, the participants in the gatherings leave the stage, waving their hands.

Small Scenario of the competition program“play accordion, darling”offers to competently conduct a meeting of professional harmonica players. The presenter invites each participant to the stage and offers to perform, without any harassment.

Scenario of the competition program - beginning

The hall is festively decorated, playing funny music, guests go into the hall and take their places at the tables.

Presenter: You play, accordion, singer
Play don't be discouraged
It’s not without reason that with his singing
Glorious is our native land.
As part of the city festival “Druzhne Kolo”, we are starting the competition “Play the accordion, my beloved”. Today at our celebration there are:

Presenter: Dzerzhinka is rich in talents, amateur artists Belotserkovets L.I. ,decorative craftsmen applied arts Prusova S.I., Lisitskaya Z.V., folk craftsmen Manukhin V.I., and musicians.

Presenter: We invite the first participant of our competition, Lidia Grigorievna Novik, to the stage. Lydia Grigorievna's entire family is musical. The father played the button accordion, the brothers played. She herself taught in a music studio.

Lydia Grigorievna will perform the song “Here is the sweet grove” (

Presenter: Meet the next participant in our program, Chuiko Valentina Aleksandrovna. Not a single party was complete without Valentina, weddings, farewells to the army, new buildings, housewarmings, everyone knew Valentina and appreciated her. She herself worked at the Dzerzhinsky mine, and in free time played the accordion. “I went to the store for a dress and bought a button accordion”

Presenter: Today our guest is a creative musical family Victor and Galina Vichev, and although Viktor Dmitrievich chose a technical specialty, he also mastered the button accordion at the same time. Yes, not simply, but masterfully. You will see this now. “Popuri” will be performed by Viktor Vichev

Presenter: Galina Viktorovna grew up in creative family. The love of music was instilled in him by his father, a front-line soldier, who played in a religious orchestra. My mother, a literature teacher, wrote poetry. The daughter chose the profession of an artist; she also writes poetry, music and plays the guitar. Galina Vicheva will perform the original “Song about the Father”

Presenter: Residents of the village treat accordion player Grigory Dmitrievich Radchenko with great authority and respect. He is a welcome guest in the area. He instilled in his children and grandchildren a love of music. Grigory Dmitrievich does not part with the instrument even today. The Ukrainian folk song “Oh there on the current, in the bazaars” will be performed by Grigory Dmitrievich

Presenter: Until the 80s of the 20th century, these wonderful instruments sounded. On long years the accordion was undeservedly forgotten.
The goal of our event is to attract people's attention different generations but, above all, young people to this wonderful, unique creativity live sound of accordion, button accordion, accordion and guitar.
Our competitive program ends with Mikhail Polivanov “Guitar Solo”

grand opening V regional competition accordionists in the Tatar region.

A phonogram of birds singing, nightingales trilling, and accordion playing sounds. The curtain rises. On stage with right side- folk ensemble

Play, accordion!
Play with excitement
About the vastness of the steppes and silence
About the free land,
About the glory of grandfathers and fathers.
Play, accordion!
To be heard
You in the area and wilderness,
So that people come out to your voice
Dance and sing with all your heart.

The ensemble performs the melody for the song “OH, HOW I LIKE YOU.” Three on stage dancing couples perform a dance. At the end, they remain on stage, a song __________________, a choreographic composition is played.


Harmony, sighed gently, with overflow,
Like a stream, murmuring like a melody,
Piercing souls with trembling anguish,
And chopping in Russian, and from the shoulder!
Well, tear up my dear little Talia,
Wash away Russian hearts from grief!
Let all the bad things pass from our homeland
And the clouds of troubles will disappear from her face!
Drops are ringing over spring Russia,
Tearing snow bandages from the fields,
The accordion sings under the bright blue sky
And that means you and I will be together for a long time
To celebrate sunrises and sunsets
Thanks for everything to Him, the Creator!
The fatherland will be able to spread its wings
And my Motherland will rise!

The song “BALLAD OF A SOLDIER” performed by V. KAMANOV is played.

During the song there is a round dance in the background. At the end of the song, the girls line up on the steps.

The presenters come out:

2 ACT:
And they sang to the accordion and
danced -
Loved the two-row
worker - people:
Your affairs in a ditty
And no matter the song - life

1ST. Good afternoon dear friends! For the fifth time, the best harmonica players of the region gathered on the Tatar land to show themselves and watch others.

2VED. For the fifth time on this stage they will compete in a virtuoso game on the most beloved folk instrument representatives of almost all districts of the region, as well as lovers of Russian accordion from the Omsk region, in order to name the best of the best.

1ST. Dear friends! Meet the participants of the fifth regional harmonica competition.

2VED. We welcome the accordionists of the Bagan region;
- Barabinsky district;
- Vengerovsky district;
- Zdvinsky district;
- Iskitimsky district;
- Representative of the Karasuk region;
- Kochenevsky district;
- Krasnozersky district;
- Delegation of the Kuibyshev region;
- Kupinsky district;
- Ordynsky district;
- We meet the accordionists of the Northern region;
- Tatarsky district;
- Representative of the Toguchinsky district;
- Ubinsky district;
- Our neighbors Ust-Tarsky district;
- Chanovsky district;
- Chistoozerny district;
- Delegation of harmonists of the city of Novosibirsk;
- Ensemble “Veselukha” of Novosibirsk Agrarian University.

The number ends not long before the end. All the performers freeze, then slowly walk away. The lights in the hall and on the stage gradually go out. The movie screen goes down. The film begins (photos by G.D. Zavolokin).

The host behind the scenes reads:
Suddenly the accordion fell silent, suddenly interrupted its sounds
Meaningless rock with a metallic clang.
According to the laws of what kind of thoughtless science
Does an unfinished song end at the wrong time?
This song flew over Russia like a bird,
Under the flood of accordion, under the purest spring,
And in the Siberian village, and in the Kuban village
She did not break down either into falsehood or screaming.
Under the exciting rustle of painted sundresses,
Under the intricately fractional click of heels
How many of them - accordion players Petrov and Ivanov -
They went out with three rows into the festive circle.
Suddenly the chords died down, the strumming stopped,
And for a moment Russia’s soul went numb,
Suddenly it seemed as if I had lost my support for a moment,
But just for a moment,
And then, slowly,
She turned around and began to sing.
Is it really possible?
By order of fate, take the soul and kill it,
Is it possible to imagine Russia being hobbled,
How can she live without an accordion!?

The film continues with footage of Zavolokin’s “live” participation. The song is performed by him. Then again “silent” shots. The presenter reads the melody against a muted background:

Play, harmonize, gathering all your strength,
Play as soon as he knew how...
Big Artist of Big Russia
He left and didn’t finish the song.
He left suddenly and with a sigh,
He left without changing himself.
Alas, God himself changes the dates
With a master's stroke in fate.

1ST. The song of many true devotees of folk art ended early. Today we remember with gratitude the names of the organizers and participants of the first competition, who will never be able to pick up an accordion again: Ivan Grigorievich Zamoskovtsev, Vladimir Aleksandrovich Reshchikov, Yuri Arsentievich Pavlov, Valentina Stepanovna Kolesnikova, Lyudmila Potapovna Frick.


On the screen is a large, motionless portrait of G.D. the melody is more major.

2VED. Keeping the memory in your heart, there is no need to lose heart.
And, like him, we must love the Russian land!
Let's not forget you, Gennady Zavolokin,
And the accordion will always live in Rus'!

Live footage is interspersed with photographs. The cannon highlights Yu. Kaplin in the right corner, who performs the song “WINGED HARMONY”.

The film ends halfway through the song. The movie screen goes up. After Kaplin's song ends, the stage lights come on. Without interruption or announcement, concert of the ensemble “Evenings”.

(CONCERT “Evenings” - 30-40 min)

1st VED: - Dear friends! Our concert program continues by the song and dance ensemble “Siberian Dawns”

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