On holding a regional competition of social projects. "Daddy's relay race

On November 15, the final event on the results was held at the Academy of Social Management regional competition social projects and initiatives of educational organizations, public organizations and associations aimed at preventing neglect, crimes and other offenses of minors, organized by the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region in 2016.

The competition was held with the aim of:

Creating conditions for successful socialization children and youth of the Moscow region;

Support and stimulation of project activities in the field of social and pedagogical support for children and youth;

Implementation into practice of educational organizations effective approaches and technologies of educational work with children and youth in the field of prevention of asocial phenomena.

The event was attended by representatives of municipal districts and urban districts of the Moscow region - winners, laureates and participants of the regional competition of social projects and initiatives of educational organizations, public organizations and associations.

The first part of the meeting was held in the operating mode of interactive platforms in the categories of social projects: “Social projects aimed at civic-patriotic education, prevention of manifestations of xenophobia, extremism and nationalism in children and adolescents”; “Social projects aimed at creating healthy image life"; “Social projects aimed at creating a socio-cultural environment that ensures the successful socialization of children and youth”; “Social projects on the use of IT (information) technologies in the organization of prevention antisocial behavior minors; “Social projects aimed at developing various forms of social movements, volunteer associations, including within the framework of primary prevention of drug addiction among adolescents and youth.” Representatives of the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region, as well as representatives of the Center for Combating Extremism of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow Region took part in the work of the sections.

In a friendly and creative atmosphere, the winners of the nominations shared their experience in creating and implementing projects. Films and presentation materials of project activities aimed at various shapes deviant behavior of minors. Discussions at the sections aroused great interest among the participants; during the work of the sites, the best technologies used in the preventive activities of the education system were exchanged. Feedback specialists expressed gratitude for organizing the competition and supporting the initiatives of creative teams.

The award ceremony for the winners of the competition was opened by Tatyana Nikolaevna Khvostova, Deputy Head of the Department for the Prevention of Asocial Phenomena of the Department of Education of Children and Prevention of Asocial Phenomena of the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region.

At the end of the event, to the approving applause of their colleagues, the winners of the competition were awarded valuable prizes, cups and diplomas from the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region.

A representative of the Center for Combating Extremism of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow Region “Social projects aimed at civic-patriotic education, prevention of manifestations of xenophobia, extremism and nationalism among children and adolescents” presented certificates to the participants of the competition for the best projects in the category “Social projects aimed at civic-patriotic education, prevention of manifestations of xenophobia, extremism and nationalism among children and adolescents.”

The activities of the Academy of Social Management in the above-mentioned area were highly appreciated. Certificates of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow Region were awarded to the Rector of the State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education of the Moscow Region ASOU Salov Alexander Igorevich, Employees of the Center for the Management of Social and Pedagogical Support of Childhood Lipnitsky Kazimir Ivanovich, Mikhailova Marina Petrovna, Sheveleva Natalya Vladimirovna.

The laureates and participants of the competition were also awarded diplomas.

The Academy’s student volunteer team took an active part in the organizational support of the event.

We wish the winners, laureates and participants of the competition further success!

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4th grade students

This material is a description of work on the social project "My life position"



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Annex 1

A little history

It is still not known exactly how and when the idea of ​​a puppet theater appeared, and who performed the first puppet show in history. Some researchers believe that puppet theater arose from children's play. Others are of the opinion that the origin of the theater was folk holidays, games and rituals with their songs, dressing up, and the participation of masks and stuffed animals. Some talk about the origin of theater from religion and its rituals, while others deny this, arguing that theater arose even before the birth of religion. But anyway, puppet show It has a surprising, almost magical effect on a person, especially a child.

Initially, puppet theater was a folk show. Let us at least remember the fairs in Rus', which could not do without puppet shows and the cheerful, cheerful Petrushka. He appeared above the screen, greeted the audience, and then his adventures began. Parsley punished everyone who offended him, ridiculed greed, deceit, and deceit. Other countries also had their own folk heroes: Italian Pulcinella, French Polichinelle, English Punch, Czech Kasparek.

Each nation had its own traditions puppet shows. For example, shadow theater was widespread in China, India, Turkey and other Asian countries. This theater does not have traditional puppets or colorful decorations. Instead, there is a screen on which silhouettes of people, animals, birds, and objects are projected. And in Japan, the Joruri theater was traditional, where an ancient folk song tale is combined with puppet show. The scenery for such a theater was drawn very carefully and realistically. The dolls were made of large “height” (100-130 cm), not only their legs and arms moved, but even their fingers, eyes and eyebrows. Three puppeteers controlled such a doll at once, and in order to achieve coordinated work, they had to train for more than one year.

The life of folk puppeteers - traveling actors - was very difficult and was not much different from the life of beggars. After the performance, the puppeteer actor took off his hat and handed it to the audience. Whoever wanted it threw it in a hat copper coins.
Now puppet theaters exist in almost all countries. The most famous puppet theater in our country is the theater of Sergei Vladimirovich Obraztsov.

What types of dolls are there?

There are many types of puppets for the theater: puppets, cane puppets, tablet puppets, glove puppets and even finger puppets.

A marionette is a doll on strings. The joints of this doll are movable, so she can walk and dance almost like a real one. They are usually made from wood. But, if you get creative, a puppet can be made from polystyrene foam, cardboard, tin cans, plastic bottles and even matchboxes.

With tablet puppets, the puppeteer actor works on a special device called a tablet. At home, it will be replaced by a low coffee table covered with fabric. The scenery is located right on the table, and the performance is played here. Special tablet dolls have handles that are attached to the doll's head and body. With their help, the actor controls the doll.

In your home setup you can use large Stuffed Toys, sewing leather straps to them where you can insert your hand. This type of performance resembles a creative role-playing game.

There are also baby dolls that are worn on fingers. They are easy to make by rolling paper into a tube, painting it with paints or felt-tip pens and gluing ears, antennae and other necessary details.

Glove dolls are the simplest in design, because they are put on the hand like a glove, although not quite an ordinary one.

Hapit dolls are a little more complex in design. The head of a hapit doll is larger than that of a parsley doll, and a strong thin stick inserted into the head - hapit - helps to hold the doll's head in the desired position, since it is quite difficult to hold it on a finger.

There are also flat dolls, they are made from thick paper, cardboard or

cut from plywood.


Appendix 2.

Performance script

Samuel Marshak

The Tale of a Stupid Mouse

A mouse sang in its hole at night:

Sleep, little mouse, shut up!

I'll give you a crust of bread

And a candle stub.

The mouse answers her:

Better, mom, not food,

Find me a nanny!

The mother mouse ran

I started calling the duck to be my nanny:

Come to us, Aunt Duck,

Rock our baby.

The duck began to sing to the mouse:

Ha-ha-ha, go to sleep, little one!

After the rain in the garden

I'll find you a worm.

Silly little mouse

He answers her sleepily:

You're singing too loud!

The mother mouse ran

She began to call the toad as a nanny:

Come to us, Aunt Toad,

Rock our baby.

The toad began to croak importantly:

Kva-kva-kva, no need to cry!

Sleep, little mouse, until the morning,

I'll give you a mosquito.

Silly little mouse

He answers her sleepily:

You eat very boringly!

The mother mouse ran

Call Aunt Horse as a nanny:

Come to us, Aunt Horse,

Rock our baby.

Eeyore! - the horse sings. -

Sleep, little mouse, sweet, sweet,

Turn on your right side

I'll give you a bag of oats.

Silly little mouse

He answers her sleepily:

It's very scary to eat!

The mother mouse ran

Call Aunt Pig as a nanny:

Come to us, Aunt Pig,

Rock our baby.

The pig began to grunt hoarsely,

To lull the naughty one:

Oink-oink, oink-oink.

Calm down, I say.

Silly little mouse

He answers her sleepily:

You sing very rudely!

The mother mouse began to think:

We need to call the chicken.

Come to us, Aunt Klusha,

Rock our baby.

The hen clucked:

Where-where! Don't be afraid, baby!

Get under the wing:

It's quiet and warm there.

Silly little mouse

He answers her sleepily:

You won't fall asleep like that!

The mother mouse ran

I started calling the pike to be my nanny:

Come to us, Aunt Pike,

Rock our baby.

The pike began to sing to the mouse -

He didn't hear a sound:

The pike opens its mouth

But you can’t hear what he’s singing...

Silly little mouse

He answers her sleepily:

You're singing too quietly!

The mother mouse ran

I started calling the cat to be my nanny:

Come to us, aunt cat,

Rock our baby.

The cat began to sing to the mouse:

Meow-meow, sleep, my baby!

Meow-meow, let's go to bed,

Meow-meow, on the bed.

Silly little mouse

He answers her sleepily:

You eat very sweetly!

The mother mouse came running,

I looked at the bed

Looking for a stupid mouse

But the mouse is nowhere to be seen...


Regional competition of social projects

For students of educational institutions of the Omsk region

"My life position"


Puppet show.

MKOU "Kormilovsky Lyceum"


Supervisor: Fisko Yulia Alekseevna,

teacher primary classes

MKOU "Kormilovsky Lyceum"


  1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………… p.3
  2. Main part

2.1 Description of the project……………………………………………………. p.4

2.2 Goals and objectives of the project…………………………………………….. page 4

2.3 Stages of project implementation…………………………………………page 5

2.4 Project implementation……………………………………………………page 5

2.5 Expected results………………………………………………………………. p.5

2.6 Further development project……………………………………….. page 6

3. Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………………. p.6

4. List of references…………………………………………… p.6


Puppet theater can play big role in personality formation. It brings a lot of joy, attracts with its brightness, colorfulness, dynamics, and affects the audience. It begins to attract children's attention early and contains great opportunities for their comprehensive development.

The puppet theater has a whole range of means: artistic images-characters, design, words and music - all this taken together helps to understand the content easier, brighter and more correctly literary work, study foreign languages, influences the development of artistic taste. A doll playing on stage does not live conventionally, it is reality, a fairy tale come to life.

Unlike television programs And animated films, it is really visible in three-dimensional space and materially tangible, present nearby, you can touch it.

Preschoolers and primary schoolchildren are very impressionable and quickly succumb to emotional influence. They actively get involved in the action, answer questions asked by the dolls, and willingly carry out their instructions.

The emotionally experienced performance helps to determine the attitude towards what is happening, towards acting persons and their actions, makes you want to imitate goodies and be different from the negative ones.

Based on the above, we can say that the topic is quite relevant in this moment insufficiently studied.

The dominance of the Internet and television has discouraged people from going to the theater; we believe that our work will help our classmates plunge into the magic of the puppet theater, awaken the desire to go to the theater and simply make our school life more interesting.

Project Description

We, students of grade 4 “b”, present the social project “Puppet Theater”.

The idea of ​​​​creating the project belongs to students of our class Milenina Ulyana and Dubenko Maria. We immediately supported our classmates, but will other students support him?

What an interesting and useful thing - a school puppet theater! Isn’t it wonderful to make everything with your own hands - both the puppets and the stage - learn a lot and, in the end, act out the performance yourself. But how to organize such a theater?

To do this, we conducted a survey among students in grades 1–4, asking children to answer the questions:

What are dolls?

What do you know about puppet theater?

Do we need a puppet theater?

As a result of the work done, we found out that not all children can accurately say

What are dolls

What is puppet theater

But 39 people out of 40 respondents said that puppet theater is needed and even explained why: to have fun, develop the mind, memory, imagination, and see beauty.

And we came to a conclusion: we simply need a school puppet theater.

Why are we doing our project?

This is interesting.

It's educational.

We will try and learn a lot. Let's tell others about this.

We want to make school life more interesting.

Project goals and objectives

Exploring this topic, we have set ourselves the following goals:

1. Find out the history of the origins of the puppet theater.

2. Identify types of dolls. Find various ways their creation.

3.Put on a performance.

The objectives of the study determined the need to solve the following problems:

1. Develop children's interest in puppet theater.
2. Learn about the history of puppet theater and tell others about it.

3. Put on a play for the guys.

The basis of the hypothesis was the following assumption: if we carry out this work, our life will become more cultural and interesting.(Appendix 2)

The 4th prepared the defense of the project. (Presentation 2)

When planning the work of the project, individual work plans for everyone in the group were determined for their research task.

We had many friends and assistants, such as the head teacher educational work and parents who helped with decoration project, the library turned out to have a lot of books about puppet theater and puppet characters.

Own performances

We showed at the parent meeting,

Performed in front of elementary school students.

Expected results

As a result of this work, we and the guys from other classes acquired the following ideas:

About the history of theater and theatrical puppets;

About the structure of the theater.

and learned:

Move the doll over the screen;

Manufacture theatrical puppet from various materials;

Create scenery and posters for performances.

Further development of the project

In the future we plan to perform in kindergartens in our area. But we decided to continue our work further - to stage other performances.


Judging by the fact that at our performances there were not only primary school students, but also many high school students, we came to the conclusion that the puppet theater is needed not only by us, but by everyone: both big and small.

List of used literature

1. I.F. Petrov Theater of object puppets. Moscow. Hum. Publishing center "Vlados" 2004

2.L.V.Grushina "Hand gloves" Publishing house "Karapuz" 2007

3. T.N.Karamanenko, Yu.G.Karamanenko Puppet theater - for preschoolers. "Enlightenment" 1982

4. N.F. Soroeina "Playing puppet theater" Publishing house "Arti" Moscow

5. T.I.Petrova, E.L.Sergeeva, E.S.Petrov Theatrical games in kindergarten Moscow "School Press" 2000

6. Internet Free encyclopedia "Wikipedia"

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