"Chaos. Creation of the World", Aivazovsky

Aivazovsky's painting "Chaos. The Creation of the World" evokes a genuine storm of emotions, because every time you look at this handwritten work, you discover more and more new and unexpected details in it. In this article we will define the meaning famous painting, and we will also share facts that will reveal Ivan Aivazovsky’s secret when writing a masterpiece.

Biography of the artist

Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky is an outstanding Russian marine painter. Born in Feodosia in 1817 (July 17). He became famous thanks to his accurate and unusual paintings, where in most cases he depicted seascape.

WITH early childhood Ivan Aivazovsky showed interest in drawing, but since his family lived quite poorly and could not afford to buy paper in large quantities, the boy had to paint pictures on the walls using coal. The love of creativity helped little Ivan. Once Aivazovsky erected an image of a huge soldier on the wall, which was noticed by the mayor. The latter, instead of punishment, allowed Ivan to enter the service of the chief architect and learn artistic skills from him. This chance was able to reveal the potential of an outstanding creator, to show himself with the best side and pave the way into the world of art.

Famous paintings

Aivazovsky’s painting “Chaos. The Creation of the World” is not the only one that has been recognized as a world masterpiece and preserved to this day. Thus, the most famous works of the Russian talent were " American ships near Gibraltar", "Seashore", "Storm" in several variations, "Bay in moonlit night", "On the Open Sea" and "View of Vesuvius". These are only a small part of the popular paintings of the famous marine painter. In total, Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky has more than 6,000 paintings - these are only those that the artist released into the world.

  • Ivan Aivazovsky has one more thing no less famous name- Hovhannes Ayvazyan.
  • The Marinist never drew drafts. All of his paintings went through a full stage, from sketches to the finishing touches. Moreover, each work was written in white. For this reason, many are a little contradictory, and the marine painter himself often rewrote the images, creating entire cycles.

  • the creator can be found in museums around the world. To visit the exhibition and look at the masterpieces, you will have to pay from 500 to 3000 rubles.
  • Each work of Aivazovsky is filled with riddles and secrets that researchers are trying to unravel.
  • The artist traveled a lot, so his paintings depict the shores and towns of Italy, Russia, and Turkey.
  • All the talent's works are so detailed that they amaze human view. Whether it's a simple wave or huge ship- Aivazovsky skillfully conveyed the nature of objects.

world creation

The painting "Chaos" by Aivazovsky was painted in 1841 and was immediately called the best and meaningful work on biblical themes. It was appreciated by Pope Gregory XVI, who awarded the marine painter a gold medal and the honorary title of artist. Initially, Aivazovsky’s painting “Chaos” was located in the Vatican, but today famous work can be seen in St. Lazarus located on the island.

Scandal around a masterpiece

After completion of the work, Ivan Aivazovsky presented the painting to the Pope. She amazed him so much that Gregory XVI presented it as a significant exhibit. The biblical leitmotif made the picture thoughtful and mysterious, but the Roman cardinals did not agree with the Italian pontiff.

Initially, it was believed that Aivazovsky’s painting “Chaos. The Creation of the World” reflected the devil’s power, which manifests itself in the form of thick darkness and clouds. There was such a fuss around the marine painter’s image that the Vatican had to convene a special council that would compare all the holy scriptures and confirm the presence of demonism in the work. However, the cardinals did not receive the expected decision, and the summoned council recognized the painting by the Russian artist as clean and bright.

What is shown?

Aivazovsky's painting "Chaos" depicts an endless raging sea during a storm. The naked eye can see how at the very top of the picture there is a bright image reminiscent of the great creator or God. We see the darkness dissipate as light rays illuminate the pitch black water and high waves. Invisible at first glance small parts, which the artist worked so carefully on. For example, realistic combs sea ​​wave and fluffy clouds.

Description of the picture

Aivazovsky's painting "Chaos. The Creation of the World" became known to the whole world relatively recently. Art connoisseurs immediately appreciated the artist’s talent and recognized that his work contained great biblical meaning. The reasons why Aivazovsky often painted seascapes but included scriptures and prophecies are still disputed by scholars. However, the marine painter was able to give his paintings expressiveness, accuracy and mystery.

Genesis (Old Testament, the first book of Moses) begins with the following phrases: “And the earth was formless and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God hovered over the waters. And God said, Let there be light. And there was light. And God saw the light that he was good, and God separated the light from the darkness." In his painting, Ivan Aivazovsky conveyed the words from the treasured book as accurately as possible.

We see how a divine silhouette descended over the planet, illuminating the darkness with light, dispersing it. The raging waves disperse and pacify their fury. The dark clouds that have enveloped the entire earth disappear and dissolve. Hidden behind the bright image blue sky, which is about to fill the entire sky and forever illuminate our beautiful abode. Aivazovsky very accurately conveyed the chaos that was happening at the moment of the creation of a miracle on the planet.

The Creator descends onto a huge thundercloud. The light that the bright figure emits absorbs the darkness, cutting the waves and calming them. The raging elements gradually calm down, and the sea slowly becomes calm, quiet and peaceful. It is no coincidence that Aivazovsky called his painting “Chaos”, because here, through unbridled forces, an absolutely measured order is born, which is controlled by the great creator.

Subject of dispute

It was not for nothing that Aivazovsky’s painting “Chaos” caused a storm of emotions among the cardinals. Take a look at the creation: on the horizon you can see two cloud figures fighting each other. In the dark abyss of a thick cloud on the left you can find a shadow that executes a human silhouette. The main cloud on which the Creator descended resembles a demonic image hovering over a stormy sea. If you look at the photo of the painting “Chaos” by Aivazovsky, you will certainly notice how right side a face is clearly visible looking into the distance. These shadows caused bewilderment among the Roman cardinals, because strange clouds cannot have a human silhouette by pure chance. In their understanding, this meant that the marine painter sought to depict demonic creatures living in darkness.

Challenging an opinion

From Pontiff Gregory XVI to modern critics, the description of Aivazovsky's painting "Chaos. The Creation of the World" has been fiercely disputed. Following the biblical canons, you can be sure that God is the only creator who was able to create our world out of chaos - beautiful and inspiring. But the holy scriptures say that there is also back side kindness, where sinners dwell in the darkness ruled by the devil. Then the painting by the famous Russian marine painter reflects the essence of good and evil, order and chaos, light and all-consuming darkness.

The beautiful creation of the marine painter is worth seeing at least once in order to understand the existence of our lives. There is an opinion that prolonged viewing of a picture causes an anxious feeling, which is subsequently replaced by joy and tranquility, happiness and kindness. Of course, the photo provided cannot replace the original work in full size, however, you have the opportunity today to plunge into the world that the famous Russian artist Hovhannes Ayvazyan conveyed to us.

Life took us into its arms on July 29, 1817 in the city of great glory and history, Feodosia. City by the sea and predicted further creative destiny artist.

The path to beauty was difficult and thorny. Born in poor family, the boy did not have the opportunity to seriously study artistic skills. But talent and God's destiny found an outlet on street fences and squares, where the child found the opportunity to express his creative potential.

Thanks to such street openings, one day the local governor noticed little Ivan’s work. Paintings young talent made an indelible impression on the official and he ordered to find the boy. Subsequently, this governor facilitated the admission of the future marine painter to the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. Aivazovsky never forgot that happy incident with the governor and subsequently took an active part in creative life hometown. The artist's fate was full of difficulties and dangers.

In those days, everything significant events in the history of the state were captured only through brush and canvas, and Aivazovsky, being an artist at the Main Naval Headquarters, constantly went to battle sites to leave documentary illustrations.

His work did not have a single direction, but the artist drew his preference and emotional response in colors from the childhood cradle of memories. The sea became his main love, although the artist’s arsenal includes more than six thousand works on different topics- landscapes, battles, historical events. The artist’s work aroused interest not only among his compatriots, but throughout the world. The artist often visited Turkey, painted many works, Italy also gave him a lot of impressions.

It should be noted that many of the paintings were painted not from life, but from memory, which once again emphasizes the uniqueness and genius of Aivazovsky. Painting " Chaos. world creation"was written by Aivazovsky during his stay in Italy. The unique expression of the canvas, painted in pastel and brown colors against the background of a raging sea, reflected the master’s spiritual wanderings and thoughts about the justice of life, about love and betrayal, about justice and pain, about life and death, about the struggle of good and evil.

The Roman Pontiff was so amazed by the depth of the idea and the skill of the canvas that he subsequently awarded the artist Aivazovsky a gold medal. It will soon be 200 years since the artist’s birth, but interest in the outstanding master does not dry up, because, like his life, it is full of still unknown facts, and his canvases make people wake up from everyday life and open up new streams of light and goodness.

"Chaos. Creation of the World"

Painting by Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky "Chaos. Creation of the World" written in 1841 in Italy, where the artist went after graduating from the Academy of Arts of St. Petersburg. Having completed his studies with a gold medal, I.K. Aivazovsky received permission to travel abroad as an academy pensioner.

In Italy, the master worked with extraordinary ecstasy and emotionality. The country captivated him with its inimitable splendor and charm that I.K. Aivazovsky recreated it on his canvases. About fifty paintings were created here. His creations stunned the imagination and quickly earned him fame as an artist. Like no other I.K. Aivazovsky painted light, water and air.

"Chaos. The Creation of the World" was the result of the desire to find one's own style in painting, a new method of working with the display of light, conveying liveliness, the reality of air and water in paintings.

We see here the movement of uncontrollable elements, the ancient confrontation between light and darkness, the night reigns infinitely and does not want to give up its rights. The air and water elements rage, intertwining with each other, creating indescribable sensations of beauty, unbridledness, boundlessness, and absoluteness of the world. The wind raises the seething waves higher and higher, the sea seems endless and vast.

But through dark clouds light peeks through, its reflections on the raging waves illuminate the depths of the sea. Among the riot of chaos, the figure of the Creator rises, giving hope that the darkness will disappear, calm and harmony will reign, awakening the best in the human soul.

I.K. Aivazovsky became famous after an exhibition of the canvas in Rome, where Pope Gregory the Sixteenth bought “Chaos” for a gallery in the Vatican.

This painting was painted back in 1841 in oil on a small sheet of paper. On this moment this painting belongs to the museum of the Armenian Mekhitarist congregation. The museum is located on the island of St. Lazarus in Venice. The dimensions of the painting are 106 by 75 centimeters.

After Aivazovsky received a gold medal after his course of study, he went to Italy, where, starting in 1840, he painted more than 50 paintings. He was very enthusiastic and worked hard. There was a lot of excitement around his paintings.

For the painting “Chaos. The Creation of the World,” Aivazovsky was awarded a gold medal personally by Pope Gregory XVI. This painting became a permanent exhibit at the Vatican Museum.

The Academy, which was imbued with classicism, had a very great influence on the artist. The artist very carefully studied the sea and water elements in general, noticed and remembered all the subtleties. He had excellent technical skills and thoroughly knew everything that was going on at sea. There are a lot of paintings that are dedicated to the sea.

In the painting “Chaos. The Creation of the World” depicts the sea and the first rays of the sun. At this moment, all living things in this world are created. And in the clouds, in the light of the sun, a silhouette is visible that resembles a man, and here the creator of everything. Very often the artist used biblical themes, as in the case of “Chaos. Creation of the world." Aivazovsky is very interested in the life of the elements of nature. In many paintings there is simply no place for man, as in this magnificent picture. It somewhat resembles a seascape. This picture became a sensation.

He painted this picture without leaving it, in one breath. And if he did not finish some of his work, he immediately destroyed it so as not to return to it again.

The painting “Chaos. The Creation of the World” belongs to the style of romanticism with realism. It was written in Italy, in the town of Naples on canvas paper. Since he, no one had ever depicted the elements, the water was like real and light, you could see the air. All this was so realistic that you are still amazed at this man and his genius.

The painting was the result of a desire to find my own style in painting, new methods for displaying light, water, air, and how to convey it all in the most realistic way. The element in this picture is unbridled, unstoppable, it dominates everything. Dark water with powerful waves symbolizes darkness, light reflections of the sun symbolize light, and together - this is the eternal struggle between light and darkness, since ancient times. Among all this chaos and confrontation, the figure of the Creator appears, which gives hope that everything will calm down and peace and peace will descend to the earth again.

Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky is known as great artist marine painter He, like no one else in this style managed to realistically depict the natural elements associated with sea waters. Few people know, but he painted many paintings on biblical themes, which also interested him very much.

This article presents two paintings by artist Ivan Aivazovsky “Creation of the World” and “Chaos. Creation of the world."

They were written more than 20 years apart, but have a similar meaning. For Aivazovsky, the paintings of the creation of the world became something special in his work. Although in both versions, as in the rest of his paintings, the sea is present. But here it is special and plays a completely different role.
Chaos (Creation of the world). 1841 Paper, oil. 106×75 cm.

Museum of the Mekhitarist Congregation. St. Lazare, Venice.

Aivazovsky “Chaos. Creation of the world" description One of best paintings

on the biblical theme “Chaos. The Creation of the World" Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky wrote in 1841. For this painting, the artist was awarded a gold medal from the Pope, and the painting became an exhibit in the Vatican Museum. This painting depicts the creation of all living things. Since the artist loved the sea very much, he inspired this painting with it. The sea, the rays of the sun and a silhouette that resembles human image . Looking at the picture, it is clear that the darkness gradually disperses under the influence of sun rays

and in part of the bright sky the image of the Creator is visible. He spreads the darkness with his hands, and it gradually disappears, the sea water becomes calmer, which marks the beginning of the rebirth of all living things. In this painting, the Creator really prevents chaos on Earth. Aivazovsky's painting “Chaos.

Looking at this picture, you may be surprised how such small details can be conveyed with paints on canvas. This requires a huge understanding of nature and genius talent, which is what distinguishes Aivazovsky from many other marine painters. "Chaos. Creation of the World” photos of this painting are quite common on the Internet. Anyone can come in and experience this masterpiece of art.

Incredible contribution to classical art brought Aivazovsky’s painting “Chaos. Creation of the world." The description of the painting will not give a clear idea of ​​​​the creation; you need to look at the image in person to truly appreciate the masterpiece of art.

World creation. 1864
Canvas, oil. 196 x 233 cm
State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg

Aivazovsky’s painting “Creation of the World” description

Another very impressive painting, written on the same theme, is “The Creation of the World” by Aivazovsky. Describing it requires serious and long reflection on the process of creating the world. This picture is much different from the previous one, one might even say it is completely different. Here you can also see the sea and the light breaking through the darkness. But the drawing is made in a completely different interpretation; you can also see the red color in the darkness. He is also depicted for a reason, but has important to understand the picture. Perhaps the artist thus depicted the beginning of chaos. Or showed the division of boundaries between the Creator and creation.

Aivazovsky’s painting “The Creation of the World” from 1864 is combined with the phrase “creation out of nothing.” In order to better understand deep meaning the works of the artist Aivazovsky “The Creation of the World”, photo paintings will help with this. Of course, they will not replace the original image, but still, having found a high-quality photo, you can study the main plot.

The description of the later version of the painting is the most vague, and everyone can see other thoughts. But, nevertheless, the main idea of ​​the picture is to show the creation of a world out of nothing, out of the thick darkness that covered everything around.

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