Rituals and rituals for the old new year. On small strips of paper they wrote events that were significant to them, for example: wedding, birth of a child, money, acquaintance, moving, changing jobs, etc.

New Year's holidays are a time of magic. These days, the Higher powers fulfill any desires. Our ancestors preserved and passed on to us many different magical beliefs. Conspiracies and rituals for the old New Year will attract positive changes in a person’s life, help to meet the other half and restore health. There are rituals that increase luck, allowing you to find a job and successfully build a career.

Rituals for the Old New Year have ancient origins

The action of rituals for the old New Year

Popular signs say that Vasiliev's Day (as our ancestors called this holiday) is a time of miracles. During this period, it is best to carry out folk rituals. A distinctive feature of conspiracies that take place during Christmas time is their specific timing. Only from January 13 to 14, when the old year goes away and a new one comes into force, magical rituals can completely change a person’s life. The best time for conspiracies is dawn on the eve of a holiday or late at night.

Conspiracies for the Old New Year will make your cherished dream come true, attract good luck, improve family relationships, and help you meet your loved one. Everyone will be able to choose those folk rituals that are suitable in a particular case and will solve the problem facing the family. Christmas fortune telling will help girls find out what the future holds for them.

The magical period is considered to be all days before the feast of the Epiphany, starting from January 1. At this time, it is recommended to make amulets and read prayers. For women, the magical rituals that take place from January 13 to 14 will help restore youth and beauty: Epiphany water works real miracles.

An indispensable attribute of any conspiracy in the old New Year is a candle. The color of the chosen magical assistant is no less important. Popular beliefs interpret the color scheme of a candle as follows:

  1. red - symbolizes strong and faithful love, so for conspiracies designed to help improve personal relationships, it is best to use candles of this shade;
  2. blue - will bring peace, prosperity and tranquility to the house, will help in solving family problems;
  3. yellow - used in rituals aimed at promoting health and healing the sick;
  4. purple - will restore energy in the house, help drive out evil spirits, and cleanse negative thoughts.

Rituals for the old New Year are simple to perform, even a novice magician can easily cope with them. The main thing is to carefully perform all the actions that are described in the ritual.

Blue candle will bring peace and tranquility

Rules for reading conspiracies for rejuvenation

When planning to perform New Year's conspiracies and rituals for the old New Year 2019, learn what rules must be followed.

  1. You should perform a ritual, read a prayer, or cast a love spell in good health. If you are sick or feel unwell, the ritual will not only not work, but may even backfire.
  2. You only need to put into words a positive attitude, a positive energy message. If you are unsure of what you want, or if you are in a bad mood, the ritual will fail.
  3. When performing rituals, it is necessary to use only those magical attributes that are indicated in the description of conspiracies for the old New Year. You cannot change one item for another on your own.
  4. Make sure that no one will disturb you or violate your privacy when starting magical manipulations.

The ritual will definitely work if you believe that you will very soon find what you want, and your life will change radically.

Hex on desire

Start the day on January 13th by making a list of your deepest desires. Think carefully about what you would like to achieve in the New Year. This could be love, marriage, the birth of a child, buying a new apartment, or money inherited. After the decision has been made, take a small piece of paper, always red, and write all your dreams on it.

Don't tell any family members what you wished for. Let this remain your little secret. Roll up the list and tie with red ribbon. Don't forget to place it under the tree at night and say the magic words:

“The plan will come true! It will be the way I want it! I won’t interfere!”

The next day, January 14, the wish list should be hidden from prying eyes. It must be reread once a month during the new moon phase. As soon as all the wishes on the list come true, the leaf must be burned.

Rituals to fulfill wishes

Love ritual

Many holiday rituals have been invented for women and men to help lonely hearts find family happiness. Old New Year is the most suitable time to meet love. Prepare multi-colored candles, tie them together and say the following spell:

“If I tie candles, I will find love!”

The phrase should be repeated 12 times in a row.

Place a round mirror in the middle of a large table and place a glass container of water on it. Lighted candles must be placed in water. Peer at your reflection and read the magic spell:

“Betrothed, my mummer! The fire is burning, the road to me is opening for you! Your love is pure, like water, hot, like fire and bottomless, like a mirror! The flame burns out - my wish comes true! What has been said will come true!”

Wait for the candles to burn out and carefully collect the wax. It should definitely be buried in a deserted place.

Magic for marriage

Among the conspiracies for January 14, a special place is occupied by conspiracies designed to help improve personal relationships. A girl who wants to get married in the New Year should perform the following magical ritual and challenge fate.

In advance, you need to buy 2 wedding rings, 12 candles, water and an icon of Basil the Great from the church. Wait until night. Before you start reading the plot, tie the rings together with a red ribbon. Sit at the table on which the icon lies. Take a lit candle in one hand (place the remaining ones on the table in a circle), and with the other, pour holy water into a crystal vessel. Place the rings in the vase. The words of the conspiracy must be read three times in a row:

“Saint Basil! Hear my prayer! Help me, the Servant of God (name), get married! Show me your betrothed! Tie us with the thread of fate! The ring rolls on a saucer - two hearts unite! Amen!".

Very soon fate will give you a long-awaited meeting. After this, do not forget to go to church with your significant other to pray and light candles in front of the icon of Basil the Great.

For the ritual you will need two wedding rings

Money Spell

To perform the ritual, you will need a new broom. With the help of this item you can easily attract wealth into your home. Stock up on holy water and church candles. On the eve of the old New Year, organize cleaning of the apartment, get rid of unnecessary and old things. In this way, you expel stagnant energy from your home. A freshly purchased broom will help you put things in order, sweeping away the trash and clearing the way for wealth. Remember, money loves cleanliness.

Start sweeping from the far corner of the apartment and move strictly clockwise. Sprinkle every corner with holy water. During the ritual, the following magic words should be read:

“I boldly remove the dirt - I clear space in the house! Money will come to me and bring me wealth! I won’t interfere!”

After this, you need to light a church candle and walk with it through all the rooms in the house, saying the phrase:

“I light a candle and show the way to money!”

Within two weeks your well-being will improve.

To attract good luck

Conspiracies for the old New Year have magical powers. Many of the holiday rituals are held only at night. When the clock strikes 12 times, there comes a moment in which the old dissolves in the past, and the new comes into its own, giving hope for the best.

To ensure that success always accompanies all your endeavors, read a simple conspiracy. Wait until the clock starts counting midnight and say the magic phrase:

“The New Year comes to our house and brings good luck with it!”

At the same time, light 12 candles on the festive table. Fire will dissolve the accumulated negative energy and then luck will become your constant companion. There will be prosperity in the house, those in need will receive long-awaited jobs, family quarrels will be forgotten forever.

For peace at home

The following rituals will help to ensure that scandals are forgotten and peace reigns in the family. Only the mistress of the house should conduct them. Early in the morning, January 13, you need to collect a bucket of clean water (it will be needed for the conspiracy). The ritual should begin with the first rays of the sun.

Light a candle and walk around the whole house with it. While walking around, read the prayer:

“Lord, my God! I trust in you! As my candle burns out, let all quarrels, all adversities and grievances disappear without a trace! Please hear my prayer addressed to you! Amen! Amen! Amen!".

Take a bucket and say these words:

“Water-water, you are my assistant! Wash my home, take quarrels and evil with you! Leave peace and love in the house! My word is strong!”

Afterwards, wash the floor in the house and carefully pour the dirty water into the yard.

Magic for problems

Conspiracies for the old New Year will help protect against troubles. This ritual takes place on January 14th. Make sure no one disturbs you. Focus on the ritual. Sit down at the festive table, arm yourself with a sheet of paper and a pen. The numbers should be printed on paper - the coming year. Try to convey your inner positive energy to the paper. Imagine how luck changes your life for the better, visualize the changes you would like to achieve. Mentally express confidence that all troubles are in the past.

Say the magic spell three times:

“The New Year comes and takes away my failures! Together with the old year, problems and adversity dissolve without a trace! Good luck comes to me - it brings happiness, love and health with it! Amen!".

Amulets will help you perform this ritual - a red woolen thread tied on your left wrist, and holy water, which is enchanted with magic words:

“Water, water, give me health forever!”

At the end of the ceremony you should drink it. The sheet with numbers must be burned and the ashes thrown to the wind. Problems will fly away with him.

Write down the numbers for the coming year on paper.

Cleansing the house from evil spirits

This ritual is performed by the owner of the house. To carry it out, you need to prepare a canvas bag with 12 black beans in advance. On the night when the old New Year comes into its own (January 13–14), wait until everyone goes to bed and the house is empty. Walk around the entire apartment. At the threshold of each room, without looking back, you need to throw a few beans over your right shoulder, saying:

“Evil house elves, take the ransom and leave my house!”

In the morning, the housewife will need to collect all the scattered beans. To do this, it is better to use a broom so as not to touch the enchanted objects with your bare hands. The collected beans are taken away from the house. They need to be burned in the nearest vacant lot. When returning, it is forbidden to enter into conversations with anyone.

“I’ll protect my house - I’ll stop the evil spirits! Whoever comes with evil will immediately take it for himself! Listen to my order this very hour! Amen!".

Effect on family well-being

Old New Year is the most successful time for preparing magic salt. This magical product will help your family live in abundance. Making the mixture is easy. Prepare a new pack of salt in advance (the simplest one). On the night of January 13-14, it must be carefully placed on a baking sheet and calcined at a low temperature. Under the influence of fire, salt will be cleansed of negativity. Early in the morning, on Old New Year's Day, the Lord's Prayer should be read 7 times over the salt. The charmed mixture must be stored in a closed glass container.

Magic salt is used in cooking. It is sprinkled on food, while at the same time secret desires are quietly spoken out. Salt prepared for the old New Year will protect your home from troubles and misfortunes, restore health, and help you find love.

For the ritual you will need the most common salt

Witchcraft for beauty

The Old New Year is the best time for conspiracies that will help a woman regain her former youth and beauty, add strength and health. You should prepare in advance a large yellow candle, symbolizing youth, attractiveness and sexuality, a blank sheet of paper, spring water and a small, preferably glass, container.

On paper, write phrases that you associate with the desired changes. These can be the simplest words:

“I’m getting prettier and younger!”, “Wrinkles disappear forever!”, “I’m the most beautiful!”, “My face and body are beautiful!”

They need to be talked into water. It has been proven that liquid has the ability to remember what is said and convey the desired message to the body.

The piece of paper with the magic words written should be carefully burned, and the water should be used for washing over the next 2 weeks. The mood and positive energy with which the ritual is performed are very important.


Conspiracies will help change your life, give you love, prosperity, happiness and wealth, and return calm and peace to your home. Don’t be afraid to use rituals, they only bring positive changes, programming a person to be positive, helping to believe in themselves.

New Year's holidays are a time of magic. These days, the Higher powers fulfill any desires. Our ancestors preserved and passed on to us many different magical beliefs. Conspiracies and rituals for the old New Year will attract positive changes in a person’s life, help to meet the other half and restore health. There are rituals that increase luck, allowing you to find a job and successfully build a career.

Rituals for the Old New Year have ancient origins

The action of rituals for the old New Year

Popular signs say that Vasiliev's Day (as our ancestors called this holiday) is a time of miracles. During this period, it is best to carry out folk rituals. A distinctive feature of conspiracies that take place during Christmas time is their specific timing. Only from January 13 to 14, when the old year goes away and a new one comes into force, magical rituals can completely change a person’s life. The best time for conspiracies is dawn on the eve of a holiday or late at night.

Conspiracies for the Old New Year will make your cherished dream come true, attract good luck, improve family relationships, and help you meet your loved one. Everyone will be able to choose those folk rituals that are suitable in a particular case and will solve the problem facing the family. Christmas fortune telling will help girls find out what the future holds for them.

The magical period is considered to be all days before the feast of the Epiphany, starting from January 1. At this time, it is recommended to make amulets and read prayers. For women, the magical rituals that take place from January 13 to 14 will help restore youth and beauty: Epiphany water works real miracles.

An indispensable attribute of any conspiracy in the old New Year is a candle. The color of the chosen magical assistant is no less important. Popular beliefs interpret the color scheme of a candle as follows:

  1. red - symbolizes strong and faithful love, so for conspiracies designed to help improve personal relationships, it is best to use candles of this shade;
  2. blue - will bring peace, prosperity and tranquility to the house, will help in solving family problems;
  3. yellow - used in rituals aimed at promoting health and healing the sick;
  4. purple - will restore energy in the house, help drive out evil spirits, and cleanse negative thoughts.

Rituals for the old New Year are simple to perform, even a novice magician can easily cope with them. The main thing is to carefully perform all the actions that are described in the ritual.

Blue candle will bring peace and tranquility

Rules for reading conspiracies for rejuvenation

When planning to perform New Year's conspiracies and rituals for the old New Year 2019, learn what rules must be followed.

  1. You should perform a ritual, read a prayer, or cast a love spell in good health. If you are sick or feel unwell, the ritual will not only not work, but may even backfire.
  2. You only need to put into words a positive attitude, a positive energy message. If you are unsure of what you want, or if you are in a bad mood, the ritual will fail.
  3. When performing rituals, it is necessary to use only those magical attributes that are indicated in the description of conspiracies for the old New Year. You cannot change one item for another on your own.
  4. Make sure that no one will disturb you or violate your privacy when starting magical manipulations.

The ritual will definitely work if you believe that you will very soon find what you want, and your life will change radically.

Hex on desire

Start the day on January 13th by making a list of your deepest desires. Think carefully about what you would like to achieve in the New Year. This could be love, marriage, the birth of a child, buying a new apartment, or money inherited. After the decision has been made, take a small piece of paper, always red, and write all your dreams on it.

Don't tell any family members what you wished for. Let this remain your little secret. Roll up the list and tie with red ribbon. Don't forget to place it under the tree at night and say the magic words:

“The plan will come true! It will be the way I want it! I won’t interfere!”

The next day, January 14, the wish list should be hidden from prying eyes. It must be reread once a month during the new moon phase. As soon as all the wishes on the list come true, the leaf must be burned.

Rituals to fulfill wishes

Love ritual

Many holiday rituals have been invented for women and men to help lonely hearts find family happiness. Old New Year is the most suitable time to meet love. Prepare multi-colored candles, tie them together and say the following spell:

“If I tie candles, I will find love!”

The phrase should be repeated 12 times in a row.

Place a round mirror in the middle of a large table and place a glass container of water on it. Lighted candles must be placed in water. Peer at your reflection and read the magic spell:

“Betrothed, my mummer! The fire is burning, the road to me is opening for you! Your love is pure, like water, hot, like fire and bottomless, like a mirror! The flame burns out - my wish comes true! What has been said will come true!”

Wait for the candles to burn out and carefully collect the wax. It should definitely be buried in a deserted place.

Magic for marriage

Among the conspiracies for January 14, a special place is occupied by conspiracies designed to help improve personal relationships. A girl who wants to get married in the New Year should perform the following magical ritual and challenge fate.

In advance, you need to buy 2 wedding rings, 12 candles, water and an icon of Basil the Great from the church. Wait until night. Before you start reading the plot, tie the rings together with a red ribbon. Sit at the table on which the icon lies. Take a lit candle in one hand (place the remaining ones on the table in a circle), and with the other, pour holy water into a crystal vessel. Place the rings in the vase. The words of the conspiracy must be read three times in a row:

“Saint Basil! Hear my prayer! Help me, the Servant of God (name), get married! Show me your betrothed! Tie us with the thread of fate! The ring rolls on a saucer - two hearts unite! Amen!".

Very soon fate will give you a long-awaited meeting. After this, do not forget to go to church with your significant other to pray and light candles in front of the icon of Basil the Great.

For the ritual you will need two wedding rings

Money Spell

To perform the ritual, you will need a new broom. With the help of this item you can easily attract wealth into your home. Stock up on holy water and church candles. On the eve of the old New Year, organize cleaning of the apartment, get rid of unnecessary and old things. In this way, you expel stagnant energy from your home. A freshly purchased broom will help you put things in order, sweeping away the trash and clearing the way for wealth. Remember, money loves cleanliness.

Start sweeping from the far corner of the apartment and move strictly clockwise. Sprinkle every corner with holy water. During the ritual, the following magic words should be read:

“I boldly remove the dirt - I clear space in the house! Money will come to me and bring me wealth! I won’t interfere!”

After this, you need to light a church candle and walk with it through all the rooms in the house, saying the phrase:

“I light a candle and show the way to money!”

Within two weeks your well-being will improve.

To attract good luck

Conspiracies for the old New Year have magical powers. Many of the holiday rituals are held only at night. When the clock strikes 12 times, there comes a moment in which the old dissolves in the past, and the new comes into its own, giving hope for the best.

To ensure that success always accompanies all your endeavors, read a simple conspiracy. Wait until the clock starts counting midnight and say the magic phrase:

“The New Year comes to our house and brings good luck with it!”

At the same time, light 12 candles on the festive table. Fire will dissolve the accumulated negative energy and then luck will become your constant companion. There will be prosperity in the house, those in need will receive long-awaited jobs, family quarrels will be forgotten forever.

For peace at home

The following rituals will help to ensure that scandals are forgotten and peace reigns in the family. Only the mistress of the house should conduct them. Early in the morning, January 13, you need to collect a bucket of clean water (it will be needed for the conspiracy). The ritual should begin with the first rays of the sun.

Light a candle and walk around the whole house with it. While walking around, read the prayer:

“Lord, my God! I trust in you! As my candle burns out, let all quarrels, all adversities and grievances disappear without a trace! Please hear my prayer addressed to you! Amen! Amen! Amen!".

Take a bucket and say these words:

“Water-water, you are my assistant! Wash my home, take quarrels and evil with you! Leave peace and love in the house! My word is strong!”

Afterwards, wash the floor in the house and carefully pour the dirty water into the yard.

Magic for problems

Conspiracies for the old New Year will help protect against troubles. This ritual takes place on January 14th. Make sure no one disturbs you. Focus on the ritual. Sit down at the festive table, arm yourself with a sheet of paper and a pen. The numbers should be printed on paper - the coming year. Try to convey your inner positive energy to the paper. Imagine how luck changes your life for the better, visualize the changes you would like to achieve. Mentally express confidence that all troubles are in the past.

Say the magic spell three times:

“The New Year comes and takes away my failures! Together with the old year, problems and adversity dissolve without a trace! Good luck comes to me - it brings happiness, love and health with it! Amen!".

Amulets will help you perform this ritual - a red woolen thread tied on your left wrist, and holy water, which is enchanted with magic words:

“Water, water, give me health forever!”

At the end of the ceremony you should drink it. The sheet with numbers must be burned and the ashes thrown to the wind. Problems will fly away with him.

Write down the numbers for the coming year on paper.

Cleansing the house from evil spirits

This ritual is performed by the owner of the house. To carry it out, you need to prepare a canvas bag with 12 black beans in advance. On the night when the old New Year comes into its own (January 13–14), wait until everyone goes to bed and the house is empty. Walk around the entire apartment. At the threshold of each room, without looking back, you need to throw a few beans over your right shoulder, saying:

“Evil house elves, take the ransom and leave my house!”

In the morning, the housewife will need to collect all the scattered beans. To do this, it is better to use a broom so as not to touch the enchanted objects with your bare hands. The collected beans are taken away from the house. They need to be burned in the nearest vacant lot. When returning, it is forbidden to enter into conversations with anyone.

“I’ll protect my house - I’ll stop the evil spirits! Whoever comes with evil will immediately take it for himself! Listen to my order this very hour! Amen!".

Effect on family well-being

Old New Year is the most successful time for preparing magic salt. This magical product will help your family live in abundance. Making the mixture is easy. Prepare a new pack of salt in advance (the simplest one). On the night of January 13-14, it must be carefully placed on a baking sheet and calcined at a low temperature. Under the influence of fire, salt will be cleansed of negativity. Early in the morning, on Old New Year's Day, the Lord's Prayer should be read 7 times over the salt. The charmed mixture must be stored in a closed glass container.

Magic salt is used in cooking. It is sprinkled on food, while at the same time secret desires are quietly spoken out. Salt prepared for the old New Year will protect your home from troubles and misfortunes, restore health, and help you find love.

For the ritual you will need the most common salt

Witchcraft for beauty

The Old New Year is the best time for conspiracies that will help a woman regain her former youth and beauty, add strength and health. You should prepare in advance a large yellow candle, symbolizing youth, attractiveness and sexuality, a blank sheet of paper, spring water and a small, preferably glass, container.

On paper, write phrases that you associate with the desired changes. These can be the simplest words:

“I’m getting prettier and younger!”, “Wrinkles disappear forever!”, “I’m the most beautiful!”, “My face and body are beautiful!”

They need to be talked into water. It has been proven that liquid has the ability to remember what is said and convey the desired message to the body.

The piece of paper with the magic words written should be carefully burned, and the water should be used for washing over the next 2 weeks. The mood and positive energy with which the ritual is performed are very important.


Conspiracies will help change your life, give you love, prosperity, happiness and wealth, and return calm and peace to your home. Don’t be afraid to use rituals, they only bring positive changes, programming a person to be positive, helping to believe in themselves.

Happy Old New Year to all those who are waiting for the continuation of the holiday!

May this year be more successful for all of us!

And for this we will perform several ceremonies and rituals!

Because the Old New Year has no less magical power than the transition from December 31 to January 1!

And it’s not even a matter of tradition! January 14th is just coming Vasiliev's day and he is able to influence the entire next year!

Since ancient times, it was customary on this day to set a rich table with various dishes, in which pork occupied a special place. Basil the Great is considered the patron of cattle breeding. Stuffed piglets were prepared for the table and folk festivities were held. In our modern times, the practice of remembering a church holiday is unfortunately forgotten, but the idea of ​​a celebration in honor of the celebration of the next New Year remains.

This means that we need to take advantage of the miracles of the Old New Year and “agree” with the Universe about the fulfillment of your most cherished desire!

Ritual of burning your problems.

It is possible that some of you are already familiar with this ritual, but on the eve of the Old New Year, on the night of January 13-14, it is simply necessary! Take a small plate for this purpose and cut small pieces of paper. On each piece of paper, write down everything that you would like to leave behind in the past year (fears, illnesses, tears, disappointments). But you need to write all this not in a general sense, but specifically for each situation from which you would like to get rid of. If, for example, you quarreled with such and such a person, then write that way. If you are worried that there is no good job, we complain about unemployment. That is, you need to enter a specific situation.

Then you need to burn each leaf in a prepared plate while saying words of gratitude, because with the fire you will not just get relief, but a solution to all your pressing problems!

Ritual to fulfill your wishes in the Old New Year.

Before midnight, fill your glass. Remember that it is not necessary to drink alcohol; you can simply fill the glass with some compote or juice. Blow on what will be in your glass and say out loud (or silently, if you are not alone) your wish.

At 00:00, drink the contents to the bottom and then go to bed quietly... The Universe will take care of the fulfillment of your wish.

Star of wish fulfillment.

On Old New Year's Eve (before the clock strikes 12), you need to take a colored sheet of paper and cut out your star from it; you determine the size, color and shape yourself.

Think about what kind of dream you want to make come true and formulate your desire. Do not use negatives or the tricky word “I want.” The dream should sound short and concise. Example: “I’m buying a car,” “I’m going on vacation to the Bahamas.”

Immediately after midnight, when the Old New Year comes, place your star on your palm and open the window (you can go outside or onto the balcony) and say: “Just as the wishing star lights up on New Year’s Eve, so does my dream come true!”

After this, “Light” your star using fire (matches, lighter), and scatter the ashes to the wind. In the end, don’t be embarrassed by the fact that you have to burn it. On this magical night, she will transform into a guiding star and will light the way to the fulfillment of your desires. Remember, when you remember your dream, what is up there, you already have your own heavenly patron.

Ritual: “I give - I receive, I make my dream come true!”

The Old New Year is not a day off, but this does not stop us from taking one more step towards a better future.

Therefore, before leaving for work, or when you wake up, you need to take some bread crumbs in your hand (I crush cereals, or crumble a cookie), go outside, or to the balcony and think about your desire to throw these crumbs away with the words: “I give - I receive, I’m making my dream come true!”

All! Nothing more is required from you! Let the sparrows or pigeons feast on your wonderful treat, and at this time you will already take your most important start towards realizing your goal.

Magical blank slate.

There is another good ritual for the Old New Year. To do this, you need to take a blank sheet of paper and within an hour, after the onset of the Old New Year, write on it in capital letters: “New Era - New Me!”

Below, point by point, you enter everything from how you would like to see yourself in the new year. Do you want health? Just write: “I’m healthy.” Do you dream of being slim? — We write: “I am slim and attractive.” Do you want love? - " I am loved". If you want money or something else, write about that too. The main thing is that all phrases are written in the present tense!

Soon, soon the Old New Year will come to us! After all, we are lucky, dear sorceresses - there are so many wonderful holidays in January that if you channel their great energy in the right direction, you can easily attract to yourself everything you dream about. And the Old New Year is no exception; on the contrary, it is believed that it is endowed with no less power than the transition from December 31 to January 1. The point here is not even about tradition, but about the fact that on January 14, Vasily’s Day begins, which can influence the entire next year! Therefore, be sure to take advantage of the miracles of the Old New Year and “agree” with the Universe to fulfill your cherished desire!

Old New Year is a very favorite holiday for millions of people around the world. The tradition of celebrating another unofficial New Year according to the Julian calendar has been preserved by Russians. And the point here is not only that I really want to organize a magnificent feast again. The night from January 13 to 14 is full of mysteries and mysticism. All the wishes you make this night will almost certainly come true. Everything secret becomes clear. All pipe dreams come true. At least, this is what our ancestors sacredly believed. Are you ready to believe it too? If so, then Old New Year's Eve is ideal for performing magical rites and rituals that will attract good luck, health, wealth and love to you!

All rituals for the Old New Year have very ancient roots. Therefore, do not allow yourself any initiative. Act exactly according to the instructions, firmly believing that your requests will be heard and correctly understood by the Higher Good Forces!

Ritual of burning problems

Surely, you are already familiar with this ritual, but on the night of January 13-14, i.e. on the eve of the Old New Year it is simply necessary! Take a small plate and cut small pieces of paper. On each of them, write what you would like to leave behind last year: illnesses, fears, tears, disappointments. BUT! We will not write “in general,” but specifically. Are you carrying the burden of a recent quarrel with the nasty Lyuska?! So write about her! Worried that there is no good job? We complain about unemployment, etc.

Then burn each of these leaves in a prepared plate with words of gratitude, because with this fire will come not just relief, but a solution to all pressing problems!

Ritual to fulfill a wish in the Old New Year

When it's almost midnight, fill your glass! It is not at all necessary to drink alcohol; for example, I can easily make do with ordinary compote.

Blow on the water in the glass (or whatever you have in it) and say your wish out loud or silently. At 00:00, drink the liquid to the bottom and calmly go to bed... and the Universe will take care of the fulfillment of your desire.

I give and receive, I make my dream come true.

Unfortunately, the Old New Year has not been marked on the calendar as a day off for a long time, but this fact will not lead you astray from our little magical path of wish fulfillment. Before leaving for work, or when you wake up, take a few crumbs of bread or cereal in your hand (in extreme cases, you can crumble a cookie), go outside (or to the balcony), think about your desire and throw these crumbs with the words:

“I give and receive, I make my dream come true!”

Nothing more is required from you. Let the sparrows or pigeons feast on your little treat, and at this time you will already take an important start towards realizing your goal.

Ritual for money.

A very simple and effective ritual that can only be performed on Old New Year. The ritual requires little preparation. For several days, carry 2 silver coins in your wallet (best of all, 5 rubles each). They should get used to you. On Old New Year's Eve, take a green candle (this color attracts money, it's no coincidence that the dollar is green!), melt some wax. Make a small cake and stick the prepared coins on both sides. Let your talisman be with you on New Year's Eve. In the morning, put it in a green canvas bag and hide it in a secluded place, for example, where you keep money and jewelry. The talisman will attract wealth to you all year long. Checked!

Ritual for health.

Clothes contain bad energy. If you are experiencing health problems, burn some old thing on New Year's Eve without regret. All diseases will burn away with her! According to ancient beliefs, it is necessary to burn the thing that was worn in the “sick” place. If your heart is not in order, burn your T-shirt. Do your legs hurt or your back hurt? Throw your pants into the fire. Headache? An old hat has no place in your closet! By the way, you can also burn problems. Write what worries you on a piece of paper and burn it to the ground!

Ritual for love.

On Old New Year's Eve, take three candles (red, white and green). Light them and place them in a crystal decanter with water. Place the decanter itself on a round mirror. Ask that your love be as pure as spring water, hot as a flame and transparent as a mirror. Repeat the spell 3 times. Your betrothed will certainly come to you in the near future.

Ritual for peace in the family.

On the eve of the Old New Year, clean the apartment. There shouldn't be a speck in the house! Light a white candle and walk with it to every corner of every room. Then fill a bucket with water, read the “Our Father” over it with a lit candle, and once again thoroughly wash all the floors in the house, asking that discord and scandals leave it forever. Don't put out the candle, let it burn out on its own.

Star of wish fulfillment.

On Old New Year's Eve (January 13 to 14), before the clock strikes 12, take a colored sheet of paper and cut out a small star from it. We determine the color and shape of the star ourselves.

Think about what dream you would like to realize and formulate your desire. Let your dream sound short and concise, do not use denials or tricky “I want”. For example: “I’m going to the Bahamas” or “I’m buying a car.”

Wait until midnight, and immediately after the Old New Year, put your star on your palm, open the window (go outside, onto the balcony) and say: “Just as the star of wishes lights up on New Year’s Eve, so my dream comes true.”

“Light” your star using fire (matches, lighter), and scatter the ashes into the air. Don’t be confused by the fact that in the end you will have to burn your star, in fact, on this magical night it will transform into a guiding star that will illuminate your path to the fulfillment of your desire. Remember this if you suddenly remember your dream, and don’t worry about anything. Up there, you will already have your own heavenly patron.

Magical blank slate.

Within an hour after the onset of the Old New Year, take a blank sheet of paper and write on it in large letters: “New Era - New Me.”

Below, you can use the points to indicate how you would like to see yourself in the new year. Do you want health? Write: “I am healthy.” If you dream of being slim, note: “I am slim and attractive.” Do you want love, money, or something else? Write about this too!

All phrases must be in the present tense! Once your list is ready, place it under your pillow for one night.

Every morning for the next 30 days, you need to re-read all the points on your sheet. You cannot add or remove anything from it! After this period, hide the sheet in a secluded place and... leave it there until the next Old New Year. They say that at least 60% of what is written comes true this year! Let's check... and break this record!


Held only on Old New Year.
Melt the candle wax and make a small cake out of it. Write your name on one side and your code number on the other. This number is obtained by adding all the digits of your birth date. For example, you were born on March 6, 1981. We add up all the constituent numbers: 6 (date of birth) + 3 (month of birth) + 1+9+8+1 (year of birth). The result is the number 1, which will be your code number. Then cover the wax cake with coins, which had to be carried with you for a day. Keep this amulet in the place where money is stored: safe, closet, wallet.


On Old New Year's Eve, come to work before everyone else and read:
“Just as the teeth of the dead don’t bite, and their tongues don’t swear, How they don’t throw themselves in anger, They don’t wave their arms at the living, They don’t knock their feet, How they don’t shout at me, So that not one person, forever and ever, Nor the elder by rank, neither the junior, nor the one who counts, nor the one who sweeps, nor the one who sits in the chair, - Let him not look strictly at my face, nor scold me. This is how I read it, how I said everything, This is how it should be and my slander cannot be reversed. Amen. Amen. Amen"


If you are unlucky in love, and fortune telling does not live up to your expectations, you can perform the so-called “love ritual”. It is performed both on Epiphany and on the Old New Year (on the night of January 13-14). Burn your underwear, take some ashes, pull out three hairs from your head on the left side and roll it all into a wax ball. Throw this ball out the window at midnight with the words:
“I remove suffering and loneliness, and bring love closer to myself.”


Held on Epiphany and Old New Year. At midnight, take off the item and burn it with the words:
“I burn the thing, and I remove the disease from myself forever.”

RITES for the Old New Year

Bones from the festive table on the occasion of the Old New Year are not thrown away from the table; in the morning they are buried in the ground under a tree with the words:
“As this tree grows and becomes stronger, so the health and material well-being of our entire family would grow and become stronger.”

When all the dishes have been removed from the table, take the tablecloth, shake it three times and say:
“How many crumbs there were on this table, there would be so much happiness in our family.” It is advisable to do this outside.

Ritual of attracting love for the Old New Year.

This ritual is valid only once a year - on Old New Year.

This is not a love spell, so you should not perform a ritual to bewitch a married man or bring back a former lover. If a man is your Destiny, then he will come to you himself. After the ritual. Now the ritual itself...

At night on January 14 at 22-23 sit at the table for an hour in clean, preferably new clothes, with your hair down. Three candles - red, white and gold - are tied together into a bundle with a red thread (the length of the thread is to wrap the thread three times around the left wrist).

Place the candles in a glass (preferably crystal) with water on a round mirror, light it and say: “Power of fire, turn the love of your betrothed towards me. Let his love be hot like a flame, clear like water and deep like a mirror. When the flame reaches the water, my labors will be crowned with success. My word is strong.” Within a month after the ceremony you will meet your man.

That is, on Valentine's Day - February 14th you will no longer have to give hearts to your virtual lover.
Before performing the ritual, you need to forgive all your exes with whom you are still offended, let go of fears and doubts, complexes about your loneliness. And everything will work out.

Fortune telling using dumplings for the OLD NEW YEAR.

Fortune telling using dumplings for the Old New Year has become a long-standing tradition. They cook dumplings and invite relatives and friends for a treat. The secret of this ritual is in the filling. It is New Year's dumplings that, in addition to the traditional potatoes or cottage cheese, are also filled with various small objects, and, more recently, with small notes. During the feast, New Year's fortune telling takes place. Based on what the eater came across, we can assume what exactly awaits him in the coming year.

For example, a coin means a salary increase, a key means moving to a new apartment, sugar means a “sweet” life, a peppercorn means adventure. It is interesting that in different cities, and sometimes even in neighboring apartments, the same objects found in dumplings are interpreted differently. If in one company a bean found in a dumpling promises a well-fed and comfortable life in the new year, then in another house such a find is a prediction of failure - “to stay on beans.” This is probably how the creativity of the people, who are inexhaustible in invention, is manifested.

Fortune telling USING A MIRROR.

Girls love tell fortunes using a mirror and evoke the image of the future groom. The girl must sit between two mirrors in complete darkness, then light the candles and begin to peer into their reflections in order to see the image of the groom. The best time for this fortune telling is midnight.

Fortune telling for the OLD NEW YEAR FOR MARRIAGE.

This is also common fortune telling about who will get married first and in what order. To do this, girls cut strings of equal length and set them on fire at the same time. The girl whose thread burns out faster will be the first to get married. If the thread immediately goes out or does not burn to the middle, then it is believed that the girl will never get married.


Take a basin and pour water into it. On five pieces of paper you need to write: sweet life, bitter life, cheerful life, happy life, rich life. And these pieces of paper need to be pasted on top around the basin. In this basin, the girls launch boats (each with their own), made from the shell (half) of a walnut. And whichever leaf he floats to, this is the life the girl will have.

yuletide fortune telling on a chain.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year is in many ways similar to ordinary Christmas fortune telling, but there are also those that are considered intended specifically for this day. For example, one of the oldest fortune-telling offers to reveal the secret of your future with the help of a chain. It must be carried out immediately after midnight and always alone. You need to take a silver or gold chain with your right hand, crumple it, and then throw it on a flat, hard surface, such as a table. After this, they look at what kind of figure has formed.

For example, if the chain is laid out in the shape of a circle, this symbolizes that the girl will face many difficulties next year and will have to make a lot of effort to overcome them. Oval means almost the same thing, albeit in a slightly softer form. If the chain has formed a straight line, it is recommended to start new things - in all of them the fortuneteller will be lucky. Triangles and rectangles are also signs of imminent success.

A figure resembling a bow in its outline foreshadows success in love - a romantic date or a quick wedding, depending on whether the girl already has a fiancé or lover. If the chain lies on the table in the form of a letter, this means a new relationship, and the gentleman’s name will begin with this letter. The snake warns of deceit and that not everyone can be trusted, even among loved ones. And if the chain is tangled in a knot, then the year will not be easy in all respects.


Another easy-to-perform fortune-telling was “large” or “rice”, which required taking a cup of cereal (rice) and saying over it “Tell me, fate, what should I expect: good or evil,” and make a wish. At the same time, while making a wish, you need to pour rice from the mug onto the table. As soon as the grains are on the countertop, you need to select black or bad grains from the scattered grains and count them. The final odd number of selected grains will indicate that the wish will not come true, and an even number - that it will, one way or another, come true.

Fortune telling for the OLD NEW YEAR IN THE NAME OF THE BOTH.

You can use fortune telling to find out the name of your future betrothed. To do this, in the evening, various men's names are written on several small pieces of paper and placed under the pillow. In the morning, when they wake up, they take out the first piece of paper they come across: whatever name is indicated on it, that will be the name of the future husband.

There are many examples of fortune telling for the Old New Year. There are simple options for impressionable people, and there are also for those who are ready to come into closer contact with the other world. They say that you can really predict fate, but many believe that this is just innocent entertainment. Whether this is true or not is up to you to decide. Just remember that you only need to believe in happiness - and it will definitely come no matter what the results of fortune-telling.

Beauty spell:

They read in bed when they wake up, on the eve of the old New Year:

“From a soft bed to a clean lake, with my parent’s blessing I will draw some water from the heavenly well. That vodka is more valuable than gold rings, miles of stone chambers, and silver cups. And that water is beautiful. I will wash my white face in it and I will appear to young men, old men, old men, decrepit old women, young girls, old widows, more beautiful than the red sun, the clear moon, the morning ray. My beauty would appear to everyone and everyone every time, every minute and every day, it would fall on their hearts and eyes. Amen".

13th morning:

You need to take spring water, pour it into a cup and place it at the head of the bed on the night of the Old New Year. In the morning, wake up and, without getting out of bed, take that cup with your left hand and read the following words:
I, the servant of God, will get up from my soft bed, remember Jesus Christ and the Mother of God (or whose gods you venerate), go to the gate, go out to the spring, I want to get myself some water. So that, having washed your face clean with it, you will become a white-faced, red-cheeked, beautiful maiden, and not some dark-haired one. So that everyone who sees me and my beauty will praise me, talk about love, and give me gifts. So that there are suitors, like in a herd of cows. To become like a beautiful girl, she would be like that for a whole year, until the conspiracy went away. Amen.
Then immediately drink half a cup of water in one gulp. And douse yourself all over with the rest of the water. You can’t wash yourself that day.
Lasts for a year, fake the next old new year

Ritual for good luck in the new year.

Any ritual is just a code for moving to another level in the time spiral - the main thing is to believe in it, but objects for it are not the main thing. The following ritual needs to be done on the morning of January 13- we wake up and start making a magic mixture - we take a pot and first pour in millet - a handful with our right hand - saying “Let troubles and problems go away”, then a handful of rice with our left hand - saying “Let there be stability and balance in my life.” Next, you need to sprinkle a handful of different cereals that you have at home and wish yourself and your loved ones everything you want to receive in the new year.

In the evening, put the mixture of cereals on the festive table or dinner, be sure to pour it into glasses (not necessarily alcohol), raise toasts, and pour the remaining drops into a pot. In the morning 14 go outside and feed the birds with these cereals.


Use yeast dough for this ritual. It must grow.

Effective New Year rituals are not uncommon, because effectiveness largely depends only on the magician. That is why experienced sorcerers use their own magical rituals and conspiracies. For beginners, time-tested rituals are better suited, because they are easier to believe due to numerous evidence of their effectiveness.

Prepare any dough for baking, when it rises, knead it three times with your hands and say the words of the spell three times: “As you, dough, grow and rise up, as up and down, and expand in breadth, so there will always be money in my house.” , will multiply and be fruitful. Never in my house, God’s servant (name), will the money run out. Let what is said come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".
Afterwards, you need to bake the dough and serve it to all family members living in the house with you.

Usually the Christmas tree is removed on January 14th. To avoid getting into trouble, you should not throw the Christmas tree from the balcony. It can either be burned or taken outside. When saying goodbye to the Christmas tree, you can say the following words: “Down with bad luck, put the Christmas tree to rest, well, off to my home. Let it be so".

The last decoration removed from the tree is a wonderful talisman. Its validity is 1 year. Hang it wherever you want. All year you and your family will be under his reliable protection.

To make a wish come true, on the night of January 13-14, you need to write a wish on a piece of paper, put the sheet under the tree, and on January 14, at noon, burn it.

—And you can also speed up the fulfillment of desires with the help of mantras. On a piece of paper, write your wish 27 times. After writing 108 times, the mantra is pronounced: “OM LAKSHMI VIGAN SRI KAMALA DHARIGAN SVAHA.”

At midnight, fill the glass with any liquid (champagne, water, lemonade, mineral water...). Blow on the contents of the glass and make a wish. Drink liquid. It is believed that the wish will come true even if after the ritual you go to the kingdom of Morpheus.

If sleep is not part of your plans, then at 3 am you can perform another ritual. To carry it out you will need a blank sheet of paper, a pencil and gold paint. Trace your hands with a pencil and color in the image.

With the passing of the holidays of the first of January and the Nativity of Christ, New Year's miracles do not end, and you still have a whole week to prepare for magical rituals, ceremonies and conspiracies for the Old New Year, writes novogodje.ru.

After all, this holiday, which has Slavic roots, is endowed with magical powers even greater than the transition from December thirty-first to January 1.

On January 14, Vasily’s Day begins, which can influence the entire next year, and these miracles must be applied in order to fulfill your cherished desire, attract love into your life, improve your financial situation, etc. Ancient, proven and highly effective ceremonies, rituals, as well as conspiracies that need to be carried out on the night of January 13-14 will help you with this.

Rituals to make wishes come true for the Old New Year

When it's almost midnight, pour a glass! There is no need to drink alcohol at all; you can get by with a simple compote. Blow on the drink in the glass and say your wish out loud or silently. At 00:00, drink the liquid to the bottom and go to bed calmly, and the Universe will take care of the fulfillment of your desire.

Before you go to work, or when you wake up, take a few crumbs of bread or cereal in your hand, go outside (or to the balcony), think about your desire and throw these crumbs with the words:. “I give and receive, I make my dream come true!” Nothing more is needed from you. Let the sparrows or pigeons eat your little treat, and at this time you will already take an important start towards realizing your goal.

On Old New Year's Eve (from January 13 to 14), before the clock strikes twelve, take a colored sheet of paper and cut out a small star from it. We determine the color and shape of the star ourselves. Think about what dream you would like to make come true and make your wish. Let your dream sound short and concise, do not take denials and tricky “I want”. For example: “I'm going to the Bahamas” or “I'm buying a car.” Wait until midnight, and immediately after the onset of the Old New Year, place your star on your palm, open the window (go outside, onto the balcony) and answer: “Just as the star of wishes lights up on New Year’s Eve, so does my dream come true.” “Light up” yours star using fire (matches, lighter), and scatter the ashes in the air. Don’t be confused by the fact that in the end you will have to burn your star, in fact, on this magical night it will transform into a guiding star that will illuminate your path to the fulfillment of your desire.

To make a wish come true, on the night from the thirteenth to the fourteenth of January, you need to write a wish on a piece of paper, put the sheet under the tree, and on January 14, at noon, burn it.

For good luck in the New Year

There is an old Siberian recipe! Local merchants have used it for a long time to strengthen their financial affairs. At one time, Count Menshikov learned about this unusual way to protect his finances and brought his secret to the capital. Every year he cooked and ate a special dish, attracting success to his future. Here is the recipe for this ancient salad - “The Secret of Siberian Merchants”: pour sunflower oil over the lettuce leaf, put some finely chopped carrots on top (chopped, not grated), then finely chopped apple and sprinkle it all with crushed hazelnuts, wrap everything like into a bag, into a lettuce leaf and tie it with a feather of green onion. The bag should come out about the size of a chicken egg. This work of culinary and fortune-telling art must be eaten at midnight from January 13 to 14. Just put the whole thing in your mouth and chew.

Why does the Siberian salad contain these particular ingredients? Everything is understandable: lettuce is a field of activity with oil; we oil our path so that it becomes easy to walk along it; carrots are needed to strengthen and develop the business: the roots of the carrot grow into the ground, take its strength, and the business becomes stronger; the apple removes the evil eye from your business , prevents it from being “killed”, the nut gives vitality to the one who prepared and ate the salad, the bag is tied so that all this is intended for only one person, the green onion with which it was tied, like an arrow, deflects blows from evil people and fate

The next ritual must be done on the morning of the thirteenth of January - we wake up and begin to make a magic mixture - we take a pot and pour millet first - a handful with our right hand - saying: “Let troubles and problems go away”, then a handful of rice with our left hand - saying: “Let there be stability and balance." Then you need to sprinkle a handful of different cereals that you have at home and wish yourself and your loved ones everything you want to receive in the new year. In the evening, put the mixture of cereals on the festive table or dinner, and pour into glasses (not necessarily alcohol), toast, and pour the remaining drops into a pot for everyone. On the morning of the fourteenth, go outside and feed the birds with these cereals.

If you buy a pomegranate on the fourteenth of January, it will attract luck into your life when, eating a grain at a time, say the following words: “The month of January, winter, the Sovereign, turned fortune to me, accomplished my deed. Exactly".

If you are worried about your income, before the Old New Year or Epiphany, go to the church and give alms to at least 3 beggars. As you serve, say to yourself: “To whom Christ is not a father, I am not a mother.” With this simple ritual you will definitely attract money to yourself from where you didn’t expect it.

For love: on Old New Year's Eve, take 3 candles (red, white and green). Light them and then place them in a crystal decanter of water. Place the decanter itself on a round mirror. Ask your love to become as clear as spring water, as hot as a flame, and as clear as a mirror. Repeat the spell three times. Your betrothed will definitely come to you soon.

When you are unlucky in love, and fortune telling does not live up to your expectations, you can do the so-called “rite of love.” It is done both on Epiphany and on the Old New Year (on the night of January 13-14). Burn your underwear, take a little ash, pull out 3 hairs from your head on the left side and roll it all into a wax ball. Throw this ball out the window at midnight with the words: “I remove suffering and loneliness, and bring love closer to yourself.”

This ritual is valid only once a year - on Old New Year. This is not a love spell, which means you don’t need to perform a ritual to bewitch a married man or bring back a former lover. When a man is your Destiny, he will come to you on his own after the ritual. Now the ritual itself: on the night of January fourteenth at 22-23 o’clock, sit at the table in clean, new clothes, of course, and let your hair down. 3 candles - red, white and gold - are tied together in a bundle with a red thread (the length of the thread is to wrap the thread around your left wrist three times). Place the candles in a glass (preferably crystal) with water on a round mirror, set it on fire and say: “Power of fire, turn the love of your betrothed towards me. Let his love be hot like a flame, pure like water and deep like a mirror. When the flame reaches the water, my work will be successful. My word is strong." Within a month after the ceremony you will meet your man. Before you do the ritual, you need to forgive all your exes with whom you are still offended, let go of fears and doubts, complexes about your loneliness. And everything will work out.

Do you want to get married, and are you also expecting your prospective groom to visit? Add orange oil to cleaning water. And not only in the water for cleaning, but also in the bath, which you will then take.

Rituals for health: clothes have bad energy. When you are experiencing health problems, burn some old thing on New Year's Eve without regret. All diseases will go away with her! According to ancient beliefs, you need to burn the thing that was worn in the “sick” place. If your heart is not in order, then burn your T-shirt. If your legs hurt or your back hurts, then throw your pants into the fire. Headaches, then an old hat has no place in your closet!

On the thirteenth in the morning: you should take spring water, pour it into a cup and place it at the head of the bed on the night of the Old New Year. In the morning, wake up and, without getting out of bed, take that cup with your left hand and say the following words: “I, the servant of God, will get up from my soft bed, remember Jesus Christ and the Mother of God (or whose gods you venerate), I will go through the gate, I will go out to the key, I want to get myself some water so that, having washed my face white with it, I can become a white-faced, red-cheeked, beautiful maiden, and not some dark-haired girl, so that everyone who sees me and my beauty will praise me, talk about love, give gifts, so that there will be suitors, like in a herd of cows, so that She became like a beautiful girl, she was like that for a whole year, until the conspiracy went away. Amen." Then immediately drink half a cup of water in one gulp. And pour the rest of the water all over yourself. There is no need to wash that day. It lasts for a year, but for another Old New Year it has to be done again.

Cleansing spells: to cleanse the house of damage, as well as evil spirits. The ritual is done on the night of the Old New Year. After everyone lies down, the head of the house must get up and take a white box with a couple of handfuls of black beans. Then he must walk around the entire house, entering each room. Walking around the room counterclockwise and without looking back on the way out, he must throw a pinch of beans over his left shoulder. This must be done in every room, and every time, throwing a handful of beans, the owner of the house must say: “Evil spirits, take the beans, leave this house.” In the morning, the lady of the house must pick up all the beans. It is better to collect them with a broom and dustpan. Then the beans should be poured into an opaque bag and taken out of the house. It is best to put them in the field. Returning home is silent, not a straight road, and when possible, you need to cross the bridge. After this, you need to light 3 candles, take them in your left hand and, walking around the house clockwise, crossing yourself with your right hand, read a prayer against damage: “I, (name), spell my house, my threshold, put God’s amulet on it: from witchcraft in the night, from damage by the stove, from damage from water, from damage from a needle, and whoever approaches my house with evil intent will take his own damage upon himself, my first words, my faithful deeds, key, lock, tongue , Amen. Amen. Amen."

A collection of various rituals on the thirteenth of January:

Magic blank sheet: within 1 hour after the onset of the Old New Year, take a blank sheet of paper and write on the sheet in large letters: “New Era - New Me.” Below, you can write in bullet points how you would like to see yourself next year. If you want health, then write: “I am healthy”, do you dream of being slim, write: “I am slim and attractive”, do you want love, money, or something else? Write about this, and all phrases must be in the present tense! Once your list is ready, place it under your pillow for 1 night. Every morning for the next thirty days you need to re-read all the points on your sheet. You cannot add or remove anything from it! After this period has expired, hide the sheet in a secluded place and... leave it there until another Old New Year. They say that at least sixty percent of what is written comes true this year! Let's check... and break this record!

Effective New Year rituals are not uncommon, because effectiveness, by and large, comes only from the magician. That is why experienced sorcerers use only their own magical rituals, as well as conspiracies. For beginners, time-tested rituals are better; they are easier to believe in, thanks to numerous testimonies about their effectiveness. Any ritual is just a code for moving to another level in the time spiral - the main thing is to believe in it, but objects for it are not the main thing.

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