Why do you dream of a dark sky with clouds? “Why does the sky appear in a dream? If you see the Sky in a dream, what does it mean?

  • The rain stopped, and in the blue haze the sky of wondrous purity opened. Li Bo
  • The primary elements are metal, water, wind, fire.
  • Elements - dryness, cold, wind, heat.
  • Emotions - sadness, fear, anger, joy.
  • Organs - lungs, kidneys, liver, spleen, pancreas, small and large intestines, bladder, gall bladder.
  • Planets - Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Mars.
  • The sky in Chinese mythology is the highest category of the universe: all transformations of the five fundamental principles of the world (earth, metal, water, wood, fire) take place under the sky; man lives between Heaven and Earth, obeying their laws. At the same time, Heaven itself participates in all earthly transformations, pouring pure light and heat onto the Earth with yang energy: from heavenly light fire is ignited and warms the earth, which gives birth to metal and the like. Heaven and Cosmos need man, just as man needs them. Both the earth and the Cosmos need a human observer living among heaven and earth to realize themselves as a single living body. The trigram of heaven is qian (the three solid yang features represent pure yang light without mixing it with the yin energy of the earth). The seasonal effect of the Qian trigram is from early October to mid-December: it is cold on the earth at this time, the foundations of the future growth movement are being laid, but there is very little mixing of heavenly light with earthly yin. Qian symbolizes a set of certain properties. The ancient Chinese Book of Changes says: ...qian - immobility and strength; the trigram means: horse, head, celestial sphere, father, sovereign, circle, metal, red color, good horse, old horse, thin horse, piebald horse, fruits of trees... and the like. Everything on the list relates to the primacy of the clan, to seniority, to brightness and strength, everything, one way or another, is close to heaven. For a person, looking at the sky means a symbolic action, comprehension of the complexity of the universe, awareness of oneself as a particle of the Cosmos. If contemplation of the sea cleanses the soul from vanity, then contemplation of the sky purifies the immortal spirit, preparing it for the possibility of conversation. Looking into the sky in a dream means contemplating pure yang light, making up for deficiencies in yang energy. Looking at the sky/seeing the sky in a dream with satisfaction/watching clouds running across the sky - a dream means a favorable coincidence of the dreamer’s rhythms with the seasons or rhythms of winter, at other times it is a coincidence of personal rhythms with the rhythms of nature and the Cosmos as a whole. The thirst to look at the sky in a dream arises either in childhood, when a person is not yet torn from heaven by earthly problems, or in more conscious years, when the most earthly part of the path has been successfully passed and the person realizes that all this was done for something even higher. The dream foretells the discovery of creative possibilities and assistance in their implementation. Looking at the sky covered with heavy clouds, but without fear or desire to hide, means an unfavorable external situation: some unfinished business or an incompletely developed worldview prevents you from taking a new path, but the desire is there and you only need to move forward. Looking/seeing the low, heavy sky with fear and a desire to hide - the sum of wrong actions and inadequate worldview closes the path to Heaven from the dreamer. Fear indicates his personal, internal problems and primarily weakened kidneys, liver, bladder, and gall bladder. Problems with the intestines are also possible: not only the absorption of physical food, but also the reception of information in general depends on the intestines. Correcting yourself and the situation around you should begin with health (the light of the sky does not reach the dreamer).

Dream interpretation clouds

If you see dark clouds in a dream, it means you are in a state of anxiety. Something haunts you, a certain situation in reality that you cannot fully understand.

According to the dream book, the clouds themselves will not tell you much, but the accompanying details of the vision will be able to tell you what exactly you are worried about. You can also find advice in dream books on what to do to stop worrying.

General information

According to the dream book, black clouds can be harbingers of conflicts and quarrels in real life. But some points can significantly smooth out the negative aspects of night vision.

What does Gustav Miller predict?

Miller's dream book believes that a dream about the sky completely covered with dark clouds is a negative sign. It promises trouble, collapse of plans, misfortune.

It's starting to rain? A whole series of negative events will follow.

I dreamed of sun rays among the clouds

If the rays of the sun are visible through the clouds, then everything will end well. Soon misfortunes will leave you alone.

Between the clouds you see an alien object - success at work awaits you, but it will be short-lived. A dream can also predict fleeting joy.

Vanga's opinion

Dreaming of thunderclouds gathering over you is a clear sign that your situation at home or at work is heating up. In this case, you will be left alone, and you will have to solve all your troubles on your own.

The seer believed that if you dream of clouds, then you should think about what you are doing in this world, whether you are doing the right thing, what awaits you in the future.

You dreamed of clouds that you were able to disperse - a vision that prophesies favorable changes to a sleeping person. A situation will soon occur that will significantly improve your situation. It is possible that you will have a good adviser who will be able to correct the negative situation that has arisen.

Removing the rain from a cloudy sky

If the clouds were red, then you may encounter illness or even the death of your relative.

It’s good if at the end of your night vision rain or even downpour started pouring out of the clouds. Then the Bulgarian seer believes that you will soon experience indescribable delight. The only thing is that first you will have to go through difficult trials.

Predictions from other dream books

Most interpreters view clouds in the sky negatively. You just have to remember all the nuances, perhaps they will change the prediction and make you happy.

Modern interpreter

Seeing a thunderstorm in a dream

Seeing clouds in a dream is a sign that you will soon be overcome by illness. Unusual clouds overhead - this vision predicts to you that your plans are not destined to come true, you don’t even have to try.

When such a vision visits a woman, she will soon have a gentleman, but he will begin to deceive her, and his plans will be insidious.

Watching a thunderstorm means you will soon get into trouble, be extremely careful.

Interpreter Morozova

If in a dream you are visited by dark clouds that are gathering over your head, then in reality after such dreams intrigues will begin to weave behind your back. Your imaginary friends will want to slander you.

What else does this dream book predict about what clouds and other symbols like them mean in dreams:

  • a huge dark cloud - you risk getting seriously ill;
  • look at the black sky with fear - you are in danger;
  • seeing a lot of clouds in the night sky is bad news that everyone around you will know about;
  • a black cloud, and behind it you can see the sunset - life will get better, you will feel easy and good;
  • small black cloud - think about what task you haven’t completed, you stopped in the middle and don’t want to go further.

Interpreter Tsvetkova

I dreamed of the setting sun among dark clouds

The famous esotericist believed that dark clouds in the sky foreshadow the approach of trouble. If you have seen something like this in the night sky, then you will make an unpleasant discovery.

Well, the setting sun that breaks through the clouds foreshadows the onset of a cloudless life.

Interpreter Hasse

Miss Hasse made a whole list of why we dream of various clouds in the sky:

  • black, heavy - to failure;
  • covered with a silvery haze - the dreamer’s life will be easy and pleasant;
  • small clouds - family and material well-being soon;
  • yellowish - your business will go badly;
  • clouds quickly float above you - expect changes in life.

Seeing small clouds in a dream

Esoteric interpreter

This dream book believes that seeing a black cloud in a dream is a favorable sign.

The more terrible the thunderclouds were in the night vision, the more happiness and luck will befall the sleeping person.

If the entire sky is completely covered with clouds or black clouds, then you should gather all your strength. If you start working according to a clear and correct plan, you will achieve unprecedented heights. Otherwise, you risk failure.

Interpreter of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Clouds gathering above you mean that in reality you are already anticipating the onset of danger.

When you can literally reach the cloud with your hand, then you should start preparing for trouble.

Seeing in a dream how a cloud covered the sun

Did you see how the cloud covered the sun? You will find yourself in a conflict situation and will not be able to control yourself. Inappropriate behavior will only increase your troubles. Try to restrain yourself and think soberly.

What should you prepare for?

According to the dream book, dark clouds in a dream are not always a negative sign. You should know all the predictions so as not to worry about trifles.

When you read a negative prediction, you have the opportunity to prepare for trouble in advance. This is the main benefit of dream interpreters.

If you see clouds approaching you from the horizon, then these are just fears that do not allow you to live life to the fullest. You are often afraid to commit a certain act, afraid of the consequences.

The interpreter believes that you are afraid in vain. You should get rid of everything that oppresses you and boldly move forward. There is no reason for alarm.

A completely hopeless sky in dreams is a call from higher powers. The dreamer should be patient, learn to plan, and not act rashly. Even if nothing positive is happening in your life now, this is a temporary phenomenon, soon the clouds will disperse and a bright streak will come, do not lose heart.

If you dreamed of a cloud of a strange color - you are being influenced by a bad person. It is he who pulls you down. This person is ruining your life, you should get rid of her presence as soon as possible.

It is positive when it starts to rain in a dream. Everything will get better.

Why do you dream of lightning during rain and a completely dark sky covered with clouds? A sleeping person is not in danger of loneliness; he will always be in the company of people who are well disposed towards him.

Don't get upset and lose heart. Think about what you can change to significantly improve the current situation.

according to Miller's dream book

A dream about the sky promises exceptional honors and an exciting journey in the most refined society if the sky in your dream is clear and pure. Otherwise, this dream means broken hopes and women's grievances. If you dream that you are flying through the sky, surrounded by bizarre faces and fantastic animals and are amazed at what is happening either in a dream, or when you wake up from a dream, then this means that all the grief, all that excruciating pain that touches even coarse undeveloped souls will flow out in a drop. jealousy, which your unhappy love will contain, and infidelity will be debunked. Seeing a purple sky in a dream is a sign of riots and social unrest. A starry sky means that you are embarking on a real struggle for the right to incarnate in this life, but this struggle will be successful for you. If you see an illuminated sky with celestial bodies, the dream promises a huge work of spirit ahead of you, a return to nature, which will give you wisdom and consolation. If you see yourself ascended to heaven, then this dream foreshadows your unsuccessful attempt to take advantage of the wonderful opportunities that have opened up to you and achieve success in your work. If in a dream you climb a ladder to heaven, the dream promises you a quick rise in society, which, however, will not bring you the desired satisfaction, since you will not pay for it with any effort.

The meaning of a dream about the sky

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing a clear sky in a dream is a good sign; it shows that everything in your personal life is going well, you feel on the crest of a wave, all the failures that befell you in the sexual field will disappear. Enjoy this time, it may be very short. If the sky in your dream was cloudy, the sun was not visible on it, then this means that something is bothering you, but you do not in any way associate this concern with your sex life, although it is completely in vain - if you improve your relationship with your partner, then life will get better. New acquaintances are also not forbidden. Seeing the starry sky is a sign of a romantic meeting that you really hope for. It all depends on you, how much you can relax and enjoy yourself, without forgetting to give it to your loved one.

Why do you dream about the sky?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

light - success; blue - expect good; red - quarrel; starry - fulfillment of desires, a large inheritance; dark without stars - danger; looking at the sky is recognition; heaven and earth unite (Chinese) - you will achieve what you want; clouds rise from 4 sides (Chinese) - big money; rushing - bad luck; in fiery clouds - great joy; in red, crimson clouds - a serious illness; rays of light, shine in the sky - fortunately, patronage.

Why do you dream about the moon?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

new - big profit; complete - danger, serious changes; for a girl - matchmaking; in water - great forces are involved; daughter or mother (astrological); hugging the moon (sun) - happiness; full in a clear sky - success in love; at the end - personal failures.

Why do you have a dream about the moon?

according to Vanga's dream book

Seeing the full moon in a dream is a bad sign. Such a dream foreshadows that bad times will soon await the Earth. The forces of Satan will descend on our planet: witches, sorcerers who will seize power and make life throughout the world unbearable. If you dreamed of a bright red or crimson moon, then in the near future the Earth is threatened by an environmental disaster that will claim hundreds of lives. A catastrophe will happen when people notice the bloody moon in the sky, because it will become a sad reminder of the harm they have caused to nature. Seeing dark spots on the Moon in a dream is a prophecy of great danger that will come to Earth from space. Perhaps the planet is threatened by a huge meteorite. Watching the reflection of the moon in water in a dream is a sign that your expectations will be disappointed. In your business, you rely on a person who will let you down at the first opportunity. If you saw moonlight in a dream, then such a dream foreshadows an exciting journey to distant lands. The trip will be unexpected and very pleasant. Seeing a split Moon in a dream is a bad omen. Such a dream prophesies the emergence of a new religion on Earth, which will cause people to renounce the Lord. God will not forgive people for their infidelity, and therefore the world is threatened by war, violence and robbery. If you dreamed that you were flying to the moon, then such a dream is a harbinger of space expeditions. In the future, stations will be built on many planets that people can visit. Space expeditions will become very commonplace and simple.

Moon in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

The moon is a symbol of secret power, silence, surprises. Seeing the full moon in a dream is a harbinger of the fact that the time will come when black forces will reign on Earth: the time of witches and sorcerers. For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies a meeting with a sorcerer who will have a significant influence on his destiny. To rush to the Moon in a dream - such a dream speaks of your desire for something new, hitherto unknown. Perhaps such a dream prophesies that in the not so distant future, space will be so developed that space expeditions to the Moon will become frequent and accessible to everyone living on Earth. A dream in which you see the Moon colored bright red or purple is a warning. Environmental disasters and wars are possible. Dark spots on the Moon are a warning and can also mean a change in power. If you see moonlight in a dream, this means that in reality you will encounter an unexpected obstacle, which will be quite difficult to eliminate. Seeing the reflection of the Moon in water or a mirror in a dream means an unexpected turn of events. To see a split Moon in a dream means experiencing mental fatigue and difficulties in choosing your life path. If in a dream you perform a ritual of worshiping the Moon goddess, then in reality you will become a victim of your passion.

Seeing the moon in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

At the archetype level, the moon is often associated with the image of a woman. In many cultures and religious movements, the moon is identical to the mother figure. This is true for the literature and beliefs of the peoples of North America, Africa, the East, and for Christianity. A dream with the presence of the moon intuitively suggests that a woman from your close circle is pregnant. The dream about the moon can also be associated with the events of the twentieth century. Namely, it may be inspired by the desire for space travel. Such dreams can be generated both by the desire to fly into space, and by the desire for spiritual growth, complete separation from the anxieties and storms of life on earth. The moon can be associated with mystery and magic.

I dreamed about the moon

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing the full moon in a dream foretells success in love and good luck in business. A mysterious and supernaturally large moon signifies an unfavorable love affair, domestic troubles and business disappointments. A lunar eclipse foretells an epidemic of a contagious disease that will affect your environment. Seeing a young moon means increasing the well-being of a congenial partner in marriage in the future. If a young woman dreams that she is turning to the moon to find out her fate, this foreshadows her long-awaited gift of fate: marriage with a worthy chosen one. If she sees two moons, she will lose love because of her commercialism. If she sees that the moon is clouding, this means that at the highest moment of her happiness she will show a lack of feminine tact. Seeing a blood red moon foretells war and strife: she will see her lover going to the front to defend his country.

Flying in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Flight – good emotions, freedom, independence. To see yourself flying in a dream means that in reality you are striving for freedom and independence. In the near future you will have such an opportunity. If in a dream you fall during a flight, then in reality you will have to overcome obstacles and solve problems. A dream in which you are flying in outer space means that in reality you are too carried away by your fantasies and do not notice the events happening around you.

I dreamed of flying

according to Miller's dream book

In a dream, flying in the boundless expanse of heaven promises an unhappy marriage. If you dream that you are flying low above the ground, this promises you illness or a difficult situation. Hovering over the surface of the water and seeing that the water is cloudy foreshadows the machinations of ill-wishers: you need to be careful in managing your personal affairs. Flying over ruins means unfortunately, sad circumstances. If at the same time you see greenery and trees here and there, this means that your troubles will not last long. If, while flying, you see the sun, this means that your worries will be in vain, life will improve, despite the constant threat of evil. Flying high in the sky, meeting the Moon and other celestial bodies on the way, promises troubles for the whole earth. While in flight, noticing black wings behind your back is a sign of bitter disappointment. A favorable dream is in which you soar over green crowns and see white wings behind you: the dream promises good luck in business and happy love. But if you fly over withered trees, fate will prepare trials for you on the path to success. Falling during a flight promises great misfortune, unless you wake up at the moment of your fall. If a woman dreams that she flies from one city to another, landing from time to time on church roofs, this dream foretells that she has a lot to do in order to protect her love from hypocritical people. This dream sometimes poses a threat to her health or her loved ones. If she dreams that she was shot while flying, this means that in reality her ill-wishers will create obstacles for her, preventing her from advancing to success and prosperity.

I dreamed about the stars

according to Miller's dream book

If in a dream you look at clear sparkling stars, this promises you good health and prosperity. If the stars in your dream are dim and purple, this is a sign of future troubles and misfortunes. If you dream of a flashing or falling star, this is a harbinger of sadness and sadness. If you dream of stars mysteriously flashing and dying, it means that in the near future you should expect mysterious events and changes. If you dream that a star fell right on you, it means that your family will suffer a heavy loss. If in a dream you see stars rotating around the Earth, this is a sign of global catastrophes and difficult times.

Why do stars dream?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

bright - a lot of happiness, true love; dim ones - danger; evening - vain love; order - stupidity; one - two - good news; falling - see fall; dim one star - illness of a mother or wife, a close woman; loss of money or vision; bowing to the stars (sun, moon) or lighting a candle is great happiness (Chinese); many stars (the sky is strewn) - recognition or reward; freedom from worries; star during the day - patronage; hold in hands - high position.

I dreamed of an airplane

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing an airplane in a dream means a favorable conclusion to some commercial affairs. An airplane accident promises you many new plans that will bring chaos and anxiety into your life.

I dreamed about the evening

according to Miller's dream book

Feeling the approach of evening in a dream means unfulfilled dreams. Your recent actions apparently were not right. Seeing a clear evening with a starry clear sky foreshadows imminent sorrows, which will subsequently be replaced by a chain of bright successes. A dream about an evening walk together is a bad omen.

Why do you dream of blue color or light?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

protection, warning.


according to Ayurvedic dream book

For the rest of your life you will feel spiritual peace. A peaceful death awaits you.

Star in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Stars are a symbol of higher will, higher knowledge. Watching a falling star in a dream is a prophecy of a happy life, the fulfillment of all your most cherished desires, the fulfillment of which you did not even hope. If you dreamed of many falling stars, then in the future there will be a strong hailstorm on Earth that will completely destroy agricultural crops. For a whole year, humanity on Earth will starve. Seeing scarlet stars in a dream is a sign that in the future a great man will come to power in Russia, who will raise this state from ruins and make it the most powerful power in the whole world. The scarlet stars in this dream symbolize the Kremlin stars. If you dreamed that you were flying to a star, then in the future you will become a member of a space expedition to another planet. Perhaps such a dream prophesies the discovery of life on another planet. Watching stars in a dream in broad daylight is a clear indication that in the future worthy people will come to power who will ensure that peace is established between all states once and for all. All peoples will live in complete harmony. For the dreamer, such a dream predicts acquaintance with authoritative people. Seeing many small stars in a dream means that in the future you will receive some news from the USA. Perhaps such a dream prophesies that the events that will occur in the USA will shock the whole world. The many small stars in this dream are the stars located on the American flag, symbolizing the fifty states of America. If you dreamed that all the stars in the sky had disappeared, then this is a harbinger of a serious cosmic catastrophe that could happen in the distant future. The reason for this will be the collapsed planet Phaeton, the debris of which pose a real threat to many planets. Watching the reflection of a star in water in a dream means a great discovery. A hitherto unknown planet will be found, inhabited by living beings similar to humans. For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies a great discovery in the field of knowledge in which he is engaged. Seeing a bright star in a dream is a sign that a star similar to the Sun will be found. It is she who will illuminate our Earth in the distant future. Feeling the cold emanating from a star in a dream is an omen of eternal winter. Most likely, there will come a time when the Earth will be covered with ice for several millennia. Seeing the sky with a single, but very bright star means that in ten years your destiny will stand out among others and acquire significance comparable to the discovery of a new planet. Seeing a strong starfall is a symbol that the planned project can only be implemented after many years. Being at the site of a falling star is a dream that foreshadows a catastrophe that will take many people by surprise. Discovering a new star - this dream means that in ten lunar cycles something will happen to you that will greatly affect you. Studying a star map and superimposing a travel route on it - this dream is a sign of the development of an environmental crisis and an increase in the pace of migration from particularly dangerous territories.

Probability of dreams coming true

Since some people are more susceptible to the influence of the Moon, and others to the influence of the Sun, you can choose which system suits you best.

Today is the 23rd day of the month. The dreams you had last night will soon come true.

Today is the 17th lunar day. Dreams that occurred on the night of today come true on the 19th day.

Today is Saturday. Saturday is strictly a day of Saturn, the planet of fate, rock, and trials. Saturn dictates laws, limits us, so dreams for Saturday will tell us about the rules that we must obey, show what we will have to limit ourselves to, what to give up in the near future. Often these dreams contain information about the prospects for the implementation of plans, about the sequence and connection of upcoming events.

If Saturday's dream is colorful and pleasant, it means that no serious restrictions are foreseen, and much of what was planned can be easily implemented. But if the dream is gloomy, black and white, with pictures of high walls, various obstacles or crosses, then plans will come to life only as a result of hard work, that is, nothing will come easy in the near future. On Saturday night you can learn about your fate or the fate of other people.

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SKY – Miller's Dream Book

If you saw a clear and clean sky in a dream, then you will soon be rewarded with exceptional honors, and an exciting journey awaits you in the most refined society.

If the sky is gray and gloomy, you have dashed hopes and women’s grievances ahead of you.

If you dream that you are flying through the sky surrounded by bizarre faces and fantastic animals and are amazed at what is happening - either in a dream or immediately after waking up, then this means that your love will be overshadowed by jealousy, and this feeling will become a real grief for you, especially Moreover, you will have every reason for it.

Seeing a purple sky in a dream is a sign of riots and social unrest.

The starry sky means that you are embarking on the path of a real struggle for the right to incarnate in this life, but this struggle will be successful for you.

If you see an illuminated sky with celestial bodies, such a dream promises the enormous work of the spirit ahead of you, a return to nature, which will give you wisdom and consolation.

If you see yourself ascended to heaven, then this dream foreshadows your unsuccessful attempt to take advantage of the wonderful opportunities that have opened up for you and achieve success in your work.

If in a dream you climb a ladder to heaven, the dream promises you a quick rise in society, which, however, will not bring you the desired satisfaction, since you will not pay for it with any effort.

SKY – Modern Dream Interpretation

You see a clear sky in a dream - you will receive honors, you will be honored to be present in high society, perhaps the reward for your services will be a pleasant trip.

The night sky is clear, but there are no stars - the dream warns you from some kind of danger.

The sky that you see in a dream is gloomy - your hopes are not destined to come true, in your thoughts you will constantly return to your grievance.

You dream that the sky is purple - perhaps you will take part in a rebellion.

Pitchless darkness in a dream predicts that you will receive news of the death of loved ones or relatives.

A clear sky is a sign of difficulties that you will have to overcome to achieve success.

It’s as if you see a starry sky - the dream suggests that you know your own place in society very well and understand your purpose, you are steadily following your purpose and therefore will definitely achieve your goal.

You see several luminaries in the sky - living with the pleasures and interests of the average person is boring for you, you are looking for entertainment of the highest order - as a rule, this is entertainment of thought, you will be consoled in wisdom where another will not be consoled in material acquisitions, the transience of life is not a revelation for you: first all the name days and weddings, then more and more often funerals - this is how life goes.

The sky, illuminated by the moon, stars or an unusually red sun, foreshadows the receipt of important and alarming news or misfortune that will befall you and your loved ones.

The pink or reddish sky that you like in a dream is a sign of happy love in old age.

Any dream about burning torches, stars, lights, sparks falling from the sky foreshadows illness, death of a loved one or patron.

It’s as if you are flying through the sky with fantastic or mythical creatures - you will have to overcome physical or mental pain, you will not allow jealousy to take power over you, unrequited love will not unsettle you, your time will come, and you will achieve everything you want.

Flying across the sky in a dream and seeing a world full of miracles around you means expect an unexpected shock. Perhaps you will learn about the betrayal of a loved one.

You rise to the sky along an endless staircase - your activity will elevate you in the eyes of people, your selflessness will make you rich, you will be offered a responsible position, but it is possible that all the benefits will dawn on you with some delay, when you have already burned out - so it is unlikely whether you will experience satisfaction.

Watching the ascension to heaven in a dream is a sign that your business will be difficult to implement. To ascend into the sky yourself is a sign of victory in a risky business. For lovers, such a dream foreshadows pleasure, and loved ones will say about them that they are in seventh heaven.

Figures or objects in the sky foretell changes for you.

SKY – Slavic Dream Book

Light - success; blue - good; red – quarrel; starry - fulfillment of desires, a large inheritance; dark without stars - danger; in fiery clouds - great joy; in red, crimson clouds - a serious illness.

SKY – Dream Book of Zhou Gong

Heaven and earth unite - you will achieve what you are striving for.

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"A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

Seeing a clear, blue or clear sky in a dream foretells prosperity, peace of mind, a successful journey, and for those who have lost something, it predicts that the loss will be found. Such a dream also predicts the winning of some difficult matter or its resolution in your favor. A gloomy and cloudy sky in a dream means emotional distress, illness, obstacles in business and trouble.

Pitchless darkness in a dream predicts that you will receive news of the death of loved ones or relatives. A clear sky is a sign of difficulties that you will have to overcome to achieve success. The sky, illuminated by the moon, stars or an unusually red sun, foreshadows the receipt of important and alarming news or misfortune that will befall you and your loved ones. A crimson sky in a dream is a harbinger of disputes, quarrels, discord in the family and at work.

Sometimes such a dream predicts that there may be popular unrest in the country. See clouds, wind, cross, angel.

A pink or red sky that you like in a dream is a sign of happy love in old age. Any dream about burning torches, stars, lights, sparks falling from the sky foreshadows illness, death of a loved one or patron.

Watching the ascension to heaven in a dream is a sign that your business will be difficult to implement. To ascend into the sky yourself is a sign of victory in a risky business. For lovers, such a dream foreshadows pleasure, and loved ones will say about them that they are in seventh heaven. Flying in the sky in a dream and seeing a world full of miracles around you means: expect an unexpected shock. Perhaps you will learn about the betrayal of a loved one. Figures or objects in the sky foretell changes for you. See the names of figures and objects. See why you dream about flying, why you dream about stairs.

Why do you dream about the sky according to the dream book -
"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

The sky in a dream symbolizes one’s state of mind. Beautiful, clear sky - harmony, lightness of feelings. Dark, gloomy sky - heavy forebodings, threatening events. Flying in the sky means experiencing elation and success. Looking at the sky, at the stars - have high goals. Dark clouds in the sky - difficulties in life are possible. Diverging clouds - clarification of circumstances. A stormy sky with flashes of lightning is a harbinger of an alarming event that can change your destiny. The night sky, strewn with bright stars, will open wide vistas before you. Black night sky - you will receive an unexpected inheritance from a relative who suddenly appears. Birds, insects or animals flying in the sky represent a rise in creative forces. Climbing an endless staircase into the sky is a successful career.

Why do you dream about the sky according to the dream book -
"Dream book: truthful interpreter of dreams L. Moroz"

If you dreamed of a clear sky - good news; if you dreamed of a hazy sky, you will receive a sad message; the sky in a dream with gray clouds - to achieve your dream you will have to overcome obstacles; a sky covered with stars - to joy, or to receiving an inheritance; the sky is red - to a quarrel; clouds pierced by lightning - great unexpected joy; rising into the sky in a dream - achieving protection from a high rank; a dark, stormy sky in a dream means danger.

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